01x14 - Rules in Defiance

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blindspot". Aired September 2015 - July 2020.*
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"Blindspot" focuses on a mysterious tattooed woman found in Times Square who has lost her memory and does not know her own identity. The FBI discovers that each tattoo contains a clue to a crime they will have to solve.
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01x14 - Rules in Defiance

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Blindspot"...

Fischer: The FBI's New York office has been compromised.

Miss Doe, Agent Zapata, Assistant Director Mayfair... they all had a number of inconsistencies on their polygraphs.

I have missions for you, things that move us closer to our objectives. Bring me that pen.

Fischer: Why can't you see what's right in front of your eyes, Agent Weller?

Call the director, tell him I've caught his mole.

Jane! It's Fischer! He's the mole!

I was almost caught today!

What you tell me, I can't trust.

I have a time-sensitive tattoo I need you to bring to their attention.

No. I'm out.


Hello, Kurt.

You're a marshal now?


Fischer's case against Jane wasn't all that crazy.

I've got some major reservations about Jane's alibi.

Me too.

The question now is, what are we gonna do about it?


Oh, man.

(woman chuckles)

That drink kinda turned into 10, huh?

(groaning) Yeah.

Were you always this messy?

No, um, things got a little out of hand last night.

I think at one point, you might have even used your safe word?




Have you seen my other sock anywhere?



Come on, don't overthink this.

You sent me a text at 11:30 that said, "You up?"

I'm not expecting a marriage proposal, okay?


(phone ringing)


Hi, um... it's Jane.

Everything all right?


Yeah, I'm... I'm just...

I'm not feeling very well, I think it might be, um...

You've been through a lot.

I think you should take the day off.

Maybe that's for the best.

All right.

Feel better.


(soap dropping)

(laughing) This is the smallest shower I've ever seen.

Oh, please.

I'd love to give your shower a whirl, but I have a feeling the Weller residence is off-limits.

Oh, Kurt will come around.

He's just got a lot on his plate right now with Taylor and...

Right, right.

Does she seem the same to you?

Nobody seems the same as when they're five.


Do you ever talk to her much about what she remembers?

Okay, if we're gonna talk about another woman while we're naked...

Okay, okay, okay, okay.

I'm dropping it.

Matthew Weitz, Assistant U.S. Attorney.

We spoke on the phone.

woman: Whoever's listening to me right now, I know you're there. Call me.

(phone ringing)

You want to tell me why a federal prosecutor's bugging my apartment?

Is it better or worse when you thought I was CIA?

No, no. You have no right...

Actually, I do.

We busted a tristate gambling ring, apprehended a bookie named Randall Luskey.

I want my money.

You know I'm good for it.

Here's the good news. I don't care.

I don't care about your gambling problem.

I don't even care that you sold confidential FBI documents to the CIA, which is a felony, by the way.

What I am interested in is Tom Carter, his obsession with your Jane Doe, and what it all has to do with Assistant Director Mayfair.

I am not here to destroy your career.

No, you're interested in making yours.

Tasha, something very, very wrong is going on in the highest recesses of your organization.

Help me set it right.

If I say no...

Uh, yeah, okay.

Oh, you get a really good lawyer, could get you maybe a year minimum security.

But you can't afford a really good lawyer.

Waiting on Jane?

She's out sick today.

She okay?

She's fine.

Patterson, you have a tattoo for us?

No... I have two.

The lion is on Jane's right calf, and the bull is on the left side of her waist, so I was looking at them separately.

But when you put them together and translate the Spanish, you get a Shakespeare quote.

"Some rise by sin and some by virtue fall."

Now, take a look at the numbers here.

And this is where it gets interesting, because "sin" is also an abbreviation for sine.

So, it's trigonometry.


What is the most famous lion in New York City?

And I'll give you a hint. It's a tie.

The statues outside of the Public Library.

And what is New York's most famous bull?

The Charging Bull in the Financial District.


We have two points of a triangle, and I think we're supposed to solve for the third.

So, what angles can you take the sine of to get .9658 and .8367?

All right, can we fast forward to the answer, please?

Well, before we get there, there's just one other thing that you should probably know.

Mayfair: This is how you cracked the tattoo?

An anonymous email?

This is a massive security breach!

You should have reported it to ITB immediately.

I did. I mean, we've been working on it for hours already, but they used a VPN.

It just traces back to the Arctic Circle.

And you thought it was a good idea to use this magical intel from the North Pole to solve a puzzle?

Patterson, what's the location the tattoos lead us to?

You kidding me? We can't follow it now.

Weller: Whoever sent that email had to have intimate knowledge of Jane's tattoos.

So, my guess would be the same people who put 'em on her.

Maybe something about this case has changed.

So, where does this third point...?

You end up with four possible locations.

Three of them are in bodies of water.

But the fourth... is on a street in Queens.

(line ringing)

(phone ringing)

No answer?


Patterson put our target location 20 feet from this spot.

Could be that one, this one.

Starting there.


FBI. Open up.

(g*n cocking)



Hey, guys, we got company!


Fall back! Move!

Go! Go! Go! Go!


NYPD! Look out! Take cover!


man: Don't sh**t! We're coming out!

What the hell just happened?

You just blew a three-month operation in 30 seconds.


(siren wails)

(overlapping chatter)

This place is a stash house.

NYPD's been staking it out, trying to catch the big players.

And thanks to us, they probably never will.

This doesn't make sense.

Why send us here if the NYPD were already on it?

I don't know. Right now, my priority is damage control.

I suggest you all head back to SIOC.

(siren wailing)

Look at that.

That look familiar to anyone else?

This mural is a memorial for Paloma Diaz, a 24-year-old girl who lived in the neighborhood.

She was the lead singer of a local band until she was k*lled seven years ago.

And this was the band's logo, tattooed on Jane's left arm.

Reade: So, the tattoos led us to the mural, not the drug house.

Who k*lled her?

Patterson: The boyfriend... Ronnie Vargas.

He was convicted of her m*rder and sentenced to death... and wait for it.

His execution is tomorrow night.

Weller: That's why they sent us the email.

So, we need to solve this case, fast.

Maybe he was wrongfully convicted.

State's case was strong.

They said he was abusive, that he forced Paloma to overstay her visa.

After she got caught and deported to Mexico, Ronnie apparently went after her and snuck her back into the country.

A few months later, he r*ped her, he strangled her to death and dumped her body, and it washed up in Delaware.

Easy to see why a jury would convict him.

Patterson: That's what Ronnie's lawyers thought.

And they advised him to take a deal, but he kept insisting that he was innocent.

Is there anything to indicate that he could be?

The river destroyed any DNA evidence.

But two years ago, he submitted an application to the Innocence Clinic in Georgetown.

They took his case.

They're really picky about the defendants they'll represent.

They must have had a damn good reason to trust Ronnie.

We're on a pretty tight schedule, so let's split up.

Reade, why don't you track down the lawyer that did the appeal and find out what they had.

Tasha and I will take the jet and talk to Ronnie.

We got 36 hours before Ronnie Vargas is ex*cuted.

Let's make sure the State of Delaware isn't k*lling an innocent man.

(gate buzzing)

Weller: Ronnie, why don't we start from the beginning?

Give us your side of the story.

I'm dying tomorrow.

That's my side.

There's a chance we can help you.

No, no.

I don't need your help.

I've made my peace with all this.

Ronnie, if you're innocent...

I'm not. I did it.

I k*lled her.

Everything they said is true.

Now, leave me alone... and let me die.

What are you thinking?

Ronnie insisted for years that he didn't k*ll Paloma, refused a plea deal that would've kept him off death row, applied to the Innocence Clinic.

And now, he says he's guilty.

Something's not right.

(TV playing)


(TV turning off)



What are you doing here?

I have a session with Borden.

I figured I shouldn't miss that just for a migraine.

Look, I know that yesterday was a tough day.

If there's something else going on, you can tell me.


Reade just got back and needs to talk to you.

If you need anything...

I know.

If you're sick, you should be at home getting better.

And hypothetically, if you're not sick, if you're just nursing your wounded pride about what happened yesterday, you should be at home doing that too.

I'm just here for my session with Borden.

Are... are you guys working on a new tattoo?

We got an anonymous tip.

It led us to a death row case.

Time sensitive, so...

You got a tip this morning?

I have a time-sensitive tattoo.

Yeah, an encrypted email.

Borden is waiting.

Reade: Ronnie told the Innocence Clinic attorney Paloma was the love of his life and the state's case against him was a lie.

He also told her he went to Mexico after she was deported, but he couldn't find her.

He didn't even know she was back in the states until they found her body.

The lawyer believed him.

So, why'd she drop the case?

She didn't... two weeks in, Ronnie pulls a 180, says he's guilty and refused any more help.

Exactly the same thing that he said to us.

So, what the hell changed?

His sister's house burned down.


Two weeks after Ronnie talked to that lawyer.

The sister and her three kids barely made it out alive.

It was a threat.

Weller: So, someone was making Ronnie take the fall for Paloma's m*rder or they'd k*ll more people that he loved.

If Ronnie is innocent, then who k*lled Paloma and framed him for it?

Reade: There was a witness in Ronnie's original trial who claimed he could get Ronnie off, but backed off last minute.

Innocence Clinic figured it was witness tampering, which was what drew them to the case in the first place.

The witness was an ICE agent named Timothy Eavers.

You guys are k*lling me. Do you remember everything that happened to you seven years ago?

Just the things that involve a federal m*rder trial.

That's why I backed out then.

My memory's bad.

Do you know how many faces I see in a day?

A man is about to be put to death.

And I'm sorry about that.


Lethal injections aren't as painless as they make them out to be.

If they get the dosage wrong, it can take a while.

Speaking up about Paloma Diaz almost cost me everything.

What do you mean?

Just after I came forward, my boss at ICE, Scott Stern, slapped me with a bogus sexual harassment charge, then he said he'd fired me if I testified.

Who would hire me after that?

So, you backed down?

I have a family. I need this job.

I didn't know what would happen to that kid.

If you tell us what you know, we can protect you from Stern.

He won't be able to thr*aten you anymore.

It's not too late to do the right thing.

You can still save this kid's life.

A couple days after Paloma got deported, her mother called in to the office and told me she never showed up in Mexico.

She got on the wrong bus?

She got on the right bus.

I checked the security tapes.

She just never made it to the border.

So, where did they take her?

And why did Stern want to cover it up?

I don't know. I stopped asking when they threatened to destroy my life.

Jane: They thought it was me, that I was the mole.

From what I understand, it was quite the opposite.

Wasn't Agent Weller the one who exonerated you?

Yeah, I... I know that. I mean... the others.

When Fischer was walking me out, I could tell.

They thought it was me.

Jane, that was an incredibly stressful day for everyone.

I really wouldn't give much credence to...

They were right.

Why should they trust me?

Why should I trust myself?

You know, I... I could have been anyone before this.

The work that you have done here...

I don't think I can do this anymore.

I wanna stop.

I want to leave the FBI.

I took a closer look at Paloma's file.

The booking agent who checked her into the detention center was an Agent Stern.

Eavers' boss, the one who shut him down.

Exactly. Take a look at this.

Her birthdate is 100 years off.

1885 instead of 1985.

That could just be a typo.

I ran a larger search on all the files logged in by Agent Stern.

Turns out, he's made that typo a lot over the past seven years.


1891, 1884, 1888.

It's a signal. He's earmarking them.

Stern assigns these women to deportation buses with the same driver, Hank Aubin, the one who drove Paloma's bus.

How many? How many women?


As recent as last week.

They're trafficking women.

Zapata: Both Stern and Aubin were offered several promotions and both turned them down.

They must be getting paid off to keep their current positions.

That way, they have access to a constant new... supply of women.

The ICE agents aren't the ringleaders of this operation, they're the middle men.

We need to find out whoever's at the top.

Mayfair: Bad news.

The judge won't stay Ronnie Vargas' execution.

Paloma's mom died last year, so she can't testify that Paloma never made it back to Mexico.

Without her, we just have seven-year-old hearsay evidence from a discredited ICE agent.

The only way we can save Ronnie Vargas from execution is to find Paloma's real k*ller.

And the best way to do that is to find out the person who's trafficking these women.

Reade: We should bring in Stern and Aubin.

No. If we bring them in, it'll tip off the real k*ller.

There's something else we could try.

There's a girl at the detention center with an earmarked birthday.

She's scheduled to be put on Aubin's bus this afternoon.

All right. So, if we tag that bus, we'll see who takes her.

Mayfair: Absolutely not.

We cannot put an innocent civilian in harm's way.

So, put me on the bus instead.

We just keep talking in circles.

Perhaps that's because you're uncertain about leaving.

I didn't choose any of this.

I know that.


You don't understand.

Then explain it to me.

I know how freeing it must seem to walk away from all of this, but running from your problems doesn't fix them.

No, it might fix this.

What is it that you're not telling me?


You're hiding something. You have been for weeks.

I can't help you if you won't tell me the truth.

I'm not asking you to help me.

Yes, you are.

You want me to tell you that it's okay to walk away, but I won't do that.

Not without seeing the bigger picture.

So, unless you're willing to be completely open with me, we are done here.

This locket has a listening device and a GPS tracker inside, so we can follow you while you're undercover.

It's cute, right?

Not your style. That's cool.
This thing is one way, right?

You guys can hear what's happening on my end, but I can't hear you?


Now, we know that Stern earmarks the girls for Aubin to take off the bus at some point during the trip.

We don't know when or where.

Cruz, 4A.

Zapata: So, basically, I can be abducted at any time.

No. We'll be tailing you the whole time in a surveillance unit.

Reade and I will be in the back, monitoring you.

You'll never be alone.

Once they separate you, remain undercover.

We'll follow you back to wherever they're taking the women.

Zapata: And to whoever's behind this.

We're gonna have to talk about this Sarah situation eventually.

Look, I'm sorry it's your sister, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but I...

Reade, don't.

Kurt, I love her.

This conversation... this is the problem.

I can't have your personal life interfering with our work.

All right?

A little hypocritical, but okay.

Excuse me?

Sarah and I have been dating for weeks, and no one at the FBI had a clue.

Meanwhile, your feelings for Jane have clouded your judgment since day one.

The bus is pulling over.

(speaking in Spanish)

You have cinco minutos to use the baño. Cinco minutos.

Reade: Is this a scheduled stop?


Everybody off the bus, let's go.

Sounds normal so far.

Reade: All right, here they come.

I can't see her. That truck's blocking my view.

You got eyes on her?

Yeah, I got her.

She's on the bus.

All right, we're good to go.

Let's move.

Weller, something's up.

I haven't heard anything from Zapata in a half hour.

She's probably keeping a low profile.

I think we should do a pass by the bus.

It's too risky getting that close.

It'll tip off Aubin that we're tailing him.

We need visual confirmation Zapata's still there.

Pass the bus on the right.

Not too fast.

What row's she in?

Fourth against the window.

Son of a bitch. She's not there.

Where the hell is she?

Stop! Take us back, now!

(tires screeching)

(gasping lightly)

(whispering Hail Mary in Spanish)

(panicked breathing)

Uh-uh, not so fast.

You'll just throw up everywhere.

You wait here.

I'll come to get you in an hour.

You should be more presentable by then.

(panicked breathing)

I'm Natalie.

What's your name?



(speaking Spanish)

No, no, shh.

They get mad if we don't speak English.

You are religious. That's good.

You'll need it here.

How the hell did we lose her?

Weller: The tracker's still on the bus.

He must have taken it off her.

Damn, we never should have let her go in there, man!

Patterson: I've got her on a parking lot camera. I'm sending it to you now.

Weller: Any idea who they are?

I ran their faces through our database and I got a hit on the woman.

It's a match for Camila Solis.

Her paperwork claims she was deported seven years ago around the same time as Paloma.

So, she's moved from victim to accomplice?

It's not uncommon for long-term captives to align themselves with their kidnappers.

So, how do we find them?

Patterson: Before the handoff, there's footage of Camila using the gas station across the street using a pre-paid gas card.

Great... just as untraceable as cash.

Yes and no.

You can't get an ID off it, but I was able to track the purchase history.

This card has only been used at gas stations within a five-mile radius of the diner.

Mayfair: They must be moving the women to another form of transportation to traffic them out of the area.

Any private airfields in the radius?

Yeah, one.

Also, three train stations, two harbors.

I've sent Camila's picture to all of them to see if anyone recognizes her.

We have to intercept that van before they ship Tasha somewhere else.

Or discover she's an agent.

Where are we at on the registration?

It's a dead-end. They used a fake ID.

Wait, Zapata's undercover?

I thought you were sick.

She's in trouble.


What can I do?

What happens here?

Well, see, in the daytime, we sleep down here.

And most nights, we get dressed up and the guard comes and takes us upstairs to the parties.

The man who hosts these parties, his name is Mr. Tate.

He's some kind of businessman, and the other men are his clients.

He brings them here to entertain them and to impress them.

The clients get to choose whoever they want and do whatever they want.

Zapata: The other girls are upstairs.

Why didn't you have to go?

The guards are not supposed to hurt us badly because it makes us unattractive to the clients.

There is a tall man, he has a temper.

Anything that keeps me down here is better than...

(crying) I'd let him hit me 1,000 times, as long as I don't have to go upstairs again.


Weller: This is insane.

There are over 40,000 people in this area.

It's gonna take us days to search.

We don't have that kind of time.

She could be out of the country by then.

Patterson... what is this here on the dashboard?

It's a key card. I know.

I traced it to Invidia Security Systems.

The card is a pass for a type of gate that they make.

But I checked every port of transit in the area.

None of them use Invidia Security.

What if they're not trafficking out the women at all?

What do you mean?

What if they're being kept somewhere?

All together?

Like a brothel?

That would mean that we shouldn't be looking for an escape method at all.

We should be looking for a hiding place.


Okay, does Invidia have any gates in the radius?

Ah, okay. No current properties.

But there was an old gated community that was purchased by developers in 2008 that employed them.

Looks like the project's been in limbo since the economy crashed, but all the houses are still there unoccupied.

All right, give us the address.


No one likes a tattletale.

I didn't tell Camila, I swear.

This time, I won't leave a mark.

I swear!

Please don't! No! Please stop!

(overlapping shouting)






man: What's going on down there? Hey!

Stop! Don't you move!

Anyone besides me even read her file?

Does this even look like the same girl to you?

Who are you?

You with the feds? Huh?

Hm? Huh?


She's been here for an hour already.

Whoever she's working with won't be far behind.



My apologies, but we're gonna have to cut this night short.

But rest assured, I will make it up to each and every one of you in spades.

Sir, we have to get you out of here now.

This place is covered in evidence.

I can't risk leaving anything that'll tie me to it.

Burn it to the ground.

What should I do with them?

I can't risk leaving any evidence.

(overlapping chatter)

We might need her.



(overlapping chatter)

(Zapata speaking in Spanish)

(women coughing)

(g*nf*re continues)

Weller, I'm going in after her!

Stay here, Reade! We gotta take 'em down first!

Zapata: Go, go, go!

(women shouting)


(woman screaming)




(g*nf*re continuing)



Hey, let me drive away.

Drop that g*n!

Or I k*ll her!

Drop that g*n now!

Let me drive aw... (screaming)


Don't move.

Don't move.

There's a girl trapped in there, in the basement! You have to help her!

She saved us! She saved us!

Weller, that's Zapata!

(Zapata screaming and banging on door) I'm here!

Come here, Reade.

Reade: Tasha! Tasha!

(grunting) Drop it, drop it!





We gotta get her out before the fire hits the gas line!

Come on.

(banging and shouting)


Tasha. Tasha.

Go! Go! Go, go, go! Reade, go!

Go! Come on! Go! Go!



Zapata: This woman was taken around the same time as you.

Do you recognize her?

Camila, what happened to her?

A client k*lled her at a party.

He said it was an accident.

And Max... he forced me to get rid of her body.

(sobbing) She was my friend.

After that, Max began to call me his special helper.

He said I was different from the other girls.

Maxwell Tate is facing charges on over 100 counts ranging from bribery to sex trafficking to first-degree sexual as*ault.

He'll spend the rest of his life behind bars.

As will the client who k*lled Paloma... a two-term state senator.

And that's just the beginning. We're going after every last one of his clients.

"Some rise by sin."

In light of the new evidence and Camila's eyewitness account, Ronnie Vargas' execution has been stayed.

He's expected to be released from prison within the week.

Nice work, everyone.


I just wanted to see how you were holding up.

That was a... pretty brutal mission.

Those women today...

No one else was coming for them.

If it hadn't been for us and for your tattoos, there's a good chance they wouldn't have been found at all.

Anything I had to do would have been worth it to take down Tate.

You really feel that way?

This work is bigger than us.

I take it this is about your other assignment.

I've been looking into Carter's disappearance, and I can't find any evidence as to where he was in the hours before his car showed up on that bridge, but there's a bunch of traffic cameras near it.

I figured if I drive up, take a look...

You might be able to track where his car was coming from that night.


All the cameras feed into the D.O.T.

Traffic Management Center in Long Island City.

I just need a warrant to take a look at the footage.

I'll make a call. You find anything, you bring it to me and only me.

Yes, ma'am.

There you are.

In the flesh... mostly.

Feeling better?

Yeah, I'm... I'm okay.

I missed you today.

I missed being out with the team.

The team missed you too.

You're one of us now.

Are you coming?

No. Going down.

Come on!

Get in the car.

Good work, guys.

Something the U.S. Marshals can help you with, Agent Weller?


I know you don't like football.

Do you like basketball?

Not really, no.

That's good, 'cause the game's almost over.

How were the seats?

Garbage. At least, the beer's overpriced.

What's the deal with you and Jane?

I mean, that's why you were acting weird this morning, right?

I mean, I'm not asking for some big commitment, but I don't wanna play proxy to the woman you really wanna be sleeping with.


That is not what this is about.


I wanna take you to the game and drink some overpriced beers.

And then, maybe we can end up back in your apartment where... we trash another room?



Oh, those seats really are garbage.

Yeah, I told you.

Come on, I'm down here.

What, so I win?

You win.

Ha ha!

That was the last of 'em.

He avoided every traffic camera?

How is that even possible?

Look, man, cams don't cover the whole city.

Locations are public.

Someone wants to stay off 'em bad enough, they could just...


(typing) Hang on.

They've been testing new ones recently.

Wouldn't be listed anywhere yet.


Reade: Stop it here.

All right, back it up.

There, there, right there.

That's the guy you're looking for?


But that's his car.

So, who the hell are you?

(sharp crack)


That email to Patterson...

Help from a friend? That was you?

I told you it was important, but you refused, so we had to resort to other measures.

Much riskier measures, by the way.


Why this case? Why is it worth the risk?

Because we were out of time.

An innocent man was going to die.

So... does this mean you've changed your mind about working with me?


This is the last time we'll be meeting.

I don't trust you.

And whoever I was before, I don't trust her either.

I'm not your asset inside the FBI anymore.

I am FBI.

Taylor, you're in deep with these people.

You can't see the big picture right now.

When you could, I swear, you felt very differently.

You decided to infiltrate them.


I don't care.

I am not that person anymore.

I am not the person who planned all of this.

I am not your fiancée, and I'm not on your side.

Well, I'm still on your side, and I want to protect you.

And if I can, I wanna protect the people you care about too.

But I'm the good cop, and the bad cops, they're not so concerned about that part.

What, bad cops?

You left very strict instructions... the possibility that you'd be an unwilling participant with something you've accounted for.

The people we work with, they'll stop at nothing to make sure this plan succeeds.

What are you saying?

If you refuse to cooperate... they'll k*ll Agent Weller.
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