03x21 - Deadly Grounds - Wabash, Indiana

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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03x21 - Deadly Grounds - Wabash, Indiana

Post by bunniefuu »

It's been here forever.

It's making them crazy.

I'm scared of the woods.

She's seeing monsters.

They can get in the house.

It's very concerning.

I walked into a black mass.


Then they k*lled the
mother and the father.

So bad.

Secrets are buried deep here.

They're being watched.

My name is Amy Allan.

This thing likes death.

I see dead people.

This thing is, like, a monster.

I speak to dead people.

And he's pissed off now.

And they speak to me.

His head was cracked.

But there's only one way to
know if my findings are real.

This guy was m*rder*d.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi. I'm a retired
New York City homicide Detective.

I cannot help you unless
I know the whole story.

And I know every person,
every house has secrets.

You saw her? It's my job to reveal them.

Why would you stay here?

But Steve and I never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

Until the very end.

Stop it.

We uncover if it's
safe for you to stay...

I want to know the truth. I
want to know what's happening.

Or time to get out.

I told you there were
ghosts in this house.

Amy and I have handled
dozens of cases together,

and we always follow one key rule...

We don't discuss our
findings until the very end.

I interview witnesses and uncover
the property's dark secrets,

while Amy communicates with the dead.

I'm in northern Indiana in
the small town of Wabash.

Amy and I were called in by a mother of
three who sounded very upset on the phone.

She says she has violent
spirits in the house

and that the spirits are
targeting her children.

I'm hoping Amy and I can
give her some answers.

Before Amy arrives, I
clear the area of anything

that could influence her findings.

This house has a lot of
photographs and children's toys,

so I need to be careful to
remove any leading evidence

about the family living
here before she begins.

There is a doorway here...

For... for dead people.

But I opened it, and it
was, like, endless darkness.

And it's a darkness...

That's layers of depression.

These dark, black hands...

Came out to grab me.

And it wanted to wrap me in it.

So, Suzanne, when I spoke to you on
the phone, you sounded very upset.

So, now that I'm here, why don't
you explain what's going on?

Well, we've been having a
lot of experiences here...

Um myself, my husband, my three kids.

Okay. Like what? Give me a for instance.

- Sorry.
- It's okay.

It really gets down deep.

All right. Why don't you
tell me about what's going on?

Lots of stuff out of
the corner of your eye.

We've seen an apparition.

Footsteps, voices.

I just don't want my children
to be scared of their own house.


And they are.

I don't know how to make it better.

I want them to be comfortable
here in their own home.

I don't think there's
a rule book on this.


And how long have you been living here?

About seven years.

My husband's family has owned
it for three generations.

Okay, so, do you know any
of the history of the house?

I know that the house that was
here previously burnt down...

In 2003.

What caused the fire?

Um, we really aren't sure.

We know that one report said a candle.

There's a lot of people around here.

A lot of dead people.

The people out there weren't
bad people when they died.

But now they are.

It was three men that ran in here.

There is a fire, a raging fire,
and these idiots don't care.

And they're supposed to be
helping, but they're not gonna.

Okay, Suzanne, why did
you bring me in this room?

There was a time when I woke up
in the middle of the night to a...

What I thought was a
man's voice yelling, hey,

on the baby monitor, and
then she started screaming.

I ran into the bedroom to get her.

And that's when I
walked into a black mass.

Okay, so, what did it look like?

Just a black smoke or a fog,
like if you would walk into...


And when I walked into it, she
said, monster, and covered her eyes.

She had talked about monsters,

and I didn't really believe
her until that happened.

There's something here.

It's a big, solid, black mass.

And a bunch of people that
are halfway in the walls.

And they're see-through.

Could this maybe be the portal
that you were talking about?


It's been here for... ever.

Do you know if any of these
people go into the house at all,

besides, like, just these walls?

Yes, they can get in the house.

Okay, and what about
the... the big mass...

That you saw back there?

It's keeping them trapped.

Macy hasn't slept in this room for...

Three years.

One time, which was
really frightening she,

told me that a monster
had picked her up.

And did what?

She was in the air, and then
she was on the ground again.

And it's really scaring...

Us to know that...

Now Andy, our 3-year-old, is
seeing the same things that,

you know, Macy was talking
about at that same age.

There was a time when we
were standing in the kitchen.

And she started... like,
she was talking to somebody.

And she started saying, I
don't want to go in the woods.

I'm scared of the woods.

What do you think is
going on in this house?

I don't know. Just... we
would really like some answers.

So, is this portal dangerous
to the living in any way?


- Became, like, a path.
- Okay.

Like, literally a path.

And I feel so bad.

I don't feel good here.

I don't feel good here.

Like, I can't breathe,
and my head is dizzy.

This is where the depression is.

There is a lady here.

She rules this structure.

People do see her.

It would be, like, a
white mist, you know? Uh...

And a movement, because
she's always moving.

She has a weird...

Uh, sense of humor.

Like, she'd make somebody trip and
fall, and she'd think that's hilarious.

B.J., I was talking to your wife.

She mentioned that you actually grew
up on this property your whole life.

Yes. I am the third
generation to live out here.

I'd love the chance to hand
it down to my kids, but...

I don't want to hand it
down the way it is right now.

Why don't you tell me a little
bit about what's going on?

The thing that's happened with
the kids, first it was Macy.

She's the oldest, and
when she was about 3,

she started saying that she's
seeing monsters and ghosts.

And that the ghosts were white
and the monsters were black.

I thought it was kind of odd, but now that
Andy is 3, Andy has said the same thing.

And now I got a
one-year-old son,

and I'm just worried, is
he gonna see the same thing?

Are they experiencing anything else?

Yes, almost every
night, we hear footsteps,

and that's throughout
the entire upstairs.

- Was anybody up here?
- No.

It's starting to get very concerning.

In this room, we had something that
would mimic what was being said.

So, whatever you guys are
talking about, something's...

- Repeating it.
- Like a parrot?



I want my children to be able to grow
up happy and have a normal childhood.

And feel safe in their home, where
they don't have to worry about monsters.

This lady... she is able
to manipulate sound waves.

Like, she can make it sound
like there's a lot of people...

Walking or in a room,
but there's really not.

So, she could make noise, noise.

I do feel like people see her, though.

- Like, the younger people in the house.
- Uh-huh.

She is... she'll try to
hear them breathing, and...

You know, she's very
smothering, you know?

She wants to make clear
that she's a protector.

Why do you say that? Like...

Because she thinks that
the adults here are satanic.

This is by far the most
uncomfortable room for me.


When I'm laying here, every once
in a while, I can catch a shadow,

run past the door.

Now let me ask a question, you
got big windows here could it be,

from cars or trucks coming up the road?

I seriously doubt it.

Anything else in this room?

Yes. I got up in the morning
to get ready for work,

and it's not uncommon for
Andy, our middle child,

to come in some time in the middle
of the night and climb in bed with us.

So, as I'm getting up, I see a little
blond-haired girl laying in bed.

So I just think it's Andy, she came
in. So, I cover her up with the covers,

go get ready, come back out,
get ready to leave for work,

and I asked my wife where Andy was.

She said that Andy slept
in her room all night.

B.J., has anything else happened?


- I was laying in bed.
- Okay.

As I was laying there I felt,

like something came up and
grabbed my arm like this.

- Hard?
- Hard.

- Were you in bed alone?
- Yes.

There was no one there. Nothing.

This lady... she has so
much control over this house.

She's, uh, pious, she says.

She thinks that the reason
why she's still here...


Is to do God's work.

I don't think she likes
some people in the house.

She feels they're...


She has to protect, because...

They're unholy people.

She's talking about somebody having
or they've had or they're gonna...

Gonna have a near-death experience?

That'll bring them closer to God.

Is that somebody that's living
or someone that's here now?

It's a male that she
really wants to do this to.

It's obvious that B.J. and
Suzanne are experiencing a lot,

but they don't seem to know much
about the property they're living on.

So my first stop is
to the town archivist.

She said she found something that
may be really interesting to my case.

So, Heather, what were you able to find
out about the property I'm investigating?

Well, in my research
I found that Maggie and

Edwin Williams were the
first white settlers.

What do you mean, white settlers?

Well, the land was actually
owned by a Miami Indian tribe.

Okay. So what can you tell
me about the Williamses?

They were devout Christians.
They were Presbyterians.

They were active in their small church.

There was a small schoolhouse nearby.
The kids would go to school there.

They could, you know, worship there.

- How many kids did they have?
- They had six.

Did anybody from the family
actually die on the property?

Yeah, actually, Edwin,
the father, he died first.

Here's his obit.

- He was a young guy.
- He was. He was about 40.

So, it looks like he died of pneumonia?

That's right, yeah. That was
very common back in those days.

Okay, so, he has a wife and
six kids. How did they make out?

Uh, not very well, because
about six weeks later,

Maggie died, too, and here's her obit.

- You're kidding me.
- Nope.

- She was a young woman.
- Yeah, she was. She was about 38.

And according to this,
she died of heart disease.

Well... allegedly.

What do you mean, allegedly?

Well, I think she
died of a broken heart.

As far as the depression...

It's pretty bad.

Well, she has this depression
from losing her family.

I think because her husband died.

She was probably like
thirty two, thirty three.

She's alone. She was alone.

When I bring up the death of loved ones,
this religious lady gets very angry.

She feels like she's let her family
down, and she won't let it happen again.

She wants to make clear
that she is a protector.

I think she feels like she failed.

I think she'd like to raise the kids.

Heather says the
property I'm investigating

used to be owned by Native Americans.

I'm on my way to meet with a
local member of the Miami tribe.

He says his people's time on
B.J. and Suzanne's property,

was filled with heartbreak.

Now, I understand that the
property I'm investigating,

the Miami tribe actually
owned it at some point.

The first person it was ever allotted
to... his name was Poqua Godfroy.

He was a son of the last w*r Chief, Chief
Francis Godfroy of the Miami Indians.

And, you know, I got a picture of his
father, Chief Francis Godfroy, right here.

Matter of fact, he was
my fourth-Great Uncle.

So, John, what can you
tell me about Poqua?

Poqua was pretty rowdy. He had a temper.

He used to drink quite a bit.

Poqua was living in a time
where their land was being took.

The 1938 treaty with The
United States government called

for the removal of the Miamis
from the state of Indiana.

And it shows them putting
the Miamis at gunpoint.

They took them and moved them 750 miles
away from their homelands to Kansas.

And a lot of them perished the
first winter after they got there.

Did Poqua die on the property?

He fell off a horse, and
they said he broke his neck.


Okay, that, like...
this shouldn't be here.

Ah, we've got a griper.

Native American.

She doesn't like it,
she is pissed about...

This building.

The ground was sacred
to Native Americans.

You bury your dead there, and you think,
oh, that's good. Like, the tainted...

You think it's good ground,
but it's not good ground.

The people go and bury
their dead people there,

and it brings them back, but
they're all [Bleep] mental.

This isn't good.

And it's because of
that black mass thing.

How do you think the living
might experience this black mass?

A definite feeling of intimidation.

A sense of overwhelming dread.


So far, I've got a family that's being
terrorized by unexplained activity.

And a property connected to a
lot of Native American suffering.

But I need to see if
there's anything else.

Digging through the archives,
I'm shocked to discover

a mass m*rder that
took place in the 1850s.

Turns out, this violent crime happened
directly adjacent to my client's property.

I've worked countless m*rder scenes,

but this is one of the most gruesome
crimes I've ever come across...

An entire family bludgeoned to death.

I'm heading over to meet
with the County historian,

just a mile away from where
the murders took place.

He tells me it's the worst
m*ssacre in the history of Wabash.

So, Ron, why did you want to meet here?

This cabin is very similar to the
one that the French family was...

Brutally m*rder*d in.

The French family consisted of mom
and dad and their five children.

Out of the goodness of their heart,

they invited in to live with
them another family that were

even in poorer circumstances
than themselves...

John and Sarah Hubbard
and their son, Richard.

And later on, things came
to a head between the family.

They had not been getting
along too well to begin with.

John Hubbard and his wife, Sarah,
decided to dispose of the French family.

Using a small hammer, they bashed in
the heads of the sleeping five children.

And then they k*lled the mother and
the father, also with the same hammer.

And buried them underneath
the floor of the cabin.

I am seeing a graveyard.

In the graveyard, somebody
threw an antique shovel at me.

And told me to start digging.

And there were these little mounds.

At least six mounds, three on each side.

I think that those
little mounds are bones.

And there is a dead person...

Who committed m*rder...

In a weird way.

Secrets and scandals
are buried deep here.

What was the break in the case?

The break in the case was
another m*rder... Edward Boyle.

He was about 45 to 50 years old.

He was a laborer on the
rail road that they were

putting in through Wabash
County at that time.

We know he had some kind of education,

and we know that he had about $300 to
$500 saved from working on the rail road.

Back then, average man
made about $300 a year.

And John Hubbard struck
up his acquaintance.

And they became friends.

And John offered him a place to stay.

After that, Edward Boyle disappears.

There's this guy.

Very, very rich.

He didn't know a lot of people here.

And then he went missing.

I feel like he was going on a business
meeting, and then he just disappeared.

It was set up.

Oh, I'm gonna say he was m*rder*d.

Hubbard is seen in town
spending a lot of money...

Money that he had never had
before... and Boyle was gone.

Detectives put two and two together.

They come looking for Hubbard
and start talking to him.

Now, what was the cause
of death for Boyle?

He had been bludgeoned to death
and then he had been stabbed.

How far was the body found from
the property I'm investigating?

About a half mile or less.

Okay, so, how does that m*rder tie
into the murders of the French family?

One day, Mrs. Hubbard
decided to visit her husband

while he was in jail facing
charges on that m*rder.

He asked his wife, how's
the family under the floor?

And it just happened to be that there were
two detectives sitting out there listening,

and from that, they decided
to come to the house.

So, now, what happens to Hubbard?

Hubbard is uh...

Tried, found guilty, and he's hung.

Now, what happened to the wife?

She spends the rest of her life in jail.

There was several entities
that stood out during my walk.

But what has me the most concerned
is the portal in the basement.

One of these walls...

Had, like, a tiny little
pathway coming out of the wall.

Halfway out of the wall are two men.

They were translucent.

Is this what you saw?


Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations.

We are ready to reveal
our findings to each other.

And our clients for the first time.

Amy, I want to introduce
you to B.J. and Suzanne.

They've lived here
for about eight years.

They've been experiencing stuff ever since
they moved in, but basically dealt with it.

Key thing that changed now is
they have three beautiful children.

And two of the older ones
are experiencing things,

that make them so scared, they
don't even want to stay in the house.

With that, I'm gonna ask
Amy to tell us about her walk

and see if we can find
out what's going on.

So, one thing that I got was inside
the house, and it was a female.

And she is very, very religious.

She believes that this
house is her domain.

Her husband died.

She has a huge amount of
depression surrounding his death.

And she also felt like
she let down her children.

She looked like she
was in her early 30s.

Well, that's interesting you
say that because the first white

settlers to live on your property were a
young couple, Edwin and Margaret Williams.

He died at the age of 40 of pneumonia.


Five to six weeks later, she dies.

She died at the age of
38. She had six children.

According to the obituary,
she dies of heart disease.

Her emotion does spill
out into the house...

Like, her emotional state, which
is really severe depression.

Several years ago, B.J.,

had a really bad bout of depression...

Very bad.


And it took a couple of years
for him to come up out of it.

The dead will influence the living.

Well, I think she
really loved her husband.

She probably felt guilt
for leaving the children,

and she's always watching you guys.

You do not have privacy here.

If people do see her, it would
be more like a white mist.

Macy, when she was 3,
would tell us that...

Monsters are black and ghosts are white.

And now our three-year-old...

Has told me just recently...

Monsters are black and ghosts are white.


Almost every night, we hear
footsteps upstairs on the loft.

She can mess with sound waves.

What kind of things would
she be able to make them hear?

People walking around, a lot of
people talking, someone talking.

Macy was upstairs and...

She told us that a
monster picked her up.

When the kids are seeing this
white thing, do you think it's her?

Yeah. That's how she would appear.

But I don't think she's
the one lifting them up.

That's something else.

I know what the woman,
the white mist, wants.

She actually wants to
protect the children.

She might come across as smothering.

She's felt that you guys were satanic.

Well, let me ask you a question
flat-out. You guys religious?

Go to church? You don't go to church?

- We don't.
- No, we don't go to church.

The whole thing is, is when
you get religious zealots,

they believe that it's
their way or no way.

And she was extreme
in her belief system.

And she really does have her
sights set on you, in particular.

She feels like she is
here to lead you to God.

That's her mission.

And you, in particular, she feels the
only way she can do that with you is...

A near-death experience.

What else did you see?

Outside, I saw a graveyard.

Uh, there were a bunch of
mounds. Like, six of them.

And, so, someone threw
me a antique shovel...

And told me to start digging.

I think that those
little mounds are bones.

And there is a dead person...

Who committed m*rder...

In a weird way.

I kept hearing somebody say that
scandals and secrets lie deep here.

Well, I don't know if
it's what you saw but,

one of the things I came
across is back in 1854...

There was a family
by the name of French.

And they took in this couple
called the Hubbards and their son.

So, what the Hubbards wind
up doing is, basically,

one night they got up and they
beat them to death with hammers.


It was two parents and five children.

Oh, my gosh.

They dug out a shallow
grave underneath...

This tiny shack they lived in.

And they buried them
on top of each other.

It's probably one of the worst murders
I've come across, and I've seen everything.

So, out back, I saw this man,
and he wasn't from this town,

and he had just kind of come here.

He didn't really know anybody.
And then he went missing.

And he was laying in a very shallow
grave, and I knew he was m*rder*d.

That's incredible.

There was a guy named Edward Boyle.

Came here to work on the rail roads.

John Hubbard befriended this guy.
Next thing you know, he goes missing.

They actually found Edward
Boyle stabbed and beaten

and thrown into a shallow
grave right off the river here.

It's ironic how Hubbard gets
caught for the French murders,

because he's in jail for the Edward Boyle
m*rder, and his wife comes to visit him.

He says to her, hey, how are those
seven people doing underneath the cabin?

This is overheard by a jailer,

who puts two and two together and
says, that whole family who disappeared.

They send some authorities out there,
and as soon as they get towards the cabin,

they could smell death.

- He wound up getting hung.
- What about his wife?

She died in jail.

The murderers of the French family,

would have never been caught had it
not been for the m*rder of Edward Boyle.

So, how'd the rest of your
walk go? What did you see?

The next thing was I came into
contact with this Native American lady.

And she was just going off about,

you know, how this was,
like, once sacred ground.

And now it's become very tainted.

Now, your land was owned, at
one time, by the Miami tribe.

Actually, your property itself
was owned by a guy named Francis.

He was the Chief of
the Miami tribe here.

His son, Poqua, owned your land.

Now, I spoke to one of his descendants.

And he described Poqua
as a feisty type of guy.

He liked to drink. He was a boozer.

He did not like the
white man whatsoever.

As far as I could tell, they had pretty
good reason, and I'll tell you why.

When the government came in, they
basically took the Miami tribe,

put them on canal boats, and
shipped them off to Kansas.

They called it the Great Removal.

Now, I have a picture...

Of how it looked back then.


Man. Okay.

- What's that?
- No, I think I figured something out.

It makes sense, because... okay,
this is what else I saw, was uh...

I saw about 20 people.

They weren't bad in life, but now
that they're dead, they're twisted.

And um...

They're being held by a huge black mass.

And now I'm thinking it
might have been Poqua.

But what's he doing with them, though?

- Or this mass or whatever.
- He just... I don't know.

He screws them up mentally,
and he just has them trapped.

Is it to t*rture them or to use them?


When I went into the
basement, there's a pathway.

That the dead can use to
come in and out of your house.

And the people can, and
so can the black mass.

They can travel back and forth, and
these dead people can be dangerous.

And have very bad intentions.

These people that are outside,
do they come into the house?

The people can, and
so can the black mass.

They can travel back and forth, and
these dead people can be dangerous,

because they're twisted and
they have very bad intentions.

Talking about a black
mass, listen to this story.

One night, her daughter
was actually crying.

She went up to get her
out of the bedroom, and...


When I carried her
back into our bedroom...

All of a sudden, there
was this... blackness.

And she then, like, covered
her eyes and said, monster.

And I knew it was what she saw.

Because I saw it, too.

I did sketch a scene of it.


It's a pathway for the dead.

And this huge, huge black mass.

I think that a lot of the dead here,
they kind of get sucked in the pathway.

Unfortunately, it seems to
be a pathway that attracts

people who don't understand
what's happened to them.

I mean, are these the people that are...

Talking to my kids?


They're going to go for
them because they're so open.

I know this is a lot of
information for you guys.

The big question is,
are your kids safe here?

Is it safe for you guys to stay
here and raise those children?

Well, I can't answer that,
but hopefully Amy can.

You love this place, right?

- This is sacred land for you.
- Yes.

And you treat it with respect and love.

So, the first thing I want
you to do is to find a Deacon.

Who can come here...

And do a blessing for
Margaret, the pious woman.

And for you guys and for the
house and for the children.

This is going to make her very
happy, because you are embracing...

Her faith in some respect.

So, have him come and do
that... a house blessing.

And tell her it's okay to go.

She can go now. She needs to go
to her children and her husband.

The second thing you need
to do is to seal the pathway.

You can't close it,
but you can seal it up.

You're going to take two things
that completely seal the dead out.

And that's tar-water and brick dust.

So, I'm gonna give that
to you, and we'll do that.

Tar-water and brick dust
are ancient medicines

often used in ritualistic practices.

When used properly, they can stop
the dead from entering a location.

Now, the last thing you need
to do is deal with Poqua.

You're gonna have to
go to the Miami tribe.

And explain what's going on.

This is something I
think that the tribe...

Today would not want to see happening.

He's become evil.

We don't want, you know, this legacy of,

hate to continue.

You're going to ask them
to send a medicine man,

to come and have a chat with his elder.

Will this get rid of him?

- Yes.
- Okay.

It's coming from his ancestors.

So, the ultimate question is, once they
do all this, do you think they'll be okay?

Will these guys be able to
raise their kids here safely?

- Yes.
- Okay.

You look like the most
relieved mother I've ever seen.

I think she is.

Now you can pass this land and
this house on to your children,

without worrying about it.

I really hope B.J. and
Suzanne follow my advice

and deal with the evil that's
terrorizing their family.

With the help of a medicine man
and the tools I've given them,

they should be able to free their
home of the darkness that surrounds it.
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