15x08 - Military Justice

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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15x08 - Military Justice

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Ma'am, ma'am.

Don't touch me.

Please get back inside the car.

Do you want me to walk in a straight line?

'Cause I can walk in a straight line just get back in the car now for me, please.

My grandfather was at the bataan death march, so hell yeah, I can walk in a straight line.

Okay, I am a third-generation member of the United States military.

Ma'am, I'm gonna need to put your arms...

My grandfather died in world w*r ii.

My two brothers were in the marines.

My father served in three wars!

I am an officer in the United States coast guard!

I am a U.S. citizen!

You cannot arrest me!

I need to get back to my sector!

You cannot arrest me!

Amelia Albers, driving the wrong way up a one-way street, I stopped her.

She got belligerent.

I mean, something happened to her, but she won't say.

Ensign Albers, we're SVU detectives.

I just have to get back to sector sheepshead bay.


Amelia, Amelia, can you look at me?

I'm an ensign in the U.S. coast guard.

Listen to me.

You may have been assaulted.

You're bleeding. We need to get you to a hospital.

I'm U.A.


I can't go to a hospital.

Unauthorized absence.

Okay, Amelia, you're gonna be okay, but can you tell us what happened?

It was my fault.

Please don't let anybody in my sector find out.

Amelia, were you r*ped?

[Dramatic music]

<b>Law & Order: SVU
15x08 - Military Justice</b>

Severe vaginal and rectal trauma torn perineal tissues swollen larinx, possibly from a chokehold, abrasions on her back and buttocks.

Brutal as*ault.

More than one person?

I think so.

Circumferential bruising and ligament tears on her wrists?

Is she able to talk to us?

She's sobering up.

We had to pump her stomach.

We couldn't even give her painkillers at first because her blood-alcohol was too high.

Amelia, how you doing?

Better, I guess.

We need to talk about what happened.


No, 'cause I have to get back to sector.

That can't happen right away.

Technically you're still awaiting arraignment for your D.U.I.

Well, there's no point, really.

I don't know who they are.

Oh, so you were assaulted by strangers?

I guess so.

Yeah, I drank a lot.

I was in officer candidate school for a year, on duty for the past six months.

I guess I must have just lost my tolerance for alcohol.

So can you tell us what...

What you were doing downtown?

Me and a few of the other guys were doing a recruiting show-and-tell at federal Plaza.

And after that?

We went to a bar to blow off some steam.


Me and a few of the guys from sector.

We'll need their names.

Okay, but they all went back.

I don't think it'll be any help.

Amelia, do you remember leaving the bar?

Do you remember if you were with anyone?

Mm, I don't know.

I was dancing, you know, with, uh...

Some guys from the kitchen.

Can you describe them?

They were Mexican, maybe.

Look, I need to go.

I'm in trouble.

I missed my curfew.

Is there anybody in the area that you can call, any family or friends?

My mom, she lives in Annapolis.

Can you tell her not to tell my father, please?


He'll be so disappointed.

Amelia, you didn't do anything wrong.

I'm an ensign.

I am supposed to be able to take care of myself.

My two brothers are marines!

My three... my father served in three wars!

This girl's a military brat.

Military royalty.

Her father's an admiral in the coast guard, works with A.I.T.S...

Advanced interdiction teams.

Right now, he's on a U.S. Navy destroyer in the Gulf of Mexico.

An admiral's daughter comes into our city and gets g*ng-r*ped.

1pp wants answers fast.

Well, they're not gonna get it from her.

And what about the guys she came in with?

Oh, they're back on their base.

Well, military and r*pe...

They won't be happy to see us.

Well, that's too bad.

We're investigating an as*ault on one of their own.

They'll cooperate.

Detective tutuola, SVU.

This is captain Cragen and detective rollins.

Detective Benson and amaro are behind me.

I'm getting PTSD just sitting here.

How long did you serve?

Army ranger, two tours.

You think NYPD's got a lot of paperwork.

This is awful.

I tried to make Albers give me her car keys.

She slapped me.


So where were you drinking?

Sea Horse Bar & Grill.

What time did you get there?

Uh, I don't know.

At 9:00, maybe?

Is she usually a big drinker?

I don't know, but she was last night.

She was doing sh*ts, hitting it hard after the dog-and-pony show.

Anyone at the bar hitting on her?

It was the other way around.

She was letting loose, dancing on the tables.

And you guys didn't get her out of there?

I tried.

She told me to go eff myself.

When we left the bar, she was twerking it with two Mexican cooks.

What ever happened to never leaving a man behind?

She's not a man, detective.

Woman tells you to go away, you go away.

It was 1:00 A.M. by the time we got back.

It's in the log book.

You were with Amelia the whole time?

Well, not really.

How do you mean, "not really"?

Amelia's in enough trouble already.

She's been brutalized.

Amelia's in the hospital.

I don't see what kind of trouble she could possibly be in.

She's in it pretty deep with the commander for missing curfew.

I was sickened when I heard about this, but she was a train wreck.

How so?

Albers is under a lot of pressure.

Even now it is not easy being a woman on a ship, and I've already been cutting her breaks as a courtesy to her father.

The admiral.

So it's common knowledge that she's his daughter?

Oh, I'd say so.

He's a legend and a good man.

I served under him.

I have been trying to reach him, but it's not going to be an easy conversation.

It never is.

And it's not just the attack.

He will understand what this means for her standing here.

It's a shame.

With all due respect, what does her g*ng r*pe have to do with her standing?

She was publicly intoxicated.

She was arrested for D.U.I.

She's supposed to be with a buddy at all times off base.

All this shows very poor judgment on her part.

She was g*ng-r*ped, and he calls it "poor judgment on her part."

Easy, Olivia, it's not our turf.

They don't want women here in the first place.

She gets r*ped, they're gonna use it to end her career.

Her buddies threw Amelia under the bus.

They claim that they tried to stop her from driving, but they're blaming her for being drunk and belligerent.

Did anybody give us anything useful?

Well, Wooten said when they left the bar, she was dirty-dancing with the cooks.

There may be some truth to that.

Well, if there is, it went downhill from there fast.

Let's find out what happened.

Down here at night, it's like a ghost town.

Amelia could have been att*cked anywhere.

Yeah, but, I mean, she had broken-up glass and gravel in her back.

[Musical ringtone]

They had her on the ground.

Oh, it's D.C. calling.

Sorry, excuse me.

Maria, everything okay?

Hey, quick favor, can you take zara this weekend?

Oh, for Friday?

Yeah, okay.

But I can't go down to get her.

Why, what's up?

I just need to switch some stuff around.

I can bring her to you.

Sure, but listen...

Okay, thanks.

You know what, I'm getting another call.

I got to go.

Talk to you later.

Everything all right?

A word of advice...

Don't get divorced.

Think I'm good.

Hey, you remember her?

Yeah, I remember cutting her off.

She was hammered.

Did you see her with anyone?

More like everyone.

She was downing sh*ts as fast as guys ordered them.

Well, we'll need the bar receipts from the other night and any surveillance footage.


Cash only.

And we don't have a security camera.

What can you tell us about your kitchen staff, the cooks?

Jesus and ozzie?

Well, ozzie's new, but they're both great.

Jesus! Ozzie!

Police have questions.

[Speaking spanish]

Got a runner!

Got the front.

Stay right here with me.


Stay down!

Stay down!

Give me your hand.

You were dancing, one thing led to another...

No, we didn't r*pe her.

She came back in here putting her chi-chis up in my face.

I figured she was trying to make her buddies hot.

"Her buddies"?

They were watching?

Some Navy dudes or something.

Buzz cuts, buying sh*ts, dancing it up.

Okay, did you see who she left with?

No, the kitchen closes early.

She was still at the bar when we left.

All right, that's your story.

We didn't do this.

Could any of these men be the ones that you danced with in the kitchen?

Maybe him.


And him.

Okay, good.

Could they have att*cked you?

Look, I'm not sure it was them.


It was dark.

The way they pinned me down, I couldn't really see their faces.

[Sighs] Look, maybe we should just let this go.

I don't remember.

There's nont.

But you do remember that they pinned you down.

I-I don't want to wrongly accuse somebody.

I understand.

Because the cook said that you were still in that bar when they left.


Okay, so what?

So were the guys from the base with you?

They didn't log back in until 1:00 A.M.

Okay, well, maybe they went someplace else.

Or maybe they got you drunk and figured they could do whatever they wanted to do.

No, I let myself get drunk, okay?

We were dancing and...

Okay, so maybe we made out a little bit.

"Made out"?

What does that mean?

We were just dancing closely.


Lipitt started kissing me, and Wooten put his hand up my skirt.

And then what happened, Amelia?

I can't say!

Did they r*pe you?

[Sobbing] I'm going to get dishonorably discharged.

I'm going to let my family down, my father.

I know how hard this is, but you got to try to find a way to deal with it, okay?

I should have just taken it.

I should have let them do what they did to me, and I should have just shut up about it.

So Amelia says she was r*ped by Lipitt, Wooten and Graver.

How'd it happen?

They got her drunk, brought her under the FDR, jumped her, and took turns.

And left her lying there.

Well, she initially mentioned the two cooks.

Do we believe her now?

The coast guard has a pattern of giving r*pe victims personality disorder discharges.

She was afraid to disclose.

Under the FDR, so there's no surveillance footage.

What about the DNA?

There's no hits in codis, but these guys wouldn't be in codis.

What, swab 'em and bring 'em in?

Hold off.

Let's take another run before they know they're suspects.

Detectives, I'm sorry for your wasted trip, but Lipitt, Wooten, and Graver are off base.

Where are they?

I thought you had suspects in custody.

Well, we were hoping they could help with the I.D.

Can you get them back?

No, no, I'm sorry.

They just left for a six-week training mission on a cutter off the coast of Somalia.

I called your office, asked you to hold these men.

Well, I wish I'd gotten that message earlier, but I didn't.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

Where's Amelia now?

She's in the hospital still bleeding, kidney infection.

Any evidence other than the victim's word?

Well, the bartender remembers these guys buying Amelia sh*ts, so the cooks say she was dancing with them when the guys left, but no one saw them leave the bar together.


Well, we have samples.

But the coast guard's not providing the suspects' DNA.

They're claiming national security.

We'll hit them with a blood order when you bring them in for an interrogation.

That's not going to be easy since they were just shipped off to Somalia.

Well, that I can fix.

Grand jury subpoena brings them back for questioning.

I've done this before.

They'll comply, but only under court order.

Every step's going to be a fight.

Well, Amelia's already gone through hers.

Let's have her back.


[Door closes]

I know it was a long trip.

Thanks for coming in to talk with us.

Yeah, wasn't my first choice.

Is that why you went to Somalia?

I went to get my ncvp certification.

Came back as soon as you asked.

"Non-compliant vessel pursuit."

Okay, you know last time we talked, you told me you left Amelia by herself in the bar.

Now, that was a lie, wasn't it, Matthew?

She gets drunk and disorderly, misses curfew, now she's putting it on us?

Look, man, I understand our jobs are similar.

You know, lots of stress.

Maybe that night in the bar you just let loose.

No disrespect, but she's the one who let loose.

I hear you.

Look, you know what I did wrong?

I cheated on my wife.

So you did have sex.

Yeah, that's what it was.

Wear a condom?

Yeah, I told you I'm married.

That's one down.

All right, you know what?

I'm done talking.

[Clears throat]

No problem.

Oh, I almost forgot.

What's this?

It's a court order for your DNA.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, look.

I'm not saying nothing happened that night, but it wasn't r*pe.

Well, so it was sex.


What's the matter, detective?

You never get nasty?

She threw herself at us.

She... she wouldn't take no for an answer.

Right, you just gave her what she wanted.

That's two down.

I think I want a lawyer.


But if you had nothing to do with this, you call a lawyer, I'm never going to get to hear your side of the story.

I didn't r*pe her.

I didn't even have sex with her.

You watched?

Are we gonna find your DNA under her fingernails?


I held her hands behind her while she did them.

She wanted that.
He held her hands.

He's still guilty.

Or he's lying.

Look, there were two DNA hits.

If Lipitt wore a condom and Wooten didn't, the second sample has to be Graver's.

So what?

They're not turning each other in.

I mean, it's still "she said, they said."

You want to just let them go?

I don't trust this with a jury, do you?

It's not our problem.

For now, arrest them.

I'll call Barba, let him know what we have him walking into.

Amelia, how you feeling?


This is my mother, Cynthia.

Mrs. Albers.

I understand you arrested the men who did this.

I was hoping we might be able to keep this out of the papers.

This is all going to be very hard on her father.

She's shielded for now, but once the trial starts...

Does the admiral know what happened?

Not the details.

He's on his way here.

Mrs. Albers, we need to ask Amelia a few more questions.

You know, maybe we can get some coffee.


Thank you.


What happens now?

We prep you for trial.

Okay, we're going to go over that night and make sure that your account is consistent.

What are they saying?

Well, what all rapists say, which is it was consensual.

They think that I wanted that?

Their attorneys are gonna hit you hard on being drunk, on not telling the truth right away...

You have no idea what it's like for the women on the base.

The hazing...

You can't show that you're weak.

Ensign Albers.

Sorry, Mr. Barba.

These officers...

Can wait outside.

You can speak to her when we're done. Get out.

Actually, you're done now.

Excuse me?

Ensign Albers, you're under arrest.

On what charges?

Fraternization, disorderly conduct, and adultery.

Adultery? She's not married.

Can they do that?

Tell her.

They can.

Don't answer any questions.

You're entitled to an attorney.

Not one word until then, okay?

How can they charge a single woman with adultery?

Well, one of her attackers, Lipitt, is married.

Are they charging him?

Nope, because he's her junior.

It's also strategic.

Coast guard prosecutes Amelia, it undercuts our prosecution of her rapists.

So what's gonna happen with Amelia?

An article 32 hearing.

It's the military's version of a grand jury except there are no boundaries.

They can ask her anything they want.

It could lead to a court marshal.

Wait, so this is coming from her commanding officer?

We're not sure.

I mean, we talked to him.

Taverts served under Amelia's father, the admiral.

He respects him.

It might not be Taverts.

By chain of command, he could be getting squeezed.

Ask him.

Article 32 hearing, it's protocol.

And yes, I feel horrible about this.

Lipitt, Graver, and Wooten, are they also being investigated?

Didn't break regulations, they made curfew...

After they r*ped Amelia, but I guess that's not of interest to the coast guard?

They said it was consensual.

That investigation is on you.

What we know is that she was publicly drunk.

She was flirtatious with other men in the bar...

So this is her fault.

She wanted it.

I would never say that.

No, no, no.

You're just following orders.

Is that correct?

Liv, Liv.


Commander, these men committed serious crimes.

Charging Amelia will hamper our ability to prosecute them.

I know you want to do the right thing here.

Look, there are a lot of levels to this.

Now, I can call D.C. again and see if they've had a change of heart.

That was Liv.

Taverts gave lip service about helping, but don't hold your breath.

He let on this was coming from high up.

Maria still works for the Pentagon?

She's public affairs for the d.O.D.

The coast guard is homeland security.

It's two separate organizations.

Still, D.C. is such a small town.

Everybody knows everybody.


You know what, just listen.

Has Maria given you a reason why she's dropping off zara tonight?



'Cause if she's hiding something, it will give her more reason to do you a favor.

Is that really how women think?

Not just women.

Ask her.


Just met with Warner.

DNA's back.

We got two hits on the semen.

One matches with Wooten.

He claims it's consensual, no surprise.

The other hit?

Well, here's where it gets interesting.

It doesn't match Lipitt.

Well, he did say he wore a condom.


When he told me he was just holding her arms back, he was lying.

It's his.

Nope, it wasn't Graver.

Turns out there was a fourth man there.

So far, according to Warner, he's random-man-not-excluded.


Amelia didn't mention a fourth r*pist.

I'll see if Liv and Cragen can turn around and go back to the base.

If someone joined in later, she might not have remembered.

She wasn't the only one there.

I'm going to ask you again.

Was there a fourth man there with you?


Maybe she had sex with someone else that day.

See, this is why everyone at sector is calling her a whore.

When we left her, she wanted more.

She probably went out and banged one of those Mexicans after.


So that's it?

That's all you got?

You know, I want you to think about what you just said a year from now while you're getting turned out by your cell mates in attica.

We did find your DNA under her fingernails, but no semen.

Like you said, you didn't r*pe her.

That puts you in the best position to make a deal.

I'm not a rat.

But no one has to know it came from you.

Tell me who the fourth guy was.

I wouldn't tell you even if I knew.

So we went 0 for 3.

Graver didn't deny the fourth guy.

They're protecting someone.


Daddy, daddy!

Hey, zara.

Good to see you.



Zara, you have grown up so much.

You know what?

You want to come with us?

Maybe we can get your photo taken in the holding cell?

Can I, daddy?

Sure, go, yeah.

Come on.

Are you sure that's a good idea?

They're just trying to give us a minute.

Well, I got to go.

It's not about us.

The coast guard r*pe.

Yeah, I figured that was your case.

They really did a number on this girl.

And now, they're charging her.

You want me to find out why?

Look, I know it's not under your roof, and I don't want you to get in any trouble.

No, no, it's not right, so I'll make some calls.



How was the hearing today?

They asked me in front of 20 officers how wide I opened my mouth during oral sex.

I am so sorry.

Meanwhile, these guys are gonna get away with it, aren't they?

They might.

And the fourth r*pist might too.

Amelia, the lab found another DNA sample.



Dad, I'm sorry.

Are you all right?

Dad, what they're saying about me, it's not true.


Captain Cragen says they need you to I.D.

This fourth suspect.

Dad, I can't.

You can tell me.

No, I really can't do that.

I can't.

Whoever he is... he's already disgraced the uniform.

And he's hurt you.

Amelia, you need to tell us who it is.

Who is it?

It's my C.O.

It's commander Taverts.


I've known him his whole career.

Why would he do something like this?

Oh, God, he's been trying to sleep with me since I got here.

He said that I needed his help if I wanted to get ahead.

And you said no.

He did not like that.

He said that no one says no to a commanding officer.

Especially a woman.

I am so sorry, dad.

No, no, no.

You have nothing to be sorry for.

Yeah, I drink to much.

I dance with them.

Flirted with them, but I did not want it to go any further.

I know that I'm pushing you, but I want you to be prepared for tomorrow.

Well, it won't be any worse than the coast guard hearing.

It might be.

They put together a really strong defense team.

These guys are fighting for their lives, but I'm going to be right here, okay?

In your corner.

Keep going?

Ensign Albers, the night you were r*ped, did you resist your attackers?

I tried to, but they held me down.

But did you ever say no?

No, I didn't.

Can you please explain that to the court?

I remembered my training not to resist or say no in the event of a r*pe.

Exhibit 23, a pamphlet issued by your sector's department of sexual as*ault prevention and response.

You were issued this when you first enlisted?



Can you please read the highlighted section?

"During sexual as*ault, it may be advisable to submit rather than resist."

Thank you.

"It may be advisable to submit rather than resist."

So the reason that you did not say no or fight during a violent, vicious as*ault, was because you were following what you believed to be military protocol.

That's correct.

Thank you, ensign Albers.

You just said that you didn't say no because it's military protocol, but the night in question, you admitted that you were drunk, that you were driving drunk, that you were arrested.

Is that military protocol?


You also admitted that you were dancing with the defendants?


And you also made out with the defendants?


All four of them?


But I did not want to get r*ped.

And after making out with these men, you left the bar willingly with them.

They said they would walk me to my car.

Is that a yes?


Ensign Albers, you were aware that one defendant, petty officer Zeke Lipitt, was married?


So you broke military protocol by fraternizing with Zeke Lipitt, by getting arrested for D.U.I., by missing your curfew, but during this alleged violent g*ng r*pe, is it possible that you didn't say no because you were enjoying yourself, you didn't say no because you didn't want it to stop?



I did want it to stop.

Then why didn't you tell the police that these men had r*ped you?

I was afraid that they would go after me.

Not because you, yourself, were in trouble being drunk, missing your curfew.


Isn't that exactly why you accused these junior officers, to escape punishment for yourself?


They r*ped me.

That's your story now, ensign Albers?



Nothing further.

That went about as badly as it could have gone.

They heard the extent of her injuries, the results of the r*pe kit.


All it takes is one juror to believe that she likes rough sex.

"Rough sex"?

They practically tore her apart.

You're gonna get these guys on the stand.

You're gonna break...

Not a chance.

After today, the defense won't bother to put the guys up there.

She was drunk, her story changed, her details are inconsistent, cue the reasonable doubt acquittal.

I might have something that can help.

Taverts' testimony at a military hearing...


No, stop talking.

Okay, you all right, counselor?

You almost tripped over the garrity rule.

Everything in this file is dirty.

An officer can't invoke at a military hearing, so the courts consider this testimony to be compelled, to be coerced.

So these statements cannot be used in a criminal prosecution.

If I even so much as look at this file, I have to recuse myself from the case.

Mistrial. Game over.

Where did you get this file?

It's... it was my idea.

His ex works at the Pentagon.

I thought if he nosed around about Taverts...

Maria said the flood gates opened up on this guy.

Yeah, I bet they did.

They're setting you up.

Someone's trying to poison the well.

You know, hypothetically, if I had read it, could I talk to another defendant about his relationship with...

Would you stop talking?

You read this file?

You can't talk to anyone about any of this, and you're off the case.

Me entiendes?

This is...

This is my fault.

I'm very, very sorry.

Rollins, you didn't know.

It's okay.

At this point, we're already at trial.

The only thing I maybe wanted to do was look at Graver one more time.

A few more questions for my client in the middle of a trial?

Forensically we know that he didn't r*pe her, okay?

The other three did, but you never know what a jury will do.

Your client could be convicted of a crime that he did not commit.

There was no crime.

You know that's not true.

I mean, don't you, Scott?

She shouldn't have said anything.

"She shouldn't have said anything"?

What happened to Amelia, Scott, will be with her for the rest of her life.

The nightmares, the flashbacks.

If we don't get these guys, I can't imagine what will happen to her.

But maybe you can, and put yourself in her place.

Imagine something like that happening to you.

Wouldn't you want somebody to step up and speak out?

You want me to talk about what happened to me in open court?

No way.

Scott, what you survived, I can tell it's been on your mind the whole time.

Your hands have been shaking since I met you.

When is the last time you slept through the night?


A year ago.

So tell us what happened.

I was at a bar...

In sheepshead bay.

I'm gay, okay?

Usually people can't tell.

I got a little drunk.

There were three guys from my base.

They started calling me names...

h*m*, f*g.

I walked out.

They followed me, pushed me in an alley.

I woke up in a hospital bed with internal injuries.

Did you report it?

After consulting with my C.O., I realized that if I wanted to stay in the coast guard, I needed to man up.

Your C.O.

Lieutenant commander William Taverts.

After we left the bar, Lipitt, Wooten and I walked Albers to her car under the FDR.

She was so drunk, she could barely stand.

Wooten was half-carrying her.

Lieutenant commander Taverts was already outside waiting for us.

And he just happened to be there?

No, this was set up by him from the beginning.

What was set up?


We were gonna teach ensign Albers a lesson about respect for her C.O.

What happened next?

Lipitt and Wooten threw her on the ground.

They ripped her blouse open.

They pulled her skirt off.

They held her down while Taverts r*ped her.

After he was done, he said, "who wants sloppy seconds?"

Then Lipitt forced himself in her mouth, and Wooten took her from behind.

She was crying.

They called her whore and slut.

Then they turned her over and took turns raping her again.

And what did you do during all of this?

I pinned her arms behind her.

Why did you participate?


I'm gay.

And lieutenant commander Taverts knew that.

If I didn't go along, he'd tell everyone.

Officially, that's okay.

But I felt...

That I couldn't survive being outed.

I'm so sorry, Albers.

He was credible up there.

Is there any way that the others will take a plea?


They have no respect for Graver.

They don't think the jury will either.

They're going to go after him like they did my daughter.

That's their job.

Drinking history.

Sexual history.

Anything they can do to shred his credibility.

Admiral, how are you, sir?

You're talking to me?

Yes, sir.

I wanted you to know that that boy was lying in there, every word.

Excuse me?

How about we step away?

Come on.

All due respect, sir, if Amelia hadn't have been your daughter, she never would have made it through training.

Didn't have what it took.

That's enough.

Hear me out.

Whenever she got in trouble, she'd let everyone know who her father was.


Hey, admiral.

In the matter of the people versus Zeke Lipitt on the charge of r*pe in the first degree, how do you find?

We find the defendant guilty.

The people versus Matthew Wooten on the charge of r*pe in the first degree, how do you find?

We find the defendant guilty.

In the matter of the people versus William Taverts on the charge of r*pe in the first degree, how do you find?

We find the defendant guilty.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you are dismissed.

The state of New York thanks you for your service.

Thank you, counselor.

Jury gave the right verdict.

Amelia, I'm so sorry that you went through this, but I promise you, it'll get better.

My understanding is that the coast guard dropped all charges against you.

In exchange for my agreeing to a general discharge under honorable conditions.

It's okay.

I could never go back there.

Amelia, I'm proud of you.

Coming forward, you had more guts than any of them.

I'll miss you, sweet pea.

Could we Skype tonight?

Tomorrow morning, okay?

Te quiero, mi Amor.

Watch your fingers.

Well, we've had a busy week.

She'll be out before you get over the bridge.

Thanks for switching with me.

I owe you.


Well, it's a long drive, so I'm gonna get going.

No, wait, Maria.

I-I got to ask.

Oh, about this trip of mine?

It was a mistake.

No, I don't need to hear about that.

It's about the file you got me.

I-I couldn't believe that.

All those r*pes, and Taverts trying to pressure the victims into dropping the charges, I mean, it's a disgrace.

So you didn't know.

Know what?

We couldn't use any of it.

It would have forced a mistrial.

They were setting you and us up.

Nick, listen to me.

I had no idea, okay?

I promise.

I know.

Look, whoever gave you that file, I wouldn't trust 'em.

You're a single woman in the military, okay?

So just please, please be careful.

[Both mutter]

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