16x01 - Girls Disappeared

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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16x01 - Girls Disappeared

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

You ready, little man?

You ready?

There we go. Shh, shh.

Good night, sweet Noah.

Aw, you miss your mommy, don't you?

She had a hard road, huh?

I don't know if I'm ever gonna be able to tell you this story.

But I can tell you this.

She loved you.

Very, very much.

Her name was Ellie.

So they let Little Tino stay out?

But he's wearing a bracelet, Ellie.

You're gonna be safe here.

When do I have to testify?

At the grand jury tomorrow.

And then I'll get Noah back?

You gotta focus right now on getting clean.

You gotta focus on working your program.

Okay? You call me if you need anything.

I don't want Noah to grow up in foster care like I did.

I just want him to be safe, to grow up knowing that he's loved.

They may have found something.

Is it her?

The body's burned up pretty bad.

It's Ellie.

Come on, Tino. Who did it?

Who gave the order?

I green-lit her.

No way!

You're doing time, playa, 25 to life.

Who's pulling your strings?

Sergeant Benson, you rescued the infant.

Isn't that right?

Yes, your honor.

Is there any chance you might like to become a foster mother to this baby?

I'm still trying to find the man that hurt your mom, Noah.

And I have...

You have a lot of friends.

And I promise you this.

I'm not gonna rest until I get him.

They don't teach you everything at the academy.

The best way to win some fights is to never have them.

They brainwash you at anger management?

Fine, try it the hard way.

Now, lesson two, what's wrong with that picture?

Afternoon, sir.

License, registration, and insurance, please?

Why, is there a problem, officer?

You're parked in front of a hydrant, and you're exposing yourself.

You mind zipping up and stepping out?

Both of you.

Hands on the hood.

All right, come on.

I'm parked, all right?

She's my girlfriend. You know?

I mean, it's better than me getting serviced while I'm driving, right?

That's great.

You're all about safety.

And your girl, what's her name?

I don't know, we just met.

She have ID?

Fake one.

Honey, how old are you?


What year were you born?


Houston, we have a problem.

Look, I'm sorry, all right?

My wife...

My wife is pregnant.

Give me my purse!

I didn't do nothing!

Don't lie to me, chica!

Hey, hey!

You move, you lose your car.

Easy. You don't have to run.

Calm down.

Easy. Hey, calm down.

Hey, just breathe.

Give me my purse!

Just breathe!



He'll friggin' k*ll me.

Who's that, your pimp?

Hey. SVU.

We're here for Luna Garcia.

You can help yourself to that bitch.

My partner's processing her now.

Guapo, you done with the empathy thing? We can let this one go.

What's up, man?

Yo. What's up?

How are you?

Look, I know you called.

I've just been busy, you know, pulling as much ot as I can.

We know how it is.

You won't be here for much longer.

Listen, this girl you brought in, Luna Garcia.

Yeah, she's underage.

Her prints came in from ins a half hour ago.

She's also a material witness in the r*pe homicide of Ellie Porter.

Noah's mom? Does Liv know?

That's why we're here.

My partner did the paperwork.

If I'd seen the want card, I'd have called right away.

You know, I have a rapport with Luna, if you want me to talk to her.

Liv wants us to bring her in.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

No, I get it.


What's going on?

Where are you taking me?

You're gonna be fine, honey.

We just need to talk to you.

[g*nsh*t] Oh!

Stay down!

Police! Drop the g*n!

[Tires screeching]

Move, and I'mma cap your ass.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Where's the sh**t?

At the hospital with Fin.

The girl, Luna, is in interview.

She is shaken up.

How'd they know you were picking her up?

Amaro thinks that they were followed to the precinct.



He was the arresting officer.

They shot at cops right outside the station?

So they want us to know they're crazy.

You must be my new detective.

Dominick Carisi, Jr.

Call me Sonny.

I brought zeppoli.

I asked for an experienced, empathic detective and they sent you?

I'm way experienced.

Sensitive and moody, too.

And I can do that whole empathy thing.

Where are you from?

Staten lsland SVU for two months, and Brooklyn for almost a month, and then Queens last week.

So they love you wherever you go, Carisi?

Call me Sonny. I was supposed to start tomorrow, but I heard about the sh**ting over my scanner, so I came in.

What's our read?

The 116 had a witness of an open case.

They took a shot at her.

The girl giving the smoothie to the mook in a minivan?

What's she a witness to?

A few months ago, a trafficked girl was g*ng-r*ped and set on fire.

The Ellie Porter case.


I remember hearing about it.

It was horrible.

Her pimp green-lit her, right?

Little Tino.

He took the rap, but we don't think he ordered the hit.

So this girl's hooking for the same crew, and you think that she's gonna give up Mr. Big.

Want me to take a run at her, sergeant?

I can certainly see why you're so popular.

Rollins, how about you talk to the John.

And, Carisi, come with me.

I need you to follow my lead or you'll be oh for four, and then your all-borough tour of SVU will continue in the Bronx.

My son has soccer tomorrow.

I need my car back.

I don't think you understand what's going on here.

Your girl was 16.

Well, she didn't finish.

Ok? 'Cause we got interrupted.

So that...

See, right there, you just confessed to statutory r*pe.

Okay, so how'd you make the date?


You call the number, and then they come in a car, and she gets in the car with me.

Couldn't get a room?

That's classy.

Well, that costs a lot of money. Okay?

And I have two children in catholic school.

You ever date this girl?

She goes by the name Lisette.

Or maybe Ellie.

Yeah, I don't know. Maybe.

I'm not really paying attention to their faces, so...

You want to look again?

I don't know her.

Yeah, you do, Luna.

You lived with her.

We found your passport when we raided Little Tino's mom's house.

Do you know what happened to Ellie?

Just put me in jail.

Luna, listen to me.

They took a shot at you, they want you dead.

They k*lled Ellie.

Now if you work with us, if you talk with us, we can make sure that you stay safe.

Safe as you can be.


She's not gonna talk to us if we keep blowing smoke.


How long you been on the streets? One year, two?

Six months before that, you're in Mexico getting turned out.

You have any hope left?

You still praying to our lady of Guadalupe every night, asking her forgiveness?

[Speaking spanish]

Carisi, would you be so kind to get Ms. Garcia something to drink?

I told you, I don't know her!

Okay, no problem, sarge.

But before I go, [Speaks spanish]

That wasn't a warning shot.

Your papi green-lit your ass.

Hey, that's not helpful.

You ask me, you got one hope, t-nonimmigrant status for trafficked girls.

You get a new identity, you move to a new city.

Welcome to America.

Now I can pull those strings and make that happen, but you have to make a statement.

At least we can offer you a chance.

But that's all it is, it's a chance.

[Speaks spanish]

It's us or them.

We want you to live, Luna.

They don't.

Do you understand that?


And my partner here is gonna get you that drink that we talked about.

You got pretty lucky in there, promising her "t" status.

What are you, an immigration lawyer?

Halfway there.

Night school, Fordham law.

I just did a term paper on "t" non-immigrant status.

She's a good candidate.

So you did a paper, and now you told her that you have pull?

It doesn't actually matter if I'm actually telling the truth.

I mean, I got her to believe I am.

Look, that may work in Staten lsland, but that's not how we do things here. Okay?

My apologies, sergeant.

But after what happened to Ellie Porter, she knows we can't keep her safe.

So you scare her?

What happened to that empathy thing you do?

When's the last time she got empathy from a man?

I mean, she's used to a pimp telling her what to do.

To her, a nice guy is just playing her.

Fine. Just get her to talk.

Okay, guys, so where are we at?

Did you get anything from our John?

Looks like the same setup as Little Tino's operation.

Burner cell phones, craigslist ads.

But Little Tino's in jail.

This is another franchise.


So what about the sh**t?

Diego Ramirez.

He somehow managed to lawyer up while still in surgery. No record.

But his prints match ones on the gas can found at Ellie's m*rder.

So he was there.

Did he r*pe her?

We're waiting on that.

I know why Luna doesn't need a lawyer.

She's got a mouth on her.

Did you get anything?

I got the address of the house she's working out of.

But did you get her pimp?

It's too soon to ask.

So you got nothing.

I'm trying to build a rapport.

Just stake out the house, you'll find him.

Who're you?

Detective Tutuola, meet Sonny Carisi.

Remember that sensitive, experienced detective that I put in for?

So who do we call for a warrant?

Easy there, cowboy.

We've already taken down one house, and all we got was house.

There's something bigger going on here.

Maybe we do stake it out, put a U.C. inside?

Cool. They don't know me.

How about I do it?

Hold that thought.

How about we go with somebody that they do know, and somebody that they also know has a grudge against NYPD.

[Siren chirps]

License, registration, insurance.

I'm sure you know the deal.

The deal is I didn't do nothing.

That's not what I hear.

Excuse me?

Listen, Joaquin Menendez, I could cite you for rolling through the stop sign, I could toss your car and plant dr*gs, or we can just discuss what's going on in that house back there.


So this is a shakedown.

Maybe I should call my abogado.

No, no, no. [Speaks spanish]

Hear me out.

We both know you have working girls in there.

[Speaks spanish]

And where did you hear this from?

Friends at SVU.

I mean, maybe I can give you a heads up when you need it, and you can help me with my alimony.

I'll just take the ticket.

You need proof?

I'll give you something for free.

You're getting raided tonight.

Here's your license.

That's my card.

Burner cell is on the back.

Call me when you're ready to deal.

Hey, Amaro.

Aren't you the one that beat up that chomo?

And now they got you doing traffic stops out here in Queens.


You know, if you're too stupid to believe me and you get snatched up, look for El Moreno.

Tell him we're friends.

Drive safely, Joaquin.


We're clear!

Nobody move!

Let's see your hands!

Clear that room.

Stay where you are.

Hands in the air!

Hands in the air!

Come on, come on.

Go take her.

You, you check the back.

Don't move!

Get over there!

You heard what he said.

It's okay.

Girls, it's okay.

It's all right. It's all right.

See, look. It's okay. Come.

Come on out, it's okay.

You're okay.

Not one more step, amigo.

You stay right there.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

I got this, young blood.

Rollins found some girls upstairs.

She needs you inside.

Hey, it's all good.

Yo, I'm a friend of Nick's.

Okay, get the hell out of here.

You shouldn't be in a house like this. Go.

Chocolate milk.

The real kind, with syrup, not powder.

I don't want that.

I'm not a kid.

And I'm waiting for my lawyer to come.

You think Joaquin is sending you a lawyer?

He's downtown right now, he's claiming he had no idea you were turning tricks.

That's not true.

You're how old, 14?

Just tell us what he's done to you, how you got here.

I don't need your help.


We got your phone.

So how about your daughter?

Does she need our help?

We raided a house last may, and there were children inside.

Not so tonight.

Where's your baby, Missy?

Can I have something to eat?

I'll order you something.

[Door opens, closes]

Still not talking?

Okay, suit yourself.

I'm oh for three.

These girls have been through so much, they are scared to death.

And these idiots in D.C. do want to send them back because they're "t*rrorists bringing over ebola."

Did you get anything from Missy?

No, not yet.

But boy wonder's in there talking to her about her baby.

Her baby?

[Exhales] She's, what, 15?

14. She grew up in foster homes, she ran away.

She got seduced by some Romeo pimp, and got turned out, and then sold to Joaquin's g*ng.

Just like Ellie.

Your setup worked.

After I let Joaquin go, he called up Amaro and told him he owed him a favor.

Said he'd put him on retainer.

Well, I'm glad Joaquin's happy.

Did we get anything out of the raid?

Look, Taru is going through the girls' cell phones.

The numbers match the ones on the craigslist ads.

And lots of phone calls from midtown hotels.

Oh, great.

And another thing.

All the girls had the same app for a same car service, Quickride.

You've seen the signs.

"Drive for us, make four grand a month."

I bet they're making a lot more than that driving around out-calls.

A prostitution ring?

Not again.

My brother's on the job in Miami, so I know how these things work, but there's not much I can do.

How about giving us the names and addresses to these accounts.

We don't record that for privacy reasons.

You saw what happened with Uber.

I spent three years building up this business, I'm not gonna see it go down because drivers were arrested for harassing female customers.

All right, well, how are the accounts paid?

Some direct deposit, some billed monthly, some bitcoin.

These accounts, all paid by an offshore LLC.

Address is a PO box.

You mentioned earlier you've had this problem before?

I had to close an account about five months ago.

Drivers were complaining about a man being rough with young girls in my cars.

This guy got a name?

Tino Aguilar. He wasn't happy when I cut him off.

A real badass.

[Security door buzzes]

Both these pimps use quickride to transport the girls?

Paid for by a shell corporation.

And so far, forensic accounts can't track it down.

So why would Little Tino talk?

An ADA coming all the way to Attica?

That might make him think he can get a deal.

What do you want from me?

Your girls used Quickride.

We just busted another house that used Quickride.

It's the same question, Little Tino.
Who's in charge here?

I'm already in jail for r*pe and m*rder.

You can get me off from that?

I'm here, aren't I?

You cooperate, Witness Protection is one phone call away.

If I talk, everybody's gonna know it's coming from me.

No, they won't.

You have cover now.

We have the other house, we have the car service.

We have a sh**t in custody right now for trying to take out one of the working girls.

Somebody's gonna give up your boss.

You're the last person that they're thinking about.

But none of those witnesses talked yet?

Doesn't that tell you something?

Who ordered Ellie k*lled?

Why are you so worried about that dead whore?

It worked out pretty good for you.

Excuse me?

I heard you got a baby out of it.

Where did you hear that?

You love that little baby?


Are you stupid enough to thr*aten a sergeant's family in front of a DA when he's offering you a deal?

All I'm saying is, if I was you, I'd leave this alone.

Some of your own guys are working against you.

My turn to buy.

What do you want?

I want you to stay in the car.

Don't text.

I'll take an iced coffee, light and sweet.

Keep your eyes on the street.

You done with this paper?

Your sh**t, Diego, is in recovery.

He's looking for a deal.

That's all right.

He don't know nothing.

And my girls you snatched up at the house, they're all lawyered up and out on bail.

So I got no worries.

You know a guy named Little Tino?

The DA's leaning on him.

Went up to Attica, told him if someone else talks first, Tino spends the rest of his life in prison.

Tino's cooperating?

These keep coming, I make a few calls and find out.

But if Tino does turn, you don't want to be the last man in.

You know my friend, the one who let you go?

He can walk you through the door if you need it.


♪ You say you a gangsta ♪
♪ that don't impress me none ♪
♪ you say you a gangsta ♪
♪ ain't seen a thing you've done ♪
♪ I do it all myself ♪
♪ I ain't getting help ♪
♪ from no one, from no one ♪
♪ yeah, I'm young, 21 ♪
♪ living in a crazy world ♪
♪ but I know the difference ♪
♪ between a man and a herb ♪
♪ you fronting like you got it ♪
♪ claim they hatin' on your wallet ♪
♪ Gucci telling you the time and you watch it ♪


♪ No, I ain't stuntin' like my daddy ♪
♪ he's livin' with my granny ♪
♪ used to be a big baller ♪
♪ he surviving off of gambling ♪
♪ but I love him, he's my daddy ♪
♪ yeah, I love him, he's my daddy... ♪

Little Tino just got shanked in prison.

Do we still have eyes on Joaquin?

I'll call Amaro.

That was Bellevue Prison Ward.

Diego, the guy that shot at us, he just got hit in his hospital room.

He's gone.

When it rains, it bleeds.

Missy, that kid, shot dead in a car with a John.

Somebody's cleaning house.

All right. Go, go, go.

Bellevue, Attica, the sh**ting.

I'm going home to check on Noah.

♪ Mommy on the couch since she was 42... ♪


Lucy, hey, I'm coming home right now.

Do not let anybody in. Okay?

Oh, we're not home.

What? Where?

We're at the park.

He's been cooped up inside all day.

[People screaming]

Lucy, what's going on?

♪ You say you a gangsta ♪
♪ that don't impress me none ♪

This is sergeant Benson, Manhattan SVU.

Hey. SVU. SVU, my son was in the park.

You might wanna check with EMS.

Oh, my God.




Is he okay?

We're fine. We're fine.

Oh, thank God.

Nobody got hit.

They think he was just trying to scare everyone.

It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay.

Let's get you inside, my love.

Diego Ramirez got a hotshot in Bellevue.

Missy Brooks, ex*cuted along with a John.

Looks like he was just collateral damage.

And Little Tino, critical.

Still in surgery, shivved nine times.

And Noah. And Lucy.

A sh**t opened up at the playground.

You okay, Liv?

We should get them out of the city.

There's a detail on them and we've already picked up Luna.

Now, what we need to do now is find out whoever ordered these hits, starting with Joaquin.

We know how this started.

Amaro met with Joaquin and an hour later the knives come out?

Somehow he got that message to his boss.

How? We had Joaquin's phone tapped, he was under surveillance.

Tell Amaro to set up a meet with Joaquin.

The second those two sit down, you bring them both in.

You wanna arrest Nick?

It has to look good.

I know.

Anything else?

Missy was k*lled in Richmond hill in a John's car.

I'm wondering how she got there.

How about I go talk to Quickride?

How about we do?

Angel Perez?

Angel Perez?

Get out. I'm not talking.

They did a number on this place.

I would think you'd want us to catch these guys.

One of your drivers may have dropped off a girl who was m*rder*d yesterday.

Hey! You heard what he said.

He said get out.

This only happened because my husband talked to those detectives.

So leave us alone.

Man, what are you doing to me?

I give you a couple of names and you put hits out on all of them?

Take potshots at my former sergeant's kid?

I had nothing to do with that.

You think I'm an idiot?

Tell me who put these hits out, or I'll take you down right here.

Who was it? Who did it?

Who you think you talking to?

I know who I'm talking to.

You take me down, I'm bringing you down with me.

A cop on the take, setting up witnesses to be k*lled.

That'd be the final nail in your coffin.

Pleasure doing business with you.

No, man.

You're not walking away from me!

Hey, hey, hey!

Joaquin Menendez, Nick Amaro!

Back up, get your hands up in the air.

What the hell is this?

Hands up!

We don't need to do this here, guys.

Hey, come on.

Turn around.

Look, I thought we had a deal.

Not anymore.

Come on.

Let's go.

This is bull.

Your dirty cop Amaro set me up.

Sit down!

He had all the names.

I don't know anything.

Shut up!

Who ordered the hits?

I got no idea.

No idea. Okay.

So why don't we start with an easy question, huh?

Who green-lit Ellie?

We know that it wasn't Little Tino.

So who was it?

Who was it?

Why the hell you care so much?

Oh, wait.

You're the one who has her kid.

Was it you who took the shot?

You tried to k*ll Noah?

You won't make it out of central booking.

Don't put that on me.

I don't care if you did it or you know who did it.

This one's on you.


And I promise you, you better start talking, or they're gonna find you hanging in your cell.

I promise you that.

Hey, Liv.

We just got a call from Attica.

Little Tino is conscious.

Good. We got him.

Thank you.


[Security door buzzes]

Thank you.

Oh, hell, no. You not going in to see my son.

This is police business, Ms. Aguilar. Okay? Step aside.

Like hell.

You set up my baby.

He talks to you again, he's dead.

He didn't talk, and they already tried to k*ll him.

You want to keep him alive, tell us who his boss is.

I don't know.

I guess there's nothing else to talk about.


What, you got something to talk about?


I don't deal with the boss.

But I have dealt with his bottom. Selena.

How do we get in touch with her?

Selena's the one that breaks in the new girls.

I heard there's a new one up, 16 maybe, from Ciudad Juarez.

Goes by Carmen on craigslist.

You book a date with her, Selena will be close by.

[Knocking on door]

Hey. You must be Carmen.


Hi. Come on in.

Come in.

You're so pretty.

So, what are you gonna do for me?

Whatever you want.

Massage is 200.

Massage? That's a joke, right?

I didn't call you for a massage.

Just tell me what you want.

Oh, yeah, that's better.

I like the ones who struggle.

Please don't hurt me!

Please don't!

Where are you going?

No, no, no.

I like it rough.

That's what I want.

You can't do that, you find someone who can.

Because this ain't what I'm paying for, baby.

Yeah, get out your phone.

Pick up that phone!

Pick up that phone and call somebody right now!


[Knocking on door]

Whoa, whoa.

I just wanted a new girl.

You sent me the virgin Maria.

Carmen. [Speaking spanish]

You know what? Forget it.

We don't gotta do this.

You hurt my girl.

You need to pay.

Okay. No problem, ma'am.

No problem.

Lower the g*n.

We're all friends.

Nobody needs to get hurt here.


Hands in the air.

This one's done.

She's my cousin.

I was trying to help.

Yeah, save it, sister.

Let's go.

Come here.

Hey, you're okay now.

All right?

You're safe.

Carmen had a date.

We gave her a ride, five minutes later she called, screaming, scared for her life.

That's all I know.

You think that's gonna play for a jury?

We've got you and your muscle on video.

Selena, stop.

We've been tracking you.

We have you, on compelling prostitution.

That's ten years, minimum.

You understand that?

Ten years.

Sorry for the interruption.


So you're her mouthpiece?

Nice suit.

Look, I don't know who's paying your salary, but if you're really here to defend Selena, then I suggest you get her to tell us something.

I didn't tell them anything.

She didn't have to.

We know she's worked her way to the bottom.

We're building a case against her boss.

How, by threatening my client with jail?

With deportation?

I would think SVU detectives would have more sympathy for the path she's been made to walk.

Fair enough.

Let's talk about her path.

Let's talk about how she got here.

Let's talk about who she works for, and what he made her do.

What you are asking her to do would put her in grave danger.

To protect herself, my client is invoking at this point.

You sure you don't want to consult with your client first?

Maybe see what she wants?

Don't try to trick her.

Selena knows to trust her abogado.

Verdad, Selena?

[Door opens, closes]

You saw the look of terror on her face when her own lawyer walked in the room?

She's scared to death.

She works for those pimps.

She had to know about Ellie, she had to know about that 14-year-old girl, Missy.

And going after Noah?


Whatever she's become, we know she started out like those other girls.

That's who she was.

It's not who she is now.

She's a victimizer now.

We have to build a case against her.

Where's Luna?

She's in the bunk room.

Get her down here.

How's my application for "t" status going?

I'm working on it.

Luna, do you know her?

Everybody knows Selena.

She's in charge of us.

So she's the enforcer?


But now she thinks she's better because she works for them.

She used to be like us.

She tells me it's my fault I'm a whore.

Your fault?

She asks how could I be so stupid.

In our village, Vargas, every girl knew it could happen.

And I did what my mother said.

I never wore makeup.

I tried to look ugly, no dresses.

[Speaks spanish]

And when the Narcos come, you hide.

It's okay.

One day, I was hiding with my kitten when she ran away.

I climbed out after her, and they took me.

Just after my first communion.

Luna, why did you say "our village?"

Selena was one of the first girls taken.

Everybody knew her story.

She was at the market one day with her mother, and she let go of her mama's hand.

And that was it.

And everybody knew she got taken to Tenancingo.

Same place I got taken.

Tenancingo is the epicenter for sex trafficking in Mexico.

Pimping is their main industry.

It is a very poor village, shack after shack after shack.

Except for these mansions.

They're five stories high, turreted, gates.

Pagoda rooftops.

I spoke to a federal task force looking into this.

The traffickers make so much money, they build these huge houses.

Their mothers live there, a few guards, and the children.

Children of kidnapped girls.

So there have mansions in Mexico.

How's this help us take down this crew?

I'm just getting to that.

The task force was able to ID three owners.

The first, shot to death in Tijuana last April.

The second is a relative of a respected member of the town council.

And the third they claim is somewhere in the U.S., possibly New York.

Teodoro Juarez, 35.

Son of a bitch.

Am I missing something?

That's Angel.

Must have vandalized his own office.

Teodoro Juarez is known to us as Angel Perez.

He owns Quickride, the car service the girls use.

So he wasn't just transporting, he's trafficking.

Problem is, no one's gonna testify to that.

He's ruthless, he doesn't think twice about kidnapping young girls, raping them, and holding their babies hostage.

Hold on.

That might be our way in.

These girls, they've given up on themselves.

But what about the babies?

Does the task force have eyes on the ground?

And in the air.

So can they tell us how many kids are hidden inside Angel's mother's house.

And who they are?


Why are you here?

I've done my two days.

I'm out tomorrow.

Leave me alone.

You think your lawyer got you that deal?

We had you on trafficking, as*ault, r*pe.

Letting you plea down to a mis-d, that was just to get your lawyer out of the way.

Maybe I should call him, tell him you're here.

You could do that.

I don't think he's gonna help you get your son back.


You know where he is?

Is he okay?

He's fine.

U.S. federal agents took that photo yesterday.

In Tenancingo.

In Angel's house.

What do you want?

You want me to talk?

Do you know where he is?

They're gonna k*ll him.

We've got a task force on the ground, okay.

We think we can get Miguel back from Mexico and back to you.

Is this a trick?

No, it's not a trick.

But if you want to see your son again, you need to turn on Angel.

You need to testify.

And this life th you've led, Selena, is over.



Where do I start?

You start with her.


She was smart.

Had spirit.

That's always trouble.

Angel gave permission for anybody to do whatever they wanted to her.

Is that what's going to happen to me...

If I help you?

You're gonna transfer me to Michigan, right?

I read online that's the place to go.

Just sign the statement, Tino, before I take it away.

What are you here for, a favor?

You're going down.

'Cause I'm telling anyone who'll listen you took a bribe.

UC's call that evidence.

I'm not as dirty as I seem, Joaquin.

I'm here with bad news.

Everyone's cutting deals.

They're lining up to turn on Angel.

What about me?

Well, I'm afraid it's too late.

They don't need you.

You're looking at life without parole.

This ain't over, Amaro.

Signed statements from Little Tino, five trafficked girls, and Selena.

Everyone hates guys like Angel.

When it turns, it turns fast.

Let's get him.

Yeah, we're running a little bit late.

Police! Don't move.

You! Hey! Put your hands up!

Put 'em on that car!

Secure the house!

Go around back!

What is this? I told you, I'm not talking to you.

We have a warrant. Keep your hands up where we can see 'em.

You can't do this.

He's done nothing wrong!

Don't make this hard.

It's over, Angel.

We arrested your mother in Tenancingo for kidnapping.

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you.

Mira, call the lawyers.

I will.

You know this is stupid, right?

I know where you live.

I know about that baby.

From one parent to another, you don't want to do this.

You threatening my sergeant's kid?

You can't do this!

He hasn't done anything!


Get back!




No! Aah!

Why? Angel!

Please step away.

Oh, no, no! Angel!

Let's get him out of here.

Angel! No, no!



[Security door buzzes]



Mijo! Oh!

[Both crying]

Hi, Noah. How's my boy?


Huh, how's my baby?

I got good news, sweetheart.

The man that hurt your mama is never...

Ever gonna hurt anybody again.

It's over.

It's okay now.

I love you.
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