13x02 - Personal Fouls

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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13x02 - Personal Fouls

Post by bunniefuu »

20 years as coach at St. Valerie high.

Nine city titles.

Four state championships.

Runs the Barons too, his summer league team.

He's put hundreds of players in college and a dozen in the pros.

Look at these fat cats.

He's made more millionaires than Harvard business school.

Prince Miller, his biggest star, couldn't be here tonight.

But he sent coach this solid gold key.

Fits any gym in the country.

Ohh, thank you.

But more important than molding players, coach has molded young lives.

I'm not ashamed to say I was a stray dog and you rescued me.

It's our privilege to introduce the newest inductee to the Metro Basketball Hall of Fame.

It's coach Ray, baby.

Ray Masters.

Thank you, coach.

Melo, Chris.

All my friends.

How do I begin to thank you?

Hall of fame, my ass.


You should be in jail, man, not the hall of fame.

Security, get him out of here.

You're a bum!

You're scum of the earth!

You should be ashamed of yourself!

I, uh, guess I didn't give him enough playing time.

Get off me!

You know what you did.

Get off me!

Get off of me!

We're hiring another detective?

Well, we're short-staffed.

He's a good guy, out of warrants.

He starts tomorrow.

You have a problem with that?

Well, it's hard enough showing one rookie the ropes.

And now we have two.

I mean... what is this, a day care center?

Elliot's not coming back, Liv.

It takes me twice as long to explain the job to somebody else as it does to do it myself.

It's not your call.

Now you want to be here, you're gonna have to start working with other detectives.

All right? Let him go.

And you can start by packing up his desk.

We can't keep it as a shrine.

Liv, we got something.

This is a disorderly conduct.

What's he doing at sex crimes?

Claims his basketball coach sexually abused him when he was a kid.

Says he wasn't the only one, either.

This guy's jonesing.

Get a bus!

Hospital just called.

Last night's discon is stable.

See if I can get a statement.

Folks, this is detective second grade Nick Amaro.

He just transferred in.

Second grader already, huh?

You must have caught some big fish.

Nah, just kissed a lot of ass.

Detective Amaro is being modest.

Two years under in Narcotics.

Warrants--he took down the MS-13 case.

Well, this is a whole different world, Serpico.

Not everybody has the stomach for it.

For the time being, we're gonna rotate partners.

Fin, Nick rides with you today.

Get his feet wet.

Oh, and, Amaro...

Clean yourself up.

You're not on the street anymore.

Come on, I got a guy that can shape you up real quick.

Don't let him take you clothes shopping.

Can I ask you something?

What was the deal with Benson's partner?

I heard some things.


He was a good cop.

Him and Benson were together for 12 years.

That's a decade longer than my marriage.

Where's my prisoner?

Uh--uh, I don't know.

I just went to take a leak.

How long a leak did you take?

How loose were his cuffs?

I'm sorry, we'll find him.

No, you've done enough.

Go tell your captain you lost my prisoner.

Enjoy your suspension.

Wait, Stevie Harris?

Leave an address?

Nah, he's listed himself as homeless.

This kid was a legend.

I used to watch him play ball downtown.

I know where his crew hangs out.


Let me see the rock.




You see?

That's why he's just a fan.

But you... you were good, though.

Yeah, I saw you play at the Rucker-- he was the only white boy getting a run.

That was a long time ago, man.

Yeah. Yeah, but you were pure point guard.

That's rare.

Always wondered what happened to you.

Detective Fin Tutuola.

This is detective Amaro from Special Victims Unit.

You were under arrest last night.

You think you can just get up and leave whenever you want?

Look, I understand you're strung out, and I can help you.

But right now, we wanna talk to you about your coach, Ray Masters.

Look, man, I was just high the other night, talkin' craz can we just forget the whole thing?

You saying you lied about the allegations?


Look, Steve, the coach is around kids every day.

Right now.

If he did something to you, you need to tell us.

Come on, man.

Get this off your chest.

First time, I was about nine.

Playing for the Baby Barons, his junior league team.

We was at a tournament in Boston, and he came in to do bed checks, make sure we were sleeping.

He sat down next to me and he started...

Telling me how good I was doing.

Uh, he's...

And then he started ruffling my hair.

And then he turned me over and he started messing with me, man.

How do you mean?

Come on, man.

You need a road map?

Okay, listen, Steve, I know it's gonna be hard, but it's really important that we know exactly what he did to you, okay?

Did he use his hand, his mouth?

Yeah, man.

Did he make you touch him?

Not the first time, nah.

But later on, man.

It got worse and worse.

Did he ever r*pe you?

Nah, man, he just...

He just put it against me, and he'd move it around.

But, damn.

Did you ever tell anybody?

Why not?

Coach Ray was like a friend of the family, man.

He was like an uncle.

He told me he could help me get a scholarship, man. D-1.

I help him, he helps me, man.

It was...

It was our little secret.

When did he stop abusing you?

I must have been about 15.

There were other kids he liked better.

I think I got too old.

You know what's funny, man?

That's when things really started falling apart.

I started getting high.

It was after he stopped.

Look, Stevie, you have anything that could help us prove this?

A witness, another victim?


Sometimes people keep clothes.

I'm a junkie, man.

I don't keep anything.

But he was paying me off.


Paying you off?

Was it hush money?

Every month.

It was keeping me alive.

Till right after my last birthday, it stopped.

Come on, Green, let's go!

Ball, ball, ball!

Yo, right here!



Whoa, that kid gets up.

That's Devon Tiswell, brother.

They call him the star child.

Supposed to be the next great city baller.

Hey, coach!

Got a minute?

I've seen a lot of sad cases over the years, but Stevie Harris is a real heartbreaker.

He was a magician with the ball, like a coach on the floor.

I really thought he would go far.

What happened?

I found that success in life comes down to how well you handle pressure.

Stevie just wasn't wired for it.

It's a shame.

So why do you think he'd cyou out like that?

I have no idea.

It's disturbing.

I'd never hurt one of my kids.

I dedicated my whole life to helping them.

That's a pretty big misunderstanding.

Sometimes, people don't want to take responsibility for their failures.

They want to blame somebody else.

That's a societal problem right now.

The blame game.

Stevie says you were paying him off to keep quiet.

Hush money.

Hush money?

Is that what they're calling it?

That's ju--

Look, ahem...

I try to help out my kids any way I can.

They don't all make it out.

Now, maybe I did loan Stevie money from time to time, but when I saw it was just going up his arm, I cut him off.

Thanks, coach, for your time.

You can get back to practice.

Of course.

Anything I can do to help.

I really respect the job you guys do.

Hey, Devon.

Hey, you're looking good out there.

Ah, thanks, man.

What's it like, playing for a legend like Ray Masters?

Uh, coach got all the connects, you know?

College and sneakers and even the pros.

You do for Ray, Ray do for you.

The man's the ticket out.

You know abuse of power cases bother me more than most, but there's big issues with the outcry.

He's still coaching, captain.

I just think we need to dot the is and cross the ts on this one.

There's no physical evidence.

No corroborating witnesses.

Not to mention our complainant has a long history of drug arrests.

Doesn't mean something bad didn't happen to him.

Guy's still human.

I'm pulling strings to get him into outpatient rehab.

I think Stevie's ready to get clean.

Well, that's all well and good.

But the statute of limitations has run out.

Wait, on child sex abuse charges?

Stevie's not alleging forcible r*pe.

And in New York, the charges only carry to 18 years of age.

Plus five, that's 23.

Stevie turned 24 in March.

Maybe that's why he stopped paying Stevie off.

He couldn't be charged anymore.

Okay, wait a minute.

If you can prove payments were made and show that they were meant to buy the kid's silence, then they would be part and parcel with an ongoing crime.

Which would mean the clock is still ticking on the statute?

Right now, it's our only shot.

But it's not gonna be easy, because coach Masters has no criminal record.

Not in New York, he doesn't.

But there was a charge against him in Trenton back in '88.

It was sealed, and then it was expunged.

Be nice to find out why.

Well, I'll make a few calls.

New Jersey leaks like a sieve.

Probably sophomore year when Richie started losing his shine.

He was always a smiley-faced kid.

Suddenly, he's quiet, not eating.

Doesn't even want to play ball anymore.

And that was the love of his life.

Besides his mom, huh?

And then what happened, Mrs. Ramos?

I started digging at Richie.

He couldn't keep a secret from me.

And finally, he told me what coach Ray was doing.

Which was what, exactly?

Touching him.

Molesting him.

Whatever you wanna call it.

It started at a tournament in Philly, when he was 12.

I wanted to get a g*n and sh**t the man in his nuts.

That was my baby.

The church kept it quiet.

Told me they would handle it.

I waited and waited.

Nothing happened.

So is that when you called the police?

Because we couldn't find any articles about it.

Because they protected him.

They loved coach.

I had to beg them to do their job.

Two days before the grand jury, my son hung himself here, in this room.

After that...

You going to get him this time?

I'm used to being the earliest bird.

I heard you and Benson got a hit in Jersey.

Yep, coach has been at this for a long time.

He's a bad guy.

Nah. I'm good.

It's the last of my vices, I hope.

Cop who doesn't eat doughnuts?

How can I trust you?

Fresh blood.

Ready to work.

Where are we on coach Ray?

I've been going over coach's finances.

They're clean.

If he's been making monthly payments to Stevie, they're not showing up in his statements.

And his income, 50K, that doesn't leave him a lot left over.

50K? Man, he's got all kinds of shady business with agents, sneaker companies, college recruiters.

Okay, so where's he hiding it?

You know, we had a bad coach in Atlanta.

It was football.

His personal accounts were squeaky clean too, but his charitable foundation...

That's another story.

Ray's Boys foundation.

Ray's Boys. Wow.

Okay, Rollins, start combing through the foundation's records.

If Stevie's telling the truth, he's not the only guy getting hush money.

I'm on it, captain.

Hey, you doing okay?

Good. Good.

So, uh...

Maybe you could help the new guys out a little.



How can I--

Richie Ramos.

Richie Ramos?

He made a sex abuse charge against you in '88?

He hung himself two days before the grand jury.

Still not ringing any bells?

I see you've spoken with the mother.

Hmm. Finding all the jokers in the deck, aren't you?

How do you mean?


Did she tell you that there... wasn't any father?

That she was abusing dr*gs.

And that I was the one who got him out of the shelter and found them housing.

That when I met Richie, he was functionally illiterate, and five years later, he was set up for a full ride at Arizona.

She mention any of those little details?

I was the one trying to save that kid.

She was the one who destroyed him.

Why would she do that?

Because she had this idea about me that she wouldn't let go.

Why would she have--

Hold on.

And what idea was that?

Let's not be children, detective.

It's the same one you have.

Am I wrong?

The relationship between a coach and a star player is very intense.

Easily misunderstood.

Go on.

Most of these kids get one chance at a future.

I'm in a position to help them.

We get very close.

That's a lot of power.

Deciding who stays and who goes.

It's my job.

Find the special ones.

So you have the golden ticket, huh?

So what do you ask for in return?

That they succeed in life.

Pay it forward.

Sort of like you pay them to keep quiet.

'Cause your foundation, it seems like the mission is to, uh, buy silence.

Shame on you.

My foundation, my whole life is about helping these kids.

Think the law can't touch you... coach?

You talk to any of my boys!

They'll tell you that I'm the only father most of them ever had!

So you're trying to tell us he paid you out of the kindness of his heart?

You guys got it all wrong about him.

My son, he's nine.

I'm enrolling him in Baby Barons next year.

Coach is just helping me out, all right?

Is that a crime?

He never did anything to me, understand?

Never said he did, Davis.

You know, he's still coaching.

He's still not doing whatever he didn't do to you.

You understand that?

So what was he paying you for?

Yard work... detective.

Something wrong with that?

Coach gives me money when I'm broke.

And advice when I need it.

Even had me and my mom over for Christmas at his house one year.

Man is Santa Claus.

You think I'd let another man put his hands on my body?

You crazy!

I'll snap his neck, he'll try that!

I look like somebody's bitch to you?

Do I?

Take it easy, Dre.

Get off of me, man!

Coach knew how to pick his victims.

Yeah, we didn't have a lot of male-on-male disclosures down in Atlanta.

Here, neither.

Nobody reports.

Plus, they're tricky to prosecute.

Yeah, I had a sex crimes professor say that male victims are where female vics were 40 years ago.

You know, it's the Dark Ages.

Men feel like they should be able to protect themselves.

Absolutely, and some vics experience arousal, which is a normal physical response, but they worry that means consent.

Or that people might think they're gay.

Well, it's still a big stigma in the Black and Latino community.

My son's gay, and he has to deal with that garbage on the streets every day.

He's the bravest man I know.

I mean, my counselor broke it down like this.

As an addict, you wake up every morning with no job and no money.

But by the end of the day, you figure out a way to fix up and get straight.

If I can channel that focus into something positive, I'd be unstoppable.

Ah, that's great, Steven.

I think just telling you guys was a big relief, you know?

Once you put coach away, I think I could finally get on with my life.

I think you can, too, Stevie.

That's why we need to talk to you.

'Cause we've hit a brick wall.

What, I thought you found other guys he paid off.

Yeah, we did.

The thing is is that... they all swear that coach was just helping them out.

Well, that's because they got hush money.

Or... he didn't mess with them.

Oh, and coach is some great man, and I'm just a addict, right?

Right now, it's your word against his, and a dozen former players--

No, no, Stevie.

Listen to me.

We just need somebody else to come forward.

Somebody who's younger, who's not on the foundation's dole.

That's how we're gonna get this guy.

There is somebody.

My roommate at the tournaments.

My best friend growing up.

I think he got it worse than me.

You're saying that he was r*ped?

I think so.

Who is he, Stevie?

He's too big, man.

He'll never talk to you.

Hold on, Stevie.

You need to tell us who it is.

Prince Miller?

♪ It's Prince ♪
♪ it's the Prince ♪
♪ it's Prince ♪
♪ it's the Prince ♪
♪ there's that man again ♪
♪ yeah, I'm comin' ♪
♪ it's Prince ♪
♪ it's the Prince ♪
♪ it's Prince ♪
♪ it's the Prince... ♪
Hey, detectives, come on in.

I'm Supreme, Prince's business manager.

I'm also his cousin.

So you know the blood runs deep.

Thanks for having us.

Uh, as I said, this is a sensitive matter.

Yeah, give us a minute.

Nice kicks.

Oh, yeah, thanks.

These are RC-13s.

Prototype from our Korean factory.

Only pair in existence.

Prince don't even have these yet.

Love that shade of red.

Prince's colors.

I chose these.

You see, we design and we manufacture everything.

No one exploits us.

Not too bad, huh?

Two cats from Brownsville.

The American dream.

You damn right.

Hey, man, you got your 20 years in yet?

I mean, when you put your papers in, why don't you come on down and work for me.

I take real good care of my soldiers.

No job for me, Supreme?

I don't know, sweetheart.


Can you dance?

Hey, Prince is here.

You brought in David Arnoff?

That's a big g*n.

Delicate times, detective.

Prince is an MVP.

Two-time champion.

And now he's a free agent being wooed by every team in the league.

You see, we're not gonna let anything or anybody come in here and destroy what we built.

Coach used to say success has a lot to do with how well you handle pressure.

Let's just say that he prepared me for success.

How much pressure did he apply?

Well, you know, at the end of the game, ball was always in my hands.

Clock ticking down, top of the key.

I'd be in a triple threat position.

I could drive, sh**t, pass.

Didn't matter what defense they threw at me.

They couldn't stop me.

There may not be an "I" in "team," but there's damn sure one in "win."

Heh, tell 'em.

Prince, we're not talking about on the court.

We're talking about in your life.

Prince, did you consider coach a... a father figure or a mentor?

Look... me, my mother, and my brothers, we started off in one room in the Tilden houses.

And now we live in a 40,000 square foot estate in Bernardsville, New Jersey.

Lamborghini Murcielago's my knock-around car.

Nothing has gone wrong in my life.


Prince, can I ask you a question?

Can you take off your glasses?

I wanna see your eyes.

Thank you for coming by.

You have our statement.

Talked about guarded.

Prince is gonna be a hard one to crack.

Some vics break down, like Stevie, and others become super-high achievers, like Prince, trying to prove to the world they're okay.

Yeah, I'm not so sure that Prince is okay.

Look at this.

I've been watching coach Ray's Hall of Fame induction.

Every star player that he ever coached is there.

But Prince doesn't show up.

He just sends his golden key instead?

Well, Prince doesn't want to face him.

Uh... I gotta call my wife.

Short leash?

Not exactly.

She's in lraq.

It's a seven-hour difference.


She's in propaganda, you know, just... trying to win hearts and minds.

She's got eight months to go.

If anyone could do it, it's her.


What are you doin' here?

Did you guys meet with Prince?


I thought so.

He called me.

Hadn't heard from him in eight years.

What'd he want?

He invited me to his club tonight.

He said he was thinking about me, wanted to catch up.

I got two questions for y'all: how you want me to play it, and... what the hell am I gonna wear?

Well, how about a wire?

What exactly are you proposing, detectives?

A controlled meet.

Look, I've done a lot of them.

We wire Stevie up and hear what Prince Miller has to say to him.

This is sex crimes, not narcotics.

We can't have victims meet on the record like that.

The defense'll say they're trying to get their story straight.

We think that Prince got it worse than Stevie did.

If we can just get him on tape admitting to being r*ped, then the statute doesn't apply.

Ah, it's risky, Liv.


Or worse.

If Prince denies anything happened, it's memorialized on tape.

We get it, counselor.

But do you have a better idea?

Hey, relax.

Maybe I do.

You say all the incidents of abuse happened in New York?

Nah, it was mostly on the road--

California, Boston, Philly.

Boston... are you sure?

Yeah. Why?

Because in Massachusetts, the statute of limitations would not apply in this case.

Why not?

Up there, they stop the clock on a child sexual as*ault charge the minute a victim or a perp leaves the state.

What is that, some sort of local Mann Act?

No... Diocese reassigning pedophile priests to other New England states until the clock ran out.

So the legislature stopped the clock retroactively.

Bring in Stevie Harris.

I'll call the Boston DA.


I'm really sorry about Elliot.

Me too.

The new guy.

How's that working out?

Hey, Stevie took off.

Said he had to go to a meet.

Call him on his cell.


You gotta stop telling those lies!

You know they ain't lies, man!

Shut your mouth.

Coach is still doing it!

Shut your mouth, you little junkie, trick-ass bitch.


Hey, hey, hey!

Enough! Enough!

Hey, that's enough!

Hey, enough!

I said enough!

NYPD! Whoa!

Back up!

Man, you can't hide forever, man!

You're crazy!

Stevie, Stevie.

Hold on.

Get off me, man!

Hey, we need to talk to you.

You wanna talk to me, then arrest me.

If not, I had enough of this, man.

Hey, come on.

Just stay the hell away from me!


All right.

I just checked with rehab.

Stevie still hasn't turned up.

He's not answering his phone.

So Cabot finally finds a way to bring charges, and we lost our witness.

What about Prince?

It sounds like he was losing his cool.

I think we should take another crack at him.

Free agent bidding w*r that's about to start up with him?

Good luck.

That son of a bitch cost me a lot of money.

How much?

Don't ask.

I had Carolina in the pool a few years back.


When Prince hit that buzzer beater?

Yeah, we'll be right there.

Detective Amaro...

Found your card in the victim's pocket.

Never should have let him walk.

Get CSU over here.

For an OD?

You sure this is an OD?

'Cause I'm not.

We're gonna need full workup of this scene.

Circumstances undetermined?

All that heroin in his blood?

The guy's not exactly an amateur.

Somebody gave him a hot shot.

Or he gave it to himself.

What's undetermined, detective, is whether it's a homicide or a su1c1de.

It's a cuppi: pending police investigation.

Come on, Melinda.

See... that's why the ME's office is separate from the police.

So they don't jump to our conclusions.

Don't play me, Amaro.


But let's just take a look at this.

If it was a su1c1de, then Stevie injected himself.

He's right-handed, injected the left arm.

That works.

And it took him three, four attempts to hit a vein?

Would explain why there's so much blood.

Except that Stevie was a career junkie.

The one thing he knew how to do was sh**t up.

The guy was a sharpsh**ter.

Which is why I noted it in my report.

Okay, so see if this works for you.

Some guys held Stevie down, they had trouble injecting him, and they made a mess of it.

That's one plausible scenario.

Especially since he just got into a fight outside a club a few hours earlier, where threats were made.

Look, Melinda, it's not our call.

There's someone that we really like for this.

And we need cause to bring him in.

I can't get you there.

Your scenario works.

Here's another one.

You saw the beating he took at the club.

He was concussed.

Got woozy.

Couldn't find a vein.

Fielder's choice.

So if it could go both ways, then give us a break.

Come on, Olivia.

You know better.


All right.


Just do us one favor.

Don't release your report right away.

All right?

You're backed up.

I'll owe you one.

Prince Miller knew Stevie was gonna testify about coach Ray's abuse, which would have made Prince's own abuse public-- not an image he wants to project.

So when Prince couldn't back Stevie down, he made sure he stayed quiet with a fatal hot shot of heroin.

Motive and opportunity, but no witnesses, no evidence.

Tough to prove.

Yeah, but you know, the funny thing.

Prince could have ducked us.

He came in on his own.

Hey, guys.

He's not signing autographs.

Look, I feel bad about what happened to Stevie, but if you guys think that I k*lled him, you must be as high as he was last night.

You wanna tell us where you were from 3:30 A.M. to 7:00 A.M.?

That's why we're here.

Mr. Miller left the club with two young ladies, went directly to his home, where they remained for the rest of the night.

Well, I'm sure that you can produce them, Mr. Arnoff.

We'll decide if they're credible.

We can do better than that.

Please note the time stamp in the left corner.

They did half the Kama Sutra, detectives, till past noon.

We can watch the whole thing if you want.

Time stamps can be manipulated, counselor.

The young ladies also signed a consent form before and after the encounter.

You can see what time they left.

My client is fast, but he cannot be in two places at one time.

Do you always film your ladies, Prince, or was last night special?

There's a lot of false accusations out there, detective.

I got to have insurance.

You know, one more question, Prince.

You know, Stevie said that, uh, you got it worse than he did.

When did coach Ray stop raping you?

You need to shut your mouth.

'Cause you got no clue what you talkin' about.


How come you get so upset every time I bring it up?

Nobody touches Prince Miller.


We're done.

We came in here to cooperate, but this is harassment.

Yeah, you right.


I don't need this.

I got a brand to promote.

Well, that was a whole lot of nothin'.

Well, something happened to him.

That's obvious.

Either way, Prince is not good for it.

Maybe Stevie Harris OD'd after all.

Yeah, I don't see it.

Stevie was really working his program.

And Prince is all about protecting his brand.

Let's see what Rollins got on those crime scene photos.

There's not a lot to go on.

Only Stevie's prints are on the syringe.

Uh, look at this footprint.

What is that?

"P" for Prince?

His brand.

Come on, man, the DWB?

I'm too rich for this.

Get out of the car now.

And I'm gonna need your sneakers.

My sneakers?

For what?

Those are the prototype, right?

Only ones in existence.

Hey, man, get on the phone-- the phone right now.

Better hope there's no dead junkie blood on 'em.

Come on.

Get out of 'em.

Don't scuff 'em up.

Get in the car.

You were telling the truth.

It wasn't you.

It was Supreme.

Supreme wouldn't k*ll Stevie, either.

That's crazy.

Wouldn't he?

Supreme and coach are the same.

Coach ran you for ten years, and now it's Supreme's turn.

Neither one of them ever looked out for you, Prince.

They were looking out for themselves.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Supreme's shoes were a match for the footprints at the scene with traces of Stevie's blood on the treads and on the side.

That should be enough for his lawyers to start playing "let's make a deal."

Yeah, but that still leaves coach Ray out there, and without Stevie to testify.

We go back to Prince.

Ah, good luck with that.

We can compel him if we empanel a grand jury.

We're not asking him to incriminate himself-- just coach Ray.

But forcing him to testify under threat of contempt?

That's not the way to get him.

I'm trying to resurrect your case, and you don't like my tactics?

That coach is still out there, right now, doing this to other kids.

Prince put up a wall when he was 14 years old.

He's lied to us half a dozen times.

What makes him tell the truth now?

Maybe we need to remind him what life was like before the wall went up.

I thought we were headed downtown.

Uh, just wanted to make a quick stop.

It's the summer league, Prince.

Just thought you might want to see how the future stars of your sport are doing.

Come on.

Prince Miller!

Hey! It's Prince.


Yo, what's up, kid?

What do they call you?


Ain't no bigger fan than me, Prince.

You're the greatest.

Come on, boys.

Let's get back to work.

Let's go, let's go!

Come on, we practice hard.

We play hard.

Come on, break it up, boys.

Break it up.

Let's go.

Excuse me.


Been too long.


You know, I know I shouldn't say this, but of all my players, you were always my favorite.


Come on, Devon. Let's go.

Cut off that baseline pass, huh?

Come on.

Let's go!

Let's get those hands up!

So impressionable at that age.

Kid's got it.

Smooth as silk.

He's a natural leader out there.

I bet you see a little of yourself in Devon.

All the talent in the world and...

A coach who can show him all the right moves.

You know where roach Ray is going on Friday?

He's going to a tournament in California with Devon and all the Barons.

You remember those, right?

He's gonna be doing bed checks and everything.

Prince Jamal Miller.

Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

As players, we put our trust in coaches at a very early age.

They teach us the game... and they help us through school.

They give us advice on life.

Sometimes, they even hold our dreams in their hands.

One coach betrayed that trust.

Today, I made an important decision.

I told the grand jury the truth about Masters.

How he... recruited me for the Baby Barons, his summer league team, when I was ten years old.

And how he started sexually abusing me...

On our first road trip, and continued until I was 15.

Why didn't I come forward then?

Because I was just a little kid.

And I was confused.

And ashamed.

And I didn't want to jeopardize my chances at basketball.

And I'm sorry that I kept my secret locked up for so long.

Because many others may have been victimized after me.

What's wrong?

I hope that they come forward... and tell their stories too.

Because I know they're hurting.

But truth can be the best medicine.

What we all have to remember is, the shame is not ours.

It's his.
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