04x05 - Haunted

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arrow". Aired October 2012 - January 2020*

Moderator: SageLexington

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Spoiled billionaire playboy Oliver Queen is missing and presumed dead when his yacht is lost at sea. He returns five years later a changed man, determined to clean up the city as a hooded vigilante armed with a bow.
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04x05 - Haunted

Post by bunniefuu »

Oliver: Previously, on "Arrow"...

I'm going to run for mayor.

Mr. Palmer's last recorded statement could shed some light on how he died.


What's happening to me?

We're going to Nanda Parbat.

You need to feed this impulse.

Once you do, it will subside for a time.

Laurel: I want you to bring my sister back to life.

Even if Sara went into the Pit, what came out of the Pit would not be Sara.

Your daughter is alive.

The most loving act you can commit is to return Sara to her final rest.

You are not going to k*ll your own daughter.

She's not my daughter!


Ohh, damn it!

Hey, honey.

Why don't you just leave that right there?

Get off, bitch.

Oh, my God, thank you!

Hal Ha-tha An-tea?


SCPD! Stay where you are.

♪ Arrow 4x05 ♪
Original Air Date on November 4, 2015

I cannot thank you enough for coming on board, Alex.

Well, then it is a good thing you're paying me, also.

Sorry for the wait.

Ollie, this is Alex Davis, the new political strategist that Walter recommended.

Old enough to vote, Alex?

I owned a bar and I wasn't even old enough to drink.

I am old enough to do both.

Well, I'm glad that you're joining the team, but I don't entirely know why I need a political strategist.

Well... I guess the question then is, do you want to take office with ten percent of the vote or 90?

After you win, you still need to be able to govern.

Well, what has you concerned?

My lack of experience? No, we can spin that.

No, I'm talking about the kind of closet skeletons that could cr*pple you on your first day in office.

Your personal Chappaquiddick.

Wait, like that game from Harry Potter?

[Chuckles] Uh, Chappaquiddick was a scandal involving a can't-lose candidate whose campaign fell apart when he was caught having an affair after his vehicle went underwater and the girl he was with drowned.

Does that sound at all familiar?

Ah, referencing the "Queen's Gambit" and Sara Lance.

Yeah, got it.

You're about to do your first on-air sit down, right?


Alex: Bethany Snow?

Ten'll get you twenty, she brings up Sara and her sister.

Alex, all due respect, I don't think that people care about my friendship with Laurel Lance and an eight-year-old scandal when the city is disintegrating and there are masked armed men helping it.

Not to mention, there's a woman in Pennytown that's just running around k*lling people.

You're right.

I'm sorry. For a moment, I forgot how the electorate always cares about the issues and has zero appetite for scandal.

You want this city united?

You can't do it as the rich kid playboy from the tabloids.

And like it or not, Laurel Lance is a constant reminder of that.

So from this day forward, when anyone brings up Miss Lance, you distance yourself from her.

Hey, just in time.

I was looking for you.


I want to talk to you about something you forgot.

What's that?

Is that how you want to play this?

It's fine by me, pal. Let's go.

I don't appreciate the intrusion, gentlemen.

There's communications gear in here.

We got ourselves a mole.

You believe it's Mr. Queen.

Look, we've been on this island eight months without a single problem. He shows up; Suddenly two guys find landmines and a bunch of dr*gs go missing.

Yeah, Conklin, you got me.

I didn't, uh, wash up on shore here after a boating accident; I parachuted in on a secret spy mission.

You want to die a liar, that's fine by me.

Man, that's enough.

Enough! There are more pressing matters at hand.

Perhaps if you were focused more on external threats rather than witch hunts, you would have caught this man spying on us in the fields.

Oh, I wasn't spying, mate.


Any of you squabblers got a cigarette?

She mumbled something.

It sounded, I don't know, middle eastern?

All right, um, I'm going to have you sit down with a sketch artist, ok?

Take care of that.




What happened?

You tell me.

These two bodies, dropped by a woman.

Probably the same woman that's been linked to the murders of three other skels in the past few days.

A blonde woman.

Dad, I--

I didn't know what to make of it until tonight, and then this woman here, she suspects, speaks some kind of middle eastern language, just like Sara.

Is she still at your place?

I've been looking for her.

Why didn't you tell me, huh?! You tell Queen?


Because he would just see this the same way as you.

Oh, yeah, and how is that, huh? How is that?!

That Sara is just... a thing that needs to be stopped.

This is my daughter.

Then why did I find you with a g*n pointed at her head?

I'm not proud of that, Laurel.

But people are dying.

And if I pulled that trigger, maybe they wouldn't be.

I'm going to go find Sara, and hopefully I do before you or Oliver.

Curtis, I need you to do something for me.

Felicity, look at me.

Gym clothes, gym bag-- do either of those suggest anything to you?

Physical fitness, but then I remembered you're a tech guy.

I'm also a bronze metal decathlete.

Bronze medal, huh?

Beijing, 2008.

Beijing, as in the Olympics?

Mr. Palmer's recording. Did you play it?

Yes. There's something off about it.

You sure it's not the fact that it's a dying declaration from your ex?

I mean, that is some serious Nicholas Sparks-level stuff.

Don't judge. The man can write emotion.

No, not that. I mean, yes, there's that, but there's still some artifacts playing that shouldn't be there.

What about your work-out?

Didn't seem to concern you 20 seconds ago.

Ray, on recording: I'm sorry, Felicity, this is my fault.

[Excess noise]

You hear that?

Like there's more to the recording.

Something overlapping with it.

I was hoping you could clean it up for me.

I mean, after your workout.

It can wait. I'm glad you changed your mind about hearing Mr. Palmer's final words.

Thank you, Curtis.

Ah, thank you for coming.

I think we both know I didn't have too much choice.

No. Well, certainly not since you literally doubled the number of daughters I have to hold over you.

Or did you take my advice and return Sara to the grave?

You didn't take my advice. Pity.

What do you want?!

Oh, a new beginning for the world, a nice glass of Merlot-- not necessarily in that order.


And for you to do me a favor.

There's a federal server farm 30 miles outside of the city.

I want you to gain access and plug this little baby into one of the computers.

And what's this thing going to do?

Oh, it's of no concern of yours.

But don't worry. It's not like it's going to destroy the city or anything.

Whatever that spa weekend did to clear your head, it also improved your technique.

You're effortless.

Yeah, well, you know how I love my hot stone massages.

By the way, that political strategist was a good call.

But his advice was a little harsh.

I mean, distancing yourself from Laurel?

I wasn't expecting that, bu he made a few good points.

What, like kicking your friends to the curb?

Well, my friendship with Laurel is... complicated.

We have been in each other's lives for like forever.

I mean, you have been in love with Laurel and Sara, and Laurel, she-- she took me in at CNRI when I was completely lost.

Even Captain Lance, ok, he has been there for us since mom died.

Ok, but your point?

My point is that...

Pretending that you don't know who your friends are, it... just doesn't feel very united.

Felicity on P.A.: This is your overlord, Felicity Smoak.

We have a P.A. system?

Yet another decision I might live to regret.

Hi, what's going on?

Code 47 at a nightclub on Ninth.

A blonde woman going cray cray.

And since I'm down here, it's probably the blonde woman we've been looking for.

The woman who's k*lling people in Pennytown.

Suit up.


[Dance music playing, all yelling]

Help! Help!


You have got to stop this!


Your sister's alive, she's out there, and she's hurting people.

How is she alive?

The Lazarus Pit?

You two spent your spa weekend at Nanda Parbat?

It was the only place we could get a reservation.

The blood lust is worse with Sara, isn't it?

Because you brought her back from death.

Yeah, and that's not the only problem.

Sara's not herself.

She's changed.

Why didn't you come to me with this?

Come to you for what?

Your expertise with magical resurrection?

Or that judgmental look on your face?

For help finding her, Laurel, before she gets hurt, or she hurts anyone else.

And if I have a judgmental look on my face right now, it's because you played with forces that you do not understand, and now people are dying because of it.

Who's he?

John Constantine.

Says so right on the business card your boss took from me.

He had this on his person, as well.

Do you recognize these landmarks?



Whatever it is Mr. Constantine is looking for, I want you to find it and bring it back to me.

Oh, come on, I'm telling you, you can't trust him!

Then you can follow him.

[John mumbling in foreign language]

What are you doing? Are you actually praying?


No, these aren't prayers, mate.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.

Unless you want to redecorate your lovely hut with his brains, I suggest you drop your w*apon.

[Whistles] On the floor.

You won't escape this island.

Ah, I don't intend on leaving just yet.

Come on, you.

You really know the place on that map?


You do?



You're going to show me. Now drive!

We need to talk.

About Sara?

Laurel told you?

Not exactly.

You got to admire her consistency.

Keeps her death secret from me, her resurrection secret from you.

Are you ok?

Am I ok?

I think there are certain situations in life where the word "ok" does not apply.

Well, we're working on finding Sara.

Good. Because we got other problems.

Felicity: It's a rat.

A remote access Trojan. Basically a computer virus.

A polymorphic code designed to target and erase certain pieces of data.

It's buried under three levels of encryption.

By the time I've cracked it--

Darhk could be wondering why I haven't run his errand for him.

I'm not sending you to break into a federal facility without back-up.

I don't want Laurel knowing about me and Darhk.

I wasn't suggesting Laurel.

Did Oliver tell you that Darhk works for an organization?



Hive had my brother k*lled.

I'm sorry.

And now, Detective, you're telling me that you were working with them?

For them?

It's a long story.

I've got time.

This city's been hurting.

This is nothing new.

Darhk comes to me, he offers to help fix it.

He's got powerful friends, he's got money-- and this was months before the Ghosts, all right?

I didn't see him as anything other than a concerned citizen.

Ok, and then?

Well, then he's doing all of his good stuff, and then he asks me where the fire chief is going on his vacation.

So I give him the address of his summer cabin.

Next day, the cabin blows up.

You confront Darhk about this?

Of course I did. And that's when he shows me pictures of Laurel.

At work, at home, AA meetings.

So this thing with your brother, is it going to be a problem for us working together?

No, Detective.

Because you being next to Darhk is going to help us take down HIVE.

Any luck connecting Sara's victims?

Just that she's only k*lled muggers and street thugs.

I still can't believe that it's Sara we're talking about.

That she's alive. I mean, I know how it's possible, but how is it possible?

The world is a much more...

Complicated place than most people are comfortable believing.

I received an old message from Ray, in the moment right before he died.

I almost didn't listen to it, because...

I didn't--I didn't want to feel that grief again.

The threat of zombie apocalypse aside, isn't it kind of nice not having to deal with the pain of saying good-bye?

Well, if it were that simple.

Not a day goes by that I don't miss my parents, or Tommy.

And I think about what I would... give just to spend another minute, but what's happening with Sara isn't healing anyone's pain; It's just--it's making it worse.

She almost k*lled those two girls.

I mean, why would she even go after them?

Her marble collection's a little incomplete.

Just guessing.

Well, they have something in common?


The waitress was Stephanie Dangess, and the girl at the club was Lindsay Paulson.

Oh, my God, both these girls-- they look like Thea.

[Cell phone rings]

♪ When you walk in the room ♪
♪ it catches fire ♪


Last thing I want, judgment for tonight.

[Both grunting]

Ho-wa An-tea!

[Both grunting and yelling]


I just can't believe that Sara would do something like this.

She's not Sara.

No, that's not it.


Hey, hey.

How you feeling?

Ah, Sara, she--

Ah, I know, it's ok. You're safe.

She tried to k*ll me.

She's not in her right mind.

You have no idea.

This is the Pit.

She's going through the same thing I am.

I--Thea, I thought that you were better.

[Sighs] When I went to Nanda Parbat, I...

k*lled two guys.

Malcolm-- [Clears throat]

Malcolm served them up on a platter for me, and... helped keep my blood lust at bay.

[Door opens]

Oh, my God.

Thank God you're all right.

Laurel, come with me.

Is Thea ok?


Not only is Thea hospitalized, but she has Merlyn influencing her to k*ll people.

What are you talking about?

Oh, just another thing that happened on your secret trip to Nanda Parbat.

Hey! I didn't tell you that I took my sister to Nanda Parbat because I knew that you wouldn't approve.

Why didn't you tell me you took Thea?

What does that have to do with anything?!

It's the hypocrisy that I can't stand!


It's ok for you to do whatever you have to for your sister, but it's not ok for me to do the same to mine?

Sara was dead.

Thea wasn't.

Then why didn't you tell me about Thea seven months ago?


Because you don't see me as an equal.

What? Oh, come on.

Laurel, of course I see you as an equal.

No, you don't! You never have.

You never told me that you were the Arrow-- keep your voice down!

...becoming the Black Canary, and you never would have told me that there's a way to save my sister.

My sister, she's out of her mind right now.

Because of something that I did.

A decision that I made.

Did you ever just stop and think for one second about what I might be going through?

I'm sorry about what happened to Thea.

I really am. I love your family--

I always have.

I just wish that sometimes you would give a damn about mine.

Get out.

You're sure this is the place?

It's the place.

What's going on, who are you?

How much do you know about what your boss is really doing on this island, mate?

He's making dr*gs.

[Chuckles] If only.

Your friend Reiter, he's the dangerous sort.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means there are things on this island that bad people shouldn't have access to.

Says the guy with a g*n pointed at my head.

Ah. I'm not a bad guy.

A little hard scrabble, sure, but, uh, I'm on the side of the angels, mate.

At least when they're busy trying to screw me over.

You're right. This is the spot.



De cruinne-ce agus akasha seall me do solas!

What? You've never seen magic before?


Well, go on then, Alice.

Down the rabbit hole you go.

Nice job getting us in.

You learn how to do that before or after working for Queen?

Save that for another story.

Yeah, I bet.

Is this the access point?

Yeah, yeah, looks like it.

All right, keep an eye out for rent-a-cops, 'cause it wouldn't do my career prospects too much good.

It working?

Yeah, I think so. Looks like the virus is erasing files on people.

Which people, and why?

Both really good questions.

Hey. [Groans]


What are you... doing here?

Waiting for you to wake up.

Thea, I owe you an apology.

No, no, there's no need for you to apologize for anything.

Yes, I do.

I brought Sara back without any idea of how to control her.

I'm the one who k*lled her in the first place.

That-- that's why she's after me, you know.

This blood lust she's consumed by...

It's the same pain I feel when I think about Ra's.

I don't understand.

Because the person that I'm driven to k*ll, the one who k*lled me is already dead.

Thea, what are you talking about?

As soon as she kills me, she'll be ok.

If the only way to save Sara is to k*ll you, then that's no cure at all.

How much longer?

Two minutes.

Wait, wait, what was that?

What is it?

I just saw my brother's name.

What is that all about?

[Alarm sounding]

What'd you do?

I didn't do anything!

I just have to get back to whatever it is that's been erased.

No, no, no, we don't have time.

Security's going to be on their way now.

I'm not leaving.

Drop it! Drop it now!

Hey, hey, hey, hey, it's all right, it's all right!

Captain Lance, Star City police department.

I just tracked this hacker here.

All right. Now, look, go get some back-up, all right?

Call this in, come on, go, go!

It's a good story. I just wish you would have told me before you gave me a concussion.

Come on. Then it wouldn't have looked real.

I didn't know you were still here.


Yeah, I just came to make sure Thea was ok.

I didn't have a chance to before, so.

She's sleeping.

Trying to.


Look, I--

I know why you're here.

Ok, I get it.

I want you--

I want you to know that it's-- it's ok.

I want you to do it.

[Speaking foreign language]

[Thea gasping]

About what I said before--

You said some things that you meant.



You sure you want to be here?

[Sighs] I hated hospitals before tonight.

Ah. It's just another excuse to stay away.

At the hospital, I looked Sara in the eyes.

She wasn't there.

What does that mean?

The Pit is not supposed to be used on the dead.

It brought Sara's body back, but all of this is happening--

Because it didn't restore her soul.

We still need to find her, ok?

Sara died long before you moved in with Laurel, and she knew exactly which hospital room to look for you in.

What, you think Sara can sense Thea somehow?

And here I was just wrapping my mind around metahumans.

Wait, we've both been in the Pit.

Maybe--maybe that gives us some type of connection.

A connection we can use.

Thea, you just got out of the hospital.

I don't want to use you as bait.

Well, I guess it's a good thing you're not in charge anymore.

We'll have her back, Oliver. All of us.

I don't understand. How did you...

Well, that's the great thing about magic.

Can't be explained.

There are places in this world as old as the world.

Places of Nexus, draw bad people to them.

This island is such place.

It's no accident that you're here.

Let me guess--

"Do not enter."

More like, only for the pure of heart.

That's not you, mate.

There you are, my pretty girl.

How do you know it's a girl?

I can do that trick, too.

Clever boy.

I'd usually be more artful, but I'm on something of a clock. [Grunts]

Get back!

I'm not a bad guy, either.

Mission accomplished.

Well done.

Are you sticking around for a cupcake or something?

This thing you had me do, I saw some of the names you had erased.

All military.

And here I had you pegged for a Luddite.

[Chuckles] Fast learner.

One of those names-- Sergeant Andrew Diggle.

What is he to you?

He died 6 years ago.

Why are you erasing the record of a dead man?

You know what, I'm going to tell you.

And only because you completed your task with such efficiency.

We hired an assassin to m*rder Sergeant Diggle.


Afghanistan's an interesting place, replete with opportunities for an enterprising enlisted man to engage in.

What are you talking about?

dr*gs, weapons, m*rder.

Your Sergeant Diggle was an eager beaver.

Unfortunately for him, our organization weaved itself into that part of the world, and as you know, we don't play well with others.

So you had him k*lled?

What is this guy, your best buddy?

I don't see you associating yourself with crime lords.

Ha, present company excepted.

Now, are we done?


I have to say, it feels really weird being back here right now.

Don't worry. Everyone's in position.

It's nothing, ok?

I--I don't think this is going to actually work.

Oh, God, I take that back.

Get her out of here!

[All grunting]

Dad was right.

There's nothing left inside of you, Sara!

Tranq arrow.


No, you said it yourself, she has no soul.


Let's get it back.

[Cell phone rings]



It's been a dog's age, mate.

More than. Do you remember that favor you owe me?

I hardly expect you to let me forget about that.

How quickly can you get to Star City?

I need your help.

So what, you're going to perform some kind of exorcism on my sister?

No, an exorcism is a removal of demonic possession.

What your sister needs is a restitutionem, the restoration of her soul to her body.

And you've done this before?

Ah, once. Maybe a year ago.

But don't worry, it's just like riding a bike.

I'm sure we have a lot of work to do to prepare.

I assume you brought a list?

Apologies. I didn't have time to translate that from its original Aramaic.

You know, if I knew you were surrounded by so many pretty girls, Oliver, I would have stopped by sooner.

Where did Oliver find this guy, the Luxor?

Oh, I'm just glad that the latest person from Oliver's past is not another gorgeous woman.

I'm not even going to ask.

You got my message. I'm so happy you came.

I'm her father, too.

I hate to be the one to say this, but what if something goes wrong?

Oh, don't worry. If things go wrong, then we'll all be too dead to care.

Well, then. Now we just need a--

I think I got everything in here that you wanted, although I am not entirely sure what you need a dead peacock feather for.



Oh, nice one.

That's been bugging me for hours.

[Grunts] Now, I've only got enough juice to send myself and two of you to the other realm and back, so.

Oh, I think it should be me.

Um, I'm the reason why she's like this right now.

No offense, love, but from what I hear, you're not exactly bringing out the best in Sara right now, are you?


Do you trust me?

Trust me when I tell you this will work.

Oh, there's, uh, one more thing.

Whatever's locked her soul away, it's not going to give it over without a fight.

So be ready.

All right, then.

On with the show.


Pelako ameso yobe eleggua imbone ukuchila panshita.

De domino vestro, aliquis.

Et stabit de domino vestro. Audite vocem meam.

[Electricity flickering]

Ancor, anchor, candones helosi et vos eleutis phugori...

[Sara groaning and grunting]

De cruinne-ce agus akasha seall me do solas!


[Grunting] Ah, well, I've had worse hangovers.

So what are we supposed to do now?

Sara: Laurel! Laurel, no!

This is new.

Well, new is why you brought me along.

Sara: Help!

No, no, no, no.

Well, I'm not going to just stand here!

We need a tour guide.

Axis mundi, produco tuus vires.

This way.

Unless you want to be trapped here for all eternity.

[Sara groaning]

This is what locked away Sara's soul?

How the human mind perceives it, anyway.

Sara: Help! [Groaning]



Get to the Pit. You need to work together to get her out.

I'll take care of our new friend.

No, Sara!

You want some of me?

You know, any time today would be good.


Per júdicem vivórum et mortuórum!

Qui habet potestatem mittere in infernum!

Abire ex regno--

2, 3!

[All gasping]


You're all right.

Everything's going to be all right.

What happened?

What is she?

Did we...


Thank you, John. I owe you one.

I believe I owed you one, mate.

Hows about we just call it even, eh?

How about any time, anywhere you need me, I'll be there.

I'll take that.

You know, the hair on the back of my neck has been standing up since the moment I got into town.

That is probably our current problem--

Damian Darhk.

Ohh, you've heard of him.

You watch yourself on that one, mate.

He'll make what you saw in the other realm look like a bloody gnat.

Any helpful advice?


Leave town. While you still can.

Well, he's a very specific kind of yummy.

Oh! I'm going to pretend I didn't hear you just say that.


Are--are we ok?

I mean, I just keep waiting for you to blow up at me.

Because you lied to me about Nanda Parbat?


Thea, I don't have the right to be mad at anyone for keeping secrets.

But I'm sorry that I made you feel as though you had to.

Come here.

Thanks, mate. I owe you one.

What the hell is all this?

Oh, this is the Orb of Horus.

It's actually a grimoire.

An ancient spell book.

You asked.

And, uh, what are you going to do with it?

Same as I do with all the other mystical objects I find--

I keep them in a safe place, away from the Baron Reiters of this world.

Remember what I told you about this island, mate.

This Reiter bloke is not only here for the narcotics.

But then again, it's not your problem, is it?

Come back with me.

I've got a boat on the southern shore.

You saw those people at camp.

I can't leave them behind.

Well, aren't you the hero? [Scoffs]

I also can't come back empty-handed.

Conklin suspects me enough as it is.

Fair enough.


g*ons like Reiter, they're only interested in the sparkly bits, anyway. The real power is in the spell.

Here. Here, I'll show you.

Yateeka masaha la hasra laha watahseen hayda albaled almodeef...

Lift up your shirt, mate?


Mah qoo-wat min aldaw alzalam.

What the hell did you just do?

I gave you some insurance against Reiter.

And when the time comes, you'll know how to use it.

Now, I believe, that concludes our business.


I--i need you to punch me in the face.

Right. My, uh, escape attempt left a bruise, right?

All right. I must warn you, I've got a hell of a right hook.


I'm--I'm fine.

Thanks very much.

All right, so just stay on message.

Unity, united community.

United. Got it.

All right.

Hey, Laurel.

Ok, maybe we need to work on your understanding of the phrase "distance yourself."

Only if you insist on continuing to use it when it relates to my friends.

[Sighs] Ok.


It's your campaign.

You pay me whether you win or lose.

Um, I am going to go keep him from quitting.

But I'm very proud of you right now.

How's Sara?


It turns out that getting your soul back is exhausting.



I don't know how I'm ever going to be able to thank you.

Just like that.


Well, thank you.

And thank you for inviting me here tonight.

After what I said to you in the hospital, I thought that I'd be the last person you'd want to see.

Well, you were right. I--

I haven't always been the best friend for you, but I--I'd be grateful for the opportunity to try and start to be.


How can I say no to the man that helped me save my sister's soul?

Oliver: Mistakes that have hurt people close to me.

But I'm not here to run from the past.

Because the past has contributed to making--

[turns TV off]

I thought you'd be out celebrating with Sara.

Yeah, there's enough time for that.


I figured I owed you something.

I asked Darhk about your brother.

He, uh, gave me something.


You don't have to read this.

You can remember your brother how you knew him.

Are you sure about this?

Yeah, it's legit.

I'm very sorry.

Thank you, Detective.

Gut punch doesn't deserve a thank you.

I wanted to know why...

HIVE had my brother k*lled, and now I do, so...

Felicity! Welcome back! Welcome, welcome, welcome!

How many of these have you drank?

It's "drunk," actually, and many. But worth it.

You cleared up the rest of Ray's message?

I think so. Uh, the playback was rendering when you came in. So, propitious timing.

Ok, you're not even allowed to say "energy drink" while on company time ever again.

That's ok; I think I might be having a cardiac incident, anyway.

So, the message, check it out. I was just about to call you.

Wait, where's my phone. Wait, did I call you already?


Ray: I'm sorry, Felicity, this is my fault.

I--I got myself into this mess screwing around with my exosuit and nanotechnology.

But recriminations probably aren't probably the best use of this limited bandwidth.

What I need you to know is, I'm alive, and I'm in trouble.
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