05x01 - Legacy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arrow". Aired October 2012 - January 2020*

Moderator: SageLexington

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Spoiled billionaire playboy Oliver Queen is missing and presumed dead when his yacht is lost at sea. He returns five years later a changed man, determined to clean up the city as a hooded vigilante armed with a bow.
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05x01 - Legacy

Post by bunniefuu »

Last season on "Arrow..."

Felicity: I convinced you that we could have it all.

I was wrong.

We have to let each other go.

I have a village, too, run by a government strong hand named Kovar.

You'll go back to Russia, and--and you can take on this Kovar.

What are you going to do now, Oliver?


Oliver: I know you wouldn't approve of what I did.

You were always better than me, Laurel.

That is what I loved most about you.

Thea: I thought about Laurel and what she'd say.

I think she'd tell me to get out.

Oliver: What are you going to do?

John: Take some time away from this team, away from the city.

Oliver: I, Oliver Queen, do solemnly swear to faithfully and impartially perform and discharge the duties of the Office of Mayor.

[Classical music playing]

Your brother's late.

"Late" is his "on time."

And he's not just my brother, he's the mayor.

Well, maybe someone should remind him of that.

Is there something I can help you with, Captain?

This evening is important, miss Queen, and it's supposed to be the kickoff to the anti-crime initiative, and I don't think I need to tell you how much this city-- city needs the A.C.I.

Yes, I know, and so does he, so he will be here.

He's just taking care of a little business first.

Blonde or redhead?

Brunette, actually.


I found the b*mb.


No, no, no. That's not a b*mb.

That's--1, 2, 3--

4 bombs.

[Machin yelling]

I'm in the brains.

It's going to take a while to disarm.

Do you think you can keep Machin busy?

I don't think that'll be a problem.


Does this mean you're not going to k*ll me?

What's a guy got to do to get a little love?

I only tried blowing up the city.

I mean, half of it.


Tell SCPD I left a present for them.

Get away from that!

I'm disarming it.


It's handled.



Oh, man. That thing's just a really ugly piece of modern art now.

Aw. You going to make a new friend?

I thought I told you to stay off the streets.

It's my city, too!

You want to help?


Then make a donation to the police department.

And keep that elevated.

Keep what elevated?


I don't want to see you out here again!


♪ Arrow 5x01 ♪
Original Air Date on October 5, 2016

The mayor will be making his official statement on the anti-crime initiative at the ceremony honoring the Black Canary, but--

Oliver: But he can say a few words now.

The A.C.I. Is an important step towards lowering crime in the city, but I'm not going to consider it without some major reform.

Reporter: What type of reforms?

Uh, to start, an investigation into allegations of widespread corruption within the police department.

Thea: Ok. Mayor Queen will elaborate on all comments at the ceremony honoring the Black Canary.

Thank you all very much.

You realize you just accused the police department of being corrupt at the police department gala?

I answered a question.

Yeah, and you also just put blame on the police department instead of taking responsibility for the city's crime.

You know I'm taking responsibility.

Yes, the other guy, but as the mayor, it looks like you're sleep walking, ok?

Showing up late again is not helping that perception.

Being the mayor gives me access to actionable Intel as "the other guy."

It's a means to an end.

Well, it didn't start off like that, Ollie.

You wanted to become and then became the mayor to actually be mayor.

Right, and then reality set in.

Even if we weren't dealing with a corrupt police department, and we are, or an electorate that thinks I got all my political knowledge by binge-watching "The West Wing,"

I still wouldn't be able to focus on being mayor, Speedy, because I'm flying solo as the other guy.

Ok, nice try.

Talk to the controller about tax initiatives and councilman Garcia about sanitation.

I also put the applications for deputy mayor on your desk.

I'm going to go drink.

[Men yelling and grunting]

[Bones crack]

[Speaking Russian]

What I do care about is what you promised me if I won tonight.

None of yours.




What are you two doing here?

It's late.

Curtis: That's what I told her, but she's been complaining that the secondary processor keeps overcloking the GPU cache.

Must be nice to have someone down here who speaks Felicity.

Well, I'm strictly repair and maintenance.

You guys are the vigilantes.

Yeah, well, it's getting to be an awfully big club.

What's this?

A little dossier on Wild Dog.

Wild Dog?

Yeah, you know, because of the shirt.

Silly dog just didn't really have the same ring to it.

I suggested the "wild."

Right, and why do I need a dossier on him?

I was thinking, instead of putting an arrow in him, you might consider bringing him into the fold.

He shot him? You shot him?

Ok, I know it's not the most enticing of recruitment pitch plans, but there are plenty of candidates willing to compensate for our ineffectual-slash- corrupt police department.

Evelyn Sharp, Mr. Ski Goggles.

Still work-shopping that codename.

Oliver: I'm not--

I'm not putting together a new team.

Ok, well, in case you haven't noticed, we're a little shorthanded.

Just for a little while.

John will come back.

Thea will come back.

And if they don't?

Then I will handle it.

Get some sleep.

Both of you.

Officer: SCPD! We have you surrounded!

g*ns on the floor now!

What is this?

These aren't our guys.


They're Los Halcones.

See, they tried to rob you tonight.

A sh**t-out ensued.

You k*lled them.

They k*lled you.


Drop the bodies.

Empty the cash into the van.


Man: Bravo.

Cleverness and efficiency.

Very Robin Hood.

But I doubt that you'll be providing the poor with any of these ill-gotten gains.

Enlighten me.

I'm new in town.

k*ll this prig.


Any attempt to k*ll this prig will result in your swift demise.

Are you the one in charge?

Go to hell.

I'll take that as a "yes."


Ok, g*ng.

He said he was in charge.

Anybody else want to be in charge?

No takers?

Then I guess it's going to have to be me.

6 DOAs.

The dealer and his girlfriend, two Los Halcones, and one of our own.

Who's lucky number 6?


C.O.D. doesn't match the other vics, who were all shot at close range, but Keating--

Blunt force trauma.

And these, what, some sort of calling card?

M.O. matches a skel named Tobias Church.

According to his jacket, he and his crew tore up Hub City and Bludhaven.

And now he's here.

Question is, what was Keating doing here?

Nothing good.

He didn't call anything in.

You think he's one of the Bent cops?

It doesn't matter.

He's dead now.

Lance was a royal pain in the ass, but at least he kept his department in line.

You could always give him his badge back.

He's back in town, though word has it he took a few bumps off the wagon on his way.

[Knock on door]

All right, all right, all right, all right.

All right.

Knocking. That's not like you.

Give us a minute.

How long you been back in town?

A couple weeks.

Where's Donna?

Uh, she's in Heaven.


It's the casino in Vegas that she's waitressing at these days, not...

So you two aren't...

Oh, come on, Oliver.

Opposites attract but not that much.

Did you break up before...

Well, you know, not that it's any of your-- your business, but, you see, a drunk needs a reason to stay sober.

Fresh out, my friend.

Well, Quentin...

You know what?

I don't know if you're in a position to be judging me, anyway.

It's just me out there.

Sometimes saving the city takes priority over running it.

But that'll change when the team gets back together.

I can devote more time to actually being the mayor.

That team could include you.

Ha ha ha!

Would I cover up this beautiful face with a mask?

That's not what I meant.

Is there anything else I can help you with, Oliver?

I got a pretty full day ahead.

You hear about the ceremony?

The city's going to honor Laurel.


It's probably best that I don't turn up and embarrass her memory then.

You k*lled my best fighter.

You cost me lots of money.

Ha ha ha!

Your Russian's terrible.

Your accent's American.


What are you doing so far from home?

Adam Hunt.

Daniel Brickwell.

Frank Bertinelli.

If I were you...

I'd put that back in my bag.

Jason Brodeur.

Leo Mueller...

I said, put it back.

You know what?

This book, it intrigues me.

It's the only reason you are still breathing.

It was my father's.

I'm waiting to use it.

Waiting for what?

To be ready.

Well, I have some bad news for you.

You're going to be dead before you are.

You must be lost.

City hall is that way.

Wanted to see if you had info on our new player.

And you wonder why your approval rating is in the basement?

I don't wonder.

How'd you ditch your security detail?

I used to ditch John Diggle.


Tobias Church...

A.K.A. "Charon."

The "Ferryman of Hades."

Left gold coins on the eyes of one of his victims last night.

Well, well, well.

I didn't fail every course that I took in college.

Warrants out for his arrest on no less than 20 murders, and those are just the ones that they can connect him to.

Mr. Church just became our top priority.

"Our" is not going to be enough for this guy.

Ok, Felicity.

Church runs with a crew, and yours is not coming back.

You don't know that.

Yes, I do.

It's called not being in denial.

You really ought to give it a try.

Look. For the past 5 months, you have been frozen in amber, waiting for things to go back to the way things were.

They're not.

You need to move forward, especially with guys like this coming into town.

Don't worry about him.

He's not going to be staying very long.

Just find a way for me to find him, please.

Why isn't he at city hall?

That is a question I keep asking myself.

What are you working on?

If Oliver's asking, a location for our new baddie in town.

And if he's not asking?

I've got an address for this guy.

You mind checking him out for me?

I am a happily married man, Felicity.

Just see what you can find out, like if he's loco or anything.

We are calling him the "Wild Dog."

Um, isn't that already settled?




Ok. Fine.

Cities are like genpop.

First day in, you find the biggest guy in the yard.

Put him down. Hard.

Sends a message.

"Screw not with me."

So, here we all are.

Now, who's the biggest guy in the yard?

It's highly unlikely that he'll just come out to play, but it's like my younger brother always said: "Don't fish without bait."

Oliver: Thank you all for coming.

With all that ails our city, I think it's fair to ask why we would spend time and money to honor anyone, why we would commission a statue and have a ceremony to unveil it.

Surely, those resources could be put to better ends, but I, for one, think there is no better end than a reminder of what we are capable of when we stand together united, a reminder of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice protecting our home, and a reminder that as long as we keep their spirit in our hearts, there will always be better days ahead.

And as she reminds us, let us always remember her.

Ladies and gentlemen, Laurel Lance, the Black Canary.


[g*nf*re, people yelling]


We saw it.

Why didn't Oliver fight back?

Sorry. Really dumb question.

Ok, well, can we check the van?

No, they shut down traffic cameras.

And there are no satellites over the area.

We're blind.

Ok, well, if the SCPD van was legit, then police are going to be no help.

Well, maybe this is a job for Speedy.

Can you suit up and hit the streets for Intel?

Can you maybe try to hack into the police department and see if there's any internal chatter we can go on?

Church: Gentlemen and lady, this is not personal.

I know it feels personal, but it is not.

You are all here as a means to an end.

I finally figured out a way to make politicians useful.

Oliver: You want the Green Arrow?


Your honor.

Listen, the Green Arrow is not coming.

You're wasting your time.

Just for the fun of it, how is it that you know so much about Mr. Arrow?

I have it on pretty good authority that he's tied up right now.

Are you his buddy?

I have connections, and I--listen.

You let these people go, and I'll make something happen.

Do we have a deal?

No, we most certainly do not.

I don't need your help, Mr. mayor.

Do you think I would go to all this trouble without a plan?


But that's because I think you're stupid.

Take Mr. Queen to a quiet place and teach him some manners.

You almost shot my friend in the head.

[Speaking Russian]

Leave us.

My book!
Oliver Queen.

My brother.

Heh heh heh!

Anatoly, it is very good to see you.


What are you doing?



I just dislocated thumbs.

Useful if getting tied to chair is to become habit.

This is going to hurt a little.


Son of a bitch!

With a bit of practice, you can do yourself anytime.

Anatoly, can't you bring a knife next time?

What is fun of that?

Heh heh heh!

My old friend!

I thought you dead.

Well, if you hadn't shown up, I probably would be.

It's good to see you, tovarisch.

What are you doing in Russia?

I'm here to k*ll Konstantin Kovar.

If this is true, I did you no favor by saving your life just now.

We got a 20 on Oliver's location.

Felicity and Curtis?

Uh, neither.

Felicity says it's-- it's probably the work of a Tobias Church.

And look, he's done his homework, too, because he knows the Green Arrow is working with someone who's tapped into the-- the city's security cameras.

Ok, so he's trying to call the Green Arrow out.

Yeah, except he doesn't know he's already got him.

Cute, huh?

All right, well, you-- you need to go do something.

Well, that was-- that was going to be my line to you.

For the first time in a--a long time, I'm really starting to feel like myself again.

I'm not a k*ller.

I'm--I'm--I'm not a vigilante.

I am--

I am a normal version of me.

And I think just after everything that happened with Laurel, I--

I really needed to know that life like this was even possible, and now that I do, I--

I don't want to give it up.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

I--I get where you're coming from.

I do.

I lost my job, I lost my--

I lost my daughter, I lost my girl, and, you know, I just wanted to hit pause on the world, you know?


But then I, uh-- you know what, I listened to Oliver's speech.

You know, that's when I realized that I--

I can't do that.

I can't hit pause on the world.

I got to get on with my life, you know?

Even if that life isn't what I want it to be.

I didn't vote for you.

That's ok.

I ran unopposed.

"Mayor Handsome," they call you.

Not for long, though.

If you hit me again...

I'm going to k*ll you.

You're delusional.

Your zip-cuffed to that chair.




I'm sorry, but no one can know my secret.

[Bones crack]

Oliver: I thought you retired.

Yeah, me, too.

[Man yelling]


Oliver: Speedy.

They have wires. They've been rigging expl*sives to set up a k*ll cordon.

A what?

If we try to get down there, we're gonna blow everything up.

We can't just leave them there.

We'll come back for them.

Oliver: Felicity's already looking for the power station blueprints.

Now, if we can get passed that k*ll cordon, we--

Then we can k*ll all of Church's men instead of just those guys?

Excuse me?

I saw you break that guy's neck, Ollie.

You m*rder*d him.

Ok, I--I thought you weren't doing that anymore.

Maybe if I showed a little less restraint, Laurel might still be alive.

Ok, you cannot keep hiding behind that, and you know that's not what she would have wanted.

You know, Thea, you told me that the dead don't want anything.

Now, I could have k*lled Damien Darhk before that night at Iron Heights.

I had multiple chances to do so, and I didn't, because I thought that taking the high road was more important than saving lives, and that is a mistake that I will never, ever make again.

I wouldn't call not k*lling people a mistake, Ollie--

I would, because when I did take Darhk down for good, I had to confront the fact that Malcolm Merlyn was right.

Either I'm willing to do whatever is necessary, or I shouldn't be out there at all.

Which is exactly why I can't be.

I won't ever again.


No, I--

Ollie, I am sorry, but I want to honor Laurel just as much as you do, just not like this, and I don't care what your reasons are, putting k*lling back on the table is a huge step backwards, and I don't want anything to do with it.

I'm sorry that you had to hear that.

Hazard of the job.

Are you ok?

Just seeing Thea in the suit, it just made me feel like everything was going to get back to normal.

Well, I'm running out of different ways to tell you that it's not.

Hey, look.

Being a vigilante is not just putting on a mask and thinking up a codename.

These people are amateurs, Felicity.

You really think that they're going to replace Dig or Thea or Laurel?

They couldn't do that if I wanted them to, and I don't want them to.

They're already out there, Oliver.

Because of you.

Inspired by you.

After what happened with Laurel, how can you ask me to put more people in the crosshairs?

I am not the one who is asking, or do you not remember the promise that you made to Laurel before she died?

Laurel was thinking about the future.

You need to think about yours.

Right now, I need to think of ways to stop Tobias Church...


So you let me know when you find a way around the k*ll cordon.

Nothing ever simple with you, Oliver Queen.

You survive Lian Yu twice, you say, and instead of going home, you come to mine.

Well, I didn't know this was your town or that you were a Bratva boss or-- avtoritet.

It's like a captain.


What business do you have with Kovar?

It was a promise that I made.

That you k*ll him or that you die trying?

Because second much more likely.

Ok, Anatoly, you just need to tell me if you can get me close to him.

Kovar has army, government soldiers.

He's very dangerous.

You sure you want to risk your life for this promise?

Akula, kotorya Ne plavayet, Ne tonet.

"The shark that does not swim, drowns."

What does that mean?

I know real reason why you not go home.

You're not swimming.

This business with Kovar is all promise, is in past.

You need to move forward, my friend.

You need to move ahead, move on.

All right.

But only way will k*ll you.


Curtis: Ok, this is the craziest superhero scavenger hunt I have ever been on, not that I've ever been on any, but...

Felicity: Wild Dog isn't a superhero.

He's a vigilante.

You are really going to have to explain the distinction to me.

Either way, we'd have better luck with an ad in the paper.

No one reads the classifieds anymore.

Why don't you just come on back, and we'll figure out our next move?

You got it.

What do you want?

[Phone ringing]

John, on phone: Hey, this is John.

Leave a message.


Hey, John.


I hope that everything's going well over there.

Listen, no pressure, but give me a call back when you get a chance.

I have a question I figure you probably have an answer.

Be well.

Lonely at the top, Mr. Mayor?

Actually, being the mayor isn't the job that's lonely.


Thea's not coming back.

Neither is John.

There's a Russian proverb.

I've been thinking about it a lot recently.

Akula, kotorya Ne plavayet, Ne tonet.

"The shark that does not swim drowns."

You don't move forward, you die.

Listen, you will die if you try taking on this Tobias Church by yourself.

There's no more team, Quentin, and I can't trust anyone in the department.

Then don't.

Just trust these guys.

Lieutenant Conahan.

I trained him back in the day.

The guy's so clean, he doesn't even double park, and he's vouched for each of these officers.

To do what?

To help you whatever way we can.


Look, I don't know any Russian proverbs, all right, but both of us have got to move on.


I thought that was going to be a bigger fight.

That's what Laurel would have wanted.

After tonight, I realized anything can happen.

Which is why I need you to make me a promise.



Please don't let me be the last Canary.

That way, a part of me will always be out there with you.

I promise.

There's nothing out there.

I'm going to grab a smoke.

We're in.

Lance: Copy that.

Conahan: I'm going to disarm the bombs.

Fisher will take the others and get the councilmen.

All right.

Watch your back, all right?

I've got you from here.

And where do they think "here" is, exactly?

I forgot to mention that.

Felicity: I am jealous.

I've been trying to get Oliver to work with a team for weeks now.

They're not a team!

Well, you can look it up.

A team is "a group of persons associated with a joint action."




That's more like it.


Don't worry.

After I k*ll you, I'm going to let the hostages go.

I promise.

[Men grunting]

Officer: Receiving heavy fire.


I need backup.

Conahan, Fisher's catching heat.

Can you assist?

Conahan: Negative.

We got a bigger problem.

Church has wired the conductor.

The conductor is in the center of-- if it goes, the whole building is going to blow.

You have to get out of there.

Not without Church!

The whole power plant is going to go up.

There's nothing I can do to stop it.

Get them out of here!

I'll disarm the cordon.

I'm on it!


Hostages are safe.

You have maybe 5 seconds.


Keep her flying!

Oliver: Good morning.

I had intended to state my position on the anti-crime initiative during the city's tribute to the Black Canary, but that speech was cut short.

In the intervening days, I have refined my position.

Now, I have been reluctant to embrace the A.C.I.

Because of widespread corruption within our police department, but these 4 officers have shown me and the entire city that there are still good men and women in the SCPD.

Today I am announcing the formation of the anti-crime unit.

These 4 officers will report directly to me, and by working together, we will begin the process of saving our city.


Church: I thank you all for coming out.

I want to thank you all for deciding to hear my vision.

The Green Arrow cannot be stopped unless-- unless we all work together under a singular command.

And I suppose that leader would be you.

You need someone from the outside.

I know this because it took me less than 12 hours to get inside your organizations, all of them.

What's that mean?

Get inside?


It means that, Mr. Bertinelli.

What are you still doing here?

I thought you'd be out celebrating after your big win.

It wasn't exactly a win.

You went from being the do-nothing mayor to the rock star mayor in under 24 hours.

I would say that that qualifies.

Church is still out there.

I'm not worried about that.

What, with your new unit of super cops and the new team of vigilantes you're going to be recruiting, Church is going to see the inside of a cell in no time.

I see what you did there.

What did I do?

You talked about the new team like it's a done deal.

Oh, that.

Well, I just thought since you decided to "keep swimming" as mayor, you might do the same as Green Arrow.

You might be right.

Lance told me about the Russian proverb, by the way.

Very poetic.


Did you just say I might be right?

Are you ok?

I've been looking into your guy.

Wild Dog.

It says here his name is Rene Ramirez.

Yeah, but Wild Dog is much scarier.

So by looking into him, does that mean--

I'm thinking of recruiting him.


You better.

Because if you don't, I have no idea what I went through this for.

Oh, my God. What happened?

I was looking for Mr. Dog, and then I was jumped by two insanely aggressive guys with knives.

Do you remember what they looked like?

Yes, and I will tell you everything on one condition.

You recruit me, too.


Kovar face many threats.

Many people want to k*ll him.

Only people with power to get past his army...

Are Bratva.


First you say that this is going to k*ll me, and now it looks like you want to initiate me.

Unless you are careful, it will be one and same.

Ok, Anatoly.

So I survive this, and I'm Bratva?

You survive this...

You can begin process of becoming Bratva.

[Men grunting]

Hey, buddy.

How you doing?

Besides feeling like I've got the worst case of deja vu ever, I'm not bad.

How about you? You still the mayor?

Yeah. They haven't voted me out yet, so...

Yeah, well, give it a little bit of time, man.

They'll come to their senses.

I got your message.

You all right?

I'm all right.


I wanted to bounce something off of you and get your perspective.



Felicity thinks that it's time we put together a new team.

And you want to know if I think that's a good idea?

I do.

I think it is.

It wasn't exactly the response you were looking for, right?


[Laughs] No.

But I'm not surprised.

I need to make peace with the fact that things aren't going to go back to the way they were.

So does that include you and Felicity?

I don't know.

James Vay: ♪ between the streets ♪
♪ before the night ♪
♪ I found you all alone... ♪



You're a magician.

Tough day?

Just long.

Better now.

♪ Side by side ♪
♪ I can hear your heart ♪
♪ your heart ♪


[Phone vibrates]

Hey, honey.

Yeah, I'm headed home.

Yeah, it was a good day.

It was real good.

Diapers and formula. You got it.

I'll be home in a bit.

[Clatter, footsteps]

How you doing?

Help you with something?



[Conahan groaning]

Green Arrow?


I'm not Green Arrow.
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