05x05 - Demon w*r - Toledo, OH

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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05x05 - Demon w*r - Toledo, OH

Post by bunniefuu »

Those creatures are here.

They can take your soul.

It was a man, but he didn't look human.

That had to scare the [bleep] out of you.

They have, like, pointed ears, sharp teeth.

Seems like she's possessed sometimes.

A lot of [bleep] pain in this room.

I live in constant fear we're being haunted.

What is going on here?

"You're mine. You can't escape."

My name is Amy Allan.

What's happening?

I see dead people.

It seems like a devil.

I speak to dead people.

He's pissed off.

And they speak to me.

I felt real fear.

But there's only one way to
know if my findings are real.

I think she's being m*rder*d.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi.

I'm a retired New York
City homicide detective.

Serial k*ller pops in my head.

And I know every person,
every house has secrets.

Nobody believes me.

It's my job to reveal them.

- Do you think there's still bodies there?
- I do.

But Steve and I never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

Until the very end.

You got problems. I got news for you.

When we uncover if it's
safe for you to stay...

This is our house...
whether they like it or not.

Or time to get out.

This is their house, the house of the dead.

I'm in the heart of the rust belt...
Toledo, Ohio.

I'm heading over to meet
with a woman named Angie.

She says everyone in the
family's being affected.

They're being pushed, scratched,
burnt, and even molested.

When I heard this on the phone, I got upset.

And I'm really hoping we can help her out.

Before Amy arrives,

I look for any leading information.

This house is filled with
photos and religious symbols.

Once they're covered or removed,

the location will be
ready for tonight's walk.

What the hell?

There's a male here who...

knows how it used to be and is disturbed,

so he's very much
functioning in that reality,

and he's angry.

He's [bleep] pissed.

There's something wrong with his head.


The head pain is so bad.

So, Angie, I'm glad I'm here

'cause you sounded pretty
upset on the phone.

just give me an idea of what's happening.

- We've been here about 12 years.
- Okay.

Shortly after we moved in is
when the activity started.

At first, it just started out as noises.

It increased to apparitions.

It's getting now to the point
where it's getting violent.

We've had a couple of episodes
where we've been burned.

We've been scratched,

we've been pushed, we've been shoved.

I live in constant fear here.

Who do you live here with?

I live here with my partner, Leslie,

my daughter, Maggie,

and my 2-year-old grandson, Nathan.

Oh, he's precious.

It seems like it got
worse after he was born.

- Is he being affected by this?
- He is.

We were sitting in the living room,
watching TV.

He was sitting on the floor,
playing with his toys,

and we seen him literally
lift up off the ground

and was shoved a good foot and a half.

I fear greatly for him

because he's unable to protect himself,

and I feel like we can't protect him,

- Why don't you just move?
- We're into it financially.

We put all of our money
into buying this home,

and we can't afford to move.

Do you know any history of the house at all?

Me, personally, no.

I don't know any history of the house.

Have you ever had paranormal activity

- prior to moving into this house?
- Never.

- I was never a believer.
- What about now?

I believe it wholeheartedly.

We're being haunted.

There's something here,

and it came in through the front door.

These things...
they look like little [bleep] demons,

and they're getting too out of hand.

That's what this older dude was saying.

And he says, "I can't handle that.

"I can't get involved in that.

I can't do anything about that."

Things have just gotten too bad.

He can't fight anymore
because they're gonna get him.

They can take your soul.

Okay, what's going on in here?

I've seen various apparitions in here.

There was an older gentleman I seen in here,

wearing kind of like a suit.

Grayish hair.

He startles me at first,
but he doesn't seem threatening.

what time period do you think he's from?

I would say early 1900s.

If you saw a photo,
would you be able to identify him?

I would.

Now, what else are you seeing in here?

One time in the stairwell,

there was an apparition of a little boy.

Can you describe him?

He appeared to have been in a fire.

He had a burnt face, burnt arms.

Angie, I got to do my due diligence and ask

questions you're not gonna like, but...

Okay. Medications? Alcohol abuse?

Anything that may cause you to hallucinate

and see these things?

No, sir.

- I seen one other one.
- What's that?

This one bothers me
'cause it really scared me.

It was a man, but he didn't look human.

He was in the mirror.

He had two horns off the top of his head.

Big teeth.

I would say at least 6 foot,

and I seen him kind of let out a growl,

and it came right at me.

"Foof," right through me,

and I immediately broke out into tears,

felt like I was gonna faint.

I was sick to my stomach.

- That had to scare the [bleep] out of you.
- It did.

All I can tell you, Steve,

it was the scariest thing
I've ever seen in my life.

Those demons...
they are very [bleep] weird-looking.

They kind of have, like, bat faces.

They have, like, pointed ears, big eyes,

sharp teeth,
kind of centered on this female.

Okay, what's going on in here?

I've had things move around in the room.

I've had my glasses moved.

You sure it's not your
grandson maybe playing games

or just moving stuff on you?

Probably not.

He's two, and most of it's up high...

the stuff that's moved...
and I put my glasses up high,

- so no, it's not him.
- All right.

Anything else?

I was laying in bed, sleeping one night,

and I had a physical presence come over me.

I felt like I was being pinned to the bed.

My shirt was pulled up around my chest area.

- Okay.
- I felt like I was being

physically assaulted at the moment.

Talking about sexually assaulted?

Yes, sir.

I just remember feeling... violated.

I was just crying.

Okay. So, how long did it last?

It seemed like it lasted forever,

but I started praying,

and within a couple of minutes, it stopped.

There's a lot of things

that went on up here.

There's, like, panic.

Oh, geez.



I am seeing a woman.

She's being...

physically att*cked by nothing... like,

What the [bleep] is going on here?

She's not the only one.

Holy [bleep]

This is, like, one of the worst rooms.


There's definitely an agent here

who's [bleep] very unhappy

and not stable and lashing out.

It's a poltergeist.

Maggie, I was talking to your mom,

and she was telling me about everything
that's going on in the house.


- Now, this is your son's room?
- Yes.

your mom said she actually saw him

get picked up and kind of thrown or pushed.

Yeah, it has happened.

He was playing in his room.

I was cleaning up,
and I heard him hit the ground,

and when I came into his room,
he was flat on his back,

and his face was bloodshot red.

- Now, was there anything he
could have jumped off of? - No.

He wasn't climbing on anything.
He didn't trip over anything.

As a mother, I know his cries,

and it was definitely something
I've never heard before.

Okay, so, this was a terrifying cry?

this was... he wanted to get out of here.

Something scared him.

Okay, anything else going on up here?

Yeah, actually.

One day, it was just me and him here,

and I came up to check on him,

and he was leaning out of his window,

throwing his toys out,
and this window's never unlocked.

There's no way he could unlock the window.

He can't open doors, like doorknobs.

I got really scared because he
could have easily fallen out.

- You said it's always locked?
- It's locked right now.

So, who would have unlocked it?

It's only me and him here,
and I definitely didn't do it.

- But it was closed when you last saw it?
- Oh, yeah.

And there was nobody else around?


That's a problem.

This is not good.

There might be someone here,

at a very [bleep] young age,

figured out that they were capable

of manipulating their environment,

and those are why those creatures are here.

There's a relationship there

between this thing and this living person.

The older man was trying to stop this,

then it changed, and now there's more.

There's more of them.

I was talking to your partner, Angie,

and I spoke to her daughter, Maggie,

they seemed pretty upset

- about the things that are happening here.
- Yes.

- I mean, she's your partner.
- Yes.

- I mean, she looks like she's taking it hard.
- Yeah, she does.

Hard on her and makes it hard on me

- to watch her go through some of the stuff.
- Right.

The fighting, and, just... it's hard.

- The mood swings.
- Especially Maggie.


I swear,
it seems like she's possessed sometimes...

just angry and mean and hateful she gets.

I don't like the drama.

Just want everything to go back to normal.

that brings me to a question I have for you.

I mean, everybody's experienced something.

- Have you?
- Yes, I have.

Okay, like what?

My cross on my neck got ripped off

and thrown across the floor.

- You mean, you had a necklace?
- Yes.

And it ripped off your chest?

Ripped off. Yes. Broke.

Thrown across the hardwood floor and slid.


It was strange.

- Strange? It's a little bit scary.
- Yeah.

- Was anybody else home?
- No.

So, what did you end up
doing when that happened?

- Did you get your cross again?
- Yeah, I sure did.

I picked it back up, and I said,
"You think you broke it?

You didn't 'cause I got another
clasp I can put it on,"

and I stuck it back on another one.

I don't know what my partner's gonna say.

She may tell you that whatever's here,
you can't fix.

You got to get the hell out of here.

I mean, how would you feel about that?

I'd probably get the hell out of here.

- You would?
- Mm-hmm.

There's the battle.

There's this [bleep] battle going on

between the living and these things.

Do you know what these things are?

I don't believe they were ever alive.

I guess you would call them,
like, some kind of demons.

They're kept out.

They can be kept at bay because
they respond to religion,

but it doesn't matter because
the poltergeist is always here.

There's a lot of pain in this room.

A lot of [bleep] pain in this room.

The living... they're fighting,

and they're crying, and it never stops.

These people...
what they're doing to each other, it's awful.

I can't stand it anymore.

Would you say it's dangerous
for the living to be here?

The house isn't the issue.

What is?

They are.

They who?

The living people.

Angie didn't know any history about her home,

so I made a few calls.

And a retired homicide detective tells me

a famous criminal used to live there.

He did some research into it for me,

and he found some information he says

will definitely help my investigation.

Well, Bob, thanks for meeting me.

- I appreciate it.
- Sure.

Now, you mentioned on the phone
there was an actual criminal

that lived in the property
I'm investigating.

Right. Yes, there was.

Clarence Brown had moved into
that home with his family.

He was young.

He was 17 at the time in 1930.

Of course,
the Depression hit the family real bad,

and they lost most of everything they had,

even though they had had a
lucrative printing business.

Clarence especially took it pretty hard.

He didn't think the government

put enough money into the local economy,

and he was gonna do his part to help out,

and he got this idea about
counterfeiting bills.

He kind of felt like he was a Robin Hood.

Here's a picture of him.

He was just a clean-cut,
ordinary-looking kid, you know.

Now, was he operating out of
the house I'm investigating?

He operated out of the house,
and then, I guess,

part of it moved over to
the family printing business

across the river on Huron Street.

How big of an operation
are we talking about?

Well, they got to the point

of being considered international.

There was a lot of their
money showing up in Indiana,

Michigan, the surrounding states,

Illinois, even into Windsor, Canada.

- So, who was all involved?
Was it just this guy, Clarence? - Well, no.

Clarence and Sherman,
his dad, and his brother,

and two other associates.

Okay, so, he basically ran it.

- Yes, he did.
- So, what happens next?

Eventually, he got caught.
They were busted in 1935.

They raided the Huron Street plant

and seized probably $20,000 there

- and a bunch of equipment.
- Okay.

That led them over to

the house that you're
looking into on east side.

Got another 6 grand there
and a lot of equipment.

A lot of money back then.
That's a lot of money today.

Yeah, in today's figures,
it would be about $340,000.

Now, when all is said and done,
how many people got arrested?

There were five total, yes.

It was Clarence; his father, Sherman;

brother Louis; and two other associates.

But when it came to trial,
according to this article here,

Clarence took the heat for the entire family

and got a 31/2-year sentence,

and he did about 21/2 years.

The older male,

I feel him very much
involved with the structure.

Do you know anything about
what he was like in life?

I would say that he was a...

no bull[bleep] kind of guy.

I would guess that he might have been,
like, a boss

because he's very much like,

"This is what's going on. This is what
we're doing. This is what's happening."

Does the old man interact with the living?

It think he's tried talking to them.

He's definitely trying to
keep these demons at bay.

I think he was also trying

to give warnings about what's going on.

Like, I see him talking to
somebody laying in bed,

trying to explain things to them.

So, he gets sentenced to 31/2 years.

- He does 21/2, and he gets out.
- Right.

Okay, does he go back to counterfeiting?
I mean, what's he do?

No, he gave up the counterfeiting,

moved back into your clients' house.

His mom lived there, too.

He got a job at a local printing shop,

and then he got married in 1940.

And this was the wedding
of Clarence and his wife.

And him and his wife had three little boys.

Okay, so, what happens to this guy?

Well, things went real
bad in 1948 initially,

when his mother died.

It hit him pretty hard.

Kind of started into a
downward spiral mentally.

- Did she die in the house?
- She died at home.

I have the death certificate here.

Okay, so, cerebral hemorrhages.

- So, it was a natural cause.
- Right.

So, what happens after that?

Things started spiraling downhill.

He was developing a real paranoia.

He was convinced the
government was out to get him.

They were spying on him.

He had pretty much
alienated his wife and sons.

It got so bad that she
actually had him committed.

They used electroshock therapy on him,

which apparently didn't help,

and it got so bad that she eventually

had him committed to a
mental institution...

where he spent the
last 26 years of his life,

dying at age 83.

This guy was the leader of a
pretty good-sized operation

early on in his life,

and he died, wasted down to nothing.

This guy is [bleep] sick.

Do you know how he died?
Something with his head.

He had a lot of pain in his head.

That's all I know.

He was sick for a long time. I know that.

This [bleep] so thick.

I don't know how they
[bleep] even stay here.

So far,
I've uncovered a major counterfeit ring

tied to my clients' property,

where the previous owner

was committed to a mental institution.

But I need to see if there's anything else.

Searching through old archives,

I find something I didn't expect...

a deadly expl*si*n that happened in 1898

right down the street from my clients'

I've called out a local reporter

who says it was one of the worst
accidents in Toledo's history.

This expl*si*n I came across...
what exactly happened?

So, there was the Union Railroad,

which had a grain elevator.

Here it is right here.

On the night of September 21, 1898,

25 people were working there.

They had just received a big
shipment of oats, and they were,

you know, processing these oats,

but they didn't have the
safety mechanisms in place.

So, there were highly
flammable dust particles

- in the air from this device.
- Okay.

And somehow or another,
these floating dust particles

got into the furnace,

which then exploded.

This is the aftermath.

This is the rubble from
the expl*si*n and the fire.


I mean, it just looks like

somebody dropped a 500-pound b*mb on it.

Oh, yeah.

Where my clients'
property is is pretty close.

What would it have felt like for them?

It felt like an earthquake.

It broke out windows.

It melted rail road cars.

Everything with a 200-foot
radius was consumed by flames.


15 people were k*lled.

- Two of those bodies were never recovered.
- At all?

they were just reduced to ashes.

One of the bodies that was never recovered

was the youngest son of the superintendent,
Mr. Parks.

Harold was 6.

And then, shortly after he died,

his 10-year-old son, Hamilton,

- also died as a result of the expl*si*n.
- Wow.

He also had his daughter,
Grace, a 19-year-old,

who died a day after the accident.

That's a real tragedy.

One of the headlines referred to it

as "The Holocaust at Toledo."

I'm seeing people running.

They're screaming.

I'm just getting a lot of physical trauma.

It was something that was huge.

Something unexpected, something very big.

Getting a big accident.

Like a building collapsing on them.

There were several entities
that stood out during my walk,

but what has me the most concerned

are the demon creatures
tormenting the living.

There were three or four
that came from the closet,

and there was a small kid,

and one of them was standing behind him.


The nose was kind of like a pig's nose...

and it had, like, fangs.

- What about the build?
- Very thin.

Longer than the average arms.

Is this what you saw?

Yes, that's what I saw.

Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal our
findings to each other

and our clients for the first time.

Amy, I'd like you to meet

the three ladies that live in this house.

This is Maggie.

This is Angie, Maggie's mom,

and this is Leslie, Angie's partner.

All three of them are
having a tough time here,

and they've experienced a lot,

but the main reason we're here

is for Maggie's 2-year-old son, Nathan.


Now, the ladies don't think
it's safe for any of them,

but they're more concerned for him.

So, now that Amy knows a little
bit about what's going on,

I'll ask her to tell us about her walk.

So, I was outside,

and I started seeing all
of these dead people.

They were not looking very good.

It seemed like some kind of major accident

that all of these people
had been involved with,

and they were in a lot of pain and agony.

It seemed to me like some kind of collapse,
like a building.

It makes sense.

One of the worst accidents
in Toledo's history

happened only half a mile
from your residence here.

It was an accident
involving the Union Railroad

where the grain elevator was operated.

This is what the factory looked like.

Now, back on September 21, 1898,

dust got into the boiler, and boom.

Huge expl*si*n.

This is what it looked like after.

It looks like a w*r zone.

28 people were in the building.

15 died.

Only 13 bodies were recovered.

Two actually just burnt to a crisp.

They never recovered them.

Worst part of this story is

the three kids that were
k*lled because they were there,

visiting their father,
who was the superintendent.

I saw a young boy in the staircase,

and he was burnt.

He was burnt all over.

I've also seen him at the top of the stairs.

Now, could these kids
have come inside the house here?


They're all over the neighborhood...
these people.

What else did you see on your walk?

I did meet an older male.

This individual has been trying
to warn you for some time.

He's here to protect.

He's been trying to communicate to you

via literally talking to you
or through dreams, as well.

- You told me about the old man, right?
- Right.

I often see him tinkering around.

We call him Clarence.

We don't know if that's his real name.

Where'd you get the name Clarence from?

I don't know. I just named him it.

I don't know if it came to me in a dream.
They've been talking to you.

You know what kind of guy
he was when he was alive?

Straightforward guy,
just told you like it was.

He liked to fix problems.

He took charge. He took control.

He was a boss.


I started to have...

extreme pain in my head,

and I knew that it was coming from him.

Well, I'll tell you a story

about a guy that lived in this house.

Name was Clarence.



- Clarence Brown.
- My God.

You didn't know that?

Okay, he was 17 years old
when he moved here in 1930.

Lived here with his father,
his mother, and his brother.

Father had a printing shop in town.

Depression hits, and they lose everything.

Clarence is a 17-year-old kid.

He decided, "You know what?

"I'm gonna start up a
counterfeiting business

right in the basement here and
in the shop in Huron Street."

So, he employed his father, his brother,

and they were printing up money

to the point where it got international.

He was pissed about the government

not doing the right thing
and helping the city.

So, he thought by making money

and putting it into the community,
it would help things.

So, it's 1935. The FBI busts him.

- They arrested everybody... his father,
his brother. - Oh [bleep]

He said, "No, no. It was all on me.

I'm the one that came up
with this whole scheme."

He took the hit,

and he did 21/2 out of 31/2
years he was supposed to do.

So, he gets out of jail, comes back,

and moves back into this house,

gets married to a woman named Florence.

And this is a photo.

This is him and Florence
when they got married.

They had three boys and lived here.

He goes straight, and he goes to
work for a local printing shop.

1948, his mom,

who lived in this house with him,
died in the house.

That's when his life
kind of went for a turn.

He starts getting mentally unstable.

His wife tried everything...

in and out of doctors,
electroshock therapy.

1971, she had him committed
into a mental hospital.

- He laid there for 26 years till he died,
1997. - Geez.

Now, that head pain you were talking about.

I have his death certificate.

He died of cerebral atrophy.

I got photos of him later on in life.

That's him right there.

- So, you never knew the name Clarence?
- I didn't.

You're not bull[bleep] me, right?

I'm not bull[bleep] I'm
not bull[bleep] you.

It happened, Steve.

He's been talking to her for years.

- You're pretty sure you met Clarence?
- Yeah.

I'm blown away myself.

Makes me very emotional.

A lot of issues were going on upstairs.

When I went into the bedroom to the right,

it almost felt like I was suffocating.

There's somebody in there

who's very unhappy and lashing out.

That person was a possible
poltergeist agent.

Their emotions were coming
out in a physical way

and affecting their surroundings...

objects moving without explanation

and possible harm to others.

Oh, my gosh.

That was my old room.

I have really, really bad mood swings.

I can just go from being really happy

to being really, really pissed off.

- Is there a poltergeist here?
- Absolutely.

Is she the living agent?

I don't know if she created the poltergeist,

but she's definitely feeding it.

It isn't a fully formed
entity at this point,

but it can cause a lot of chaos.

When I first walked upstairs,

I did see a woman get physically att*cked.

I saw her get lifted off the floor

and dragged across the little hallway.

She wasn't the only one
being physically harmed.

I was, uh... held down in the bed

and sexually assaulted...

in that bedroom.

I couldn't breathe.

I couldn't move.

I don't know how long it lasted.

It seemed like it lasted forever,

and when it was gone, it was gone,

but I was very sick after that.

So, was this poltergeist what
could have att*cked Angie?

Oh, no. That, I think, is something else.

The older man was telling
me that he had been fighting

for quite some time a particular entity,

but now there's more,

and he can't contend with them any further.

They're very strange-looking.

They kind of have bat faces.

Their mouths are kind of round,

and they have, like, very sharp teeth.

They have the pointed ears.

I do not think that these
things were ever alive.

I think they're innately, inherently evil.

One thing I noticed was someone was saying

some type of religious statement,

and it did make them back... back up.

So, for lack of a better word,

I would say that these things
are some kind of demons.

You guys say when you pray, it stops.

Oh, yeah. It does.

Also, the closet where I
saw most of these things

was in the smaller room upstairs.

That's my son's room.

Is it possible that he's seen them?



he used to wake up with
really bad nightmares...

and he's been pushed in his room before.

I did do a sketch of what I saw.

Oh, I feel sick.

Are you kidding me?

Oh, geez.

That's the thing that I see.

I did do a sketch of what I saw.

Oh, I feel sick.

Are you kidding me?

Oh, geez.

That's the thing that I see.

More than likely,
that's the thing that att*cked you.

The big question for me now

is are those things still in the closet?

Um, yes.

It's all right, baby.

I just feel guilty.

Why would you feel guilty, baby?

Just remembering him waking up and...

There's just been times

where I've kind of just put
him back to bed in there.

It just makes me feel guilty.

When I went into the child's room,

I became very upset.

The child in that room
had very strong abilities.

That child comprehended very quickly

that he had these abilities,

was able to manipulate his environment,

and therefore,
began attracting the other demons to come.

These things are extraordinarily dangerous

and that the older man is very concerned

and feels that they are
here to take... souls.

But their goal, really, is to...
possess him

so that they can

basically be able to function
through him to do harm.

All the things that
have happened to your son,

him getting pushed and thrown,

that would have been from these things?


I worry about the baby.

Doesn't make me feel too
good about staying here.

I'll tell you that.

What do we do? That's what we need to know.

What do we do?

I know this is not what
you wanted to hear tonight.

At least you know what's
going on in the house now.

The big question is, though,

can you still stay here
and raise Nathan safely?

For that, I'm gonna turn it over to Amy,

and hopefully,
she'll have an answer for you.

It seems to me that what's
basically going on here

is that this older man is reaching out

because he really feels
like he failed his family,

and I think he wants to protect Nathan

because he sees history repeating itself.

I think that the first thing

that needs to be done immediately

is the contact of a priest
or a demonologist...

someone who can perform
an exorcism on the home

and the property

that is just to be directed towards

the negative demonic
entities that are present.

I want this exorcism

to not incorporate the older man at all,

so that needs to be stated to
the priest or demonologist.

The second thing that needs to
be done as soon as possible...

take Nathan to a child psychologist

for a behavior observation.

Once that's done,
give it about two or three weeks.

Really pay attention to his behavior.

If it improves substantially,
everything's good.

If it does not,

then he, as well,
would need to be, uh, exorcised.

And that would have to be
done only by a priest.

The issue with the older male...

one night, Angie,
I want you to go and lay in your bed.

I want you to ask Clarence to come to you.

Let him know that his work is done,

that he did a good job,
and it's time for him to go.

Concerning the poltergeist phenomenon,

Maggie should take up a physical
but gentle form of exercise,

such as yoga, tai chi, or qigong.

This will help you to learn
how to control your abilities.

It'll also serve as an emotional release.

You guys looked
pretty stunned when she said

the exorcism of the house,
but especially of the baby.

Yeah, I didn't expect that at all.

I didn't, either,
to be honest with you, so...

We'll do what we have to do to protect him.

If, God forbid,
he has to have an exorcism from a priest,

what would he go through?

Would it be simple?

I don't think that it's a full possession,

so it would be fairly quick.

He probably wouldn't even
fully register what's going on.

He'd probably think that this person

was just praying over him,

so I don't think it would be

psychologically damaging in any way.

That's tough advice that she gave you,

and if, God forbid, he needs an exorcism,

- are you gonna go through that?
- Yeah, we have to.

I don't want to, but I will.

There are several dead
people on Angie's property,

but the demons inside
pose the greatest threat.

I believe if they follow my advice,

they will free their home
of the evil within it

and be able to live a peaceful life.
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