17x23 - Heartfelt Passages

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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17x23 - Heartfelt Passages

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey Charisse, get in the car.

Please, let me go home.

NYPD, freeze!

Gary Munson... What do we know about him?

CO at Rikers for 17 years. Facing counts of r*pe.

My husband is a good father.

Your husband is a reckless man. You should get yourself tested.

These charges are an outrage and an insult to every corrections officer.

We're going to shut this city down.

That CO union has more power than any place I've ever seen.

Right here, right now, shove you down these steps, get your skull cracked open.

Everything all right?

Tell the squad to watch their backs.

Someone just threatened to k*ll me.

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous.

In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.

Mr. Barba, as I understand it, the defendant, Corrections Officer Gary Munson, is already under indictment on nine counts of r*pe, and one count of attempted r*pe.

Yes, your Honor, but the grand jury has handed up a superseding indictment adding 15 counts of forcible touching, and 28 counts of sodomy.

Given the quantity and severity of these additional charges, the people request that Mr. Munson's bail be revoked, and that he be remanded to protective custody in Rikers.

The defendant is not a flight risk.

He's the father of two young children who need him at home, as does... his wife.

Given his strong family and professional ties, I see no need for remand.

[softly] Oh, my God.

I will, however, increase the bail to $500,000.

Next case.

Mrs. Munson, I'm... I'm sorry that it's come to this.

I'll... I'll leave you be.

No, no, please don't go.

There's a dozen COs from Rikers out there, and I can't talk to you in front of them.

About what?

They're working on raising Gary's bail.

I'm afraid he's going to get out.

And you'd rather he be remanded?

I did what you said and got tested for STDs.

As soon as I got the results, I called a divorce lawyer.

Does your husband know?


And I stood by him today because I want him to think that I am in his corner until I can get my children out of there.

Okay. Okay, Mrs. Munson, I... I need you to please listen to me.

I understand your wanting to leave.

But in situations like this...

Women get k*lled.

But we're not going to let that happen.

Now your father is NYPD. Does he know what's going on?

Does he support you?

Yeah, but he doesn't think it's a good idea to be there when Gary moves out.

He and Gary have history.

Understood, and in the meantime, does your husband have any g*ns in the house?

You confiscated his Sig when he was arrested.

I've searched the house, he doesn't have any other weapons... except his temper.

Okay. So it would be best for you to get out of the house before he comes back.

You take care of yourself and your children.

You have any problems, you call me.

All right, Sarge, it took a minute, but you grew on me.

I'm going to miss you.

Yeah, we all are.


Right, Fin?

Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Now everybody's telling me I need to take that sergeant's exam.

Thanks a lot, Dodds.

Lieutenant Benson.

I'm sorry to bother you, um, I'm a little worried.

I'm packing up, but Gary made bail.

Okay, okay. He's inside the house now?

Mmhmm. Yeah, with the kids.

He's all right, but I...

Right, you want me

to send a squad car?

No, no, please.

It's... it's been embarrassing enough, and... and he's already starting to ask questions that I don't know how to answer.

All right, so how about if I come?

I'll, uh, I'll bring one of my guys, and we'll just keep it nice and quiet and calm, and we'll get you and your kids out of there, okay?

Thank you.


Hey, guys, that was Lisa Munson.

We need to do a clothes job.

She's leaving him.

And he made bail?

Yes, so she just needs a little support getting her out of there.

You want me to go with you?

I'll do it.

You know what? I'll go.

You're packing up, it's your last day.

Guy like that sees a sergeant and a lieutenant, he'll listen.

You're right.

Let's get this over with.


Who was that on the phone?

Wrong number.

Don't you lie to me.

Is it that attorney you've been talking to?

You think I don't know?

Gary, it's not like that.

If you think you're leaving me, you're dumber than I thought.

Who were you talking to?


[tense music]

♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

She called, but now she's not answering the door.

What's going on?

It's quiet.

What was her exit plan?

Well, she said she rented a car.

That's got to be it.

Okay, and that's his car in the driveway.

[door opens] Hi.

Uh, sorry for keeping you guys waiting.

Everything okay?


Everything's fine here.

Mr. Munson, we're here, uh, at your wife's request.

I overreacted when I called you guys.

We're handling things.

That's good to hear.

So you don't mind if we come in?

Not necessary.

You know, we're already here, it's um, it's probably best if we just come in for a few minutes.

Just to talk.

If you want to come in, come in.

Do I need to call my lawyer?

We're not here to talk about your case.

No? Oh, right, yeah.

You're here because Lisa wants to leave me.

Right? Forgive me.

I'm just a big, dumb CO, but I get it now.

Hey, Mr. Munson, we don't want any trouble here.

Great, neither do I.

And this guy didn't leave a number?

Okay, Carmen, thank you.

No, I'll be at the office in an hour.

Mr. Barba.

Mr. Pastrino.

Glad we caught you.

You have a minute?

Uh, no, not really.

I'm on my way to a motions hearing.

Can you schedule an appointment?

This won't take long.

Uh, [scoffs] your client ready to plead guilty to multiple counts of r*pe?

Let's be realistic here. You don't want to take a corrections officer to trial.

You don't want to put yourself through that.

I hope that's not a threat.

It's a reality.

My guys already feel like they're under attack.

Tell you what. Two counts, criminal sexual act, in the third.

So your guys does, what, a year and a half?

These women come on to him. They work him any way they can.

I've seen it.

He's a CO, they're inmates.

They're incapable of consent. It's r*pe.

You really thing a jury's going to look at a bunch of junkies, then look at him, and believe that?

Yes, I do.

If these women even testify.

They're lowlifes.

They miss their own court dates.

They're not making yours.

Thanks for the advice.

Your guy's doing hard time, and then he's going on the registry.

It's over.

Hey, guys, guys.

There are, uh, friends of Mommy's, and they're going to help her get ready for the vacation you're going on.

They're not friends, they're police officers.

Gary, why don't I go upstairs with Olivia and start to pack?


She'll stay down here with the kids.

You go up.

So, what are you guys watching?

"Star Wars."

Yeah? Which one?

"The Return of the Jedi."

They're holding Han Solo prisoner.

Mm, that's a good one.

Hey, why don't you and I go in the kitchen?

Sure. How about a beer, pal?

You want one?

I do, but I'm on duty.


[top clatters]

Not Me.

Not ever again. You guys took care of that.

I know this is rough, but this is where we are.


You turned my own wife against me.

Whichever way this case goes, she doesn't have your back.

Where she is, it's over. It's better to find out now.

Instead of when I'm in prison.

Yeah, I've seen that a thousand times.

The "Dear John" visit.

Women, they have that switch.

But the most important thing right now is making sure that your kids are safe, and that they're taken care of.

You want to part on good terms, you don't want to drag this thing out.

Whatever you think of me, my kids are my life.

They love me.

I'm their hero.

And today they need you.

They know something's going on.

They're watching you.

[elevator bell dings]


A second later, I would have missed you.

That alarm's not going to help you.

What do you want? Who sent you?

Well, that's the thing, huh, friend?

You've made so many enemies, you have no way of knowing, do you?

Same way you won't hear the b*llet that's coming for you.

[bell dings]

[alarm bell rings]

I'm a New York City AD.

That man just threatened me.

Shut the building down and get that security footage.

[alarm ringing]

I don't want to leave you.

I know honey, but I'm going to see you real soon, okay?

Tommy, I want to make sure that you look after your sister.

I will.

Tommy, Annie, backpacks.

Are my lovies in there?

Your favorite one.

What about the others?

Mike and your dad can bring those to you later.

I promise, sweetheart.

All right kids, let's get going.

Give your dad a hug.

I love you, Daddy.

I love you, Daddy.

I love you more.

What's the matter, I don't get a good-bye hug from Mommy?

Take care of yourself, Gary.

All right, kids. All right, all right, let's go.

We're all good here, right, Gary?

You look nice, Lisa.

Isn't that the, uh, jacket I bought you for your birthday?

Okay, we're going to go now.

Let's go. Right now.

You want the jacket, Gary?

Whoa, hey, hey, Gary!

Get over there.

Now, this is what you're going to do.

You listening to me? You're going to take out your g*n, slowly, and you're going to put it on the table, or I'm going to sh**t her right now.

Okay, okay. You don't want to do that.

Do it!


I'm going to reach for my g*n, okay, Gary?

It's just fine. It's fine, all right?

Here you go.

[chamber clicks]

There, there. Okay?

Gary the kids are just...

Shut up!

Olivia, where's Mommy?

I'm going to get her right now, sweetheart.

I'm going to go get her right now.

Here, let's get your seat belt on, okay?

This isn't the way, Gary. Don't make it worse.

I'm going to tell you the way. You're going to walk out now.

My wife and I... it's between us. [crying]

Hey, Dodds?


Dodds, we need to get going.

[doorbell ringing]


She's not going away.


Mr. Munson, can you open the door, please?

Open the door.

Okay, we're not going to open the door right now, Lieutenant.

Mr. Munson, your children are wondering when their mother is coming out.


That's on hold for now.

How about... how about we stop shouting through the door, and I'm going to call you, all right?

[cell phone rings]

Put her on speaker.


Lieutenant, you're on speaker.


Where's Mommy?

Hold on, Annie. I'll be right there, sweetie.

Mr. Munson, we all want the same thing.

Your guy's free to go.

I don't have a problem with him.

Mr. Munson, I need for you to let my sergeant and your wife leave right now, okay?

You know what?

I'm so tired of women telling me what I need to do.

I know what I need to do.


Dodds, are you and Lisa okay?

Yes, we're, uh, we're unhurt.

I've been asking Mr. Munson if there's anybody that he wants to talk to.

Exactly, like... like a family member, or his union rep.

I got nothing to say. She doesn't listen to me.

Nobody listens to me.

We're listening to you now, Gary.

Mr. Munson, I'm listening to you.

I'm listening to you right now.

You're damn straight, you are.

[breathing heavily]

[emotional] Now I want you to get my kids somewhere safe.

Away from here.

Absolutely, that's what I'm doing now.

Now, what I need you to do...

No, hang up!

Okay, okay.

Why are you still here? Huh?

You don't have to be a hero.

Gary, come on.

He's not going to hurt me.

We love each other.

[kisses] That's right.

Now get out of here.

Don't look back, just go.

I'm not going to do that, Gary.

Go. [sobbing]

That's the guy.

Okay, so you said he threatened you twice, when was the first time?

Uh, after the Munson indictments, he stopped me in front of the courthouse, and said he could throw me down the stairs and crack open my skull.

Why didn't you tell us about that?

I've been getting threats all year.

All year? So this may have nothing to do with Rikers. When did the threats start?

What kind of threats?

[sighs] Hangups, mostly, on my cell, from burners, a few texts.

Okay, we're running this through facial recognition.

And I'm calling Intel, get you a security detail.

Is there someone there you trust?

The threat started after I indicted the three cops who shot Terrence Reynolds.

I'm calling Benson.

Yeah, Lieutenant, uh, sorry to bother you, we got a situation here.

Yeah, well, I have a situation here, too.

Munson is holding Dodds and Lisa in the house, and I think that he's armed.

Chief Dodds just got here, I'll call you back.

[sighs] Chief.

What the hell is going on?

Is Mike okay?

He's inside.

Uh, he's... so far, he's unhurt.

We were doing a clothes job, and I took the kids to the car, and I think that he pulled a g*n.

You think? What, you... you... you didn't search him?

His wife told us that she searched the house and there was absolutely no weapons in there.

He's a CO. These guys always have a drop g*n, damn it.

And Bob O'Brien is the father-in-law?

Why didn't the Deputy Inspector have his guys move the daughter out?

He said that he didn't think it was a good idea to be involved directly.

So he walks you and my son into this.

Bob, it's good to see you.

Your son's being held in there with my daughter?

God help us both.

You're Lieutenant Benson.

I am.

Thanks for getting my grandkids out.

What's the situation?

We believe that Munson is armed.

Now, do you know if he has any access to weapons?

No, but I wouldn't put anything past that son of a bitch.

Has he hurt my daughter?

We don't believe so. As of ten minutes ago, I spoke with both of them.

Trying to get a visual inside the house.

There's no good place for the pole cams.

He's got the curtains pulled, front and back.

Maybe there's another way inside.

Side door, back door, we got a ESU stack team ready with rams.

Chief, you and I both know what happens if we hit that door, okay?

I don't want to take that risk.

Not with your son inside, not with your daughter inside.

We got to get him to start talking.

I'll call the landline.

You can try, but he does not want to talk.

Believe me, we've been calling.

With all these indictments, Munson's not looking to negotiate his way out of here.
[distant sirens]

[phone ringing]

Who's out there?

ESU? HNT? Huh?

[phone rings] They got sn*pers?

You know how this goes, if you don't start negotiating, they make a decision to come in here.

Gary, I made a mistake, and I'm not leaving.

I'm not taking the kids.

We're a family and we're going to stay together, okay?

Don't lie to me.

You called that lawyer eight times.

You didn't think I'd notice?

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I... I didn't know what to think.

You're my wife.

I tell you what to think.

You're right. You're right.

I'll do whatever you say.

Gary, Gary, you told me your kids love you.

You told me that you were their hero.

All right, now I know you love them.

You let them go. You made the right choice.

But I need you to keep thinking about Annie and Tommy, okay?

You want to see them grow up.

They need you in their lives.

You don't know what's going to happen.

Maybe your lawyer makes a deal.

These things get pled out, you know that.

My life is over. I don't come back from this.

You know what happens to me in prison?

Look, nine out of ten cases against COs don't even go to trial.

Now you have choices. You have options.

That's your life.

You want to go to college? It's paid for.

Her father couldn't even get me on the job.

But you, oh, you're that golden boy.

You get to decide whether you want to live or die.

You want to live?

You walk out of here right now.

I told you, I'm walking us all out of here together.

[g*n cocks]

You're an idiot.

You got your whole life ahead of you.

My whole life was my family.

My wife.

And then she stabbed me right through the heart.

Gary, if I could take this day back, I would.

Now you can't. Too late.



Move in! Move in!

Go! Now!

[overlapping shouting]

Drop the g*n!


Show me your hands!

I didn't fire, it just went off.

Oh, my God.

Mike's down, somebody look at Mike!

Officer down, 1013!

[strained] I'm okay.

Okay, stop talking. I got a lot of blood.

Get the EMTs in here now!


Okay, that's good.

Send them in here, now! Let's go, let's go!

Let's go! I need a clear route to the hospital.

Get them in here!

[radio chatter]

We got a gut shot, here.

Get a compress.

Okay, it's okay. Hang in there, son.

Hang in there.

Hang in there, son. [grunts]

Hang in there.

Come on.


You'll be all right.


He'll need blood.

We're on it.

Now, go.

Meet you at Lincoln Hospital.

[siren blaring]

Okay, baby. It's all right.

You're okay.

Annie and Tommy?

Where are they?

They're safe.

How is he? How is Dodds?

He took a b*llet.

How bad?

Bad. There was a lot of blood.

He, uh, it was a gut shot, so they just took him to Lincoln Hospital.

All right, let's go.

Lieutenant, are you all right?

No. We didn't search Munson.

So I left Dodds in there.

So this is on me.

Chief. How is he?

Well, shot through the abdomen, b*llet hit an artery.

He, uh, he lost a lot of blood.

But Mike's a fighter. I told him that.

What can we do?

He's B negative.

Highway's been dispatched to the blood bank, but they're going through what they have fast.

I'm O negative, that works.

Where do I go? It's right down the hall.

All right, thank you.

Are you the family?

I'm not, he is.

Yes, we are.

I'm Dr. Rosenthal.

How is he?

There was a lot of vascular damage, but we stopped the bleeding for now.

Can I see him?

He's still in surgery.

There's a risk of sepsis and organ failure, but if we get through the next few hours...


Mr. Dodds, if you haven't reached out already, any family members who should be here... you should get them here.

Okay, thank you, Doctor.

Is there any... any calls I can make?

I haven't spoken to his mother in years.

The last I... the last I heard, she was living on some ashram in Southern India.

Okay, what about your other son?

Might he be able to get in touch with her?

Matt? You know about Matt?


He's in Mexico, somewhere, getting his life together for the... 50th time.

I'll text him again.

Mike also said that he just got engaged.

Oh, my God! Alice.

Chicago. Oh, I'll call her too.

She's... she... she loves Mike.

Any word?

Still in surgery.

Chief said he lost a lot of blood.

Dodds' last day at SVU, and he runs into a b*llet.

He'll be okay. He bounced back from the last one pretty fast. He's a tough dude.

It hit an artery, Fin.

I'm just saying.

So I'm going to be at the hospital for a while.

Thanks, Lucy.

Yes. Yes, have your mother pray for him.

Thanks, honey.

Liv. I got here as quick as I could.

He still in surgery?

He's alive.

We'll take that.

You all right?


I was walking Munson's kids out to the car.


And I left Dodds in there.

I had a feeling...

Whoa, oh, oh, don't do that.

There's a hundred ways that could have gone.

I should have let Dodds walk the kids out to the car.

Hey, look at me.

You all right? You need anything?

Something to eat? Maybe a coffee.

Just be here.

I'm not going anywhere.

His fiancee's flying in. LaGuardia.


I'll have Aviation pick her up.

Yeah, great.

And we'll keep an eye out for her.

My daughter tells me that your son saved her life.

He was doing his job.

Mr. Dodds.

Mike's recovering in the ICU.

It was touch-and-go, but you were right, he's a fighter.

Can I see him?

Yeah, he's awake, but with the anesthesia, he'll be in and out.

[stammers] Wait, wait, wait, wait.






[weakly] Lisa Munson.

What? What'd you say?

Lisa Munson. Is she all right?

She is, thanks to you.

[grunts] Ow. I blew it, Dad.

No, no, no, you didn't.

I didn't search the guy.

I should have known better.

You saved a woman and her two children.

You know, after this, you can put the hero thing aside for a while.

Whatever you say, Pop-Pop.

I bet you're pretty pissed off at me right now.

'Cause you got yourself shot?

No, 'cause you had to call Mom.

I haven't been able to get ahold of her yet, but I spoke to Alice, and she is on her way.

[sighs] Oh, yeah.

Well, you got lucky with that girl, son.

Yeah. Yeah, I know.

Hey, facial recognition unit got a hit on the guy that threatened Barba.

Please tell me he's not a CO.

No, it's Felipe Heredio. He's a lieutenant in BX9.

We put his brother away a couple of years ago for g*ng r*pe.

His brother-so it's personal.

Well, maybe, or maybe the brother cut a deal with the COs upstate, or maybe...

Wait, we should tell the Lieutenant.


This guy threatened to k*ll Barba again?

Where's Barba now?

We got the counselor a security detail over his objections.

We have a last known for Felipe?


It's almost dawn, he'll be home.

Start knocking down doors, all three of you, and please... wear your vests.

We're on it, Lieutenant.

Do you know where I can find Lieutenant Benson?

Yeah, she's right there.

Ah, you must be Alice.

Alice Gray, Mike's fiancee.

Yes, yes, Alice. This way, this way.

Mike, look who I found.

[sighs] Mike, hi.




I'm okay. I'm going to be...

No, I know.



I told you I was englazed. You're...

This is my... my fi...




I was hoping that we would meet at the wedding.

Can you give me a couple of days?

I got shot, you know?

Yeah. Again.

Let's try not to turn this into a regular thing, okay?




Chief. Hey.

Alice is here, should we give them a minute?

I'm up. I'm up.

It's gonna be okay. Everything's gonna be fine.

We're gonna go home and we're gonna...

Thanks, officer.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

Yeah, he... he sounded a little out of it to me.

Well, they got him all doped up.

His language seemed a little off.

He's drugged.

He did call me Pop-Pop, which is what he used to call my father.

Yeah, I don't think it would hurt to... to mention it to the doctor.

Excuse me, nurse?

Hi, can we see Dr. Rosenthal, please?

Monitor's active.

Is the farm moving?

Get him on pulse oxi.

What's his temp?

102, tachycardic to 140s.

I'll get the truck.

Okay, Mike, don't worry about that.

We need an emergent head CT.

Let's go. Let's go.

Notify neurology. Have them meet us upstairs.

Let's run coags and fibrinogen, STAT.

Where are you taking him?

CT, CAT scan.

What is it? What happened?

When we know something, we'll let you know.

Here you go.


How badly was he slurring his words?

It was more like he wasn't making sense.

Alice is at the deli, she wants to know if anybody wants anything.

Oh, no, we're good.


Mike is lucky to have her in his corner, she is just a great kid.

Yeah, she is.

And his brother, who never comes through, caught the first plane out of Mexico City.

Always looked up to Mike.

Mr. Dodds.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

They... they say it's, uh, you know...

There were clots in his brain, you know.

And then bleeding, and uh...

They tried transfusing platelets or something, but...

You know, it's... it's just a massive stroke.

I'm so sorry.

We can see him breathing.

His heart's beating.

It's strong.

But, you know, neurologically he, you know, he's... he's already...

Uh, you know... ah, the... the, uh, the only reason they... they keep the machines on is... is, uh...

[sobs, stammers]

Oh, God... for his... for his organs.


My God, I'm sorry.


Oh, God!

Oh, God, I'm sorry! [crying]

I'm sorry.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[bagpiper plays "Amazing Grace"]

♪ ♪

Center face!



♪ ♪
♪ ♪

Present... arms!

Order... arms!

["Amazing Grace" ends]

[chatter] [light music]

♪ ♪

I'm so sorry.

So after you... reamed me out for slipping that video to New York 1, Dodds walks in and tells you that he did it?

Well, not in so many words, but he told me not to ask too many questions.


That son of a bitch, he let me twist in the wind.

See, Dodds had your back.


Good for him.


Counselor, just... just so you know, we haven't arrested Heredio yet, but we have units posted on his block.

I'm not worried. Not in here.

[clink] Cheers.


How's Mike's mother doing?

Well, she didn't want a funeral.

You know, she wanted to spread his ashes over the Ganges, you know?

But she's been, uh, she's been helpful to me.

And to Mike's brother.

Boy, she's got... she's got more perspective, you know?

You know, I'm just...

His last day at SVU and he does this.

He knew better.

He's known since he was six, since I was a beat cop.

DV is the most dangerous situation in the world.

What the hell was he thinking?

That he wanted to be like his father.


A hero.

Okay, everybody. Listen up.

Listen up!

Quiet down in the back, there.

All right, raise your glasses.

A toast!

To the bravest cop we ever worked with.

Sergeant Michael Dodds.

To Dodds!

To Dodds!

To Dodds!

[somber music]

Number three. He looks smaller in there.

They usually do, Counselor.

And for what it's worth, while he was in holding, he told me he got paid $250 each time he talked to you.

250, that's it? I should be offended.

Who paid him?

That he wouldn't say.

Based on what he did say, threat assessment's going to keep the security detail on you 24/7.

[sighs] Terrific.

Still want to be an ADA?

I've been thinking about it.

I heard there's an opening in Brooklyn.

The thing is, Counselor, I took an oath to protect and serve.

So I don't want to leave. Not now, anyway.

After what happened to Dodds, it just...

Doesn't feel right.

I get it.

In the end, we're all just passing through.

How's Liv doing?

She's taking it hard.

If I could do it again, I...

I wouldn't have left him in that house.

I have more experience.

Maybe I could've talked to him...

Talked Munson out of it?

Or overpowered a 6'8 man with a g*n and nothing to live for?

You said there were two children there.

You got them out. They have their mother.

And Chief Dodds doesn't have his son.

Why does he deserve that?

Or do you mean, why do you deserve to live when Dodds is dead?

You've got to mourn this loss, but you cannot judge yourself for feeling relieved that you survived.

I can't?

You are lucky to be alive, and Noah is lucky that you are.

But that is not why you left that house.

I know you think you know everything, but no one could have predicted what was going to happen there.

It was Dodds' time.

It wasn't yours.

[somber music]

♪ ♪

I just feel so exhausted.

Probably better than numb.

Oh, I feel that, too.

I don't know how you're still standing after the last few days.

The whole year, actually.

Well, lucky I got this little guy to wake me up at 6:00 a.m.

Big dog!

Yeah, a doggie, That's right, a doggie.

I put transfer papers in today.

Hostage negotiation has an opening.

You're leaving IAB?

After all this time, that's...

Like letting go of a rope.

At the funeral, I realized I can't spend the rest of my life obsessing about whether or not a cop is lying to me.

Wow, Ed.

You know, I never did ask you how you ended up in IAB to begin with.

It's a long story.

Actually, no, it's not.

After my ex and I... she, uh...

I just thought I could never trust anybody again.

So you joined IAB to confirm that belief.

Turns out I was wrong.


Olivia Margaret Benson, I trust you.

And this little guy.

[playful yell]


We have a good thing going here, the three of us.

Yeah, we do.



It might be nice to get away for a while.

How do you feel about Paris?



I like it.


[light music]

♪ ♪
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