09x11 - Making the Grade

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Heartland". Aired: October 2007 to present.*
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A multi-generational saga set in Alberta, Canada and centered on a family getting through life together in both happy and trying times.
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09x11 - Making the Grade

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Heartland"...

We all deserve a break. So we are going on a vacation to a place called the Dominican Republic.

I don't wanna go on the stupid girls' trip with you and Katie anymore.

The last thing I wanna do is spend any time with you.

So you think she ran away.

Well, it's something we have to consider isn't it?

(Traffic rumbles, siren wails)

(Crying) Mom?

Just tell me where you are.

I'm at Dad's.

I'm gonna be on the first flight there.

I'm Sylvia Pratt.


(Rings clink)

Georgie: I changed my mind.

I wanna come with you and Katie on that trip.

Just me and my girls.

'Scuse me. (Sheep Bleats)


(Gate clanks shut)

(Sheep bleats)

(Case clunks)

(Phone rings)

Hey! I was just thinking about you.

Oh yeah?


I'm looking forward to our weekend together, just us.

Me too.

Hey, I gotta get some paperwork done at the clinic first, but after that, I'm all yours.

Hey! Don't forget about that welcome home dinner that Lisa has planned.

Okay. I'm leaving now. I'll see you soon.

Love you.

Love you too. Bye.

Hey, Phoenix? Did you hear that?

Georgie'll be home soon. Yeah.

(Phone rings, Amy chuckles)


Uh, yeah, speaking.

Tomorrow? Um...

Is there any way we can reschedule it later?

No. Okay, that's all right. I'll be here.

Thanks. Bye.

You're going to a lot of trouble.

Well, it's a seven hour trip from the Dominican Republic, and it's a time change, and I don't want her to worry about feeding everybody.

Right? Uh-uh...

You know what? I need a sous-chef.

Tim: Okay, okay. Yeah, no, I'll be there.

'Kay. Yup, I'm... Mm.

How's Casey doing?

She's great. She's still on the road.

I'm gonna meet up with her in a few days.

What about the cattle drive?

We're gonna have to move that up.

Can you leave tomorrow?

That's fine with me.

Hey, you're not thinking of bringing the herd down to the fall fields by yourselves, are you?

Well, we could use a third.

And here is the solution to our problem right here.

What problem is that?

Change of plan.

We're moving the cattle drive up. We need you tomorrow.

Wait. Tomorrow?

Okay, a little warning would've been nice.

I have a delivery, and besides, Ty and I were finally gonna spend some time together.

So you're just gonna send me out there alone, with an arthritic old man and an untested horse?

What's my horse got to do with this?

Well, we have no idea how he's gonna react to open country, a herd of cattle.

Come on, I need a team I can rely on.

Buddy and me will be just fine.

Yeah, but if you aren't, I gotta pick up the slack.

I-I-I need that beaten to a soft peak meringue, thank you.

Yeah, light and airy.

Here, then.

You know all about hot air.

You know what? I have another idea.

You stay here and do whatever it is you have to do and Ty can join us!

It's about time he took part in the Fleming-Bartlett traditions, don't you think, Jack?

Took a little more responsibility around here.

Okay, I will talk to him.

Lisa: Ooh! They're here!

Jack: So? How was it?

Lou: Great!



I'm glad you're back.

Amy: Hey!

Georgie: Hi!

I was snorkeling!

You were snorkeling?!

It was amazing! A sea turtle swam up right next to me!

No way! Weren't you scared?

No, it was awesome!

Katie: It was great!

I'll take this and this.

Thanks, Grandpa.



It was perfect.

A few days to just be together as a family.

(Sighs) We needed it.

I can't believe it went by so fast.

(Laughs) Hey, welcome back!



Hi, Remy!

I missed him so much.

He's pretty much back to normal.

He got lots of exercise while you were gone, but I know he missed you too.

Too bad I'm not gonna have much time to spend with him over the weekend.

I have to study all afternoon tomorrow with Adam.

Well, I have the morning off.

We could go for a ride first thing if you like?

Really? Yeah. Sounds like a plan.

Okay. You coming in for dinner?

Yeah. I'll be there in a minute.


(Truck rumbles)

(Engine shuts off, door clicks open)

Hey! (Laughs) Muah!

All right, I am almost a free man.

I just have to finish up at the clinic tonight, and then it's just you and me.

Yeah. I'm actually gonna have to talk to you about that.

Tim: Okay. Come on. Go on, go. Hey!


She told you yet?



(Amy sighs, door bangs shut)

Told me what?

Making the Grade

♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪

Okay, well, I was kinda looking forward to our weekend together.

Yeah, me too. But they need your help, and my dad really wants you to come.

Oh, right.

He'll never actually admit it, Ty, but he wants you there.

I think he just needs a flunky.

(Laughs) That's not true, okay?


Not totally.

He wants to involve you more in the family business.

More like he wants to give me a hard time.


He's good at it.

He gives everyone a hard time, you know that.

I know. I know.


Fine, I'll do it, but I'm not doing it for your dad.

Okay. I'll make it up to you. (Giggles)

So Scott and I got the contract at the Hudson Corn Maze, so I was at the petting zoo all day vaccinating animals.

Jade and I have been meaning to check the corn maze out.

Well, you better do it soon 'cause the season's almost over.

Maybe I'll call her after dinner.

Maybe we can go tomorrow.

Lou: Yeah, don't forget you have a math tutoring session.

I know. How could I forget? I have a test Monday.

Talk about ruining my vacation buzz.

So, Mommy, is it okay?

Lisa, are you sure about this sleepover?

I mean, we just got back.

Absolutely! I'm Looking forward to it.

Okay. Well, I guess it'll give me a chance to get caught up.



Well, everything's running smoothly at Maggie's, and nobody's at the Dude Ranch this weekend, so I think you should just relax and ease back into it, Lou.

Ty, I know you two had other plans.

Are you okay to come on this cattle drive with us?

You bet. It's not a problem.

Well, good. It'll be good to have you along.

Hey. Are you as jet lagged as I am?

No, I slept on the plane.

Smart. Is this dirty?



Jade and I are going to the corn maze tomorrow night.

Oh, I don't know, Georgie.

Why? It closes at nine. It's not gonna be that dark!

We'll see. (Cell phone rings and buzzes)


You can't keep avoiding his calls forever.


I know, but I just... I don't know what to say.

Well, I've told him that you're processing and he knows you're upset, but he really wants to talk to you.

Does anyone else know about "the girlfriend"?

No. I haven't mentioned it to anyone.

It's not really anyone's business.

Step up. That a boy.

(Horn blasts)

Okay, okay, Dad!

Can you just give him a break?!

Ty was in the clinic late last night.

Does that look like my problem?

(Frustrated sigh)

(Trailer door latches)

Here's some coffee.

Oh, look at that. Thank you.

C'mon, let's go! We're already behind schedule.

(Sighs heavily)

(Light kiss)

I love you.

Love you too. See ya.

Looks like you'll need that more than me.

Come on, come on! (Engine starts)

Have fun!

(Truck rumbles away) Tim: Buckle up, boys!

(Sighs) Should we bring Mr. Turtle?

Now, you are gonna be there overnight.

You understand, right?

Are you sure you're okay with this?





Hello, hello!

I'm ready!

You're ready? Good thing!

Now, I can pick her up anytime, day or night, if she gets scared, or...

Oh no, don't worry.

I mean, if that happens, I'll bring her back myself.

And this is for you.

What's this?

Well, it's your first night off, so I want you to enjoy it and not worry.

Yeah, easier said than done.

Well, you know what?

The girls are gonna have more and more plans as time goes by, so this is a good trial run for you!

(Laughs) Bye, Sweetheart!


(Rooster crows)

You guys haven't left yet? Adam's gonna be here soon.

Yeah, we won't be long.

Just getting tacked up now. I have to get back too.

I uh... I ordered a chair and ottoman for Ty's birthday.

It's being delivered this afternoon.

Ty's birthday isn't for a while.

Yeah, but I found a k*ller deal online so I figured I'd jump on it.

Where are you gonna put it?

Mm... You know, try a few different spots, see what works.

Amy, I'd love to help if you...

Oh, that's okay. I'd rather do it by myself.

Make the space our own, you know?

Thanks for the offer though.

I was worried about him on vacation.

From the photos, it looks like you didn't have a care in the world.

Katie and I had a blast.

Not Lou?

Um... her too, I guess.

I shouldn't say anything. She says... it's not really anyone's business.

What isn't?

(Sighs) Can you promise not to say anything if I tell you something?

Yes. You know that.

You know what? No, I... I shouldn't say.

Georgie, now you have to tell me.

Okay, fine. When we were in Vancouver at Dad's condo, we met his new girlfriend.

Are you kidding me? A girlfriend? (Sighs)

That must have been awkward.

Yeah, big time.

Lou's pretending it's not happening, but I can tell it's driving her crazy.

(Phone chimes) Oh.

Adam's on his way. I should go.


(Clucks her tongue)


(Truck rumbles to a halt)

(Doors open)

Next time, I'm driving. That was brutal.

(Grunting) Ooh.

(Door clicks open)

Wakey, wakey! Beauty rest is over!


(Pouring coffee)

Ugh. Is there any coffee left?

(Spills Coffee)

No! Snooze, you lose.

Ty: (Grunting) So what's the plan?

Tim: The plan is to head up into the high country and bring the cows down, and we'll camp here for the night.

We'll do the final push tomorrow.

But first, you have to unload the horses.

Well, what're you gonna do?

The trail boss supervises.

I'll be supervising.

All right, let's do this!

(Door bangs shut)

(Hooves thud)

Uh, thanks. There you go.

So where's it going?

Um, hi.

Sorry, if you could take it into the barn, just on the second floor, that would be great.

Lou, um, I know I said I... I didn't need your help, but decorating is really more your kind of thing and... if you're free...?

Amy, of course, I'm free!

Okay. See you in a bit?



(Sighs) What's taking so long? How'd I do?

(Adam sighs, cell phone chimes)

You obviously retained some of the material we were working on before you went away.

You solved eight out of ten problems correctly.

Seriously? That's awesome!

It's okay.

What's up with you? You've been in a bad mood since you got here.

I'm not paid to be in a good mood.

I'm paid to tutor you... and obviously it's working.

Maybe I should refocus some of that energy on my own work.

Look, if you don't wanna do this, then quit.

It's fine by me.

No, it's not that.

I bombed a test.

Wait, you? You bombed a test.

How bad was it?

Oh, you know. Just the worst grade of my academic career.

B plus.

I would k*ll for a grade like that.

Yeah, well, we're different.

It's cool that you're all focused on getting good marks and stuff, but... you need to get over yourself.

You take things way too seriously.

Thanks for the pep talk, I feel so much better now.

You need to just... do something fun.

Like what?

Like check out the Hudson Corn Maze Jade and I are going to tonight.

It's lame. I could find my way out of that stupid maze no problem.

Doubt that.

Prove it.

(Cattle moo)

(Whistling) Ha!

Come on now! Get up!

(Whistling) Ha!


Ha! Let's go!

(Whistling) Come on! (Mooing)

Get up, cows.

Tim: Hey!

Hold up, hold up, hold up, guys. Whoa.

Does that little steer look a little lame to you, Ty?

Uh... I don't think so. It looks fine to me.

Jack, what do you think?

Yeah. I think it's worth taking a closer look.

Yeah, I-I think so too.

(Hooves thunder)

(Rope whooshes)

(Steer bellows)

(Hooves thud)

Tim: Okay, come on, come on! Get in there.

(Steer bellows)

Hey! Wait!

(Struggling grunts) Get him down!


(Steer moos)


I think that calf's all right.

I don't think there's anything wrong with him.

(SUV rumbles to a halt)

(Doors bang shut)

So what time is Jade supposed to here?

Uh, soon. You don't have to stay.

Look, they have maps!

We won't need it.

Don't stay out too late, okay? And stay in touch.

I'll just be in the loft with Amy, if...

Yeah. You said it like three times.

Okay. And Adam, do you have a ride home?

Yeah, his dad's gonna take him and Jade will drive me.

Are you sure?

Yeah, we'll be fine.

You don't have to worry.

Okay. Well... have fun.


Don't you think we should wait for Jade?


(Engine starts, SUV rumbles away)



Come on, come on, cows! Come on!

That's right. That's right!

All right.

Come on!

Let's go!

Come on!

Yep! Come on, cow!

Tim: Outside! Ty!

Ty: Yup.


Yup, yup.

(Grumbles under his breath) Damn longhorn.

(Buddy grunts, agitated)

Jack: Whoa! Whoa! Easy, easy.

Hold on!

Easy! Whoa! Easy, easy.

(Buddy grunts, agitated) Easy now. Easy now.

Easy! Easy! Easy!

I don't wanna hear it!

He's a little chargy. We'll work it out.

I wasn't gonna say that at all.

That horse is doing great!

I told you he'd be fine.

Fine? Are you kidding me?

Wow. He knows what he's doing.

Are you sure he's not too much for ya?

What's that supposed to mean?

Well, I mean he's fast. He moves well.

Look at him.

That's a lot of horse for an old fella.

Maybe too much, right?

Just saying.

(Whistles sharply) Come on!

(Box thumps)

Wow, Amy, it's beautiful.

Ty's always wanted a leather chair.

Well, I think he's gonna love it.

I stopped at Maggie's on my way home.

Got us some chicken, and... Lisa gave me this.

That was nice of her.

So? What did you have in mind?

Well, I was thinking of maybe... over here, with like a side table and a lamp.

Mm-hmm. Okay.

Well, let's have some fun with it, because wherever you decide to put it, I have a feeling it will never be moved.

What is that supposed to mean?

Come on, Amy. You're like Grandpa. You hate change.

Excuse me! That's not true!

What do you call all this? (Laughs)

Mazes date back four thousand years to the time of Greek myths.

(Cell phone chimes)

They were found in artwork, floor designs, pavement in streets.

Jade's not coming. She has to help her mom with something.

I'll call Lou to give us a ride.

My dad can drive you home.

Oh, okay.

So? It's time to prove you can get us outta here.

Want some?

Nah. If a husk gets stuck in between your teeth, it can irritate the gum tissue, which can attract bacteria that can lead to tooth decay.

Well, that isn't bad.


What do you think?

Hang on. I'm just texting Georgie.

Um... honestly? I think we can do better.

Let's try it over here.

(Amused) Okay.

This is fun.

(Laughs) Yeah.

Just the two of us hanging out.

We don't do it enough. (Chair slides)

All right.

You know, I still can't even believe this is the same place.

What's crazier is that I'm living here as a married woman.

It still kind of blows my mind.

I get that. I'm still trying to wrap my head around all the changes in my life.

I mean, I've been married and separated, and now I'm a single mother with two daughters... who are both getting lives of their own.

Yeah, well, Georgie is a teenager.

I know, but even Katie is off on her first sleepover.

Okay, I think it's hardly time for you to be worrying about an empty nest.

I know, I just... I kinda feel like everyone is moving on without me.


It sounds like maybe it's time for you to move on too.

What do you mean "sounds like"?

Well, you never did tell me what it was like for you to be...

In Vancouver?

Yeah. I mean with... what happened.

Did Georgie say something to you about the...?

About the girlfriend? (Sighs)

Yeah, and I promised I wouldn't say anything to you, but, Lou, she's worried about you.

And so am I.

Maybe... maybe it is time for you to move on.

Peter obviously has.

You know, keeping it under wraps and pretending nothing's going on isn't the answer.

Have you... have you talked to him about it?

Of course I have, Amy!

How do you think I felt...

How do you think Georgie felt when this... woman just walks into his apartment?

But that isn't even the worst of it.

When I heard her name was "Sylvia,"

I realized that the girlfriend has been in the picture for a while now!

What do you mean?

"Sylvia" was supposed to watch the girls... my girls this summer in Vancouver!

Peter offered that up months ago.


It makes me sick just to think about it.

I can't believe that Peter would actually do that.

You can't believe it?

(Sips wine, Amy sighs)

Lou, I am sorry. This really sucks.

But you still have a full life ahead of you. You're young...

I'm not as young as "Sylvia".

You know, she's a younger, prettier, more stylish me!

She's Lou two point oh.

You know, it's not like I wanna get back together with Peter, because I don't.

It's just hard being replaced... especially so fast. (Sniffles)
(Grass crunches underfoot)

Go to the left.

Another dead-end.

I guess we weren't paying attention.

We just need to backtrack.

Or maybe we should've grabbed one of those maps, ya think?

(Cell phone chimes)

Is that your mom again?

Yeah, she can be kind of a control freak sometimes.

I guess we'll find our way out of here eventually.

Wandering through a maze without a plan is called the "random mouse" method.

It's inefficient, with no guarantee that we'll find their exit.

I'll get us out of here using the "pledge algorithm."

What's that?

You keep your hand on the wall and move in one direction until you hit another wall.

Then follow it. Count the number of turns you take, add one for the rights, subtract one for the lefts.

When your turn count is zero...

That's never gonna work!

You don't get it? Big surprise.

Just follow me.

(Cattle moo)

Well, not a bad day's work.

Yeah, don't get ahead of yourself. It's not over yet.

You gotta untack these horses and tie 'em up.

(Cattle bellow) Problem?

No. No, no, no. No problem. You're the boss.

Yes, I am. (Chuckles)

So when you're done, you can set up camp.


(Cattle moo)

Thanks, Ty.

(Hooves thud)



He's gotta earn his stripes, just like... you're no fun anymore.

Mm-hmm. Okay. I love you too, sweetheart.

Yeah. Good night! Sleep tight!

(Sighs) Sounds like Katie's having the time of her life.

You know, this worked out great that Ty was away just when this stuff arrived.

Yeah. You know, I...

I wasn't quite sure how I was gonna surprise him, but then the drive got moved up and it worked out.

Dad wanted to include him in a tradition.

I think that he's finally accepting Ty into the fold.

Hmm... Yeah.

That never happened with Peter and Dad.

They were just always at each other.

Don't let anything like that ever come between you and Ty, because Peter and I bickered about it at the end.

I think it was more than bickering.

It was more like all-out w*r.

You know, marriages go through rough patches, Amy.

It's to be expected. What you call all-out w*r, I call open, honest communication.

Remember that.

Yeah, well, Ty and I have that, okay, but we actually listen to each other...

Are you insinuating that Peter and I didn't?

(Sighs) It's so easy for you to say.

You and Ty have been married for all of five minutes.

I mean, Amy, you're still in the honeymoon phase.

It gets harder, trust me.

Okay, are you really one to be giving out marriage advice considering the circumstances?

I'm sorry.

No. (Wine glass clunks) You're right.

I am at the end of a failed relationship.

But on the other hand, that might just make me the perfect person to be doling out the advice.

This doesn't make any sense. I did everything right.

It should've worked.

Well, do you think maybe we should call your dad, tell him we're gonna be a little late.

No way! It's bad enough that I look like an idiot for getting lost in the first place.

I'm already in his bad books because of the B-plus.

Sounds like he's kinda strict.

Nah. He's-He's pretty great, actually.

He just has high expectations.

He's Hudson's new Chief of Police.

He doesn't ask for much. Just for me to be the best.

That's all.

If my parents expected me to be perfect...

They'd be pretty disappointed all the time.

Wow. I thought I put my foot in my mouth sometimes.

Yeah. I'm sorry.

My mom keeps telling me to think before I speak, but that doesn't always work.

Does it ever work?

I've got stuff with my dad too.

He's dating this new woman.

I found out right before I went on vacation and I haven't talked to him since.

That sucks.

So I guess your parents aren't getting back together.

No. As much as I'd love that, it'll never happen.

You're hungry? Now?

No, but I'm pretty sure we've been down this path a few times.

The popcorn will help us keep track.

The entrance to the cornfield is on the east side.

We should keep heading in that direction as much as possible.

Seriously? Your plan is to just Hansel and Gretel it?

You got a better idea? (Popcorn crunches)

(Adam sighs heavily)

(Bag rustles)

My dad will be here in ten minutes.

We'll never find our way out by then!

Which way?

Not sure.

That way has popcorn down it!

We've been down that path.

Let's try this way.

This is never gonna work. (Sighs)

I found the exit!

(Running footsteps)

(Relieved sigh) Yes!

You got us out!

We did it! We did it! We got out! Oh my God!

Oh my God. Um... (Vehicle rumbles closer)

Ah! That's my dad! Let's go.

Yes! Let's do that.

Okay, this should hold.

One down, one to go.

Where's the, uh, other tent?

What other tent?

You mean we're all sleeping in there?

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize the doctor expected his own quarters. (Laughs)

I don't, Tim. It's just gonna be a little... cramped in there with us three, but...

No, no, no... I... I get it.

If you're uncomfortable with it, I'll just... sleep out here by the fire.

Suit yourself. (Cup contents splatter)

Tim, you don't have to sleep out here. We can...

Nope! Forget it. I'll be fine... right here.

(Sighs) Okay.

Good night.

(Fire crackles)

(Owl hoots)

(Footsteps crunch)

Jack: Tim? What're you up to?

I just remembered...

I have got a single mattress in the trailer... that should not go to waste.

Sleep tight, fellas.

Ty: Seriously?!

This feels right, don't you think?





Georgie: Hey!

Hey! You're back!

Yeah, I just thought I'd check in again.

How did it go?

Is everything okay?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. I think I'm just tired.

There's tons of leftovers.


Uh, no, I'm... I'm good.

I think I'm just gonna head in and go to bed.

I'll... I'm gonna come with you.

No, no, no. It's okay. You can stay.

Are you sure?



(Loudly) Good night!

(Whispering) That was a little loud.


You know, she's been avoiding Peter's calls.

And now she's shutting herself off from me!

Could you feel that? I could...

(Crying) Everything would be different if that house hadn't burned down.

What house?

Are... are you talking about the Hanley dream house?


Lou, come on now.

That wasn't gonna fix everything!

You can't actually believe that.

You really have to face facts...

Don't you think I'm trying, Amy?

Don't you think... that-that this is hard for me?

I mean, can you imagine how I felt when this strange, young... young woman let herself into Peter's apartment with her own key?!

She had her own key, Amy!

Yeah, because she is his girlfriend.

(Scoffs) Thanks... for clarifying that.

Okay, you know what? I...

I think we're done for tonight.

No. No, no, no, no, no, no.

We need to talk this out right now!

And that is another good tip for maintaining a healthy marriage.

Not that you're willing to admit that your perfect, adorable, aren't-we-the-best-couple-ever, look-at-Amy-and-Ty marriage is ever gonna need any help...

Okay, Lou, that's enough.

And it's a good thing that we aren't married because this conversation is over!

(Tent rustles, cows mooing)

(Struggling grunts)

Morning, Buddy, how'd you sleep, hey?

(Cattle bellow)

Where is that Longhorn?

Oh, there you are, you slippery sucker.

(Quietly) Yah.

(Longhorn bellows)

(Hooves thud)

(Hooves thud) Come on, boy, let's get him.

That a boy. We've got him now!

(Longhorn bellows)

Hey! Hey! Easy!

(Branches snaps, hard thud) Ugh!

You look horrible.

I know. I didn't sleep much.

Really. I slept like a baby.

Yeah, well, Jack snores, so.

I know. (Chuckles)

Where is he anyways? Buddy's not here.

Huh. Well, the longhorn's missing too.

That Longhorn, he is jumpy.

He doesn't like being penned in.

I'll bet Jack's gone to round him up.

(Steer bellows)

Hey, you got a lame steer right there.

For real this time.

That one?

Yeah, over there.

Huh. Well, let's take a closer look at him.

(Door slides open)

(Heavy panting)

(Mooing, squeeze chute clicks)

(Gate groans shut)

Yeah. Well, there's swelling up to the fetlock.

And the dorsal pouch is infected.

Foot rot.

You think it's infected the herd?

It's hard to say. I'll treat this guy, and I can check the rest of the them.

Okay, do that. (Steer bellows)

(Coffee sloshes)

Hey. You were pretty quiet last night.

Did you have fun?

Well, you already know the corn maze went okay, 'cause I had to send a check-in text every ten minutes.

Yeah, sorry about that.

I may have gone a little bit overboard.

It's all right. All right, I should go.

Hey, hang on one second.

How're you feeling about the test today?

Um... okay. I think a lot of this stuff is finally starting to make sense...

That's great.

I know you haven't exactly loved working with Adam.

Well, it-it's okay.

Well, you remember, before you started school, that I said if you kept your marks up we could revisit the issue?

Yeah. So?

So, if you do well on your quiz today, you don't have to keep working with Adam.

That is what you want, isn't it?

Uh... yeah. Yeah, totally! That'd be great!


Katie: Mommy!

Hey, sweetheart! Hi!

All right, see you!

Okay, good luck!


I thought you were taking her to kindergarten.

Well, that was the plan, but then Katie said she wanted her mom to take her to school.

(Gasps) You did? What's this?

It's me and you on the beach.

Oh, sweetheart, I love it!

She worked all night on it.

Come here. (Light kiss) Mm...

(Hooves thud)

(Buddy nickers)

(Struggling grunts)

(Struggling grunt and groan)

Hey, Buddy.

(Struggling groan) (Buddy nickers)

(Blows out his breath)

(Struggling grunt)

(Pained grunting)

That a boy.

(Lou and Amy sigh)

I'm sorry.

Me too.

I'm not sure I remember everything, but um... I know I got a little out of hand last night, so.

It wasn't just you.

We both took things a little too far.

I do really appreciate your help.

(Chuckles) Not just on decorating.

Honestly, Amy, you shouldn't be listening to anything I say.

About relationship, especially.

I mean, mine's over. So what do I know?

I'm sorry for how it came out last night, but I... I did mean it.

You need to move on, Lou.

And... I'm sure it's not gonna be easy, but nothing happens unless you make it happen, right?

So, what? You think I should start dating again?

Actually, yeah.

How's the steer holding up?

Well, it's not an advanced case.

So the antibiotics should do the trick.

(Gate chain clatters)

How 'bout the rest of the herd?

Well, I checked them all out and they seem to be fine, so...

(Chain clatters)

Good catch.


The old man's been gone too long.

And that hunk of junk cell phone of his.

What, no answer?

No. No, I think we should tack up and... and maybe we should...



Hey. Hey.

Hey, Ooh, hey man. Jack.

Hey, hey.


Shoulder! Shoulder!

Hey, hey. Hey, what happened?

I'm all right. I... I just need a minute.

Did this horse throw you?

No... No, I just wasn't paying close enough attention.

Hey, Jack, I can help you with your cuts, but you're gonna have to get checked out by a doctor.

I don't need to see a doctor.

You're gonna see a doctor, Jack, and you're gonna see one now.

Come on. Ty, stay with him.

Hey, sweetheart.


How did it go?

Um... okay, I guess.

They gave you back your marks already?

Yeah. Mrs. Haggis made us mark each others' exams.

Georgie?! Congratulations! Seventy-nine percent!

It's not too bad.

It's really good!

You know, you've worked hard and you don't have to keep working with Adam, if that's what you're worried about.



I just wished someone had called us.

I could've met you at Dr. Virani's.

Now there's no need to get all worked up about it.

I knew I was fine. Tricia confirmed it.

You know, the worst thing about all this... is I lost my favourite hat.

Really? That's the worst thing?

(Chuckles) Hey, it looks like he's on the mend.

Come here. There's something I wanna show you.

(Footsteps thump on stairs)

Happy early birthday!

(Laughs) Amy!

This is awesome!

I'm so glad you like it.

I love it!

Come here. (Laughs)

It arrived yesterday.

It was actually good timing that you went on the cattle drive.

Lou came and helped me set it up.

So... how was it, really?

Well, as I predicted, your dad was a bit of a pain...

Tim: Incoming!

Hi. Wow! Nice chair.

Planning on sitting there 'til the cows come home?

'Cause they don't actually come home by themselves.

All hands on deck. Come on, let's go.


(Gate clanks open, cattle bellow)


Amy: Get up! Come on!

(Sharp whistle)


Get up!

(Cattle bellow)

(Sharp whistle) Come on!

Come on! Let's go!

Come on, get on!

Come on, cow! Come on.

Come on!

Up! More outside!

Get up!

Hey, Amy?


There's something I gotta do.

I'll meet up with you guys later, okay?



Come on, cow, go!

(Cattle bellow)

Get up! Up, up!

I need to tell you something.

It's okay. I know that you told Amy about Peter's girlfriend and... well, you don't have to worry about me anymore.

I can't be mad at Peter.

I mean, of course he's moved on and...

I need to do that too.

Okay. Well...

I'm glad you're okay with the girlfriend thing, but that's not it.

Oh. So what is it?

I don't want stop tutoring with Adam.

Oh! Uh, why?

I don't know why.

Do you wanna talk about it?

No! At least not right now.

So... if you keep working with Adam, you'll still be able to focus on your work, right?


I'm just saying... maybe you have feelings for him.

(Cell phone rings)

(Sharp whistle) Tim: Come on, cow!

It's Dad.

Hello? Hi.

Well, Amy, I gotta admit...

Ty, he nearly held his own out there.

Seriously, Dad? Nearly?

Well, he hasn't got a clue how to wrestle a steer.

He can't even whistle. (Laughs)

But I'll tell ya, I enjoyed having him along.

Well, I think it's pretty lucky that he spotted that foot rot when he did, before it spread.

You know, that was more than luck.

And you know, he... he spotted that steer.

Thank goodness for that.

Hey! What do you got? No way!

Yeah, I found it.

You found it?

Yeah! It's a little worse for wear, but I got it.

Grandpa's gonna be so excited.

Both: (Laughing)

Hey, Dad, wasn't there, uh, something you wanted to say to Ty?




(Laughs) Ha!

(Steers bellowing)

Announcer: What does it take to be a rodeo star?

You didn't care that she was a great bronc rider, you just want her to be one of your cowgirl Barbie dolls.


It was more important to me to be respected by my peers.

I've got it covered.

Announcer: Heartland, next Sunday at 7:00 on CBC.
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