01x02 - A Stray Howl

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blindspot". Aired September 2015 - July 2020.*
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"Blindspot" focuses on a mysterious tattooed woman found in Times Square who has lost her memory and does not know her own identity. The FBI discovers that each tattoo contains a clue to a crime they will have to solve.
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01x02 - A Stray Howl

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Blindspot..."

Borden: She can't remember who she is, where she came from... nothing... before she crawled out of that bag in Times Square.

Mayfair: Do you recognize her?


Then why is your name tattooed on her back?

Patterson: All of her tattoos are brand-new.

Weller: It's a treasure map.

Come again?

It's an address and today's date.

Weller: Chao's gonna blow up the Statue of Liberty.

Mayfair: It's a Navy SEAL tattoo.

If she was Navy, she'd be in our database.

Not if she was special ops.

Jane! Stop!

Borden: It's possible that something familiar could trigger her memory.

Jane: None of this feels real.

Who is this woman?

Weller: She might be just the most important resource we've ever had.

Jane: Everything just feels so out of control.


I don't remember who I am, who I was.

Whatever life I had is gone... shattered into a million tiny pieces.

Sometimes it's hard to breathe.

I have something I'd like to try.

It's called a Rorschach test, and it's designed to analyze personality characteristics and emotional functioning.

But with your amnesia, my hope is that the ethereal nature of the images might provoke another memory.

So, tell me what you see when you look at these.


A spider web. Is that right?

There's no right or wrong.

Let's try another one, shall we?


You missed two.

Do it again.

A target.

Have they told you they think I might be a Navy SEAL?

They have, yes.

I only have one memory of training in the woods, but didn't seem very official.

SEAL training is very... unconventional.

So, that actually makes sense.

Let's try another one, shall we?

Morning, sis.

Oh, damn it, did we wake you?

I got an apartment broker scheduled for tomorrow.

We'll be out of your hair in no time, I promise.

There's no rush, Sarah.

Huh, what is that supposed to be?

It's a pancake, all right?


Morning, little buddy.

"Morning, Uncle Kurt."



So, Dad called last night.

Just wanted to know if you were gonna go back for Taylor's memorial this year.

No, I've got too much going on at work.

He shouldn't be going to that memorial either.

Makes people uncomfortable.

Yeah, well, that's their problem.


Look, just think about it, okay?


Bye, buddy.


What are we doing in here?

Your first memory was triggered by being active.

Maybe your muscles might remember something your mind can't.

That's an M-4.

So, if you wanna fire that, you're going to...

...need to do...

Exactly that.

Step up.

Okay, let's try this.

Patterson: Her body is covered in cryptic symbols, map pieces, riddles.

Whoever did this to her has a very specific goal in mind.

And what that goal is remains a mystery.

I have my best people on it, but this information is so varied and so dense, it could take years to decode.

I noticed a scar on the back of her neck.

Yeah, that.

Got any idea how old that is?

Well, it's hard to tell with these things, but it's definitely not recent.

I don't wanna hurt you.

You won't.

Come on, hands up.

Here we go.

Start swinging.

Come on, come on.


All right?


We've captured hundreds of numeric sequences and phrases from Jane's body in over two dozen languages, and we're feeding them into a database that I have designed that'll cross-reference them with every information system that we have access to.

Like a Google alert for her tattoos.

Well... it's a little bit more sophisticated than that.

But, uh, yes, it's... it's like a Google alert.


What is it, Jane?

Did you remember something?

The hospital just called. Chao is dead.

(speaking Chinese)

Zapata: Chao had a massive stroke at around midnight just as he was getting out of surgery.

I'm not buying it. He was young, healthy.

He also got shot.

Get me the full autopsy.

He was the only link we had to whoever did this to me.

We'll find another one.

Wait... look at that.

All the doctors rushing into Chao's room, and that one walking away.

Canvas the hospital... find me that doctor.

Patterson: I did it!

What, you found him?

I... what? Who?

Sorry, you were in the middle of...

Well, I unlocked another tattoo.

So, as we scanned some of the numerical tattoos into the database, one of them just jumped out at me.

Right? Do you see that?

Okay, so, just pretend that we're not you.

Okay, the... the Chinese symbols behind Jane's ear.

The first clue that we decoded was an address...

399 White Street, Apartment Seven.


Okay, so, look at this tattoo.

Starts with 399, has a bunch of letters just jumbled up in between, and then it ends with seven.

Do you see that?

Who here knows what a Vigenere cipher is?

Put your hand down.

It's a polyalphabetic substitution code.

Patterson: Yes, awesome.

A Vigenere cipher is a method of encrypting alphabetic text based on the letters of a key word.

And unless you have the key word, it is next to impossible to decode.

So, what's the key word?

The words between the two numbers on the original tattoo.


Use White Street Apartment as your key word, and suddenly, the mess of letters in between become "Major Arthur Gibson".

So, the first clue unlocks the second.

Crazy, right?

Who is this Gibson guy?

Okay, so, according to his service records, Gibson flew F-22 missions over Iraq and Afghanistan, earned a boatload of medals, including the Silver Star, and then an injury sidelined his flying career and he moved back stateside.

Took a desk job in Nevada before coming to work for the Air Force in New York.

Jane: Now that Chao's dead and can't help me, Gibson might know who I am, who did this to me.

We gotta go talk to him.

DMV records have him living in Brooklyn.

Let's go.

I'm coming with you.

Yes, you are.

She is?

You were dead against her going into the field yesterday.

I was wrong.

We don't know how the tattoos work yet.

She should be there.

It might help her trigger her memory.

And we all know she can handle herself.

Please, I can help figure this out.

Thank you. Let's go.


Major Gibson. It's the FBI.


Who sent you?

It's kind of a long story. Mind if we come in?

Hey, I don't know what they told you, but I'm not talking.

I haven't said a thing.

"They"? Who's "they"? Do you recognize me?

Get off my property.

Well, he didn't get that Silver Star for his charm.

Zapata: Can we get a warrant?


Tattoos aren't probable cause.

Couldn't I just kick the door down?

I mean, it didn't look that heavy.

No, you can't, Jane. That's not how it works.


(high-pitched ringing)


Building's not structurally sound, I can't let you in.

Come on.

What happened?

The whole place was wired up to blow, I've never seen anything like it.

He blew up his own house while he was still in it? Why?

We need to see the body.

There isn't one.

What do you mean?

He was inside when it went up.

I don't know what to tell you, we searched the entire place.

It was a distraction.

Keep us busy here while he got away.

Not to mention, destroy any evidence he left behind.

Evidence of what?

The only thing that survived that blast was an old wall safe.

We need to get that back to our lab immediately.

How much time did he buy himself?

We got here a little over an hour ago.

Who is this guy?

woman: I served with Major Gibson both in Afghanistan and as his commanding officer here in New York. He's a hell of a pilot.

I thought he was injured, moved to a desk.

Once a pilot, always a pilot.

So, what happened to him?

Gibson's injury was psychological.

He had a mission gone bad.

There was collateral damage.

How many civilians died?

I'm afraid that's classified.

So, a lot then?

Gibson was never the same.

His PTSD got worse and worse until eventually, we had to ground him.

What exactly did he do when he got back stateside?

I'm sorry, but I can't say much more.

But unfortunately, even the desk work got to be too much for him.

We had no choice but to discharge him.

When was the last time you spoke?

A few months.

After we let him go, his marriage ended.

He couldn't hold down a job, he grew increasingly paranoid.

I think he blamed me.

So, why'd he blow up his own house this morning?

I can't begin to imagine.

Look, ma'am, I'm racing to contain a potentially volatile situation, so I need to know what you know.

I've told you everything I can.

I wish we could have done more for him.

He was a good man.

So, Gibson couldn't get over k*lling all those civilians?

That one day, that... that single moment defined the rest of his life.

Some things are hard to forget.

Borden says people are shaped by their past.

Do you think that's true?

I wish it wasn't.

What if I find out who I am and I don't like it?

(phone ringing)

It's Patterson.

You're on speaker.

I'm just going through Gibson's files, and something's not right.

Powers said they sidelined Gibson because he was suffering from PTSD.

But according to his files, they promoted him.

They can still get promoted off the desk.

Maybe they're just trying to take care of their own.

Maybe, but they also raised his security clearance, from Secret to Top Secret and above.

If Gibson was suffering from PTSD they wouldn't have increased his access.

Nope, they would've frozen him out.

He was one of their top pilots in Iraq and Afghanistan.

So, what, they move him back to Nevada?

Bump him up in rank? Raise his clearance?

What are you thinking?

Nellis, Nevada is where the Air Force drone program is based.

He didn't wash out.

They made him a drone pilot.

Patterson: Okay, well, that explains Nevada.

But when they moved him to New York, his clearance skyrocketed.

There's no drone program here.

Not one we know about.

Oh, come on. I'm gonna be late for work.

girl: Daddy?

Gibson. What are you doing?

I need you to do something for me, Alex.

Just put the g*n down, okay?

I gave them everything.

I did unspeakable things for them.

Gibson, my daughter is innocent.

I k*lled a lot of innocent people, Alex.

Please, just let her go.


This whole country abandoned me.

And today, you're gonna help me teach them a lesson.

All right, listen to me...

No, you listen to me!

You'll do as I say, or you'll never see your daughter again.



Call the general for me, tell him I can't make it Thursday.

(phone ringing)


Wait, what?

No, that's not possible, they're not...

(car alarm sounding)

We gotta drill into this guy's life with everything we've got.

I wanna know who Gibson was talking to, what he's been spending his money on.

And Patterson, I want you to find out about the expl*sives he used on his own house.

Of course.

And I wanna see inside that safe, okay?

There's gotta be something in there.

On it.

Thank you.

His house and Powers.

This is just the beginning.

All right, the guy's not gonna stop.

So, we need to find out who his next target is.

I can't help but think we pushed Gibson over the edge this morning when we knocked on his door.

Zapata: What are you talking about?

Weller: Yeah.

That wasn't our fault.

I didn't say it was.

Reed, enough.

Blindly following her tattoos is reckless.

I don't think you recognize just how important she is.

It's a little early to make that call, don't you think?

No. The most important thing is to find Gibson and to stop him.

So, can you join Patterson and find me a lead?

Let's go.

Thank you.

What if he's right?

He's not.

And what if these tattoos are a trap?


We don't know anything about who did this to me or why, and people are losing their lives.

Jane, this is not your fault, okay?

This is not your fault.

Weller, come with me.

Yes, ma'am.

General, what the hell is going on?

This morning a former Air Force pilot blew up his own house.

Three hours later, his former CO dies in an air to ground m*ssile attack.

Please, do me the courtesy of admitting these incidents are connected.

They are connected.

Care to elaborate?

It was decided the country needed a domestic UAV program that could not only surveil targets, but also, in extreme circumstances... take action.

You're telling me we have armed drones flying over American soil.

It's in place as a last resort.

We've never dispensed ordinance domestically.

Until today.

Gibson got control of one of these UAVs, how?

general: He kidnapped the daughter of one of our avionics specialists, forced him to retrofit a drone with an alternate control card that severed its signal with our satellite, allowing Gibson to take over remotely.

And where is that girl now?

We believe Gibson still has her.

And the drone... can you recover control, locate it?

He's frozen us out.

And it was designed to evade radar detection.

It still has another two missiles, but I've got my entire team working on it.

We need to find him before he kills anyone else.

You should've come clean with this as soon as we asked you about it...

We had no idea...

No idea, what?

That he'd blow up his own house?

There were larger issues at...

Larger than what?

An armed rogue drone? Ten dead people?

Or a little girl who was taken away from her father?

Mayfair: Weller!

We are trying...

If anything happens to that little girl...

Walk away.

Why is he doing this, General?

His motives could help us anticipate his next target.

(sighs) I wish I knew.

What I do know is that Gibson is one of the most efficient k*lling machines the Air Force has ever made.

Doesn't something feel off to you?

Whoever did this to Jane knew about the drone program.

That information's above Top Secret.

Her first tattoo helped us save lives.

Hopefully this one will too.


Or maybe we're about to knock over a hornets' nest.

I don't think Gibson recognized me.

Chao didn't recognize me either.

So, so far, these tattoos have sent us to people who don't seem to be connected to me at all.

If they've got nothing to do with you, why are they on your body?


(silenced g*nshots)


Hey, come take a look at this.

He's lying.

I know.

But threatening a three-star general does not help us.



How are you holding up?

I know you don't do too well with missing kids.

I'm fine.

Kurt, I need to know where your head is.

I've been thinking about Taylor.

Then maybe you should start talking to someone...

No, I don't wanna talk.

Listen to me.

That girl's disappearance was not your fault.

You were ten years old.

One of my last memories of her... we were climbing a tree in our backyard.

And we were up pretty high.

She was fearless.

I was above her.

I stepped on her hand accidentally.

She slipped.

She fell, cut herself.

It left a really big scar on the back of her neck.

Jane has the same scar.

Same eyes.

She's the right age.

I know why it's me.

I know why my name is on her back.

I think Jane Doe is Taylor Shaw.

You think Jane is Taylor Shaw?

I do.

I don't know why and I don't know who.

But someone sent her back to me.

That's impossible.


Why is my name on her back?

Taylor Shaw has been missing for 25 years.


And she's not missing anymore.

Hey, we got into Gibson's safe.

It's an air-gapped computer.

Sorry, what does that mean?

It's a computer that's never been connected to the Internet.

It makes it impossible for a third party to access or monitor it.

The thing is, there's not much on it but a few Word documents... super weird.

But this one caught my eye.

Dates, times, locations. Five of 'em.

They line up with five seemingly unrelated expl*sive accidents.

Faulty gas lines, car crashes...

Zapata: Victims are all foreign nationals.

All from the Middle East, all incidents occurring on U.S. soil.

Drone att*cks.

They've already hit targets inside America.

So, the general lied to us.

Zapata: Each incident has a set of initials next to it.

"A.G.", Arthur Gibson, for three of them, and "I.M." for the other two.

We searched the Air Force's employment records, and we think "I.M." is another drone pilot...

Major Ivan Musgrave.

Got an address for him?

Of course.

Let's move.

Jane, just wait here for us, all right?

Just until we get a read on the situation, okay?



Major Musgrave, this is the FBI.

Major Musgrave?

Ivan Musgrave?



(Musgrave yells)

woman: Hey!

What are you doing?

Hey! Hey! Did they go in there?


(choking, gasping)

Jane! Jane! Let him go!

Let him go.

We want to question him, not k*ll him.

Turn over. Turn over!


We're taking you in.

Why? I didn't do anything wrong!

You okay?

All right, all right. Okay, all right.


Fine, I got a couple of weapons up there that maybe I shouldn't have, but show me an airman who doesn't.

That's not what this is about.

Your friend Gibson's in serious trouble.

So, we got some questions for you.

Gibson? Man, that guy hates me.

I'm the one who turned him in.


He was about to blow the whistle on the whole...

No, you people don't have the clearance for this.

Keep talking.

I wanna talk to Colonel Powers, now.

Powers is dead.

Musgrave: What? Since when?


Zapata: Wait a minute.

If Gibson hates this guy...

We just brought him outside.

Zapata: Go! Go! Go!

Get inside.

No, wait, no.

Inside, get inside. Get inside!

No, no, wait, that's him!

Jane: That's the man from the woods, he's standing right there...

(electricity buzzing)

(high-pitched ringing)

(Reed groaning)

Jane: Wait, wait, wait. All right.

Easy, easy, easy, easy. All right.

(Reed speaking indistinctly)

Look, you might have hit an artery, okay?

If you pull the glass, you could bleed out in minutes.

Weller: You all right?

I hope you know what you're doing.

I do.

Come on. Come on.

(Reed wincing)

Weller, Weller?

(overlapping chatter)

Jane: I'll get him. Hey.

(Weller speaking indistinctly)

Come on. (continues indistinctly)


Oh, my God.

How did he get his hands on this?

He kidnapped the daughter of an avionics specialist who helped him hack the drone.

Weller: That girl's still missing, so she needs our help.

Musgrave: This is terrible.

The program wasn't last resort, was it?

You'd already been using it.

Five confirmed kills.

How much collateral damage?

Drones are messy.

What, so Gibson wanted to stop it?

He was one of our best pilots, but even he couldn't stomach the loss of American civilians.

Weller: What, he was gonna blow the whistle?

Yeah... yeah, he asked me to help.

But, um, I turned him in.

They stripped his clearance, they pulled his pension.

Threatened his family.

We pushed him over the edge, we destroyed his life.

So, Gibson was a good guy.

He just wanted the k*lling to stop.

He k*lled ten innocent people this morning.

Good guys don't do that.

You don't think good people ever do terrible things?

I think terrible people do terrible things.

And the good people stop them.

Musgrave: Gibson snapped.

He's unpredictable now.

He's still got a m*ssile left.

Who's his next target?

I was hoping you were gonna tell me that.

I don't know, man, the guy's vindictive.

He's trying to hurt the people that hurt him.

Powers? Me?

Who is next on the list?

General, where do the drone pilots operate from?

That's classified.

Gibson wants revenge, that's obvious.

But he also hates the program and wants the public to know about it.

So, where would he hit if he wants to do the most damage?

General, please.


Excuse me?

The top three floors of this building.

The pilots operate from here.

But this doesn't make any sense.

If he wanted to b*mb our facility, he would've done it by now.

Why wait? Why...

The shift change.

Okay, what are you talking about?

The drones are in the air for days at a time, but the pilots fly them in 12-hour shifts so there's no overlap. Twice a day, every pilot is in this building.

He's waiting for the overlap. Maximum impact.

A well-placed strike could bring this whole building down.

When's the next shift change?

An hour.

So, we're evacuating now.

If he sees the building start to empty out, he'll hit us immediately, cut his losses.

general: My people think they are very close to regaining control of this drone.

"Think" isn't gonna cut it!

We got 60 minutes to find Gibson before he kills thousands of people.

I'm on it.

We're funneling as many people as we can through the basement subway connect, but there's no way we're gonna evacuate the whole building in time.

Weller: Tell me you've figured out a way to track this guy.

Well, he'd have to be somewhere pretty high up to maintain line of sight with the drone.

Okay, so, we've narrowed his location down to somewhere up high?

Well, I've been given access to the exact frequency that the drone communicates on, and traced the signal's emanation point to Brooklyn.

Gibson's home turf.

That's a lot of ground to cover.

Yes, but the expl*sives in Gibson's house were a very specific grade of demolition manufactured exclusively for Garamond Construction sites.

And guess what?

Gibson worked for them at two sites... both new high rises, both in Brooklyn.

You and Tasha take the Lexus, hit one of the sites.

Me and Jane will split, cover the other one.

Let's go.

(siren whooping)

I lied to you this morning.

At the sh**ting range, I did remember something.

That's good. What was it?

Something unforgivable.

What if I was a terrible person before all of this?

I don't think you were, Jane.

Whoever you were then... that's not who you are now.

How do you know?

Your first instinct is to help people, Jane.

Battered wife in Chinatown, Reed after the expl*si*n today.

You don't hesitate, you act.

And you do the right thing.

So, I don't know what it is you're remembering or what the context is.

But I do think you're a good person.

(tires screeching)

I'm heading up to the roof.

Okay, I'll stay here in case he doubles back.

Stay in contact with that radio in the car, all right?

Let me know if you see him.



(g*nf*re continues)



Jane, it's Weller. Gibson's...

(radio breaking up)

Weller, you're breaking up.


(radio static)

Weller, I can't...

I don't understand you.


Gibson's coming down to you now!


We're gonna lose Gibson! I'm on him!

(tires screeching)

Weller: Jane! It's too dangerous!

Reed, Zapata!

Jane's in pursuit of Gibson.

She's what?

We got separated. All right, she's in my SUV.

So, lock onto that GPS

and converge on that position.

Do we even know if she can drive?

Yes, she can drive!

(tires screeching)



(tires screeching)



Jane: Penance?





You okay?

Can you move?


I'm gonna get you out of here.



We have to go.

Come here.

Where's the girl?

Where is the girl?!

Emily? Emily!

(sobbing quietly)

Emily, hi.

My name's Kurt, all right?

And I'm here to take you home.


Okay. There we go.


Alex: Emily!


Are you okay?

We got her back.


We did.

The Eagle Two just touched down safely.

Air Force is already spinning the two explosions as accidents... faulty engine and a natural gas leak.

The public has a right to know the truth.

That's not our call.

Weller: Any more hits on the tattoo database?

Patterson: Not yet.

Wait a minute, we're not seriously gonna keep doing this, are we?

We incited a man to rampage today.

What, you think he built a drone control card and didn't intend to use it?

He'd been planning this.

And yes, we forced him to up his timeline.

But if he was able to wait until he was ready, there'd be no stopping him.

So, the tattoos helped.

That's one way of looking at it.

Okay, that's it for today.


Yes, ma'am?

If you think Jane is Taylor Shaw...

I do.

I want to be certain.

I've already ordered Shaw's old case files to be sent to our lab.

Patterson can test Taylor's DNA against Jane's.

It's gonna match.

I don't know. If she is Taylor, where has she been for 25 years?

Where did she learn these skills?

And why did someone erase her memory and send her back to you?

It doesn't make sense.

It's her. I can feel it.

Hey. You okay?


I can't stop thinking about Gibson.

What he did was terrible, but some part of him was just trying to help.

He let vengeance cloud his thinking.

It's one thing to want to blow the whistle.

It's another thing to take lives.

Thank you for what you said earlier... about my instincts.

And for everything.

What happened to you was horrible, Jane.

Good can come of it.

I've been thinking about it.

I might just be the messenger, but your name is still on my back.

They could've just said "FBI."

Why would they send me to you?

I don't know.

Patterson: We got Chao's autopsy results back.

We found elevated levels of potassium chloride in his system.

What does that mean?

He was poisoned.

Someone went through a lot of trouble to keep him from talking to us.

The doctor, the one that was walking away.

Canvassed the whole hospital, no one could place him.

Oh, my God.

We have no proof yet.

We're trying to verify it with some DNA from Taylor's case files.

Well, you realize what this... this could mean, right?

I mean, Dad's been accused of kidnapping her, of k*lling her.

It didn't matter they couldn't prove it, he's had it hanging over his head since the day she disappeared.

Mom left him.

Kurt, you spent 25 years convinced Dad committed a m*rder that never even happened.

If Jane Doe is Taylor Shaw, then Dad is innocent.


No, Kurt, not maybe!

You have to go see him.


He's dying.

It's lung cancer, he doesn't have long.

Please, just go see him.

You can fix this before it's too late.

(shower running)


(panicked breathing)

Don't... don't make a sound.
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