05x10 - The Cursed Path - Roseburg, Oregon

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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05x10 - The Cursed Path - Roseburg, Oregon

Post by bunniefuu »

That's not good.

Something's attacking her.

Everybody's hearing voices.

Some living people have disappeared.

This is the victim that he m*rder*d.

I'm real sick in this room.

It's, like, trying to bite
my chest and my throat.

It definitely creeped me out.

The dead can go into the house.

I think that some of
them could be dangerous.

"You're mine. You can't escape."

My name is Amy Allan.

What's happening?

I see dead people.

It seems like a devil.

I speak to dead people.

He's pissed off.

And they speak to me.

I felt real fear.

But there's only one way to
know if my findings are real.

I think she's being m*rder*d.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi.

I'm a retired New York
City homicide detective.

Serial k*ller pops in my head.

And I know every person,
every house has secrets.

Nobody believes me.

It's my job to reveal them.

- Do you think there's still bodies there?
- I do.

But Steve and I never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

...until the very end.

You got problems. I got news for you.

When we uncover if it's
safe for you to stay...

This is our house...
whether they like it or not.

Or time to get out.

This is their house, the house of the dead.

I'm in Roseburg, Oregon.

It's about an hour south of Eugene.

I received a call from a woman named Lori.

Now, she takes care of
elderly people in her home.

She says the activity is
putting her patients at risk

and destroying her personal life.

She sounded really bad,
and I'm hoping we can help her out.

Before Amy arrives,

I sweep the house, removing artwork,

family photos, and personal items

to avoid influencing her findings.

When I'm finished,

the location will be
ready for tonight's walk.

Oh, boy. That's not good.

You know, there's a doorway there.

It's pretty long,
and it does kind of go pretty far that way.

There are things,

and there's also some kind of path.

Now, this is separate from this doorway.

There are dead people on it, walking.

I'm very concerned about the living people

wandering up in there and disappearing.

Like, where are they disappearing to?

Other dimensions.

Lori, I'm glad I'm here.

You sounded really upset
and desperate on the phone.

So, what's exactly going on?

It's really been tough here.

Um, in the last three years,

things have just gotten to the point

to where I'm scared to be here.

Now, who exactly lives in the house?

Me, my boyfriend, Devin,
his little girl, Cameron.

I have a picture of her here.
This is Cameron.

And I have an adult foster care that we run,

and so there's three ladies
that live also in the home.

So, they're here all the time?

All the time.

So, these people are, basically,

part of your family when you think about it?

Yes. They are.

I also have a caregiver who lives here

by the name of Julie.

Are they experiencing anything?

Yes, they're afraid to
even go to bed at night.

Everybody's hearing voices,

items moving on their own, apparitions.

Our health is declining here,

and our mood swings are elevated.

Now, how long have you been living here?

I grew up here.

I moved away when I turned 18,

and I moved back here about seven,
eight years now.

You know any history about the house?

Not really, I just know that the house

was originally about a mile north from here.

And here's a picture of the house

when it was first moved here.

So, the house has been moved? Yeah.

Do you have any idea why it was moved?

They had to move the house

to make way for the interstate freeway.

Okay. Now, do you know

if this is still on the original property?

Yeah, it is.

Okay, that's interesting.

Have you done anything in the house

to try to fix what's happening here?

I tried to sage it a couple times,
doing a blessing.


And that didn't really work.

What do you hope we can do for you?

The home, it means a lot to me.

I pray and I hope that you and Amy

can help us with what's going on here

so we can continue our business
and continue living here.

There's a barrier.

Someone's put up, uh,
protections around the property,

but, uh, things are getting in.

Because of the pathway and
the doorway in the woods,

the activity here is out of control.

Dead people and strange creatures

are walking in and out of this home.

So, I do think that they've
heard scratching on the walls,

people walking around.

Yeah, they've seen some weird [bleep]

Okay. What's going on in here?

This is where the business

and my resident and my caregiver live.

Okay. And this was here when
you lived here as a kid?

Yes, my bedroom's right
over here when I grew up.

Let me ask you a question.

Back then, were you having any experiences?

We had a few experiences.

My grandmother would see faces
or people looking in at her

through the windows and her door.

Just faces, though. Not a body.

How was her mind at the time?

She was fine.

All right. What else is going on down here?

Well, down here we hear,

like, footsteps upstairs when nobody's home,

voices, like, people talking,

conversations of people that aren't there.

Between how many people, you think?

- Two, three.
- All right.

I mean, TVs left on upstairs,
anything like that?

No, and we have banging
sounds throughout the house.

And it sounds like someone's picking up,
like, encyclopedias

and just dropping 'em, books just booms.

It's really crazy.

I mean, that's got to scare
the hell out of you.

Yeah, it does.

I'm seeing a creature thing, big and dark.

Looks like an animal,
scratching on the outside walls.

It's not very intelligent.

Uh... it's more like a moth.

Do you know where it comes from?

From that, uh, hallway.

Are the other things that
come out of this hallway,

are they like this one?

Uh, they're all different entities.

I think that some of
them could be dangerous.

What's going on in here?

It's almost like a struggle every day

just to be yourself here.

I think all of us happen
to have mood swings.

Devin and I,
we're having a really tough time.

It's just this rage that gets into you.

The easiest and simplest little thing

just flares him off or flares me off.

Now, these mood swings,
is it affecting your relationship?

Yes, our relationship's about done.

If we can't figure this out,
I think we're splitting up.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I mean, couples go through
that all the time.

- You sure it's paranormal?
- Yeah.

Since the activity has picked up,

we're not the same people.

Do you feel any better when you're away?

Yeah, I feel a lot better.

We don't fight, we don't argue,

we don't go into these weird rages.

Now, is anything else going on?

We're all getting very ill.

I'm just fatigued in this home,

and I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia,
lots of pain.

When you leave here, do you feel any better?

Yeah, I have a lot more energy.

I'm begging you guys to help me.

All right.

Hopefully you called us in,
in time, you know,

and we can get this fixed.

I hope so.

I'm seeing a living woman in here.

I think they are a sensitive.

I think they know it.

I think it's something
that is in their family.

If there's random dead
people that run through,

a person could pick up on that
and the feelings from that.

Being a sensitive in a highly active area

over time can make you sick.

Sick how?

Anything from flu-like symptoms to cancer.

So, Devin, I was talking to Lori

and she says you live here with her.

Yes, correct.

She also explained how both of you

have mood swings that are
causing a lot of tension.

We can just be getting along just fine,

and all of a sudden,

just be angry with each other for no reason.

But what makes you think it's paranormal,

I mean, couples fight.

Because of the way it escalates,

and the feelings that I get.

You know, it has a lot to do with the house.

I've sat down and had
conversations with Lori

about maybe it's the entity here.

I can feel the vibes coming off of it.

It's definitely gonna
get enjoyment out of...

of wrecking a relationship.

Have you had any experiences here?

Uh, just the cupboards being opened.

Lots of cupboards.

I'm thinking, you know,

Lori leaving the cupboards
again and it's not.

And do they lock in, or are they loose?

They do catch.

Do you hear it,
or you just go in there and you see it?

Just go in and see it.

Just after I just closed 'em.

- Anything else?
- Yes.

My daughter, she got pushed.

- She got pushed.
- Mm-hmm.

She was outside on the steps,
out there by the fish pond

- before the fish pond was put in.
- Okay.

And I was sitting inside the house,
and she ran in,

just screaming in hysterics.

And she's sure it wasn't one of the animals

- bumping into her or anything like that?
- No, no.

I know she's very well
stressed out about it.

She's very scared.

It's not fair. It's not fair to anybody.

There's someone with long brown hair.

I think it's a girl.

Something's happening to her.

Something's, like, attacking her.

Her arms, she can't lift them

because they are being held down.

I don't know what that was.

There was this weird
person that ran out of here

and then jumped out at me, growled,

and was, like,
trying to bite my chest and my throat.

They just ran... ran away,
and it was, like, out of nowhere.

It definitely creeped me out, though.

I've seen an apparition.

- Of what?
- Of a lady.

What kind of clothing we talking about?

Talking about the old... old school,
like 18th century.

You know, those old shirts
that used to balloon out?

- Puff... puff out, yeah.
- Puff out.

- That's what she was wearing.
- Okay.

Now, if you had to guess
on an age of this person,

what would you think?

Probably 30s, 40s, something like that.

Okay. So, not... not a young teenage girl.

Were you drinking the night before?

- Where you woke up a little hammered?
- No, no.

- Nothing like that?
- No.

Definitely more than one
entity that comes through here,

and it just seems like

spirits are trying to get to the other side,

and this is a go-through.


I think most of the activity
is coming from outside.

It's very unsettled.

There's a lot of traffic.

Dead traffic.

The house isn't in a good place.

The first hallway is here,

and mostly what I'm seeing
coming out of this end

are more creature-like things.

Things I don't know what they are.

Next to it is a path

that a lot of the dead people are on.

the ones that are consciously dead

will... will wander off the
path and can go into the house.

Julie, I was talking to Lori

and she says you work and live here.


Okay. How long has that been going on?

I've worked here a little over two years

and lived here about eight months.

Now, you've had experiences here?

Yes, I have.

The first one being a human bite mark

right here on my arm.

I woke up with it.

Okay. Was it, like, red?

Oh, yeah.

Just like little,
tiny... like a human bite mark.

Why did I get a bite mark?

You know, I don't... I don't know.

Why me?

I can see it upsets you,
just thinking about it.

It does.

You know, I'm not gonna leave, though.

I mean, I'm just... I won't.

Well, you take care of these people

like you're family to them.

They are my family.

Now, let me ask you a question, Julie.

Is there any place in the
house or anywhere at all

that you don't like at all?

Yes, the wooded area outside.

On two different occasions,

I've seen a light flicker
and it was black outside.

Totally dark, no lights.

I can imagine it gets dark here.

It does get very dark,

and this was very clear that it was a light.

I don't have a reason for it.

It's like someone stood out
there and lit a lighter.

It scares me, and I come in, you know?

But you did check the first time you saw it?

I did, and the next morning I went out

and looked to see if possibly

there was a cigarette butt, you know?

- Right.
- There was nothing.

There's this path next
to this hallway thing.

It goes this way, too, pretty far.

Also, I think that, you know,
sometimes, over the years,

some living people have gone
into this and have disappeared.

Somebody could just walk

into this hallway thing and disappear?

I do think so, yes.

So, where does it go?

I'd say other dimensions.

Where do those go?

I... I don't know.

I don't want to know.

I went through the property deeds

and nothing really jumped out at me,

but when I got in touch

with a local historian and author,

she said the story of the first owner

of Lori's property might help my case.

Well, Diane,
thanks for taking the time to meet me.

I appreciate that.

So, who exactly was the
first owner of the property

I'm investigating?

Rufus Beamon was the first
owner of the property.

This is a picture of him.

This is the documents showing his ownership

of 320 acres in... in the area of Roseburg.

Gosh, that's a lot of property.

That was standard.

And if you were married, you got 640 acres.


Uh, there's somebody on the floor.

Why is this person on the floor?

It's like something
paranormal happened to him,

and he fell down because of it.

So, that's where he went.

He just wants to show me things
that happened to him here.

He was haunted here.

What I saw so far was him being
in a chair and freaking out.

I don't know if he built this place

or if he's the first owner of it,

but he feels like that to me.

Now, Diane,
you mentioned that this guy, Beamon,

had an interesting story that may help
my case. What did you mean by that?

He participated in the
Rogue River Indian Wars.

What happened?

Settlers wanted the land,

and the Native Americans, of course,

were being shoved off their
land and kind of fought back.


The battle he was involved in,

called the Battle of Hungry Hill,

took place on October 31, 1855.

Where exactly was this battle set?

Just out of Roseburg.


A group of the Native Americans

had gone into the hills to hide.

One of the Native Americans situated himself

so that he was a sn*per,

and he started sh**ting the men
that were coming up the hill.

So now, how bloody did this battle get?

And the settlers and the militia

lost about 39 men.

The Native Americans probably
had 15 to 16 casualties.

This is the only battle that
the Native Americans won.

So now, did Beamon come out of this okay?

Yes, he did.

He returned home to his property,

and he lived on the land
for a few more years

before he sold it,

and then he moved up to Washington in 1861.

So, what happens to the Native Americans?

In April of 1856, they were all rounded up

and sent to reservations
up in Northern Oregon.

Okay. Did they ever come back here?

No, they never regained
their original lands.

Just recently, some archaeologists found

the original battle site and excavated it.

The man downstairs thinks

that it's all Native American curse stuff

because he says that up the hill there,

somebody did something bad to
their Native American stuff.

He says that they were doing some...
some excavating.

They were digging stuff up,
and that's what he thinks happened.

I'm real sick in this room.

Really, really sick.

Do you know if there's
something causing this?

Think that some of the physical ailments

is due to some of the activity here.

Real bad, real bad.

Really bad. Oh.

So far, I've got clients

being terrorized by unexplained activity

and a property that's
been the site of bloodshed

between Native Americans and white settlers.

But I need to see if there's anything else.

Searching through old records,

I found a man named Richard Brumfield,

who committed a brutal m*rder in 1921.

Turns out, he has a direct connection

to my client's property.

As soon as I found out a m*rder victim

was dumped on Lori's property,

first call I made was to the local sheriff.

He said it was one of
the most horrific murders

in Roseburg's history.

So, the articles I came across
show that a body was dumped

on what was once my client's property,

and it was a sensational case.

What do you know about the guy,
Brumfield himself?

Well, I know Brumfield

was a very influential
professional here in Roseburg.

He was a dentist that
moved here in about 1909

and was popular in all the social circles

here in Roseburg at the time, as well.

Okay. So, what do you know
about the case itself?

Well, let me show you something.

So, this picture here is of Dr. Brumfield,

the dentist and suspect
in this homicide case.

This picture here,
this is of the victim that he m*rder*d.

- That's William Russell.
- Now, who was he?

Well, William Russell
worked on a local farm.


The doctor was looking for
someone that he could k*ll

and use the body to fake his own death.

So, he murders this guy to
make it look like it's him?

That's correct.

What's the motive to k*ll this guy, then?

Well, Brumfield wanted to start a new life

with his mistress up in Canada.

How's he wind up murdering him

and trying to make it
look like his own body?

He ends up drinking with Mr. Russell,

feeds him some Strychnine.

That doesn't k*ll him.

He ends up having to finish
the job with a r*fle,

and he sh**t him twice.

He places his body in his vehicle here.

Dr. Brumfield placed him in that car,

he took his own ring off of his finger

and placed it on the victim's hand.


He actually removes the victim's dentures,
or his teeth,

and placed a stick of dynamite
in the mouth of the victim,

which ultimately exploded
and decapitated the body.

Then the car was doused with
gasoline and lit on fire

and pushed off the road.

Okay, so that's how this car winds up

in my client's property at that time.

That's correct.

This is the death certificate
for William Russell.

So, how did the cops wind up figuring out

that it wasn't Brumfield in the car?

Well, during the investigation,
the subsequent autopsy,

they found a document on the victim

in the name of Mr. Russell.

I mean,
this guy really thought everything out

except for that one little detail,
as smart as he was.

They always say there's at
least one mistake left behind

in a crime scene.

Did they catch him immediately?
What happens?

They start a search
looking for Dr. Brumfield.

They can't find him locally,

and they end up distributing wanted posters

throughout the Pacific Northwest.

How's he get caught now?

Well, he ends up getting identified

by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

- Up in Canada?
- Up in Canada.

Okay. So, they apprehend him.

They did.

This was a "News-Review" article

when he was caught up in Canada.

- I'm assuming he gets extradited down here.
- He did.

Okay. So, does he go to trial?
What happened?

Went to trial,
he was convicted of first-degree m*rder

and sentenced to death by hanging.

Okay. So, did they wind up hanging him?

Actually, before he was ex*cuted,

he hung himself while we
was in the Oregon State Pen.

Copy of the death certificate

from the Oregon State Penitentiary,

showing that he committed
su1c1de by hanging.

Someone keeps saying the word "predator"

over and over again.

I felt something bearing down on me,

and feeling like something really large

was behind me,

like, running after me.

Like, down the hill or something.

And then I hear that predator.

I encountered several
entities during my walk,

but two stood out the most.

First, the creature I saw
trying to get into the house.

It was kind of clinging to the house.

It has, like, these really long
limbs that end in these claws.

Did he have, uh,
teeth or fangs, specifically?

Yeah, a lot of fangs.

Next, I described the haunted dead man.

He's about 65, pretty defined square jaw.

His nose was pretty thin,
he had pretty narrow lips.

Is that who you saw?


Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal our
findings to each other

and our clients for the first time.

Now, Amy, I don't know
if you picked up on this

during your walk,
but this is both a home and a business.

Now, on this level,
Lori lives here with Devin, her boyfriend,

and his 9-year-old daughter, Cameron.

And downstairs, she has three elderly women

that she takes care of as patients,
full time.

They live here.

And you have a caretaker, Julie,
that lives down there also.

Now, there's a lot of activity here,

and Lori's afraid for
the patients downstairs

and she thinks whatever's here
is ripping her and Devin apart.

So, now that I told Amy a little bit about

what's going on,
I'm gonna have her describe her walk to us.

This is a very active area,
and some of it's pretty unusual.

When I came into the house,

I saw a male laying on the floor,

apparently dead.

He was being tormented by something,

and I thought that he had built this place

or was the first owner of the home.

He was convinced that he
had all of these problems

because he thinks there's
a Native American curse,

and he was talking about

how something bad happened to them.

But he kept going on and
on about archaeologists

or, like, students or something,
digging up stuff,

and that that's what caused the problems.

Well, it makes sense to me a little bit.

I don't know if it's
gonna make sense to Amy,

because the original owner of your land

was a man named Rufus Beamon.

Now, Beamon was granted
320 acres back in 1850.

And your house is right in the
middle of his original property.

Now, when you talk about
the Native American curse,

in the 1850s,
there was the Rogue River Indian Wars.

Beamon was involved in the only battle

that white settlers were involved in

with the Native Americans
that the white settlers lost.

The Americans had 39 casualties,

and I think the Native
Americans only had 15 losses.

Even though Native
Americans won that battle,

they all got displaced to Northern Oregon

and never came back.

- Now, you mentioned archaeologists.
- Yeah.

They just discovered,
only a couple of years ago,

remnants from that actual w*r.


So, Amy, do you think
this is the guy you saw?

I did do a sketch of the person that I saw,

but he looked much older.

You guys take a look. You tell me.


Look at the nose.
His hair's even parted right.

I've seen thousands
and thousands of sketches

during my time.

Between the eyes, the nose...
pretty damn close.

Now, do you think Beamon's your guy?

Very possible.

How did the rest of your walk go?

So, when I got here, I saw

that there had been a barrier
put up around the house,

which was actually a smart thing to do

because there is so much activity.

We have saged here before.

Have you done the outside of the house?

- Everywhere.
- Okay.

When I was walking around,
I went into the master bedroom.

And that's where I got a couple of things.

One was that you probably have abilities,

and that you may know it.

That it runs in your family.

And what happens is that

some of the dead that wander
about here will come in,

and they're curious about you.

And you don't know, inherently,
how to move them on

because you're not a medium.

You're a psychic.

Now, did you have any idea
you might be a psychic?

Yeah, yeah.

You didn't tell me that, did you?

I don't tell anybody.


'Cause I don't like it. I shut it down.

You know, some of the things I've seen,

I don't want to see 'em.

What about your family?

Did anybody in your family,

like your grandmother or anything like that?

My mom, my aunts, my great aunt,
all the way down.

Oh, interesting.

So, what else did you see?

Most of the activity that's happening here

is actually coming from two
different places outside.

The first one,
it looks almost like this very long hallway.

And what I saw coming out of it

was these really odd, mutant animals.

One, in particular, jumps on the house.

He would bang on the house,
scratch on the house.

Uh, there was some growling.

And he's been doing this for a very,
very long time,

trying to get in,

but he doesn't have the
wherewithal to get in.

Yeah. You guys were looking at each other

when she was describing,
like, the scratching

and all this other stuff.

Yeah, that's exactly what
we hear all the time.

Why are you shaking, Lori?

It's just overwhelming.

I did do a sketch of him.

- Of the creature?
- Yeah.

Oh, I got to see this.

The one that I saw.

That's the weirdest-looking thing...

What does it want?

He wants in.


What would happen if he came in?

Cause problems.


So much going on.

I have come out here,
and it'd be at nighttime,

and I can just feel the presence

of whatever at the time it was here.

Creepy, weird things,
like, were in those trees.

That part got me afraid,
and that's where into the lay...

"Lord Jesus Christ,
leave... leave us alone."

- Mm-hmm.
- "Just leave us alone."

Now, you said there were
two things in the woods.

What was the second thing?

The second thing,
which is very near to the hallway,

is actually a path.

And so, there were all these dead people,

you know, on this, going back and forth.

Literally, back and forth on this trail.

It goes right through, right through here.

And occasionally, some of them wander off

and they'll come through the house.

So, due to this... pathway,

there were three things that
I think can bother you guys.

The first thing is illnesses, definitely.

Nausea, flu-like symptoms, headaches.

And as sensitives,
this would be harder on you

than people who are closed.

She just described
everything you're feeling.

You haven't been well, right?

I mean, everybody in this house is sick.

You got diagnosed with fibromyalgia.


But the weird part is when they're not here,
they're okay.

You look like you got a headache now.

I just feel, uh, my energy level

has just totally been sucked dry.

Okay, okay. That kind of makes sense.

All right.


Because the dead are here,
and it zaps our energy.

And the second thing I was getting was,
like, mood swings.

One of the main reasons we
were called in by in you

was because you guys are
on the verge of breaking up

because of these mood swings.

That's a big factor.

It escalates to where we just
don't talk to each other,

and we're arguing for, like, the next week.

They feed off our negativity.

They want us to fight,
they want us to just destroy...

- Mm-hmm.
- our relationship.

It's not, like, a happy home at all.

The third way the dead can
affect you is very concerning.

Some of them can make physical contact,

and I did see a female asleep,

but there was a dead person
that was actually holding her,

pinning her down to the bed.

It was a pretty violent thing.

And then I actually had
one of the stragglers

jump out at me,

and he just ran right up in my face

and he was, like,
kind of aiming towards my throat

and chest area to, like, bite me.

I'm wondering if that happened
to be what pushed my daughter?

When she was out here at the stairs,
she came running,

"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!"

She was scared.
She goes, "I just got pushed."


I actually have a picture of his daughter.


Now, her caretaker, Julie, got bit.

She's been scratched, bit,

and she said that she feels
that there are spirits here

- is all she told me.
- Okay.

So, the scratching, the biting,
the pushing, and all that.

Is that all the dead people?

That could be, yeah. Mm-hmm.

The dead that are here, I mean,

is it a threat to them?

Yeah. But my biggest concern

is this in-between place, and the fact that

living people can, though rarely,
but they can disappear

into this kind of parallel dimension.

What do you mean by a different dimension?

That these things are coming
from parallel universes.

Can we take a little break?

Living people can, though rarely,
but they can disappear

into this kind of parallel dimension.

What do you mean by a different dimension?

That these things are coming
from parallel universes.

Can we take a little break?

You okay?

Yeah, I'll be all right.

I know this is tough,

especially because you got your daughter.


I'm blessed right now that
she wasn't here for this.

Lori, you remember the first time we spoke

and you said you were scared of this house?


Well, you had a very good reason for that.

But we still haven't answered
your biggest question.

Is it safe for you to stay here with Devin,

and your patients that became your family,

So, for that, I'm gonna turn it over to Amy.

I hate it when this happens,
and it rarely happens.

But in this particular situation,

this home never should've been built.

This area never should've been developed.

There is truly something
supernatural going on

that people, way long ago, before us,

knew and respected and stayed away from.

And, unfortunately, the white man came

and just obliterated those belief systems,

and the people who were
respecting those places,

we didn't listen to them.

With that being said,
I think you should move.

I don't think that anybody should live here.

I don't think it's safe for anyone

with this situation going on.

So, what do we do with the house?

I mean, nobody can live here.

It's a lot to absorb,

because I've got everything
sunk into this house right now.

Sounds like it's just gonna get worse.

If you were to stay, you'd have to sage,

like, twice a day every day

until you got a shaman

who was from this tribe that was displaced.

What that person would be able to do

is create a protective barrier,

but only for the house.

The problem is,
is that you'll be safe in the house.

But you're not safe outside.

You can leave the house,

things aren't gonna follow you in

because you'll have the protective barrier.

But there's things all the time out there

that could potentially harm you.

So, this guy, Beamon, that was the first...

was probably right about
what's going on here.

Yeah, yeah.

You think he brought it on,
or you think he just...

I think he feels guilty.
I think he thinks he did.

You know, I know the money
situation here was not good.

I mean, you sunk everything into this place.

I mean, what are you gonna try to do?

Do you have any idea?

I'm gonna have to get ahold of the shaman,
we'll start there.

I have sage in my drawer. I'll start saging.

We'll get through this,

and we'll get out of here
and we'll have a better time.

I mean, right now,
we're just living in our own hell.

You didn't think it was gonna be this rough?

I knew it was gonna be rough.

I just didn't know it
was gonna be this rough.

There's a silver lining,
you know what caused your fighting,

which caused you guys to be
on the verge of breaking up.

Maybe now you know why,
maybe you can work things out.

That'd be nice.

Yeah, I just got to get back to being myself again

and things might be better.

I really wish I had
better news for Lori and Devin,

but the activity surrounding
their home is so powerful.

The only way to ensure their safety

is to get as far away from
this property as possible.
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