02x14 - There's My Baby

Episode transcripts for the TV show "How to Get Away with m*rder". Aired: September 2014 to May 2020.*
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"How to Get Away with m*rder" revolves around a group of ambitious law students and their brilliant criminal defense professor, who become involved in a twisted m*rder plot that promises to change the course of their lives.
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02x14 - There's My Baby

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "How To Get Away With m*rder"...

Philip Jessup... He's been watching us.

What do you want?

Blanket immunity to cover me and my associates.

Why would you need immunity for that night?

You k*lled an innocent girl.

Strangled her on a roof.

Is it true? Did Wes k*ll his mother?

I remember standing over her holding the knife.

A false memory you might have created to make sense of this report.

Wes is here.


He was waiting in my lobby.

Call 911.


There's someone in Wes' apartment!





Get away from me! Aah!

Wes, call 911!

Send them to your apartment.

Stop fighting!


Stop! Just...



Oh, thank God.

Did he hurt you?

I'm fine. Where's Wes?

He was right behind me.

Eve: Ms. Keating.

Where were you?

Take care of my boy.

Rose, no!

Meeting with the Mahoneys.

Has he been charged?

Not yet.

Christophe: You think I'm going to freak out if I know she hurt herself.

I don't think you're gonna freak out.

All I know is they took her to the hospital.


She looked dead when I found her.

Very dead.

Good God, Annalise.

What did we do?

We didn't do anything. It was a su1c1de.

We don't know that.

You really think that boy is capable of stabbing his mother in the neck?

All I'm saying is, why would she do this?

Leave her son, when... from what I could see... she only wanted to protect him.

Trying to make sense out of something that doesn't make sense.

You're an expert on a crime scene you've never been to?

I read the report. The angle of the knife, the position of the body, no signs of a struggle.

Does the FBI really want to participate in the railroading of an innocent black kid who should be grieving his dead mother?

Relax. No one thinks he did it.

But that doesn't mean it's su1c1de, especially when you take into account who'd want to see this woman dead.

She was our only alibi.

In what world would my clients want her dead?

An alibi who never showed up in court.

Tell your clients they can expect a visit from me.


You all right?

We thought you were k*lled.

Why was Philip at Wes' apartment?

Did he really punch you?

Do the cops know where he is?

The woman was just att*cked. Give her a moment before you start the Inquisition.

I'm not hurt, but nobody goes anywhere by themselves until the police catch him. Nobody.

Come on. Up you go.

Why is Eve here?

Why was Philip in your apartment?

I don't know.

You have to know something.

You were at the police station all night.

Exactly. I need to sleep.

How was your date?

Excuse me?

On the phone last night, you mentioned you had a date.


Not my soul mate.


Can we just talk about Wes here?

Why did you give him the file if you weren't gonna tell him the truth?

I don't know.

You always know what you're doing.

Okay, I get it.

You feel like you owe him something, as do I, but... he's not a child, or your child.

He's a man, and he can handle the truth.

How did this become my life?

Because you're messed up, like all of us.


Drive back to New York with me.

I have a doorman, 24-hour security...

You'll be safe.

Nate'll make sure I'm okay.

[Knock on door]

Come in.

Nate's here.

[Chuckles] Of course.

Michaela: How did this happen?

At this stage, we're just gathering information.

Why weren't they watching him, though?

We... we gave them the videos.

They knew Philip was in town...

Hey. We don't know anything yet.

Don't jump to any conclusions.

About what?

This is all your fault.

We could've warned him.



He's missing.

This is... this is all your fault.

[Shuddered breathing]

Where the hell you been?

Police station.


Why didn't you call me?

Our star witness just k*lled herself.

I had more important matters to attend to.

Okay, yeah, I know. I just...

What do you need?

To sleep.

You're kidding, right? We go back into court tomorrow.

I'm not sure we're working on this case anymore.


I just need to rest, Frank.

Wallace: Hello?

Dude, what the hell?

The door was open. May I have a moment?

No. She'll call you when she's ready.

Give us a minute, Frank.

I'm not gonna leave you alone.

That's exactly what you're gonna do.

I got to the apartment, the cops were already there, so I left.

So that's that.

No apology?

What would I need to apologize for?

Losing my son's trial, for one.

I haven't lost anything yet.

How exactly do you plan on winning this when our only alibi in the morgue?!

You did this.

Excuse me?

She was terrified of you. Tell me why.

If you're claiming that she k*lled herself because of the pressure to testify, that's on you, not me.

You made me thr*aten her.

She saw Charles at the office that night and refused to tell anyone about it.

That was a lie. She wasn't there, and you knew she would lie for you because... why?


I am the one person that knows you were on your way to speak to Rose right before she ended up dead.

You talk to me like that again and you're fired.

Nate: They got every street cop on the lookout.

Eve: That should make her feel better, considering how effective you guys have been at catching Philip so far.

We're on it.

Oh, right. Like you were last night?

That was before we knew she was in any danger.

Oh, so she had to get assaulted for you to realize that creep might come after her?


I'm not some chew toy to fight over.

Right. Well...

I'll be off, then.


It's fine.

[Door opens]

You're leaving?


We still need to talk about my mother.

No, you don't.

This is between you and me.

We'll talk.


Once everything calms down.

Bonnie: Annalise.

That was A.D.A. Denver.

He wants to interview everyone who was on video at the mansion.

Denver: You seem distraught.

Look at your face.


What was going on this night that had you so emotional?

I don't recall.

You don't recall running from the mansion on the same night that Emily Sinclair was k*lled?

There's no time stamp on this footage, so you... and we... don't actually know what night this is.


And people have told me that I have a resting bitch face, so that's probably what you're reading as "distraught."

You're a good student.

Too good to not realize it's unethical to have a sexual relationship with a client.

Past client.

We were done representing Caleb at the point we became romantic.

Is that true?

Excuse me?

Just wondering. Will Caleb confirm that your relationship started after your working relationship?

Find him. Maybe we'll find out.

Where are you from?

Why does that matter?

Please tell your client to answer the question.

I am allowed to ask questions if I don't understand the purpose of yours...

Laurel. Just answer.

Originally, Mexico.

But I lived in Florida before law school.

Why does it matter where I was?

Because there was an alleged m*rder*r in your apartment last night, and you just happened to be out of town.

My client and I will leave if you turn this into interrogation.

What she said.

And I was in New York, if you have to know.


It's New York.

Do I really need an excuse to want to visit?

Caleb was at your apartment the night Emily Sinclair died.

Because that's what you told him to do, according to this statement.

If it's written right there, then why bother asking me?

Because you're the one claiming that you weren't having a romantic relationship with him at this time, yet here he is, alone at your place.

Esta gente te traicionará a la primera oportunidad.

He thinks you and Annalise are gonna sell me out.

Se me hace que eres una chica lista...

Now he's calling me smart because he thinks I'm dumb enough to fall for this Latino besties schtick.

Why was Annalise there?

That sounds like a question for her.

It's your apartment.

Which he wasn't at.

Come on. He must know why his professor was making a night call to his apartment.

Is that typical for you two?

What are you offering?

Immunity, to whichever one of you is the first to cut a deal.

We have immunity.

For the night Sinclair died.

But what happens when every other illegal act you've committed shows up?

Philip is probably chopping up Caleb into little pieces right now, so it seems to me you should be trying to find him instead of...

... interrogating us and making insinuations when really, you know nothing.

Pero no, porque usted prefiere abrir un caso que ya ha resuelto.

So good luck screwing me.

Because you're not really my type.

How'd it go?

Crushed it. Don't know about these fools.

Bitch-slapped his ass.

He's got nothing.

Hey, BonBon.

This isn't right.

What isn't?

Everyone taking the heat for this when I'm the one that started it all.

You want to take the rap, relax.

You'll get plenty of chances.


Dude's not wrong.

We wouldn't be here if not for his lead foot.

Wow. Thanks for the support, Beard-o.

Asher didn't start this.

Yeah... I did.

No, this started with Lila.

The person who k*lled her is the one who should blame themselves for everything.

You mean Sam or Rebecca?

Look, whatever. It doesn't matter.

Look, I-I did what I did, and I'm the only one responsible for that.

You can call it a mistake or a moment of crazy.

Either way, everyone is suffering because of me, and I need to own up to...

[Door opens]

So it was Laurel?

She spilled to you?

So you admit it?

Would denying it do me much good at this point?

Is it Annalise?

She made you do this?

This conversation's over.


Seems hypocritical to judge me when we're standing a few feet from where you offed Rebecca.

Keep your mouth shut.

Then we got no problems.

Don't tell me you two are boning.

When have I ever been into blondes?

Laurel drama.

Excuse me? Check, please.

Room 512.

Are you coming?

You ever been to Fishtown?


[Knock on door]

We still fighting?

How'd it go with Wallace?

Not good.

You want to talk about it?

Why are you here, anyway?

Didn't I tell you to leave me alone?

You know, you brought me here to help you.

But if all I'm gonna get is abuse from you...



All you do is rip on me.

I'll go get another job if you hate me so much.

Oh, please. Sam dragged you out of the gutter, then guilted me into hiring you, and all I've done is baby your ass ever since.

You call that abuse, then you deserve whatever white-trash future I was trying to save you from.

Glad you got that off your chest.

Did Bonnie see?


Good. Get out.


[Cellphone rings]


She's still avoiding you?

I get it. You're mad because I went behind your back to Annalise...

No, I'm mad because you lied to me.


She gave you this?

I found it on her desk.

Wes, please...

You didn't k*ll her.

You don't know that.

Asher: Excuse me, everyone, if I could have your attention.

I would like to offer all of you an apology.


Just let me say this.

Uh, I'm... sorry for ruining your lives.

Uh, yeah... I don't know.

Maybe none of this would've happened if you all hadn't k*lled Sam, or if whoever hadn't k*lled Lila...

You mean if Sam didn't k*ll Lila?

Like we actually know that.

Anyway, the point is, I messed up and made you all stick your necks out on the line for me, and...

I just want to say... thank you.

Thank you for protecting me after I, you know... k*lled...

Okay. Can we not say that?

I mean, Oliver's about to be here.

I'd rather he not hear any of this.

Maybe he should hear it.

Look what happened when I didn't tell Caleb that Philip was back.

He's probably dead, but if I had just told him the truth...

No one is telling our sweet O the truth.

Isn't lying to him all the time worse?

I mean, I pretend that we're okay and that this is the best relationship I've ever been in, but that's a lie, too, so...

And you think telling him you're a k*ller is going to help?

Bonnie: You tell Oliver anything and it's all over.

We go to jail. Stop apologizing.

We're all bad people.

That's the only thing we have in common.

[Door opens]

Oliver: Hello?



Hey. Sorry.

I know I was supposed to come here straight here from work, what with our bestie Philip roaming the streets, but I thought you'd all be hungry.

You're the best.

Maybe I should turn gay just so I could date you.

[Cellphone ringing]

Let me guess. Caleb's dead.

No. But still no sign of Philip.

How's the arm feeling?

Oh. It's fine. Vodka helps.

So, you're gonna stay put, right?

No running off to campus... or New York?

That wasn't what you think.

I know. It was about Wes.

He told the detectives he wasn't at his apartment 'cause he was visiting Eve in New York.

So it's true.


And this is normal?

Wes paying house calls to your ex-girlfriends?

Of course not.



Thank you for checking in on me.

Hey, I'm just trying to keep Eve off my ass.

Talk later.

[Chvrches' "ZVVL" plays]

♪ So, I think it's time ♪
♪ To face yourself again ♪
♪ It's not too late ♪

That's mine over there... in the blue.

Another hit for the win!

You can find another witness. I know you can find someone.

I can't.

You're just as bad as them.

♪ We both are free ♪

Take care of my boy.

Rose, no!

[Cellphone dialing]

♪ On your own ♪


♪ Open up, give it up ♪

Why would you even think about doing this?

To protect the boy.

That boy isn't your client, Annalise.

Which is why you need to do it.

Just tell the agent that Rose told you that she was threatened by the Mahoney family.

That's why she was willing to lie on the stand.

Eve, please.

Now, I'd do it myself, but I'd get disbarred...

Or worse!

These people are dangerous, especially if what you're telling me is true, so stop it.

What happened to that boy is sad but... sad things happen to all of us.

Fine. I'll do it myself.

No, Annalise!

♪ Truth, it's just as real ♪

[Door opens, closes]

♪ As your dream at night ♪

This is concerning Rose Edmond.

More specifically, her son.

I'm the defense attorney working on the Mahoney case, and I have information that Agent Kain would like to know.

I'm on my way to the station right now.

Woman: Okay. She should be available to meet you.

Great. I'll be there soon.

♪ We start today ♪


♪ Open up, give it up, go ♪



Start over.

Hey, do you mind if I sit here?

No. Go for it.

I'm Bonnie.

We're in the same ConLaw class.

Oh, right, yeah. Uh, I'm Mike.

Yeah, I can't do this. Ugh.

You can!

It's too pathetic.

Okay. I can show you tons of research that proves getting your anxiety out in roleplay allows you to not experience it in real life.

I don't care. It's...

Yes, you do.

Bonnie, you told me this guy is a... a... a friendly nerd, right?

So who better to humiliate yourself in front of?

Right? [Chuckles]


[Cellphone vibrating]

Sorry, just let me...


Yes, I'm her husband.

Man: She's awake!

The baby. How's the baby?

We're taking you in for a C-section right now.

Why? Is he dead?

Annalise, I need you to stay calm.

Is he dead?

Is he dead? Tell me!

We haven't been able to find a heartbeat, but that doesn't mean that this is over.

Okay, babies at this stage are resilient, [echoing] which is why we're taking you into the O.R. right now.

What's important is that you stay calm.

Your husband's on his way.

You are in good hands, and so is your baby.

We're hopeful, and that's all you need to focus on.
[Knock on door]

Bonnie: Annalise?

Come in.

What's wrong?

Denver just called again.

He wants to interview me.

D-did he say why?

No. Which is bad, right?

I mean, I wasn't in any of those videos, but he still knows I'm involved anyway?

He's just trying to scare us.

Talk to him, you'll be all right.

Will I?

'Cause I haven't done these like everyone else, who seem to be really good at them.

You will be, too.

And you know why?

Because you're smarter than people think.

Where were you at 8:30 p.m. the night Emily Sinclair was m*rder*d?

Uh, that was a long time ago so I... I don't know.

I think you remember.

Except I don't.

Well, let me remind you, then. You were here.

Well, the parking garage to be more specific.

[Engine revs, tires screech]

I'm sorry. What proof do you have of this?

An eyewitness by the name of Susan Grundy.

Need some help?

She also happens to be the secretary of one of my colleagues.

She saw a photo of Mr. Millstone when we were doing the research-gathering on the Keating firm.

Could be anyone. I'm just a generic white guy.


He works in a law firm.

His being in a courthouse parking garage proves nothing.

Well, I find it very interesting that the last place Ms. Sinclair was seen alive is the same place that Mr. Millstone was seen.

Add to this that your father died the same day, and, well...

Any reasonable person would be suspicious.

Can I grab you in the kitchen for a second?

No. I've got to tend to this food coma.

Did you two break up or something?

Seriously. When did that happen?

I forget.

Oliver: Aw, why'd you guys break up?

Your names combine to make Flaurel, which is kind of perfectly romantic.

Not as cool as Bosher.

Except Bosher doesn't exist anymore.

You really want to know why we broke up?

I think Frank shot Annalise that night.

I thought Catherine shot Annalise.

Yeah, but the D.A.'s theory is that Annalise had Frank sh**t her and made it look like Catherine did it.

Michaela: Whoa. Oliver, are you sure this pizza wasn't laced with something?

Do you really believe that?

You're insane.

And you're even more insane for buying this.

Okay, I don't want to, but if... if... if you think that there's even a chance that this could be true, then...

One of you needs to tell the police!

What the hell was that?

I did you a favor.


He freaked out at the idea we framed Catherine, so imagine if he knew the truth.

You chopping up Sam's body, for example...


Fine. Just...

You're welcome for saving your relationship.

Bonnie: I thought you stopped drinking.

I did.

Hand me the bottle.


You have a house full of terrified people out there counting on you.

Oh, like they haven't seen me drunk before.

We're all tired, Annalise...

Well, I'm the only one who got beaten up by that little bitch, so, no, you don't get to compare your feelings to mine right now.


So, what were you and Frank talking about, huh?

If you're not sleeping together, then what is it?

Come on.

I always find out eventually.

We were talking about Wes.

There has to be a reason he hasn't been around here lately.

Why you were at his apartment last night...

Everything's always about Wes.

I'm the one who gets beaten, I'm fighting to keep all of us safe, and all you people do is whine about Wes!

Because this is k*lling you, making you drink.

You protect him more than you should...

And what?

Does that make you jealous?

Who is he, Annalise?

Did Wes put you up to this? Is that it?

No. I'm asking you...

Well, you don't get to do that!

Not about this.

I'm sick of all of you.

Get out.

Get out!


Everyone leave!

Uh, we can't, remember? Philip's out there?

For reals. Has someone had a few too many?

A whole bottle of vodka, and if you all had balls, you'd be drunk, too.

So go!

Carpe diem before this whole ship goes down.

Wait, wait. What is that supposed to mean?

W-What is this, a homeless shelter?

What are you doing? Get out!

Go somewhere else.

Except you, Wes. Get in my office.

♪ Dancing with you undercover ♪
♪ Feels like there are no more lovers ♪

Asher: So, uh, you sad your boo's not here?

♪ Left to discover ♪


Don't think I haven't noticed you and our puppy getting all cozy wozy.

I mean, that's why you and Frank broke up, right?

Am I right or am I right?

You're wrong.

And, uh, I'm gonna go throw up now.


There's a k*ller albino on the loose.

♪ And I feel ♪
♪ That it's real ♪

Oliver: You think I'm weak and that I can't handle your secrets.

That's not true.

What about what Laurel said?

About Annalise making Frank sh**t her?

You had to have known that.

Okay, can we not announce that to the whole bar?

I've got secrets, too.

Like... ?




I quit my job last week!




I don't know. I...

Maybe it's getting diagnosed.

Maybe it's being around you, and... everybody in the house, but...

I finally decided that, from now on, I'm gonna live my life.

Carpe diem, like Annalise said.

Don't take life advice from Annalise.

Do you think she'd hire me?

No. I won't let her.

And whatever you say goes?

Oli, you don't want to work for her.

Whatever. We can discuss this tomorrow.

Right now, let's carpe the dance floor.



♪ And I feel ♪
♪ That it's real ♪

[Bottle opens]

[Liquid pours]

You sure you need that?

I'm sure.

And so will you.


I blame myself for everything that happened.

Woman: Scalpel. Woman ♪2: Scalpel.

♪ Once we tried to make a life ♪


Here you go.

Where is our neonatologist?

♪ Chasing birds ♪

Woman 3: Scrubbing in.



♪ In the dead of night ♪

[Monitors beeping]

♪ Our kin will try to understand ♪

Man: He's out.

♪ What we ♪


♪ Always understood ♪

Annalise: I wanted to win the case...

... to the point that I let the clients get in my head.

So I did what they wanted.

I put pressure on your mother to lie.

She couldn't take it, so she hurt herself.

Eve: At least tell me if she's okay.

Patient information can only be released to family members.

How does telling me if she's okay hurt anyone?

I'm sorry, ma'am.

♪ Once we tried to make a life ♪

My wife, Annalise Keating... she was in a car accident.



Thank you, Mr. Keating. I'll have someone come get you.

Uh, what does that mean? Is she okay?

I-I don't get medical updates, but I'll get someone here to speak to you right away.


♪ Our kin will try to understand ♪

Woman: Mr. Keating?


Come with me.

All right.

♪ What we always understood ♪

[Monitors beeping rapidly]

[Air hissing rhythmically]

[Switch clicks, beeping stops]

He didn't... ?

I'm so sorry.

Annalise: It's my fault she died, Wes.

If I didn't want to win so bad, put so much pressure on her...




[Door opens]


[Crying continues]

I let my ambition get the better of me...


And you lost your mother as a result, and...

I blame myself for... all of it.

[Breathing heavily]

Annalise: Sorry.


I'm so sorry.


I'm so sorry.

[Sniffles] Sorry.


Oh, God!

It was an accident, Annie.

A witness said the driver blew a red light...

I shouldn't have been here.

I should have stayed home, turned down the case...

None of that would've changed anything.

Of course it would have.

I did this to him. I did it.

No, you didn't.

I did. [Sniffles]

Woman: Would you like a picture?


A picture of the three of you.

We've found most parents appreciate having at least one photo.

[Breathing heavily]


[Camera shutter clicks]


Annie, they said to take as much time as we need just...

And I'm done.

Please take him.

Please take him.

Take him.


Take him!

Take him!

Please take him! Take him!


You don't know me.

I'm a... a colleague of Annalise's.

I'm sort of involved in the Mahoney case.

Oh, right, right. Hi.

I asked the nurse for an update, but they won't tell me.

I'm not family, so...

Um, uh...

Annalise is, uh... she's fine.

But the baby...

[Sniffles lightly]

He's, uh...

[Voice breaking] I am so sorry.


Tell them she's... she's off that case.


Whoever needs to know.


[Voice breaking] She's not working that... that case anymore.

I'm... I'm taking her home.

I will tell them.



A little flavor might help.

[Liquid pours]

[Indistinct announcement over P.A. system]


We'll get through this.

Wes: I don't believe you.

That this was just about that case or that she k*lled herself because of it.

Otherwise, you could've just told me.

I'm done believing you when you promise me you're telling the truth.

All I've ever done is try to protect you.

Protect me from what?!

Sam: Annie. We'll get through this.


I am the one person that knows you were on your way to speak to Rose right before she ended up dead.

You talk to me like that again, and you're fired.

She was so scared of you that she k*lled herself.

In what world would a mother do that?

Ms. Keating...

She said it to my face that she was afraid that you would hurt her son.

Now, why would she think that, that k*lling herself would stop you from hurting her son?!

'Cause I can only think of one reason...

Okay, move or I...

You r*ped her.

I saw it in her eyes.

You violated her.

How many times did you do it?

For how many years?

You don't even know because she was nobody to you.

And then came that boy, your son, Christophe.

Now you're fired.

Wes: No.

My father, he... he's dead.


He's very much alive, and his name is Wallace Mahoney.

♪ You awoke into my night ♪
♪ You could see ♪
♪ The madness in my eyes ♪

Hey, Caleb.

I know you probably won't get this, but...

I just wanted to say that I'm thinking about you a lot, and...

Asher: Was that Caleb?

Still no answer, huh?

[Exhales sharply, sniffles]

I should've told him Philip was back.

Annalise said you couldn't.

[Scoffs] I should've ignored her.

She would've k*lled you.

Like, worse than Philip's probably k*lling Caleb right now.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

That was... That was a terrible joke.

[Chuckles] The worst.

Sorry. You know why I know that?

'Cause that's me.

I'm the worst.

So you want to take it out on someone, take it out on me.

Come on. Hit me.

Hit me!

Come on. Make me feel it.

Hit me.





We shouldn't do this.

I know.

It's so messed up.

My boyfriend's missing.

He'll turn up.

You're right. [Grunts]

♪ Oh, my God, you're beautiful ♪

[Moans, chuckles]

♪ Why do you stay with this neurotic fool? ♪

[Both moan]

♪ I've lost control ♪
♪ Please save me from myself ♪
♪ I've lost control ♪
♪ Please save me from myself ♪
♪ I've lost control ♪
♪ Please save me from myself ♪

[Inhales sharply]


[Knock on door]

Do I need to be scared, or can I come in?

No, it doesn't make sense.

That Annalise knew about Sam and Lila all that time, defended Rebecca when it would've been smarter just to let her get convicted.

You did it for Sam.

She can't know.

[Knock on door]

Why are you here?

I wanted to find out what happened with you and Wes.

Why is that any of your business?

I don't know.

Maybe because you've ruined all my relationships since I got here.


You came between me and Frank. Now me and Wes.

You know what? You're drunk. You need to go home.

No, not until you tell me what you said to him.

I said go home.

What did you tell him?

That he k*lled his mother?


Or was it that you're the one that ordered Frank to k*ll Lila?

What did you just say?

Oh, yeah. Frank told me... that he k*lled Lila because you asked him to do it.

Which makes all the sense in the world... that you started all of this.

Sam was cheating on you with a younger woman.

And then she's pregnant?

So why not use your trusty hit man to get rid of her and then play all of us like your little puppets as we defend Rebecca, k*ll Sam... ?

It was all you all along...

[Echoing] All along...

♪ Oh, my God, you're beautiful ♪
♪ Why do you stay with this neurotic fool? ♪

[Knock on door]

♪ I've lost control ♪


♪ Please save me from myself ♪


There's my baby. She come home.

♪ I've lost control
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