01x10 - Evil Handmade Instrument

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blindspot". Aired September 2015 - July 2020.*
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"Blindspot" focuses on a mysterious tattooed woman found in Times Square who has lost her memory and does not know her own identity. The FBI discovers that each tattoo contains a clue to a crime they will have to solve.
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01x10 - Evil Handmade Instrument

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Blindspot"...

Only three people in the world know what I'm about to tell you.

It's called Daylight.

Whoever did this to Jane is coming for us.

It's plain as day, Guerrero needs to disappear.

Mayfair: Those tattoos are not some Sunday morning crossword puzzle.

They contain extremely sensitive classified intelligence.

You put the case, yourself and a civilian at great risk.

David: I'm madly in love with you, and unless I'm crazy, I'm pretty sure you feel the same way.

I'm working the biggest case of my life.

So, if you solve the case, then...

I'm sorry.

Jane: Something happened last night with Weller.

Borden: Your relationship with Agent Weller is complicated.

Jane: Have you ever been married?

No, too cheesy.

Patterson: Someone circled a bunch of random letters.

It's a secret code.

Someone is using this as a communication device.

Cause of death, exsanguination from laceration to the jugular vein.

So, according to the report, she used a piece of glass from a broken bottle.

Moving away from David's case file for just a moment...

The fact that she used a found object indicates that it wasn't premeditated.

Have you spoken to your family since last night?

Just my mom. She wanted to fly out but I told her that I was okay.

Perhaps you should reconsider?

The k*ller had to be trained.

Normally, agents are asked to take a leave of absence in situations like this.

There is a mountain of evidence that I need to go through.

Coming to terms with a sudden loss is complicated, particularly the loss of a loved one.

We weren't together anymore.

Well, that may well be the case, but...

I can handle this.

I'm going to recommend you take some time.

No, please... please don't sign that paper.

I can't go back to my apartment.

Everything there reminds me of him.

His... "Firefly" DVDs, my board games.

He didn't pick up the last of his clothes I think because he thought...

Agent Patterson, I can't just...

Please, just... give me one day so I can be here with my team, because I know that I can help.

One day, and then we'll take it from there.

Okay. Thank you.


You are out of control.

Well, good morning to you, too.

How could you be so reckless?

Guerrero's back in the papers because of your sloppy clean-up job.

Oh, there was nothing sloppy about it.

And they'll never be able to trace it back to us.

I was in the building when you k*lled him.

That was simply bad timing.

He would've signed those papers.

Yeah, well, now, he doesn't need to.

Jane Doe ties us to Daylight.

I've done my job. Now, you do yours.

Zapata: What is that?

Carter: This is a very sensitive surveillance device, and I want it inside Jane's safe house.

What are you doing down here?

Uh... (chuckles)

I don't know.

I thought maybe seeing it would trigger something.

This tattoo...


You can't blame yourself.

The only reason David was in that library was because he was following this.

And I'm covered in these, but I have no control over what they mean or what happens because of them.

Jane, these tattoos, they've saved a lot of lives.

Not this time.

This wasn't some t*rror1st or criminal that died.

It was Patterson's boyfriend.

How is she gonna move on from this?

I've never lost anyone before.

At least, not anyone I can remember.

You're lucky. It takes time.

Come on, let's get to work.

So, according to the report, David's k*ller left some type of encoded message in a reference book.

Yeah, and then she went to a second book and placed this piece of paper inside the book's spine.

How do we know this?

I put an agent in place to surveil the book.

Agent Brott was monitoring it for any suspicious activity.

He's the one who found David's body in the alley and alerted me.

We got an initial report from IAFIS.

There was a partial print left in the book.

We have a print?

Hey, are you sure that you wanna be here?

Patterson, it's okay, we got this.

I'm... I'm not sitting this one out.

Do we have a print?

The partial wasn't from David's k*ller, it was from this man named Roger Levkin.

Zapata: Successful architect, lives in Westchester County, clean criminal record.

Married ten years to his wife Emily, an econ professor at NYU.

That doesn't sound very suspicious to me.

Except he was born in Russia.

Became a U.S. citizen through marriage.

Do you think his Russian background plays into this?

The books in the library, the codes, hidden messages.

Feels like Russian tradecraft.

Old school Cold w*r tactics.

Are you saying we're dealing with spies?

Well, there's only one way to find out.

Let's move.

I'll put the library books through processing... see if I can find any codes anywhere.

(mouthing) Okay.

Are you okay?

Yeah... yeah.

Here, take a look at this.

Uh, the k*ller hid that inside the second book.

Some kind of decoding device?

So 47 was circled in the first book.

So there must be a reason why they used two books.

I mean, maybe it's referring to a... a page in the second book?

So... page 47.

(computer beeping)

Here we go.

And the decoding device.

(sighs) Of course.

It's a windowbox overlay.

"Status nominal will continue to monitor.

No further updates."

She was reporting in.

(sighs) It's useless to us now.

Something's not right.

You two, go around the house that side.

Meet you around the back. Tasha, cover the front.


Got eyes on the suspect's wife.

She's being held hostage in the kitchen.

Suspect is armed.

Going in.

(woman screams)


(screaming continues)

(muffled speech)

I'm so sorry.

Shut up.

Give me your hand.



Give me your other hand! Turn over.

Turn over!


Weller: Open your mouth.

Open your mouth!

Open it!

He's dead.

(woman wailing and sobbing)


Uh, you wanted to see me?

How are you doing?


You're not fine.

Please, don't send me home.

Look... I know what it's like to lose someone.

And I know what it's like to need answers.

But if at any point this gets too difficult for you, you have to be honest with me.

(indistinct chatter, siren)

They're gonna run a tox screen, but it looks like Roger died from a fast-acting poison, probably cyanide.

Something doesn't add up.

If Roger really was a Russian spy and his American wife was his cover, why would he try to k*ll her?

They had the perfect setup... nice home, good jobs.

I don't know, ten years is a long time to live a lie.

Maybe he just snapped.

There's gotta be a connection to those library books.

It's too big of a coincidence that two people who had contact with him end up dead within 24 hours.

You think David finding those books has something to do with all of this?

Roger's wife has no idea what made him turn this morning.

He mentioned something about never meaning to fall in love with her.

Zapata: Did he say anything else?

She said that he was talking about targets and an operation.

That's not good.

Check this out. The same lady from the library surveillance photo.

Same build, same age, and look at the hair.

Do you think she could be David's k*ller?

This is Kate Williams.

She's a friend. Why?

Kate Williams is a fifth grade teacher in the Bronx.

She lives on 77th between Park and Madison.

Fancy address on a teacher's salary?

Her husband is a commercial real estate broker, Nathan Williams.

Married ten years, no kids.

Does Kate have any connections to Russia?

Yeah, a big one. She was born there.

Zapata: She matches the description and the profile of David's k*ller.

It has to be her.

Nathan filed a missing persons report with the NYPD when Kate didn't come home.

He's at the 82nd precinct in Brooklyn right now being questioned.

Tell 'em to hold him there.

We need to talk to him.

This is Agent Kara Sloane with the counter espionage division.

She's going to be assisting us.

Assistant Director Mayfair got me up to speed.

These new developments are lining up with chatter that we've been hearing about a possible sleeper cell.

Kate Williams certainly fits the MO.

Russian born, married to a successful American citizen, fully assimilated into the community, up until now, leading a seemingly normal life.

With David's m*rder and Roger Levkin's su1c1de, it all points to some sort of mission.

Sloane: My source at the Russian Embassy says that things started to heat up about 12 hours ago.

Around the same time David got k*lled.

Well, maybe the Russians thought David was a Fed and was onto them.

Zapata: Which could have activated their mission.

Roger did mention something about targets.

All of our intel points to assassination plots, but who or why are big unknowns.

Mayfair: Roger Levkin's mark was his wife.


Could the spies be targeting their spouses?

Possibly, or she could have been the anomaly.

We simply don't have enough information.

Jane and I'll head to Brooklyn.

We'll interview Kate's husband.

You two, head to the Upper East Side, get that address and see what you can find at that house.

When she didn't come home from work yesterday, I called the police.

Has she gone missing before?

No, never.

I've called all her friends, no one's heard from her.

Your wife was born in Russia.

Has she stayed in contact with her family back there?

Kate lost her parents when she was a child.

What about any Russian friends in New York?

Ties to the community?

I guess, Roger Levkin, but Kate's friends with his wife.

What does this have to do with anything?

We're investigating every angle right now, sir.

Let us know if you do hear from her, and... we'll do the same if we hear anything.

(cell phone vibrates)


Actually, it's me and Agent Sloane.

What have you got?

We've been drilling down into the lives of our suspected spies and their spouses.

Our vector search cross-checked DMV records, social media pages, credit card receipts, you name it.

Turns out there's one common denominator.

Olivia Delidio.

I'm sending you her photo now.

(phone vibrating)

So what do you got on her?

Russian born, married to an American for 12 years.

And not just any American. Edward Delidio.

An editor of "The New York Times."

They have two young children and they live in Gramercy Park.

Patterson, send a team to the husband... he could be a target.

Yeah, on it.

Olivia seems to fit the mold, marrying a successful and connected spouse.

Weller: Got an address for Olivia?

She works at Queens Museum.


How could the Russians be so sure their agents could get these people to marry them?

I'm sure they profiled their targets for years, creating matches based on personalities, interests.

That's a lot of effort.

It's worth it for them.

Being able to assimilate so they prevent getting caught.

But still, to just give up your whole life like that.

I wonder if they ever regretted it.

Hi, ma'am.

We're the FBI, we're looking for Olivia Delidio.

She's in the Panorama.

Thank you.

Sir? My name is Kurt Weller.

I'm with the FBI.

I'm looking for Olivia Delidio.

That's her... over there.

Weller: That's her? Thank you. She's running!

(tires screeching)

Weller: Hey!

I'm with the FBI, I need to borrow your bike.

(tires screeching)

(car horn blares)

(g*nshots, tires screeching)

(g*n clicks)

Get out of the car!


(speaking in Russian) Why did you run?

Where is Kate Williams?

She doesn't even seem nervous.

She's had years of Soviet training.

Has she been checked for a cyanide cap?

Yeah, we checked her, she's clean.

This is the last time that I'm gonna ask you.

Where is Kate Williams?

I told you, I don't know.

We were at your apartment.

Your doorman confirmed Kate slept there last night.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Yes, Kate and I are both Russian.

We both married Americans.

We're good friends, we talk all the time.

"We talk all the time."

How does that make us spies?

That's it.

What's it?

Patterson, what's it?

This is a witch hunt!

Where's my lawyer and my husband?

We spoke to your husband, he's bringing your lawyer.

In the meantime, you can help yourself out by telling us the truth.

Sorry to interrupt.

It's okay. You wanna talk outside?

I have something, I just need a minute.
Do you recognize this?

It's a book.

This was used as a communication device by you and your friend Kate.

We have video surveillance of her at the Brooklyn Historical Society last night.

I've never been there.

This is a reference book with a due date card, which doesn't really make any sense because reference books can't be checked out.

So, these dates... these aren't really dates.

Are they?

523, 207, 430.

Three code names for three spies.

Roger, Kate, and you.

(chuckling) That is a wild guess.

Or not a guess at all.

I ran a handwriting analysis and it's a perfect match.

She's bluffing.

She couldn't have had time to run that test.

That... and we found a partial print, which confirms that you're part of the ring.

There's no way you have a print.

I-I've never seen that book before.

I didn't think we had a print for Olivia.

We don't. That's Roger's.

You got complacent.

Ten years.

I don't know, maybe you just forgot to wipe the book down.

You're out of moves.

The longer you let this drag out, the longer it's gonna be before you see your children.

My children have done nothing wrong.

You're right, they're innocent, but you're not.

You'll be charged with espionage, treason, accessory to m*rder, thrown in prison for the rest of your life, if you're lucky.

Olivia... it's up to you how this plays out.

If you wanna see your children grow up, start talking.

I was recruited as a teenager.

They said I would be part of a long-term mission in America.

And what was your mission?

To marry an American target who had access to the kind of information that could be interesting to Russia.

What kind of information?

Confidential reports on people profiled in "The New York Times."

I used my husband's passwords to get into his account.

And you used the reference book to communicate the intel back?

Olivia: You have to understand, I was an orphan, I was starving.

I had nowhere to sleep, I-I had nothing.

No one.

That's why I agreed to do this.

Have a chance at a normal life.

I never expected to fall in love with Edward.

And then we had children.

And it all seemed like it was meant to be.

Sending the intel back was a small price to pay.

We never hurt anyone.

Until now.

An innocent man is dead because of your actions!

Do you think that that is a small price to pay?

Patterson, come here.

Hey... you have every reason to be angry.

David was someone that you really cared about, so that matters to all of us.

We will get Kate.

I promise you.

You need to tell us everything now.

What happened after the library book was exposed?

I've already said too much.

(speaking in Russian)

"God help me."

Of course, you speak Russian.

Let me try.

I can get her to open up.


(speaking in Russian) I know you love your children, and they mean more than any promise you could have made to Russia.

My... children are my world.

Then do the right thing.

Tell us everything.

What are your orders?

Our handler initiated the extraction plan last night.

We were given t... targets.

People to k*ll.


24 hours.

Who's your target?

Boris Ivanovich, a journalist at the "Times."

What happens to Boris once your handlers find out you were captured?

Another operative completes the mission.


Patterson: I'm sending you a photo of the target, Boris Ivanovich.

He defected to the States two years ago.

Prior to that, he was an anti-Putin blogger with a huge following.

I mean, millions of Russians get their news from his site.

Did you alert Boris?

His phone goes straight to voicemail.

But I was able to hack into his email account, and it looks like he's supposed to meet up with a source for a tip in Coolidge Park.

Park bench by the bridge.

Weller: Boris.

He's dead.

Olivia confirmed there were three operatives.

Each had a separate target.

So that leaves one sitting duck.

My teams have been profiling Emily and Boris, hoping it'll give us some clues to the final target's identity.

In addition to being a professor, Emily Levkin testified at several congressional hearings.

She was in favor for sanctioning Russia for human rights violations and its annexation of Crimea.

Boris Ivanovich was known for his blog and op-ed pieces exposing Putin's corruption.

So both were vocal critics of Russia's policies.

That could be bad news for the ruling class.

Putin's been cracking down on people he deems unpatriotic.

So, it makes sense that he'd use these sleeper agents to take down dissenters in the United States.

That still doesn't narrow it down much.

Our best bet is to find Kate Williams.

Weller: Any leads on Kate?

Not exactly, but I discovered both Olivia and Roger started checking the same website last night after David... (sighs) ...after the book was compromised.

Reade: Brighton Beach Tourism Board.

Brighton Beach? That's Little Odessa.

There's a huge Russian community there.

I couldn't figure out the connection beyond that until I got Roger's tox screen back.

I thought he died from cyanide poisoning.

The actual C.O.D. was from a poison called aconite... deadly flowering plant.

Weller: So what has that got to do with this website?

Check out the live webcam.

360-degree view of all the restaurants and shops, including a flower shop.

You think that's where the aconite came from?

Pretty sure there's a connection to our spies.

Check out the window display.

Odd prices for those garlands.

Not just odd... familiar.

From the reference book, 523, 430, 207.

Coded message.

I'm trying to crack it as we speak.

Let's see if our friend in holding can help us.

I'll get Mayfair to send a team out to the flower shop.

We're gonna find her.

The display at the flower shop was our way of communicating in case the library system was compromised.

You didn't think that was something we should know?

You're not making things easier on yourself.

What do the flowers mean?

They were our targets' names.

So, who's Kate's target?

I only had a key to decode my own.

It was a security measure in case any of us got compromised.

Well, then, give me your key.

The Russians are moving fast.

They torched the flower shop.

By the time the agents I sent out there arrived on the scene, it was a four-alarm fire.

They tried to corrupt the data on the shop's computer, but I was able to recover a partial file from their server.

There's a defense contractor expo at the Intrepid today.

Looks like they forged an entrance badge with her photo.

So that's where the target must be.

That could be anyone.

Those kinds of expos attract a lot of high-ranking people.

I'll have my team go through the attendance list.

I'll keep working on the flower codes.

All right, let's move.

(helicopter buzzing)

Patterson, what do you got?

I figured out the target. So, based on Olivia's key, I reverse engineered the flower cipher and it's a modified binary code.

I ran every possible combination through my breakdown software, and I got a name for Kate's target.

It's Senator Steve Riewolt from Connecticut.

He's a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Weller: Why him?

He's behind the bill sending aid to the Ukrainian military.

Does he have a security detail?

He's there alone, I just talked to his office in Washington, tried his cell, he's not picking up.

Keep trying.

We gotta canvas this ship as fast as possible.

Everyone take a different entrance.

(indistinct chatter)

Reade: I think I see Kate... she's in the World w*r II exhibit.

Kate Williams? FBI, put your hands up.


(g*nsh*t, man grunting)

Reade, secure the husband. I got her, I got her!

(crowd chattering loudly)



(crowd chattering)

Weller, where are you?

Weller: Kate's headed up to the bridge.

I'm in pursuit.

I'm headed your way.

I got Kate!

She's on the flight deck heading towards the stairs near the planes!


Which way? Stern or bow!



(police radio chatter)


Patterson, come on. Come on.

(locker shutting)


I... I wanted to thank you.

If... If we didn't get her...


(sighs) Thank you.

I wish that there was more that I could do.

I thought that if... if I... solved this, and if I found his k*ller, I would feel... uh...


But I feel the same.

Just... empty.

Like solving this didn't change anything.

Is that what it's like for you?

With the tattoos?


That's awful.

I just wish I could relive the last few weeks.


You can't think like that.

I mean, David was right.

We were... we were great together.

And I was just scared.

You had no idea any of this was gonna happen.

I wasted so much energy on why it wouldn't work, when I could've been...

I loved him.

And... and I... he was right in front of me, and I should've just held onto him.

Instead, I just pushed him away.

And now, he's gone.




I don't know how I could've gotten through today without all of you.


Everything all right?


Where's your detail?

Um, I snuck out.

All right, that is crazy.

Their job is to be with you the whole time, to look after you when you get home.

I just needed to see you.

Is everything okay?

I just, um...

I wanted a moment that was just... us.

Uncle Kurt?



Mom said I can help you with the groceries.

Yeah, you... you can.

They're... they're... that's yours.

See you tomorrow.


Great timing. Good timing.


(engine starts, tires screech)

Carter: Sorry we have to meet again like this.

(gasping, panting)

Just... so that there is clarity in, uh, in this situation, you are hours away from being put on a plane and sent down a dark hole that only I will know about.

How open you are in our brief time together can radically affect how nice that hole is going to be.

So, if I were you, I would, um... well, I'd tell the truth.

Yeah? Understood?

So, first things first. Who are you?

I don't know who I am.

Well, have it your way.

(grunting, rattling table)

(panicked breathing)

(muffled whimpering)

(coughing, gasping)

Who do you work for?

The FBI.

You know, this could all be so easy.

(whimpering, panicked breathing)

It's horrible, right?

The water just burning in your nose and your lungs.

You want to breathe but you can't get any air.

(grunting, coughing)

So... wh-where did you get that fancy ink?

I don't know.

See, here's the thing. I think you do.

Again, who are you?

I don't know!

Well, who sent you to the FBI?

No one!


(sputtering and gasping)

The program's called Orion.


What did you say?

Tell me... what's Orion?

See, that's not how this works.

You tell me what you know about Orion.

(drill whirring)

See, this is gonna hurt.

(drill whirring)

(two g*nshots)


(panicked breathing)

♪ Oh, Father, tell me ♪
♪ Do we get what we deserve? ♪
♪ Whoa, we get what we deserve ♪

You don't have to do that.

♪ And way down we go, go, go, go, go ♪
♪ Way down we go, go, go, go, go ♪

Jane, it's me.

I was just wondering if... if you got home safely.

♪ Way down we go ♪
♪ Whoa, you let your feet run wild ♪
♪ Time has come as we all, oh ♪
♪ Go down ♪
♪ Yeah, but for the fall, ooh, my ♪

Come on... I'm gonna take you home.

♪ Look her right in the eye, yeah ♪

I'm headed out now, I'll see you in about an hour.

You too.

♪ Down till the dark, yes ♪
♪ And they will run you down, down till you fall ♪
♪ And they will run you down, down till you go ♪
♪ Yes, you can't crawl no more ♪
♪ And way down we go ♪
♪ Whoo ooh, way down we go ♪

What is this? Who are you?

What is that?

If you're watching this, the mission is going as planned.

You can trust the man who is showing you this video.

His name is Oscar, and he is here to help you.

I know that you're scared. I know that you're confused.

And I know that you wanna find out who did this to you.

The answer is you.

The tattoos, the memory wipe, sending you to Kurt Weller.

This was all your idea.

Your plan.

You did this to yourself.

You... did this... to yourself.

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