14x14 - Secrets Exhumed

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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14x14 - Secrets Exhumed

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

I don't wanna move.

It's 6 feet, Fin.

You're all still too complacent.

I've said before, I'll say it again.

It's a new year, I wanna shake things up.

I like my old desk.

Well, we can get you a grief counselor.

Says the guy that doesn't have to move.

I'm gone a few months and you're rearranging the furniture?

What's next, carpeting?

Paper towels in the men's room?

Well, if it isn't the man who came in from Cold Case.

Welcome back.

You know, everyone says the DNA bank at the state is a good thing.

Downside, somebody's gotta go through the cases.

Upside, I got a hit on an unsolved r*pe/m*rder from '87.

That's not cold, that's frigid.

What do we got on the suspect so far?

Brian Traymor, 52.

Picked up in Miami on cocaine possession.

By the time his DNA was processed, he had served his three months.

He's being released tomorrow.

I'll have the DA start the extradition papers.

Benson, Amaro, book the next flight to Miami.

Whoa, Cap.

I got a feel for Miami.

I was working down there undercover.


Well, you and Rollins work the case from here.

Re-interview witnesses, track down evidence.

I don't wanna rely on 25-year-old DNA.

South Florida.

I gotta say, it's overrated.

What, the sun, the coffee, people?

The heat, the bugs.


That Cuban sandwich?

Not so much.

I didn't hear you complain about the Bahamas.



You got a problem.

Brian Traymor is being released today.


Okay, so what's the problem?

FBI beat you to the punch.


Olivia. Hey.

Long time.

FBI Agent Lewis, this is my partner Nick Amaro.

Nice to meet you, sunshine.

You too.

Hey, can I ask what the FBI's interest is in a New York cold case?

We think he's a serial.

He's our prime suspect in three other r*pe/murders--

Sacramento, Philadelphia, Washington, besides two in New York.

But the DNA matched a Manhattan case makes it ours.

And these aren't federal crimes.

How about we work together on this?

Just so you know, Nick, when she asks, it's not really a question.

Yeah, I'm getting that.


Did you know he was in a wheelchair?

I'm as surprised as you are.


Brian Traymor.

We have a warrant for your arrest.

Look, I did my time on the coke bust.

I--they said I could go home.

Boy, you were misinformed.

Yeah, we'll be taking you back to your old stomping grounds.

New York City.

For what?

r*pe... and m*rder.

It's taken 25 years, but your past has finally caught up to you.

[Dramatic music]

Brian Traymor is paralyzed from the waist down in a bus accident, April 1988, three months after his last suspected attack.

Well, that explains his absence from the system for over two decades.


Are we sure he's good for all five?

It's the same pattern.

All of the women were r*ped, then tied up, and strangled with athletic tape.

He wore latex gloves and stuffed 'em in the women's mouths.

Turns out, from '86 to '88, Brian was the assistant equipment manager to the Atlanta Barons basketball team.

Their away game schedule puts him in every city or on a day off at the times of the murders.

DNA wasn't usually run in '87.

How'd we get lucky?

Cold Case in Sacramento and New York ran DNA from r*pe kits ten years ago.

No hits until Traymor was arrested.

Swabs match Traymor's DNA on the Sacramento victim, Theresa Grey, and the first New York victim.

Gina Mantos.

Philadelphia, Washington never ran DNA, so we put in a request to expedite.

Well, how about a confession?

Did Traymor give anything up on the plane ride?

Just looked out the window, but he did waive his right to counsel.

Captain, before he changes his mind, how about Nick and I take a run at him?

I was part of the initial profiling.

I would appreciate sitting in.

And we appreciate you being here, but this is NYPD's case and we'll take the lead.

[Cell phone chimes]


But I will be observing.

My bosses are understandably anxious.

Hold up, we got a break.

The first New York vic, Gina-- found her former roommate.

Gina went to the garden a lot back then.

She was a basketball fan?

More the players than the sport.

She really wanted to meet Michael Jordan.

Can we ask you to look at some photos of a possible suspect?

Uh... seriously?

It was such a long time ago.

The DNA may be catching up with him.

He might finally have to pay for what he did.


Yeah, he looked right past me.

Made a fool out of himself trying to get a Minnesota girl's attention.

Where was that?

A sports bar near the garden.

The night the girl was k*lled?

A couple months before.

You know, I think he told Gina that he worked for the team.

I was so jealous.

Guys always hitting on her.

Her folks paying her rent.

Then I walked in and found her.

It was horrible.

I just tried to forget all that.

Gina Mantos.

You remember her.




It doesn't ring a bell.

But she's cute.

She's dead!

Yeah, well, I don't know nothing about that.

So you've never seen her, Brian?

How long ago was this?

What, 20 years?


You would've met her here in New York.

Yeah, you worked for the Atlanta Barons.

They had a game that night.

You were in town.

Her roommate says that she saw you talking to her in a bar a few months earlier.

The Barons were also in town.

Listen, sweetheart, you-- you know how many women I talked to in the '80s?

Yeah, you see girls at games.

You lure them in, tell 'em that you're some big deal on the team.

Yeah, well, I never lied about my job.

Yeah, but these girls-- they didn't wanna meet the assistant equipment manager.

They wanted to meet the players.

I did all right.


Runoff was fine.

Yeah? You do all right with Gina?


I was very different back then.


You know, when I wasn't in this...

[Clears throat] chair.

Back when you could walk.

When you could have sex.

I don't know, man.

Me, if I were you...

I'd remember that.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah, man.

Maybe I remember meeting her.

Well, you did more than that.

Your DNA was found on her body.

We know that you were with her.

Okay, so what?



I went home with her.

Don't mean I k*lled her.

Brian, let me ask you something.

That bus that hit you broke your spinal cord.

It didn't just cr*pple you.

It made you impotent.

You've had 25 years to think about that accident.

You ever think it was karma?

Mr. and Mrs. Stanger.

I'm Detective Rollins.

Thank you for coming in.

You're the one who called us.

You said you know who k*lled our daughter?

Uh, this way.

No, none of these men look familiar.

Kira wouldn't have gone with a man like that.

Was your daughter a basketball fan?

No! She went to Bennington, studied music.

She hated sports.

When Kira moved to New York, you were living in Vermont.

Still are.

Same house Kira grew up in.

It's possible that maybe you didn't know everything that Kira did for fun.

We knew.

We met Noah, her fiance, two weeks after she met him.

They were so in love.

That's how we knew what the police told us was crap, that Kira was k*lled by a man she met in a bar.

She never would've opened the door to a stranger.

She was a kindergarten teacher.

Noah was traveling on business.

She told me how much she missed him.

This man you say you have, he didn't k*ll our daughter.

Okay, Brian, let's go over it again.

Sacramento, February '87.

Theresa, your first victim.

You r*ped and m*rder*d her.

Yeah, yeah.

She screamed when I did her.

Number two. Philly.



Three. Washington.



She just laid there.

Four. Gina.

She was nuts.

I already told you.

Yeah, we wanna make sure for the record.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Whatever, yeah.

I did 'em all.

What can I say?

Me and the ladies just... never work out.

And number five.


New York.


I never met her.

It's been over 15 hours and he still hasn't confessed to the fifth?

Kira Stanger.

What do we have on her?


Same MO.

r*ped, tied up, strangled with athletic tape, uh, latex gloves stuffed in the mouth.

I talked to her folks.

They insist Kira would never pick up a stranger.

Did y'all take another look at the r*pe kit?

They run all the forensics?

Yeah, it's negative on prints, blood, and fluids.

Did they save the tape, the latex gloves?

Did we run touch DNA in the gloves?

We can certainly make another call to Cold Case.

They get lonely.

Let's pay 'em a visit.

Tell 'em the FBI is breathing down our necks.

Oh, and take Munch.

They love him over there.

I already sent the Kira Stanger r*pe kit to the lab.

It was negative.

We're hoping to find touch DNA from other evidence.

You have any idea what was collected at the scene?

I have the accession log right here.


Okay, latex gloves, athletic tape.

Got fingernail clippings from the vic.

We could get lucky.

Oh, careful.

This thing's falling apart.


Looks like somebody got here ahead of you.

What? Wait a minute.

Look, ten years ago, the tape and gloves are listed as being checked out by a Detective O'Reilly?

As part of the original investigation?

No. He's Cold Case?

Don't think so.

They re-opened a bunch of '80s cases a few years back.

Hold up.

This empty box is listed as one of two.

Where's the other one?

Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in.

Number five.

New York. Kira.

You r*ped and you k*lled her just like you did the other girls.


I never seen her before.

No? Come on, man.

That's what you said at first about the other four girls.

This one I didn't do.

She's not even my type.

Red hair?

I didn't do her!

Brian, we can prove that you did now!

We have semen from the first four bodies!

Your DNA!

And Kira, even without the semen, we're gonna find your DNA inside that latex glove.

I mean, whatever you say, man.

No, we need to hear you say it.

Look, I just wanna get outta this room.

That's not happening until you start telling the truth.

The truth?

I didn't touch this bitch!

I hate redheads!

Keep this up--get off me--

I'm gonna ask for that lawyer.

Why is he stalling on the last vic?

Cretin probably knew that she was pregnant.

Oh, yeah, Kira Stanger was two months along when she died.

Police kept it out of autopsy reports to save the family.

All right, so the FBI knew that.


How did he know?

She probably told him... when she was begging for her life.


Captain, I realize this is New York, but I know him.

Thank you.

Man up, get it over with.

Mr. Traymor.

Dana Lewis.


So your captain said that y'all can take a break.

Mr. Traymor and I are gonna keep on talking.

He's all yours...


[Door slams]

Mr. Traymor, it may not seem like it right now, but I am here as your friend.

I don't get it.

You know you're going back to prison...

In a wheelchair.

That's not the easiest thing in the world.

There are places where you will be lucky to get outta that chair.

You will be lucky to get a bucket.

But there's other places... that are just a little bit more enlightened.

What do you want?

I know you k*lled her.


Don't talk, just listen.

You worried about her being pregnant?

No one has to know about that.

You tell me the truth right now and everything is gonna be okay.

She was pregnant?

See? I knew you knew.

But it doesn't matter.

Everything's gonna be all right.

Because I know.

I know.

It's been a tough road all these years, stuck in that chair.

People looking right through you, nobody knowing what you are capable of.

But I see you, and I saw you back then.

Captain, we were right there.

He was about to lawyer up.

Until we talked him down.

It doesn't hurt to switch it up.

Liv, you got a second?

You had to show these girls what it was like to be with a real man.

They didn't appreciate you, and here you are.

I bet... it did feel good to tell the truth about those girls, didn't it, Brian?

Like a weight... just... lifted off your shoulders.


It's like a pressure... pushing down on your head... like a brick.

Let it go.

I think that the man who did all that is not the man you are today.

Unless you own up to it, you can never move on.

I want you to have peace.

Brian... don't you want that too?



Well, take another look.

You remember her.

So... pretty.

So young.

Those eyes.

Do you remember?

I remember.

Rollins checked in.

The samples from Kira's evidence box were checked out ten years ago by a detective unrelated to the case who can't--or won't-- remember why.

Cold Case.

More like... Lost Case.

Yeah, the detective did mention the FBI being involved.

They were.

Excuse me.

I'm looking for Detective Rollins.

Can we help you?

Uh, Ms. Rollins, she said there's a suspect in custody in Kira Stanger's m*rder.

And you are?

Noah Bunning.

I was Kira's fiance.

Her parents called.

I just flew in from Seattle.

That was nice work.

He's done!

He said he's gonna sleep on it, but he's there.

We got him!


Excuse me?

I-it's Noah.

Oh! Of course.

I'm sorry, it's been a crazy day.

Wait, you two know each other?

Yeah, it's been a long time.

Noah, I-I think we finally got him.

Traymor confessed to Kira, too?

Uh, yeah.

Well, you took him to the edge.

I just flicked him over.

I can't believe this.

I know!

It's been a shock.

I gotta call my team, and then I'll fill you in.

Nick can do that.

Of course.

So we'll catch up later.

Mr. Bunning, grab your bag.

Right this way.
So we got him on all five?


Have a seat.

I'll call the DA, see where we are with charging him.

I didn't realize you two had met.

You said you didn't talk to the family.

Oh, the parents, but Noah and I, we've known each other since... college.

You never mentioned that.

It was 25 years ago.

I was a senior and he was a freshman at, uh, Tulane, and I think he had a little crush on me.

But that boy has had his life pulled out from under him.

I gotta tell you, none of these guys means anything.

Uh, you and Kira ever watch basketball?



She was from Vermont.

Other than cross-country skiing, she thought sports were ridiculous.


And where were you that night?

At Duke.

I was a textbook salesmen.

If I'd been home...

I'm sorry.

It's so surreal.

It's not like I think about it every day anymore.

I got married.

I had a kid.

I got divorced.

But I'll tell you, not a month goes by something doesn't remind me of Kira.

I'm sorry, I guess this is bringing back, you know--

Uh, Kira's parents never bought what the cops... told them, by the way, about her bringing a guy home.

She was shy.

He must've drugged her or broken in somehow.

Dana said that was maybe a possibility.

What, Agent Lewis?

I called her when it happened.

NYPD had already brought her in.

Wait, so you two stayed in touch after college?

A little more than that.

We--we-- we dated on and off.


I just didn't realize, uh-- did she talk to you about her cases?

We didn't, uh, talk a lot...

If you... know what I mean.

No, but let me ask you.

Kira getting pregnant-- that was planned?



In fact, I... freaked out at first.

But then I realized it was meant to be.

So you stopped seeing Dana?

I guess I must've.


I mean, Dana, you know, I always knew she wasn't... the one.



Kira's m*rder--like, did you hear Brian confess?

Well, I missed the end game, but he admitted knowing her, put himself in the room.

But did he say where he met her?

Nick, the pattern is pretty clear.

This one's a little different.

She wasn't a sports fan, there's no DNA.

Nick, we're good.

Dana just gave me the blow by blow.

All right, but she didn't tell you that she and Noah dated off and on, even after Kira?

Well, she's a private person.


Look, Lewis and Noah were old friends.

She's FBI, knew the k*ller's profile.

She might've talked about it with Noah.

He had an alibi.


He was a suspect initially.

They ruled him out.

Yeah, well, can't hurt to double check.

Okay, I'll have Fin and Rollins see if they can track down the original detective.

There's one more question.

When Lewis broke in on Liv and me with Brian, was that your idea?

No, she asked, said she knew this guy.

She did.

She knew his patterns.

Well, she was obsessed with Brian.

If Noah knew that--

You think that he played her and she didn't know about it.

Not a chance.

You know, most murders, bad kills bad.

Kira, she was a genuine victim.

Not a drop of liquor in the house.

A teacher.

Any other suspects?

We had to look at the fiance, naturally, but he had an airtight alibi.

How airtight?

Receipts, phone records, plane tickets.

Besides, after interviewing him, there was no way.

His heart was broken.

Well, we heard the FBI was in on this.

Oh, yeah.

They had this girl profiler.

She acted like it was her crime scene and we were just the hired help.

Did she ever mention that she knew the fiance?

No! That one?


She was all business.

20 hours in this chair.


That wasn't right.

Well... you can take your rest now.

I'm not tired.

You got something on your mind?

Doesn't matter.

I've been doing this a while, and usually, when you finally confess... it's easy to fall asleep.

Let me ask you something.

That last girl, the one the FBI lady talked about-- she really pregnant?


That's tough.

Why was she drinking in the bar?

Is that where you met her?

I guess, but... you're the ones who told me that.

So what do you remember about her?

Look, I'll tell you the truth.

You seen me in this wheelchair.

The only sex life I've had in the last 25 years, man, is right here.

Those other four girls?

I remember them.

Every detail.

I replay it.

You get tired of one tape, go to the next.

This last girl-- it's like the tape got erased.

So Noah, he's why you stayed on this.

Yeah, partly.

So he called you after Kira was k*lled?

Yeah, and then--after which I had to recuse myself.

The Bureau, they're real sticklers on that.

And do you remember when the last time you talked to him was before Kira was k*lled?

Honestly, I don't.

[Phone ringing]




What's he saying?

Okay, yeah.

On my way.

Bad news.

Brian's recanting.

On all of them?

No, just on the last one.

He's claiming coercion.

Liv, listen to me.

Look, all I know is Brian's not good for this.


Look, Noah has an alibi, but he might've had help.

Nick, listen to me.

Dana is not involved.

She's as dedicated a law enforcement officer as I am.


What is taking Brian so long?

He was in the bathroom.

Just let me check.


So let's close this out.

Brian had an accident.

They're changing his clothes.

He's just trying to draw this thing out, and if y'all had been videotaping my interview, he'd be in arraignment right now!

We'll get you a camera, Agent Lewis.

Brian's in the crash room.

Uni knows not to let anyone in.


Lewis asked for video.

Now he says he's got digestive distress.

Uni's cleaning him up.

You're the one who's been taking care of him, so, uh, where's he at?

He's out of denial, starting to show remorse, worried about the families-- everyone's except Kira's.

Well, I thought about that.

There was no semen... found at the scene.

So he failed to perform, and he--he didn't want to admit it.


He was also upset about Kira's pregnancy and that she was at a bar.

Video's up.

Let me check on Brian.

Kira's parents said the same thing.

They said that there's no way that Kira would take a stranger home.

Did Kira go to school with you and Noah?

Uh, no.

He was younger than me.

And she was younger than him.

But you were still in contact with Noah when he met Kira?


Gosh, I don't--I don't remember.

Uh, it was so long ago.

Did you ever meet Kira?

Honey, I can't remember.

I might have met her at a party.

She's trying to suss out where we are.

Do you have any idea when that was?

We're streaming live.

How was Staten lsland?


But the original detective's sure Noah's not good for this.

But here's another possibility.

That detective said Agent Lewis was all over that crime scene.

Even though she told Liv she was down in Georgia at the time.

Is Munch still at Cold Case?

Don't hold your breath on finding that second box.

Should we give the FBI an... update?

Let's give Liv one first.

[Knocks at door]

Fin and Rollins are back from talking to the original detective.

Oh, and he sends his best, Agent Lewis.


I thought you said you had to recuse yourself.




I mean, I kept my eye on it.


And why are you talking to this detective?

He's probably senile by now.

If you have any loose threads, ask me.

Well, we just wanted to double check Noah's alibi.

Well, he's not good for it!

Where's Brian?

I am as frustrated as you are, and I will bring him down here myself if I have to.

You were all looking into Noah and you didn't fill me in?

We thought you might have a blind spot.

Why? Because I dated him in college?

Noah says that it was much more than that.

Oh, well, he did?


Wasn't to me.

I didn't take it all that seriously.

Even though he ended it with you right after he met her?

I was in Quantico.

I was consumed with my career.

I wasn't obsessed with some old boyfriend.


So you did call him your boyfriend.

What's going on here?

If I didn't know better, I would say that this was an interrogation.

Shall I Mirandize you?

You got something to ask...

Ask me.

Talk to me, Dana.


How did we end up here?

How did we end up here?

Really, Olivia?

And where is it that you think we are?

Brian's not good for this, but you know that.

Your buddy Noah has an airtight alibi.

If you were me, talking to somebody who profiled the k*ller, who hid her personal ties with the deceased--

I'd ask me where I was that night.

Snellville, Georgia.

And no, I can't prove it.

I was undercover.



I'm not good for this.

You run touch DNA on those gloves, you'll see.

Captain, I'm trying!

It's not like a needle in a haystack, it's more like... a piece of hay in a haystack.

Fin, go to Cold Case and help Munch.

And take your reading glasses.

While we're waiting, I mean, she just brought up the latex gloves.

Maybe we follow through?



Oh, come on!

What is this, a whisper about a break in the case?

Y'all are on fire now.

Okay, Agent Lewis.

You want us to play it straight, you've got a problem here.

Well, enlighten me.

The forensic evidence that you talked about, it's gone, but... you knew that, didn't you?


Is everybody here paranoid?

We caught a break though.

The detective that checked out the evidence didn't realize he was checking out box one of two.

You found it!


Did you check the gloves that he stuffed in her mouth?

Oh, no, those weren't in the box, but...


We recovered Kira's fingernail clippings.

There was blood on 'em.

We're gonna run the DNA, Dana.

You are?

Well, my DNA may be there, because I was at the crime scene, and I was at the morgue.

And cross-contamination is the bane of forensics across the country.

You know, all these bluffs--

I wrote the book on 'em.

The problem is they don't work on someone who isn't guilty.

I, uh--

I guess I'm not sure why I'm here again.

You--you've got his confession, right?

There are some inconsistencies-- things Dana told us, told you.

You wanna talk to me about Dana?

Well, more about the Dana you knew back then.

Now, you told me she wasn't the one.

Did Dana know that?

I-I don't know.


Yes, she must have.

All right, so you broke up with her?

Well, it wasn't really a breakup.

I was traveling a lot.

Ah, so you did the fade away?

I guess.

And she did have feelings for you?

Did she ever talk about wanting more?

Getting married, starting a family?


I told her I wasn't ready.

So how long after that did you tell her you were gonna marry Kira?

A few months.

And when I told her, she lost it.

Sh--she wouldn't stop shaking.

You're saying this wasn't a stranger...

That Kira--

Noah, help me here.



Just have a seat.

This... was more than just a breakup.

Wasn't it?

Whatever happened, I'm sure that there was a good reason.

Listen to you.

Rationalize, project, minimize.

You've used every tool.

If I did have something to confess, I'd give it to you just to make you feel better about yourself.

[Mocking laugh]

The cavalry.

Did you come in to rescue your partner, tell her she's lost?

She's right, Liv.

We are not there yet...

Not without motive.

Oh, and I'm guessing you have a theory about that.

Well, I do know you were upset when Noah told you he was engaged to Kira.

You remember that night?

The motel room, after you let him screw you.


Ouch! Ouch!

Look at sunshine, playing hardball.

You think I'm jealous of some kindergarten teacher?

Some small life in a small world.

You think that I would sacrifice my career and my life for that--that speck?


You know, everyone still talks about how beautiful she was, how young.

When she met Noah, she stole your future.

My future was with The Bureau.

That's not what you told Noah when he got you pregnant.

That was private.

He had no right to tell you.

And you wanted to start a family.

Noah said he wasn't ready, so... you had an abortion.

Oh, I did?

It was my idea?


Noah asked you to.

I don't remember.

It was a long time ago.

Dana, even then, that must've gone against... everything you believed in.

You know me, I get over things.

I've been r*ped.

I've been shot.

Still, you'd been seeing him for what, six, seven years?

You loved him.

Not after he lied to me.

What did he tell you?

That if you got an abortion that you two could be together?


And I'm an FBI profiler.

I'm supposed to be able to look people in the face and tell you when they're lying.

How long after that did he tell you he was marrying Kira?

Um, I don't remember.

It was a long time ago.

Two months, if that.

Two months?


No wonder you blocked it out.

The hurt, the betrayal.

He asks you to get an abortion, and then he leaves you for her.

I was better off.

He falls for one of those wounded birds who traps men in their cages.

He can ask me to get an abortion, but she was gonna fall apart if he asks her.

Do you remember how you found out she was pregnant?


Noah must've told me.

No, he didn't.

I asked.

Then it must've been one of the detectives.

Or Kira.

What was it that you told the captain... about Brian?

How he found out that Kira was pregnant when she was begging for her life?


Is that how you found out?

A week after Noah left you in that motel, Kira was m*rder*d.

Would you please tell him that I could never do something like that?

I am just like you.

I have dedicated my entire life to justice and to doing good in the world.

You know me!

I do.

She's one of the best, Nick.

Thank you.

But I can't help from wondering if all that sacrifice, everything that you have done, has been to make amends, Dana, to make up for that one mistake.


Don't say that, Olivia.

Don't say that.

No wonder you spent so much time undercover, because you were running away from yourself, Dana, from what you had done.

It must've been so hard to keep that horrible secret locked up inside of you.


It's time now.

You gotta let it go.

You're right, I do know you.

And I know that you didn't go over there planning to do this.

Just let that go.

I we--

I went over.

I just wanted--

I just wanted to tell her that he wasn't any more in love with her than he was with me, that he was using both of us.

She said sh-- she felt sorry for me, but that they were meant to be, and that when she told him that she was pregnant, that he got down on his knees and asked her to marry him, and that he looked so happy!

That's how you found out.

And I-I don't even know what happened next.

I mean, I came to...


I looked down, there was a body lying right in front of me, and she looked so pretty.

And I remember thinking, God, until that one moment, I bet that little girl never had anything go wrong in her whole life.

But she was gone, and the only life worth saving was your own, so you staged the crime scene.

I guess I did.


I don't remember.

I was just so familiar with all Brian's patterns.

I guess I was just on autopilot.

I'm sorry.

Olivia, I'm sorry.

I know.

[Door opens]

Dana Lewis, you are under arrest for the m*rder of Kira Stanger.


I understand.

It's time.

25 years.


I understand.

[Handcuffs click]
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