03x27 - Bloodlust- Buffalo, Wyoming

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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03x27 - Bloodlust- Buffalo, Wyoming

Post by bunniefuu »

People here...

Feel watched.

Something's here.

He's sick.

I was pretty scared.

They g*ng up on people, smother them.

I thought he was having a heart attack.

That was a su1c1de.

She walked into her
bedroom and k*lled herself.

He is darkness. He is evil.

Is he dangerous?

He's a [Bleep] lunatic.

He really hates women.

They're being watched.

My name is Amy Allan.

This thing likes death.

I see dead people.

This thing's, like, a monster.

I speak to dead people.

And he's pissed off now.

And they speak to me.

His head was cracked.

But there's only one way to
know if my findings are real.

This guy was m*rder*d.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi. I'm a retired
New York City homicide Detective.

I cannot help you unless
I know the whole story.

And I know every person,
every house has secrets.

You saw her?

It's my job to reveal them.

Why would you stay here?

But Steve and I never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

Until the very end.

Stop it.

We uncover if it's
safe for you to stay...

I want to know the truth. I
want to know what's happening.

Or time to get out.

I told you there were
ghosts in this house.

Amy and I conduct our
investigations separately.

While she talks to the dead...

I interview living witnesses who've
experienced things they can't explain.

I dig into the property's history,
looking for secrets buried in the past.

I'm in Buffalo, Wyoming, a
couple hours north of Casper.

I'm heading over to meet
with a woman named Dawn.

She's spent the last 15
years and her life savings

trying to restore an old hotel in town.

Problem is, her employees
are scared to come to work

and her guests are being att*cked.

She tells me that, if we can't help her,
she may have to close the place down.

Before Amy arrives,

I have to clear the area of anything
that could influence her findings.

This hotel is filled with
Wild West relics and portraits

that have to be covered or removed.

When I'm finished, the property
will be ready for tonight's walk.

Oh, boy.

There's quite a few people.

There's a woman. She's pretty petite.

She's saying that there has been...

Foul play.

She keeps saying dr*gs were involved.

And she's very distressed about this.

She was a manipulated innocent victim.

And she really got the
short end of the stick.

- What do you mean?
- Well, she ended up dying.

Dawn, good to meet you finally.

Good to meet you.

This place is amazing. It's like
stepping back into the Wild West.

It was the Wild West.

She was built in 1880, right here on
the frontier before there was a town.

So, this is the original structure?

It was torn down right in 1900,

and the big, brick structure
you see today was built.

Okay. Now, has this always been a hotel?

Always a hotel, but she
was a full-service hotel.

We had a saloon, we had a brothel,
even the original Courthouse,

took place here before
the Courthouse was built.

Okay. Dawn, when'd you buy this place?

Bought the building in 1997, and she
was within months of being demolished.

And you run this place by yourself?

I do have two partners,
David and Jackie.

Okay. So, I know you got
some problems going on.

Why don't you tell me what's happening?

We've had footsteps and giggles,
apparitions, and people being touched.

Okay. Now, what's your biggest concern?

Safety of our employees,
safety of our guests.

I could tell Dawn was used to being
strong for everyone at the hotel,

but I could also see
she was about to crack.

Okay, so, now, you have employees
and guests having bad experiences.

What about yourself?

You all right?

I had a wonderful life until
we moved into this building.

It's been 16 years of hell.

I love this place, but I want out.

You want out, but you can't let go.

I can't.

Something's here.


This place has been used for
a lot of different things.

There's a lot of residual information...

But it's very in-your-face.

It's almost like you
could interact with it.

Like, people here...

They feel um...


The living here, they're panicked.

This is the oldest wing, and the
most active part of the hotel.

During restoration, we elected
not to put a bedroom in this room

because we felt that our guests
simply could not sleep here.

Okay, so what's some of the
things that are happening?

There's times when things
just move on their own...

Benches, rocking chairs, mirrors.

So, that's hurting your business.

Yeah, we had one customer that picked up
the house phone at 3:30 in the morning,

screaming that things were
flying around his room.

And he was out of here.

I just see this woman.

She's 60s...

Short... like 5 foot.

She does a lot of activity in this room.

Do you know if anybody sees her?

I think people would hear
her, because she's very loud.

I don't think she likes
this room very much.

Because it's been restructured...

And she hates it.

So, what does she do in
here when she's upset?

She moves [Bleep].

This is no good.

So, Dave, I was speaking with Dawn,

and she's told me about the
experiences that employees...

Guests, and her have
had. How about yourself?

On the front staircase in the lobby,

there was a gentleman coming
up behind his family...

Big, cumbersome cowboy.

And all of a sudden, he just clutched
the handrail there and just turned white.

I thought he was having a heart
attack. And I said, "Sir, are you okay?"

And he looked at me, he said, "it was
like a light went right through me."

I said, "would you like
to go down and sit down?"

And he said, "no. I need to leave."

Okay have you ever
experienced anything like that?

Never. But I came down
here on a Sunday afternoon

to change out a smoke-detector battery.

- Okay.
- And this giggling began.

It sounded just like
a small child giggling.

That spooked me a little bit.

And I've talked to
many guests that tell me

they've seen a small
girl about 7 years old.

And they always tell
me that she's a blonde.

Now, did you believe in
any of this stuff before?

No, I've been very skeptical.

But I absolutely know that
there's something going on.

I'm seeing two young kids,
and then there's an older girl.

The two younger ones are...

Six or seven maybe.

And they're blonde.

What sort of things can they do?

They try to talk to people.

I would think that
people would feel them...

Because they're very present...

Uh, solid.

They're very here.

Dave told me to get in touch with the

guy who works on the
hotel's fire-alarm system.

Apparently, he encountered something
terrifying while on the job.

Now, what kind of experiences
are you having down here?

I was working in the basement
with my flashlight and bumped into,

what I thought was a person.

Began speaking to this person.
Saying, "hey, you know",

what are you doing standing
down here in the dark?"

- Okay.
- No answer. No nothing.

I continued on my way up the
stairs. You could hear my footsteps.

You could hear footsteps behind me.

I got to the top of the stairs, turned
around and shined the flashlight,

and there was nothing there.

Could it have been a
patron that was down here?

Why they would be down in the basement
would make absolutely no sense.

And there was no
maintenance worker on duty,

there was nobody that should
have been down in the basement.

Okay, prior to running into
this thing, you didn't hear

any scuffling around on the
floor or anything like that?


Do other people from your
company come here, as well?

Yes, and everyone that I
have brought down here to work

has a little bit of a
reluctance to come back.


There's people down here.

They're trying to look for a way
out, and it's really irritating them.

There's maybe 5 to 15 of
them at any given time.

And they don't like it when people come
down here and are not trying to help them,

and they kind of rebel.

What do you mean? What do they do?

They g*ng up on people.

Like, they surround them,
like, they smother them.

I feel, um...


It is, like, really painful.

I understand that you
worked here at one time.

- I did.
- Okay. For how long?

I worked here for six months.

- Okay. What did you do?
- I was the bartender in the saloon.

Okay, so, now, I understand
you've had experiences here.

There's something in the basement that's
definitely a little unnerving for me.

- I won't go down there.
- Why do you say that?

My stomach starts to hurt and I get
goose bumps, start to sweat a little bit.

Okay. Is that the only stuff
that happened to you here?

No, I've seen some apparitions, as well.

I walked through the
saloon door over here...

And I got halfway through the room
before I realized that I felt like

somebody was standing
behind me, watching me.

And when I turned, there was a
gentleman standing in the corner.

Now, was it something you could
see through or was he solid?

No, he was solid, and that
was really scary for me,

just the fact that I could
feel him before I could see him.

There's a man in here.

He's not nice.

And he does hide in the shadows.

He likes...

To bother people.


Is the main bad ass...


He's very mean to women.

He likes to hurt women.

- How long did you work here?
- For about eight months.

- Eight months.
- Yeah.

Now, I've talked to a few
people that have worked here,

I assume you've had some experiences.

- I've had a few.
- Okay. Tell me about them.

I was doing prep in the cafe area.

And I was just standing, you know, just
minding my own, listening to the radio.

I started to feel a tickle on my neck.

Then I had my ponytail tugged, kind
of jerked my head back a little bit.

I was pretty scared.

I didn't know what to think or what
to do, so I just... I stood still.

And a deep man's voice
whispered my name into my ear.

It was like... "Alissa".

Like it was a deep-enough
sound that I would hear it.

I didn't know what to think, you know?

And you don't really think
something like that's gonna happen.

You hear other people talk about it and
you think, you know, it's just a lie.

It's not real. It's not real.

And then once you experience it,

you know, you have to
realize, "well, that is real."

He likes the neck.

He likes to squeeze the
back of the neck, like...

Come up and squeeze 'em.

You know, touching people, grabbing
people, you know, specifically women.

Like, grabbing them,
touching them inappropriate.

There's just a big, solid, black mass.

And the reason why he's all, like,
black like that and misty like that is,

like, he relates darkness to evil.

And he is darkness, he
is what he thinks is evil.

And so, that's his soul.

I was gonna ask you, how
do you feel being back here?

Soon as I came into the
hotel, I just felt...

I just felt weird. Like, I just
felt really emotionally unstable.

Okay, now, have you ever had an
experience since you left here?


I've never had an experience
before until I started working here.

Now, do you think
whatever's here is dangerous?


He really, really, really hates women.

I don't [Bleep] care.

Yell at me all you want.

What is he yelling?

Well, he just got mad and started
to, you know, call me a [Bleep].

Any men who have compassion for women,
any men who treat women well, whatever,

he perceives as weak.

He's gonna [Bleep] with
them, Matt, you know, too.

What does he do to the weak men?

He just makes them feel very uncomfortable,
like somebody's in the room with them...

And is, like, right up on them.

A very strong presence.

He's a [Bleep] lunatic.

Okay. Would you say that he's dangerous?


I'm at the local
library to find out more

about the history of
the Occidental Hotel.

Digging through the archives, I
discover something completely unexpected.

A former owner of the
hotel was m*rder*d.

But the headlines don't say
who did it or how it went down.

Now that I know one of the hotel owners
was m*rder*d in a high-profile case,

I need to get the full picture.

I'm headed over to meet with
the Johnson County Sheriff.

He tells me that the case
has a lot of twists and turns.

What do you know about
this guy that was m*rder*d?

Well, Fred Waegele was a very prominent
citizen in Johnson County at this time.

He owned a ranch south of Buffalo.

He owned the Occidental
Hotel from 1906 to 1917.

So, you know, he was a very prominent,
well-known person in the community.

Steve, how does Fred
become a homicide victim?

Fred had a son named
Max who was 20 years old,

and Max ended up marrying
a young lady named Marion...

- Okay.
- Who was 17.

And subsequently Fred,

ended up sexually assaulting and
raping Marion several different times.

Oh, geez. All right, so,
she's 17. How old was he?

He was 60.

And actually, at one
point, she becomes pregnant.

And she's afraid that the child is his.

She ends up having a miscarriage,
you know, loses the baby.

This guy... he does bad things.

Everything he did in life to
women, he tries to do to them,

you know, now that he's dead.

This is Western [Bleep].

Like, he's a drinker, he's
a gunfighter, he's a r*pist.

I don't like him. He's sick.

So, who ends up k*lling him?

Marion ends up murdering Fred
Waegele, her father-in-law.

Okay, and how does she do that?

Well, she'd come up with a very
ingenious plan of doing that.

Fred was taking
medication for rheumatism,

and he's getting his
medication in the mail.

So, she ended up putting a cyanide
tablet in the mail and mailing it to him.

And he takes it, thinking
that's his rheumatism medicine.

Okay. Now, I know a
little bit about cyanide.

Does he die instantly or does he linger?

No, he lingers for a
little period of time.

Cyanide death is a very painful
death. You know, you can't breathe.

- Right.
- It causes excruciating chest pains.

And eventually ends
up to cardiac arrest.

It's a very unpleasant way to die.

Something's wrong with his chest.

Like, he has...

A breathing problem.

He feels very alone.

He does not feel good about his life.

He's so sick.

Ugh, he's a mess. He's a mess.

What winds up happening with
her? Does she get caught?

She eventually does get caught.

A gentleman by the name of
Wolcott and Joe LaFors...

Somehow get involved
in this investigation

and end up getting a
confession from this young lady.

And this is her confession.

And she confesses that the
reason she does all this...

Is because of the...

- Of the r*pe.
- Yeah.

So, Steve, does she
wind up going to jail?

No, she never was arrested for this.

She typed this confession in her home...

- Okay.
- With her father and family, I believe.

And then she walked into her bedroom and
took cyanide herself and k*lled herself.

I'm seeing this grumpy old woman again.

And she says there were some
dirty dealings that went on.

There have been things
that have happened.

People doing things that weren't good.

There was one death and...

It was a tragedy.

And this was not good.

It's awful. It's terrible.

Like, definitely a su1c1de.

Dawn mentioned the hotel used
to be a makeshift Courthouse.

If that's true, it could
be useful to my case.

I'm heading over to meet
the County prosecutor

who says a hanging Judge used to
operate right out of the hotel.

My client said that the
Occidental Hotel I'm investigating,

used to be a Courthouse.

Yes, around the years 1884 through 1886,

the Occidental was sometimes
used as a Courthouse,

because the current Courthouse
was under construction.

Did any noteworthy cases go
through the hotel at that time?

Yes, one that's still
talked about today.

Around 1884, there was a m*rder of a...

Jacob Schmerer.

- He was a cook at the Occidental.
- Okay.

Now, this is a sketch of
his k*ller, Bill Booth.

Booth was going to provide
venison to Jacob Schmerer.

Booth didn't, and a fight
ensued between the two,

and Booth bludgeoned him with an ax.

He gets caught, and in
1885, he goes to trial.

At that trial, he's convicted
of first-degree m*rder.

Then he also confessed to murdering
his wife, two small children,

and at least about 12
other people he knew.

Oh, geez. Is he eventually hanged?

Yes. They hang him in the
back of the Occidental Hotel.

This is a newspaper
article from the time.

So, this appears to be the
biggest story of its time.

It was.

I'm getting that there's
another su1c1de here.

Seems like some boy,
young man, hung himself.

Where'd he [Bleep] die?

Well, I kind of felt
it was further down.

I'm looking for where I feel
another man hanged himself...

But this grumpy old lady keeps telling
me there's only one su1c1de here.

And she says there's
something important there...

That I'm not quite getting.

It's really bothering me, too.

I just... I don't know where he is.

This area really was the Wild West.

I keep uncovering more and more
v*olence surrounding this location.

During my research, I discovered
that the Johnson County w*r

was one of the biggest events
in Buffalo, Wyoming, history.

So, I called a local historian.

She says the Occidental Hotel was
right in the middle of the conflict.

During my research, I
came across probably one

of the biggest events that
happened in Buffalo's history.

What can you tell me?

Well, in 1892, there were a lot of large
cattle operations over the whole state.

And homesteaders started to move in,

and those homesteaders were disrupting
these large cattle operations.

And the Wyoming Stock
Growers Association,

they actually created a hit list,
and they actually hired these men...

About 50 gunmen to come through,

and m*rder these people and
clear them out of the land.

- And they became known as the Invaders.
- So, these guys were like mercenaries.

- Exactly.
- So, what happens then?

The townspeople learned
what was going on,

and they actually met at
the Occidental Saloon...

And came to arms, came
together as a force.

And moved south out of town
and met them here at this ranch.

There's a lot of movement of people.

They're talking about a threat.

There's another place
that they have to go.

I want to say they're, like um...

In the military.

So, how does this whole mess end?

It culminated in a three-day standoff.

There were around 3,000 rounds
exchanged and nobody was actually k*lled.

You're kidding.

The cavalry actually
rode in and saved the day.

Well, they must have
been annoyed by that.

This is a police action.
This is not a military thing.

Exactly. But when the cavalry
rode in, everything just stopped.

Even the townspeople must have
said, "we, better back off."

I would think so. I know I would.

They're looking for, like, men.

I think they're supposed to
arrest them or something like that.

It's a dangerous mission.

They're all pretty equally pissed
about being assigned to this.

- You know, this is beneath them.
- Okay.

Do you know when this was?

1890s, 1880s.

There's yelling. There's panic.

Ugh, geez. I don't feel good.

Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal
our findings to each other

and our clients for the first time.

Amy, I'd like you to meet Dawn and Dave.

They are the owners of this hotel.

Dawn's put her blood and
sweat into this place.

There's always been activity here,
but it's picked up a lot lately.

Their employees are scared to work
here and their guests are having issues.

Some of them are even
running out of here.

They're barely getting by as it
is, and they really need our help,

to find out what's going on
here to try to save the business.

So, with that, I'm
gonna turn it over to Amy

and have her start
telling us about her walk.

Where I started my walk, I met
this really grumpy old lady.

There's one room that she hates,
which is the kitchen upstairs.

Sometimes she gets confused and gets
really upset and kind of, like, flips out.

She moves a lot of things around.

Basically, she wants
to kind of make a point.

Makes sense.

I mean, the housekeeping is always
finding things moved to different,

areas, so that makes sense.

Oh, furniture's moved
and mirrors are moved.

And you'll find pictures tipped
when nobody's been in there.

I purposely did not restore
that room as a bedroom,

or a guest room because
the activity was so strong,

I felt my guests could not sleep there.

Interesting. Wow.

Because I think she wants things, you
know, completely the way they were.

So, it just irritates
her that it's not...

Being used the way that it was.

Well, what else did you see?

I saw...

This really interesting
residual incident.

A residual haunting is something
that is captured by the environment

and played back like a movie.

So, there were these men.

They were arguing about
this mission they were on.

I thought that they were in government
or military, something of that nature.

And their mission was
to find a group of men.

They were supposed to arrest them.


The other thing that was really...

Upsetting to them was that this particular
mission was way beneath their job titles.

Because they were prestigious men.

I got this was between
the 1880s or 1890s.

That's incredible.

The reason I say that is because,

this was one of the biggest events
in Buffalo, Wyoming, history.

I'm talking about the
Johnson County w*r.

You had wealthy cattle ranchers here

who were upset that people
were settling on their land.

So, what they did go and do is
they hired a bunch of mercenaries...

Known as the Invaders.

They hired these guys to get rid of and
k*ll the people that were settling here.

And then the cavalry was brought in by
the government to arrest the Invaders.

So, they surround these guys on a ranch.

3,000 rounds are exchanged.

But believe it or not,
nobody gets k*lled.

- Oh, my gosh!
- Yeah. It's amazing.

What year was that?

1892. So, you got the time right.

These guys were from the 6th
Cavalry from what I understand,

which was a prestigious unit.

Makes sense that they would think
it would be beneath them to do this.

Is this who you think you saw?


All I know is, I saw a
group of men in uniform

who resented the mission
they were sent to complete.

They wanted to be someplace else.

So, what else is going on?

The grumpy old lady told me that
there was only one su1c1de here.

And she said that it was
really sad and tragic...

But also a real inconvenience
for a lot of people.

It was a girl and there
were dr*gs involved.

The confusing thing
was, then I came up here.

There were people running
and they said that a young

man had hung himself in one
of the rooms or something.

It didn't make sense, because she
said there was only one su1c1de,

and so that kind of meant
to me there were two.

I might be able to clear up. She may
have been right about the su1c1de.

- Okay.
- But it didn't actually happen here.

So I'm gonna hold off on that until I
hear a little bit more about your walk.

Now, there was a hanging
here, but it wasn't a su1c1de.

It wasn't?

- Wasn't a su1c1de.
- Okay.

Now, the hotel was a temporary
Courthouse from 1884 to 1886.

Before it was torn down and rebuilt in
1900, a m*rder trial took place here.

A guy by the name of Bill Booth m*rder*d
a person that actually was the cook here.

The cook had enlisted him to
provide him with venison meat.

They got into an argument, and then
he bludgeoned him to death with an ax.

Oh, my gosh!

He was sentenced to death.

But this is the kicker... this is him.

Right before he dies, he admits
to k*lling his wife and two kids...


And k*lling at least 12 other
people that he could remember.

Oh, my gosh!

He was hung right here behind the hotel.


So, how'd the rest of your walk go?

When I came in this
room, I saw this really...

Creepy-looking... Guy.

Very tall, all in
shadow, but very solid.

And I think that he's
the main issue here.

He's very negative.

He is a very, very strong presence here.

Once of his biggest things
is he absolutely hates women.

Hates them with a passion.

He also grabbed me by the back of the
neck and was squeezing really hard.

And this is something he likes to do to
kind of assert dominance, like an animal.

He bullies people by grabbing
them, trying to strangle them.

And he also tries to chase
people out of the hotel.

On the front staircase here, there
was a gentleman coming up the stairs.

As I approached him coming down
the stairs, he just froze solid.

And was just literally white.

He said to me, "you did not see that?"

- I said, "what?"
- He said, "it passed right through me."

And I said, "what passed through you?"

And he said, "it was a light
passed right through me."

And he said, "I need to leave."

We had a guest that checked
in, and at 3:30 in the

morning he picked up our house
phone and he was screaming

that things were flying around his
room, things were falling off the walls.

And he was out of here.

I interviewed two former employees
from here that were pretty young girls.

And talking to them, I
felt like, you know, like,

something's picking on these kids.

That's not good.

It's like he's all about creeping up
on people, catching them off guard.

So, I did do a sketch of,
like, kind of a situation...

That I perceived of him
kind of intimidating a male.

He's wearing a cowboy hat,
jeans, and cowboy boots.


60 to 65.

And he's tall.


Take a look at that.

Oh, wow.

So, I did do a sketch of a situation...

Um, that I perceived of
him intimidating a male.


Take a look at that.

Oh, wow.

I'd like him to go away.

I just can't give up, because
this is such a special place.

Now, seeing that sketch, I
mean, how's that make you feel?


I felt very drawn to this building
the moment I walked into it.

But it's been so hard for me.

Yeah, you even said that to me,

that your life's been like
hell since you started here.


Now, did you get a sense of
who this guy might have been?

He obviously liked to hurt
women when he was alive.

He likes to try as much
as he can to hurt them now.

He was completely out of his mind,
had no sense of wrong or right,

and I definitely felt that
he was a r*pist of women.

One of the former
owners of this hotel...

- He was a r*pist.
- Oh.

His name was Fred Waegele, and he
owned this place from 1906 to 1917.

He was about 60 years old and
he had a son around 20, 21,

who married a girl
named Marion who was 17.

He repeatedly r*ped his
daughter-in-law over and over again.

But she got revenge.

Oh, boy.

He had rheumatism, and he was
getting mail-away medicine for it.

So, she decided she was gonna mail
him some medicine, and she did.

She mailed him some cyanide.

Oh, my.

- And he took it.
- Oh.

And he died a nice, slow,
painful death, which he deserved.

Now, about a year later,
authorities questioned her about it.

And she confesses to the whole thing.


- Now, you had mentioned su1c1de.
- Mm-hmm.

This confession took place at her home.

She excused herself for a few
minutes as the detectives were there,

and she went in the next room and she
k*lled herself in the same manner...

Oh, no.

Using cyanide.

- That's just awful.
- It is.

Now, do you think this
could be the r*pist?

Yeah, more than likely
that may be our culprit.

So, he's still hating women.

Oh, yeah. I mean he still
wants to do what he was doing.

He'd like to be raping them, not
just fondling, touching, or grabbing.

Best to get rid of him
before he figures it out.

Will he be able to soon?

Well, I mean, he's
definitely working on it.

- He's working on it?
- Yeah.

He's evolving.

We laid a lot of
information down for you.

Big question is, are you guys
gonna be able to run this hotel

in a safe manner for
yourselves, your employees...

Most importantly, for your guests?

With that, I'm gonna turn it
over to Amy to get an answer.

Because of the amount
of residual energy...

I think it would be best if
you get a residual cleansing.

So, you need to find a psychic
or a Shaman or a Wiccan.

The second thing you need to do
is have that same individual...

Do a protection ceremony for you.

What is that?

Well, once you're done cleansing
this place, you have a clean slate.

You want to kind of keep it clean.


Then, to get rid of the r*pist...

You need to find a male medium...

A strong Alpha male, definitely.

Why an Alpha male?

A lot of men who bully women
are usually cowards at heart.

- Mm-hmm.
- And weak.

And if you get a real man in here...

He's gonna bow down.

And as far as the grumpy old lady...

I think just taking that room and
putting it back to a guest room,

will make her a lot less noisy.

Now the big question.

Are you gonna listen to what Amy says?

I am concerned about Dawn.

But this is overwhelming
to me, for sure.

So, I'm still absorbing it, and
I have to think through this.

Okay. I like your honest answer.

Now, Dawn, you're gonna
follow through with this?

- I am.
- Okay.

It's time.

- I'd like my life back.
- Yeah.


The evil man who att*cked
me is extremely dangerous.

Even if Dave chooses not to help,
Dawn should really follow my advice,

or he could do a lot of damage.

Not only to the hotel, but also
to its employees and guests.
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