05x03 - Fractured - St. Louis, MO

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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05x03 - Fractured - St. Louis, MO

Post by bunniefuu »

They orchestrate very violent, bad things.

Something's trying to harm my child.

He causes physical pain.

Did you fall down the whole flight?

I was pushed.

It was able to manipulate
people's minds like puppets.

Out of 13 children, only 6
of them lived to adulthood.

These kids... they're from hell.

I don't think this place
is good for anybody.

You're mine. You can't escape.

My name is Amy Allan.

What's happening?

I see dead people.

It seems like a devil.

I speak to dead people.

He's pissed off.

And they speak to me.

I felt real fear.

But there's only one way to
know if my findings are real.

I think she's being m*rder*d.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi.

I'm a retired New York
City homicide detective.

Serial k*ller pops in my head.

And I know every person,
every house has secrets.

Nobody believes me.

It's my job to reveal them.

- Do you think there's still bodies there?
- I do.

But Steve and I never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

Until the very end.

You got problems. I got news for you.

When we uncover if it's
safe for you to stay...

This is our house, whether
they like it or not.

Or time to get out.

This is their house, the house of the dead.

I'm in St. Louis, Missouri.

A woman named Shanan practically
begged us to come out here.

She told me she lived in a
house that had a ton of activity.

A few months ago, she had enough.

She picked up her four kids
and moved the hell out of there.

Problem is, her sister refuses to leave.

She's there all alone,

and Shanan thinks that
her life is in danger.

Before Amy arrives,

I look for anything that
might influence her findings.

This house has a lot of family photos.

Once they're covered or removed,

the location will be
ready for tonight's walk.


Someone here... and I think
it's this tall, scary man...

he's able to manipulate the living body,

like he can cause
physical pain in the body.

He's a real... Freak.

What's wrong?

He is pretty [Bleep] powerful.

Eh, I'm concerned...

Shanan, you sounded
pretty upset on the phone.

- Yes.
- Okay.

So why don't you give me
an idea of what's going on?

Three years ago,

me and my children moved
in the home with my sister,

and little things just started happening...

noises, footsteps,

and then everything just
started to get physical.

Okay, what happened?

Hailey, my 10-year-old,
was hit with an object.

Is this a picture of them?


- And that's her?
- Yes.

- This one right here?
- In the purple.

This brush came from nowhere
and just hit her in the back.

And you witnessed this?

We all witnessed it.

After that, I couldn't take any more.

It terrified me,

because something's
trying to harm my child.

That was the last straw.

I just told my sister I
cannot put up with this.

I will not.

That's when you were
like, "I'm out of here."


You're picking on a
10-year-old little girl?

I mean, that pisses me
off just thinking about it.

Right. That's why I called you guys.

Since we have moved out,
my sister is in more danger.

It's gotten worse.

She's been pushed down stairs.

Is she all right?

She was hurt.

Like, she had a cast on for weeks.

What do you think's going on?

It might be targeting her,

and I'm worried about
her living here alone.


This tall guy...

he's able to interact like a living person.

So, I did see something
with him and a child.

He'll come out of the dark,
and he takes off his skin...

Like reaching for the kid,

and the kid's all, like, scared.


The guy... he's [Bleep] pissed.

He says, "get the [Bleep] out."

Okay, so what's going on in here?

This might sound strange,

but we have all been sitting in this room,

watching television,

and coins would fly out
of nowhere and hit you.

Like quarters, dimes, that type of thing?


Are you sure it's not the kids

playing around with each other?

Absolutely not.

And why do you say that?

Because we're all together,

and I would be able to see

if someone physically
threw something at someone.

That is strange.


Okay. Anything else down here?

This is one thing

that really makes me emotional to this day.

I am sitting here.

As I look toward this way,
apparitions came to me,

one after the other, like a parade,

like they were trying to get to me.

Now, describe the apparitions.

The first one, it was like a gladiator.

After the gladiator,

there was like a...

he was like an Indian,
like an American Indian.

And then there was another one.

It was just a white, like, tall, long mist.

I'm shaking right now. I'm sorry.

No, it's okay. I can see that.

Yeah. I'm shaking because
I'm just remembering this.

And I was crying profusely.

I have to ask, were you
cocktailing that night

- or anything like that?
- No, no.

Were you in and out of dreaming maybe?

No. I was alert.

Now, I know you experienced this.

Now your sister's here alone.

You worried about her going
through that by herself?

Yes, I do,

because I just need her to realize

what's actually going on.

It's not a game.

It's not.

That guy is here.


The tall one.

Do you know if he
interacts with the living?

- Oh, yeah, yeah.
- How?

I would think that the
living would see him.

He's able to manipulate
people's minds like puppets

and cause them to hallucinate.

Don't know what they're seeing.

Are you worried he might be manipulating

what you're perceiving?

I am.

And there is a whole bunch of kids.

And what are they doing?

They make a lot of ruckus.

They're loud. They're annoying.

They're creepy. You hear them.

One weird thing about this guy...

he doesn't like them little things.

- He thinks that they're from hell.

So, Hailey, I was talking to mom today,

and she told me about an
incident that happened to you

with the hairbrush.


Can you tell me what happened?

We were on our way to go to school,

and we were all by the front door.

And then a push... it came
and hit me on the side.

And then I thought it was my brother,

and I was yelling at him
and getting mad at him.

And then my teacher...

she said it wasn't him
because he was behind me.

Okay, did it hit you hard?


Did you get scared when that happened?


So, are you worried about your aunt?

She's scared, too.

- But she won't tell you?
- No.

Now, would you come back to live here

if we could figure out what's going on?

Mm... No.


These kids orchestrate really
very, very violent, bad things.

They're malicious.

I got to get out of here.

Really weird, and I don't like it.

I don't think this place is good for kids.

I don't think this [Bleep]
place is good for anybody.

Well, Krystal, it's good
to finally talk with you.

I spoke with your sister.

I spoke with some other family members.

They all want you out of here.


They're all gone.

And they feel it's unsafe for you here.

I got to ask you, why are you staying?

What's the draw to the
house that you won't leave?

I've put so much time into this house.

It took me two years to make it livable.

How long ago did you buy it?

It's been about six years now.

Now, do you know any
history about the house?


Your sister mentioned to me

that since she's moved out with the kids

that activity's gotten
worse. Is that right?

Yes. I definitely think
it's gotten a lot worse

since she's been gone.

It's like everything's
being directed at one person

instead of six. There were six of us.

Okay. How is that affecting you?

I just don't feel like myself.

You know, sometimes I'm very moody.

Sometimes I'm very
angry, just for no reason,

or depressed.

When you're away from the house
for a day or two, let's say,

you feel better?


There is this older guy, and he's sick.

He... you feel it.

He died here.

He's very depressed,

very, very, very lonely.

He feels like he was just
abandoned and left to die.

He picks a spot,

and he stays there for a while.

One day this room will be bad,

and then like next week,
it will be downstairs.


Yeah. The person will be...

they spend time in there,

they'll feel really, really depressed.

So, what's going on in here?

I have experienced a lot
of scary things in here,

and it keeps me from being able to sleep.

When I close my eyes, I
see really horrible images.

So, what do these images look like?

In each instance, they're black,

like really, really
black, like burned almost.

Now, do you watch horror movies at night?

No, not at night.

And I've never seen anything

like these things that I
see when I close my eyes.

What else is going on up in here?

Oh, my bed shakes.

The first time it happened, I
thought it was an earthquake,

but nothing else was shaking but the bed.

Show me how it shook, how
hard. What are we talking about?

Well, I was kind of sitting like this,

and then I just started moving like this,

like somebody was, like, on the other end,

like pushing it.

I know you have a small dog.

- Any other big animals?
- No.

Is it heavy enough that if
somebody was pushing on the bed,

it would have to be an
adult, or could a kid do it?

It would definitely have to be an adult.

How the hell are you sleeping in here?

I really don't sleep.

That's not good.

That's gonna take its toll eventually.

Mm-hmm. It already has.

This tall, scary man... he does stuff.

You know what I'm saying?

He's super smart.

He can manipulate the body.

He's a very physical presence.

He's able to interact like a living person.

He's like, "I'm the least of the worries."

No, you're a problem.

He's, you know, kind of...

Like torturing people
to get them out of here

because of these kids.

So he thinks he's helping the living

to get them to leave here
before something happens to them?

Yes, he does.

He does believe that.

We haven't talked about
why I'm really here.

- The staircase.
- Yeah.

So, did you fall down the whole flight?

The whole flight.

I usually don't stand here very often,

'cause it's really scary.

Okay, take me through what happened.

So, basically, I just walked up the steps,

and then, all of a sudden,
I... fell down the stairs.

And I apparently did a cartwheel.

You can even see where
the bottom of my shoe

made a mark on the wall.

And then I fractured my elbow
at the bottom of the stairs.

How do you think you fell?

It's hard for me to say this,

but I think that I was pushed...

because I fell really hard.

I'm really concerned for you.

- You're here alone.
- Yeah.

And you're not sleeping.

You're almost k*lled.

That would have k*lled most people.

Yeah. One of the kids
probably wouldn't have made it.

These little kids that are here...

they were not right.

They weren't normal when they were alive,

and I think that they...

are really damaged now.

What do these kids do?

They make big things happen...

over time.

They cause really very,
very violent, bad things...

to happen.

"Catastrophe" is the word
that I hear being used.

I don't like this.

I don't like this.

Usually, clients know a little bit

about the history of their property.

Krystal doesn't have a clue.

So I started from the beginning

and tracked down the
original owner of the land,

a guy named B.W. Alexander.

And when I reached out
to one of his descendants,

she said we definitely needed to talk.

Marcia, thanks for meeting
with me. I appreciate that.

Now, you're a descendant of B.W. Alexander.

Basil William Alexander was
my third great grandfather.

What can you tell me about him?

He was a self-made man.

He actually as a young man

was indentured out to a bricklayer

and worked in servant conditions,

worked his way up, got
out of that situation,

and started making his own business

and making a name for himself
and made a lot of money.

He ended up being on the board of directors

of several banks in town,

and he really grew to be
quite an influential man.

This is a picture of him
when he was in his heyday.

Quite a prominent man.

He's a big guy.

Even though this obviously looks like

he's a healthy, well-fed man,

death records show when
he finally died at age 79,

he actually died of marasmus,
which is malnutrition.

He wasted away to nothing.

This tall, scary man.

I wish he would tell me more

about what, like, what his deal was

when he was alive and stuff.

Can you describe him?

He's very thin. He's very lanky.

When he was alive,
like, he still was tough,

like people were afraid of him anyways.

You know, I don't think
he was such a great person

when he was alive, you know?

I think he, you know, kind
of did maybe shady things,

you know, to make money, you know?

He's super smart.

Very smart person and knows
how to, you know, work it.

When I started to get
in there to see things,

he got really sad and was
kind of like vulnerable.

He didn't like that.

But now he's very angry.

During the research,

I found that B.W. was the original owner,

bought the property I'm
investigating back in 1860.

1860 is what we show.

He bought 80 acres.

We have a map here that shows his land.

He had a home there.

He had a rock quarry, a vineyard,

and slaves quarters.

Now, do you know how
many slaves he did have?

Family records show that
during the civil w*r,

he had up to 23 slaves.

So it was families, you know, men, women,

and, of course, their children.

And, you know, if they died,

they were buried on the property.

The tall, scary man...

he does not want me to seek these...

Things out, you know? But...

the children?

Yeah. But then I'm like,

"well, why don't you just tell
me, you know, what they are?

And then we're good."

The tall man doesn't
want me to know anything

about the kids in the house,

but I'm determined to
find out more about them.

And something is telling
me to head to the basement.

He definitely has a lot of control

over the other dead people here.

Somebody says something about bad kids...

well, bad children.

And then I'm hearing "headmaster."

And then somebody's yelling about justice

and, you know, doing what
needs to be done to them,

you know, that they're like [Bleep] demons,

and, you know, they
don't have souls anyways.

I don't know what's going on here.

This is getting [Bleep] weird, man.

This is going pretty back,

you know, like 1860s.

I don't really want to
be down here anymore.

Marcia, you mentioned on the phone

that B.W. had some tragedy in his life.

What were you talking about?

A lot of people came in and out of his life

and died sad deaths.

He lost his first wife at a very young age.

She was only 22.

Out of his 13 children
that were born to him,

only 6 of them lived to adulthood.

Several of them died as young children.

As a matter of fact, one year,

he lost three children
within a week of each other.

And do we know what they died of?

Probably Scarlet fever.

I don't know if I would have been
able to handle something like that.

I can't imagine.

This tall, scary man...

I want to say that he lost a child.

I think he lost a son.

He believes in heaven and hell and God,

but he denounces them.

He is very confusing.

He might have been summoned to
do some kind of messed up stuff,

'cause he's doing some pretty bad [Bleep]

There's so much death associated
with my client's property,

but I still need to know
if there's anything else.

So I'm hitting the books
at the local library.

Digging through old records,

I uncover a m*rder/su1c1de
that happened in 1894,

right across the street
from my client's house.

I'm heading over to meet

with the city's chief medical examiner

so he can help me make sense of it all.

Well, Dr. Graham, thanks for meeting me.

I know you're a busy man.

Now, what can you tell me
about this m*rder/su1c1de

that happened across the street

from the property I'm investigating?

Basically, there was
a new house being built

for a construction boss
or a carpenter boss.


And he had fired one of his
workers a few days earlier,

probably because of the
worker being a drinker.

- That was a Mr. Stute.
- Okay.

And so Mr. Stute thought
about it for a while

and really got agitated,

brought his double-barreled
shotgun to the work site.

One of the following mornings,

Mr. Wench, who was the carpenter boss,

was on the second story
of this unfinished house.


Mr. Stute came in and discharged one barrel

of the double-barreled shotgun

and looks like hit Mr.
Wench in the jaw area,

and then up and out through the face.

And, in fact, I've got a
copy of the newspaper article

and one of the artist's renditions.

Oh. Look at that.

And then as soon as he did that,

Mr. Stute put the stock
of the g*n on the floor,

leaned over it with the
muzzle against his belly,

and discharged the second
barrel and took his own life.


And I was able to locate the
original coroner's inquest

for each of those deaths.

You're kidding me.

This is the original paperwork?

This is the original paperwork from 1894.

And as it turns out,

Mr. stute did not die right away,

but was taken to the old city hospital,

where he was operated on
and died within a few hours.

I would say that this is a busy area,

and so I don't know

if what I'm getting is site-specific,

but I did have this pain
in my back right here,

and it goes all the way through.

Extremely painful.

So I think that someone maybe got shot.

I don't know front or back.

I think that it was a male.

And the problem is

I don't know if it was m*rder or su1c1de.

During my walk, I saw a tall, thin man

who was able to cause hallucinations.

I'm meeting with a sketch artist

to describe how he appeared to me.

He was approximately 6'4",

extremely thin, especially for his height.

His hair goes back.

Very dark eyes.

Next, I described the childlike entities

who are plotting to harm a living person.

So it happened at the top of the stairwell.

They were all together.

There was about three of them,

and they had decided
to do this to this lady.

Is this what you saw?


Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal
our findings to each other

and our clients for the first time.

Well, Amy, I'd like you
to meet Shanan and Krystal.

Now, they're sisters.

Krystal actually owns this home,

and Shanan was living
here with her four kids.

I actually have a photo.


Well, thing is, activity got
so bad here a few months back,

she packed up herself and
the four kids and got out.

Problem we got here is that
Krystal is still in the house,

and she's here alone.

Shanan called us in

'cause she's afraid that
her sister may be in danger.

So with that, I'm gonna ask Amy

to tell us a little bit about her walk.

So, when I was first upstairs,
I met an elderly gentleman,

and he feels very lonely and very sad.

And basically, he's a little scattered,

but what he does mostly
is he'll wander around,

and then he'll, like, settle in a room.

So if you go into that
room and he's in there,

you'll feel sick,

you'll feel depressed, you'll feel lonely.

Yeah, my moods change.

I feel sadness for no reason.

I get angry for no reason.

There are days when I go to work,

and I would just have,
like, the worst attitude.

But then, after I'm there for a while,

then it goes away.

Since I have been here,
I've totally changed.

I can be very mean sometimes,
and that's not my character.


There was another person who,

as soon as I was heading up the stairs,

he told me to get the "F" out.

He was very secretive.

He's very capable of
interaction on a physical level.

People definitely see this guy.

I saw this person push
himself out of his skin,

and then he was just like
a skeleton with muscle.

And I saw him standing by
the side of a child's bed.

That's my son.

He told me somebody sits by his bed.

Did you believe him when he told you?

No. I didn't.

Need a minute?

I'm fine.

This man's very intelligent,

very manipulative, very cunning.

He can cause the living
to have hallucinations.

He's so good at this

that there was a lot of
confusion on this walk for me,

because I didn't know what was the truth.

Was he making me hallucinate?

These girls talk about
hallucinations, both of them.


Can you tell Amy about that incident

down here on the couch?

These three images just came
to me, one after another.

The first image is
being the gladiator type.


The second was like an American Indian.

And then the third one, it
was just a white something.

I couldn't tell,

but I was the most
threatened by the last one,

and it terrified me so bad.

You had mentioned to me

you get those images when
your eyes are shut, right?

Yeah. They're like ungodly creatures.

They scare me so bad.

Now, you mentioned this
guy can be physical, right?


They got something really
strange going on in this house.

They have coins getting
thrown at them out of nowhere.

I've seen it.

Everyone is in this area.

Everyone is sitting
around, watching television.

No one's moving.

Next thing you know,

my son is, like, saying "ow,"

and then a coin drops to the floor.

They're in physical sight of me.

I know that neither one
of them could do this.

And the reason you left here

is because your daughter
got hit with a brush.


Down here, in the back.

And they don't keep any brushes down here.

Mm-hmm. Okay.

Is he capable of doing anything like that?

Yeah. He's able to do that.

Now, did you get any sense of
who this guy might have been

when he was alive?

What I got was that he
was directly connected

to this property.

He was, like, showing himself

to be, like, extremely tall, very thin.

You could really see his bones.

I got that he was a very intimidating guy.

I think it was because he
was really, really smart,

very commanding, and people
were very afraid of him.

But he's actually very sad,
and after quite some time,

I got that he did lose a
child and that it was a son.

After some time of being very sad,

became very angry, he denounced God.

Now, back in 1860,

this property was acquired by a guy

that I think she may be talking about,

is this guy B.W. Alexander.

1861, he moved his entire family here,

along with his 23 slaves.

Now, you said this guy was tough, smart,

and intimidated people.

Well, Alexander was a pretty powerful man

in this neighborhood.

This is a guy that went
from rags to riches.

He was an indentured servant
at one point as a kid,

ran away, and became a
self-made millionaire.

You said he lost a son.


Now, this guy had 13 children altogether.

Six of them died.

Four of them were boys.

You said he was a big guy,

but then you said he was skinny.


He died of a thing called
marasmus... malnutrition.


He died at the age of 79.

He was a big guy,

but by the time he died,
he was pretty emaciated.

I actually have a picture
of B.W. Alexander right here.

So, I don't know if this is
the guy you might have ran into.

Uh... No.

But I did do a sketch of the
tall, thin man I encountered.

Well, that ain't him.



You think it's somebody you might know?

Well, I didn't even think about
this until she said something,

but my son... a long time ago,

he used to tell me that
somebody used to sit by his bed.

And he told me that he looked like daddy,

like his father.

His father is alive,

and he looks something like him.

So he shows himself to be something

that he would be comfortable with.

Actually, I think he might
be showing himself like that

to warn the living here,

because the other thing I got

was these childlike entities,

and the guy I was talking
to became very afraid.

He said that these were evil things.

I went looking for them,

and I ended up in the basement,

where I encountered this other guy.

And the children called him a headmaster,

and this male was definitely
abusive to these children.

It made me extremely uncomfortable.

I got that this was pretty
far back, like 1860s.

You say "headmaster," and
then you're going back in time.

There might have been sl*ve kids

and this guy was mistreating them.

Instead of "headmaster," but "master."

I don't know,

but the living might see them

kind of out of the corner of their eyes.

They cause a lot of ruckus.

You'll hear a lot of,
like, movement or sound.

Also, they like to
orchestrate, like, catastrophes.

What do you mean by that?

Well, I was seeing a lot
of different scenarios

that these kids were planning,

and one of the things was
something that I sketched.



I don't know if I want to show you this.


Are you kidding me right now?

I was seeing a lot of different scenarios

that these kids were planning,

and one of the things was
something that I sketched.


I don't even know if I
want to show you this.


Are you kidding me right now?

This is what I was afraid of.

I'm a pretty skeptical guy,

but when Amy comes up
with things like this,

there's just no explanation.

That's almost exactly how I got hurt here.

They already hurt you?

God, stop it.

I was standing on the landing
at the top of the stairs,

and then I felt a push,

and I fell so hard that I
tumbled, like, completely,

and I hit the door with
my back and my head,

and I flew forward.


I fractured my elbow.

That's how hard I fell.

I'm shocked that you're still here.

I can tell you one thing
is that these kids...

they're trying to reorganize

and figure out a better way
to make you hurt yourself.

They're not giving up.


This is what I think is going on here.

The male that I encountered
while he was alive

probably had a fractured sense of self,

possibly having multiple personalities,

and when he died, they kind of separated,

creating many different entities.

So, if I'm reading you right,

is the headmaster and the tall
guy the same person but split?

I think so, yes. I do.

I think it's two aspects of this guy.

Even the elderly man
could also be part of him.

The thing is, is he'll do
anything to make you leave,

even if it is horrifying.

But what he was telling me was
that he was doing these things

to protect the families here...


Because he knew that these children

are here who mean big, big harm.

So, for him to appear as
your son's father makes sense,

because he's trying in his
warped way to be the protector.

But, you know, there
being living children here

is not an option right
now, as you are aware.

It's not a good place for
living people in general,

but very much children.

Well, Shanan, it's very good

that you moved the kids out of here,

and it's even better that
you called us in, all right?

You weren't over-reacting.

Obviously, your sister was in danger.

The big question is,
can she stay here safely?

For that, I'm gonna turn it over to Amy.

Initially, I was thinking
about an exorcism.

But since he's trying to make up

for the evil he's done in the past

and protect you from these things here,

I want to try something else first.

So you need to bring in a chaos magician.

A chaos magician uses anything
from religion, science,

to cultural traditions to
clear an area of the dead.

There's no set formula,

as they work on a
case-by-case basis,

but when they're done,

Krystal's home should be free of the dead.

So, everything would be cleared out, then?


Including the kids?


But I do have a concern for
you being here in the meantime,

because they're going to
feel extremely threatened

and very unhappy.

So basically you're telling us

she should go stay someplace
else till she gets this guy in.

I think you should, yes.

Would you be able to swing that?


You don't have to worry about that.

I just wish I could get
it started, like, tonight.

I will call him.

I'm concerned for Krystal,

as the entities within this house

pose a very real physical danger.

But I believe that if
she follows my advice,

she'll remain safe

and be able to lead a peaceful life

in the home she loves so much.
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