09x13 - Risky Business

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Heartland". Aired: October 2007 to present.*
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A multi-generational saga set in Alberta, Canada and centered on a family getting through life together in both happy and trying times.
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09x13 - Risky Business

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Heartland"...

Let's do it. Let's move in together.

I don't think you understand what I'm trying to say.

I wanna buy this place on my own.

Georgie: Yes!

Adam: You got us out!

We did it! We did it! We got out!

Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh... Um...

Ah! There's my dad. Let's go.


I'm giving you the horse.

You know it's not that easy.

I screwed everything up. I know that.

I loved you, I really did.

Yeah. I guess that's what makes this so difficult.

(Birds chirp)

(Phone chimes)

(Sighs heavily)

(Steers moo)

Tim: Jack, I'm gonna have to take off to the diner.

(louder) I'm gonna have to take off to the diner, I said.

You know, it's a heck of a week that Lou picked to go on vacation, again.

Good thing Casey's gonna help me out.

She's gonna meet me there.

Jack! Did you hear anything I said? Jack!

Did you lose something?

Yes, I did. My phone.

It's brand new. Lisa bought it for me.


You know, I gotta say, I admire the fact that Lisa's trying to at least bring you into the 20th century.

Don't you mean 21st century?

Well, she's not a miracle worker.

All right. Didn't you say you had somewhere to be?

(Amused) I do.

Oh God...

Lisa: All right. Oh... Katie, honey, all you've done is lick the butter off this toast.

That's 'cause I love butter.

Well, yes, I know you do, but then you're going to be hungry later.

And so I need you to come and sit down and eat.

Can I have butter on it?

No. You already licked the butter off, so come on now.

Good morning.


Come on, we almost have to go.

Hey, have you seen your grandfather this morning?

No, I haven't.

Well, he's supposed to pick Georgie up at the wildlife reserve, and I've been calling him all morning.

He won't answer.

Um... that's probably because his phone is right here.

What? (Laughs)

Of course it is... and it's not on. sh**t!

Lisa, I can pick up Georgie at the reserve if that helps you.

You look like you have your hands full.

Really? Can you? - Yeah.

Okay, great. Thank you.

And can you just watch her for a moment?

I have to go find her ballet slippers.

Yeah. Of course. Good morning, Katie.


Auntie Amy, can I please have some butter on my toast?

Yeah, of course. I'll grab you some.

Why would you wanna run for Class President?

Isn't it just a popularity contest?

I'd like to think our fellow classmates would vote for someone who's right for the job.

Especially if they care for issues like... extended library hours and more secure bike racks.

I think you're giving our "fellow students" way too much credit.

They're just gonna vote for Olivia 'cause she's popular.

I'm popular.

On what planet?

Olivia has her friends and I have mine.

Just because they're not football players or cheerleaders doesn't mean their votes don't count.

So you're actually serious about this?

I wouldn't be running if I didn't think I could win.

(Chain clinks)

I'll get started with those branches. Are you good with the feed?

Uh, yeah, j0ust be careful when you go over there.

Those llamas spit.

Actually llamas spitting at people is mostly a myth.

They're much more likely to spit at each other in order to discipline lower ranked members of the herd.

But Ty said...

It's actually quite interesting.

A llama's place in the herd's hierarchy is never static.

They move up and down the social ladder by spitting and fighting.

Wow. You sure like to hear yourself talk.

Maybe you should go into politics.

Thank you.

It wasn't a compliment.

(Llama spits)

Eww! Disgusting!

(Llama spits)

This is totally gross! What're you doing?

(Llama spits, Georgie laughs)

Are you recording this?!

I'm documenting llama behaviour.

This is not funny!

(Laughs) Georgie!

I thought we already had this conversation.

I thought you liked your bachelor lifestyle.

(Trolley rattles)

Yeah, but every man's gotta grow up sometime.

(Bell dings)

Besides, Case, aren't you tired of going back and forth between our places? (Bell dings)

I don't know. We've made it work this long.

Can somebody get that, please?

Yeah. Well, we've managed.

Yeah, and it's been good. But it could be so much better.

You know, last time we talked about it, you weren't ready, I wasn't ready.

But I think now, I think now...

(Bell dings)

I think we're ready. Please, will someone get that!

What do you say?

I say you should go get that order.

Okay. Will you think about it?

(Bell dings) Okay, okay! Coming.

Yeah! Give me this bell.

What does a girl have to do to get a coffee around here?

She just has to sit down and a waitress will be right with her.


Hey, Tim.

Risky Business

♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪

You know, I knew you lost money at the track, but... I never thought I'd see the day where Tim Fleming was waiting on tables.

I own the place.

Just... have to give these to these people.

Oh. Thank you! (Plates clank)

There you go.

What brings you here?

I was just passing through town.

You look well.

So do you.

Hey, Tim, do you know where these nylon halters go?


Oh, this is Janice. She is a, was a business associate of mine.

And, uh, okay, uh, Janice, this is Casey, she's my girlfriend.

(Chuckles awkwardly)



(Clears throat) It's, it's nice to meet you.

I was, um, actually just heading out.

Goodbye, Tim.

Uh, those... go at the back, just... at the way back.

Just make room.

If there's not room, make it.

Excuse me for one second.

Janice. Hey! Janice, come on.

Really, Tim? Business associate?

I panicked.

If you wanted a formal introduction, you could've picked up the phone.

Wait, you think I planned this?

I'm on my way back to Edmonton, where I live now.

All I wanted was a cup of coffee.

How was I supposed to know you bought the diner?

Cut me some slack.

You're the last person I expected to see today.

You're the last person I expected to see ever.

That makes two of us.

Well, just come back inside and we'll have a conversation.

What about your girlfriend?

Well, we'll walk.

Come on.

Janice, come on.

No, Lisa, I like my new phone.

I'm real fond of it.

You're so fond of it, you left it here this morning.

Yeah, it was tough getting up today.

I was still half asleep when I left.

I'm surprised I remembered to put on my pants, never mind the phone.

You seem to be heading to bed later and later.

Is everything okay?

Well, Tim's at the diner all the time 'cause Lou's gone.

That leaves me with twice the work.

There aren't enough hours in the day.

I'm getting worn out.

Well, maybe you should consider hiring someone to help you.

Not even maybe. I'm gonna do it.

In fact... I'm gonna use the phone my beautiful wife gave me to make a few calls.

I might even send a text.

Thanks for picking me up.

Hey, no problem.

You know, the one good thing about Ty being away for so long is I get extra time with my nieces.

Do you miss him?

Yeah. I do.

But I definitely don't miss his feet.


They're always so cold!

Even in July, when he gets into bed...

Don't tell him I told you.

Olivia: Hey, Georgie! Over here!

Ah... (chuckles) I better go say hi.

Yeah, I'll be inside.

I hope I can count on your vote next week.

Here, have an official campaign cookie.

They're homemade.


Can you believe Adam is actually running against me?

Well, you're not afraid of a little competition, are you, Olivia?

(Scoffs) Hardly. Like he even stands a chance.

I mean, who cares about library hours and bike racks.

I stand for important things, like making sure there are more stalls in the girl's washroom and banning all junior high boys from wearing cargo shorts.

I mean, why do they need so many pockets anyways?

Okay. Well, good-good luck.

Um, hey! Do you remember all those photos that you took while we were taking trick riding lessons?


I need them for my campaign website.

Just the ones that make me look super hardcore.

Okay. I'll email you the link to my public folder and you can pick the ones you want.

Perfect. And you don't mind helping me pass these out, do you?

Oh, well...

Thank you!

Hey, you guys! Do you want some campaign buttons?

So the ribs are on special and the soup is Moroccan chicken.

And the pie is strawberry rhubarb.

Who's Janice?


Janice. You know who that is?

Oh, um...

Because your dad introduced her as his "business associate", but I'm not really buying that.

She didn't really act like a "business associate."

So Janice was here?

What kind of business did they do together?

Um... horse racing. Janice was my dad's jockey.

So that's it? She was just his jockey?

(Awkward sigh)

Tim: Oh, she's beautiful. What's her name?

Sophie. We named her after Stan's grandmother.

Stan the father?

Yes, my husband.

Wow, you don't waste any time, do you?

I'm gonna pretend you said congratulations and that you're happy for me.

Congratulations. I'm happy for you.

(Small scoff)

I am. Janice, I'm happy for you.


You know, if it weren't for you, I never would've met Stan.



After you gave me Cisco back, I had to find someone to partner up with so I could still be a jockey.

So how is Cisco anyway?

Cisco is retired to a nice big pasture.

Are you still in the game?

No, um... I haven't jockeyed since the baby, but yeah, Stan and I own a couple of racehorses.

Risky business.

Yeah. Tell me about it.

We've got this new horse, Danger.

We had really high hopes for him.

But he hasn't even come close to finishing in the money his last two races.

When we first got him, all he wanted to do was win.

Now he could care less. I just... I don't get it.

Well, it's too bad. If he was with you here, I'd tell you to go see Amy.

Well, actually, I just came from a race, so he's in the trailer.

Well, then stop by Heartland, let Amy have a look.

Yeah, I don't know, Tim. Maybe we it's... better we leave the past in the past.

Janice, come on. We're adults.

We've both moved on with our lives.

You need to win a few races. Go see Amy.

(Truck rumbles to a halt, Remy barks)

Amy: Nice work! You're really getting the hang of this.


(Truck rumbles down driveway)

Who's that?

I don't know.

(Sighs) I think that's Janice.

What is she doing here?

Who's Janice?

She was my dad's jockey, and his girlfriend.

They dated for a long time and it didn't end so well.

Hey, Amy.


Wow! How long's it been? Three, four years?

Yeah, something like that.

I heard you got married. Congratulations.

Thank you.

And you must be Georgie.

Tim was just telling me all about you.

Nice to meet you. It's cool that you're a jockey.

Was a jockey. I'm more of a horse owner now.

Actually, that's why I'm here.


Listen, I didn't wanna take up your time, but your dad insisted.

I'm hoping that you can help me with my horse.

I know, deja vu, right?

Case, technically she's a business associate.

You can't just be up front with me about this?

Well, we were in business together and then it became more than business and then it ended.

The point is, it's in the past and what's important now is you and me.

Look, I'm not a teenager.

I don't need some platitude-filled speech about how I'm the only woman in your life.

I know that you've had wives and girlfriends before me.

One. One wife.


The point is, it doesn't scare me.

But next time one of your ex-girlfriends comes walking in here, could you just let me know who she is?

(Chuckles) I will.

I will. I promise.

You're amazing.

Aw. (Kiss)

Thank you.

Oh, and by the way, um, if we ever do break up and you introduce me to your future girlfriend as your "business associate," I will k*ll you.

Lisa: Georgie? (Knocking) You have a visitor.

Oh. Adam. We don't have a tutoring session, do we?

No. But I need to talk to you about something.

I'll be downstairs if you need me.

I know what you did Georgie and it's not funny.

What do you mean?

(Keyboard keys clack)

Adam in video: Ew! Disgusting!

This is totally gross! What're doing?

Over a hundred views.

Adam in video: Are you recording this?!

You must be proud.

I didn't do this.

You're the one who took the video. It was on your phone.

I know but I didn't post this. Adam, you have to believe me.

The one thing I've learned from moving around so much, is that kids are the same everywhere.

They're small minded and just plain mean.

Adam on video: Georgie, I'm not being funny!

I don't know why I thought you'd be any different.

Adam on video: Georgie!


(Sighs heavily)

Adam on video: Stop filming me!

(Hooves thunder)

So? What do you think?

I don't know. I'd really like to work with him another day.

Maybe take him around the track tomorrow.

Tomorrow, huh...

How long are you in town for?

Well, I was hoping to leave tonight.

(Sighs) Janice, there's really not a whole lot I can do in a few hours.

Well, could you just give me your first impression?

Sure. You said he's well bred, but you can breed the best with the best, it's not a perfect science, you know.

He can be big and fast, but if he doesn't wanna win, You know, that's the x-factor.

I know what the x-factor looks like, Amy.

You asked for my first impression.

I'm just being straight with you.

Danger doesn't have it.

You should've seen him before.

Okay, he had the x-factor in spades.

He wanted to win more than he wanted food and water.

How does that just go away?

I'd love to help you work with him, but I'm really gonna need more than a day.

Excuse me.

Olivia, how could you?! I didn't send you that video.

Yes you did. It was in your public folder.

I just clicked on the link you sent me and there it was.

Well, it wasn't supposed to be there. That was a mistake.

Relax, Georgie. Everyone thinks it's hilarious.

They're calling Adam llama boy!

You shouldn't have posted it.

I didn't. I just sent the link to Britney.

She thought it was funny so she sent it to Christine.

Christine sent it to Taylor, and then Taylor probably sent it to some other friend.

Who knows how it ended up online?

Take it down.

I just told you, I have no idea who posted it.

Maybe you should be more careful about which files you send people.

Somebody might take advantage of you.


(Cat meows) Lisa: Oh.

(Laughs) Uh, that's you... meowing.

Jack: What is that?! (Chuckles)

Amy: Uh... Katie was playing with your phone earlier.

She probably changed the setting.

That's why we don't leave it lying around.

Oh, it's a text from Caleb.

He said he'd help me out tomorrow, by the way.

Oh, good.

Hey! I'm not late for dinner, am I?

Uh, we weren't expecting you.

Casey's coming too. She just took her own truck, so she's a few minutes behind.


That is okay, right?

Yeah, it's just Janice...

Oh, honey, I'm sorry. I should've told you about her.

Did you look at her horse? Do you know what's wrong with it?

And that's the thing. I-I needed more time, so she agreed to stay in town for a few more days.

There's an empty cabin at the Dude Ranch, so she's... there.


And we invited her for dinner.

I'll just call Casey and cancel.
(Door opens)

Hello, everybody.

Hey, you're here!

Yeah... And look who I found.



Tim: Hey! Hey...

Janice: Dinner smells great.

Come on in. I will set some more places.

Yeah. Come in.

Just... (Awkwardly) Yeah.


Mm. My rodeo school is really doing well.

Classes are booked for months in advance.

That's so great, Tim. Really.

Yeah, yeah. Well, of course, I couldn't do it without this one here.

You know, she helps me With the school, but she also does all the scheduling, the books, the whole thing.

Well, I am glad that someone is keeping him organized.

'Cause back when Tim and I were racing, he could never remember the schedule.

I mean, I thought if we trained on the days of the week that started with a "t" you know, for training that that might help him remember, but nope, didn't happen.

(Laughing) He's the worst.

I tried to get him onto this online joint calendar thing an exercise in futility.

Well, he used to have a calendar on his fridge from 2007.

We met in 2010.

All: (Laughing)

It's still there.

No it's not!

I like the pictures.

Casey and Janice: Oh... (Laughing)

Georgie, you're quiet tonight.

How's everything? What's new?

I'm fine. Nothing.

Um... I'll get started on the dishes.

I'll give you a hand.

What do you say we have dessert in front of the fire?

Great idea. I hope everyone likes peach cobbler.

Janice: Sounds good.

You know, my dad was right.

You were awfully quiet at dinner.

Is... everything okay?

I think I might've made a mistake.


(Sighs) One of the llamas at the Reserve spat on Adam, and I got it on video, as a joke.

I bet he didn't think that was very funny.

Well, it gets worse.

I accidentally sent the video to one of the kids at school, but I swear I didn't send it on purpose.

Somehow it ended up online, and now all the kids are laughing at him.

The worst part is Adam's running for Class President and I totally ruined everything for him.

That's the problem with that social media, huh?

No one has privacy anymore.

Yeah, sort of like this conversation.

I know it's none of my business, but... what happened to your friend... might not be the worst thing in the world.

Listen, everyone likes a story about a long-shot racehorse who beats the odds and wins the race.

I mean, even if the other kids are laughing at him, at least they know who he is, right?

I don't know, maybe your friend could use this video to his advantage... to win.

(Swooshes then spits water into sink)

(Towel rustles)


(Phone clatters)

Oh no!


I wanted to say, this... it's been fun.

And I'm glad you got a chance to meet Casey.

Yeah. She's... She's really great.


Well, she's the only one that seems to be able to put up with me.

Hmm. No, I... I can tell it's more than that.

I'm happy for you.

And this new rodeo school... it sounds like you found the perfect thing to do with your life.

Yeah. Yeah, well, that has worked out.

I actually got an offer from a junior college down in Texas.

They want me to be their head coach for their rodeo team.

(Laughs) Imagine that, me teaching at college?

Tim, that's an amazing opportunity.

Yeah, well, I turned it down.

Really. Now why would you do that?

Things are going so well with Casey.

There's talk of us moving in.

So... this is my life.

Well, you seem really happy.

Yeah, you too.

This whole new life of yours... Stan and the baby...

It's your dream come true.

Yeah, I'm... a lucky girl.

And you're a lucky guy.


Well, good night, Tim.


(Door opens and closes)

(Steers moo)

Jack: Not again!

Hey, Jack, I think I ought to get back to the ranch and get started on that to-do list.

Yeah, all right. Don't forget about that tub up in the loft.

Those taps need a new divert...

Diverter. Yeah, it's on the list.

I promise I'll go to the hardware store and get it this afternoon.

All right. There's one more thing...

(Exasperated sigh) I need you to go into the house and take a look for my cell phone.


And don't be all obvious about it.

Lisa can't know that I misplaced it... again.

A little bit of trouble in paradise?

Nah, just do it.

(Sighs and clucks his tongue)

(Hooves thud)

You said Danger's been lazy?

Not exactly lazy, just kind of average, you know?

Janice said he used to be fast and eager to win, but that's not the horse I rode around the track yesterday.

(Groans) Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just...

I've been fighting a flu all week.

I'm okay.

All right. You sure?

Yeah. What about his coordination?

It's not bad, but it's really not great either.

Why, what are you thinking?

Well, I'd have to do a myelogram to be certain, but it might be a cervical vertebral malformation.

It can cause a lack of coordination in the limbs and weakness.

Most people call it Wobbler's Syndrome.

I know what that is.

He doesn't exactly seem to be stumbling around though.

It could be a very mild case.

Just enough to affect his performance.

I'll run some blood work to make sure it's not something else, but from what I see, it points to Wobbler's.


Well, my vet ruled out Wobbler's.

Uh, Janice, this is Cass... Dr. Fay.

I asked her to do a consultation.

Well, that wasn't necessary. I just had him vetted a few weeks ago.

Well, it's easy to miss in the early stages.

I won't be able to make a diagnosis until I do a myelogram though.

How old are you anyway? Like twelve?

Excuse me? I did a practicum down in the States at a clinic that specializes in CVM.

I assisted with several examinations.

I know exactly what to look for.

Well, that's it then. We're done.

Janice, this isn't the end.

Cassandra's gonna run some more tests.

You know, maybe it's something else.

Yeah, well, she seemed pretty sure.

Okay, well, even if it is Wobbler's Syndrome, there's gotta be something we can do about it.

Treatments or surgery.

Amy, a racehorse with balance issues is extremely dangerous.

The surgery's expensive and it's not even guaranteed to work.

If he does have Wobbler's Syndrome, I'm gonna have to put him down.

I don't see how I can use this video to my advantage.

It makes me look like an idiot.

That's not true. It's actually pretty funny.

It's humiliating.

Only if people think you're not in on the joke.

Look, Georgie. If you hadn't recorded it in the first place, or if you actually knew how to use a public folder, none of this would've happened.

I can only say sorry so many times.

That video is out there and we can't change that.

So instead of sulking, let's do something about it.

What're you proposing?

We make another video.

No. No way.

Well, do you wanna win this election or not?

(Papers rustle) Caleb, are you coming to my tea party?

You know what? Maybe tomorrow, kid.

But it's happening right now.

I'm gonna have to take a rain check. I'm at work.

I don't have to work. I'm a princess.

Well la-di-da.

Katie, honey, maybe you should leave Caleb alone.

'Cause he has a lot of work to do.

Okay. Come on, Remy.

Thank you.

Can I help you find something?

I was uh... just looking for Jack's tools.

Have you tried the quonset hut?

I'll do that. Thanks.

(Door creaks open and clicks shut)

So how long are you in town?

Just until tomorrow.

Oh, no, it's on the house.

Oh. Thank you.

You know, I-I gotta say, Tim seems like a different guy.

In a good way.

My guess is he owes that to you.

(Chuckles) Nah, he was pretty much that way when I found him.

No, I'm serious. I mean, until last night, I never thought Tim Fleming was capable of settling down with anyone.

The Tim I knew would've been on the first plane to Texas to take that job.

What job was that?

Oh, the-the rodeo school.

The junior college, head coach of the rodeo team.

Yeah, right. That one.

Anyway, I'm really glad I got a chance to meet you.

Me too.

Take care, Casey.

Take care.

(Door click s open, Hum of patrons chatter)

Hey! Did you get everything?

Yeah. My mom was asking a bunch of questions.

I told her we were doing an experiment.

I guess we kind of are.

If this doesn't work, I'm gonna be the laughing stock of Hudson High.

You already are the laughing stock of Hudson High, it can't get any worse.

Thanks. That makes me feel a whole lot better.

(Llamas bleat)

(Book thumps)

(Papers rustle)

I'm on to you.


You're on to me? What does that mean?

I left you three messages, sent you five texts.

And you didn't respond to any of them because you lost your phone again, didn't you?

Okay, I admit, I may have misplaced it.

But please don't overreact.

I'm not gonna overreact. But let's admit it, you hate the phone.

No, I told you, I love it. I really do.

Well, if that was the case, you wouldn't keep losing it.

You know what I'm gonna do the next time I'm in town, I'm going to buy you an old fashioned flip phone and we'll be done with this.


Here, GG. You can have my phone.

(Laughs) Why thank you, honey.

Okay. Let's see how good this one works.

(Buttons beep)

I don't mean to sound like such a downer, but this whole thing with Danger is driving me crazy.

He's just such a beautiful horse and the thought of putting him down...

Cass: Amy? Are you home?

Um, yup! Come on in.

Hey, Ty, can I call you back? Cassandra's here.

Okay. Bye.



I hope I'm not catching you at a bad time.

No, not at all. Can I get you something?

Uh, no thanks. I just wanted to drop by and let you know Janice brought Danger to the clinic so I could do a myelogram.

I have to send the images in for confirmation, but I'm certain it's Wobbler's.

(Sighs heavily)

Uh... okay, I should-I should- I should go.

You just got here. (Sighs)

You really don't look so good.

No, I'm fine.

No, you're not. Here, have a seat.

I'll get you some water.


(Tap runs)

How long have you been feeling sick?

Um... a few days.

I'm tired all the time and nauseous.

Mostly in the mornings, every morning.

Oh my God... You don't think you're...


(Whispers) I don't know. Maybe.

Cass: It's not doing anything.

Amy: The pharmacist said the test takes at least three minutes.

I set an alarm on my phone.

Well, three minutes might as well be an eternity.

Do you want some tea?

Do you have any wine?

You're right, tea it is.

(Sighs) Why don't we talk about something else?

You know, to pass the time.

Okay. Um... Let's discuss treatment options for Danger.

I just... really don't see much point.

Janice said she's gonna put the horse down.

Really? That's too bad.

He's a good candidate for cervical spinal surgery.

If it's done in the early stages there's a lot of success.

So if a horse has that surgery, they could go on to race?

Yeah. Scott diagnosed a horse with Wobbler's two years ago.

The owner went through with the surgery.

A year later, the horse is back on the circuit winning all kinds of races.

Do you think maybe you could put me in touch with that owner?

I'll get him to call you.

(Phone alarm rings, Amy sighs)

Time's up?


(Sharp exhale)

(Sighs heavily) Huh.

I don't know how I'm supposed to feel.

I mean, I'm not scared or anything like that.

I just... I feel kind of numb.

Please don't tell Caleb.

No, of course not.

I've heard that these tests aren't always a 100% accurate, so... maybe you should go see your doctor just to be sure.

Is it okay if I just sit here for awhile?

Do you want company?



(Music plays on the video)

Video: Hello. I'm Adam Parker and I'm running to be your next Class President.

It was Aristotle that said, "Democracy arises out of the notion that (Llama spits) those who are equal in any respect are equal in all respects; (Llama spits) because men are equally free."

So don't forget to exercise your democratic rights tomorrow...

(Llama spits) by voting for someone who won't falter in the line of fire.

I'm Adam Parker and I'm your next Class President. (Llama spits)

I'm no Stephen Spielberg, but I think I nailed the special effects.

You enjoyed squirting fake llama spit in my face a little too much.

It was pretty fun.

What if this doesn't work?

What if everyone just laughs at me?

They're not gonna be laughing at you, they're gonna laugh with you... I hope.

You hope?

That doesn't exactly instill confidence.

Are we uploading this or not?

Here goes nothing.

(Keyboard keys click)

(Nervous exhale)

Why would I tell you about a job I had no intention of taking?

Because it's kind of a big deal.

Because people don't just get offered jobs like that everyday.

I'm not going to Texas.

Well, why not?

Because my daughters are here.

My rodeo school's here.

Casey... you're here.

Look, if we weren't thinking about moving in together... if I wasn't in the picture... would you at least consider taking that job?

What kind of question is that?

I love you, Tim.

I love everything that we have together.

But this life that you've planned for us... you know, where we settle down and buy a dog...

I mean, I had that for twenty years with Hank.

And after he died, I had to figure out how to be on my own.

And I just started getting good at it.

What are you saying?

I'm saying that...

I'm afraid of making promises I might not be able to keep.

(Inhales deeply)

(Hooves thunder, horse grunts)

(Hooves thunder)

His name's Overage.

So far, this season alone, he's had six starts: two firsts, three seconds, and one third.


Overage had cervical spinal surgery two years ago to fix his Wobbler's Syndrome.

He made a full recovery and now he's placing in the money every time.

Yeah, I kinda figured you were trying to make a point.

Danger has the same potential.

You're right.

There's a chance Danger could go on to win races.

But there's an even bigger chance he won't.

Factor in the surgery costs and recovery time, the numbers just don't add up.

So that's all Danger Is to you? A number?

No, he's not. It kills me to do this, Amy.

But I'm not gonna mortgage my entire life on a horse who might never race again.

I'm sorry.

(Teacup clinks)

Caleb: Thank you.

How did you rope me into this again?

She wanted you here.

Well, at least I'm getting paid, right?

Would you like some tea?

What the heck... fill her up.

(Cat meows)

Did you hear that?

Hear what?

(Cat meows)

No, don't do that, GG! (Cat meows)

Oh... (Phone meows)

(Phone meows) (Sighs)

Would you mind telling me why my phone is under your bed?


You're gonna leaving without saying Goodby?

Goodbye, Tim.

I talked to Amy. She filled me in on all the details.

So I spoke to the local vet, Scott. You know Scott.

He's going to give you a heck of deal on the surgery.

You just call him.

Tim, you don't understand.

My husband and I were pinning all of our hopes on Danger this season.

The reason he flew home early was so he could take a job interview.

With the government, if you can believe it.

Danger was our last hope this year, and the Wobbler Syndrome was just the nail in the coffin.

We're gonna have to get out of the business.

So what're you gonna do?

I don't know. Be a mom, I guess.

Janice, that's never gonna be enough for you.

I know you. Take the card, do the surgery.

No, it's too risky.

You're the one that told Georgie that everyone likes a story about a long-shot racehorse that beats the odds.

Danger could be a hell of a story.

Take this card.

That's the Janice I know.

I must be crazy.

You're brave.

That's one thing I always loved about you.

I gotta go. Good luck.

Hey, Tim?

You know, while we're being honest with each other, I like Casey a lot.

But you turning that job down to play house with her, that's not you either.

People change.

Do they?

Anything yet?


Keep refreshing the page. They're supposed to post it any minute now.

(Georgie sighs, door creaks open)

(Music plays, hum of patron chatter)

Wait. Here it is.

What? What does it say?

You won!

I won?!

Yeah, you won!

Are you serious?


Cool guy: Hey, Adam! I totally voted for you, man.

You're hilarious.

Hey, everybody, look! It's llama boy! Woo!

Kids: Llama boy! Llama boy! Llama boy! Llama boy! Llama boy! Llama boy! Llama boy! Llama boy! (Clapping)

♪ I'll be okay ♪

(Door clicks shut)

So Katie's having a little time out.

Hm. Well, at least the phone is repairable.

Amy agreed to come by and babysit, so I'm taking you out for dinner.

I accuse you of something you didn't do, and you take me out to dinner. How does that work?

Well, see, I'm taking you to that steak house that has the all-you-can-eat salad bar and they give you steaks as big as your plate.

I hate that place.

Yes you do.

And... you're buying.

Oh yes. I see how that works.

(Both chuckles)

♪ ...but I'm searching now ♪
♪ Where to lay my head ♪
♪ And what my heart had said all along ♪
♪ For so long ♪
♪ Oohhh-oohh-oohh ♪
♪ Oohhh-oohh ♪
♪ I'm finding my own way ♪
♪ Oohhh-oohh-oohh ♪
♪ Oohhh-oohh ♪
♪ I can go or I can stay ♪
♪ Where ever I am ♪
♪ I'll be okay ♪

Yeah. Billy? Hey, Billy. Yeah, it's Tim.

Yeah, I'm good.

Uh, yeah. No, Billy, listen.

I think I might have been a little hasty turning down that job.


Well, I think I'd like to take you up on your offer.

You know, to come down, see the campus, meet the guys.


All right.

All right.

Yup. Well, I'll see you in Dallas.

Okay. Okay. Good. Bye.

Well, the diverter won't take long to install.

Okay. Can I offer you a beer or something?

Have I ever said no to a free beer?

(Laughs) No.

Here you go. I'm gonna be down in the barn, so just holler if you need me.


(Toolbox clunks, beer cap clinks)

♪ I can go or I can stay here ♪
♪ Oohhh-oohh-oohh ♪

(Beer bottle clunks, latches clank)

♪ I'm finding my way ♪
♪ I'm finding my own way ♪
♪ Oohhh-oohh-oohh ♪

(Diverter thumps, Caleb sighs heavily)

♪ I can go or I can stay ♪
♪ Where ever I am ♪
♪ I'll be okay ♪

Oh wow, Amy's pregnant. (Happy sigh)

Announcer: On the next Heartland...

If she hasn't told you yet, she must be wanting to make it a surprise.

Is there something else you want to talk about?


Just be careful, okay?

Are you sure that she's pregnant?

Okay this is crazy, I'm just going to ask her.

Bad idea, man.

Announcer: Heartland, next Sunday at 7:00 on CBC.
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