13x05 - Both Sides Now

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Grey's Anatomy". Aired: March 2005 to present.*
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A drama centered on the personal and professional lives of five surgical interns and their supervisors.
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13x05 - Both Sides Now

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ I'ma give you them feels ♪
♪ That's how it's supposed to be ♪
♪ Just me in them heels ♪

Meredith: There's a reason the punch line to so many doctor jokes start with, "I've got good news and bad news."

Bad news.

The air-conditioner coil is broken.

Meredith: And?

And it's hot.

That's all. There is no more.

Come on, it's freaking fall already.

It's global warming already.

Close the fridge.


Can you fix it?

Can I fix it?

I am a heart surgeon.

Right, I can fix anything.

No, I fix people.

That's an air conditioner. You fix it.

I don't want to screw up my hands. I'm a surgeon, too.


What do you mean "Eh"?

You work in a clinic.

Shut up.

Close the fridge!

Can we just get the hell out of this sweat box already?

Gladly. Zola, Bailey!

♪ That's how it's supposed to be ♪
♪ Just me in them heels ♪
♪ That's how it's supposed to be ♪
♪ Whoa ♪
♪ And I do it for the thrill ♪

Often, the bad news is so bad, when something good comes along, we tend to go a little overboard.

It's a glorious day, is it not, Dr. Grey?

Well, I could do with 20 degrees cooler and an air-conditioner repairman.

It's the kind of day when people say, "Dr. Bailey, why did you become a doctor?" you think of a day like this one.

Ask me why it's a glorious day.

Do you really need me for this conversation?

I have a liver transplant for a patient who's been waiting forever on the UNOS list.

Patient is a sweet old grandma.

Do you know how many people pushing 80 get livers, Grey?

Not many people make it to the top of that list.

Not many people have Miranda Bailey in their corner, but this one does, and so today, I am Ed McMahon with a big check.

[Laughing] It's a glorious day.


[Indistinct conversations]

Woman: Dr. Reed to Medical Records. Dr. Reed to Medical Records.

Oh, hey, you're back.

Yeah. Of course I'm back. Why wouldn't I be?

No, I mean you're back early.

Uh, nope, 29th. Always been the 29th.

Well, then I have good news for you... you still get three days with your baby because today's the 26th.

Uh, nope. 29th, see?

Really? Oh, trust me.

I have been looking forward to this day.

I-I mean, it's been great and I love my baby, but, God, I missed work and talking to people who can actually talk back.

Talking to yourself is overrated.


Excuse me.

And I'm still talking to myself.

Great to have you back, Kepner.



Good morning.


Edwards. What are you doing?

I was inputting data into Dr. Shepherd's amygdala hijack study.

Or you can scrub in with me on a massive cardiac myxoma.

It's a very difficult procedure. I need the best resident I can get.

I'm sorry. The best resident?

How is she the best resident?

You weren't supposed to hear that.

You up for it?

How is that a question?

Let's go.

The best resident? What the hell?

Does everyone say that?

Come on, define best.

Bailey: DeLuca, you're with me.

Oh, Chief, uh, I'm free if you want a senior resident over an intern.

I need DeLuca. That's why I said DeLuca.

DeLuca, move.


Here. Get up to speed.

I think I'm on O.B. today, actually.

You're with me now.

I can do that. I have power.

Okay, that's, uh... oh, wait, am I in trouble?

[Sighs] You've had a rough few weeks.

I thought you'd like some unmitigated joy, so today you're going to be Ed McMahon!

I-I don't know who that is.


Now, see, that makes me feel old.

I just said I was giving you joy.

Do you really want to make me feel old in response to my joy giving?


You think that's wise?

Do you think that will make me more likely to give you joy?


No, DeLuca. No, it will not.

You are quite young.

I'm a baby, and Ed McMahon is a god.

And here comes the joy.

My hero!


Now, hold on. Hold on.

Let's just make some room so the doctors can sit.



The poor folks have been on their feet all day.

We're fine.

No, Lily, I'm not taking your seat.

Well, then, we're not listening.

Oh, come on, rest your doggies.


Get over here. All right.



I knew you wouldn't want to take that off.

Did I tell you?

You were right.


I'm gonna have something for you, too, but today, my hand's just a little bit shaky.

That's okay. I wasn't really expecting anything.

Well, you're gonna get snickerdoodles whether you were expecting them or not.


Oh, yeah.



Thank you.

Dr. DeLuca, you want to present?

Oh, yes. Um, June Crowley...

No, call me Granny June, honey. Everybody does.

Granny June Crowley, class 3, MELD 20, end stage liver disease, scheduled to receive a transplant today after waiting... wow... three years.

Three years.

Donor liver arrives at 16:30.

[Whistling, cheers and applause]


Whoo! Whoo!

[Chuckling] Yeah!




This time tomorrow, you are gonna be a new woman.


Well, I feel blessed having the world's nicest doctors taking care of me.

[Both chuckle]


He's a hottie, right?


No, he's a hottie.

Oh, my God, Granny, stop.

But, yes. [Laughter]

So, don't be shy. Give him a hug.


Well, heck, I'll give him a hug.



Granny's gonna get a liver today!


Yes, she is!


How can I help?

Uh, Chelsea here took a run in the triple-digit heat.

Motorists found her collapsed by the side of the road.

Core body temp... 40.2.

[Monitor beeping]

EKG looks fine.

It's a clear-cut case of heat stroke.

She'll need to be cooled down and admitted.

Wilson, call ICU.

I'm gonna need CBCs, LFTs, and a CK level.


We should get myoglobin levels on blood and urine.

Chelsea, we're gonna take you upstairs and try to get this temp down, okay?

Chelsea: Why are all these people here?

Where am I?

Chelsea, you're in the hospital.

You got a little overheated.

Is there someone we can call for you?

My sister.

She... She's my emergency contact in my phone.

All right, let's get her on the cooling blanket.

I'll grab one.

Try to hang in there, Chelsea.

[Door slides open]

Pierce says your air conditioner died.

I thought maybe I could help.

You can fix an air conditioner?

No. I don't need to.

Mine's not broken, and I'm willing to share it with a colleague in need.

See, I'm... I'm a giver.

See, it's my weak spot.

That's not an offer a colleague makes.

We're just talking about the weather.

Colleagues talk about the weather.

You need a cooling blanket.


I'm gonna get her.

Oh, hi.


What do you need?

Cooling blankets.

What are you doing?

Uh, nothing.

Really? 'Cause you look super sketchy.

Close the door.

♪ ♪

You're not looking for dr*gs, right?

No. Meredith!

Oh. Well, I don't know.

I mean, I'm supposed to ask if I care, right?

I'm pregnant.

[Gasps] Congratulations!

I didn't even know you were trying. That's wonderful.

We just started.

Oh, my goodness, I'm thrilled for you guys.

Owen must be thrilled.

I don't know when to tell him.

I, uh, don't want to get his hopes up until I'm sure.

He's really excited about this.

You just think you're pregnant?

I'm late. I'm never late.


So, this isn't real?

I can't find the freaking pregnancy tests.

Wait. I hugged you and you haven't even peed on a stick yet?

I can't find the sticks.

Tell Owen now or later. That's your call.

Tell me when it's real.

♪ ♪

[Door closes]

♪ ♪



Do you have a minute?

[Elevator bell dings]

[Baby crying]

Oh, hey. Bring a Daughter to Work Day?

Yeah, it's April's first day back, but I got paged for an emergency hand de-gloving.

Guy's got his hand caught in a metal press.

Got to get her to the daycare. You seen April at all?

Uh, I saw her in the pit.

Hey, you want me to take Harriet up there?

No, no, I wouldn't ask.

Kepner's busy. I'm free.

I'm happy to help...

That would be really great, actually.

Thank you. Hang on.

I just want to get in there 'cause this poor guy just came in.

Okay, just walk her around for like 15 minutes and just get her to sleep, you know...

Uh-huh. Okay.

...before you take her to the daycare.

Thank you so much.

All right.

[Crying continues]

Did you need me for something?


I said, did you need me for something?

Later. It'll wait.


[Crying continues]

[Elevator bell dings]

What is it?

You can't just steal my resident.

She's a resident, not your resident.

The best resident.

Your words.

She's mine. You can't have her.

You can't say that.

She doesn't belong to anyone.

Also, standing right here. I can absolutely hear you.

That thing you need to do... you don't need Edwards for that.

So we're good then?

No, we are not good.

Meredith. What?

Did you tell Owen yet?

I tried to, but he already had a baby.

What's going on?

She's late.

Meredith, Edwards is right here.

Oh, now you're aware I can hear you.

Oh, my God, you're pregnant?

[Laughing] Oh, my God!

No "Oh, my Gods" and no hugging until she pees on the stick.

I'm so happy for you.

Can I have Edwards, then?

No. [Laughs] No, you can't.

Yes, of course.

[Indistinct conversations]

Hey, hey.

I need to get you into bed.

I beg your pardon?

You can't leave. You've barely been hydrated.

I'm surprised you're still on your feet.


Wait, wait, no.

I'm not Chelsea. I'm Chandler, her sister.

We're twins.

Uh. Yes.

I... I-I just got that, yeah.

[Air rushing]


Chelsea, why would you even go for a run on a day like this?

'Cause I'm not a wimp.

That would sound cooler if you weren't hospitalized.

She's just dehydrated, right?

Unfortunately, uh, Chelsea's heat stroke has caused her to develop a condition that's compromised her liver.


Her liver is shutting down.

We are treating the symptoms aggressively, but so far, the liver is not responding.

What does that mean?

Worst case, it means she'll need a liver transplant.

I-I can be her donor, right?

No, stupid. You need your liver.

Actually, we'd only take a portion of hers for you.

See, dummy? I told you I can give you a piece of mine.

And it'll be exact same match.

We're like the same person twice.

We're the same everything.

Just test me, please.

W-W-We're not quite there yet, but, um, yes, okay.

Wilson, let's get her tested, okay?

Trade places?

[Chuckles] You wish.

When we were kids and we got in trouble, we had this joke that you could call a "trade places," and the other one would go get yelled at.

And you had to do it.



Chelsea? W-What's happening to her?

Wilson, she's seizing. Get her on her side.

I'm right here, Chelsea. I'm right here.

Okay, right now. Chelsea.

No, she needs me.

Chandler, you need to step away right now.

I'm right here, Chelsea! You don't want to see this.

Meredith: Get her out of here.

Chelsea. Chelsea.

Wilson: And let's push lorazepam.

So, what do you think?

[Harriet crying]

She's fine. She's crying.

Take her to daycare. Make her their problem.

Avery told me to take her when she was asleep, and she won't go to sleep, and she won't take her bottle, and she has a clean diaper.

Maybe it's the heat. It's pissing me off.

So I should take her someplace cool?

No, you should take her to daycare.

Here, let me see.

[Crying stops]

Okay, all right. What did you do?

Nothing. Maybe it's you.

What do you mean maybe it's me?

I don't know. Babies can tell when you're tense or freaked out.

It freaks them out.

[Harriet crying]

Maybe you're not a baby guy.

Babies just don't like some guys.

[Crying continues]

It's okay. The bad man's gone.

I'm a baby guy. You can see that, right?

You like me.

You like me.

[Crying continues]

Andrew Billings, 59.

Admitted for resection of cardiac myxoma.

6.2 centimeters in the left atrium.

Otherwise healthy with an ASA score of 1.

She's gonna help dig out my ticker?

You any good? The best.


She'll do.

Let's skip to the possible complications.



Legally, we have to.

Excessive bleeding, coronary artery spasm, myocardial infarction, valve regurg, extreme risk of stroke due to tumor debris or emboli to the brain.

We get it. It's a dumb idea But what else were you gonna do today?

Andy was a shuttle commander.

He's been shot into space on a big m*ssile, so...

Wasn't so tough. No traffic that morning.

So you're okay with risk.


Besides, she tells me, without the surgery, I'll be dead inside a month.

That is true.

So, let's buckle in, right?

Let's do this.


[Monitor beeping]

Meredith: She's stable.

I just got off the phone with UNOS.

They did give her 1-A status, which means she's at the top of the list.

What about me?

I thought you were testing for my...

Yes, your results did come back.

So fast?

That... That mean good... it's good news?

Chandler, you cannot be a donor for your sister.

I can't?

Because you're pregnant.


Wha... are... are you serious?



Sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear.

No, no, it's... it's good news.

It's the best news that you could've given me.

My husband and I, uh... it's good.

Just means I won't be able to save my sister.

♪ ♪

[Pad beeping]


Oh, can't talk.

My patient's seized. She's in acute liver failure.

Why do you smell like Christmas?

These are homemade cookies courtesy of Granny June.

Granny June?

[Sniffs] Mmm.

Yeah, she's the chief's patient.

She's getting a new liver today.

You're calling her "Granny June"?

No, she asked me to.

It just feels right, you know?

She's like a human sunflower.

Wait, you get to scrub in on a liver-transplant surgery for a sweet old cookie-baking grandma?

With the chief.

Oh, God, I hate today.


[Pad beeping]

[Pad beeps]

Have a cookie.

Shut up.

[Chuckling] You're pregnant?

[Gasps] Congratulations!

Oh, Owen must be so excited!

I'm sure he will be.

Wait. You haven't told him yet?

Uh, how did you tell Jackson?

Okay, stop. Whoa! op talking right now.

What if I run into him today?

I-I'll be trying not to say it, which means I could say it before you say it.

I just want it to be perfect.

Okay, uh... just pretend that you didn't tell me and tell him, okay?

Just make sure that Owen is the first to know.

You can avoid a lot of aggravating family court that way.

True story.

♪ ♪

[Harriet crying]

I got your page. What... What are you doing in here?

Well, it's cool, dark, and quiet.

How long is Avery gonna be in surgery?

No idea. I'm with Foster today.

What's the matter? I'm fine. I'm just a little...

I was talking to the baby.

Oh. Hey, did Tuck cry like this?

Was there a way that you'd carry him, or...

Well, Tuck was 4 when I met him, so, no.

He just had some chicken nuggets.

I didn't carry him much 'cause it didn't seem appropriate.

Oh. That's a good call. Yeah, I thought so.

Maybe it's just colic.

What is colic, anyway.


I don't really know.


Um. You... You want me to just hold him for a little bit?

No, no, I got it.

Want me to get Kepner?

No, no!

I can stop a baby from crying, Warren.

Of course you can.

But, you know, if Kepner's free, then it might be...


[Crying continues]


We are hitting Chelsea with antibiotics, lactulose, diuretics, but look at these numbers.

We're buying time.

She needs a liver transplant or she'll be dead, maybe tomorrow.

I mean, we need a viable liver in this hospital right now.


We might already have one.

Oh, hell no!


Our... Our patient is in acute failure.

The liver coming to June is a perfect match.

I checked.

The... The liver's already been allocated.

It's June's liver. Surgery's been scheduled.

UNOS will allow her to give up her place in line and it will go to Chelsea, but June has to agree to it.

The request has to come from her.

Well, I haven't heard her make any requests. Have you?

No, June can get the next match.

Damn it! Damn it.

Damn it. Grey, she's been on the list three years.

Which means she's very strong and she can wait.

Our patient will die in hours.

She needs this.

I know she does.

And so does Granny June.


And since this little old lady is the closest thing to Mother Theresa I've ever met, I know, if I ask, she's gonna say yes.

Damn it!

We have to ask.

I swear, you try to have one damn day of joy around here.

So, she needs a liver, too? My liver?

This girl is in immediate need.

If she doesn't get a liver... it's very dire.

You said "girl." How old is she?

Well, privacy rules won't allow us...

She's 25.

Oh, good lord.

How long do you think she has?

Well, without a transplant, her doctors don't think...

She might not make it through the night.

[Sighs] The poor lamb.

Wait, so she's gonna get Mom's liver?

That's not fair.

No, Samantha, shush.

Let her finish.

If you do choose to go this way, you would go back on the list, and hopefully the next liver would be yours.

Believe me, if this wasn't an urgent situation...

Of... Of course. We totally understand.


It's your decision.

Yeah. It's my decision. Mm-hmm.


♪ ♪
But screw her.

[Man chuckles]

You know how long I've been waiting in this line, and if somebody's gonna try and take cuts, well, no.

Now, she can go find her own damn liver.

No cuts.

So... your answer is no?

My answer is hell no.

Right? [Chuckles]

Granny's gonna get a liver today.




♪ ♪

Richard: That was... Really unexpected.

Didn't see that coming.

You didn't. I've been treating her for five years.

I didn't think she could say the word "screw."

Such a good baker.

She's an organ hog.

I'm so sorry.

She could just be cranky from not eating before the surgery.

Don't apologize.

It is absolutely her right to say no.

It's just so unlike Mama.

She volunteered for Meals on Wheels.


I'm just surprised.

And that poor girl, does she get another chance?

There's no guarantee.

Look, Lily, that is why we have a UNOS list, so that people can wait their turn and get a chance, fair and square, and that's what Granny June has done.

Well, I wish you luck with the other girl.

I'll be praying for her.

Granny's getting a liver.

Oh, it's not funny.

I have to go call UNOS.


Oh, find the joy, DeLuca.

[Sighs] Yes, I'll hold.


No. I'm checking incoming traumas.

You know, I still can't believe Bailey's patient actually said no.

Selfish old biddy.

I mean, I'm sorry, but if living that long doesn't teach you a little compassion and generosity, then what have you learned?

Don't say that to Bailey, because she's full-on Team Biddy.

Maybe I'll change her mind.

Bailey: That's admin.

And then enter, enter, enter.

Woman: Okay.


Chelsea's in her 20s. And?

And June is almost 8... almost 80.



Whatever offensive ageist thing you are implying, I'm gonna need you to say it.

Look, Chelsea has her whole life ahead of her.

And June has had a lifetime of enriching experience.

And she can get another damn liver.

I cannot believe that you of all people are saying this.

Now, what does that mean... me of all people?

I mean, how can you be so ageist when you are...


...so... wise?

Hey, who's ageist?

Dr. Weber believes that old people matter less than young people.

That's terrible. I have a lot of old friends.

Y-You're my old friend.


Older friend. Older than me.

Why am I not just a friend?

See, that's what ageism is.

Ugh! I'm gonna go check on June.

You know, listen, you don't look a day over 45.

You look amazing.

You can go.

♪ ♪

I'm just saying, Edwards has been like my right hand, and my right hand is no good to me if it is in your pocket.

Amelia, I am not stealing Edwards.

I am borrowing her.

We do this all the time, like when I got that sweater and I needed your cute shoes.

Oh, I'm shoes now.

What happened to best resident?

You know, go check and see if Andy's nitrous oxide study is done.

Thank you.

See? You should not be ordering her around like that.

I should be ordering her around like that.

You two need to learn to share.

I have a 25-year-old with liver failure who will die because old ladies don't know how to share.

Your thing is not a problem.

I need her back.

I might really need her back if I'm... you know.

Have you peed on the stick yet?

Because if you haven't peed on that stick yet, stop talking!

Come on, Mer. She's excited.

I just... I don't know if I should tell Owen before or after.

H-How did you tell Derek?

I gave Zola a shirt that said "Best Big Sister."

That's sweet, but not helpful.

And then with Ellis, I was off the hook because he was dead.

Well, this was fun for a minute.

[Monitor beeping]

Maggie: This is it, Andy, if you're ready.

Last chance to scrub out of this mission.


I'll see you on the other side, then.

Yep. See you then.

[Monitor beeping]

[Breathes deeply]

Okay, Andy, we're getting ready to start the induction.

You're gonna feel a little drowsy, and then we can...

You know any jokes?

I'm sorry?

This could go one of two ways.

Thought it might be good to go out laughing.

♪ I swallow my words ♪

You got a good joke?

Yeah, yes.


♪ Nothing's that simple ♪





♪ Know that only brings you down ♪

Hey, wait, wait. I got one.

No, that's... that's okay.

Andy. Andy?

♪ Twist my words and set them to flame ♪
♪ Whoa ♪
♪ We all know ♪

Hey. Are you gonna take her down?

Shh. Shh. I just got her down.

♪ That you'll go tell all of your friends ♪

Was she crying the whole time?

Just shh, shh.

All right, you know what? I could... Just go.

Just go.

♪ We all know ♪
♪ The story never ends ♪
♪ Ends ♪
♪ The story never ends ♪


♪ Ends ♪

The liver's on its way here.

What are we doing out here?

I need some air.

This isn't air. This is steam.

I could steal the liver.

I could just, like, run up and grab it.

Or I could... walk up to the guy and say, "Hello, I'm Dr. Bailey.

Right this way."

Do that.

Then you'll lose your job, too, and we'll have more time for movies and stuff.


I mean, what's another week or two to June?

She'll get another one. People die every day.

♪ Know that only brings you down ♪

Maybe I should go talk to her again.

She probably didn't even hear Bailey or understand a thing she said.

She said no. You go back, that's coercion.

Oh, it's not coercion.

I'm just gonna reason with her.

You'll get the hospital sued. You'll get sued.

Damn it.

♪ We all know ♪

I'm gonna go talk to her.


Remember when you talked to DeLuca for me?

You only made it worse.

You're gonna throw DeLuca in my face now?

♪ Whoa ♪

I'm not going to thr*aten her.

I'm just gonna maybe show her a picture of the girl, shame her a little.


♪ The story never ends ♪


♪ Ends ♪
♪ The story never ends ♪
♪ Ends ♪

[Door opens]

Are you okay?


Did you find out?

No. Not yet.

[Sighs] Please tell me you at least told Owen.

I'm just not sure how.

Just tell him. I mean, he'll be excited, right?

Yeah. I guess.

I didn't have to do this last time.

What do you mean last time?

The last time I was pregnant, I didn't have to tell the father 'cause he was dead.

♪ ♪

[Siren wailing]

[Monitor beeping]

Did you call UNOS?


You should go home and get some rest.

You gonna stay?

Yeah. Gonna wait out the clock on this one.

I'll let you know if I have any good news.


[Harriet cooing]

You and Shepherd don't wait around, do you?

You always said that you wanted a pile of kids.

So did you.


I remember up at the lake, when you and...

Yeah, Megan and I talked about it.

She liked the name Bernard, so...

[Both laugh]

That slowed the conversation a bit.

And [sighs] the universe had other plans.


[Sniffs] Owen.


Something's happened.

[Harriet crying]

Something terrible.

Yeah. Yeah, it did.

Grab that diaper bag, will you?

Yeah, stat.

[Harriet cooing]

Ohh. That's bad. [Sniffs]


Whoa, that's a crime against humanity.

Damn it, more wipes.

More, more. Thank you.


So, what about you and Shepherd?

You guys, uh, talk about it yet?

Diaper cream.

Diaper cream.

Um, yeah.

Yeah, we're trying, actually.

Oh, that's amazing, man. Outstanding.



You know what? Give me another diaper.

We're gonna double up on this.


Hey, you're good at this.

Well, I just have a knack, I guess.

Babies like me.

Yeah. Yeah, you do.


[Monitor beeping]

We'll know we were successful when we see the vasculature looks normal.

[Beeping continues]

It's like fireworks.

Congrats, Andy.

Thank you for this.

It's like a one-in-a-million shot, and it was incredible to be a part of.

My pleasure.

You know, you have a real knack for cardio.

Thank you, and that's very flattering, but I love neuro.

Don't worry. I'll return you when I'm done.


You're like a neighbor's snow plow, you know.

There's no need to buy one for yourself, but come in handy sometimes.

Can we go back to when I was shoes?

♪ ♪

[Monitor beeping rapidly]


Push 75 of lido.

I don't understand. He was stable.

Damn it, Andy.

♪ My mind is an endless sea ♪

Crash cart.

Maggie: V-fib.

Paddles now.

♪ Maybe if I am good to him ♪

Charge to 200.

♪ He'll be good to me ♪



♪ Better days we get to look forward to ♪

Bailey: 3-0.

♪ They say all's well that ends well ♪

I usually love a good transplant.

Taking something no longer needed, reusing it... It's like composting.

You, uh, compost?

No, it's gross.

But it's good and virtuous, and people do it.

Dr. Grey has turned a compost pile and turned it into a regular old pile of poop.


♪ Why you carrying all that mess around? ♪
♪ Breathe it in ♪

She stole the joy from me, from June.

I was even trying to make a little joy for you today, DeLuca.

[Chuckles] Well, if it's any consolation, this is the best day I've had in a while, so...


I'm sorry?

No, it's no consolation. Scissors.

♪ And the rain is falling harder than I've ever seen before ♪

He must've thrown a clot.

Apnea test shows no spontaneous respiratory drive, no brain stem reflexes.

He's brain dead.

We'll do an EEG to confirm, but...

I thought we got him back in time.

I'm sorry.

♪ I know you well ♪

A stick.

♪ Breathe it in ♪


♪ Let it out, settle down ♪

What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back to you?

A stick 'cause a boomerang's supposed to return.

I get it.


Why are you telling me?

'Cause he wanted a joke.

He just wanted one joke, and I went blank.

I could've thought of something, anything.

He just wanted to laugh.

Well, the good news is, that was a terrible joke.

I know.

If the clot hadn't k*lled him, that joke would have, so it's a really good thing he didn't hear it.

That's not funny. How can you...


No, you have to find the good.

Andy did.

♪ So breathe it in, let it out, settle down ♪

He knew this was a long shot.

He knew he might die, and he could've died at home from acute heart failure instead of here in post-op.

But then he wouldn't have been able to donate his organs, and that was important to him.

And that's good. He...

♪ Why you carrying all that mess around? ♪
♪ Breathe it in ♪

Come with me.

♪ Let it out, settle down ♪

Meredith: Are you sure?

I don't want to get excited if this isn't real, and I don't want to tell them if this isn't real.

He's ABO compatible.

Maggie: And UNOS has been notified.

He's 180 pounds.

He's a non-drinker. He's a non-smoker.

His liver is... It's perfect.

It's real, Mer. We have a liver for her.

Oh, Dr. Bailey was right.

This is a glorious day.

♪ Let it out, settle down ♪
♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

And the liver pinked up almost immediately, which is a good sign.


Of course, we still have to watch for signs of rejection in these first 24 hours, but so far, so good.

Let's hear it, you guys!

[Cheers and applause]

Oh. Shh.

We can't thank you enough.


Oh, Karen, give him the scarf.






Mama made me finish it, so...

Thank you.

Oh, group pic!

Hmm? Group pic.

Oh. Oh.

Come on.


This is for the Christmas card.

All right.

All right, "liver" on three.

One, two, three.

All: Liver!

[Shutter clicks]

[Monitor beeping]

Meredith: Okay, let's get ready for the vascular anastomoses.

Stephanie: I've got the vena cava.

So, how is the old biddy?

She's fine.


No, I get it.

If it were you, if you were in June's position, I'd want you to have it.

And if someone asked, I'd say screw them, too.

Just how old do you think I am?

We not going home?

No. I want to see this.

I want to get as much of my joy on as I can.

This is the worst day.

This is the best day.

I should be in that surgery.

My patient can't catch a break all day, and the second that something good happens, I get bumped again because Pierce told Grey that Stephanie's had a really tough day.

She really needs it.

That happened to me today, too.


I'll take it where I can get it.


You should really get that treated.

What? Your self-pity gland.

It's incredibly swollen.

[Chuckles] Go to hell.

[Chuckles] I'm a doctor. I can see it from here.

Well, I'm gonna treat it with alcohol.

That's the recommended course. I support that.

And push two more of these.

Oh. Thank you.

Owen: So, she ate about an hour ago.

You had her all day? I thought you were gonna take her to daycare.

Yeah, I wasn't that busy.

Oh, he didn't want to put her down is what it was.

Happened to me all the time.

It's the way her head smells.

Yeah. Yeah, I know.

[Both chuckling]

I'm just glad she didn't give you any trouble.

I was fine. She was great.

Okay. Easy.

All right, thanks again.


You and Shepherd ought to get on getting one of those.

♪ ♪


♪ Stare ♪
♪ At the swollen clouds ♪

Yeah, so she's getting the transplant, uh, tonight.

So, I'm... I'm just gonna... I want to stay tonight, yeah.

I-I don't know when I'm gonna be home.

Yeah, me too.

Oh, Rick, I'm pregnant.


No, I-I wanted to tell you when I saw you, but then I... I didn't want to wait.

I-I couldn't wait.

I couldn't know without you knowing.

Meredith: Every cloud has a silver lining.

Yeah. [Breathes sharply]

[Chuckling] Uh-huh, yeah.

♪ Yeah, I won't live my life like something's missing ♪

I love you, too.

♪ Yeah ♪

But it's still a cloud.

♪ I'll show up with what I'm given ♪
♪ Not giving in ♪

[Insects chirping]

♪ Compare ♪
♪ They're taller now ♪

What is this?

Well, I was gonna wrap it like a [Chuckling] present, but then I thought I would hand it to you, and you'd hand it to me, and then I'd pee on it, so that felt weird.

Um, but then I just thought I would take the test and hand it to you on a plate, but then we couldn't use the plates anymore, so I...

Amelia, are you...

[Chuckles] Are you pregnant?

I might be.

I think I might be.

A cloud can mean a shower or a storm.

I was gonna wait until I knew for sure, but, I don't know, I just wanted you to know, too, so do you want to find out?

♪ Parapsychology, philosophy, mind over matter ♪

So, you take your good days where you can get them.

♪ Yeah ♪

We have to close it.

Ah, one more minute.

One more minute of cool air or a week of spoiled food.

You guys, she's pregnant.

We don't know that.

Who's pregnant?

It's my first sister's pregnancy.

I missed all of yours.

Amelia's pregnant?

Maybe. I hope so.


Me too.

She'll be talking for two now.

♪ When I psych myself out ♪
♪ I need someone to push me ♪

Try to stay positive.

Hey, did I tell you I spent all day with Harriet today?

It was so much fun.

After a while, it... it just... it felt like I'd done it forever.

Hey, how'd it go?

Good. Uh, got that part down.

What's it say?

Uh, takes a minute.

Want to sit?

Okay. Go ahead. Let's sit.


So, I was thinking that we could turn the study into the nursery.

Or maybe we should just have the crib in with us.

I mean, we haven't even talked about this.

[Sighs] You see anything?

Not yet.

♪ Feeling foreign when I first approach ♪

You know, and then we can... we can turn the nursery into his room... or her room.

I mean, it's a good room for a kid, right?

We don't need a study, and...


♪ Yeah ♪

What? What?

♪ I won't live my life like something's missing ♪

You try to remember that, even in the bad news...


♪ Yeah, I'll show up with what I'm given ♪

That's okay.

♪ Not giving in ♪

You know, it's...

♪ Yeah ♪

We just started.

We'll keep trying. Okay?

♪ Yeah, I won't live my life like something's missing ♪
♪ Yeah ♪

...there's good news for someone.

♪ I'll show up with what I'm given ♪
♪ Not giving in ♪
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