13x10 - Spiraling Down

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify, Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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13x10 - Spiraling Down

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.


Girl, help me get my bus ticket.

Um, I'll check.

Hey, you made it.

How was your trip?

It was great.


You wanna bring it?

I'm right here.

Gotta be careful.

Lot of crazy people in New York.

My name's Tre.

Uh, Vicki.

Vicki, huh?


Next time, you just keep walking.

That's what they do in New York.

Just tell 'em you have somewhere to go.

I've been waiting for the right girl.

Tre, it's beautiful.

Why are you being so nice to me?

The--the guys at my school are jerks.

Yeah, punks don't know how to treat a lady.

I'm gonna take care of you, Vicki.


What up?

You're looking prettier every day.


Hey, check these out.

Oh, my gosh, they're gorgeous!

Yeah, yeah.

Put them on.

Mm, mm, mm, mm.

If you ain't catching nobody's eyes, you ain't catching nobody's wallet.

How much?

Yeah, uh, we better take those off.

Come on, girl.

It's just Marcus.

♪ No, I won't, I won't last for long ♪
♪ without you in my life ♪
♪ oh, my life is gone ♪

Give me my money.

She's crying.

I want that, I'll stay home.

Nah, no, wait here.

It's good.

I got this.

The hell's going on, Vicki?

Please, I don't wanna do this anymore.

I got guys lined up, girl.

You stop it!

Stop it!

I'm sorry, baby--


Daddy, I'm sorry I--

I messed--

Who the hell are you talking to?

No, please!

Baby, please!

So he doesn't share food, he split the check, and we missed the entire opening number.

So receding hair?


Checkered shirt?

"D," all of the above.

You're good.

That's what I do.

Nick Amaro?

Yeah, can I help you?

My daughter, Vicki.

She's in trouble.

Uh, I should have called.

I drove from Philly.

I'm sorry.

Do I know you, Mr.--

C-captain Jason Harris.

I was deployed in Baghdad with your wife.

She told me about your transfer to Special Victims.

Okay, well, what's going on with your daughter?

She called me.

I-I think from New York.

I heard a man's voice, threatening her.

Slow down, Mr. Harris.

You know what?

Why don't we have a seat?

This is detective Benson.

Now you said that your daughter ran away?

She must have.

She lives with my ex.

I just got back from a deployment.

This call you got-- is it 212 area?

No, a-a blocked number.

But, uh, New York is all Vicki ever talked about.

You could trace it.

Do you have the phone?


My daughter Vicki is only 14.

That call-- it was--

You have a daughter.

You got lucky when you married Maria.

She's a good person, grounded.

You have to find my daughter.

My wife sent you to the right place.

Why don't we get you some water?

I come back from lraq last week... my ex tells me Vicki was on a school trip.

Now does your daughter know anyone in New York, maybe a boyfriend, a--

We Skype.

She never mentioned one.

Where's Victoria?

I came as fast as I could.

Please, God, tell me you found her.

Stop with the "mother of the year" act, all right?

You didn't even tell me she ran away!

Captain Harris--

Oh, please.

You couldn't care less about her when you lived with us.

Ma'am, come with me.


We got something on the phone.

So I got the number that your daughter called from.

It was a throwaway.

We're gonna call that number back.

If Vicki picks up, we'll be able to trace her location.

I think Joan never got over what happened to St. John, not because of the situation, but because of Bethany.



It's daddy.

Are you okay?

Dad, how did you get this number?

Vicki, where are you?


I-I-I shouldn't have called you before.

Uh... everything's fine.

Sweetie, tell me where you are.

We got her.

I gotta go.

She's within 100 yards of 14th Street and 11th Ave.

Great, let's go.

I'll recognize her before you--

Captain, it's better you wait here.

Deja vu.

Busted up a heroin ring here in '08.

Some places are like people.

They never change.


Tre, is that you?


We got a water leak.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Excuse me.

Buddy, hold on there.

Why don't you give your ID to the officers?

Vicki Harris?

Who are you?


We're friends of your dad, Jason.

He wants you to come home.

No, I--

I told him I was fine.

You guys need to leave now!


Is Tre coming back?

Your pimp?

No, Tre is my boyfriend.

Vicki, I need you to listen to me, all right?

You can't stay here, honey.

No, you can't tell me what to do!

Okay, then, Vicki Harris, you're under arrest for prostitution.

Hold on, Amaro.

You got a better idea?

Vicki, listen to me, okay?

You're not in any trouble, all right?

We're gonna figure this out, but we need to get you someplace safe.


No, I'm not leaving!


Vicki Harris, you're under arrest.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used...

You had to arrest her?

Look, your daughter's not actually under arrest.

That was the only way to get her out of there.

Vicki's in ninth grade.

She didn't do this on her own.

She's a victim, so we just want to find the man that did this to her.

I want to see her.

She said that she's not ready to see you right now.

Let me see her.

She'll talk to me.

She's more likely to tell us what happened without her father in the room.

You two can be there for her later.

Right now, let us talk to her... alone.

Vick, you got my 500?

No, how about some cuffs instead, baby?

What? No.

I think you know something about spreading legs.

What the hell you doing?

Arresting your ass.

Y'all are wasting your time.

She'll never say a word against me.

I own that bitch.

Well, that's nice.

Tre bought it for you?

Was that before or after he had you sleep with one of his friends?

Tre loves me.


What Tre did to you-- that's not love.

Your parents-- they love you.

My dad came home from a tour in lraq and signed up for another one just to get away from us.

Well, you should have seen your father the morning he came in.

He was worried sick.

Uh-huh. My mom thinks he's seeing someone over there.

But she's not ready to give Tre up.

She wants to believe he's in love with her.

These Romeo pimps do their thing, man.

They have the girls brainwashed.

How do we turn her back?

Guy like that has gotta have something on the side.

Let's check him out online.

So Tre didn't tell you about his baby mama?


Have you ever been to his apartment or seen where he lived?

We always stay at hotels.

Well, he... lives with this woman... and two of his children in Brooklyn.

He called me his honey dove.


Tell us what happened to you.

This girl's been turned out for two weeks, forced to have sex with dozens of men.

Relax, we're not charging her.

And we've got the pimp.

We've got enough to put him away on sex trafficking charges for 25 years.

What about the Johns?

What about Tre's friends?

She is underage, so every single one of them's a r*pist under the law.

Don't start that again.

So charge the Johns.

It's not victimless.

No, but it's impossible to prove.

Not if we do a sting.

Counselor, we've got an opportunity here.

You wanna stop teenage prostitution, prosecute the Johns.

Send a message.

And this pimp--he's just gonna give up all his clients?

That dude's just a tadpole.

He turned Vicki.

Let me turn him.

Juries like the easy cases.

They get to go home early.

Y'all are just bluffing me.

Nobody's gonna believe what that whore says.


The jury will.

All right, what do you want?

Trying to give your client a chance.

He helps us, we help him.

I don't snitch.

Hold on, Tre.

Sex trafficking, kidnapping, r*pe.

You're looking down the barrel of a life sentence.

You cut for that, player?

That's what I thought.

Now you about to do some heavy time for some tricks.

I need a name.

Let's start with someone you don't like.

Look, amigo, I'll pay the fine.

I got a sitter home with my kids.

Let me get out of here.

Oh, you're in for a long night... amigo.

All right, you're doing great.

Thank you.

This is worth it.

One more and we're out, all right?

Seven down, one to go.

How's your undercover holding up?

She's good.

I told her this is how I got my shield.

Is that true?

Son of a bitch.

Is that Jake Stanton?

Jake Stanton?

Oh, don't tell me he's knocking on her door.


Who's Jake Stanton?

Are you serious?

Best quarterback since Johnny Unitas.

20 years ago, this guy was king of New York.

You know who I am, darling?

Should I?

Yeah, I was pretty famous back in the day.


That was my big year.

You really need all those clothes?

Well... my knees, my back, I tell you what, they ain't what they used to be.

About ten years ago, I would've given you one hell of a run, but, uh, I hope you don't mind doing all the work.

All you've gotta do is just take me all the way home.

Sure, handsome.

We're gonna have a big party.


The hell's going on?


I'm sorry, darlin'.

Uh, no, we're not arresting her.

We're arresting you.


Against the wall.

For what?

Patronizing a prost*tute for now.

Big guy, you got it all wrong.

Come on.

So I draw back to pass and boom!

I get head-slapped.

Rattles my helmet.

I'm on the ground, but somehow, I don't know how, I just--

I get off a perfect spiral.

Greatest pass of my career, and I never saw the damn thing.

Then, two of the big uglies, uh, uh... Kravitz and Drake--

Kragthorp and Drake, your linemen.

Yeah, Kragthorp.

Him too.

Nice job out there.

The sting coupled with Tre and Victoria's testimony?

Don't thank us, thank Tre.

The little bitch sung like Caruso.

Victoria IDed Jake and the seven other Johns.

ADA can charge them with r*pe two.

What the hell's going on here?

No worries, big guy.

We're just talking.

Jake, why don't you, uh, come with me?

Put him in interrogation alone.

He's held court enough.

Oh, uh...

I'm, uh, supposed call my wife.

Got me on a short leash.

I know what she's gonna say.

What's that?

Same thing she always says--

"get a lawyer."

Yeah, all right.

You can call your wife.

Thank you, ma'am.

He had no way of knowing her age.

This is all entrapment.

No one forced or coerced Mr. Stanton into the act.

We will also show this is not his first offense.

Your honor, the DA's office is rushing to judgment because of my client's high profile.

Jake Stanton's wife has already agreed to put up their home in New Jersey as bond.

I agree.

Mr. Stanton has significant ties to the community and does not pose any flight risk.

Bail is set in the amount of $50,000.


There are 16 news vans outside right now.

Good. You wanted to send a message.

When Jake Stanton goes down for r*pe, that ought to do it.

Excuse me.

I'm Georgia Stanton, Jake's wife.

Could I talk to you?

Mrs. Stanton, I'm sure you're upset, but we did not set out to trap your husband.

Bet you're glad you caught him.

Get to make a big splash.

Hold on.

This wasn't a one-time mistake.

Two weeks ago, your husband paid for sex with a 14-year-old girl, and she's going to testify.

I'm sure that that's tough to believe--

I'm not saying he didn't do it.

I'm just saying, if he did, he didn't know.

I'm sorry.

I don't follow.

Jake hasn't been the same recently.

Most nights after 6:00, my husband has no idea where he is.

In a huddle I say, Jake, you're bleeding.

He rubs some dirt in his nose, says, "is that better?"

Next play, no one's open, he takes off running, dragging three guys with him across the line for the first down.

He broke his nose and two ribs in that game.

Kept on playing.

That was a magician.

I remember watching him on TV coming up.

He'd slip pressure, scramble.

I'd feel sorry for those cornerbacks once he got free in the secondary.

How many concussions did this guy get?

Yeah, I knew when he stepped off the elevator, he's-- he's not all there.

All right, so he's a little punch-drunk.

It doesn't excuse what he did.

Know how many times I got hit in the head when I was growing up?

I hesitate to ask.

No, but it-- it's not funny.

And the league is taking it seriously.

They're changing the rules on hits.

They're bringing in neurologists to clear the injured players.

Okay, symptoms of CTE, or "pugilistic dementia," include confusion, memory problems.

Poor judgment is a hallmark of the disease.

How about calling a pimp back twice and having sex with a teenager?

Is that on your list of symptoms?

New York's hero out on bail two hours ago just exposed himself to a woman in a bathroom at the West Bank Cafe.

These damn bathroom signs these days, trying to be clever.

I mean, you got these little pictures on the doors--

Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake.

I'm calling our lawyer.

He followed me into the ladies' room and took it out.

I screamed.

And what did he do?

He just stood there.

Like he couldn't figure out why I was screaming.


I didn't know it was a ladies' room, you know?

You walk into these places, and it's dark--

Jake, Jake, quiet!

Hey, hey, you should listen to your wife.
Hey, guys.

How y'all doing?

Right this way, big guy.

You know, Vinny The Chin walked Little ltaly in his pajamas, convinced the jury he was crazy.

Maybe Jake's got a plan.

Look, I saw a football player try to use an insanity defense.

The difference here, from everything that the wife said, is Jake's recent behavior is completely out of character.

Just have a seat right over here.

We can't travel anymore.

Last time, I found him in our hotel hallway naked.

He'd locked himself out.

Even if we go to his brother's house, he gets disoriented.

I put furniture in front of the door.

What does the doctor say?

His internist is a good old boy.

Jake calls him "big guy"

'cause he doesn't know his name.

Signs a few footballs.

So as long as he's playing a part that he's familiar with, he's okay.

Unless it's late in the day.

Then all bets are off.


I take it he's had an MRI.

Yeah. Inconclusive.

It doesn't matter.

There's no treatment.

All the doctor said was don't let him out of my sight.

I never should have let him go to the bathroom by himself.

Do you have home care?

We're broke.

He handled the finances until this year.

There's nothing left.

What about, uh-- what about the team?

Or the league?

Don't they have--

The league has a fund for wounded warriors.


Jake's too proud.

Well, you certainly have a lot on your plate.

Who's helping you?

My husband's in holding.

I can't even get our lawyer to come down and help us.

We owe him so much money.

He says we're gonna have to use a public defender.

He's a, uh... he's a friend.

Polished that off in a hurry.

Mm. I was hungry.

I, uh... uh, I'm supposed to call my wife.

She's here, Jake.

She's got me on a short leash, and I know what she's gonna say.

"Get a lawyer"?

Yes, ma'am.

Twice in two days.

Does Stanton want to be put away?

I don't think that's what this is.

Me neither.

If he's faking it, I mean, he should have been an actor, not an athlete.

Guess Jake Stanton can still work it.

Detectives, counselor, I'm going to need a few minutes with my client.


Yes, Jake Stanton.

Where is he?

A-am I missing something here?

What's that, detective?

Not the kind of guy I'd expect you to represent.

You mean a white guy?

Are you playing the race card already?


This way.

Oh, hey.

Come on in.

Uh, Mr. Stanton and I have talked, and I think we can straighten all this out.

Look, I didn't know it was a ladies' room.

Okay, but you did see that there was a woman in there.

Yeah, but I wasn't paying attention.

I mean, the lighting was so dark, I couldn't see anything.

I told you that when you arrested me.


Yeah, you remember?

But you mean detective Tutuola?

Yeah, you-- you guys look a lot alike.


You know, it seems like a lot of things are confusing, Jake.

What do you mean?

Well, maybe things that once came easily to you seem overwhelming now.

No, no.

No, it was just a bad night.

I never wanted to hurt anybody.

I--that's not who Jake Stanton is.

I'd ask you to release him on his own recognizance, but I'm not sure he'd know how to get home.

Well, his wife is here.

Yes, but I gather Mr. Ellis is trying to make a point.

He's tired, he's disoriented.

If your office really feels, uh, compelled to prosecute this, I'll make sure he shows up for arraignment.

Hey, so the complainant has calmed down.

She's willing to let it go.

Fine, but if he stumbles again, his bail will be revoked.

Counselor, does this mean you'll be representing Stanton on his r*pe charge?

Well, I just met him.

But if I do take the case, I suggest you brush up on your Latin.

Can't wait.

Good, then let's start now.

Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea.

"The act does not make a person guilty unless the mind is also guilty."


I knew that one.

Look at Ellis, pretending to care.

And this guy-- it's all PR.

He's a heat-seeking m*ssile.

Hypothetically, have you told the suspect's wife to call me?


I would ask, "why risk losing your badge for a man you'd just arrested for a terrible crime?"

You've talked to him.

Am I wrong?


I watched my father die of Parkinson's.

I know diminished capacity when I see it.

This one is on me.

I pushed to have the girl's Johns indicted, and now I'm not sure that Jake can be held accountable for his actions.

I'm pretty sure he had no idea of her age, but we both know that's no defense.

You'll think of something.

Does that sound good, Jake?

I'm the quarterback.

He's the coach.

You call the play, I'll run it.

Okay, good.

So, um, back to Vicki Harris.


The underage prost*tute.

So that's what this is about?

Honey, remember?

And Mr. Ellis is going to defend you.

He's a very good--

No, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Hold on a second, honey.

How much is this gonna cost?

Mr. Ellis has agreed to help us.


I just don't feel right about that.

I don't want your charity.

No, Jake, Jake.

It's not like that.

I'll tell you what.

Uh, my secretary is a big fan... since you were All-American at Purdue.

It would mean a lot to her if you signed something for her boy.

How about that?

I'll tell you what.

You let me throw in a signed football, and you got a deal.

All right.

Wait-- wait a minute.

Zara's reading?

Well, she's sounding out words.

Oh, okay.

My mom's teaching her.

You know, they-- they're getting along great.

That's great.

So, um, how's Jason holding up?

Uh, it's-- it's tough.

He told me last night, Vicki's not his little girl anymore.

I think he stayed away too long.

He's, uh, he's trying to be there for her now.

He's planning on coming to the trial every day.

Well, he's a good dad.

I'm glad you could help him out.

That means a lot to me.

You know, I never heard of this guy till he showed up in the squad room--

I hate when you do this.

What's that?

I think we're having a conversation.

Turns out, you're interrogating me.

How's he doing?

Look at him.

He's fine.

He remembers how we're gonna play it?


And you understand after we make this plea, Jake's condition will be public.


Keeping all of this a secret... it hasn't helped.

You have a pretrial motion, Mr. Ellis?

Uh, yes, your honor.

We would like to change the status of Mr. Stanton's plea from "not guilty" to "not guilty by reason of insanity."

Your honor, an insanity defense is not appropriate in this case.

There's no evidence Mr. Stanton is mentally ill.

There is evidence that he's neurologically ill, your honor.

He's suffering from diminished capacity.

There's a big difference between diminished capacity and crazy.

Now, just-- just hold on a minute.

Jake, it's okay.

No, it's not okay.

Is there a problem, Mr. Ellis?

Well, she just said "not guilty" because I was crazy.

I'm not crazy.

Jake, I'm the coach here, remember that.

There's nothing wrong with me, all right?

I'm not insane.

I was an All-American.

All right, Jake.

Where's my wife?


Let me just talk to my wife, all right? Georgia?



Counselors, in my chambers now.

I was an All-American.

This is going to open a pandora's box.

Every defendant will plead "not guilty by reason of concussion."

Mr. Ellis, is that your game plan?

I'm defending my client, your honor.

We've reached a rubicon.

Human behavior can no longer be separated from human biology.

The DA's office hasn't caught up with modern brain science.

Don't preach to me, Mr. Ellis.

Preach to your client.

It's his plea.

I told him I didn't know who he was.

That's good, Vicki.

Just like that.

Just tell the truth.

Stay calm.


I can do this.

Can we go now?


I heard that son-of-a-bitch lawyer tried to claim Stanton was insane.

Yeah, but even Jake didn't go for that.

You're gonna do great.

I'll be sitting right there.

And do you see that man in the courtroom today?

Miss Harris, you need to answer out loud.

Yes. He's right there.

Let the record reflect the witness has identified Jake Stanton.

Vicki, how old were you when Mr. Stanton had sex with you?


No further questions, your honor.

Miss Harris, first of all, we're very sorry for what you had to go through.

Now, about Mr. Stanton...

Did he ever ask you how old you were?



Did you ever tell Mr. Stanton how old you were?



Did he ever hurt you?

Or force you in any way?


Did he pay you?


Mightn't he have thought this was a consensual transaction?


Mr. Ellis... find another way.

I cases of CTE there is often damage to the frontal lobe.

That's the part of the brain responsible for impulse control and decision-making.

So, Dr. Sopher, let us assume that Jake Stanton has CTE, this dementia you're speaking about.


He cannot ask the jury to assume what is not proven.


Careful, counselor.

A person with this disease-- can they be held responsible for their actions?

In advanced stages of the disease, in cases I've seen, they might not even be able to remember their own actions.

Thank you.

Your witness.

This CTE-- it sounds serious.

Are you testifying that Jake Stanton suffers from it?

Mr. Stanton's symptoms are consistent with the disease.

Does he have dementia, doctor?

I don't know.

The only way to diagnose CTE is in an autopsy, by examining the brain.

So there's no way to diagnose CTE while the patient is still alive?

That's correct.

Therefore any suggestion that Jake Stanton suffers from CTE is pure speculation.


I didn't know she was 14, and I didn't r*pe anybody.

Under the law, you did.

Is there a question, your honor?

Isn't it true that you had sex with Miss Harris, and you solicited sex from officer Legrange?

Yes, I did.

But other guys cheat on their wives.

They wine and dine these women and take them to fancy hotels.

You don't see me doing that.

Oh, okay.

So you do know the difference between right and wrong?


Isn't it true that you made the arrangements by yourself, you took cabs to the hotels, you found their rooms, and you brought the correct amount of cash?


It's not like-- it's not like I picked her up off a playground and said, "hey, kid, do you want some candy?"

I'm not a child molester.

I thought they were working girls.

Your honor, I need a moment to confer with my client.

Ten minutes, Mr. Ellis.

I told you, I told you.

I'm not crazy.

Yeah, I-I know, Jake, but do you remember when we told you to answer the questions, "yes" and "no"?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You're the coach.

But I'm doing great out there.

I'm moving the ball down the field.

We're in the red zone now.

Honey, please.

Mr. Ellis is doing everything to make sure you stay home.

You can't pull me out now.

You can't do that.

If he goes to prison, it'll k*ll him.

I know.

Let's go get 'em, Jake.

Okay, big guy?

Let's go get 'em.



Let's go.

Your honor, the people rest.

All right.

Long day, everyone.

We'll reconvene tomorrow morning at 9:00 A.M.

Redirect, your honor.

Excuse me?

I have a few more questions for my client.

Your honor, it's quite late.

Can the redirect wait until tomorrow morning?

My client would like to finish tonight.

Fine, Mr. Ellis.

I'll allow it.

Vicki Harris?

Is that the prost*tute?

Do you remember being in her room?

Well, if she says I was.

Did you engage in any sexual activity?

I suppose that's why I'm here now.

All right, I'm gonna ask you three things, Jake.

How long have you been married to your wife?

Long as I can remember.

25 years.

Who is Terry Drake?



Where are you going, Mr. Ellis?

A little latitude, your honor.

Go on.

Terry Drake.


Terry's my center.

Saw his backside more often than my wife's.

So you saw the back of his Jersey quite a few times.

Every Sunday for 12 years.

What number did he wear?



And what number did you wear as quarterback?


Someday New York is gonna retire that number, hang it in the stadium.

You can mark that down, ma'am.

You watch football much these days?

Every chance I get.

Do you know the names of the two quarterbacks for New York's teams?

I, uh...

I watch the games, but I don't really pay that much attention.

How long have you been married?

20 years.

You just told me 25.


20, 25.

A long time.

You ever get hurt when you were playing football?

I was taken outta games.

Concussions... broken this or that.

That's all part of playing the position.

What were the three things I just asked you about?

What things?

I just asked you three questions.

Do you remember them?

Um... you asked me about my wife.

And, uh...

I don't--

I don't understand why you're asking all these questions.

Objection. Relevance.

Get to the point, counselor.

Did you have sex with Vicki Harris?


The girl you're accused of raping.

I told you I didn't r*pe anybody!

Do you know who Vicki Harris is?

I told you, I never paid for sex with that woman.

What woman?

I never had sex with her!

That's not Vicki Harris, Jake.

I don't know who that is.

I told you that.

What was Terry Drake's number?

Can't you make him stop?

I've answered enough questions.

Your honor, I request a recess.

I need to talk to my attorney.

Please let me talk to my lawyer.

Jake, I'm your lawyer.

Then why are you badgering me?

Aren't we supposed to be on the same team?

Do you know my name, Jake?

I didn't do anything wrong.

I told you that.

I told you!

How did you get down here today, Jake?


What day of the week is it?

What are the charges that you face here today?

Do you know where you are, Jake?

Please stop.


I'm... very tired and I just...

I just wanna go home.

No further questions.

Well, that was ugly.

Ellis was just doing his job.

Stanton is not competent.

I tried to warn you.

Warn me?

You walked me right into it.

You wanted a sting operation.

You wanted to prosecute all the Johns for r*pe.

The guilty ones.


You don't get to cherry pick.

What are we supposed to do, prosecute some of the Johns and not Stanton?

What kind of message does that send?

That the DA's office gives sports stars a free pass?

You want justice for her, you want compassion for him.

You can't have it both ways, Olivia.

The world doesn't work that way.


And I don't even want to know how Ellis showed up in your squad room.

On the charge of r*pe in the second degree, how does the jury find the defendant?

Not guilty, your honor.

Jake Stanton, you are free to go.

These proceedings are now closed.

The state of New York thanks the jury for its service.


Did we win it, baby?

Yeah, Jake.

We won.

Oh, good.

So I didn't do it?


I'm sorry, Georgia.


I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry, honey.

I'm so sorry.

I had no idea what to say to Vicki's father.

Nobody wins here, Nick.

Well, we were down in the fourth quarter... backs against the wall.


Hail Mary at the very end and... just happy to be here celebrating the big win.

What's next, Jake?

Mr. Stanton, Mr. Stanton, do you have dementia?

Any health issues, Mr. Stanton?

Have you had an official diagnoses?

Now this is public, do you think this will help other players?


Hey, Jake. Quick picture?

Thanks, man.

Jake! Jake!


Put the g*n down--now!


Jake, look at me.



Jake... please.

Jake, drop the g*n.

Drop the g*n, Jake.

Drop the g*n.

Come on, Jake.


No! No!

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