02x06 - Insane in the Membrane

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: New Orleans". Aired: September 2014 to present.*
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A spin-off of "NCIS" that is set in the Crescent City.
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02x06 - Insane in the Membrane

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Look out, New Orleans.

Here's the NCIS crew.

Come on now.

Tell me how good I look.

Oh, my gosh, okay, I had my doubts, but I have to admit, you're looking pretty hot, Lasalle.

I got to hand it to him.

He definitely knows how to work what his mama gave him.

Oh! Easy, Percy!


Come on, I'm not some piece of meat now.

You sure?

In that dress, basically, you're filet minion.

Oh, what have here?!


Oh! Hey.

Wow. Hope you don't mind me saying, Dwayne, but your legs-- I'm envious.

Thank you, Sebastian.

I thought about going with something a little bit more risqué, but then, you know, you look in the mirror, see what you're working with, realize that maybe not everyone's meant for haute couture.

My dear, you have many other admirable attributes.

Hello, Crescent City!

(applause and cheering)

Yes, welcome to the 2015 Red Dress Run!

(applause and cheering)

Let's hear it.

I want all you people, you fine people, to have fun today, I want you to be safe today.

And also, do not forget that there is a mayoral election coming up.

(applause and cheering)

So if you like... If you like your city officials with backsides like this... (applause and cheering) ...then Vote Hamilton!


(applause and cheering)

All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are off!

(applause and cheering)

Last one to the finish line buys the drinks.


No fair! These spanks are really restricting my movement.

(Brody laughs)

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

Woman: Help!

(panting, whimpering)

He's got a g*n! Help!


(woman yelling)

Somebody, help me!

Oh. (panting)

(panting, yelling)


Someone, help me!

(woman whimpering)






Why are you doing this?!






♪ NCIS:New Orleans 2x06 ♪
Insane in the Membrane
Original Air Date on October 27, 2015

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪
♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ How, how, how, how ♪
♪ Hey, hey ♪
♪ You gotta come on. ♪

(siren blaring, crowd chatter)

Victim is Petty Officer 2nd Class Kelsey Weaver.

From her ID, Weaver was stationed on the Henry Knox.

Ship docked yesterday.

Must've been on liberty.

Yes, I forgot my work clothes.

No one's judging.

Just laughing on the inside.

Brody: Witnesses say they saw the Petty Officer running through the crowd, screaming about some man chasing her with a g*n.

Ran into this building, minute later, jump straight off the rooftop, DRT.

Witnesses get a look at the gunman?

Well, that's what's weird. No one I could find.

That's not the only thing that's odd.

Wade: Yeah, core temp at time of death is 104.

So, she was sick?

Well, that's what you'd think, but in my initial assessment, there's no apparent irritation to the nose or throat, or any other obvious sign of illness.

We'll know more once we get through the full autopsy.

Ha. That's my line, dear.

All right, get with Percy, keep looking for witnesses.

Someone had to have seen the gunman.

No one saw the gunman.

Odder still, got access to eight different cameras, none of which catch a dude with a g*n.

No one was following her.


So, what? She imagined him?

I don't know. Maybe we're dealing with some kind of mental illness.

Brody: Or she was high on something.

Okay, Sonja, you're with me. Chris, contact the Knox medical officer, get Weaver's files sent over.

Meanwhile, we'll head over to the morgue, Be there when Loretta finishes her autopsy.

Brody? Mind if I tag along?

I have to talk to Sebastian about something.


More photos?

Same as the others.

Addressed to “The Jackal,” no return address.

Images of me photoshopped into pictures my sister was originally in.

It's freaky.

It's deaky, actually.

I've been, uh, poring over the original batch that you gave me, trying to find any indication of where they were generated.


Not on that front, but I've realized that you're not the only thing that's been added.

This watch, that cup, all these other things-- all not part of the original.

Is this the weirdest thing you've ever seen?

Oh, you kidding me?

This isn't even the weirdest thing I've seen this morning.

Doc Wade's ready.

Knows why Weaver saw a gunman that wasn't there.

Wade: One word-- dr*gs. The tox screen indicated the petty officer was high on a potent synthetic hallucinogen.

Flakka. It's manufactured overseas-- China, Mexico, Pakistan.

Last year, hit the streets of the U.S.

Oh, it's scary. It's a similar high to cocaine, but the user becomes anxious, paranoid, loses touch with reality.

And even a small overdose can have lethal spikes in the body temperature.



From what I've heard, Flakka is an epidemic centered in Florida.

I didn't realize it was an issue here in New Orleans.

It wasn't... until this week.

Jennifer Livingston, 35.

Isley Markland, 24.


Brooks Gostin, just 18.

Now that's more flakka deaths in a week than this morgue has seen in a year.

Meaning... out of nowhere... we got an epidemic on our hands.

(loud, overlapping yelling and shouting)

They call flakka the “Five Dollar Insanity" for a good reason.

This dude here-- he thinks he's the Incredible Hulk.

(horns honking)

This lady-- she ran through the middle of traffic for 20 minutes, takes off her clothes, and then jumps into a fountain.

Idiots, every one of 'em.

Just got off the phone with the commander of the Knox.

He's scuttling liberty for the time being.

Stern to bow search turned up three ounces of flakka in two separate packages.

They know who brought it aboard?

They'd like to... as well as who's dealing to our sailors.

I've got something that might help.

That is Petty Officer Sofia Velez.

Spoke with Weaver's C.O.

She says that Weaver and Velez were on liberty together.

All right, go, find out what she knows.

Woman: Weaver was the best.

Funny. She was from Boston, so, she was, of course, in love with Tom Brady.

Had that great accent.

“Pahked my cah in Hahvad Yahd”.

Well, you know how she said “flakka” with that charming accent?


What your friend died of.

Any chance you two picked it up in the city while you were on liberty together?

I think you got the wrong idea.


You wouldn't mind taking an urinalysis test.

See, first you hydrate, then you pee.

You can't make me do that.

Your C.O. can, and he's our next call.

If they know I used dr*gs, Navy kicks me out.

Dishonorable discharge. I lose everything.

Not our concern. How about this? You tell us who you bought from, and we'll see what we can't work out at Captain's Mast.


Well, uh, see, what I heard-- not what I did, but what I heard...

There was this big warehouse party in the Quarter, so Weaver... and a friend decided to go to.

Address. Write it down.

This party you heard about-- anyone selling flakka?

Well, see... I heard... it was a young guy, twenties, tall, dreadlocks.


That's all I heard.

I'll look into the address.

Run the description through the database. Meanwhile, you got to turn two.

Hit the head.

Wait. You said if I helped you out, you would see what you could do.

Not our concern. Explain it to your C.O.

(woman whimpering, sirens)

Woman: Where is she? I need to know. She gonna be okay? Tell me!


Clara? (sobs) Clara?!


You all right?


You were pretty tough on Petty Officer Valez.

She gave us what we needed, she made a mistake.

She made a choice, and choices have consequences.

All right, moving on. I, uh, checked with NOPD, had them look into the address of the party. Nothing.

Warehouse was totally empty.

So here's what's interesting.

I checked the city records about permits, see who maybe organized the party.

Turns out it was a phantom company.

So, what's the interesting part?

You'll never guess whose office signed off on the permit.

Yeah, that's my assistant's signature, but we got a lot of paperwork coming through my office, Dwayne.

Well, we think it's one of these pop-up raves.

Got to get on a text list to get an invite.

I'm working on that now.

Yeah, and this concerns me why?

You got four OD's, all in your district.

You're running for mayor as the law and order guy.

Doesn't really strike me that you're mayoral material.

All right, now wait. Hold on. Just-just you...

You want to call your dog off, please?

I thought we had a truce.

Remains to be seen (phone ringing) if it's a longstanding one.

It's my rave contact.

I'll be back.

Uh, Look, Dwayne, nobody wants this dealer or dealers caught more than yours truly, okay?

Got my weasel of an opponent who's taking every opportunity he can find to hang these deaths around my neck.

Man: Weasel? Really?

I see myself more like a ferret.

Douglas, Dwayne.

Mr. Singh.

As for hanging things around your neck, the Picayune's running a big story on flakka tomorrow.

Front page, above the fold.

Gave them a great quote about accountability.

“Proud city. Clean city.”

You know, for somebody who's not a politician, you spend an awful lot of time in city hall.

Just a local businessman drumming up support.

Or measuring the drapes.


Drapes are for people who need to hide things.

A Singh administration won't have that problem.

Agent Lasalle, hope I can count on your vote.

Don't stick yourself with that, Agent.

We're in luck. Party tonight.

Got an address.

(lively music playing, loud chatter)

Hey, check out dreads.

Could be our dealer.

Brody: Fits the description Petty Officer Velez game.

What up, my man?


I didn't do nothin', man.

Yeah, you definitely did something.


A lot of flakka you got here.

Step outside, my man.

I must control the power. I must control the power.

Yo, this fool's high on his own supply.







Sonja: Don't worry, y'all.

He got lucky.

PRIDE Let me get this straight.

There was one guy?

He was like not human.

A monster.

But... one monster.

Why you got to rub it in?

(phone ringing)

This, uh, monster man have a name?

Anthony Cousins.

He dealt to Petty Officer Weaver.

BOLO's out.

Local banger.

Got a rap sheet long as Percy here.

Runs with the 1-1-3s.

We'll have to pay a visit to the 1-1-3s.

Or maybe... call out the National Guard.


Pride. What is it?

BOLO just came back.

Thanks for the call.

Neighborhood woman found him.

She was playing with her seven year-old.


More than strangled.


(siren blaring)

Our coroner's on the way.

Okay, so, Anthony gets away from us.

Likely runs back to his buddies with the 1-1-3s.

But we've made Anthony.

They decide it's easier to shut him up.

Maybe, but a g*n could've done that.

Garroting's more personal.

It's a message.

Message from who?

Sebastian: Well, I can tell you this.

It wasn't the 1-1-3s.

Got another theory?

Crime matches the same M.O. as eight other murders, going back ten years.

All drug-related, all garrotings.

The authorities think the k*ller is a member of the Triads.

Chinese crime syndicate.

Major flakka importers.

And for the first time, we have DNA.

How'd you manage that?

Well, garroting is hard work, I would imagine, especially in the Louisiana heat.

Uh, so, not surprisingly, our k*ller got a little sweaty.

And his or her perspiration fell onto our victim's body.

DNA match in CODIS?

No hits, but that doesn't mean the m*rder*r is entirely unknown.

The authorities have a name-- The Ghost.

The Ghost?

Invisible, elusive, sinister.

And responsible for a decade-long k*lling spree.

Talked to the DEA and the FBI.

Every involved in investigating The Ghost-- they got nothing.

So, what we do know?

The Ghost works for the Triads-- major flakka manufacturer in China.

They smuggle it into the States, make alliances with the local gangs, who do the street-level dealing.

In this case, the local dealers are the 1-1-3s.

So, let's find someone... alive from the 1-1-3s and see if they can't get us a drop on The Ghost.

And anyone else behind the flakka that k*lled Petty Officer Weaver.

(phone beeps)

Sebastian. I got it.

Text Percy, tell her to meet you.

(loud, rapid, rhythmic beeping)

(loud, droning beep, indistinct chatter)

I'm sorry. Your friend is gone.

My condolences.

Lasalle: Sorry it took me so long to get here.

(Sonja gasps)

Look, traffic was a mess.

Why are you creeping up on me?

Walking down the hallway isn't creeping.

Look, your definition of creeping and my definition of creeping are different.

Okay, now you're staring-creeping.

Look, people tell me I'm an excellent listener.

Ugh! Come on.

Don't you remember our walk in the woods?

You opened up, shared your thoughts and feelings?

Here I thought we had a bond.

It's an old case.

Everybody's got one.

Well, this one's mine.

And I'm gonna keep my thoughts and feelings to myself this time.

Wordy Nerdy awaits us.

Let me ask you this.

Are you ready to be amahzed?

Connect The Ghost to another crime?

No, no, no.

That would be merely impressive, maybe fortuitous, but not amahzing, which is the pronunciation of “amazing” you use when you're about to blow someone's dome.

Just amahze us already.

All right. Forensic DNA Phenotyping.

Yeah, you just rocked my world.

Sebastian: Right? I mean, this is next level cool.

This is cool like hyper color in the '90s kind of cool.

What the hell is it?

All, right, well, say you have someone's DNA, like from a droplet of their sweat.

I can pinpoint genetic markers and recreate a simulated face.

Okay, I'm not gonna lie.

I am semi-mahzed. Mm-hmm.

But if this is so cool, why has no one else done it before?

Well, the tech is super new.

It doesn't always work.

Certain physical characteristics depend on multiple gene pairings.

But when it does work... it's amahzing.

So, this... is The Ghost?

Well, no. This is just sort of like the beginnings of what will eventually become The Ghost.

But I mean, come on. How many days did it take to build Rome?

Think it was a bunch.

Right? Then why you giving me a hard time?

Pride's got a hit on the 1-1-3 stash house.

Keep, uh, building Rome there.

I mean, at this point, it's just doing all the work.

Five-O! Five-O! Five-O!

(siren blaring)


Let's go!

(indistinct shouting)

Hands in the air! Now!

On the ground! Hands where we can see 'em!

(indistinct, overlapping shouting)

I suggest you get on the ground.

You know what? I think I'm good.

It's a new shirt, you know?


Now, you can send us your dry cleaning bill.

Quite a flakka supply we found at your stash house, Kendrick.

That what that is?

Shot caller for the 1-1-3s.

Thought you'd be more in the know.

Where'd you get the dr*gs?

Well, maybe if she came over here and, uh, sat in my lap... might jog my memory.

Oh, that sounds super appealing, but... pass.

Charming as you are, Kendrick, we don't see you as the logistics type.

You sure ain't smart enough to make all that flakka yourself.

What we think...

Triads are your suppliers.

Specifically, someone known as The Ghost.

Lawyer. Oh, we can get you a lawyer.

But your dr*gs k*lled a sailor.

Louisiana law says that's m*rder.

Now, you help us find The Ghost, we can put in a word with the judge.

I'd rather take the death penalty than mess with The Ghost, you feel me?

Now get me my damn lawyer.

I'm supposed to tell you to build Rome faster 'cause we got a whole lot of nothing.

Rome's coming along, just a little slower than I thought.

But, uh, I built the Colosseum, I'm working on the Trevi Fountain, and any minute now this puppy's gonna launch into the Sistine Chapel.

So nothing on The Ghost?

But not nothing at all.

Let us return for a moment to our other project.

Do you remember when I told you that, uh, beyond you, there were other added elements to the photo?

Yeah, a cup, a watch.

Right, so I isolated the photoshopped items, and I ran a pattern- recognition analysis to play “connect the dots.”

Look at this.

First I didn't know what it meant.

But then I realized that every photo has a number hidden within it.

This one's seven.

Nine, one, two, five, nine.

Yeah, I found numbers in six of the pictures so far.

I'm working on the rest.

This is insane.

Would you say it's “ah-mah-zingly” insane?

(computer beeps)

Oh, Rome's done.

(keyboard clicks)

That is the artist formerly known as The Ghost.

Ran him through the criminal database and nada.

So I took a little turn to the DMV site, and hello.

Meet Roger Liu.

Chinese national.

Lived in the U.S. the last 12 years.

No criminal record.

Runs a legitimate company here in New Orleans--

Janco Industries, chemical engineering.

Yeah, good cover for importing flakka.

Yeah, but a businessman who likes getting his hands dirty?

Yeah, sociopaths come in all shapes and sizes.

Looks like the sociopath got the hell out of Dodge.

Went to Liu's home, the man is gone “pec-awhn.”

So we got a warrant for Liu's financials.

Turns out, he's got hidden assets in several shell companies.

If he's got a hideout, we will find it.

Aw, he must have ran once he got word of the raid on the 1-1-3s.

But there is someone who might know where to find him.

This is security footage from the security camera at Liu's office.

So Liu's had a special visitor several times this week.

Same period as the flakka boom.

Our pal, the councilman.

Flakka problem is based in Hamilton's district.

Liu wants to deal in Hamilton's backyard, maybe he's paying for protection.

Yeah, well, looks like our truce is over.

You claim a strong record on crime, Councilman.

How do you reconcile that with the flakka flooding into the very districts you represent?

Well, first, I don't claim to be strong on crime, I am strong on crime, as evidenced by the NOPD's endorsement of me.

And second, I think it's beneath you, frankly, to seek to exploit these recent deaths as a way of going for my throat.

Pride: Think it's a pretty good tactic, actually.

Hamilton: Dwayne.

Uh, we happen to be in mid-debate prep.

Can this wait?


It cannot, all right.

All right, um...

Everybody, just take a five-minute break.

Chris, would you?




Roger Liu.

Ring a bell?

You accusing me of something?

Giving you a chance to come clean.

Déjà vu all over again.

In one week, you make three visits to his office.

Same week that flakka goes big.

And, surprise, Liu works for the syndicate that's importing it.

I know him as a businessman from whom I was hoping to solicit campaign funds, and it didn't work out.


I'll give you access to everything.

Full financial cavity search, if that blows your skirt up.

Uh, look, I'll even, uh, arrange another meeting with him, and you and your merry band of agents can tag along and pick him up.

He's in the wind.

You don't have a line into him?

Got a guy, Kendrick Lewis.

Kendrick Lewis-- 1-1-3s.

Yeah, I know of him.

We think Kendrick can lead us to Liu, but he won't talk.

And what if I could help?

Kendrick's grandmother wants into an assisted living facility in my district.

Facility manager calls me up for protection.

Doesn't want anybody with g*ng relations.

He's afraid of retribution.

Are you suggesting...?

Well, maybe -- call him back, see if he can open up another room.


You patrol the streets...

I grease the wheels.


Kendrick, your grandmother's moving into the facility tonight.

Kendrick: With 24-hour protection?

Yes, that's the deal.

Okay, fancy folks, now what?

Now you get off my desk.

So, again, no with the lap?

Sonja (scoffing): Yeah. You're not respectful, I look the other way, her knee ends up in your lap.

Kendrick: Well, look, I got to be straight with y'all.

Finding Liu ain't easy, a'ight?

There's a number to a voice mail, I leave a message, he contacts you when he's ready.

Tell him you just got out of custody.

He'll want to talk.

So I just walk out of here?

For the moment.

When Liu gets in touch, tell him you want to meet.

The 1-1-3s have taken a-a major hit.

You want to keep dealing...

(safe beeps)

...but you need more manpower.

Then you make an introduction to me.

Oh, hell no.

Now, look, I spent my entire career undercover.

Got an alias to back it up.

Even got a trap house, which is where I'll be from now on.

I know what I'm doing.

Tracking devices.

Set the meet.

Let us know when it's happening.

We'll be there to arrest Liu.

Saw the light last night.

Did you sleep at all?

Don't sleep.

Since when?

Since my sister died.

These photos are bringing everything back up.

I keep thinking of the call I got from my mother, telling me that Emily had been k*lled.

Before the call, I was this-this Agent Afloat, starting this new career.

Life couldn't have been better.

After the call, I live in this world where... I'll never see my sister again.

If that call had to come, if it could have come a minute later, five minutes later even...

Or never.


Anything to delay having to go from before to after.


Well, that would keep me up too.

Sonja: Clara just died, and you're getting high?

Don't get all up in my crap, Sonja.

Sonja: I'm trying to save your life, Marion!

Don't bother!

Yo, what the hell?

Yo, what's the deal, Kendrick?

Kendrick: He's with Liu, he's cool.

Ain't nothing cool about surprising me in my own house.

You want to do business with Liu? Chill.


So... meeting, when?


Well, now is not a good time.

Now's your only choice.

Then now it is.

Off we go.

First, your g*n, your phone.

I could pat you down if you want.


New blood.


I hope, uh, Vincent didn't frighten you.

I'm cool.

I'm told you, uh, may be of assistance.

If moving product's what you mean.

She works the same areas we've been distributing.

Was I talking to you?

Got tons of access.

You got something to sell, I got someone to buy.

Sounds excellent.

Ten pounds.

Start with that.

Now, how much is that gonna cost me?

Get the product on the streets, we'll talk finances later.

A'ight, then.

Think this...

Only so many mistakes can be tolerated.

In any business.


Liu: Vincent, the garrote, please.

Know the most important aspect of any business relationship?


Let's see if you deserve it.

You guys got anything?

Lasalle: No, we ain't heard from Percy.

No movement on the tracking devices.

We're three minutes out.

Turning off Chef Menteur now.

(engine revving)

Look, I'm trying to be your dealer, all right?

Not your k*ller.

One in the same.

Then we have a problem.

You know... I think we might.


Short relationship we had.

Hey, yo, calm... down.

All right?

I'll do it.

(loud panting)

(loud, heavy panting)

(grunting) Take a deep breath.

Finish it already.



Where'd they go?

They're under the dock.

Pride: NCIS. Hands in the air.


Sonja? Sonja!




All right. Ready?

Come on.



Take your time why don't you?


(garbled radio transmission)

Pride: Thank you.

(siren blaring)

EMTs said he's stabilized, gonna make it.

Thank you.

I owe you one.

Just glad you're okay.

Something gnawing at me.


So, when Liu gave me the dr*gs, I asked him about money, payments.

And Liu said-- and I quote-- “We'll talk finances later.”

Drug kingpin not interested in making money?

I feel like we're missing a big piece.

We'll go back over Liu's finances.

Already on it.

Figured the newbie needed a moment to drip dry.

Liu was super flush. Big payments, recent.

Money that was sent all over the globe to hide its origin.

We found where it came from.

$500,000 in a slush fund.

Political slush fund.


No, no, no. Dwayne, Dwayne, I do not have time for this.

The debate's in an hour.

That's a snazzy-looking suit, Mr. Hamilton.

All right, what is this?

I'm told that you got your dealer, you got your distributor.

Need one more thing: the financier.

You kidding me?

I thought we've been through this.

I've been nothing but helpful.

Yes, you have.

Gonna owe me, Doug.

Excuse me, fellas.

Dwayne, hope you'll come to the debate, cheer me on.

There's not gonna be a debate.

Here's your button back.

Hands behind your back, Mr. Singh.

You're under arrest.

$500,000 from your campaign to Roger Liu.

Traditionally, during campaign season, the crooks pay off the politicians, not the other way around.

Looks like you rewrote the playbook.

Don't know what you're suggesting.

Brody: We are alleging you paid a drug dealer to swamp Hamilton's district with flakka.

Looks bad for Hamilton, gives a narrative to your campaign.

“Proud city. Clean city?”

Maybe not so much.

This is ridiculous.

My guess?

Hamilton's behind this, got someone inside my staff.

This is just politics.

No. No, Mr. Singh, it is not.

It is Isley Markland, Jennifer Livingston, Brooks Gostin.

US Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Kelsey Weaver.

People have weaknesses, make mistakes.

I can find compassion for them.

But I got no compassion... for people who profit off those weaknesses, who know... that one mistake means death.

People... like you.

Sebastian: Those are all the numbers.

It's too short for a phone number.

It's not a map coordinate.

Bar code, maybe a serial number?

Maybe some sort of multiple of the Euler-Mascheroni constant?

I'm just thinking outside the box.


If there are nine numbers... that could work as an IP address.

Let me, uh, running a permutation generator and attach it to a search of Web sites.

(computer chirps)

Okay, well, there's one potential match.

A petting zoo (computer chirps) also, a chiropractor, and... (computer chirps) Unsolved crimes Web site.

Yeah, this is a... this is a forum for anonymous users to post evidence.

I've been on it before. It's... It's legit.

Um... Merri.

(computer chirps)

Click it.

(computer chirping)

“It is our conclusion that the death of Emily Anne Brody, ruled an accident at the hands of a drunk driver, was anything but”.

Sebastian: “It's further our conclusion that Ms. Brody's death should be considered an unsolved m*rder”.

I'll, uh... I'll give you some space.

See you next time.

Next time.

You bet.

Nice to see you, Agent Percy.

(whispering): Who was that?

Agent out of Washington.


Just sold my... unofficial first drink.


Well, I was in the office when you called, so I was there to receive this.

Dropped off by you favorite councilman.

Said you can wear it next year.

My new best friend. (laughs)

So, what did you need my help with?

I need your help understanding what's been going on the last few days.

You've been talking to Merri and Chris.

And watching myself.

You were spooked the moment Loretta opened those drawers at the morgue.

You know, like I told Lasalle-- it's an old case, it's ancient history.

I got to be honest.

Don't believe either of those things are true.


There were three of us.

We were best friends since we were little.

We were good kids, mostly.

Then... high school.

Boys... liquor... dr*gs.

One day, we got a hold of some coke.

What we didn't know-- the dealer cut it with pesticides.

So one of us ended up in the hospital.

The other one, the morgue.

And the third?

Lost touch.

It's my experience... when you can't shake something... best to look straight at it.

(crickets chirping)

(door opens)


Say, little mama, what's your pleasure, huh?

What you like?

Nothing you're selling.

All right, well, then, I suggest you run along.

Man, I do what I want when I want.

Look, tell Marion she should call Sonja sometime.
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