14x15 - Deadly Ambition

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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14x15 - Deadly Ambition

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

SVU is 84.

Domestic sh*ts fired.

We're waiting at the scene for ESU.

Copy that, SVU.

Please, don't hurt me!

The hell with waiting.



Hands up!

Move away!

Bitch, you better bounce!

Where the g*ns, bitch?

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Back up! Do not resist!


[g*n cocks]


Got you, Amanda.

Don't laugh, Fin.

You were next.

SVU detectives tend to see women as victims.

You turn your back--

No, we get it.

Lieutenant, we up next?

[Claps] Let's rock and roll.

I have to go in with him?


[Whistle blows]

Range is closed!



We want to avoid civilian causalities.

Captain, if I'm sh**ting, I'm emptying the whole gat.

Uh, other than Wild Bill Hickok here, how'd we do?

Amaro, nice center mass grouping.

Benson, dead on.

Rollins is Annie Oakley, though.

Close to perfect.

Who's there?

Amanda, it's me.

Oh, my God, Kim.

Hi to you too.

I called, but--

How did you get in here?

I made a key last time I was here.

I hope you don't mind.

It's 10 PM.

Why do you have sunglasses on?


Oh, no.

Is it Jeff?

He hit you? I--

All right, just stop being a cop for a second, okay?

I got good news.

I'm pregnant.

You're gonna be an aunt.



[Law & Order theme]

And Jeff is the father.

You told me you were done with him.

Well, I was, until Thanksgiving.

Does he know about the baby?


He didn't mean to hurt me.

He just lost his temper.

And does Jeff know you're in New York?


I told him it was over, but I think he's on his way here.

He won't listen to me.

He'll listen to me.

Get some sleep.

I'll take the couch.

I'm so lucky to have you, Amanda.


I covered for you.


My sister's back in town.

What's her problem now?

She's pregnant, and Jeff's the father.

Her abusive ex.

She broke it off with him, but I guess he followed her up here, so--

Look, if he's stalking her, get a temp order.

She know where he is?

She could find out.

We'll go talk to him, man to man.

No, no, y'all don't need to get dragged into my family business.

Forget it.

We got your back, Amanda.

[Rock music playing]

Jeff Parker, Kim's not coming to meet you.

Amanda put you up to this?

She's crazy.

Kim's moved on.

So should you.

You guys got it all wrong.

She--she called me, all right?

She said she missed me.

Asked me to come up.

Was that before or after you gave her a black eye?

Listen, you touch her again, we send you back to Georgia with your ass in a sling.

So they let you take a long lunch whenever you want?

Must be nice, being a detective.

You know, just a heads up.

Nick and Fin talked to Jeff, unofficial warning.

They didn't have to do that.


Look, they're so little.

You want a boy or a girl?

Did the doctor tell you yet?

I told him I didn't really want to know.

It's gonna be amazing, having a baby.

It's not gonna be easy, on your own.

I'll have you, right?

Hey, I got something to say to you!

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

How'd you find us?

If you don't want to be found, then don't check in on Foursquare.

That was just a shout out to my girls at the Huddle House.

You know what?

Get out of here, Jeff.

Can you butt out, Amanda?

I need to talk to my fiance.

No, I told you that is not happening.

You know what?

You're done, Jeff, okay?

Stay away from her.

Or what?

You gonna pull your g*n out on me in the middle of a baby store?

You're not gonna get another warning, okay?

This ain't over, not by a long shot.

All right, back to the questionnaire.

"The respondent has acted in a way I consider dangerous or threatening."


"The respondent has access to g*ns."

Amanda, we're from Georgia.

You think he'd bring something with him?

Jeff knows all about the new g*n laws up here.

He's dumb, but he's not that dumb.

You really have to do that?

The judge'll want proof to grant the order.


This petition involves two out-of-state residents?

But my sister is staying with me now, Judge.

I mean, I'm taking responsibility.

And Mr. Parker followed her here.

All right, Detective.

I'm still concerned that none of the alleged incidents took place in New York, but your sworn statement does carry weight.

Thank you, Your Honor.

Just don't serve that yourself.

Thank you.

Benson and Fin are serving the papers.

Wait, right now?

I should call him first.

No, no, absolutely not.

Okay, Kim, he gets within spitting distance of you, he gets arrested.

I'll explain how all of it works later, okay?

I thought we could have dinner?

I'll only be a few hours.

[Knock at door]

Jeff Parker.

This is a temporary order of protection.

Consider yourself served.


Oh, man.

Is everyone in New York in cahoots with Kim's sister?

Don't violate the order.


I need an order of protection.

Against both of them.

Why don't you just quit while you're behind and go home?

Amanda can't keep me from my baby.

Do you want us to bring you in right now?

I didn't think so.

Hey, is--uh, is Detective Rollins here?

You must be her sister.

Kim. Hi.

You must be Nick.


She did not tell me how cute you are.

Good to meet you, Kim.

Uh, Amanda told me she'd be here.

Uh, you know, I have not seen her.

Have you tried her cell?

Yeah, I left her a message.

But, um, is it okay if I just wait for her here?

Yeah, sure.


Actually, um, y'all don't got any change do you?

All my singles are crumpled.

For the vending machine?

I haven't really had a chance to eat anything today.

You know, let's get you a real meal, hmm?

Do you like Chinese?

Yeah, I love it.

I hear what you all are saying about triggers, 'cause my sister pushes all of my buttons.

She doesn't worry about anything.

So I worry about everything.

So Amanda walks in-- she's not even ten years old-- she picks up a squirrel g*n and says, "You touch my mama again, I'll blow your kneecaps off."

[Both laugh]

She hasn't really changed.


You two had it tough growing up.

Yeah, well, at least it wasn't boring.


What are you doing here?

Sorry, Nick.

No, it's okay.

We're having a nice time.

I don't do so well, sitting alone in your apartment, remember?

Our pizza delivery r*pist struck again.

He switched to the West Side.

Our vic is on her way to St. Luke's.

Who's up?

Uh, I'll call Liv, have her meet me.

No, no.

I mean, it's okay.

I'm--I'm good to go.

Uh, you head home.

I've got a DVR now, so I'll call you on my way back.


We'll make sure your sister gets a lift to your place.

Thank you, Captain.

Amanda told me how you've always got her back.


Jeff, come on, stop.


Get out of here!

Get off me!

Jeff, you're hurting me!


Get off of her!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

I told him he couldn't be here, Amanda!

She called me, okay?

Tell her, Kim!

No, I didn't!

Get your hands up!

He's got a g*n!


[Kim screams, Jeff groans]

He had a g*n.

She was screaming.

It was a good sh**t.

So don't make your first mistake by answering questions.

I'm gonna tell you what I told the captain.

You speak to no one but your delegate or a lawyer.

Captain Cragen?

I'm Captain Reece.

She one of yours?

Detective Amanda Rollins, yes.

And she won't answer any questions unless she has a delegate.

She's right.

Get her a delegate.

And if she says anything, mirandize her.

Make it stick.

Lieutenant Tucker, why are you here?

Officer-involved sh**ting, her second in a year.


I see you haven't changed.

Save it.

What do we have?

Detective Rollins walks in, sees her sister being sexually assaulted by the deceased.

Assailant had a g*n.

Sister confirms.

We know how he got in the apartment? He break the chain?

No, that was me.

Oh, you knew he had a g*n.

Now is not the time, Lieutenant.

I'll need her for questioning.

After she gets checked out.

Okay, but Kim needs an exam.

She's pregnant.

Captain Reece will see that she gets there.

Amanda, let's go.

Detective Rollins, I'm your delegate, Didi Denzler.

They'll do a complete tox screen and blood alcohol level, so if there's anything we need to deal with--

There's not.

You should also talk to the department psychologist ASAP.

You're making way more out of this than-- than what it is.

He was raping my sister.

I mean, he had a g*n.

And he's also the father of her baby, and a year from now at Christmas, she may not feel the same way.

I don't go home for Christmas.

Like I said, psychologist, first thing tomorrow.

She k*lled her sister's boyfriend?


How's she doing?

Well, you know, Amanda.

She's by the book.

She's not losing any sleep over it.

Hasn't sunk in yet.

Her sister is pregnant.

The ex, he was the father?


Oh, hey.

Hey, Nick.

You came by to see me?

That's so sweet.

Actually, I was looking for Amanda.

Oh, that's the story of my life.

Are you doing all right?

You mean, besides being pregnant with my baby daddy's blood all over me?

She's trying to make me do a r*pe kit, but I don't want to hurt the baby.

I understand that, but it could help your sister if we had evidence of the as*ault.

Of course.

It's just, he wasn't really raping me, you know?

I mean, he tried, but he-- he didn't, you know--

Kim, you should let them document any injuries, for your sister's sake.

Amanda's gonna be fine.

Amanda is always fine.

You're still coming down off an adrenaline rush.

And when you do, you may have some trouble sleeping.

I won't.

And I won't be depressed, second-guess my actions, or wonder what kind of life that guy would've had if had lived.

Detective, I know you've been through this before, but this session is--

Is to make sure that the department is covered if I eat my g*n.

I won't.


What you just said, I think we should talk about it.

Have you had suicidal thoughts?

No, I'm annoyed.


Yeah, the guy I shot had it coming.

You know, my sister didn't help.

She invites drama into her life and she drags me into it, so "annoyed" pretty much sums it up.

So you're saying that you've cleaned up her messes before?

It's her fault.

No, I didn't say that.

But it's not mine.

What else are you feeling?

I just want to get back to work.

But you know that department policy won't allow active duty until after this investigation is closed.

But I passed my psych.

I can state that your reaction to the situation is well within the norm, but we should have a follow-up session.

Yeah, whatever I need to do.


In the meantime, call me if you have any anxiety or trouble sleeping.

I'll sleep when I get my g*n back.

Jeff's g*n was an M-19-11 .45 sold through the internet and sent to his address two years ago.

One of six g*ns he bought that way.

And as per Georgia law, unregistered, but completely legal.

Neighbors confirm the rest of the story.

Kim screams.

The door is kicked in.

Double tap.

Jeff's dead.

It's not gonna stop Tucker from trying to take her badge away.

But how?

There's nothing here.

Nick, we got a lot of history with this guy.

History? He tried to take my badge away.

We're not being paranoid here, Nick.

This guy has it in for us.

Well, I was asleep and I heard a knock, and I just thought it was Amanda.

You let him in?

Well, I opened the door and then he forced his way in, you know, yelling and screaming about how he was gonna take back what was his, meaning me.

How much longer after he arrived did Detective Rollins get there?

Pretty quickly.

You know, I was screaming, and then the next thing I knew, I heard the sh*ts.

How many sh*ts were fired?

I don't know.

Two, three.

Did the officer identify herself?

Amanda? Well, Jeff--

Jeff knew who she was.

They knew each other?

What was the tenor of their relationship?

Lieutenant, let's stick to the incident.

After the sh*ts were fired, then what?

Um, Amanda told me not to touch anything and to call 911, and then I think she checked on Jeff.

I entered and I saw Jeff, the deceased, on top of her.

I believed he was attempting to r*pe her.

And it was bright enough to see that?

Yeah, she was struggling, screaming.

Go on.

I said, "Hands up.

Get off of her."

Um, he turned.

Uh, Kim yelled, "He's got a g*n."

I fired.

You saw the g*n?

Well, he grabbed it from the floor behind him.

But did you see the g*n?


And Kim gave me a warning as well.

Well, if ballistics and forensics match your story, you should be fine here.

[Door opens]

Welcome, ladies.

Nice man cave.

I'm hoping that CSU works a little faster than normal and we can be out of your hair soon.

Don't even worry about it.

You guys can take Ken's old room down the hall.

Man, they should put you up if your place is a crime scene.
[Cell phone rings]

Listen, if my sister gets to be too much, you let me know.

She'll be fine.

The question is, how are you doing?

The sooner the paperwork's done, the better.

But what if that's not the way it happened?

Can I-- can I call you back?

Everything all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I like it here.

'Cause I've got to get back, but we'll get supper tonight when I get home.


Anything you want.

Maybe Chinese again.



I love you.

I love you too.

[Knocks on door]

Sorry to bother you, Lieutenant.

It's not a bother.

What can I do for you?

Well, it's just that, uh, I hate to go behind Amanda's back, but there's something I need to tell you.

Have a seat, Ms. Rollins.

I appreciate you coming in, Detective.

You said you had a few loose ends?


About your relationship with Jeff Parker.


When did the two of you meet?

Uh, my sister brought him home for Easter.

Uh, 2010, I-I believe.

That was in your hometown?

Loganville, yeah.

What'd you think of him?

Well, your general impression.

Did you like the guy, did you not like the guy?

I don't know.

I didn't really think much about him one way or the other.

Oh, okay.

How did you feel about him six months later in Atlanta?

I don't know what you're referring to.

When you slammed him against the wall and threatened to arrest him.

Who told you that?


He had beaten my sister the night before.

I mean, I had to take her to the ER.

So, yes?


Yes, you have a history of physical force and threats with the deceased.

Well, he was a danger to Kim.


Now four months ago, in your apartment in New York, you pulled a g*n on Mr. Parker.

He was attacking my sister.

Did she say that?

I saw it.

How did he get in the apartment?

Kim invited him in.

Okay, so knowing that, you still said, "If you're not out that door in 30 seconds, I'll sh**t you"?

I may have said something like that.

Did you also say, "You show up again, no warning"?

Was he really attacking your sister or did you just not want this guy in your house?


[Clicks TV off]

Now what in the hell did you tell Tucker?

Okay, just listen--

Did you tell him that I pulled my g*n on Jeff last year?

I had to.

You changed your story about the night of the sh**ting.

You said Jeff didn't try to r*pe you. Why?

I had to make it seem like an accident.

But it wasn't an accident.

I mean, he was raping you.

Yeah, he was about to, but it would be better if we said that he wasn't.

You know what?

I could lose my badge, Kim.

I could go to prison, okay?

So you're gonna have to go, and you're gonna have to straighten this out right now.

You're not listening to me. I can't.

Yeah, Kim, you can.

Then we ain't gonna get the money.

What are you talking about?

Well, I kind of took a life insurance policy out on Jeff.

Kind of?

Actually, we both did.

Your name's on there too.

But we have to make it seem like an accident, not while he was committing a felony, or else-- that cannot go on the police report.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

They won't pay.



When--when did you buy this policy?

Two months ago.

When I found out I was pregnant.

I need to see a copy of it.

I don't have one.

Get it, Kim, now.

Okay. Okay.

You know, you're a smart girl.

I don't know why you can't just roll with this.

We'll finally be rich.

So your sister forged the name on the policy.

She has impulse control issues.

She thought she was helping me out.

Can I keep this?

Yes. It's no good anyway.

Oh, we'll be in touch with Atlanta Fidelity to verify that.

Well, that's why I'm here without a lawyer.

I just want to get the truth out here.

I appreciate that.

My sister will confirm that she was att*cked two days ago, and she warned me that Jeff had a g*n.

It was a good sh**ting.

So she'll change her story again?

Look, I came in right away as soon as I found out about the policy.

I've got nothing to hide here.


I've gone over your jacket, Detective.

I understand you had a gambling problem?

I was forthcoming about that with my captain.

I took a command discipline and ten vacation days.

I've been in Gambler's Anonymous ever since.

You were forthcoming after the man you owed the money to, Connor Murphy, spoke to the DA about you?


At that time, you owed Mr. Murphy and his associate, Jimmy McCourt, $20,000?


Yes, that is correct.

Did you pay that debt?

Well, McCourt and Murphy are both in Attica.

So you still owe them the money?

You have gambling issues, outstanding debt, and you're trying to tell me that you had no idea the man you shot had a policy that named you as a beneficiary?

I came to you, Lieutenant Tucker.

You mean, after your sister did.

I've left five messages for Mr. Graber.

When will he be back?

Yeah, it is urgent.

So have him call me as soon as possible, please.

This is still about IAB?

Amanda, don't fool with them.

Get a lawyer.

I haven't done anything wrong, and if I get a lawyer, they're just gonna hang Kim out to dry.


I'm her big sister.

You know, we didn't have parents that really, um, took care of us, so if something went wrong, I was the one who fixed it.

And she never had to grow up, 'cause you were always there.

You want to tell me what's going on?


I'm not sure.


[Door opens]



Sorry to keep you waiting.

Oh, that's okay.

Let's talk about that life insurance policy.

Whose idea was that?

I just want you to know that I love my sister, and I don't want to say anything that's gonna hurt her.

I understand.

I'm just a little unsure of what to do here.

Just tell the truth.

Can you do that?

I want to.


So, was that policy your idea or Detective Rollins'?

Look, I don't--I don't want her to be mad at me.

I'm all alone, and I don't--

I don't have a place to stay.

Just tell the truth, Ms. Rollins, and we will take care of all of that.

Call me back, Kim, right away.

Have you seen my sister?

Uh, not since the other night.

Really, because the last time I saw you two together, you seemed pretty cozy.

Whoa, hey--

Hey, Amanda.

Amanda, what's this about?

Kim is gone.

I mean, she's not answering her phone.

Her stuff is completely cleared out of your apartment.

She didn't say anything to me.

I'll make some calls.

Okay. So, hey, how can we help?


What's going on?

Kim went to IAB.

She backed off the details of the sh**ting, the attempted r*pe.

And why would she do that?

She took out a life insurance policy on Jeff with both our names on it.

She didn't read the fine print, and the claim is void if the deceased is k*lled while committing a felony.

Does IAB know about the policy?

Yeah, I told them as soon as I found out.

[Knock at door]

My neighbor said they saw Kim get into an unmarked police car.

All right, well, first things first.

I'm calling a lawyer.

Detective Rollins, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Jeff Parker.

Your captain will take your shield.

[Handcuffs clinking]

Do not talk to anybody without your lawyer.

Not the DA, not IAB, not your sister.

Is that clear?

Thank you, Captain.

Let us do our job now.

Turn to your left, Detective.

[Camera shutter clicks]

Yeah, he's on his way.

Copy that, Fin.

Yeah, I'm--I'm okay.



[Gate buzzes]

Ma'am, your lawyer's here.

Detective Rollins, I'm Heshy Horowitz, the guy who's gonna get you out of this mishegoss.

Nice to meet you.

Absolutely, Commissioner.

Yes, I know exactly where I stand.

We will stay out of IAB's way.

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

Well, 1-P-P has covered their ass.

Where are we?

The insurance policy. That's what gave IAB probable cause.

Atlanta Fidelity says they can't talk to us.

Rollins told me her signature on that policy was forged.

Can we verify that?

Amanda got the policy from her sister and gave it to IAB.

I told her not to go in there without a lawyer.

We all did.

I mean, we're way past that.

Point taken.

But does anyone think Rollins knew about the policy before the sh**ting?


Then we're looking at her sister.

Why would she take out life insurance on Jeff?

Kim told me he was into shady stuff.

I took that to mean dr*gs.

She could have been trying to secure her baby's future in case something happened to Jeff.

Or she was gonna make something happen to Jeff.

You think she set her sister up to k*ll the father of that child?

I checked her cell phone records.

She called Jeff four times after she got to New York.

The last call was two hours before he got shot.

Well, they could have been arguing, right?

She could have told him to stay away.

But like he said, she invited him.

She lures him up to the apartment.

She knows that he's armed.

She cries r*pe when she hears her sister coming.

And stages death by a cop.

We've all met this girl, right?

She's no criminal mastermind.

She's-- crazy.

It's not a great plan.

Her policy, it doesn't pay off if the deceased is k*lled while committing a felony.

Which is why she went to IAB and withdrew the r*pe accusation.

And also why Amanda went to jail.

All right, Mr. Horowitz, given the detective's history of gambling and the severe nature of these charges, is there any reason I shouldn't grant the people's request for remand?

Detective Rollins is a dedicated career police officer, Your Honor, and as such, has no financial means to flee.

She'll surrender her passport.

We request she be released upon her own recognizance.

Well, I don't wish to seem punitive, nor should the NYPD get any special favors, so I'll grant bail at $250,000.

The case is adjourned.

Take that as a win.

How? I don't have that kind of money.

It's taken care of, Amanda.


Captain, I don't know how to thank you.

Well, just don't jump or we'll all be living with Fin.

Come on, I'll take you home.

We have a lot of work to do.

Starting with straightening out my sister.

Under no circumstances should you speak to your sister.

She just wants the insurance money.

You know, she's like a little girl.

Amanda, Kim set you up.

She planned this whole thing.

She never planned a damn thing in her life.

She's a cooperating witness with IAB.

You're in trouble here.

With Kim's testimony, they have a solid case against you.

Do not contact her.

They will slap you with witness tampering, coercion.

Nod if you understand.

Amanda, I know this is painful, but she is not your sister anymore.

[Knock at door]


Chinese food delivery is fast around here.



How'd you find me?

I'm a cop, Kim.

I'm not supposed to talk to you, so--

We need some sister time, me and you.

I know you're upset, and I'm--I'm sorry.

You're sorry.

You put me in jail.

I didn't mean to.

That Mr. Tucker, he said it was me or you.

Did you tell Jeff to come to New York?



Look, I was--

I was lonely.

Did you call him that night and tell him to come over?

Was he even trying to r*pe you?

You know what?

Stop it, all right?

You always do that.

I do what?

You make me feel like everything is my fault.

No, you know what?

You don't get to do that right now.

You don't get to go there.

It's true. You set me up.

You set Jeff up.

You wanted me to k*ll him.

He was a bad man, Amanda.

Oh, my God.

He beat me.

When you walked in, he was hurting me.


You know what your problem is?

You're too big for your britches.

You've always thought you were better than us.

This is not happening.

Mama used to say that all that ambition would get you in trouble some day.

Are you even pregnant?

How can you even ask me that?


I thought I was.

I was a week late.


Detective, I'm just about to start a session.

My sister set me up.

I'm being charged with m*rder.

Well, you said if I felt any anxiety--

We can set up an appointment.

Oh, right, yeah.

I do work for NYPD, but I can recommend someone outside the department.

[Indistinct radio transmissions]


What are you doing here?

I didn't mean for any of this to happen.

That Lieutenant Tucker, he twists everything I say.

I know what you mean, but, Kim, I really can't talk to you.

Nobody can.

I'm--I'm sorry.

I guess this was a bad idea.


Have you been eating?

Uh, I'll have the lobster, please.

Sorry, my, uh, daughter.

She just learned how to text.


You're such a good dad.

Did Amanda tell you I lost the baby?


I'm sorry, I-I didn't know.

IAB told us not to talk to her.

She's gonna be okay, right?

I didn't want her to go to prison.

I can see that.

You can, right?


You're a good detective.

My sister underestimated you.


[Both laugh]

You know how she is.

Always thinks she's the smartest person in the room.

Ah, yeah, she does have that side.

Which is why I don't know how she got in this situation.

I just don't think she likes to admit she made a mistake.

A mistake? Wait, do you mean the sh**ting?

But you told her Jeff was raping you.

Oh, he was, but after I found out about that felony clause, I just kept telling her to say that the sh**ting was an accident and then we'd both be rich.

But you were looking out for her.

I get that.

And that's why you put her name in that insurance policy.

I thought it would look bad if it was just me.


Besides, I don't know if you know, but she's got gambling debts.

I heard that.

Look, the way it looks now, she came in and shot Jeff in cold blood.

But you said Jeff had a g*n.

Well, he did have a g*n.

But I didn't want her to get shot.

I just wanted him--

You wanted Jeff gone?

He was a bad man.

What he did to me...

She only knew the half of it.

But after I found out about that felony clause, I just kept telling her to say that the sh**ting was an accident and then we'd both be rich.

She goes on to completely implicate herself and exonerate my client.


If that recording checks out--

What, are you serious?

We'll be dropping the charges against you and pursuing your sister.


You can clearly hear on that recording, he threatened her.

He abused her.

She'll be arrested.

I'll ask the DA to pursue m*rder charges.

I don't want that.

Amanda, you have to let her go.

She's still my-- my sister.


Let's go.

[Knock at door]

Ms. Rollins.

[Electronic lock beeps]

You gotta be kidding me.

"I helped myself to some things. I'm sorry. I love you, Amanda."

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