09x13 - Colour Blinded

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murdoch Mysteries". Aired: January 2008 to present.*

Moderator: Virginia Rilee

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In the 1890s, William Murdoch uses radical forensic techniques for the time, including fingerprinting and trace evidence, to solve some of the city's most gruesome murders.
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09x13 - Colour Blinded

Post by bunniefuu »

"I willingly boast of my weakness, that the power of Christ may rest upon me," the book tells us in second Corinthians.

Do we hide our hurt from the Lord?


For how can we hide our true selves and hope to find redemption and reparation?


Who among us has not been hurt?

Who has not been mistreated?

But in our darkest hours, we discover strength in Jesus.

Amen. Amen.

Our guest today reminds us of a past in which we were mistreated.

And though we may wish to forget that past, we're reminded to boast.

Boast that in our hardships, we found strength in our Lord!

Boast that in times of need, we found friends!

Like our friend, Mr. Frank Parker.


Thank you, Pastor Earle.

Amen. That's right, sir.

It's wonderful to see old friends.

And the younger faces...

Will you be staying for the tea afterwards, Miss James?

Certainly. I do enjoy tea.

Is that so?

But how do you feel about sandwiches?

A wonderful sermon.

Indeed, few things could make a man feel weak and small like the fight for abolition.

Ain't he a sight for sore eyes?

Gramma don't have enough time left on this earth for chaste manners.

And when speaking was no longer enough, I took action.

That's right. Amen.

I smuggled fugitive slaves.


Yes, I broke the law!

A law that went against my feelings and my sympathies.

A law without humanity.

Now, some of you may wish to call me a hero.


I am simply a man.

I'm simply a man that did what he knew was the right thing.


It is no more than should be expected by anyone.



That's right.

Amen. Alleluia.


Ms. James.


(woman screaming)

Is he... is he breathing?

He's dead.

What is it, George?

Sir, how did you... ?

We've worked together a long time, George.

You're needed, sir.

Miss James, what have you?


Mr. Parker was stabbed in the fourth intercostal space.

He died between forty and sixty minutes ago.

Very precise, Miss James. Did you determine that using lividity?

No. I saw him speak about an hour ago.

Well, you've handled your first crime scene exceptionally well.

My hands are still shaking.

This church has always been such a peaceful place.

And Mr. Parker seemed like such a lovely man.



I found blood on this door handle.

We'll need to check it for fingermarks.

Sir. Will do.

Did anyone see who may have come in here?

Sir, there were several comings and goings once the service concluded.

Nobody particularly remembers Mr. Parker coming back inside.

But sir, there was one interesting thing.

Apparently among the congregation there was a woman wearing a veil that completely obscured her face.

A widow?

Except that nobody could attest to her identity, sir.

Apparently she slipped in late, spoke to nobody, and afterwards just vanished, as if into thin air.

I can guarantee you she went out the door, George.

Sir, either way, I suggest we keep an eye out for a mysterious veiled lady.

What do you make of that?

Looks like ivory.

It certainly does.

Pastor Earle...

Alderman Hubbard.

Regrettable circumstances.

Inspector Brackenreid.

Very troubling.

I understand the victim was something of a hero.

Indeed he was.

My parents came to Canada on the Underground Railroad.

A sl*ve hunter pursued them to the border and my mother and father hid beneath the seats of a wagon.

It takes a fearless sort.

I believe Mr. Parker was that sort of man.

I came here today to pay my respects for all those that he helped to freedom.

This is not your church?

Too far from Parkdale for my convenience, Inspector.

I'm afraid I can't shed any light as to who might have wanted the man dead.

So, all the doors of the church were unlocked.

That's usual during a service.

But with all of us outside at the tea, any stranger could have come in the front door unseen.

Thank you.

It's possible, but more likely, Mr. Parker went inside with someone from the church.

But Detective, no member of my congregation would do this.

I am aware that with the k*lling of a white man in a n*gro church, the search for justice could run hot.

I'll see to it that everyone keeps a level head.

Tom Brackenreid.

Oh, bollocks. Excuse my profanity.

Alderman Hubbard.

Chief Constable. Good to see you.

What's the situation, Tom?

The victim is a Mr. Frank Parker. He was a guest at the service, and found dead in the vestry some time afterward.

Detective Murdoch is leading the investigation.

Murdoch, eh?

Is there a problem with the detective on the case?

We can't have this matter drag out while Murdoch ponders every footprintand flowerbed.

Murdoch is methodical, but he does get the right man.

Chief Constable, let me be clear.

The police must show they can be trusted not to rush to judgment here.

Indeed. But let's be frank.

We have a white man k*lled in a coloured church.

The public must know that they're safe.

I think we understand each other.

Very good.



Who does he think he is?

I like him.

Don't be naive.

We answer to the Board of Control.

He should consider himself lucky he's climbed as high as he has.

Some men do better than you'd expect by looking at them.

I want this matter put to bed, Tom.

Constables! Collect fingermarks from all these people.

Let's go!

Come to church on a Sunday and get mixed up with the police.

I can't believe it, either.

Poor Mr. Parker.

You didn't happen to see anything, did you, Nate?

What makes you ask that?

I'd gathered a plate of sandwiches for you...

You did?

But when I was looking for you in the garden I didn't see you.

That would have been right around the time when Mr. Parker was...

Working with the Constabulary and fancy yourself a copper now, do you?

You don't like the question?

I'm only teasing, Rebecca.

If you had pigtails I'd be pulling them right now, and you wouldn't be much of a detective if you didn't know why.

I suppose that's when Gramma sent me over home to fetch the cakes.

I'm afraid I'm not much help with your sleuthing.

But maybe I can make it up to you tonight by taking you to a restaurant?

A restaurant?

You really must be sweet on me.

Pastor, what can you tell me about a veiled woman who was at church today?


Several people have mentioned her. A widow, perhaps.

She left before the Constabulary got here. Do you know her?

I couldn't say who she is.

I believe she left before the service ended today.

This is a small church, Pastor.

Surely you know all of your congregants.

I do my best.

But I suppose this particular lady didn't want to be known.

All right, men, let's get good, clean marks.

Record names, addresses, age and occupation on every card while you're at it.

Everything under control, Sir.

Save these cards, Tom. They'll come in handy, if not for this case, then the next.

All we did today was come to church.

Now we're suspects in crimes that haven't even happened yet.

Don't be testy, boy.

Take it easy, Jeff.

What happened to your hand?

I cut it the other day.

Oh yes?

And what were you getting up to when that happened?

I was just peeling potatoes, Officer.

What's your name, sir?

My name is Isaac Lowry.

All right, Mr. Lowry.

When you're done giving your fingermarks, Detective Murdoch over there is going to have a word with you.

I haven't forgotten how to conduct an interview, Tom.

Peeling potatoes, eh?

That's right.

Or did the knife slip when you stabbed that poor man this morning?

Now, you look. I have done nothing wrong.

Come in here and accuse a man for what, hmm? A bandage?

No one's accusing you, sir.

Keep your temper.

You want to keep on testing me, and I will show you my temper.

Just calm down, sir.

If I could just have a word with Isaac...

No. This man just threatened an officer.

Constable, take him down to the Station.

Now, just hold on one minute...

I'd very much like to have a look at that cut.

That's what your interview at the Station is for.

I said go on.


I know Isaac Lowry very well. He is a good man.

That said, he does have a cut on his hand.

I'm sure there's an innocent explanation.

You'll have to trust me to be the judge of that.

Can I also trust you not to arrest the first coloured man you suspect?

As Miss James determined at the scene, the cause of death was a single s*ab wound to the aorta.

The blade was dull and narrow, causing a wound an inch wide and five inches deep.

These are the victim's clothes?

Blood inside the breast pocket.

Yes. It looks like the k*ller had blood on his hands, and took something out of it.

Likely the same person who got the bloody fingermark on the door.

You kept me waiting hours in here for no reason.

I apologise for the delay.

This is Dr. Julia Ogden.


I have a fresh bandage.

May I?

Mr. Lowry.

Mr. Lowry, why do you think someone would want Frank Parker dead?

I wouldn't know about that, Detective. I didn't k*ll him.

Someone obviously wished him harm.

But why?

He was a brave and beloved man.

Well, that's what they say.

You don't agree, Mr. Lowry?

There's nothing special about a man that does the right thing.

That alone does not make him a saint, much as he acted like it did.

So you felt that he took too much credit.

That's right.

I understand that he... how shall I put this?

He had quite the way with the ladies.

That man was a rotten lout.

A harmless flirt, I was assured.

Don't believe whoever's telling you that.

It wasn't harmless when he carried on with my mother.

Is that so?

So Lowry had motive.

Sir. Mr. Parker seduced his mother.

His father left the family shortly after that.

But I'm confident the cut on his hand wasn't made with the same knife used in the m*rder.

How can you know that?

Mr. Lowry was cut with a serrated knife.

The wound is also a day or two old. It's already healing.

So he used another knife.

We have motive and opportunity. Does he have a record?

Well, yes...

Excellent. Charge Lowry.

Good work, everyone.

What have you from Mr. Parker's hotel room, George?

Sir. The victim appeared to be living on the cheap.

His room was quite rundown and his belongings were, well, sparse.

Today wasn't his first speaking engagement at a church.

No, sir. He'd been to several churches over the past months.

He was doing something of a... a hero's tour through Ontario, sir.

There's an address here. Jarvis Street.

I wondered about that myself. Wealthy friends, perhaps?

In any case, this was found under his mattress.

All bills from the Bank of Toronto.

Two hundred dollars to be exact.

That's quite a substantial amount.

Perhaps this is what the k*ller was looking for in Mr. Parker's pocket.

Good work, George.

That's fine, that's fine.

Darling! The driver's here!

Oh, I'm... I'm not...

Come in, come in.

Oh darling, let me do your tie.

Ma'am, I'm not the driver.

Detective William Murdoch, Toronto Constabulary.

I'm Gloria Thomson. This is my husband, Mr. Andrew Thomson.

How can we help you, Detective?

I'm investigating a m*rder that took place this morning at the Coloured Wesleyan Church.

Oh, my goodness. A m*rder?

In a church on a Sunday?

I can't imagine.

But then, I don't know much about those people.

What brings you to us, Detective?

Well, the victim, a Frank Parker, had your address amongst his personal effects.

What's your relationship to him?

Frank Parker...

I don't believe we knew him.

Did you, darling?

Not at all, I'm sure.

I don't know if you're aware, Detective, but I'm standing for Parliament.

He could have been one of my constituents, planning on writing a letter of appeal or somesuch.

Silly, why do you insist on doing this yourself? Let me...

Away, woman.

If you never let me do it myself, how will I learn?

I'm sorry we couldn't be of more help, Detective.

Pardon me, sir.

I wonder if you could help me?

I spoke with the Thomsons' gardener.

He says he saw a man matching Parker's description call on the home, but there was no answer so he went away again.

How did a posh couple get mixed up in this?

Sir, they might not be.

Well, if they're not, we have nothing.

What about Lowry?

His fingermark doesn't match the mark on the church door.

Sir, I'm not comfortable making that arrest.

Neither am I.

Let the man go.

I'll handle the Chief Constable.

Mr. Lowry is no longer a suspect.

Pastor Earle, you may wish to protect your parishioners, but you benefit no one by keeping information from me.

What do you mean?

Mr. Lowry told me that he and two of the others came to you in advance of Mr. Parker's visit.

And that they asked you not to welcome him into this church.

As is their right.

In a m*rder investigation, that makes three people with possible motive.

Oh, I don't believe so.

Yes, Mr. Lowry and two other elderly parishioners did come to me.

One lady told me that years ago, Mr. Parker promised her marriage, but left her when she found herself with child.

The other said that her affair with him ended badly.

The ladies decided to stay away from the service today.

They may have felt compelled to confront him.

They're on in years now.

Surely not capable of sneaking into the church and overcoming Mr. Parker.

And could one of them have been this woman with the veil?

Dr. Ogden is on a campaign to harden my weak stomach.

She brought me to Leroux's for lunch and she insisted that I try the escargot.

You ate snails?

They're quite fine, as it turns out.

Is that so?

Will you be ordering them tonight?

Well... no.

But I will try something entirely new if you will.

I can't resist a challenge, Miss James.

Then you're in trouble, aren't you?

Table for two, please.

I'm sorry, we have nothing available.

We don't mind waiting.



Unfortunately, we're fully booked up tonight, sir.

You're going to tell me and my lovely companion that you won't seat us because we are Negroes, sir?

Let's go, Nate.

Or maybe I should make a reservation for another night?

Now why did you want to go and do that?

It's not worth a fuss.

But they have no right to keep us out.

I'm sorry.

I didn't think it would happen. They let me in before.

Yeah, sure they did. Accompanied by a white lady.

I didn't know you smoked.

Sure, I told you. That's where I was after the service.

You said you went home for cakes.

Yeah, yeah. That too.

Except when you came back, you didn't have any cakes.

You were at the church the whole time.

Now look, there's nothing to that, alright?

Did you tell the constable who interviewed you the truth about where you were?

Why would I go and do something fool like that?

Next thing you know, they're fitting me for a noose.

You have to talk to Detective Murdoch.

He's a good man; you can trust him.

Or Constable Crabtree.

Just keep quiet about it, Rebecca, won't you?

This puts me in a bad position at my job, Nate.

Your job?

You need to think about your own people.

Whose side are you on?

Whose side am I on?

My skin is as black as yours, Nate Desmond.

I know who I am. I don't ever get a chance to forget it.

I don't need to prove anything to you, and I certainly don't socialize with men who lie to me.

You should have told me right away that he wasn't present at the time of the m*rder.

Were you trying to protect him?

No, I... I suppose I believed his explanation that it wasn't important.

Where can I find him?

He works at a building job on Albert Street.

I'm sorry, Detective.
Mr. Desmond?

I need you to come down to the Station House with me.

Detective Murdoch, if my foreman sees the Constabulary take me in, I'll lose my job.

I see.

Answer all of my questions truthfully, and if you've done nothing wrong, I see no reason for you to come down to the Station House.

What did you have to do with Frank Parker's m*rder?

Nothing, I swear it.

Mr. Desmond, you lied to the Constable who took your statement, and to Miss James.

Now, you need to tell me what you're hiding.

I saw someone come out of the church.

But I'm sure he didn't do it.

Every witness in this case wants to tell me who didn't do it. Now, who did you see?

It was Pastor Earle.

He wouldn't k*ll a man.

What did you see Pastor Earle do?

He threw something away.

I didn't see what.


The church garden.

All right.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Have a good day.

Holy heart of Mary! Sir!

There's a family of raccoons in there!

Would you prefer if I searched that area, George?

Sir, I don't like raccoons. I don't like their little feet. I don't trust anything that has hands for feet.

What exactly are we looking for, anyway?

We'll know once we find it.

Sir, why don't we just ask the Pastor what he threw out here and where exactly he threw it?

I'd prefer to know what the item is before I question the Pastor, George.

Yes, but sir, he could have come out and retrieved it since.

That's why it's important for us to conduct an exhaustive search.

Sir, why would the Pastor want to k*ll Mr. Parker anyway?

I don't know.

That's why we...

Keep looking.

Prosecutor Gordon tells me you never charged Lowry.

His fingermarks didn't match the ones we found at the crime scene.

We didn't have the evidence to arrest him. We are pursuing other leads.

What are you playing at, Tom? You had enough evidence.

I'd like to know what you're playing at, Jeff.

The man is innocent. You know it and I know it.

I've already told reporters we caught the man. It's in today's paper.

Why would you do that?

The public wants to know that the Constabulary is keeping them safe.

They're not safe if we go around throwing innocent people in jail.

Innocence or guilt is up for the courts to decide.

It may not be the way you do things, but I don't make an arrest when I know damn well it's going to be thrown out of court.

I'm your superior now.

You'll arrest who I tell you to arrest.


Pardon me.

- Thank you.

It's really quite silly. My husband and I attend
his family's church, but the Minister there is rather an old fogey.

I met Pastor Earle while doing some charity work with some of the n*gro schoolchildren.

He's easy to talk to, and I found him a more effective spiritual advisor.

Are you a religious man yourself, Detective?

I am.

Then you know that the value of churchgoing can vary along with the man in the pulpit.

But you know, it would be quite the scandal among my husband's political supporters if they ever found out, so when I go to hear Pastor Earle's sermons, I don't want to be seen.

Mrs. Thomson, how do you explain your visit to the church this afternoon?

After you told us about the terrible m*rder at the church, I wanted to offer a donation for the man's funeral.


Do you not think it quite a coincidence that Mr. Parker had your address?

My husband gave the best explanation I can think of.

Mrs. Thomson, Mr. Parker did not write your husband a letter of a political nature.

He came to your home.

Did he really?

I didn't know that.

You were at the church the day of the m*rder, and you left before the Constabulary arrived.

I left before the service ended, Detective.

I didn't know there was a m*rder until you came to call.

I promise you.

I'll be needing your fingermarks, Mrs. Thomson.

Davis just gave me a right bollocking.

He's in a mad rush to close this case. Did you find the w*apon?

No, but I found the veiled woman.

It's Mrs. Thomson.

Let's arrest her. Davis will be chuffed.

Her fingermarks don't match the mark that we found on the church door.

But her story does strain credibility.

Why would a white woman disguise herself just to hear a better sermon?

What about the money?

She claims to know nothing of it.

Yet if anyone connected to Parker had the means to pay a blackmailer, it's her.

That's true.

But why?

You know, Murdoch, maybe she goes to see Pastor Earle for more than his sermons.


Her and the Pastor.

Do I have to spell it out to you?

An affair with a n*gro preacher would certainly bring that Thomson family down a peg or two.

If that is true, that would also give Pastor Earle a reason to hide the truth.

Parker arrives in town, somehow discovers the Pastor and the lady are having an affair, blackmails them, and they k*ll him to keep their secret.

Certainly a more plausible theory than Mrs. Thomson's explanation.

Check the Pastor's fingermarks, Murdoch.

(assailants laughing)



(assailants laughing)

Get back against the wall!

Get back!

Lowry is being seen to at the hospital.

Is it bad?

He was beaten quite severely, sir, but I'm told he'll likely recover.

What's all this about then?

That darkie k*lled a white man.

Can't have a man like that walking around free.

It's you two scumbags that oughta be in jail... and that's exactly where you're going. Crabtree. Worsley.

My pleasure. Sir, I checked the fingermarks and you were right.

The marks on the door do belong to Pastor Earle.


I found what he threw away.

You stabbed a man, Pastor.

k*lled him in your own church, while your congregation was on the other side of the door.

No, you've got it all wrong.

We have a witness who saw you throw the m*rder w*apon away.

You were having relations with her. You and Gloria Thomson.

I was not.

That's why Mr. Parker was blackmailing you.

No, that's...

You must understand: Frank Parker was my father.

Your father?

He left us when we were small.

I hadn't seen him since.

He heard I was a Pastor and came looking for me.

That's why he'd been visiting Wesleyan churches in the area.

I thought he wanted to make amends for the past.

I was wrong.

Then why was he here?

He was in need.

(door opening)

He wanted money.



I came to see if you were all right. Are you?

They think we're having an affair.

An affair?

Far from it.


We are brother and sister.

So, you and Pastor Earle are brother and sister, and Frank Parker was your father.

Do you have the same mother?

Yes, but she died last year.

She lived in Cincinnati.

I didn't go home for the funeral.

That's the sort of thing you don't realise when you begin lying about where you come from.

You can't go home again anymore.

But it was what my mother wanted.

She always thought I would have a better life this way.

Does your husband know?


I was living as white when we met.

So you thought your secret was safe, until your father came to town.

All he really cared about was finding Gloria.

He had heard rumours she married rich.

He wanted money?

Of course he did.

He had a picture of our family, with Mama holding Gloria as a baby.

He said it was proof.

I remember Mama saved to get that portrait taken.

It was special to her.

That must have made you angry.

You were at the church service that morning.

Did you know your brother was going to k*ll your father?

No, nothing like that.

No, Solomon and I talked about how we could convince our father to leave town.

Or, if he refused, how I would tell my husband the truth.

We never thought of harming him.

So you gave Frank Parker the money and hoped that he would leave you alone?

I would never give that man a thing after leaving our mother and us like he did.

Perhaps your brother gave him the money?

Did you plan to k*ll him at church?


What happened?

He was already dead when I found him.

I took this out of his pocket, and I got rid of the knife.

If it wasn't you, maybe it was your sister.

It wasn't my sister.

Lighten your load, Solomon.

What is this?

It's your brother's confession.

No, no, no. He can't have.

I'm afraid we have evidence, Mrs. Thomson.

He must have done it for me.

This case will become a matter of public record soon.

You're saying I have no choice now but to tell my husband?

That's up to you.

You must be Mrs. Thomson.

If you could, wouldn't you do the same?

I never wanted to be white.

I didn't want to be white.

I just wanted to be free.

Do you see this?

How could this happen to Mr. Lowry? It's shameful.

I have a mind to advise him to sue the Constabulary and hire the lawyer myself!

That would be a mistake, Alderman Hubbard.

An innocent man has been accused and att*cked.

And folks will call me a m*rder*r the rest of my life.

The news report was premature.

A miscommunication. It's unfortunate, but it happens.

I'd like to apologise on behalf of the Constabulary.

It's Mr. Lowry that deserves your apology.

Mr. Lowry.

I'm sorry for what happened to you, sir.

Thank you.

Well, fine.

Let that be an end to your threats, Alderman.

Chief Constable Davis, I know my race is despised, but I've always believed that, given a fair chance, that will change.

Was Mr. Lowry given a fair opportunity at your hands?

He was belligerent to police.

You gave him reason to be, the moment you laid your eyes on him.

Do you demand that he be a better man than you, simply to earn fair treatment?

Maybe the Chief Constable was instructed to make a quick arrest.

Is that so, Chief Constable?

Nothing of the kind.

I know that look.

I still have no idea where this piece of ivory came from.

It must have broken off of something.

A small thing. It could have been dropped there any time before the m*rder.


Sir, did you get the impression at any point during your interview with the Pastor that he could be lying?

To protect his sister?

His handwriting on his statement...

It doesn't match the handwriting on this envelope of money that was found in Mr. Parker's room.

And it's doesn't even mention the blow to Mr. Parker's head.

You think she did it.

Well, if she did, she's a very good liar.

She's been living a lie for years.

(Gloria, sobbing): Please believe me. Please don't go.

We've loved each other all these years. That won't change.

Please. I know, I didn't mean to.

It was a mistake. I just...

You betrayed me for the money, I suppose!


I love you! Please! Please don't go!

You've told him the truth.

What can we do for you, Detective Murdoch?

Mr. Thomson.

You told me that you had never met Frank Parker.

I had no idea of any of this until just now, when she came home with this story.

Did you think nothing of my reputation, my future in politics?

But you never expressed a problem with n*gro people.

Of course I don't have a problem.

But others do. Powerful backers. Voters.

Well, they'll all find out about me now.

My brother has been arrested for m*rder. The whole affair will be in the papers.

It might be a blessing. I can't hide anymore.

A blessing!

We must look at it that way. We must be courageous.

I suppose it's over then.

Not quite, Mr. Thomson.

You see, I believe you knew of your wife's father before today.

That's ridiculous.

The money that was paid to Frank Parker came from you.

This envelope with Mr. Parker's name on it is in your handwriting.

He came to this house and he asked you for money.

You knew the truth and you didn't say anything?

You're not the only one who can keep a secret.

You planned to meet him at the church that morning.

I did nothing of the kind.

This was found at the scene of the m*rder.

But it looks remarkably like...


Like this.

You k*lled my father?

I gave him the money he wanted, but I couldn't trust him to keep his mouth shut.

He found the truth to be too delightful.

That I could be trapped in this... this hoax of a marriage.

So you hit him over the head and stabbed him.

Can you blame me?

He would have ruined me.

Andrew Thomson, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Frank Parker.


Oh. Miss James, please come in.

Have a seat.

I was abrupt with you yesterday when you told me about Mr. Desmond.

And I also apologize.

I understand why you did it.

But I trust that it won't happen again.

No indeed.

Good. Good.

Dr. Ogden has told me that you are a Catholic.


Catholics face some measure of prejudice and ill will.

Quite unfairly, I imagine.

One difference, I suppose, is that people can't tell that I'm a Catholic just by looking at me.

What do you do when you encounter such treatment, Detective?

I know the truth about myself, Miss James.

And I know that no matter what someone might say or think about me, I must be the strongest and the best version of myself that I can possibly be.

So go along to get along?



Simply be better than anyone who might hate you.

I'm a lucky man, you giving me a second chance.

We have no tables.


Right there.

Table for two.

We are not going away, sir.


You will not be served.

Then we'll be sitting here all night.

Announcer: On an all-new Murdoch...

The wounds were made with pointed incisor teeth.

Announcer: The search for a victim's identity...

Do you know this man?

Announcer: And a k*ller...

Be cautious.

Announcer: With an animal appetite.

It won't get away this time.


Announcer: An all-new Murdoch, Monday February 22nd on CBC.
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