15x12 - Jersey Breakdown

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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15x12 - Jersey Breakdown

Post by bunniefuu »

Male announcer: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

That chick was a guy?


Dude, her Adam's apple should've clued you in, all right?

That's why you always gotta check the neck region.

That's the first thing you do, okay?

And so--


Whoa, whoa, whoa.


Hey, you okay?

Jeez, she's really out of it.


Hey, come here.

Come here.

Oh, yeah.

She got a nice body though.



It's okay, baby.

You like that, right?

Yeah, I know you do.


Yeah, you're a pretty girl.

You shouldn't be out here alone.



H-hey, what's going on?

Yo, yo, get away from her!

Back off, man!

Mind your own business!

[Siren blares]

Back off, man!

Mind your own business!

Back off, man!

Hands in the air, everyone!

This guy tried to rob us!

All right?

All right.

That's not true, man.

They were messing with that girl over there.

We were just trying to help her.

Man, you're lying!

Portable Five.

28th and 10th.

We need a bus.



Sorry. Did I wake you?

What time is it?

5:00 AM.


Look, I'm sorry about the couch, Nick.

No, it's not the couch.

I'm just not sleeping.

But it doesn't matter.

I'm on desk duty.

Which I'm getting kind of tired of, by the way.

I know.

I know.

You know, Nick, you should really talk to somebody.

You know, my shrink--

I see my priest.


I was just thinking that maybe doing something different--

No, I--I'm glad that works for you, all right, but that's not me.


I just want to say that you can stay here for as long as you need.

You've been through a lot lately too, Liv.

All right?

The trial.

You could use some quiet.

And the last thing you need right now is to worry about me.

Could you stop?

You are my partner.

Yeah, but with Cragen gone, you're my boss now too, right?

Anyway, look, I've had time to figure things out.

Maria are I, we're getting back together.

Oh... so you two have been talking.

Not yet, but I'm gonna go down to DC this weekend.

Look, I'm gonna get my old life back, Liv.

That's what I need to do now.

[Phone chimes]

All good?


I've got a vic at the ER assaulted under the highline.

Hey, I could go.

No, Nick, you can't.

That's why it's called desk duty.

I'm sorry.

[Elevator dings]

Hey, you're late.

Yeah, sorry, I had to take Franny to the vet.

She, uh, ate chocolate again.

Okay, well, next time, let me know.

I could've called Fin, all right?

Amanda, Amaro's on desk duty.

We're short-handed.

You gotta show up.

Copy that, Sergeant.

What are we looking at?

Young woman, Erin Fogarty.

Unis found her passed out under the highliner.

Her clothes were torn.

Signs of an as*ault.

Picked up three guys at the scene all pointing fingers at each other.

Another great week at SVU begins.

Like I told the nurse, I'm fine.

I don't want the police.

Well, we're here, so-- and something happened.

We just need to know what.

I don't have to talk to you, right?

I mean, if I'm the victim?

So youarethe victim.

We're holding three guys, Erin, so...

Who did what?

The nurse told me that if I don't want to pursue this, you can't make me.

Okay, you already did the r*pe kit, honey.

That's the hard part.

I'm crashing now.

I just want to get out of here.

That's not happening, Erin.

So why don't you sit back down?

Now, you need to talk to us... now.

[Dramatic music]

I saw one of the guys with his pants down and his thing out over that poor girl.

Okay, Elton.

What were you doing there at 5:00 in the morning?

Man, community service.

It's the first time all month I've actually been on time.

Now, please, I gotta get back.

That guy in the jumpsuit-- what is he, work release?

Just tell me what went down, Tommy.

My buddy Jeff and me were walking towards the train.

We saw that animal on top of her.

Then the cops show up.

The guy, he must've been on bath salts.

Yeah, we'll check for that.

I'm just glad we got there before it went any further.

Here we go again.

Girl doesn't want to press charges.

As of now.

But she didn't even want to tell us what happened.

So what did you get from the suspects?

Jersey boys claim the community service worker r*ped her.

Elton says he stopped them.

Yeah, well, the r*pe kit might help sort that out.

Pre-ej*cul*te fluid found on her breasts and semen in her vaginal canal.

Okay, so swab all three suspects, hold them on dis-con for the altercation.

I'll rush the DNA.

Good news, bad news, Jeff.

Sit down.

Found your pal Tommy's DNA on the girl's breast.

But not mine.


And not Elton, the community service worker's, either.

You lied.

I didn't do anything to that girl.

You were gonna go next till Elton showed up.

That's g*ng r*pe.

15 years.

I didn't touch her, okay?

And Tommy-- he was just playing with her boobs.

You're still lying!

All right?

Had semen inside of her.

Who else was with you?

No one.

The truth is, she was sitting there, crying, with her top open and her skirt up.

I told him not to, but Tommy-- he wanted to seagull her, you know?

Yeah, yeah.

We know what that is.

So if she was r*ped, it happened before we got there.


Girl had a rough night.

And you were kind of rough with her.

If she doesn't talk, we don't have a case.

Kid seems credible.

So we get her to talk.

Liv, you got a minute?

Tell the hospital to hold Erin.



Can we talk?

In private.

We're short-staffed, and I'm not good with the desk duty.

I want my g*n back.

It's just a few weeks since the sh**ting, Nick, okay?

You don't know what could startle you.

And you think I'll sh**t somebody else.

Or you could hesitate.

PTSD is real, Nick.

It's a process.

Don't rush it.

Let me try one tour.

All right?

I'll know.

It's not just you that I have to think about.

This entire squad is my responsibility now.

I'm sorry to interrupt.

We got a problem.

The hospital lost Erin Fogarty.

Erin Fogarty-- she wasn't discharged.

She must've left on her own.

We'll need her address, and please don't give me the HIPAA privacy stuff.

890 West 23rd.

That's halfway into the Hudson River.

Well, that's what she gave.

Nurse Jackie.

You're the one that told her that she didn't need to talk to us.

She's been victimized and needs help.

I'm a nurse.

I gave her help.

I do my job.

You do yours.

Well, we have her cash, her cell, and her ID.

What is this girl afraid of?

I don't know.

But I did reach her mom in Pittsfield.

She gave us a cell number.

But it's not the one in her purse.


Erin Fogarty.

My mother called wanting to know why NYPD was looking for me.

Did you lose a driver's license recently?

I don't think so.


You know this girl?


What happened to her?

So you do know her.

Clare Wilson.

She was a friend of my little sister's back in Maine.

How'd she get your driver's license?

Well, when she first came to New York, I felt bad for her.

I gave her my license so she could buy a drink and I got a new one.

You know where she lives?

For a while, she was at Covenant House, but I think she moved out.

I might know where she works.

Um, a steak house?

Clare Wilson?

I don't know a Clare Wilson.

How about Erin Fogarty?


I do know Erin.

She alleges herself to be a waitress.

You know, in fact, she missed the lunch shift today.

What'd she get picked up for?


She was assaulted two nights ago.

Oh, right.

Yeah, yeah.

She tell you that?

No, a doctor did.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Look, you know, these girls-- they miss a shift, they make a million excuses.

She okay?

We're not sure.

How can we find her?

I got her cell.

You know, I tell all my girls--

I tell every one of them--

"You get in trouble, you can always count on Perry."

Well, we have her cell.

What about an address?

The bouncers might know.


You know, we offer the girls a lift home if they work till closing.

Clare Wilson, NYPD.

[Lock jostling]

Hey there.


Clare, you okay?

Whoa, whoa.



What happened to me?

You tell us.

They had to pump your stomach...

I took some sleeping pills.

You were trying to k*ll yourself?


I just wanted to sleep.

How long you been on your own?

My mom kicked me out two years ago.

One of her boyfriends liked me more than her.

He got me a job at the club.

So Perry, the club owner.

He know you're 16?

He didn't ask.

Am I in trouble?


But we do need to know what happened the other night.

It's just those Jersey guys just being jerks.

That's not what the r*pe kit showed.

Okay, I had sex with a guy at the club.

Who left you with your clothes ripped, freezing on a sidewalk.

I'm not talking to you anymore.

I need that job.

Clare, you're not going back to the strip club, okay?

Where am I gonna go?

How am I gonna live?

I won't go back to Pittsfield.

Clare, I know how the system works, and we can find you a good group home.


And I should trust you guys?

Well, you don't have a lot of other choices, sweetie.

And we will take care of you, but you gotta be straight with us.

Who r*ped you?

Some drunk VIP.

I don't know his name.

I thought Perry wanted me to pad his tab, but he said this guy was comped.


"Girls, food, beverage."

Except he didn't like any of the strippers.

He liked you.

He said that they were all whorish and that I was sweet.

I brought him a drink in a private room.

He started groping me.

Usually, the bouncers are all over guys like that, but nobody came in.


I told him that he could put it in my mouth.

He got mad.

He said he wanted more.

At least it didn't last long.

No, no, no, no.

This is a complete misunderstanding.

How you figure?

You saw the girl.

No way she looks 16, and she had an ID.

Besides, come on, she wasn't stripping.

She was a waitress.

In a VIP room, half-dressed?

You're looking at some serious charges.

You want me to rat out a patron?

We can get a court order for your surveillance tapes.

That's a great idea.

You know, maybe you could fix it too, because it crashed about a week ago.

Come on, man.

This guy's a r*pist.

You help us bust him, we'll get this pled down.


Screw you.

Call Arnie.

This guy definitely knew Perry.

Perry didn't tell you who he was?

Not yet.

He seems to think that this will all go away.

Guess he knows.

Well, we're not dropping this, Clare, okay?

We're gonna keep putting pressure on Perry.


I'm out of there.

This place-- they seem okay.

You know, Clare, you want to turn your life around, they'll support you here.

Stay clean, stay sober.

Make curfew.

I guess it's time.

I have a tree outside my window.

That's nice.

We'll check in on you, okay?

Clare Wilson.

Hudson County Sheriff Department.

Excuse me?

Sergeant Benson.

This is Detective Rollins, SVU.

How can I help you?

Arrest warrant for Clare Wilson.

On what grounds?

Credit card fraud and grand larceny.

New Jersey, though.

She worked in New York.

And a Jersey City strip club.

Hold up.

You got the wrong girl.

No, I worked in Perry's other club too.

He made me overcharge customers--

Stop talking, Clare.

And ask for a lawyer.

Not one word.

We're gonna get this whole thing cleared up.

Perry Cannavaro won't give up the r*pist's name.

Bad for business if he does.

What happens in his club stays in his club.


It turns out, in addition to Manhattan, he owns two clubs in Florida, three in Jersey.

And the day that we picked Perry up, Clare just happens to get arrested by Hudson County sheriffs.

Hudson County makes the rest of Jersey look like Switzerland.

He got his cronies to up the pressure on Clare so she'd drop the charges.

It's not a bad plan.

So how hard is it gonna be to get her out of there?

They'll say their case takes precedence over ours, but if it were a federal case, they might back off.

Connie Rubirosa.

Sergeant Benson.

Detective Rollins.

Thought you took a job in LA.

Oh, you know the story.

New York cops, DAs, we go out there but it never feels quite right.

Yeah, but the feds ordered you back for a joint task force.

Underage sex trafficking.

We were actually already looking at Perry Cannavaro.

He's part of a ring that targets runaways.

Puts them to work in his clubs, gets them hooked on dr*gs, and then they owe him.

And the feds can't shut him down?

Well, we're trying to.

The problem is a lot of the vics go back to the life.

Disappear, decide not to testify.

What can you guys tell me about Clare Wilson?

She has had it hard, but has hit rock bottom.

I think she knows that these clubs are a dead end.

Will she make a good witness?

She wants to turn things around.

She's credible.

Maybe that's why Perry pulled some strings and had her arrested.

She's being arraigned later today in Hudson County.

What do you know about Prosecutor Masconi?

Well, he's got a big ego.

Bills himself as a reformer.

But he's not gonna want to look like he's protecting a sex trafficker.

Tell him that Clare is testifying in our grand jury case against Perry.

See if that'll hold him off until she does.

Okay, Benson, you up for a drive to Jersey?

I'm Acting Squad Commander.

Heavy lies the crown.


Of course.

Don't worry, boss.

I'll stay away from Atlantic City.

It was Perry's idea.

He tells the waitresses, if the customer's six drinks in and has a wedding ring on, to add a zero to the check.

Well, Clare, it was illegal for Perry to have you serving drinks in the first place.

Our DA is talking to the local prosecutor right now.

You know what?

You can stop trying.

This is how things go in my life.

Always have and always will.

It's not every day I get a call from a New York DA about a juvie case.

I appreciate you taking the time, Mr. Masconi.

Now, this is about Clare Wilson.

Arrested today on grand larceny and credit card fraud.

Now, what's your interest?

She's a victim in an ongoing r*pe investigation.

She is also a witness for a federal grand jury targeting underage sex trafficking.

I see.

She's scheduled to be arraigned in an hour.

That's why I'm here.

She's a minor, an abused runaway, a victim of sexual as*ault.

I'd like you to give our office and the federal task force precedence on the more serious charges as a professional courtesy.

Horrible story.

We're already moving forward.

There are fraud victims, credit card companies involved.

Again, I think you may be looking at this in the wrong way.

We see Ms. Wilson as more of a victim than a criminal here.

If you could just slow the process down, may give your office time to see these charges in a greater context.

That's a call I'd rather have the judge weigh in on.

My wife, Gina, is the ADA on this case.

I'll have her ask him.
Next on the docket, case number 1768, the people versus Clare Wilson.

Judge Dolan, pardon the interruption.

I'm told we have a visitor from the New York DA's office, Rafael Barba.

He has an interest in this defendant.

Counselors, approach.

Thank you, Your Honor.

Ms. Wilson is needed as a grand jury witness in an ongoing federal sex trafficking case.

I would ask that you release her to our custody pending conclusion of her testimony.

Mr. Barba, I appreciate you taking the time to travel to The Garden State, but as you may know, our governor has taken a very public zero-tolerance approach to fraud and abuse of power.

Yes, we're all very much aware of that, Your Honor, but this is an extraordinary situation.

The defendant is a minor.

She was employed illegally.

She herself is a victim of sexual as*ault.

I'm sorry.

There's a right way and a wrong way to do this.

After she's arraigned, you can file any motion you'd like.

Now, let's get this done and dusted.

Clare Wilson, you are charged with grand larceny and credit card fraud.

How do you plead?

Defendant pleads not guilty, Your Honor.

The people on bail?

Defendant has no legal guardians.

She's currently living in a group home for at-risk girls in New York.

There's no one into whose custody we can release her.

She's a teenage runaway with a record.

Under the circumstances, I find her a flight risk.

Defendant is hereby remanded to a secure juvenile facility pending trial.

Officer, take Ms. Wilson into custody.

[Handcuffs clicking]

They arrested Clare?

No bail?

How long is the New Jersey trial backlog?

She could be in for a year and a half.

The county prosecutor and his wife, the ADA, they went through the motions, but Judge Dolan shut us down, hiding behind the fig leaf of Jersey's stringent anti-fraud statutes.

These guys have some stones.

They want to claim protocol, I can too.

There's a judge I work with on the task force.

I can get him to write up a court order stipulating that we need Clare in New York to testify in a pretrial hearing.

Meanwhile, where are we with Perry?

Let me make some calls.

Let's hit him with an alphabet soup.

It's a strip club, big sports night.

Operation's set to go at 10:00 PM, prime time.

I've got the multi-agency response warrants lined up.

Perry is not gonna know what hit him.

Good, 'cause I want shock and awe.

Liv, look, no offense to Fin and Rollins, but you want a show of power, you need the whole team.

Oh, not now, Nick.

Come on, it's k*lling me sitting there.

I know that.

I told you that it's too soon.

Too soon.

For me or for you?

Think I'm not ready to be commanding officer?

Look, that's not what--

Look, it came out--


Yeah, it did.

Oh, come on.

I'm the one who had your back with Cragen.

I know that, Nick.


And what was it you said to him?

"If you can't trust me, I'm done."

Hey, just wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

Call Arnie.

What's going on?

So far, we have CSU in your VIP lounge and the Health Department and lmmigration going through your kitchen.

And your sushi bar here-- you better hope they don't find any human contamination on that raw fish.

On their way is OSHA, New York City Department of Taxation and Finance, A*F.

Why don't you just shut this place down, give the girls the weekend off?

Excuse me, fellas.

These nice folks here are from CSU they're gonna be executing a luminol check for fluids on these couches.

Any of y'all been here before?

Yeah, I'm gonna need a swab on all of them.

[Phone chimes]

Well, this is harassment.

What, you think you're a big guy, getting your buddies in Jersey to lock up a 16-year-old r*pe victim?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Who are you paying off?

Masconi? Judge Dolan?

Wait a minute.

Is this all because I didn't give up the name of a patron?


All right, all right.

Say I give him up, all right?

All right.

Is this circus gonna go away?

Oh, that's not my call.

You see, once these agencies get involved, it really takes on a life of its own.

Take Mr. Cannavaro in.


Hey, call Arnie!

Hey, Rubirosa got the writ expedited for Clare's release.

Barba wants to serve the papers to Dolan first thing tomorrow morning, Jersey City, 8:00 AM.

Okay, go with him.

Make sure that Clare sees a friendly face when she gets out.


Hit or stand?

Take a hit.


And another 12.

What are you gonna do?

Oh, bust.


Changing a 100.

Place your bets.

Hey, Barba just called.

Your partner was supposed to be in Jersey City 20 minutes ago.

Any idea where she is?

It's New Jersey.

Probably just stuck on the bridge like everybody else.

Barba wasn't.

What are you getting at?

I'm just saying, you know, rollins was late the other morning too.

Her dog was sick.

You know how people get about their dogs.

You're right.

That must be it.


Whatever's going on between you and Rollins, let it go.

You're like my niece and nephew right now, going at it.

Hey. I've got no problem with her, but I'm worried she has a problem.

You can't help yourself, can you?

You're still coming off of that sh**ting.

Focus on yourself right now.

I'll need to take this under advisement.

Talk to the prosecutor.

Your Honor, this is a court order.

You're the judge on the case.

Sorry I'm late.

Hit a lot of traffic.

You're the judge on the case.

You don't need a prosecutor's permission.

We work closely on a lot of cases.

I'd like to give him a heads up.

You might want to just go ahead and sign off on that now.

Perry Cannavaro, the owner of the strip club, he's the one that turned Clare in, right?

Watch yourself, Detective.

He's just a constituent.

Who is, at this moment, in NYPD custody debating whether or not to save his ass by cooperating with the feds.

It would appear everything squares away.

I'll authorize her release.

Thank you.


Clare Wilson.

She got in two days ago.

Mm, one of those.

"One of those" meaning?

You're a little late.

Yeah, she started acting up, so we gave her diesel therapy.

Put her on a bus to Knollwood Juvenile.

Where's that?

The Delaware border.

Clare Wilson.

Yes, she came in yesterday.

Yes, we have an order for her release.

Not for tonight, you don't.

Excuse me?


I'm sorry.

She's not available.

No, we have an order from New York, a writ for her to cross state lines and a signed release from New Jersey.

We got a problem with this slunt, Ingrid, again.

She's off her brake fluid, banging her head against the wall.

Newman, these are SVU detectives from New York.

Ingrid, if you can't stay calm, we're going to put you back in the time-out room.

You better behave!

There's a reason these kids are in juvie.

Clare Wilson.


Clare Wilson has been put into solitary.

Yeah, how did that happen, since she got here yesterday?

Well, there's an adjustment period when they get here.

She got into it with another inmate.

Ms. Wilson needs to learn she can't pull that at Knollwood.

Well, we're charged with taking her back.

I have other juvies to worry about.

I won't break precedent.

They get isolation.

They finish their time.

We have all the paperwork signed here.

You'll get her back to New York, Detectives, just not tonight.

Forget about releasing Clare.

They wouldn't even let us see her.

They said she was in solitary.

I called a contact at Jersey DOC, but he said Knollwood sets its own rules.

Knollwood's a private facility?

Yeah, owned and operated.

The state pays per prisoner each day that they're there.

It's pretty lucrative.

They hit record profits just last quarter.

So the more prisoners they get, the more money they make.

Yeah, and they're not putting those profits back into the facility or rehab.

We get that.

No, you don't.

There have been dozens of attempted teenage suicides.

There's allegations of drug abuse, v*olence, sexual abuse.

Can we just put reforming the for-profit prison system on hold and focus on Clare?

I was getting to that, Counselor.

So every judge in Jersey-- they send a few kids there a year, but Judge Dolan--

90% of his juveniles end up there.

So the judge is funneling them business.

What's Knollwood funneling back to him?

We're not sure yet.

And the Perry money trail?

We have forensic accountants tearing his books apart, but he still won't give us the name of Clare's r*pist.

And he had the Hudson County legal system railroad Clare.

I mean, whoever this r*pist is, he has serious hooks.

So, Fin, Amaro, keep hitting Perry.

Rollins, keep digging at Knollwood.

In the meantime, do you guys have any plan at all of how to get Clare out of there?

They're playing a shell game, moving her around like a hostage.

Well, the game ends now.

I'm gonna get a forthwith order releasing Clare to New York's DOC.

Well, how is that different from the last one?

Even if she's in solitary, the warden will have to release her immediately.

[Buzzer sounds]

[Door creaks]

She's your problem now.


Hey, what the hell happened to this girl?

She heard the word "No" for the first time.

Okay, let's get you out of here.

Come on.

They drugged me.

They said I was out of control.

They dry-celled me in solitary.

No running water.

They called it the brown room.

I had to sleep on the floor with no blankets.

Clare, you're never going back to Knollwood again.

I promise you that, okay?

The other kids-- everyone had bruises.

Everyone was doped up.

It's horrible.

Listen, they're gonna get you to the hospital so you can get some rest.



Come on, there you go.

Put that around you.

Jump in the car.

All right, jump in there, sweetie.

Rollins just called about Knollwood's finances.

They have a Jersey City PR firm on retainer for $25,000 a month.


Knollwood doesn't want anyone to know they exist.

They don't do PR.

Well, neither does this firm.

Knollwood's their only client.

They only have one employee, a Beatrice D'Avola.

She's 87, has Alzheimer's, lives in a condo with round-the-clock nursing care in Boca, visited often by her daughter, Masconi's wife, Gina.

The Masconis get the money.

So why is Judge Dolan pimping for them?

I have no say on where a sitting judge remands his prisoners.

Okay, well, do you have any say over what PR firm Knollwood uses?

My father-in-law--

God rest his soul-- was of counsel to some Knollwood executives.

He looked out for them, and now they're paying it forward to my mother-in-law in her dotage.

Are you aware of the practices at Knollwood-- the forced medications, the deprivation of food and water, the abuse that they call discipline?

You're getting this from Clare Wilson, a second-generation lowlife who's playing you and the feds.

So it's true what they say about SVU.

Yeah, what's that?

Everyone's a victim to you guys.

And it's true what they say about New Jersey prosecutors.

There are no victims.

There are no perpetrators.

Only meal tickets, huh?

We're still sorting through Perry's byzantine financial system, but in the meantime, we took a look at Judge Dolan's finances.

Let me guess.

Beatrice D'Avola's PR firm pays him as a consultant.

No, money flows the other way.

Four years ago, the Judge starts writing checks to local assemblymen, the Governor as well.

40 grand a year.

The Governor?

He's the one who appoints county prosecutors.

Yeah, with the advice of local assemblymen.

A lot of money for a family court judge.

He had to take out a second mortgage.

What, for campaign contributions?

He still writing checks?

No, he stopped two years ago, okay?

When Knollwood hired the PR firm owned by Masconi's mother-in-law.

And that's when Dolan starts dumping every juvie he comes across into Knollwood.

So Masconi says "Jump," and Dolan says "How high?"

What does he have on him?

Masconi, Perry-- they're old-school thugs.

Dolan bullies teenage girls.

Let's hit the weak link.

Nice stuff.

Samurai were great warriors.

Yeah, I started out with kabuki masks.

Now I collect armor, swords.

But you're not here about my hobby.

No, we want to ask you about your connection to Knollwood.

It's a good, hands-on facility.

No, they're a disgrace.

When was it that you first got interested in them?

I mean, just was it before or after you took out the second mortgage on your house?

You looked into my financials.

And your prosecutor pal, Masconi's.

We know he's taking kickbacks from Knollwood.

I don't know anything about that.

Well, how about the 90% of the juvies you sent there?

I mean, come on, Masconi has got a house in vail.

He's got a big, old estate in West Hampton.

His mother-in-law lives in a million-dollar condo in Boca.

Your mortgaged up to your neck, and all you got is some swords.

I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.

Either you've got the worst business manager in the world, or Masconi has you by the short hairs.

Whatever it is, we're gonna find out.

There's nothing to find out.

That girl you sent away, Clare-- you know she got r*ped, don't you?

And you sent her to prison.

I think you know who the r*pist is.

Leave now.

No, just get whatever you want, Brian.

Um, chicken.

Ginger, okay?


White rice or brown rice?


Uh, Brian, I don't care.

Just pick a rice, a sauce.

I've just made a lot of decisions today.

I'm not yelling.

But please, just don't make me make another decision, okay?

Um, yeah.

I have another call.



[Phone beeps]

Fin, what?

No, I don't have the TV on.

A community was shaken earlier this evening when Hudson County judge Daniel Dolan was found dead in his study, the victim of an apparent Japanese ritual su1c1de known as hara-kiri.

We'll have more on this story as it develops throughout the night.

You're NYPD.


I thought you were Jersey.

Atlantic City, right?

This is my partner, Detective Tutuola.

I was just telling Detective Moore that we met with the judge earlier this afternoon.

A few hours ago, sex trafficking case.

You two went at him pretty hard, huh?

Self-inflicted, jagged wound.

Took him hours to bleed out.

Did he leave a note?


But I did find a photo.

It was texted to his cell before he offed himself.

I figured his wife doesn't need to see it.


You said sex trafficking.

You know that girl?

Hey, can you send this to me before you give it to IT?

Yeah, just give me your number, sweetheart.

This photo was sent to Judge Dolan right before he k*lled himself.

I know this girl.

I saw her file.

Miyako Nara, she was born into a massage parlor, passed around early.

Where is this girl now?

She disappeared four years ago.

No trace of her since.

Four years ago.

That's when Dolan started paying off Masconi's political cronies.

Okay, now we know what Masconi has on Dolan.

Is it safe to say that he didn't use his own phone to send it?

Nah, it's a burner cell.

It looks like a surveillance still from a private room at a strip club.

Miyako used to work at Perry's Jersey City club.

All roads lead to Perry.

Dolan fell on his sword.

Maybe Perry won't.

I don't know this girl.

Take another look.

Miyako Nara.

She was 12 at the time of this photo.

You got Dolan drunk, sent her into the VIP room.

He screws her.

You send the surveillance video to Masconi.

The both of you own a judge.

Then the girl mysteriously disappears.

You have a dark world view, Detective.

Oh, wait a minute.

Yeah, she was some dancer's niece.

Hung out.

I have no idea what happened to her.

Mr. Cannavaro, you are looking at RICO sex trafficking charges.

Do you need your lawyer to explain to you what that means?


You haven't even charged him yet.

I take it that means you're ready to offer my client a deal.

That's up to the federal prosecutor, pending your cooperation.

I don't know anything about underage girls.

I promise, I'll screen better.




That's old-school.

You know, you're a real stand-up guy, protecting some mook who r*ped one of your own girls.

And for what?


The times have changed, Perry.

Are you gonna be the last schmuck in Jersey to honor the code?

Who r*ped Clare Wilson, Perry?

Judge Dolan is gone, Perry.

You don't have to protect him anymore.

It's not the judge I was protecting.

Come on.

Take your time.

Whenever you're ready.

It's him.

Number three.

Are you sure?

He r*ped me in the VIP room.

It's like he thought I was part of the deal.

[Phone chimes]


All right, are we done here?

I would like a word with my client.

You mean your husband?

You're still standing by your man, Counselor?

Clare, let me take you back to the group home.

Thank you, all of you.

You're gonna be okay, Clare.

So that was Barba.

Perry had a lot to say.

Turns out he and Masconi were silent partners for 20 years.

Dolan wasn't the only judge Masconi owned.

He's still naming names.

So he cut a deal.

Well, he will keep his clubs for now, but he's gonna be working for me for a while.

The man who r*ped me is the prosecutor who charged me with fraud?

And the judge that put you away was being blackmailed by him.

New Jersey-- they're never gonna clean it up.

But I'm safe now.

They can't charge me?

They can't send me back to Knollwood?


And the feds assured us that they're gonna investigate Knollwood.

Can you trust those guys?

I hope so.

So what happens now?

You start your new life.

Go get your GED.

Maybe go to college.

With my view.

There's my tree.


Banker's hours, huh?

I'd get out of here if I were you.

Look, I'm sorry I went at you the other day.

I didn't mean--

I know.

All the changes... we're good?

We're good.

Nick, something Cragen said to me, "Nothing changes except what has to."

So you okay?

You still going to DC?

Oh, yeah, I'm driving down tonight.

Maria and I are gonna sit down and really talk.

You know?

That's great, Nick.


Good night.

[Cell phone ringing]



What a surprise.

Uh, Nick seems fine.



Of course.

I understand.


Of course I will talk to him.

It's absolutely okay that you called.

Yeah, I understand.

You're just worried about him.




Thank you.

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