03x30 - Violated - Fort Wayne, Indiana

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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03x30 - Violated - Fort Wayne, Indiana

Post by bunniefuu »

There is something bad
here that's not a human.

You'll catch them out of
the corner of your eye.

There are growling noises.

There was a m*rder that
took place in the house.

And he died right there on the floor.

This thing's torturing people.

And it just hurts.

I feel like it violates her.

They're not safe anywhere in this house.

They're being watched.

My name is Amy Allan.

This thing likes death.

I see dead people.

This thing's, like, a monster.

I speak to dead people.

And he's pissed off now.

And they speak to me.

His head was cracked.

But there's only one way to
know if my findings are real.

This guy was m*rder*d.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi. I'm a retired
New York City homicide Detective.

I cannot help you unless
I know the whole story.

And I know every person,
every house has secrets.

You saw her?

It's my job to reveal them.

Why would you stay here?

But Steve and I never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

Until the very end.

Stop it.

We uncover if it's
safe for you to stay...

I want to know the truth. I
want to know what's happening.

Or time to get out.

I told you there were
ghosts in this house.

Amy and I conduct
separate investigations.

I gather witness testimony and look for
hidden truths about the property's past.

While Amy communicates
with the other side.

I'm in Fort Wayne, Indiana, a
couple hours North of Indianapolis.

We got called in by this guy named Mark.

Mark said things are
so bad in this house,

his 18-year-old daughter is
afraid to go to bed at night.

And his wife's so scared, she moved
out and is living with her mother.

Mark says he wants his life back,
and he thinks we're his last chance.

Before Amy arrives, I clear anything
that could influence her findings.

This house has a lot of family
photographs and antique collectibles,

that need to be covered or removed.

When I'm finished, the location
will be ready for tonight's walk.

There is something definitely
not right about the land.

There's a little old man.

He says...

That a lot of bad things
happened there with that family.

There was also, like,
a m*rder that happened.

Somehow that ties in, too.

I feel weak, unstable...

Like something's trying to jump me.

Mark, on the phone, you mentioned how

bad things were in the
house here, what's going on?

I've seen an apparition.

I've been touched, hit with things.
My wife's been, you know, messed with.

We'll go sometimes for like a month
or two, and nothing will happen.

And then it'll be continuous for weeks.

Okay, so how long you been here?

We've been here for 8 years,
and I bought it for $11,600.

Why so cheap?

It stood vacant for 8
years before I moved in.

Why don't you just sell the
house and get out of here?

You know, it's finances, and
the thing is, it's my house.

I get that.

What do you know about
the history of the house?

I had heard that there was a
m*rder that took place in the house.

Well, how long ago do you
think this homicide was?

It happened in '96.

You mentioned it was affecting
the family, in what way?

I just reunited with
my daughter recently,

but she doesn't like
being in the house alone.

And my wife won't even stay
in the house by herself.

If I'm not here, she'll
go stay at her mother's.

It's come close to us breaking up
over it. It's affecting my work.

- What do you do?
- Well, here, I'll show you.

- I buy and sell antique firearms.
- Can I take a look at one of these?

- Oh, yeah. Help yourself.
- Are they loaded?


They were used pretty heavy in combat...

Civil w*r, Indian Wars.

I guarantee some of these g*ns
in here have k*lled people.

Actually, that's a Confederate pinfire.

What do you hope that we can do
for you with this investigation?

I'd like to get my family back together.

I'd like my wife to be able to stay
here, my daughter to feel comfortable.

But it's really hard to do
with the way things are going.

All right.

This is almost like an antique store.

So, sometimes, I go to antique
stores, but I'll get drained and sick.

Because sometimes, there are...

Energies associated with objects.

There are some objects here that do
have some residual energies to them.

I feel really weak here.

I don't feel very good.

I don't feel good.

Okay, Mark, so what did you
bring me down the basement for?

I was sweeping the floor
down here and fairly

decent-sized bolt hit me
in the center of the back.

- You were down here alone?
- I was down here alone.

What about windows somebody
have chucked something at you?

No, the windows are shut.
Yeah, you can't open them.

Okay. Have you experienced
anything else down here?

Yeah. Yeah, I'll see
shadows down here a lot.

What kind of shadows?

They're like a solid
black mass or something.

You'll catch them out
of the corner of the eye.

You'll be standing there
and you'll see something...

- Phoom! You know across the room.
- You're sure it's not a light reflection?

I'm positive it's not a light reflection
these windows were all covered up.

It feels sometimes almost
like things hide down here.

This is bad, bad area.


There is something very
bad here that's not a human.

I don't know if it's ever been
human, but it's not human now.

I'm staring at this black
mass crouching in the basement.

I'm not sure what it is, but I
can tell it has evil intentions,

and hates living people in its space.

And there is, like,
definitely a pathway here.

But I think it goes possibly
next door or underground.

It doesn't like me.
It wants me to leave.

This room is not good, though.

Mark, why'd you bring me up in here?

This is one of the areas
we hear a lot of the noises.

What kind of sounds
are we talking about?

Growling, tappings, clicking noises.

So, are you the only
one hearing these noises?

Oh, no. My wife does all the time.

She won't even sleep up here by herself.

Let me ask you a question, with
all the stuff you got going on,

the noises, the banging how
are you sleeping at night?

I'm not.

- I sleep during the day for the most part.
- Because of what's going on?

Because of what's going on yeah.

- Well how the freak do you live like that?
- I can't really.

That's why I want you
guys to do what you can do.

That thing kind of likes this
area, kind of likes this space.

The evil black mass I
encountered in the basement,

makes its presence felt
all over this house,

and it especially likes
the upstairs bedrooms.

It makes lots of, like,
weird growling noises...

To scare.

That's kind of how he communicates.

I don't know what it wants.

So what else is going on up here?

This chest right here...

One day this chest had been moved
and set blocking off the doorway.

It's a heavy chest, and it was
full of antique g*ns at the time.

Wow. It's heavy as hell.


- I mean, nobody broke in up here?
- Positive.

Experience anything else?

Me and my wife were arguing,

and there was a small travel-size
bottle of hand lotion sitting

on the dresser that actually
flew and hit me in the chest.

While she was arguing with you?

- Are you sure she didn't fling it at you?
- No she didn't fling it at me.

It started shaking
before it even took off.

So what else is going on up here?

I fell asleep, I was watching TV, and I
had my head propped up on my hand in bed.

And I'm laying there and all of a
sudden, I wake up when my head jerks.

Something had smacked
my hand away from my arm.

Actually left a hand print on my arm.

And it looked like it might
have been a man's hand.

You feel like you're
getting picked on here?

Yeah. I actually do.
It seems not to like me.

But I'm also the one that
confronts it the most.


This big gigantic black blob...

Whether it's touching, objects moving,

that there is a lot of physical
phenomena that this thing can do...

Throwing people down stairs...

Or smacking them.

It's a pretty, pretty powerful thing.

Especially when this thing
might be into torturing people.

Kim, Mark mentioned that he hears all
types of different noises and sounds.

What about yourself?

The things that we notice the
most were, like, tapping noises.

Sometimes, there are growling noises.

I've had my name whispered.

And when you heard your name
whispered, was it a male or a female?

It was male.

Also, sometimes you'll
see, like, black mists.


Is there anything else
happening in this bedroom?

The bed sometimes will shake.

Sometimes a lot, I thought
we were having earthquakes.

I mean, you got trains... you
got heavy trucks going by here.

Well, let's say a semi
goes by real fast...

The windows shake, but not the bed.


Anybody who stays here with us for
any period of time gets touched...

Like somebody's sitting
in the bed with you,

you know, like an
indentation in the bed.

Where it looks like somebody's sitting
there, and you can't see anybody.


I see this woman who
lives in this house.

She's a living person.

And this dark thing...

It definitely wants something from her.

She's seeing this huge
black shadow thing.

Like, I do feel, like, this weight on
my shoulders, like, being held down...

In bed by my shoulders...

Like, maybe shook.

There are times that I get
really, you know, frightened.

I mean, I'm not even functional anymore.

Right. Mark explained that you're actually
staying at your mom's most of the time.


Well I would assume this has got
to take a toll on your marriage.

Yeah, it does. The past two months,
I've been away all but about two weeks.

- Okay.
- So, lately, we've hardly seen each other.

What are your feelings like when you
just come into the house, do they change?

Well, it seems to go in cycles.

Sometimes there's a lot of
activity, and sometimes there's not.


But when I come in the house,
I feel this, like, heaviness.

Ever since I've been
here, it's like I've just

been totally drained of
energy... just zapped.

I say it all the time, I can't
wait to get out of this house.

This dark thing feels like it's
pushed a lot of illness in...

Lots of illness.

Yeah, like it's pushing
this, like, waves.

It, like... I just see waves coming in.

This evil black mass travels in and out of
the house through a portal in the basement.

When it's gone, things get better,
but it's definitely here now.

There's a wave happening right now.

It's either depression, like
really, really bad depression,

or physical illness and bad luck.

So, it'll be really bad.

Shaela, I was talking
to your dad earlier,

and he mentioned that you're
uncomfortable being in the house alone.

- Is that true?
- Mm hmm.

Okay, how long have
you been living here?

I've been living here
about five months now.

Mark's my dad, and we just found
each other when I turned 18.


Mark tells me his daughter spent a
lot of time in and out of foster homes,

but even after reuniting with
her father and stepmother,

I got the feeling she's
still not finding any peace.

Now, what's the most frightening
thing in the house for you?

I get this, like, weird vibe
of, like, sadness and anger.

And I've felt, like, fingers
running through my hair,

or, like, something,
like, touching my cheek.

It just absolutely just mortifies me.

What do you mean by that?

I had a rough past.

I was abused...


And when I feel these things,
it reminds me of my childhood.

I feel really safe being with my dad.

But the house doesn't make me feel safe.

Like, I'll hear the door handle turn.

And then...

So, that doorknob turning brings you
back to when you were... molested.

It's the scariest thing in the world.

The pain that you felt just
plays over and over in your head.

And then your heart starts pounding, and
next thing you know, you're just in tears.

Something paranormal's bringing
back that memory, and it just hurts.

This older woman comes up, and
she is concerned about someone...

Like, a girl who lives in this house.

And this woman feels like she's a protector
of this person she's talking about.

Like, she's just going on, saying that
the situation is really, really dire.

And that's why she's here.

This older woman is worried about
a young girl that lives here.

She wants to protect her
from the evil black mass

that's terrorizing
everyone in this house.

I feel like it violates her.

What do you mean?

Like, kind of sexually.

It's not good.

With so much bizarre activity
going on inside Mark's house,

I need to separate the easily
explained from the unexplained.

So I've called in an
animal-control expert,

to see if he can make sense of all
of the strange sounds in the house.

My clients are complaining about

hearing tapping noises
and stuff like that.

Now, is that something you
get a lot of complaints about?

Yes, we do, and that ends
up turning out to be mice.

So, they're also complaining about hearing
growling, now, what animals would that be?

I have never heard that complaint.

Okay. If you could do me a
favor, give this place a good

once-over so I can at
least rule that out.


With over 20 years on
the Police Department,

I know you have to rule
out the obvious first.

Then I can focus on what
physical evidence can't explain.

So did you find anything?

Nothing... everything seems
completely clean to me.

Were you able to find any openings that
maybe animals could come in and out?

No, there's not one sign of any opening.

Okay, thanks for the good
work. I appreciate that.


Mark told me someone was k*lled
in this house in the '90s.

If anybody knows about this,
it's gonna be the local cops.

I'm heading over to meet
with a retired Detective

who actually worked Mark's
neighborhood during that time.

He tells me he's got some information
that will definitely help my case.

So, A.J., my client said there was a
possible m*rder in his house back in

the '90s, and it sounds like you were
able to verify that, is that right?

Right. Back in December of '96.

This was the victim, Alberto Lopez.

He looks like a young
guy. How old was he?

He was only 25.

So, how'd the homicide go down?

He had a live-in girlfriend
named Lucy Rivera.

She was considerably
older. I believe she was 43.

They got into an altercation, and he
took off running to get away from her.

She had a knife, and she
stabbed him in the back.

It was a fatal blow, and he
died right there on the floor,

right in front of the stove.

I feel like there's a younger male...

Here who doesn't want to be bothered.

Like, he doesn't want to be involved
in anything, and he'll lash out.

Do you know when he died?

I would say like...

'80s, '90s.

- Do you get an age on him?
- 25 maybe?

He's creepy.

A.J., what do we know about the victim?

Not much of anything.

Nobody even knew him
from the neighborhood.

No Mexicans stepped forward to
shed any light on who he was,

and nobody even claimed the body.

Now, I'm assuming she gets collared
for this, she gets arrested, right?

She gets arrested. In fact, there's
the article after the incident.

She ends up taking a charge
of aggravated battery.

And took a plea, got 10 years.

And she served 8 of them.

Now, what's her story?

She was claiming domestic abuse.

There as an incident at a local bar...

That she had told people that...

"The next time he hits me,
that's it I'm gonna k*ll him".

She was at a breaking point.

He doesn't like the people here.

People are not leaving him alone.

So, he...

Is distraught over this.

People are bothering him...

Dead and living.

I'm not sure, but I do
feel like he k*lled himself.

He has so much anxiety, so
much stress, so much anger.

I'm at the library to see
what else I can uncover.

Digging through the archives, I
find a family by the name of Olds,

who used to own my clients' property as
a business investment in the late 1800s.

Turns out they were one of the most

influential families
in Fort Wayne's history.

But a local genealogist tells me
they also had their share of misery.

John, when I did my research,
I came across the Olds family.

It looked like they
were pretty prominent,

and they owned the property
I'm actually investigating.

What can you tell me about them?

They were one of the top families
in Fort Wayne in the 1800s.

This is Henry G. Olds. He
inherited the property back in 1876.

He was a very prominent man that
had a lot of mercantile interests.

When did Henry die?

He died in 1902. He was 62 years old.

He had a series of strokes.

Each one left him more
and more of an invalid.

He was eventually
confined to a wheelchair.

And then he finally died at his house,

leaving a widow and several sons
who took over his businesses.

Okay, so, now who inherits the
property that I'm investigating?

His widow, Caroline... we see here
on the left, inherits the property.

So, what happens to
Caroline after he dies?

Well, there was a series of lawsuits
that really harmed the family.

Well, why is that?

Well, they had a wagon
factory, and in 1902,

just months after Henry died, one
of the workers fell and was k*lled.

It was not a safe place.

People were really unprotected, and there
was no one to oversee any kind of safety.

And so the widow sued
the company for $10,000.

That was a lot of money back then.

A lot of money, yes, and that certainly
took a big chunk out of their wealth.

The coal company also got hit
with a big lawsuit in 1913.

A man was k*lled when some coal
was being unloaded from a train.

And then there was a fire in 1920.

The glove factory that they owned that,

conjoined the coal company
burned to the ground.

Okay, so they wind up losing a
lot between lawsuits and accidents.


I'm just seeing, like, these
two dead old men talking a lot.

They weren't paid well.

They had no rights. And...

They're pissed. They're
just [Bleep] pissed.

They're mad about
their living conditions.

They're mad about how they died.

But I do feel like
they worked underground,

like they were miners or
something of that nature.

And the one said, I
died with my boots on.

All I see is Earth...

Rushing in on him.

So, now what happens to the sons?

One of the sons, Noble, died
in 1918 at a young age of 48.

Then two years later,
the other son, Eugene,

died of a massive heart attack
inside their house here in Fort Wayne.

- And how old was he?
- 47.

So she lost both her
sons within two years?

Terrible blow for her.

Okay, so, now what winds
up happening to her?

Well, she sells the mansion,

and then ends up in a workers' cottage
with her daughter in basic poverty.

And that's the big irony of this whole
thing, because here is a lady who lived

in a mansion in Fort Wayne, and then
ends up spending her life living in the

very kind of cottages
that the workers lived in,

just like her own workers
in her own factory.

Okay, so she's close to the
property I'm investigating?

It was a few houses down
from where the house is now,

but at that time, it
was all one property.

During my walk, I
encountered several entities.

So, I had a sketch artist
draw the most prominent two.

First, the dark figure
I saw in the basement.

Is he looking at you?


A very solid black.

He is like this.

- Okay.
- Mm hmm.

Next, I describe the
distraught young man.

He has short brown hair.

Like here... he's got shadowing
here and then shadowing here.

That's all I remember.

Is that what you saw?


Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations.

We're ready to reveal our findings to each
other and our clients for the first time.

Amy, I'd like you to meet the family
that actually lives in this house.

This is Mark, this is his wife, Kim,
and this is his daughter, Shaela.

Activity has gotten pretty
bad in the house here.

Shaela doesn't sleep at all at night.

Kim actually goes to
her mom's house to sleep.

That's how frightened she is.

They want to know if they can live
here normally and as a family together.

So, they feel we're their last hope,
and that's why they called us in.

So, with that, I'm gonna turn
the conversation over to Amy,

and hear about her walk.

So, when I walked in,
I got the same feeling

I get when I walk into an antique store.

And I felt that there were, in
fact, objects at this location

that held some kind of residual
energy that could be draining.

You know, we've been to dozens
of locations that have antiques,

and this is the first case
where it was distracting.

Actually, Mark here can help you out.

Why don't you tell Amy
what you do for a living?

I deal in pre-1898 firearms.


And he's got quite a few.
I've seen the collection.

About 30, I think, right now.

I have one that was
from the Indian Wars.

Wow. Probably 1870s.

And I have a Confederate pinfire
p*stol, which I'm sure was used.

And they're in the house?


Okay, very interesting. All right.

That might have been
why it's so draining,

and if anybody is, you
know, kind of sensitive...

They could feel the draining.

That's me. I mean, I have just
no energy since I've been here.

It's just gone downhill,
you know, to where...

Yeah, I'm barely functional now.

What else did you see?

In the garage, I met a male.

Probably between 18 and 25 years old.

He, frankly, doesn't want to be
bothered with the living or the dead.

And he feels like his space,
which he has made out there,

is being violated by
the living and the dead.

So he feels a lot of
anxiety, stress, and anger.

I believe he k*lled himself.

And this was in the '80s or '90s.

There was only one death in this house back
in the time frame you're talking about,

but it wasn't a su1c1de.

Oh, really?

A guy by the name of Alberto Lopez lived
in this house with his girlfriend...

Lucy Rivera.

He was 25 years old, she was 43, and
they had a very volatile relationship.

This is him.

Oh, wow.

Now, I have an article
here about the girlfriend.

Back in 1996, he winds up getting into an
altercation with his female partner here.

She stabs him one time in the back, and
he winds up dying upstairs in the kitchen.

You said this guy was
dealing with a lot of anger.


The girlfriend was claiming
that he repeatedly beat her.

So, do you think this is
the guy you might have seen?

I did a sketch. You guys can tell me.

- Oh, my God!
- Yeah, it looks pretty close to me.

I'm just amazed at the likeness.

At first look, I wasn't
so sure about Amy's sketch.

But you put a mustache on him,
and it's a pretty close match.

I felt like he k*lled himself
because he wanted to be alone.

This man was so depressed, I
assumed he'd k*lled himself.

I'm not sure how he actually died,

but one thing I am sure about,
he's still inside that garage.

So, what else is going on?

When I came down to the basement...

I encountered two old, angry men.

They're angry because they felt
like they didn't have any rights.

They were paid really terribly.

They were extremely poor and felt
that the conditions were not good.

And they're very pissed
off about how they died,

which seemed to be in
some kind of an accident.

That's interesting, but the
only thing I can think of,

during my research that
may come even close...

Is the people that owned this
property before it was developed...

A family called the Olds family.

Very prominent in Fort
Wayne, lot of money.

Now, they owned factories here, and their
workers lived in houses on this property.

The way they mistreated
their employees...

Wound up being the demise of them.

And they bought this area as an
investment property, they didn't live here.

Here's a picture of Henry Olds.

Henry Olds winds up
having a stroke in 1896.

And another five strokes
up until 1902, when he dies.

When he died, his widow
Caroline wound up taking over.

This is actually Caroline right here
on the left, and that's her daughter.

When Henry died, Caroline got
hit with a few lawsuits from

the families of mistreated
workers, and she lost everything.

So, Caroline wound up living on this
property like a pauper with her daughter.

Was it in this house?

No, in a small house that
was built for workers...

All because of
mistreatment of employees,

by their family and the lawsuits
that were brought against them.

What else did you see on your walk?

I saw, down here in the basement...

This funky, nasty thing.

I'm not sure if it's ever been human.

It's rather large, very powerful, and...


Sometimes, I could see it as
a dark blob or like an animal.

And it didn't want me
here. It wanted me to leave.

I've seen a black blob upstairs.

And I looked at it for a second, and all
of a sudden, it was like it was alive.

- It just took off.
- Mm hmm.

I've seen stuff like that too,
it's just kind of like in the corner

of your eye and you go to turn
and it's not there anymore.


So I had a sketch artist
sketch the scene I saw,

of the thing crouching in the
corner, down here in the basement.


I usually don't get creeped out by much.

This creeps me out.

Oh, my God.

Oh, wow.

I'm just horrified.

I just don't know what to make of that.

It travels between this
house and the house next door.

And it goes underground.

When it's away, things are fine here.

When it comes back, it brings very
bad waves of depression and illness.

For me, the depression comes and goes.

I just get sick. I mean, I literally feel
sick, like I'm off-center all the time.

One day, I'll be,
like, totally, you know,

happy, myself, singing and
dancing around the house,

and then I'll wake up one
day and I'm angry, depressed.

I'm just mad at the world for no reason.


It likes the basement and the upstairs.

It growls to scare the living.

- Really?
- Mm hmm.

They've been complaining about
hearing sounds and growling.

Wow. Okay.

So I did have a guy come in, a pest-control
guy, and check the whole house out,

and found no evidence of any...

Rodents or animal life in the house.


It can get physical and
touch people or move objects.

Frankly, I'm surprised that
it hasn't become more violent,

like maybe throwing people down the stairs
or smacking them or things of that nature.

Well, you pretty much just described
exactly what they're all going through.

I was sweeping up down
here, and next thing I know,

this bolt drills me in
the center of the back.

And it hit me hard enough
to have left a Mark.

This thing is really what's causing,
you know, havoc within the house.

I saw it holding someone
down in the bed up there.

I saw it shaking the bed.

It just really scares me,
because I don't want it to, like,

hold me down or anything when
I'm trying to sleep and...

I don't want it to get more physical.

There was a woman that I met.
She's probably in her 50s.

And she's very concerned about
a girl who lives in this house.

She's afraid that this
girl is being violated.

And that she's afraid that she might
be getting sexually assaulted...

By the entity.

Oh, God.

There was a woman that I met.
She's probably in her 50s.

And she's very concerned about
a girl who lives in this house.

She afraid that this
girl is being violated.

And that she's afraid that she might
be getting sexually assaulted...

By the entity.

Oh, God.

When I was a kid um...

I was sexually assaulted repeatedly
for about six or seven years.

Oh, my gosh.

I moved in five months ago.

Now that I'm here, I finally have a dad.

I feel safe that no person's
gonna as*ault me sexually.

I don't have that fear anymore.

But I hear things in the house that...

You know, twist a doorknob. Like, it will
get me flashbacks of my childhood and...

I'm trying to get over
that fear, and I can't.

I don't want, like, something
paranormal violating me.

This thing, you know, definitely...

Wants to invoke fear.

I believe it wants to basically
torment and t*rture females.

Like, right now it's just like,
you know, I'll turn that doorknob.

Because it knows that's
going to bother you.

And this might be why
this woman is here now...

Is to try to help protect and try to
comfort and keep watch over the situation.

Do me a favor, though. Describe
the finger going through the hair.

- Yeah.
- Explain that to Amy the best you can.

It just feels like someone, like, just
kind of, like, caressing, just slowly.

And then it kind of goes behind, like
someone tucking your hair behind the ear.

Sometimes it's lovingly,
like, kind of motherly like,

but in a way, like,
it still frightens me.

- Could it be this woman that showed up?
- Could be, yes.

But I'm not sure who she is,

but you do have a female here
who's looking out for you.

Now, this thing... is there any
way of knowing how it got here?

I'm not 100% certain at this point.

Because he kind of shut himself down,

as soon as he understood I was
getting information from him.

It could be family lineage.

It could be that
somebody brought him here.

I'm trying to, like, piece it together.
Like, how did this thing end up here?

Is it possible that I brought him in?

Because I've brought in g*ns
from the, you know, 1600s, 1500s.

Unfortunately, at this
point, anything's possible.

Well, it's been a tough night.

But at least now you know
what you're up against.

The question is, can you guys
live here together as a family?

With that, I'm gonna
turn that over to Amy,

and, hopefully, she'll
have an answer for you.

Dealing with the negative entity...

Now, this is gonna get interesting.

I think that it would be a wonderful
idea to get a warlock in here.

Now, that's a male witch.

This needs to be a male
witch who's very masculine.

The first thing that this individual
would do is a banishment ritual

to rid him and send him to where
he belongs, which I believe is hell.

So why does it have to be a
masculine male witch or warlock?

Because this...

Entity is intimidated by...

Males who are masculine.

And I think it's intimidated by you.

That's why he picks on
women, because he's a coward.

So is this thing a Demon?


Shaela, how are you
feeling about all this?

It's just um...

Just a little... kind of
just overwhelmed, I guess.

What about this guy in the garage?

My one suggestion is
to have a very short.

conversation with him.

Let him know that you know who
he is, you know that he's there.

You know what he wants, and that
you're basically fine with that

and to give him the time and space
for him to work his issues out.

As long as he doesn't
bother you or your family.

What about the antique g*ns?

You need to cleanse the antiques.


And the way that I would do this
is just a real basic cleansing...

Is to have some holy water, get it on
the rag, dry out the rag really well.

And just, you know, rub down
the items and just ask God,

to remove the negative energy
and/or person from the item.

So, by doing that with the
old stuff he's got and...

Wiping it down, would
that get that tired...

Yes. That'll help a bit
with the draining feeling.

Now, I want youse all to look
me in the eye and promise me

you're gonna listen to Amy's
advice and do what she tells you.

- Yep. 100%.
- Okay.

You have my word on it. Otherwise,
I wouldn't have called you.


- Shaela?
- Yeah, totally.

I definitely want to get
rid of what's in the house.


There are several dead
people on Mark's property.

But the evil black mass
poses the greatest threat.

I'm worried that if they
don't deal with it immediately,

their suffering could continue,
and they might never find peace.
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