04x20 - Genesis

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arrow". Aired October 2012 - January 2020*

Moderator: SageLexington

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Spoiled billionaire playboy Oliver Queen is missing and presumed dead when his yacht is lost at sea. He returns five years later a changed man, determined to clean up the city as a hooded vigilante armed with a bow.
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04x20 - Genesis

Post by bunniefuu »

Oliver: My name is Oliver Queen. After 5 years in Hell, I returned home with only one goal-- to save my city, but my old approach wasn't enough. I had to become someone else. I had to become something else. I had to become the Green Arrow.

Previously on "Arrow"...

Darhk: Those little yellow pills you swallowed, they do a few interesting things, including making you cooperative.

Thanks to the algae we engineered from Star City bay, the air down here is now perfectly breathable.

Genesis is almost ready.

We're much too close to play games.

Do you remember what I promised you?

A new beginning.

And you will have it once we've brought this world to its end.

Andy's working for Darhk, has been the entire time.


Your brother's way beyond reach, Mr. Diggle.

If I'd listened to you instead of trusting my brother, Laurel would be alive right now.

If Darhk wins, Laurel died for nothing.

He feels unstoppable.

Because of his magic.

It's too strong.

You always find a way, and you have to find a way now.

Now is not the time for panic.

We let him rot in prison.

Clearly, you overestimate Damien Darhk's capacity for forgiveness, which is to say that he has any.

Should Damien prove to be unreasonable, I have implemented contingencies.

My buddies.

Long time, no see.

I brought my posse. Hope you don't mind.

What happened to Ian and Judy?

They come down with that nasty, little flu that's been going around?

Some were wary of this meeting given that--

You all abandoned me to my imprisonment?

Malcolm: I visited.

Someone should teach this evil organization a lesson in helping their fellow man.

I'm sure it's all just a simple misunderstanding.

After all, why would I rely solely on the word of Malcolm Merlyn?

He can be so underhanded.


And our illustrious council has worked together for such a very long time.

I'm glad that we still have your trust.

Of course. I had a lot of time to reflect while I was in prison, mostly about religion and bundt cake, but after much thought, I realized that-- oh, almost forgot.

Did my little incarceration delay Genesis at all?

Uh, of course not.

Genesis is much bigger than just one person.

Heh heh heh heh.

Gold star for you.

Where was I? Oh, that's right.

My jailhouse epiphany.

If I could escape prison without your help, what do I need any of you for?

Milo, you really have not been paying attention, have you?


Ah, ah, ah, ah.


Anyone else care to do something stupid?

No takers?


Ladies and gentlemen and recently deceased, it is time to begin the final phase of Genesis.

Milo Armitage.

SCPD found him in an alley outside Ellendale, and across town...

Phaedra Nixon.

Ok. So what am I missing?

They were both HIVE.

You probably don't recognize Phaedra and Milo now that they're dead, or maybe you were too busy running for your life, but--

They were with Darhk when he held us hostage.

And now they're dead.

What, so you think crazy-pants Lonnie Machin's back in town?

Oliver: No. His grudge is against Darhk, not HIVE.

You think Darhk is cleaning house?

Well, HIVE didn't lift a finger to break him out of Iron Heights.

That was all Andy and Merlyn.

Ok. Well, if Darhk is settling scores, then now might be the time to hit him.

We have seen how powerful he is I can't risk losing anyone else.

We can't just sit on our hands, Oliver.

We're not just sitting on our hands, but before we do anything, we need to know that we can counteract his magic.

Well, is that even possible?

I think it might be.

I was finally able to get in touch with Constantine.

He put me on to someone who he thinks may be able to teach me how to defend against Darhk's magic.

Ok. Well, I'm not just saying this because I love "Harry Potter," but why are we not all taking those lessons?

Well, it is easier said than done and apparently quite dangerous.

So I have to go to Hub City for a day or two.

Thea: Ok. In that case, can I take the weekend with Alex?

Kind of wants to go away, clear our heads.

That sounds like a good idea.

I think that-- actually, I think everyone should take a little time.

Lay low but stay available, and we will deal with Darhk when I get back.

Thea: Ok.


Let him in.

Mind stepping out?

Hey, you. How you holding up?


You've, um, looked better.

Oh! Considering I've spent two weeks in a b*mb-proof, tungsten-encased bunker, I think I look pretty good.


You hungry?

Mmm. How long have those been there?

That was lunch.

Might have even been today's.

Yeah. I think I'll pass.

Oliver is leaving tonight on some magical mystery tour, wants me to stay put and do nothing until he comes back.

Magical mystery tour?

Yeah. It's a long story, but the point of it is is that he thinks it's too dangerous to go after Darhk or Andy until he gets the right magical know-how.

I can see you're thrilled about that.

If you think you have it bad, try remembering you're not the one being held prisoner in a metal box.

Oh, sweetheart.

We've talked about this.

Andy has been inside of Argus, he's been inside of our home.

It's too dangerous for you to be either place right now.

I don't want you any other place either.

Oh, I got you, baby, I got you. Mmm.

Let my agents see what they can find.


And as much as you don't want to hear it, Oliver has a point.

HIVE is too dangerous for you to go off half-cocked, John.

Oh, it's always serious when you call me John.

Well, John, why don't you make yourself useful by grabbing some diapers while you're out?

We're running low and I hate asking my people to get them.

You got it.

Back in a hour?

Or less.

[Keypad beeping]

Say, "bye, daddy." Say, "bye-bye. Bye-bye."

You've been living down here.

Ahem. It seemed to make the most sense.

Where's all your stuff?

It's in storage. You know me.

I don't need much.

Maybe, like, a plant, like a...Fern or something.

They thrive in places like this.

How could I forget?

[Zips bag]

Come to see me off.

You were pretty stingy on the details about this "magic tutor" Constantine referred you to.

It is sort of my M.O.

Don't talk to me like I'm other people.

What has you so worried?

Darhk's idol, the type of magic that he's using, I've seen it take good people and turn them dark, soulless, almost inhuman.

And you're afraid that's gonna happen to you?

There's an argument to be made that I'm already there.

That's not funny.

I am not joking.

There is no length that I will not go to to avenge Laurel, to stop Darhk from hurting anyone ever again, and I honestly don't know where that path will lead.

I'm coming with you.

Felicity-- just because we're not together doesn't mean you have to do this alone, and I've already chartered the company jet.

Mr. Dennis is furious, and I booked us a room-- rooms...with points.

Should I even try and talk you out of this?

No. You met my mother.

Heh. Same DNA.

[Cell phone chimes]

Did you see anyone else here?

Which way?

Get out of here now.

What the hell?

Andy: Sorry, man...

But I'm not playing anymore!

Hoo! You still got those quick reflexes, John.

Too bad they couldn't save your partner.

Don't you dare say anything about her!

Well, you've got a g*n.

Make me!

♪ Arrow 4x19 ♪
Original Air Date on May 4, 2016

[Cell phone ringing]

Hey, honey. It's a little tough for me to talk right now!

You'll want to hear this.

Satellite track just picked up Andy.


Let me guess. He's somewhere south of Main between Grammercy and Addison, right?

How do you know that?

Because I'm trading sh*ts with him right now.


You can yell at me later.

Just send backup.

He's at the Grammercy Power Plant.

How soon can your men get here?

5 minutes, 10 tops.

That's too long.

Johnny, you need to wait.

You have no tactical advantage in there.

Lyla, I can't wait. If I do, he gets away.

I can't let that happen, not again.

Your judgment is compromised.

Maybe it is, but it doesn't mean I'm wrong. Get here!




So what exactly are we looking for?

High roller room.

When you said that you'd found someone to teach you magic, I was thinking, like, a mountaintop or a hidden temple, not Hub City's premier underground casino.

Well, with Constantine, I have learned to expect the unexpected.

I'm betting on Fortuna.

[Jazz playing]

Now he was a little bit vague with the specifics.

He just said...

[British accent] "Pitch game, first base, mate.

See if you're worthy."

Wow. Ok. Pitch game, Blackjack.

Uh, dealer using up to two decks.


First base, first seat on the dealer's left.

I think we're in the right place.

I'm not so sure that finding this guy depends on gambling.

It's not gambling when I play.

[Birds chirping]

[Dog barks]

[Birds chirping]


[Loud clang]





Hey. Morning.

And here I thought you were gonna sleep past breakfast.

I--I almost did.


I'm so foggy.

Yeah. You were exhausted.

You passed out 5 minutes after we left the city.

Oh. Guess I was really tired.

See? It just proves how badly you needed this trip.

We both did.

You ready for some famous eggs Benedict?

You poached eggs?

Hey. I'm not just a cutthroat political operative.

I contain multitudes.

Mm-hmm, and you also wear a very mean apron.

Well, you should see what I have on underneath.

Mmm. Ha ha!

I forgot how good you were at this.

Oh, like riding a bike.

Rough beat.

Indeed. I should probably head home soon before they take my shoes.

Oh. Well, you never know when your luck's gonna change.

Trust me.

That's so kind. Muchas gracias.

De nada.

Oh, boom! Come to mama!

Ahem. I mean...What?

I'm starting to think that this guy's gonna be a no-show.

It's because he's not a guy, amor.

Esrin Fortuna.

Tell John Constantine he still owes me money.

Stay right where you are, you son of a bitch.

It's funny.

I was gonna tell you the same thing.



Bravo, John.

You played the script out perfectly.

What the hell are you talking about?

Oh, don't worry about it.

I'll explain everything after you wake up.



I'm sorry this place isn't as fancy as the cage you kept me in for 3 months.

Where the hell am I?

You got bigger worries.

Mr. Darhk is on his way.

To do what?

Well, he's not coming here to play gin rummy.

I'm supposed to prep you.

Glad to see you're picking up your psycho boss' old habits.

I'm sorry, but is the man that locked me up in a cage and beat me half to death questioning my savior's orders?

Damien Darhk is no one's savior.

He's a liar and a monster.

The Romans said the same thing about Jesus.

Just do whatever you're gonna do, man.

Do it!

Wow. There's that temper I remember.

You know, it's a good thing that Sara's not gonna have to grow up with it like I did.

Keep my daughter's name out of your mouth!

How could you do this to everyone again for a second time?

Oh. Oh, I know what you're doing.

You're referring to my former wife and son.

I left that life a long time ago, John.

You can't even say their names.

Carly, Andy Jr.

They were your family.

They still are.

My family... is HIVE.


Argggh! Gaaah!

Ok. So since Oliver doesn't seem to want to ask it, um--

Why is an immortal shaman playing Blackjack in Hub City's premier underground casino?

Excuse me? Immort--immortal?

You see any wrinkles on my face?

And shaman.

A shaman is someone who has influence in the world of good and evil spirits.

Blackjack is just a hobby.

This way.

Planning on teaching me magic in the back room of a casino?

You want to learn the dark arts, Mr. Queen, we cannot do that here.

Whoa! This is by far the coolest high roller room I have ever seen.

We've left the casino behind, amor, and that plane of existence.

Oliver: I've been in a chamber like this before on an island named Lian Yu.

Yes. Lian Yu is a place of Nexus just like your home.

Star City?

Hmm. There's a Nexus chamber there, as well.

Wait. You didn't think it was a coincidence that Damien Darhk chose that city?

You know Darhk?

I wouldn't be much of a shaman if I didn't.

Special brand of nasty loco that one is.


So if you know Darhk, why haven't you tried to end him?

That's not the way of things.

We immortals tend to stay out of the affairs of men.

Unless someone owes you money.

Recognize this handsome gent?

Darhk has a similar idol.

It gives him his power.

Uh-uh. It only channels it.

Darhk's power comes from--


The more people he kills, the more powerful he becomes.

Not just a pretty face this guy.

Yeah. Except Oliver's not gonna go k*ll a bunch of people just to be on the same level playing field as Darhk.

All things have their opposite.

Darhk draws his power from fear and death.

Its opposite is light and hope, la Luz Del Alma, light of the soul.

If you can channel la Luz Del Alma, you will be able to repel Darhk's magic.

Then that is what I'm here to learn.

I wish it were just that easy.

If the darkness inside you outweighs the light, instead of repelling Darhk's magic, you will end up fueling it.

You will only make him more powerful.

Are you getting a signal?

Nope. That's one of the benefits of being on vacation.

Oh. I just wanted to call my brother.

You ok? Seem to be having trouble relaxing.

Yeah. No. I'm-- you're probably gonna think it's stupid.

Oh, I can pretty much guarantee that I won't.

It's--it's this place.

It just seems too perfect.

Ha! Oh. It sounds like it's been way too long since you've left the city.

Yeah, maybe.
[Dog barks, birds chirping]

Do you hear that?

Yeah. I think people call that nature.

No. That's--

[dog barks, birds chirping]

That's not it.


I, uh...

I don't know. Maybe I'm just tired, but it--it sounds like everything is on a loop right now.

Does that sound crazy?

That--that's crazy.

Only a little, yeah.

Look. I think this is just the last bit of you trying to fight this vacation.


Hey. Let all that go.

Just be happy, ok?


I sure am.


All right.

Andy: It's time.

I know this feels personal, John, but it isn't.

What's happening is just what has to happen.

John: Rah!

Do it.

Do it for Laurel.

She'd be so disappointed in you.

The only reason why you're still breathing is because one of us is still human.

I'll hit you with a low dose of Darhk's magic, and then we'll take it up from there.

Don't I need an idol or a totem?

The tattoo Constantine gave you does many things.

Are you ready?


Felicity: I'm--I'm sorry.

I just--I just thought that these magic lessons would have, you know, more lessons.

Magic is a manipulation of primordial energies, primordial as in prelinguistic.

You'll probably want to take a few steps back, amor.


Two sides of you-- darkness, light.

Focus on the light.

Good, but that might be, as they call, beginner's luck, so let's kick it up a notch or two, hmm?

Fortuna: The darkness and light are within you.

In truth, you are only fighting yourself.

The friends you've failed, the people you've k*lled, they have no place in this.

Don't give in.

Cast aside your doubt, resist your darkness.

[People shouting]




What happened?

He's not ready.

I'll get it, I'll get it.

Now let's go again.

I could give you an infinite number of tries.

It wouldn't change a thing.

What? No. I can do this.

I told you if the darkness within you is greater than the light, you will only make your enemy stronger.

You've seen what's inside of you, yeah?

Tell me, what could I possibly teach you that would change what you saw?

Wait. So that's it? It's over?

There's nothing I can do for him.

[Birds chirping]

It's not even getting dark out.

What's that?

It's 8:00, and it's raining outside, but it's still light out.

We're up north and...

Seriously, what's gotten into you?

You never even told me where we were going...

[Dog barks]

And how can you not hear that?

Thea, come on.

We've been over this.

Seriously, listen.

There's 3 chirps...

[Birds chirp, dog barks]

Then a bark, then 4 chirps, and then it just keeps repeating itself twice.

Ok. I think what's happening here is you're beyond stressed.

No, ok, Alex. I am not stressed out.

Just listen.


There's gonna be a bark right...Now.

[Dog barks]


Since when did you start taking vitamins--

Now you're worried about my vitamins.

Where did you get those?

Ruvé. She said I needed to stay healthy.


Alex...Where are we?

Is--is the reason that I don't remember anything because you...

Did you drug me?

Thea, now you're talking crazy, ok?

No, I can't.

Where are you going?


[Beep, door unlocking]

What the hell, Johnny?!

I told you to stand down!

I know, I know, but I couldn't.

You could have been k*lled!

I couldn't stand down, not after what he did.

Then you are going to make an orphan of your daughter because you are not seeing straight.

That's why tonight went south!

[Sara crying]


Lyla, listen. I know I-- I know I messed up.

I--I know my head isn't on right, but--but he's my brother, and Laurel, she-- she was like a sister.

I know, and it's horrible, but right now, Johnny, you are not acting like the man I married.

You're the man I divorced.

Lyla, look. I just wanted to help him, to bring my brother back.

Then bring him to justice, but do it the right way.

I will.

I will.

We'll find someone else to teach you magic, someone with more patience and less smelly incense.

She was right, you know?

It's not about the magic.

It's about me.

If she didn't see anything worthy inside you, she never would have dealt with us.

She didn't deal with us. She dealt with you.

She didn't reveal herself until you offered her your chips, and that has always been the way with us.

Felicity, you are the one who brings the light.

You know, I told you that I've seen magic that's turned good people dark, but all Fortuna did was show me who I really am.

Don't do this.

Every time you face a setback, you throw yourself a pity party.

It's not a pity party. It's acceptance.

You said it yourself.

No matter what I do, I'm always gonna revert back to the person I became on the island.

Yeah. When I said that, I was hurt.

I was going through one of the most painful experiences of my life.

No, Oliver, you're not perfect.

None of us are.

The good is that all of us can change.

Darhk: Hmm.

Poowr widdle Andy Diggle.

Did your big brother knock your noggin?

Heh heh heh heh.

Bravo. Your performance was pitch perfect.

Thank you, sir.

I assume the tracker's in place.

We've already locked in on his location.

Well, then I believe it's time for one last family reunion.


Oh, come on.

You're a bigger baby than Sara.


Is there anything else you can tell me about their lockup?

Yeah. The place could have really used some central heating.

No. It was strange.

t*rture just doesn't seem like the right play.

Why not just k*ll me?

[Alarm blaring]

What's that?

Proximity alarm.

Sweetheart, make sure Sara's strapped in really tight.

How's Sara?

She's ok.

It's director Michaels. We have a code black.

We have two more bogeys.

How the hell did they find us?

It's me. Andy let me go.

He probably tagged me with a tracker.

You can blame yourself after we get out of this.

You mean if we get out of this.

Where's your backup?

HIVE has them engaged elsewhere--

Argus headquarters.

Where's your team?

They're not answering.

So much for "stay available."

We're on our own.


This rig was designed to withstand just about anything.

Does that include magic?

[Tires squealing]

It's me he's after.

I'll draw him out.


If you were Darhk's objective, he already had you.

He wanted you to lead him to me.

What are you talking about?

You need to get out of here now.

Lyla, I'm not leaving you.

Johnny, I am not Amanda Waller.

If they use you against me, I will give them whatever they want.

I need you both safe.

That was a fun bit of business.

Get him.

You are a feisty one, Ms. Michaels.

You had your fun.

It's time for me to have mine.

[Tires squealing]

Oh, it's been a while since I've hit anybody with this thing.

I didn't think you got my message.

Sorry we're late. Oliver's on Lyla and Darhk.

Baby Sara?

All right.


You got her?

Yeah, yeah.


Ok, ok.

All right.


[Tires squeal]

It's a small world, isn't it?

Your bother-in-law being my loyal servant.

Thanksgiving at your home is gonna be so interesting this year.


Ha ha ha!



[Arrow whooshes]


You seem like a likable guy, Oliver.

I bet you've got a lot of friends.

I'm gonna enjoy k*lling every last one of them.

No. Never again.

Bet you regret not pulling that trigger the first time around.

What are you gonna do, John?

Agh! Unh!


After Laurel, I left you alone to grieve.

I was being nice.

You have no idea how much I hate being nice.


John: Agghhh!

It isn't over.

You haven't been paying attention, Andy.

Darhk got out, I got out.

I'll get out again.

That mobile safe house you got looked really homey.

Bet it will get cramped when Sara gets older.

Shut up.

She's got to go to school eventually, and Lyla, well, you can't watch her 24/7.

I said shut your mouth, Andy.

Shut your damn mouth!

You're the one who's obviously not paying attention because this is w*r.

And women, children, they're expendable in your w*r?

Genesis is coming, John.

Lyla and Sara won't be the only women and children who die.

Tell me, how's it feel knowing that you had no problem pulling the trigger to protect a bunch of Afghanis that you never knew, but you don't have the guts to do what's necessary to protect your own wife and child?



How's Lyla?


She's fine.

She--she's, um-- she's unconscious, but--but she's fine.

Felicity's taking her and Sara back.

Darhk is--Darhk's in the wind.

John, what happened?

He was never gonna back off of us.

My family...

They were never gonna be safe.

Felicity: Hey.


Did you get in touch with Thea?

Not yet.

You ok?


Earlier with Darhk, it worked.

He tried to use his magic on me, and I was able to repel it.

That's incredible.

How'd you do it?

I heard your voice in my head, and you were reminding me of all of the good things that I have in my life.

I heard Thea, I heard John.

I heard Laurel...

Just telling me to keep fighting, to never give up, just telling me to have hope.



Sara? Where's Sara?

She's fine, she's fine.

Felicity took her to Donna's.

She--she's ok.

But something's wrong.

I, um--I had to put him down, Lyla.



I had to k*ll my baby brother.

He wasn't a brother to you, Johnny, not in the ways that really matter.

What happened?

He reached for my g*n.

I didn't have a choice.

Oh, no.

No, no, no, no.


It's gone.

Darhk took it.

Took what?

Lyla: Rubicon.

I thought Rubicon was being stored at Argus.

It was until Shadowspire tried to steal it.

After Waller's death, I had it moved for security reasons.

To where?

It was under your skin?

A subdermal implant.

Darhk ripped it out.

Lyla, you need to tell us what Rubicon is.

A ballistic launch override protocol designed to prevent any country, even our own, from firing a nuclear m*ssile.

Something tells me Darhk's plans aren't so benign.

Lyla: With some work and the right expertise, Rubicon could be corrupted.

Instead of controlling nukes to prevent them from being launched--

Oh, my God.

Darhk would control the world's nuclear stockpile.

To what end?

I don't mean to apply logic to a bad guy's plot here, but Darhk destroys the world, then what?

He'd be ruler of nothing.

Unless he wants to rebuild.

Andy told me that Genesis was coming.

Felicity: I don't think so. Phil Collins said they'd never tour again.

The old testament, the book of "Genesis."

God wanted to give the world a do-over, so he destroyed it.

He destroyed it with a flood.

Rubicon is Darhk's flood.

Felicity: So nuclear annihilation is Darhk's flood.

What's he planning on building as his ark?
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