04x07 - Brotherhood

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arrow". Aired October 2012 - January 2020*

Moderator: SageLexington

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Spoiled billionaire playboy Oliver Queen is missing and presumed dead when his yacht is lost at sea. He returns five years later a changed man, determined to clean up the city as a hooded vigilante armed with a bow.
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04x07 - Brotherhood

Post by bunniefuu »

Oliver: Previously, on "Arrow"...

[Both grunting]

Curtis: Dr. Palmer got miniaturization to work.

Felicity: Do it!

I'm not dead.

This is field crew 237, we're at the Star City Bank.

We're under attack! Immediate assistance!

[Tires squealing]

[Canary cry]

[Tires squealing]

The Ghosts, they're about to knocking over the armored cars.

Yeah, it's just like old times.


There are guards in the back.

We'll get 'em. Go!

They burned all the money.

They didn't need it.

Federal government sent this to prop up Star City Bank.

HIVE just wanted to make sure that didn't happen.

♪ Arrow 4x07 ♪
Original Air Date on November 18, 2015

I've heard of having money to burn, but stealing money to burn, that's new.

Darhk's not kidding-- he really wants this city to die.

Yeah, but why? I mean, what does HIVE have to gain from any of this?

A base of operations.

They have to be able to operate out of somewhere.

What better spot than a dead city?

With almost a dead police department.

Any luck from that tooth we got off the HIVE member that we took down?

Only that the deterioration of the DNA markers was most definitely not natural.

Which means it was caused by what?

Curtis and I have been trying to figure that out for the past month.

Maybe Ray will have better luck.

I will ask.

Hey, you got a sec?


Where'd you get this?

I got that from Lance.

Who got it from Damien Darhk.

John, this...

Is pretty definitive evidence that HIVE had Andy k*lled because his criminal operations conflicted with theirs.

That doesn't track at all with what you have told me about Andy.

Oliver, that doesn't track with what I knew about Andy.


I guess I really never knew him at all.

There's got to be some explanation.

Maybe he was undercover.

Hey, man, listen, it's all right there.

The facts are the facts.

All I'm saying, Andy was your brother, and he deserves the benefit of the doubt.

Trust me.

Things aren't always what they seem.

Yeah, yeah.

Reiter's not going to like this.

Not one bit.

Vlad was a good worker, and they listened to him.

Well, I didn't have a choice.

He was going to k*ll me.

Doesn't sound like something he'd do.

Maybe--maybe he didn't have a choice, either.

Maybe someone put him up to it.

Maybe it was revenge.

Revenge for what?

For Taiana.

That drug stealing bitch you choked out?

Vlad was her brother.

Ah, thank you for coming by on such short notice.

Well, happy to have something to do.

To be honest, I'm feeling at a bit of a loss of what to do with my newfound freedom.

And height. [Chuckles]

Is everything always this big?

If you're looking for something to do, why not try, oh, I don't know, declare yourself undead, try getting your company back.

You said you had something that you needed help on?

Don't change the subject.

I'm not!

I am a recently undead billionaire CEO.

My time is at a premium.

What can I do for you?

Thanks, I was wondering where my tooth went.

John pulled this off of a Ghost.

It's their cyanide retirement plan.

We tried pulling DNA off of it, but...

But half of the genetic markers are missing.

That's impossible.

You mean like, "A guy who can shrink to the size of a French fry" impossible?

Well, do you have any equipment?

I'm fresh out of chromatographs.

Got that.

Can we circle back to why you won't come back to Palmer Tech?

Your return is exactly what our stock price needs.

It's incredible. [Laughs]

The genetic code has been selectively degraded.

We know. We think it's to scramble the DNA markers so they can't be IDed. But how?

Well, it looks like it was done with a synthetic compound.

Like a chemical CRISPR/Cas9.

Lastrapium trioxide.

Wolfman Biologics has a patent on it.

Thank you.

Ok, tomorrow night, Patrolman's Benevolent Association gala.

It's black tie, so you need a tux.

Which one? He's got like 50.

Uh, [Chuckles].

Maybe back in the day. I don't have a tux.

Get a rental. Doesn't really matter.

Every mayor in the history of Star City has attended the PBA.

I secured a spot for you on the dais with the brass, but we need to make sure that your keynote is on point.

Which means, we need to find a way to say that the police need our help without...

Throwing them under the bus.


I thought you failed civics class.

A D-minus, thank you.

Alex has a way of making this interesting.

[Cell phone rings]


Sorry, uh, wrong number.

What were we saying?

Um, moving on to Oliver's platform.

I got your email about cleaning up Star City Bay.


You know, with everything this city's facing right now, a hippie, crunchy program like--

A hippie, crunchy program that will add hundreds of jobs, help gentrify the surrounding neighborhoods, and encourage outside investment.

And put voters to sleep.

We need to focus on crime and jobs.

[Cell phone vibrates]

Which this program will address.

Hey, I will put out a press release tomorrow.

I got to take this.


I think your brother's onto us.

No. No, and even if he was, it's not like he's the boss of me.

No, he's the boss of me.

I know.

I'm just glad your brother's not a k*ller.

Oh... Speedy!

Speedy, um--

Thea. Sorry, it's a nickname.

We have to go.

Felicity called about the thing.

The dental problem.

Uh, yes, yeah, sorry.

Um, our--our friend has, this, uh, tooth issue.


Good work.


We're clear for entry.

John: All right, Felicity, what's next?

We need a sample of the chemical.

With it, Ray can unscramble the DNA markers and we can have a shot at IDing some of our Ghosts.

Where do we find this thing?

According to their recently hacked computers, second floor, northwest corner.

It's a yellow liquid.


Four Ghosts, north entrance.

I'm on it.

[All grunting and groaning]

Looks good, we're in.

Looking for the compound.

Got it.

Green Arrow and Speedy need assistance.


You should go, get out of here.

And what about you?

I've got this. Go.

Felicity, I'm going for an ID on the Ghost that shot at us.

Stand by.


Well, even death's not permanent anymore.


No, no, it's ok.

Nothing seems to make sense anymore.


I can't believe this.

Ok, it's obvious that HIVE faked his death.

Maybe it was part of his recruitment--

You saw the file. You saw what kind of man my brother was, what kind of man he is.

We don't know anything, not until we hear it directly from Andy.

And how are we supposed to do that?

We get him out of HIVE.

Oliver, how are you still giving him the benefit of the doubt?

Because he's your family.

You said he was a good man.

Maybe a part of him still is.

I don't know.

I do. Last month at the lumber yard, a Ghost had a chance to k*ll you, but didn't.

I remember thinking how weird that was, unless that Ghost was Andy.

So, what, he had a chance to k*ll me and he didn't, so I'm just supposed to forget he's a k*ller?

No, but you should still remember he's your brother.

I can't square that circle, Thea.

That HIVE member was nothing like my brother.

The man that was my brother's dead.

He's dead.

What brother?

The brother of the prisoner that stole the dr*gs, but only because he put him up to it.

You're crazy!

That prisoner att*cked you 'cause what you did to his sister--

That's a lie!

It's a hell of a lot more believable than me putting him up to attacking you.

You know what, you have had it in for me ever since you found that knap--

Enough! I have a means of divining the truth.

Why did you k*ll that prisoner?

Because he att*cked me.

Aww, come on, man, this isn't the place for your hocus pocus crap!

Did you have that prisoner attack Mr. Queen?

Hell no.

[Diviner crackles]

You're lying.

According to what, a bunch of twigs?

Reiter, don't do this! You got to hear me out!

It's him! He's the problem.

He's the problem! Hey!

What are you going to do to him?

Nothing. I believe the wrong should make things right.

So, you wanted to see me.

So polite. That's a bit atypical.

A guy gets slapped down enough times, he learns who's boss.

Apparently not.

I'm sorry, what are you talking about?

After our meeting last week, I had an unpleasant encounter with the Green Arrow and his compatriots.

My security personnel are under the opinion that you called that meeting so as to create an opportunity to have me followed.

So your security guys don't trust me, but what about you?

Trust is an orchid-- beautiful but delicate.

Requiring ideal conditions in order to thrive.

Without those conditions, it dies.

Tread carefully, Quentin.

Believe it or not, the death of your daughter is not the most terrible thing that I can thr*aten you with.

[Cell phone rings]

I don't want to talk to you.

Malcolm: Then why are you answering the phone?

[Sighs] Because, I...

I would have told you I was stopping by, but you weren't taking my calls.

What do you want?

To help you.

Those men you k*lled in Nanda Parbat, the effects of those deaths must be wearing off by now.

I'm fine.

The blood lust has returned, hasn't it?

I have it under control.

You can't control it, Thea.

Who's Lawrence Tanner?

A Pedophile. Multiple accusations, no convictions.

Lives three blocks down.

The world needs one less pedophile.

And you need at least a month of peace.

Look, I'm going to go out, ok?

And when I come home, you better not still be here, or I am calling the police.

[Indistinct chatter, music playing]


Alex hired a security detail, if you want to sit this one out.

Yeah, I'm going to be at the bar.

Well, this is actually a better way than how you usually spend your evenings-- dressing in leather and tying people up.

There he is!

They're waiting for you on the dais.

You ready for this?

About to find out.


It is our great privilege to be here tonight to honor the Star City Police Department.

These are a group of men and women who risk their lives for us on a daily basis.

Never been an easy job, and it has certainly never been more difficult than it is right now in our city.

These are the people that keep our streets safe; who watch over us.

They protect us.

For that, I'm grateful.

And so is the rest of Star City.


Not bad. Not quite as powerful as the Green Arrow's, but not bad.

Yeah? Maybe I should get him to endorse me.

I need a favor from you.

Need a location of one of Darhk's foot soldiers.

Could be a little difficult.

Darhk called me into his office this morning for a little chat about how he doesn't trust me anymore.

Wait, wait, wait, are you in danger?

I hope not. But listen, when I was there, I saw something on his desk.

Something about slip 52 down at the docks.

Now, if the Ghosts are there, maybe the one you're looking for will be there, too.

Ok. Thank you.

All right.

Hey, honey. How are you?

Thank you.

Club soda.

Yeah, it has to be.

Can't have the candidate's bodyguard getting hammered.


Do you want to talk about?

Resurrected siblings are kind of in my wheelhouse.

It's not quite the same thing, Laurel.

[Sighs] Sara wasn't really--

A member of an organization of K*llers?

I'm sure there are a million things going through your head right now. All I'm saying is, make one of them an appreciation for the fact that your brother is actually alive.

Well, I--why, so I can...

Hold off some kind of false hope that he might be decent?

He doesn't deserve that.

No, he probably doesn't, but you do.

After Andy died, a part of you died, too.

And now, now is your chance to heal.

How am I supposed to do that?

When I had to look... my nephew in the eye and tell him that...

He was never going to see his daddy again...

[Chokes up]

The months after Andy died were the darkest times of my life.

I would have given anything, anything to get Andy back.

I would have sacrificed my life to have him back with his wife and his son.

I would have traded my life for a stranger.

Mr. Queen, it's so nice to meet you.

Thank you!

Do you think you can get more funding for the SCPD?

Well, that's certainly a top priority.

That's great news.


Thank you.

Mr. Queen. Huge fan.

Thank you. Mr.?

Darhk. I have some ideas of how I might contribute to your campaign.

Do you have a minute?

Of course.

Well, it's not just about financial support.

I have strong relations in the business circles, media outlets as well.

That's all well and good, but I am running unopposed.

So I don't totally understand how you can help me win.

Oh, it's not about winning.

It's about how much we can accomplish if we worked together.


And not to be indelicate, but a lot has changed in Star City since your parents held sway here.

The levers of power have changed.

And not understanding that is what doomed Jessica Danforth's bid.


What do you want, Mr. Darhk?

I read the press release about your new project.

The restoration of Starling Bay.

Reconsider your plans. Leave the Bay as it is.

What if I refuse?

Oh, well, then you'll no longer be unopposed.

Mr. Queen.

Mr. Darhk.

Leaving to fight Ra's on the mountaintop, going undercover with the League of Assassins, dating the Huntress...

What are you doing?

Oh... I am just listing all of the terrible ideas you've had over the past three years, of which throwing in with Damien Darhk has got to be the worst.

I am not throwing in with Damien Darhk!

I am using him to get at HIVE.

Isn't Lance already our man on the inside?

Lance has lost Darhk's trust, making this the only way...

To get yourself k*lled.

You remember the last time you tried to take down an evil organization from the inside?

This is different.


Because you'd be doing it as Oliver Queen?


What about your mayoral campaign?

You cannot be an effective candidate for mayor and Darhk's undercover stooge.

Ahem. Taking down Darhk is more important, especially now that we know he has Andy under his thumb.

First, there is a whole long list of things that we don't know about Andy.

Second, you didn't decide to run for mayor to take down Darhk.

You did it to give the city something that the Green Arrow can't give them--

Hope. Inspiration.

Don't lose sight of that.

Not even for John.

This man betrayed us.

He sent an innocent man, a useful man to his grave.

He conspired against me, you, all of his brothers.

Baron, please...

His punishment won't come from me, but from the one he sought to hurt.

Oliver, please.

Don't do this.

I'm begging you.

Come on, Queen.

Please. Look, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything!

Please don't do this!


Harder! [Groaning]




So--so, I'm sorry, your friend was reunited with his brother after eight years?

It's crazy, right?

Yeah, crazy.

So you have you, uh, given him your crown yet?

I mean, you held the record with five years thinking Oliver was dead, so.


I can't imagine how tough it must have been for you, Thea.

[Cell phone rings]


You know, I should probably take this.

This is Alex. Sorry.

Yeah, what's up?

Hi there.

What are you drinking? Maybe I can buy you another.

I don't think my date would like that very much.

Well, I don't see him here.

You look like the kind of girl where no means yes.

Come on, baby.

[Groaning and grunting]

Thea! Stop!


What the hell are you doing?

Can't do it?

I can't believe that Andy's back.

How am I supposed to tell Carly?

She has a right to know, Johnny.

She's better off thinking he's dead.

I'm not sure that's your call to make.

I'm not sure about anything.

You know, when I first found out about the Flash, and the Lazarus Pit and what it did for Thea...

I began to daydream about Andy being back.

I would just play with that idea.

My brother's back.

I never thought it would actually happen.

I know.

[Knock on door]

I'll get it.

Hi, Lyla.

Hi, Oliver.

May I come in?


I'll, um, give you two a minute.


[Exhales] How you holding up?

Ah, I guess as good as can be expected, right?

Nothing really to compare this to.

At least not this week.

[Sniffs] Ahh.

Lance has some Intel for us.


Slip 52 at the docks.

Felicity checked it out, and that whole area's been shut down for the entire night.

Think the Ghosts have something planned there?

And maybe your brother.

Every time we face the Ghosts, it's Russian Roulette. I'm not risking any of you for Andy.

You're not. We're offering.

Ok. But just us.

Thea and Laurel sit this one out.


Gentlemen, you all come here from different walks, different paths.

But all burdened with the same knowledge-- that this world is diseased.

Fortunately, there is a cure for this pestilence.

That cure, gentlemen, is HIVE.

Those little yellow pills you swallowed, they do a few interesting things-- including making you cooperative.

Now, I understand you all volunteered and that's just swell.

But I think we can all agree that in any chain of command, there can never be too much compliance.

[Evil chuckle]

Perhaps a demonstration.


The people of this city-- what's left of them, at any rate-- they call you Ghosts.

And they have no idea how right they are.

Up there!

k*ll the green one.

[All grunting]

This isn't on you, John, it was my call.

Ahem. I never should have let you make it.

Felicity, can you give us a second?

No, I think I should stay.

I just, uh, remembered, I got that thing in the whatever with the what's-it.

Oliver, let this go, man.

I have.

You almost got yourself k*lled.

[Coughs] I've been a lot closer to almost k*lled.

Andy made his choice.

You don't know that.

John, you saw what was going on tonight.

Those men, they were under the influence of something.

Whatever pill is scrambling their DNA is also making them susceptible to Darhk suggestion.

All right, just because you have a blind spot for your family, don't expect me to, as well.

That--that's not what this is about.

The hell it's not.

Family is exactly what this is about.

Criminal or not.

Under the influence or not.

Andy let his son and his wife believe he was dead for eight years, Oliver.

Eight years!

And there's no excuse for that.


John, I'm just-- you don't know.

Oliver, you don't know. You have this inexplicable way of excusing everything just because it's family.

It's not inexplicable!

I'm asking you-- ahem. I'm asking you to hold out hope for Andy, because I need that hope.

I need to believe that no matter what happens in our lives, no matter how much darkness infects us, I need to believe that we can come back from that!

And it was exactly that thinking that led you to the League last year.

Doesn't seem like you learned much from that.

Felicity told you?

Getting in bed with Darhk, Oliver?

I don't see how you can even consider it.


We are going to take this guy down, and no idea is off the table.

I thought you're doing things differently, Oliver.

Fighting Darhk from the inside is just fighting Darhk in the shadows.

You want to do things differently?

You want ideas, fine.

Let's take this son of a bitch down in the light of day.


Just in time.

For what?

Ah, roasted lizard with a little bit of coriander and sea salt.

I've gotten better at removing the skin with a sharp rock.

I ate already.

Thank you.

Are you all right?

It's a hard day.


I have to...

I have to tell you something about your brother.


Is he all right?


I'm sorry.

What do you mean?

Is he--


I'm very sorry.



Sorry, I had Curtis grab some more toys so I could keep working on your tooth.

That's ok; I don't think we're going to be using the table for eating tonight, anyway.

Oliver and John are busy fighting over John's not-so-dead after all brother.

Do I even want to ask?

Let's just say you no longer corner the market on not being dead as people think.

Though, in John's brother's case, he does have a pretty good excuse-- unlike some people.

Have you seen anyone?

Of course not; I've been busy here working on your tooth.

You're stalling. Ray, when you come back from the dead, you're supposed to start living again.

What's going on?

I've been catching up on the past six months.

My company, my city, my life.

And I feel like Tom Sawyer watching his own funeral.

Except in my case, nobody really cares.

That is not true, Ray.

Renaming Starling Star City is nice, but then take a look to what's happened to the place.

And my company, this thing I've built that was supposed to outlast me, is now on life support.

Because it needs you.

To do what?

The same thing I was doing before I died?

Obviously that didn't amount to anything.

Oh, self-pity is not a good look on you.

Ah, I don't think it's self-pity.

I think it's self-reflection.

If I'm going to come back to life, I have to figure out what it is that I'm living for.


I played around with your bicuspid a bit.

Ah, the, uh, compound definitely broke down the residual DNA on the tooth.

It's pretty inventive, actually.

Is there any way to reconstitute the DNA so we have a shot at IDing these guys?

No. Once the alleles are decomposed, they're gone for good.


So since that was a dead end, I took another look at the polymer the fake tooth was made of.

Uh, I found faint traces of sodium fluoride.

Like from water?

There's no way that the concentration could be high enough to leave behind any sort of residue.

It would if there was an unusually high sodium fluoride count in the drinking water, like say in the facility that was closed down for that very reason.

Muller Psychiatric Center.

You got to admire the irony of Damien Darhk keeping his army of bad guys in a defunct looney bin.

Not bad for a guy who thinks his life didn't add up to anything.

Never going to outlive that one.

Everyone clear on the plan?

You know, I wasn't the first 80 times we went over it, but now I think I got it.

What's going on, guys?

Felicity found a probable location for the Ghosts' base of operations.

These guys are not going to be easy to take out.

How are you feeling?


We're not trying to take down the Ghosts; We don't have the manpower.

Going after Andy.

Guys, Oliver nearly got himself k*lled trying to help Andy.

I'm not letting you do the same.

I'm sorry, but it's not really just up to you.

I did everything that I could to bring my sister back, and I think your brother deserves the same.

No, Laurel, that's just it-- I don't think he does.

And I don't know what Oliver told you--

He told them the only two things that matter--

Andy's under Darhk's influence, and we need to get him out.

I can't let you risk your life for someone who does not deserve it.

That's your call. But we've made ours.

Let's move.

Oliver: We're onsite.

Oh, satellite's reading a hell of a lot of activity for 3:00 in the morning. I'm guessing 50 or so Ghosts plus who knows how many recruits.

Hey, wait, if the Ghosts are wearing their usual Halloween costume, then how are we supposed to tell which one's Andy?

That's what your fancy new cameras are for.

A little gift from Curtis.

Infrared lenses should virtually unmask our ghosty friends.


Ok, ready?

I'm in position.

In position.

This isn't just a base of operations.

It looks like a staging area.

For what?


Military crates marked G6:5.

Does that mean anything?

Maybe they're playing bingo.

Let's assume that's not it.

Deadly bingo.

Ahem. We need to get an ID on Andy.

When we do, you wait for my signal before engaging.

Yeah, I might not have that option.


She's been spotted, third floor, southwest building.

Laurel: I've been spotted, too. [Grunting]

[Grunting and groaning]

I might be able to get a visual on our target!


Waiting on confirmation.

That's him, you got him, the one on your right.

Actually, he's got me! [Grunting]

[Elevator dings]

Thea: I got him. He looks heavy, I need help in here.

I'm on my way.

It's Merida.

Aren't you out a little bit past your bedtime?

I've seen something of your fighting style.

You were trained by Ra's al Ghul.

Tell me--how is Malcolm doing these days?


That usually works.

[Grunting and groaning]


[All grunting]

Black Canary's got Andy, but she needs help reaching the exfil.

I got this!

Are you sure?


It's, uh, nice of you to show up.

My brother needed me.

The green one.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, all of you.

Palmer, even you, thank you.

My pleasure. Feels good to do something useful. It's been a while.

Does that mean I can expect to see you at work tomorrow?


Can't keep doing the same useless, ineffective things.

You know? I got to do something different.

I'm going to take some time and figure out what that is.

But, uh, it still include the occasional super heroics whenever you need me.

Where are you going?

Well, I have a long overdue chat with my brother. I hope you were right.

Me, too.

You were right.

About what?

Darhk. I thought about what you said, and how to fight him. I'm going to do it in the light of day.

Good. What did you have in mind?

You'll see.

We never should have gotten on that damn boat!

Reiter's men h*jacked the yacht that we were working on.

I was a dive instructor and Vlad was the deckhand.

They k*lled everyone on our charter and they brought us here.

What happened?

With Vlad?


I'll k*ll him, that monster!

Taiana, wait, wait.

I'm going to k*ll him for what he did!

Conklin is-- is terrible, but he's not the problem.

He's just a pawn.

Pawn for what?

For Reiter's plan.

What is this?

This is a map of Lian Yu, and I think that it leads to whatever Reiter is looking for.

Can you follow it?

Not without a... detailed survey map of the island.

Where would we get something like that?

Well, I had an idea.

It's a long shot, but it's worth a try.

To get there, I'll need your help.

[Knock on door]

Thank you for coming.

Are you sure you don't have the SCPD waiting for me in the kitchen?

Don't be so paranoid.

You did thr*aten me with arrest the last time I popped by.


Did you reconsider my advice?


And I'm still not going to take it.

Look...I think I might have found a different way for me to control my blood lust, one that does not include k*lling people.

What does it include?

Damien Darhk.

Last night, we went after HIVE, and I ran into Damien.

I've seen what he can do with his powers, but when he tried to use them on me, it completely backfired.

And my blood lust was gone.

I mean, at least for a little while.

So what I want is for you to help me figure out a way to make that permanent.

Andy, I don't even know where to begin.

Andy, I need to understand.

Can you help me understand?

Is what's in this file true?!

Andy, answer me.

It's true.

All of it.

[Birds squawking]

Well, this is quite a lot of media for a, uh, what'd you call it?

Hippie, crunchy program.

That's right.

Always happy to admit when I'm wrong.

Good luck up there.

Thank you.

Ok, sorry I'm late.

Ah, you're fine.

We're just getting started.

So, I...

Haven't been arrested for battery yet.

I keep thinking...

You would have k*lled him if I hadn't stopped you.

I just had a really bad night.

I guess I'm just asking if maybe you could be a little patient... with me.

[Indistinct chatter]

Thank you all for coming.

My, uh, my campaign advisor doesn't think that saving the Bay is the right fight given the state the city is in.

But I'd like everyone to know that I'm not blind to Star City's problems.

And I wouldn't be here today if I wasn't confident that this program could help solve them.

And the reason I chose the Bay is because it's in the center of the city.

It's out in the open.

For everyone to see.

The fight to save Star City isn't going to be fought in the shadows.

It's going to be fought in the light of day.

And I promise you, all of you, that I will never stop fighting to save this city.

Woman: We love you!

[Cheers and applause]
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