13x19 - Street Revenge

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*
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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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13x19 - Street Revenge

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

So you're sure that it was a dark hoodie, huh?


Okay, we'll get in touch when we need to talk to you again, okay?


So brown hair, in her 20s.

We looking at vic number five?

He pushed her down from behind, he, uh, cut a handful of her hair, and he said, "You think you're special, bitch?"

I bet she didn't get a look at him with her face in the sidewalk.

She was drunk, but she thinks that he's white, and that he was wearing a dark hoodie.

What I want to know is where were these looky-loos when it happened?

Home in their lofts.

West Soho's a ghost town by 11:00.

Detective, has the West Soho r*pist struck again?

Do you have any leads?

We are working the case, and our victim is our top priority.

So that's a no?

No, that is a "let us do our job."

Once again, the NYPD is stymied by the West Soho r*pist.

The police are still clueless, and a frightened neighborhood can only wait and wonder who will rescue them--

You can't sketch what you don't see.

Still no phone calls?

No witnesses?

What, is this guy invisible?

The only nearby subway is the I train.

Okay, but he could be driving.

He's near the Holland Tunnel.

We're pulling video, checking licenses, doing stop and frisks on white males.

That's a nice change of pace.

Too bad it hasn't helped.

So we flood the zone again tonight.

Anybody out on those streets after midnight better have an NYPD pay stub on 'em.

What're you waiting for?

A hug good-bye?

Come on, let's get it set up.

Uh, Liv.

I, uh--I saw the morning news.

And so did the commissioner.

That British reporter Griscomb was all over our asses.

And you handled him, which is why you're coming with me to a community council meeting; damage control.

Captain, I'd rather just stay on the case.

Not a request.

We ask that you exercise extra caution.

Avoid going out late alone.

So the r*pist wins?

These are our streets!


Just don't make it easy for him.

Are you saying we're asking for it?

Absolutely not.


Blaming the victims?

There's only one man that we're blaming, and that's the man who's committing these att*cks. Okay?

Now, we have posted surveillance throughout the neighborhood.

We have increased police presence.

Now some of these measures will be visible, and some we will not disclose, so that the attacker can't anticipate our methods.

Whatever it is you're doing, it's not preventing these att*cks.

Please, people, please.

We're doing everything that we can, but we're also asking women to stay alert.

And I will promise you we will not stop until we catch him.

You're mine, bitch.

Please, no. Aah!

Get off of her!

Hey! Get back here!

I'd seen the stories.

I shouldn't have been out alone.

I had a few drinks.

It's not your fault that you were att*cked.

You have to say that, right?

Claire, I know you're upset.

Can you go through with us what happened?

He had a knife.

He knocked me down.

He didn't actually r*pe me, because this other guy stopped him.

That's who you should be talking to.

Okay, we'll get to him in just a minute, but the man that att*cked you.

Did you notice anything else?

His race, or his clothing?

He wore a dark hoodie.

A tan construction jacket.

His voice sounded white.

Well, what did he say to you?

"You're mine, bitch."

Well, this other guy... the rescuer?

He was wearing this crazy getup.

Like some downtown superhero.

Hold on, he was in costume?


I thought I was imagining things, but he punched the r*pist in the face and chased after him.

Well, did you see which way they ran?

Towards Houston Street.

Whoever he is, he really is a hero.

He saved me.

Terrified downtown residents woke this morning to learn that the Soho r*pist has struck for the sixth time in as many weeks.

Sources tell us--

Turn that noise off.

A mysterious hero, said to be wearing body armor--

Screw him.

I thought you and Rollins were looking at security cam footage.

On it, captain.

Is anybody else working this case besides the masked avenger?

Say what you want about him, but he clocked the perp so hard that he left blood at the crime scene.

Fin's leaning on Warner.

All right, we got six r*pes, and finally a DNA hit.

That's a start.

Assuming he's our serial.

He fits the profile.

We got a 3:00 AM attack.

The victim, Claire Grant, is brunette, he pushed her down, he had a knife.

All details we didn't release.

Not exactly the magic words, but he was close.

"You're mine, bitch," instead of, "You think you're special."

Did he cut her hair?

He didn't have time.

He was interrupted.

DNA hit aside, we don't need vigilantes doing our job, so where are we on that?

There's no sign of him on video, but take a look at this.

It's footage from the Houston Street IRT.

It's 3:16 AM.

Tan jacket, hoodie.

Timeline's right.

Come on, turn around.

You do know he can't hear you, right?

Even so, the Metro card he swiped, he could've charged it.

All right, I'll take it.

Amaro, Rollins, see if you can track it down.

You want me to match a Metro card to a board of ed employee?

I don't have time for that.

135,000 people work here.

Well, it's a police matter, so you'll have to make time.

'Scuse me, all I have to do is stay black and die.

Are those your kids?

What are they... two and four?

That's right.


I got a five-year-old.

How many times were you up last night?

Too many. You?

One bad dream, two glasses of water...

Finally, we just let her sleep in bed with us.

Look, we're both tired.


This Metro card, it was purchased through transit check.

That narrows it down, doesn't it?

Can you... can you check for us?


Well, I can try.

Thank you.

You got lndian in you?

Yeah, I get that.


I can tell.

Them cheekbones.


This is gonna take a while.

Why don't you get a coffee?

So your wife is back home for good now, right?

Must be nice.

Yeah. Zara's thrilled.

When my mom finally moved out, Maria burned some sage.

Everybody's happy.

May Chen?

Hey, NYPD.

Can you give us a minute?

You're here about the motorcyclist?

Every day, he speeds.

Well, we can track him down.

Right now, we're tracking your Metro card.

The one you get through transit check.

You got that on you?

No, I walked today.


Did you lose it, or...


Sometimes my son Andy borrows it.

So, Andy, how old is he?

Nice black eye.

Busted nose?

That's our guy.

We need a new sketch artist.

Andy Chen?

Gotta ask you a couple of questions.

About what?

Why don't you come over here and talk?

Keep everybody out your business.

Something happen to your nose?

Oh, this.

You know what happened?

Come on! Come on!

I know my rights!

You don't touch me!




Get on the floor.

Oh, God, you're breaking it!


Oh, what do we have here?


Done messing up now, Andy.

Andy Chen, 20, community college, one prior for subway groping, lives with his mother.

Warner's checking his DNA against the blood at Claire Grant's attack scene.

Where's Benson?

Icing her hand.

Somebody want to tell me what happened to his nose?

From the beat-down last night.

Benson just knocked him upside the head.

He swung at her, captain.

I'm sure.

Well, even if we can tie him to last night's attack, we have no DNA, bad IDs from the other five r*pes.

A confession would be helpful.

By the book.

We got you beautiful, Andy.

DNA, Metro card.

You're done, kid.

You're just mad 'cause I made you run.

Andy, we have your pig-sticker.

What you used to cut their hair.

I'm no barber.

No, you're just a punk that knocks down drunk girls from behind.

What, she say that?

She's lying.

She wanted it.

She said she had to have me.

Oh, yeah? Just right there on the sidewalk?

Yeah, that's right.

The others too?


I'm the King of Soho.

I did 'em all night long, they begged me not to stop.

All right, so these girls... they picked you up?

So which one did you like the most, huh?


I don't know.

First one?

The blonde?

What was she wearing?

A skirt thing.


Well, you should have seen her.

With those legs in the air.

Pretty sure it wasn't as hot as the redhead, though.

I did her good.

But like you said... they pick me up.

Sit tight, King.

Redheads, blondes, legs in the air.

He's good for Monday night, but he's not our serial.

A copycat, a masked crusader...

I really don't like where this is going.

Then you're not gonna like this either.

While NYPD sources claim to have a suspect, I can report tonight that the Soho r*pist is still at large.

I received this letter just minutes ago.

"The NYPD can't catch me, copycats can't touch me, Batman can't stop me."

Is it him?

Who else would know Chen's a copycat?

The letter goes on with three pages of details about these crimes.

Details that only the r*pist would know.

The letter concludes with this chilling threat: "You Soho sluts think you're special.

This is just the beginning."

We need to get that letter.

You'll have to pry it from his cold, dead fingers.

Kabatzez called.

Eddie Chan is out on the street.

He made bail.


DNA from the blood at the scene was a match.

He's Claire's attacker.

Well, his lawyer argued the DA reacted to media pressure and hysteria.

Chen has ties to the community, he's an "A" student, his church posted his bond.

Turns out he's a Jehovah's witness.

Community hysteria is just getting started.

Check this out.

We are outraged that this r*pist made bail.

The police and judicial system are failing us.


We invite people of all orientations to join us tonight in a "No More Fear" slut walk.

Come as you are, dress as you like.

Slut walk?

It started in Toronto, and it's gone global.

Women are sick of victim-blaming, slut-shaming.

Well, that's all well and good, but we can't lose control here.

What's going on with Griscomb's letter?

He's holding it for now, but he sent us a personal response.

"Congress shall make no law," blah, blah, blah, "abridging the freedom of speech or of the press."

In the meantime, the r*pist can strike again.

That letter could have his prints on it.

But he hasn't left DNA at five r*pe scenes?

He's not gonna leave anything on a letter.


No DNA at five r*pe scenes?

I mean, is this guy starting something he can't finish?

Some of the victims said that they thought he used a condom.

Yeah, and he manages to get away unseen.

So, he lives in the neighborhood, and he's a super or a maintenance man.

It's worth a shot.

Munch, Fin, recheck priors and sex offenders.

Liv, talk to Warner.

Have her retest the vic's clothes for touch DNA.

Rollins, talk to one of your rabbis.

Work up a profile.

I get one more call from the mayor's office, we're all looking for new jobs.

And, uh, where the hell is Amaro?



All right, I'm five minutes away.

'Scuse me.


They're not just playing dress-up.

Street justice.

Witnesses say he got jumped by five superheroes.

They call themselves "The Justice League."

And nobody helped.


Most of 'em cheered 'em on.

JLNY, one.

NYPD, zero.

"Justice League New York."

I don't care.

These are our streets, not theirs.

They wore m-masks.

And helmets.

There was even a chick there.

Try a little more descriptive language, Andy.

I don't know.

They were beating me up.

This is all your fault.

You made everyone hate me.

No, they hate you 'cause you're a r*pist.

Now, if I wasn't a cop, I'd smack you around too.


Don't say anything.

Here's a copy of the lawsuit I'm filing against you and the department for violating my client's civil rights.

Check out doorways and vestibules as you pass.

He likes to attack from behind.

And be careful in those spikes.

Makes it harder if you gotta run or kick somebody in the balls.

Keep the UCs and ghosts in radio contact.

I don't want to lose anybody.

Well, we're looking light on backup.

We are. The department's tied up covering this march.

That's just what we need.

100 women walking around half naked.

Let's just get through the night.

r*pe! r*pe!

Help! r*pe!


Fin, you hear that?


Help us!

Help me!

We got a call. Get in.

Help, please! Help!

There's two down.

Over here.

There's one.

Where's the other one?


Help her, please.

What are you doing up here?

What happened?


Is she all right?

I got a s*ab victim!




He--he was on top of her.

Fin, how's the girl?

She's hanging in there.
Hey, hey.

Hey, look at me.

What happened?

Tell me what happened here.

I was only... gone a-a minute...

I felt something hit me... here.

I blacked out, and I woke up in the ambulance.

Okay, do you--did you hear anything or see anything before you were knocked out?


What happened to me?

Leslie, you were sexually assaulted.

I-- it can't happen to me.

We-- we were supposed to catch him.

Leslie is my partner.

That's what--we were on p-patrol for the r*pist.

And you got separated?

We were supposed to meet at midnight, and she wasn't there, so I ch-checked the other roofs, and when I got back, that's when I--

I-I saw him jump her.

He had a brick in his hand.

Do you remember any details?

You didn't hear anything before he knocked you out?


He was white, stocky.

It--it was dark.

And I yelled, and when I pulled him off her, he came at me and stabbed my shoulder.

Did you see the w*apon?

Yeah, it was like these big, curved scissors with a black handle.

And who else knew you were up there?

Just Stuart.

We work in two-person cells.

Okay, now, how did you get up to the rooftop?

Fire escape.

It's Soho.

I'm gonna check your r*pe kit to see if he left DNA.

Have you had sex in the last 48 hours?

No, I'm not seeing anyone.

I was just trying to prevent other women from being r*ped.

I understand that, but you really need to leave that to the police.

That hasn't worked, has it?

Well, this didn't work, did it?

All right, so you and Leslie are in The Justice League, and you lied to us about Andy Chen.

No, I-I-I I had nothing to do with beating him up, and I-I don't know who did.

Well, too bad they weren't around last night.

You almost got yourself k*lled.

Hey, no. No, I've done more in two nights than you guys have done in two months!

What're you talking about?

I saved Fantastica, and I also saved that other girl on Monday night.

By the UPS warehouse.

That was you too?

I'm on duty, okay?

I know what I'm doing.

I train, I work out.

This is serious.

Oh, yeah.

So why the costumes, huh?

'Cause they tell the world what we stand for.

So, who are you, huh?




"Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord."

You dragged Leslie out in the middle of the night dressed like a freak while there's a r*pist on the loose?

Fantastica wanted to c-- come.

I didn't m-make her do anything.

She got r*ped playing games!

Why are you here, huh?

She called me.

She obviously needs a grownup around right now.

Hey, don't move.

We're not done here.


I want to see Leslie.

Yeah, not right now.

So, Henry, where did you go last night after the walk? Hmm?

Did you go on, uh, superhero patrol?

What, are you kidding me?

I'm 50. I was home with my wife and daughter.

Excuse me.


I'm sorry I missed you yesterday.

I mean, we're just going around the clock.


I saw Griscomb on the news.

He's a piece of work.

He's a prick.


How's your week been?

Um, fine.

It's fine, it's just a lot of errands and running around.

But it's really nice to have time with Zara.


Well, how 'bout yesterday?



I missed you all day.

Oh, I took Zara to the park.

And we played princesses.

So, it was... kinda boring.

Well, sounds good to me.

Yeah, no, it was fun.

You know, I tried you at lunch.

I had a little break, so I figured, you know.

My phone didn't ring.

Did you leave a message?

Oh, no.

No, I figured you were busy.


Next time.


In this footage, obtained exclusively by New York 3 News, alleged r*pist Andy Chen is att*cked in broad daylight by five members of The Justice League of New York while some witnesses cheered them on.

This is exactly what we were worried about.

This is brutal.

Yeah, it's like that Trayvon Martin kid getting shot in Florida.

It's what happens when people try to take the law into their own hands.

That last night's vic?

Yeah, Leslie Adams.

AKA Fantastica.

That girl can handle herself.

Are we sure it's not another copycat?

It's not likely, I mean, her hair was cut.

We never released that detail.

Leslie was the only one that was knocked out.


Well, remember his note?

He's sending a message.

To the vigilantes?


Well, how did the r*pist even know where to find Leslie?

Look, Stuart and Leslie-- now they've been involved in community outreach for weeks.

So if the r*pist infiltrated their group, he'd know they were up on the roof.

The serial r*pist has been attending his own anti-r*pist rallies?

Henry Brazecki's restaurant has been ground zero for this movement.

Let's get a list of his members.

Let me get this straight.

You think my group is a front for the vigilantes and the r*pist?

This is NYPD payback.

Listen, if you'd have told us Leslie was a member of The Justice League when we asked you, she might not have been hurt.

First inkling I had was at the march.

On Wednesday.

We got into a fight afterward.

Fight. Okay.

But you still let her go off on her own?

You're married. Do you ever try telling a woman what to do?

Good luck with that.

You and your group are facing real credibility issues here.


I was in West Soho before it was gentrified.

I'm trying to save it.


Then help us out. Huh?

Let us go through your email list.

I'll have to talk to the group about that.

We do everything by consensus.

What are these? Huh?

Poultry shears?

Very good, detective.

Hey, don't touch these.

They're sharp.

I got a dinner rush.

What's with the poultry shears?

They might be a match for Stuart's wounds.

Can you ask the ME to take a look?

I could.

So could you.

But I got a family thing.

Just cover for me.

Hey, Jason.

Detective Amaro.

What're you doing in Philly?

Uh... my daughter was just talking about you.

She's doing better.

Is she?

Good for her.

You have a nice lunch yesterday?

Look, I don't know what you--

Stay away from my wife.


What do you-- what do you want?

What do you guys want?


Soho icon Henry Brazecki was beaten by vigilantes last night and hospitalized with a concussion and a broken hand.

Detective, do you have any leads?

Me? You're the one withholding evidence.

You care to comment?


What happened to your hand?

Must've banged it.

Feel better afterward?


Yeah? Okay.

I gotta get back to you later.

You wanna look at this?

Locks of hair.

Six of 'em.

Keeping 'em as trophies.

What, in his car?

Does that make sense?

It's more private than in his home or the restaurant.

Henry's not going anywhere.

The Justice League made Henry as a r*pist before we did?

Maybe they know something we don't.

Why did you beat up Henry Brazecki last night?

It wasn't me.

Come--how-- c-could I?

I can't even lift my arm.

Right. So, the night after you fight off Leslie's r*pist, Henry gets targeted.

You told me you were stabbed with shears.

Black handles, right?

Just like the shears in Henry's kitchen.

Why are you covering for him?

You think we can't do our job, so you take matters into your own hands, right?

I had to.

Leslie is one of us.

She's the only girl with courage to take to the streets.

You two are close.

We--we get that.

I mean, you felt bad that she got att*cked--

I saved her.

Not you.


Listen, we don't have enough to charge Henry with.

So if you think that he r*ped her, you gotta help us.

On--on the roof... when he was on top of Leslie...

I heard him say, "You think you're special, bitch?"

I recognized his voice.

Henry, the town crier, is the Soho r*pist?

Unless he has six locks of hair in his car that don't match any of our vics.

Stuart's wounds were consistent with a curved blade like poultry shears.

And every attack happened within easy walking distance from his restaurant.

It's a smart move for a serial.

Be on the front lines, making the most noise.

You know, it may be more than that.

He's creating a crisis to solve, like a firefighter who, you know, starts fires 'cause he wants to play the hero.


DNA from Leslie's r*pe kit is a match to Henry.

They broke my hand.

I can't chop, I can't work.

Looks like they knew what they were doing.

Why the hell would you say that?

'Cause Leslie's r*pe kit came back.

And yours is the only DNA we found.

She says she isn't seeing anyone.


She said that for me.

I didn't r*pe her.

You gotta understand, okay?

I'm a public figure.

A married man.

You know what?

A ring doesn't mean much to some people.

It's not like that.

The r*pes started, we grew close, she was nervous being alone.

Right, so you gave her a shoulder to cry on.

Now you do the same thing for the other five victims?



If your r*pe kit tells you that, you got a problem in your crime lab.

No, it's not our lab.

It's from your car.

There were trophies from each victim.

You're framing me now?

I want a lawyer.

Yeah? Get a good one.

And when you call him, you tell him you're under arrest.

I had to lie about it.

He's married.

He said it could ruin him.

Is he okay?

He'll be fine.

And you think Henry... r*ped me?


He loves me.

You said you were unconscious during the as*ault.

You never saw the attacker, he hit you from behind.

It wasn't Henry.

You and Henry had a fight when you came home from the march.

You wanna tell us about that?

He figured out I was in on The Justice League.

He tried to tell me not to go, but I'd promised Stuart we'd go on patrol.

Henry said it was dangerous, stupid.

He got really angry.

I didn't r*pe anybody.

Didn't Leslie tell you we're involved?

No, she told us that you knew that she was on the roof, and that you were angry about it.

You were jealous about it.

I was angry because I didn't want her to get hurt.


And the baggie with the lock of hair in your car--

My client has maintained he has no idea how that got into his car.


Then, why don't you tell us where you were after midnight on March 15th, March 29th, and April 9th?

And please don't say that you were at the restaurant, 'cause we already checked.

Okay, then I was home with my wife and daughter.

Your wife?

You want her to verify this?

Henry, worry about your marriage later.

You're in real trouble here.

Don't go to my wife.

The night of the first r*pe, I was with Amy, my pastry chef.

She's also married, so go ahead and wreck her life too.

The other nights I was either with Leslie or Janette, my wife's sister.


It's not what you think.

You don't want to know what I think.

Three for three.

Leslie, the pastry chef, his sister-in-law, all confirmed Henry's alibis.

Doorman and video footage confirm.

He's not our serial.

Okay, so, somebody put that hair into Henry's car.


Probably the same person who told us he saw Henry on the roof attacking Leslie.

What the hell is wrong with you?

Maria, what are you doing?


No, I want to know why you drive to Philly, you attack a friend of mine--

A friend?

Nick. Nick, not here.

Come on.

That right there is why I stopped marrying ltalian women.

You come to the station?


You embarrass me in front of my squad?

After you as*ault Jason!

Have you lost your mind?

You've been sneaking around with that guy!

What are you talking about?

You told me you stayed home the other day.

You had lunch with him.

You followed me.

You lied to me!

Because I knew that you would react like this.

There is nothing going on between us, okay? We just talk.

Well, I'm your husband, right?

You talk to me.

Like this?

We talk like this.

I am not having an affair.

Yeah, I don't believe you, Maria.

Look, I saw you.

That brownstone on 27th Street.

No name on the door.

You think I'm stupid?

How long have you been following me?

Is that where you meet him?


Is that where you've been screwin' him?


No, that's my psychiatrist's office.

I've been seeing a shrink.

I didn't tell you because I know you can't handle it because you want everything to be perfect.

Well, it's not like that.

I'm not like that.

Look, I didn't--I didn't know.

No, you didn't think.

Because you don't trust me.

I'm your wife.

You can't treat me like one of your suspects.


No, stay away from me.

Maria, listen to me.

Stay away.

Let's go back to work.

You all right?

Yeah, I'm good.


No, it's okay.

Thanks for--


So where were we?

We were looking at Stuart.

He's got no alibi for Henry's beat-down.

It's pretty easy for him to plant the hair in Henry's car.

Warner says it's possible the wounds on Stuart's shoulder were self-inflicted.

I mean, his behavior when we interrogated him-- tearing that styrofoam cup when he talked about Leslie.

He's-- he's obsessive. He works at this comic book store.

I can see it.

He's an outsider who's desperate to be seen as a hero in Leslie's eyes.

You two got all that from the way he tears a cup?

I mean, he leads a double life.

This fantasy life.

We don't know how dark it goes.

Rollins, you and Amaro go back to Stuart.

I-I-I told you, Henry's the guy.

Why haven't you arrested him yet?

We need to make sure all our details are right.

Yeah, Henry's got a lot of supporters.

Every woman in Soho sees him as a hero.

Even Leslie.

Wait-- s-s-still?

Didn't you tell her that he's the r*pist?

Are you with us, Stuart?

Just walk me through this.

You get up here, and what do you see?

I--see Henry leaning over Leslie, about to r*pe her.

And you race over, just in time.


And then he turns, and he has the scissors, and then-- bam, into my shoulder.

Wait, like that?

Was it left-handed, right-handed?

Uh, I guess-- uh, it was his left.


Because our medical examiner said your s*ab wounds were right-handed, upside-down.

Kind of like what you did.


No--what--no, they're-- they're wrong.

Why would I do that?

We're not sure.

I mean, we were thinking it's because you wanted Leslie to think that you'd saved her.

No, I did save her.

From the Soho r*pist.

That's right.


And he's been out there two months?

That's about the same time you've known Leslie, right?

I-I guess.

'Cause she told us how you met.

She came into your store to buy a gift for her nephew?


I--I showed her Jimmy Corrigan.

And obviously The Dark Knight Returns.

And The New Avengers.

She was... really cool.

Yeah, so you don't see a lot of girls like Leslie in a store like yours.


So you told her about your Justice League, and she said she thought it sounded silly, the city was safe.

Yeah, I-I tried to warn her.

Women don't know.


'Cause it wasn't even a week later, and the Soho r*pist struck for the first time.

Leslie came back, and you got to tell her how much you needed her help now, right?

Well, that must've been great.

When she became Fantastica?

And up on the roof with you?

I mean, 12:19?

And on patrol all night long?

Yeah, I--we were partners, just like you two.

And as long as the r*pist stayed out there, you stayed as a team.

Until Henry came along.

With his meetings and sound bites.

You do all the work, and the other guy gets the girl, I mean, it's like high school all over again.

Well, n-no--

A jerk like that?

And he's married, and going around grabbing whatever ass he can.

When'd you figure it out?

Oh, was it the night of the march?

I mean, Leslie was supposed to go on patrol with you, but she left with Henry.

No, she-- she's not like that.

Oh, no?

Hey, Stuart, that's why she was late.

She said she didn't want to come.

She felt sorry for you.

That's not true.

She said Henry was making fun of you.

They were laughing at you.

No. No...

And that copycat a week ago?

You really did save that girl, but Leslie didn't care, did she?

Shut up. Just shut up.

You're out there, risking your life for her, and she's screwing someone else!


You got so angry you hit her over the head with a brick!

You almost k*lled her.

Do you even realize that?

Do you realize you almost k*lled the girl you love?

D-- does Leslie know?

What did she say about me?

She gave up The Justice League.

And I know it was you that set Henry up.

You were there when they beat him up, you were in his car.

She's not Fantastica anymore.

You're not 12:19.

It's over, Stuart.

I-I never meant to hurt her.

Okay? I n-never meant to hurt anyone.

All I wanted... was for her to look at me and know that I was a... a hero.
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