13x16 - Child’s Welfare

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify, Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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13x16 - Child’s Welfare

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.


It hurts!

All right.

I can't!

Yes, you can.

I can't do it!

You're gonna be okay.

You just keep pushing.

All right, you're almost there.

Make it stop!

Push, push, push...


Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

What happened to your head, little guy?

My dad was making me fly.


We were playing "airplane," and he fell.

Mr. Marsden, I need to hear it from your boy.

Oh, okay.

I-I'm sorry.

He dropped me.

It was an accident.

Our home is safe.

My husband and I are good parents.

I see.

I have all I need for now.

"For now"?

You're coming back?

I'll make my report to the administration for children's services.

They'll be in touch.

I'm sorry.

I-in touch about what?

This is crazy.

Our kids are fine.

We're fine.

Someone will contact you within 24 hours.

Okay, all right.

Well, thank you.

A boy.


Please don't take him.

Please don't take him.

Please don't take him!


No, come back.


Don't take them!

You can't do this!

No one called us.

This is a mistake.

You didn't--

You'll have a chance to have a hearing.


You can request one.

No, it's gonna be okay!

It's gonna be okay!

It's gonna be all right, sweetie!

It's gonna be okay, honey.

It's gonna be okay, honey.

Damn cat.

Charlie, wake up.

It's a baby.

They left a baby here?

What's wrong with people?

Yeah, we're on our way.

Abandoned newborn, found at St. Matilda's Church around the corner from Mercy Hospital.

Is the baby okay?

Sounds like it, yeah.

Right behind you.


Olivia, I had to see you.

Is everything all right?

Uh, Nick, this is my brother.

Uh, Simon, this isn't a good time.

It's an emergency, please.

I can cover, Liv.

Do what you got to do.

We got this.

What's going on, Simon?

Five years, not a word, no call.

I know. I know.

I-I kept meaning to.

Look, it's about my kids.

The city just came and took them from us.

You have kids?

A stepson--

Ty, he's five-- and a one-year-old.

I named her after you.


She's your niece.

Look, they just-- they just took them.

It's my fault, but you got to help me.

I met Tracy 2 years ago.

I was working at a clinic.

She brought ty in for a checkup.

We're gonna get married in June.

Ty already calls me "dad."

That--that's Olivia.

I think she kind of looks like you.

Simon, if you want my help, you have to be honest.

The city doesn't remove kids without a reason.

I made a mistake.

Two days ago, I rolled through a stop sign when I was in the car with Tracy and the kids.


And the cop who pulled me over had an attitude.

He made me get out of the car, empty my pockets.

And that's when he found the joint.

Oh, I see.

No, it's not like that.

I had dental work.

I-I lost a lot of weight.

I couldn't eat, and I smoked a little to boost my appetite.

So he arrested you for one joint?

He made me pull it out of my pocket and then said it was public display.

And he must have called Child Services.

That's enough for them to go to your house.

You live with Tracy?

Yeah, a walk-up in West Harlem.

The social worker got all bent out of shape because Ty had a bruise.

It was an accident.

Olivia, I swear, we would never hurt our kids.

Do you have a copy of the removal order?

Is there anything you can do?

I don't know, Simon.

I will try.

Nothing but the truth this time.

Do you understand me?


Anything you want to tell me?

It's complicated.

I have a niece.


What does he want from you?

Liv, the last time your brother showed up, he almost cost you your shield.

Captain, he was being framed.

So what does he want?

Look, he's the only family that I have.

And believe me, he knows it.

You watch your step.

The baby was cared for-- no signs of abuse, wrapped in a blanket.

Whoever left him wanted him to be found.

Why leave a baby on the street?

There's safe-haven laws.

Yeah, sounds like someone didn't want to deal with the system.

Here he is.

Here's our baby.


Doctor, can you tell when he was delivered?

Within 24 hours.

The nurses told me the umbilical-cord stump wasn't even dry.

So it was cut?

Yes. And the fluid in the lungs cleared.

Whoever gave birth had help.

Excuse me, doctor.

I should feed him.

Okay, we're gonna need a DNA sample.


It's just-- missing kids I'm used to, but found babies?

Same neighborhood canvass?

No, maybe someone remembers a pregnant woman...

Now not pregnant, with no baby.

I've found all kinds of things on the street in my day-- wallets, never a baby.

You sure you didn't see anyone leaving that box?

There a reward if I say I did?

This kid wasn't just dumped here randomly.

Whoever left him here knew you'd do the right thing.

You ever notice anybody scoping you out?

Well, the other day there was this beat-up red van that went around the block, and then it stopped to watch us.

But we just figured it was you guys.

I know it's a different court system.

I understand that, David.

I just thought that maybe you could--

I know. I get it.

It's okay.

It's okay.


You too.

I'll talk to you later.


Sorry to interrupt.

The homeless bunch that found the baby said they saw a red van do drive-bys for a few days.

So far, nothing on the traffic cams during that time frame.

Could be a ripple wine fantasy.

What about the neighborhood canvass?

Expanding the area, checking all hospitals, been asking if any women came in who had just given birth but didn't have a baby.

There's no leads yet.

Anything on the baby's DNA to lead us back to the parents?

We're doing a familial search, starting with the state databases--so far, no hits.

I mean, we're searching other databases, but they're still compiling the national registry.

It's slow-going.

It's really kind of unbelievable--2012.


Just keep looking, keep digging.

This case is going to be a media circus.

And I need everyone focused.

I started looking into your brother's case after you called.

He's never been convicted of anything.

You know, I-I just can't believe that Child Services could take kids from their parents for one joint.

They can do an emergency removal if they determine it's in the best interest of the children.

And they've done it before after a minor pot bust.

But in almost all the other instances, the parents were black or hispanic.

Simon's fiancee is black.

She was in the car when he was pulled over.


That makes sense now.

So you'll take the case.

There's a clear pattern of profiling, and the only way to give the system a conscience is to challenge it.

Thank you.

Look, I didn't want to bother you with this.

You know, I called David Haden.

David Haden?

Why would you pull his tie?

We worked a case together last month.


I just want you to know how much I appreciate it.

So... your brother, different last names-- you two grow up together?

I didn't even know that Simon existed until about five years ago.

We share the same father.

Family secrets.

You found something?

Remember Celia Barber?

13-year-old, got kidnapped outside of montclair three years ago.


She was never found.

Well, her DNA's in the system.

Jersey State Police needed to rule her out as a deceased Jane Doe.

Okay, and the connection to our case?

Well, after I exhausted CODIS, I ran our baby John Doe's DNA through other Tri-State databases.

I got a mitochondrial match.

Celia is the baby's mother.

Police report says she was snatched up by someone in a red van.

All right, wait, wait, wait, wait.

So this girl who is now 16 just gave birth, and then she or whoever she's with discarded the baby?

At least we can tell her parents she's still alive.

All right, well, I'm guessing as of yesterday, she was somewhere near that hospital.

She's been missing for three years.

Let's find her.

You're telling me Celia is alive?

And I'm a grandmother?

Have you had any contact with your daughter?


Not since the morning she-- she disappeared.

And she was with your husband at the time.

My ex.

I've remarried.

So you and your family-- you cast a lot of doubt on his story.

It never made any sense.

They were out on a bike ride, Eagle Rock.

I wasn't the only one who had doubts.

The police questioned his story-- her getting grabbed and--and put in a van.

They asked if I... ever worried that Leo and her were too close.

So you thought your husband, your ex-husband, k*lled your daughter?

She was always a daddy's girl.

I thought maybe something happened between them, and he covered it up.

Are you sure it's her?

Yeah, the DNA matches.

Celia is that baby's mother.

My God.

So all these years I've--I've blamed Leo for something he didn't do?

We were, uh, riding up Eagle Rock.

She got ahead of me.

I saw a red van pull alongside.

Someone yanked her in.

I pedaled hard as I could trying to catch up, but...

And you've been blaming yourself ever since.

I've been praying for this day.

Nobody would believe me.

I have... nightmares about... chasing that van.

I lost my marriage, my savings.

I spent all my money on a PI, trying to find Celia.

He ever come up with any leads?

Uh, two years ago, he found a clerk in a thrift shop in East Orange who recognized Celia's picture.

"Girl started crying, "asked the clerk to call her father.

"Then the older woman with her said that her daughter was acting out and pulled her away."

The clerk said that Celia was shopping for baby clothes.

She was pregnant.

Hold up.

Two years ago.

Are you sure?

I went and talked to that clerk myself.

You're telling me my daughter might have two kids.

Uh, it's my--my ex.

Um, I'm gonna--

I'm gonna take this.

I think we need to go talk to that clerk.

Yeah, Finn, look, I, uh...

I have a court thing.

Uh, I was hoping that you could, uh, cover for me.


Officer Wilcox, it's your testimony that a routine traffic stop of Mr. Marsden led to a drug arrest and a call to Child Services?


Can you tell us how you found the marijuana?

He took it out of his pocket.

That's why I arrested him, counselor.

Mr. Marsden spontaneously produced a joint while you were writing him a traffic summons?

No, I detected the smell of marijuana.

I asked if he had anything on him he didn't want me to find on my own, he took the joint out of his pocket.

You must have quite a nose.

You smelled an unlit joint in my client's pocket?



Officer Wilcox, are you aware the police commissioner issued an order last fall about how to handle arrests for small amounts of marijuana?

"No public display, no arrest."

But Marsden showed me what he had in his pocket.

At that point, it was a public display, and I arrested him.

You used that as a pretext to arrest him.


I don't hear a question.


Officer Wilcox, how many traffic stops have you made in the last six months?

I'd say between 60 and 70.


And in how many of those cases did you make an arrest or write a ticket for another summons?

No idea.

Would you be surprised to know the number is 22, and all but 3 of them above 96th Street?

I have no opinion about that.

Officer Wilcox, I remind you that you're under oath.

Why did you ask my client to empty his pockets when he was not under arrest?

Something seemed off to me.

You mean a white man and a black woman driving through Harlem with two mixed-race kids in the back?


Counselors, approach.

Your honor, the state is ready to plead this down to disorderly conduct.

Judge, even that's too much.

It's a bad search, pure and simple.

He's right, Ms. Callier.

I'm granting the motion to suppress.

Case dismissed.

Oh, thank you.

I feel like I can breathe again.

When do we get Ty and Olivia back?

The next step.

But Child Services has lost their main rationale.

Nice work, counselor.

It's what I do.

Do you want to meet your niece?


Hi. Oh.

She's beautiful.

Hi, pretty.

And you're the man, huh?



Liv... this is your family.

You know what?

When the kids come home, we should set up a regular Sunday dinner.

I'd like that, Simon.

The clerk at the store in New Jersey backs up what Leo got from his PI.

Okay, two years ago Celia was pregnant.

Was that baby discarded too?

There's no cases of abandoned babies in East Orange that year.

Yeah, but I'm expanding the search, and the closest open case is in Newark.

But it happened a year before.

That's ten minutes from East Orange.

Is there anything connecting the Newark baby to our case?

Uh... yeah, it was found left in a box, was well cared for.

The umbilical cord was cut.

Wrapped in a blanket, on the steps of a church, half a block from Newark General.

Okay, run it down.

As you can see from the file, the drug charge has been dismissed.

This court has no legal basis to take these children from their parents' custody.

Mr. Ellis, does your client dispute that he had marijuana in his possession while he was driving with the children?

No, your honor, but it was a single joint used for medical purposes.

Still illegal in this state.

It's not just about the marijuana.

On my follow-up visit, I found that the home was disorganized and that the older boy, Ty, had a bruise on his forehead.

Which he sustained accidentally.

I see here that Mr. Marsden has a history of contact with the police.

He was a suspect in a r*pe case, jumped bail.

He was cleared on all counts.

And those charges were the result of a personal vendetta by a now-disgraced police officer.

Be that as it may, Mr. Ellis, where there's smoke, there's fire.

The state has an interest in protecting the welfare of the children.

We've had too many cases where neglect and abuse have led to tragic results.

Your honor, what's in the best interest of these children is that they be with loving parents.

In similar circumstances, with two white parents, these children would not have been removed.

This is unconscionable.

Our country prohibited discrimination against mixed-race couples decades ago.

Enough, Mr. Ellis.

We'll revisit Mr. Marsden's circumstances in six months on the condition that he completes drug rehab.

In the meantime, the children will remain in foster care.

This is crazy.

They dropped the pot charge.

How can they keep my kids?

The smoking-g*n theory.

Possession is considered evidence that other abuse or neglect could be going on.

What's going to happen with Ty and Olivia?

They're in a foster home.

They're scared.

We're gonna fight this, Tracy.

Yeah, right.

They will not let us keep our kids no matter what.

Simon, nobody's talking about quitting here, okay?

You got to trust me on this.

Liv, you know what I've been through.

What, now you're telling me I should trust the system?

Captain, we think we found the connection between Celia's baby and the baby abandoned in Newark.

Enlighten me.

We ran the DNA, and Celia's not the mother of the first baby.

But both boys do have the same father.

So what are we looking at here?

We're not sure, but the father-- he's been at this for years.

So, 4 days ago, baby John Doe number one was abandoned on west 33rd Street.

Three years ago, baby John Doe number two was abandoned in Newark-- both well cared for, both left near hospitals.

And they share paternal DNA, same father, still no hits?

So far, no.

Whoever he is, Johnny Appleseed hasn't been locked up since the system was put in place.

Any matches to other abandoned babies, missing kids?

So far, no.

But it's a state-by-state, lab-by-lab search, so...

Okay, what about the police report on baby John Doe two?

Any red van or witnesses?


And the hospital that treated him closed down last year.

But the Social Service Agency that placed the baby-- they're still around.

Ah, good luck getting help with that.

Well, Rollins... you always said you wanted me to show you Newark.

Ooh, dreams do come true.

Of course I remember Dylan-- our miracle baby.

Why do you call him that?

Completely healthy when he was found, wrapped in a blanket, umbilical cord taken care of.

He even had ointment on a cut on his arm.

And you never heard from anyone claiming to be the parent?

I didn't, but now that you mention it, the foster family-- they adopted Dylan two years ago.

I got a strange call from them last summer.

They wanted to know if there was a statute of limitations on when biological parents can try to reclaim the children.

I'm so sorry that Simon got--

No, I don't blame him.

The City of New York stripping children from their parents' arms is a clear abuse of government power.

So what can we do?

I've been reviewing judge Suarez's decisions.

In cases involving one or two minority parents, she's upheld the removal of the children.

She's ruled the other way in cases involving two white parents.

I'm trying to set up a hearing, get her ruling overturned.

Do you want Simon there?

Only if you can keep him calm.

Blowing up in court is not going to help.

Look, I don't understand why the NYPD is at our house.

We haven't done anything wrong.

Yeah, we're following up on a related case.

Okay, because you asked questions about Dylan's biological parents and their rights, right?


Something happened in July.

We were in the city, house-sitting for Jenna's folks.

A young girl came up to us in Central Park.


She asked how old Dylan was.

Then she said he was her baby, that he had been taken.

When we first adopted Dylan, The Times ran an article.

There was a picture of us in Central Park.

She kept it.

It's nothing.

She was just crazy.

But you took it seriously enough to call social services.

And our lawyer-- he said at that point, more than two years after dumping Dylan in a box, she forfeited her rights.

Yeah, but... you think there might be something to it.

Well, she said she'd been coming to the park for years, hoping to find us.

She picked up Dylan's hat and sniffed it.

Said that's when she knew for sure.

Okay, can you describe her?

Will took a picture with his cell phone, in case we needed to file a restraining order.

You recognize her?

Yeah, that's Lori.

Came in every Tuesday for chicken noodle and crackers.

That's half the reason we called her "crackers."

I'll bet I can guess the other half.

She had an old prescription bottle for lithium we tried to get her to refill.

Lithium-- breakfast of champions for bipolar adolescents.

How old is she?

Late teens, but a lot of mileage.

Something happened to her, put her over the edge.

She say what?

She had some story about being kidnapped and held in a dungeon.

But then a lot of people here have a story.

And when's the last time you saw her?

Last summer.

Said she found her baby, was going to become a real mom.

You have any idea where she'd be now?

Afraid not.

Let's start with women's shelters.

Thanks for covering for me.

So... what have we got?

Munch and Rollins hit every soup kitchen in the city, found the homeless girl, Lori, at a shelter six blocks from here.

I can take it myself--

No, I'm good.


Meet you in the car.

Thank you.

Hey, Simon, it's not a great time--I'm working.

Look, I don't know what else to do, all right?

We visited Ty and Olivia, they don't like the food in the foster home.

They're crying.

They're hungry.

And then I overheard someone saying they could put them up for adoption?

Hold on. Ellis is not going to let that happen.

He's trying to schedule a hearing to get the ruling overturned.


You got to give him a chance to do his job, Simon-- he's a pro.

Don't keep telling me that.

If they take away my kids--

Look, Simon, why don't you go home and be with Tracy?

There's really nothing that you can do right now.

You know the song I Just Wanna Be Ok by lngrid Michaelson?

That was me--I couldn't feel comfortable anywhere.

That's why I was always running away.

But your parents never reported you missing.

I always came back.

Except that last time I couldn't 'cause they took me and kept me locked up.

Who's "they," Lori?

A man and his wife.

They made me call them "mommy" and "daddy."

And where'd they find you?

Outside of Penn Station, begging for a train ticket home back to Massapequa.

Said they'd give me a ride in their van.

I thought it was okay 'cause they were a couple.

Remember what they looked like?

He was big... and sweaty... and not a lot of hair, and she was shorter with long, dark hair.

Do you have any idea where they took you?

They must've drugged me, 'cause when I woke up, I was in a room.

I think it was a basement, 'cause I could hear a boiler.

Okay, did they ever let you out?

Once or twice, but we didn't go far.

Did you recognize anything-- landmarks, buildings?

A couple blocks up, there was a tall building-- uh, silver windows, all giant triangles.

The Hearst Building on 57th?

And how did they treat you, Lori?


They didn't beat me.

But he gave me, uh, lemonade and vodka.

It made it easier when he got on top of me.

How long did they keep you there?

Over a year... until I had my baby.

And he said, "No boys in the house."

After they took my baby, I couldn't stop crying.

So he put me in a van and dumped me by Yankee Stadium.

Excuse me for one second.

Captain, what's going on?

When's the last time you talked to your brother?

About an hour ago.

He's been cag me, but I didn't pick up.

Do you know where he is?

I have no idea.

What's going on?

Simon and his fiancee just kidnapped the children from foster care.

There's an amber alert out for them.

He's been calling you?

I'm gonna need your phone.

You don't have a choice here, Liv.


Hey, take it easy, sergeant.

He's not resisting.

Oh, God, they called you.

Shut up! Who the hell are you?


Captain Cragen, Manhattan Special Victims.

Well, that's nice, but we're arresting this punk for kidnapping.

Look, sergeant, we don't have to turn this into a federal case.

The call came from our side of the river, kids are involved.

After you file, let us take custody.

Look, I promise, if anybody's going to have a problem here, it's not going to be you.

You can follow us to booking.


Are you okay?

Thank God I love bologna sandwiches.

I just--

Simon... what were you thinking?

I-- obviously I wasn't, you know?

Tracy's got some family in South Carolina.

I thought... oh, maybe we'd stay with them for a while, but...

Oh, Liv...

I messed up.

Yeah, you did.

All I want is to be a good father.

I know that.

The weird thing is, my own dad was a better father to me than I've been to my kids.

Just what you need to hear.

If you're done with me, I completely under--

Please stop, Simon.

Please, just stop.

Look, I'll talk to Ellis.

Bail's gonna be hard.

I get that.


I'm sorry.

You want to be a good father, Simon?

Grow up.

Lori, during all that time in the basement, the man and the woman are the only people you saw?

I heard other people sometimes.

They would have parties in the courtyard.

Did you ever try and call out for help?

I knew there were rules.

But once, when the police came, I started screaming.

Then mommy came in and gagged me and drugged me with a needle.

Are you sure it was the police?

I heard the radios.

Uh, I think someone might have gotten shot.

You heard a g*nsh*t?

Yeah, and then a man screaming and sirens.

You don't know when this was, do you?

Uh, July 5th, my first year with them.

I heard the fireworks the night before.

I don't really want to go back to the shelter.

I don't blame you, Lori.

I'll try and make some phone calls, get you in a place where you can get yourself back together.

Your honor, my clients are in no way a flight risk.

What they want, more than anything, is to be reunited with their children.

That's one way to rationalize kidnapping.

Since Ms. Harrison has no record, I'll grant bail.

But Mr. Marsden has jumped before.

I'm not going to give him the chance to do it again.

Bail denied.

So what happens now?

We've lost the high ground.

It's one thing to argue the city had no right to take his kids.

But second-degree kidnapping is a class "B" felony.

He could get 25.

Look, there's got to be a way to reduce the charges.

Bayard, I hate to keep pushing you, but--

I know he's family, but your brother's made it very hard on himself.

I can try to plead this thing down, but how am I going to argue that the kids are going to be returned to a stable home?

So what about filing a class-action suit?

You said it yourself--

I'm preparing to do that, but I've got to find a different test case.

Your brother--he's not a good candidate for lead plaintiff.

Drove Lori through hell's kitchen.

Nothing looked familiar except the Hearst Building.

Which you can see for 20 blocks.

Lori said she heard a man scream and police radios on Fourth of July weekend.

Any police reports match up?

Yeah, I mean, there's dozens, but...

I mean, it's mostly neighbors complaining about firecrackers.

Fourth of July, three-day weekend-- a lot falls through the cracks.

Check the local ERs too.

Somebody's gonna remember an incident from, what, 3 1/2 years ago?

What are the odds on that?


It's just an expression.

Oh, the rat slayer.

We get a lot of weird cases, but that was the first time we had a guy say his Uncle shot him in the foot while he was aiming for a rat.

Sounds like a drink might have been involved.

Oh, more than one.

He wasn't feeling any pain.

Why, 'cause he was so drunk?

Well that, and the wound had been well taken care of before he even got here.

Well, how so?

His aunt brought him in--

Magda Plasky.

She works here.

And what does she do?

One of our best neonatal nurses.

How long has she been here?

About a year.

You remember where she worked before?

Maybe Jersey?

Well, yes, actually.

We picked her up after Newark General closed.

Magda, give us a minute?

Can't now.

I have a baby in the NICU who needs a transfusion.

Don't make us chase you.

My shift ends in an hour.

I could talk to you then.

Try now.

Where's Celia?

I don't know who you mean.

That baby that was abandoned last week-- you know where his mother is.

It's over.

You worked at the hospital in Newark near where Lori's son was found.


You made sure both babies were taken care of.


Then you know I never let anything bad happen to them.

It's just daddy didn't want boys.

Your husband, you mean.

We know this is on him, not you.

So just tell us where he's keeping Celia.

Which way, Magda?

It's locked from the outside.

He's not in there.


We're clear.


It's okay.

It's okay.

You're safe now.

Come on, honey.


Don't hurt her.


May I?

Hi, sweetheart.

It's okay, baby.

It's okay.


It's okay, baby girl.

It's okay.

Where's your husband?

I don't know. He's the super.

Call him, get him down here now.


Watch her.

Cover the exits, take the front.



SVU portable to central-- we're in foot pursuit at 329 West 45th Street.

Police! Stop!

It's over, daddy.

I know you think you saved those girls, but I was their whole world.

They'll never forget me.

I've heard enough.

Let's get him out of here.

I need a shower.

We're done.

I'll call the DA.

How's the girl?

Celia's reuniting with her family.

Her father's going to petition to have custody of the baby and her two-year-old daughter.

And what about the first victim, Lori?

She's getting help, and the adoptive parents have agreed to let her have visitation.

That's nice work, everybody.

You all right?

It's your brother?


So Ellis worked out a deal between Children's Services and the DA's office.

They'll reduce the kidnapping to custodial interference-- a misdemeanor.

So that's good, right?


You only have to serve 60 days.

And what about the kids?

Wait. Shouldn't Tracy be here?

Simon, Tracy had to get her own lawyer.

They had to separate the cases.

It was the only way for Tracy to regain custody.


What are you saying?

One of the conditions for reducing your charges is that you give up your custody petition.

Give up my daughter?

The judge has ruled that you can only visit your children in a supervised setting for the next three years.

You'll have to move out of the apartment, get your own place.

Wait. What?

Are you kidding?

Is this the best that he could do?

Simon, it's better than your daughter visiting you in jail.

You were looking at 25 years.

The judge will reconsider the term at the end of the year if you don't violate your parole.

And--wait-- and Tracy went along with this?

No, we're getting married.

Not right now, son.

She needs some time.

So that's it?

I really thought I could get it right this time.

I know.

Me too.
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