10x03 - A Study In Pink

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murdoch Mysteries". Aired: January 2008 to present.*

Moderator: Virginia Rilee

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In the 1890s, William Murdoch uses radical forensic techniques for the time, including fingerprinting and trace evidence, to solve some of the city's most gruesome murders.
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10x03 - A Study In Pink

Post by bunniefuu »

(theme music)

♪ ♪

(beeping and buzzing)

I've got 7.2 I've got 6.6.



Well, I'm closer, Henry. Come towards me.

[I have 7.2.]

I've got 7.8. We're getting closer, Henry.

I just got 8.

Well, Higgins, I do believe we have located our quarry.

It's more accurate to say that I've located you.

Well, sir, given that we started four blocks apart...

Then I'd say this has been a success, gentlemen.

(Higgins laughing)

Well done!

(indistinct conversations)

Sir, if you don't mind my asking...

(Higgins grunting)


How does the trackizer work?

Well, it isn't called a trackizer, Henry, because here's no such word as "trackize." Right?


As the wearer walks, a magnet slides back and forth inside of a wire coil inducing an electrical current.

That current is then converted to voltage.

You know what voltage is, right, Henry?

Yes. It's about... volts.

Right. Now, as the voltage increases on either side of this gap, the pressure builds and builds and builds until... (clap)

... a tiny spark!

Sir, I was wondering, what happens when our quarry stops moving?

Well then, the transmission ends until movement resumes.

Right. So, what happens if they've arrived, but we're still a block away?


That... that could be a problem.

Well, that would necessitate a third receiver unit in order to triangulate the...

Oh, Henry!

(phone ringing)

Detective Murdoch.

♪ ♪

Has Dr. Ogden been notified?

The caller didn't actually find the body, sir.

Why are we calling this a m*rder?

There's evidence at the crime scene apparently.

"Crime scene"?

That's what she called it.

She? She? Who is this she?

Sir, she wouldn't say. But she knows you.

Freddie Pink.

Hello, William.

I understand you believe this to be the scene of a crime.

I do.

I was hired to deliver a letter to the occupant of this apartment.

A man named James Smith.

Do you know this Mr. Smith?

I've never met him.

I don't even know what he looks like.

Then how is it you come to be inside of his apartment?

I suspected that he was at home, but not answering his door.

You broke in?

If I hadn't, I wouldn't have found this.

It's blood.

♪ ♪

And from that, you inferred m*rder?


From this.

And it's not just there.

It's under the table and over there by the chair.

George, may I have my ultraviolet light, please?

♪ ♪

Thank you.

(Pink): Looks like a m*rder to me.

Alright, George, speak with the neighbours.

See if anyone saw or heard anything suspicious.


Body appears to have been dragged...

(light buzzing)

... over to the window.

And dumped out?

(Murdoch): He did so rather unceremoniously.

(Pink): Or she.

They moved in about a month ago. Maybe six weeks.

Who's "they"?

James and JJ.

Who's JJ?

James Junior.

How old is he?

Around 5. I look after him when his dad goes out.

And where is JJ now?

I don't know. What's going on?

We're not exactly sure yet.

Ma'am, did you see anything unusual last night?

He had a visitor.

Quite late, as I recall.

Is that right?

Can you describe him?

It was a her.

I received a request to locate James Robert Smith and deliver a letter.

Who made this request?

A man named Kenneth Spokes.

How well did you know Mr. Spokes?

I've never met him.

But this is what I was to deliver.

It's blank!

A ruse, it would seem.

You think Mr. Spokes wanted me to locate James Smith so that he could k*ll him.

Did you inform him where Mr. Smith lived?


But he could have followed me.

(George): Detective.

George, what have you?

Sir, I spoke to several of the neighbours.

None of them remember hearing anything unusual.

Mr. Smith went to O'Donnell's pub at 8 o'clock.

Returned about 8:30, which I thought was strange.

Hardly enough time to throw back a pint.


Uh, beyond that, then he collected his son...

His son?

Afraid so. James Junior. Aged 5.

We're looking, but no sign of him yet.

Did anyone see them after that?

Apparently, sir, he had a visitor at about 10 o'clock.

A woman apparently.

That would have been me.

I knocked but he wasn't home, so I left.

My witness... my witness says that the woman entered the apartment.

I entered briefly, just long enough to ascertain that he wasn't home.

You broke in.

Is this going to be a problem?

George, were there any fingermarks on the doorknob?

Yes, sir. Higgins is analyzing them now.

Anything else?

I did find this.

Uh, his birth certificate.

All right. See what you can find out about him.


(sigh) Did you know he had a son?


I wonder what's become of him.

(knocking on door) Sir.

Henry, what have you?

We've identified a set of fingermarks from the doorknob.

And to whom do they belong?

Just Miss Pink, sir.

What about Smith's?

We only found one set.

The k*ller must have wiped down the fingermarks on his way out.

Then when I returned this morning...

Anything else, Henry?

Turns out we were keeping a file on a James Smith, sir.

Only one item. It's an incident report from a couple of months ago.

Who took that report?


Mr. Smith's mother came in looking for him, sir.

She was wondering if we'd put him in jail.

In jail?!

It was the only explanation she would accept as to why he didn't send her flowers on her birthday.

And you started a file for him?

Well, sir, I figured if his mother considered him the jailbird type, he might well be.

All right. Bring her in.

Sir, that woman's not the victim's mother.

How do you know that?

Because the James Robert Smith for whom this birth certificate was issued died 30 years ago at the age of 8 months.

Whoever was living in that apartment wasn't him.

He must have assumed a false identity for a reason.

Perhaps that reason caught up with him.

Now you say he was at the tavern last night?

Yes, sir. O'Donnell's on Queen Street.

Find out why he only stayed for half an hour.


(indistinct conversations)

(bell tolling)

Round back and down the stairs.

James Smith? Yeah, he drinks here.

Are you sure we're talking about the same James Smith?

It's not an uncommon name.

Lives up on Sackville Street?

That's right.

It's the guy.

Did he drink here last night?

Is he in some kind of trouble?

Just answer the question, sir.

A woman came in here.

Made eyeballs at him.

He didn't welcome the attention.

A dollymop?

No, no. Nothing like that.

She was some kind of private investigator.

So is this what you do all day?

Sit in your office and let your constables do your work for you?

One of the benefits of my position.

(George): Sir.

There you go.

What have you, George?

Uh, it's something I have to show you, sir.

♪ ♪

Sir, The man who refers to himself as James Smith was at O'Donnell's last night.

Yes and... ?

Actually, sir, can we establish a convention right here whereby we refer to the "man who referred to himself as James Smith" simply as James Smith?

Yes, of course, George.

Right. And then if we ever have cause to refer to the original James Smith, we'll call him... "The original James Smith."

Excellent, sir.


George, what is it you needed to show me?

Sir, I wanted to speak to you privately.

James Smith was at O'Donnell's last night.

Sir, Miss Pink was there at the same time.

She was?

Did they speak to one another?

No, sir, but apparently she made eyeballs at him.

I remember her saying unequivocally that she'd never met the man.

Yes, she did say that.

Anyway, I wasn't sure she should know that we know.

No, you did the right thing.

George, go to her office and see if you can find anything that pertains to James Smith.


I wasn't lying if that's what you're thinking.

You said you'd never seen him.

I didn't know that man was James Smith.

The bartender said you were staring at him.

I wasn't...

I don't stare.

Staring is obvious; I'm a professional.

You were looking at him.

I thought he might be a client.

I received a call from a telephone exchange.

A man asked to meet with me at O'Donnell's at 8 o'clock.

Are you in the habit of meeting strangers in taverns?

Meeting with clients in taverns comprises a good part of my business.

(bell tolling outside)

Who was this client?

I don't know.

He never showed up.

♪ ♪

Believe me, if I had known that man was James Smith, I would have delivered the letter right then and there and saved myself a lot of bother.

Sir we found these in Miss Pink's office.

She had them filed under James Smith.

I've shown them to several of Mr. Smith's neighbours; they all positively identified him.

Sir, she not only knew who he was...

She was following him.

Sir, she could be our k*ller.

(indistinct conversations)

So it's to be a formal interview.

Am I a suspect?

Did you take these photographs?

No. I did not.

Do you know who that is?

Should I?

Please, answer the question, Miss Pink.

"Miss Pink," is it?

Very well, Detective.

It's James Smith!

So you do know what he looks like.

He's the man I saw at O'Donnell's.

The man you said was Smith.

We've been over this.

You've never seen these photographs before?



Because they were found in your files.

You went into my office?

You went through my files!?

I needed to know the truth.

And I've answered you truthfully.

I've done nothing wrong!

You, on the other hand, have breached the confidentiality I swore to my clients.

So you don't know how they ended up in your files.

What's your explanation then?

Well, clearly everything I've told you is a lie.

I've been secretly following James Smith, or whoever he is, and after going to considerable effort to leave a trail of evidence pointing to me, I k*lled him and kidnapped his son.

Or who knows, maybe I k*lled the son, too.

I have no motive for any of this, but then maybe I do this sort of thing for sport.

Or maybe, possibly, there is the tiniest chance that the k*ller took these photos and left them in my office.

And the k*ller being?

The man who hired me to find Smith.

Kenneth Spokes?

We know he arranged for me to be at the scene of the crime.

So it's your assertion then that Spokes waited for you to find Mr. Smith, then took photographs of him and his son, then planted those photographs in your files to make it appear as though you had been following James Smith?

Is that so hard to believe?

And you were in that apartment the first time... ?

Two days ago. Thursday afternoon.

The earliest that these photographs could have been taken was Thursday afternoon?

If you need to walk through every step, then yes.

There are tulips in this photo.

Tulip season has been over for weeks.

A witness saw you go into the apartment yet no one saw you come out.

So you're suggesting what?

I waited inside?

k*lled him when he returned?

Disposed of the body?

Where did you spend the night?

I don't have an alibi, Detective.

If I had realized that I would need one, I would have arranged it.

Excuse me.

(door opening and closing)


Freddie Pink?!

She was at the scene and has no alibi.

William, we're talking about Freddie!

She is at the center of this and has not been forthcoming.

She's a private investigator; they're rarely forthcoming.

Sir, the Bank of Montreal in King Street has an account for a James Robert Smith.

I was gonna go by and get the details.

Very good. Thank you, George.


♪ ♪

So before we continue, am I correct in assuming I am the primary suspect in the m*rder of James Smith?


Bearing in mind that we don't know it's a m*rder seeing as there's no body.

But let's not quibble over trifles.

Convince me otherwise.


Assuming I k*lled this man, why would I call you?

There were witnesses.

You may have left evidence inside.

Far safer for you to insert yourself directly into the investigation, possibly control it.

If it were my intention to deflect suspicion, why would I point out that the k*ller was likely a woman?

You would have anticipated that I would come to the same conclusion.

In fact, that's precisely the logic a smart woman such as yourself would employ.

If I'm so smart, do you not think me capable of anticipating your response?

Why would I embark on such a doomed strategy unless I were, in fact, innocent?

Or are you suggesting that I anticipated your response to my response to your response?

In which case...

I understand.

We're in a recursive loop.

Infinite regress, actually.

Why not just s*ab him in a dark alley and throw the knife in the lake?

And why would I take his son?

I don't even like children.

Come on, Detective.

There must be some way I can convince you that I'm telling the truth.

So this is the famous truthizer?

Constable Crabtree calls it a truthizer.

I prefer autonomic response indicator.

How does it work?

When a person lies, the body responds as if to stress... an increase in heart rate, sweating, etcetera... responses that are controlled only by the subconscious mind.

How accurate is it?

It can't prove your guilt if that's what you're asking.

(pumping sounds)

Can it prove innocence?

(pumping sounds)


Alrighty then.

"Truthize" me.

(machine revving up)

(audible regular pulse)

Who is James Robert Smith?

I don't know.

Did you take these photographs?

I did not.

Had you ever seen this man prior to yesterday?


(tapping wood)

Maybe your machine's not working.

It's possible it isn't calibrated correctly.

Umm, tell me a deliberate lie.

I k*lled James Smith and kidnapped his son.


Looks like that's a lie.

So you will release her?

She answered the questions truthfully.

George, what have you?

Sir, the bank account for James Robert Smith was opened on May 18 in Montreal.


$1500 was deposited, then transferred to Toronto.

By whom?

Joe Murphy.

I was wondering if that might be Mr. Smith's real name.

You think Joe Murphy changed his name to James Smith and moved to Toronto?

It's a thought.

That's a good one, George.

See what you can find out about this Joe Murphy.

Sir. Doctor.

Freddie Pink is from Montreal.

A lot of people are from Montreal.

Yes, but she only moved here last summer, and she alluded to some kind of trouble there.

Julia, do you think it's possible for a skilled liar to fool my machine?

Gurus from India are able to control their heart rates, so I suppose it's possible.

So surprise would be key.

(pumping sounds)

(machine revving up)

Am I not to be released?

(audible regular pulse)

Very shortly.

Just a few more questions.

Ask away.

Who is Joe Murphy?

I haven't even answered.

What happened last May 18th in Montreal?

I don't remember.

Why did you leave Montreal?

I was running from a jealous lover.

That's a lie. Tell the truth.

Who is Joe Murphy?

I don't know!

(machine beeping fast)

Miss Pink?

I don't want to play anymore.

I've answered enough questions.

No, I don't believe you have.

I have a right to silence.

Please instruct a constable to escort me to my cell.

Very well.


I just spoke to police in Montreal.

Joe Murphy is well known to them, sir.

In fact, the entire Murphy clan.

Their mother is the notorious Ma Murphy.

I have never heard of her.

Thank God, Sir. Neither did I, I didn't let them know that.

Why did Joe Murphy leave Montreal?

Well sir, he's suspected of k*lling his wife, Molly.

Apparently, Molly found out about Joe's criminal activity and threatened to notify the police unless he granted her a divorce.

How did the police know this?

Well, Molly's best friend, sir, notified the police.

But of course by that time, Joe was in Toronto living under an assumed name.

And the name of her best friend?

Freddie Pink, sir.

(small sigh)

According to police, she harassed the Murphys.

So much so that at one point, she tells the police they threatened to have her k*lled.

I suspect that's why she left Montreal.

In any case, the Montreal police are sending the files over.

They're happy to see this wrapped up.

I'm sorry, sir. I know how this looks.

So, she came to Toronto, sought out Joe Murphy, learned of his new identity and exacted her revenge.

But what of the young boy. What did she do with him?

Sir, I think the question is what does she intend to do with him.

Um, Jackson found... this.

It's a letter from the French government.

Confirmation of the receipt of a visa application.

For a Doris Walmer.

Traveling with her son James, age 5.

So you've been in my room too.

Is there any part of my private domain you haven't trespassed upon?

Who is Doris Walmer?

There is no Doris Walmer.

So that visa is for you?


Oh, I see.

You think I'm planning to flee the country with a little boy I've got stashed in a suitcase somewhere.

It's for a client.

What client?

Do you really think I'd tell you?

Do you often obtain false visas for your clients?

Just the ones who are terrified that their husbands will k*ll them.

Like Joe Murphy k*lled your friend, Molly.

♪ ♪

(indistinct talking)

Come to bed, William.


Just a moment.

Do you think she did it?

She lied, repeatedly about everything.

How could she not think that I would get to the bottom of it?

Either she underestimated you or you're not at the bottom of it yet.

Now come to bed.

(typewriter typing)

(man): Lab report!

My God, that's a tremendous amount of blood.

By the looks of it, Henry, I would say he slit her throat.

They ever find her body?

No, he likely dumped it in the river.

If that's the crime scene that Freddie Pink found, I don't blame her for doing him in.

Let's just say the world is no worse for the loss of a brute like Joe Murphy.

Though he does look different without his beard and his hat.

I've always thought, Higgins, that a man should have to wear his hat in his mugshot.

To me, that's the first thing I notice about somebody.

It's their hat. It's like a signature.



Is this the crate from Montreal?

Yes, sir.

Just sorting through them now.

Here's a Mary Murphy.

Mary Mu...

That's Ma. Higgins, that's Ma Murphy. She's notorious!

For what?

For crime in general. And meanness. She's very mean.


Good Lord.

She's Mrs. Smith.

(Murdoch): Who?

Sir, the woman who assumed her son was in jail because he forgot her birthday.

Her son must be Joe Murphy then.

We have an address for her.

Bring her in.


Come in. Come in.

Please, have a seat, Mrs. Smith.

Or would you prefer I address you as Ma Murphy?

Is this about my son Joe?

Why, yes, it is.

Is he dead?

Why would you say that?

Because I have a right to know.

Is he dead or isn't he?

We haven't found a body as yet.

But I suspect...

I know who k*lled him.

Who might that be?

I don't know her name, but she had it in for my Joe.

She thought he k*lled his wife.

He did k*ll his wife.

That's a lie.

His wife ran off.

Your son fled to Toronto under an assumed name.

You came here looking for him under that name, because you know what he did.

And what of it?

He's dead now, so what does it matter?

This woman you claim k*lled your son, would you recognize her?

♪ ♪

(door opening) (footsteps)

That's her.

Thank you, Mrs. Murphy. That will be...

I know you k*lled my son.

I know why.

Tell us where the child is and you will be forgiven.

Do you understand what I'm telling you?

Get her out of here.

Get out!

All right, Mrs. Murphy, thank you.

That will be all, Mrs. Murphy.


She's a grieving mother.

She's not grieving.

How can you say that?

Have you found a body?


You won't.

Because Joe Murphy is not dead.

He saw me in the bar.

He knew I was following him.

So he decided to fake his m*rder and have me hang for it.

So you admit that you were following him?

You want a confession? Here's my confession.

I lied.


Why do you think?

I knew how it would look.

I miscalculated.

All right. Why did you go to his apartment?

I needed to know it was him.

I still wasn't sure.

And the blood on the floor?

Animal blood?

Easy to obtain. Fully convincing.

Even I thought someone k*lled him.

I understand your skepticism.

I didn't k*ll him, William.

So either someone else did, or he faked it.

Isn't there some way to tell whether the blood is animal or human?

Do you believe her?

At this point?

I don't know what to believe.

It's as credible as the theory that Freddie Pink is the k*ller.

Although both theories raise many questions.

Such as?

If Freddie is not the k*ller, then why did she not think of this theory before now?

And if she did think of it before now, why not bring it to me earlier?

And if she is the k*ller?

Then why provide us with the means of positively determining her theory to be false?

I'm afraid I have bad news in that regard, William.

The blood cells are partially decomposed.

I can't tell if they had nuclei or not.

And did she deliberately wait until it would be impossible for us to determine whether it was human or animal blood?

That would explain why she didn't tell you about it before.

Perhaps this is all part of a fallback plan.

Initially deny knowing the victim, then if found out, deny that there was a victim?

It would be nearly impossible for us to obtain a conviction without a body.

Especially if we were unable to disprove this theory.

But, William, what of Joe and Molly's son?

Where is he? Who's taking care of him?

Perhaps no one.

Freddie Pink would never leave a child on his own.

She might if the alternative was to be hanged!


If she does know where he is, that would be the first place she would go if she was let out.

Well, did you prove it was animal blood?

The test was inconclusive.

But we did find a bloody shoe mark near the window.

A shoe mark.


It was partial, but the edge is quite distinct.

If it matches yours, you'll be charged.

If it doesn't...

Which shoe?

Sir, are you sure about this? I mean, should we not just follow her the usual way?

(Murdoch blowing)

Freddie Pink will expect to be followed, and she'll certainly notice if we follow her in the usual way.

This, she'll not anticipate.

I take it the shoe mark wasn't a match?

It wasn't.

Whose was it?

I don't know.

But it wasn't yours, so you're free to go.

(machine beeping)

(George): Ah, I got 0.7.

Murdoch: [Where are you, George?]

Uh, Sydenham and Reid's Lane.

♪ ♪

Henry, where are you?

(machine beeping)


Duchess just west of Berkley.

Constable McNabb?


[Parliament just north of Queen.]

♪ ♪

She's at Queen, west of Parliament, heading east.

Sir, she hasn't moved in over a minute.


Oh, wait, wait! There it is.

Uh, uh, 0.6.

Higgins: [I've got 1.3, sir.]

McNabb: [And I've got 2.9.]

George, she's in an alleyway northwest of Queen and Sackville.

[Meet me there.]

♪ ♪

Any sign of her?

Sir, I saw a carriage pull out of the alley just as we came up.

How would she have known there was gonna be a carriage here?

She may have arranged for someone to meet her.

How? She's been out of communication since yesterday.

She stopped for roughly a minute at Queen and Sackville.

There's a telegraph office there. Henry, go there, see if she stopped in and if she sent a telegram.

Then meet us at Union Station.


You think she's trying to flee the city, sir?

She applied for a French visa, George.

I think she's fleeing the country.

(indistinct chatter)

♪ ♪

I want constables on the platform.

Search the train as well.

Stop any woman who's traveling with a small boy.

Are we not just looking for Miss Pink, sir?

She could be disguised, George.


Excuse me. Miss Pink!

Please, we're late for our train.

Sorry, ma'am.


What have you, Henry?

Miss Pink did stop at the telegraph office, sir.

She sent the telegram.

What did it say?

Just one word. "Go."

Who was it sent to?

That's the thing, sir.

Joe Murphy.

"Joe Murphy"?

What was the address?

General delivery at the Temperance Exchange, sir.

Right. Henry, head down there and see if anyone collects that telegram.


Joe Murphy, sir.

I don't understand.

I don't either, George.

George, that man walking toward us, I... I've seen him recently.

(George): Sir, I recognize his hat.

I found these in Miss Pink's office.

That's Joe Murphy.

Mr. Murphy!

Toronto Constabulary.

We'd like a word.

I believe these photographs are of you?

Believe what you like.

You came to Toronto one year ago with your son after murdering his mother.

You assumed the identity of one James Smith.

No fewer than five witnesses have identified this man, you, as James Smith.

You then became aware that you were being pursued by a woman who knew of your true identity as Joe Murphy.

You then made it appear as though you had been m*rder*d and set her up as the k*ller.

You can't prove this is me.

Actually, I can.

You can grow a beard, but your identifying features remain the same.

And in combination, they allow for each face to be identified with mathematical precision.

Please don't smile.


What do you mean, "it's not him"?!

The numbers don't lie, Julia.

The ratio of the distance between his eyes and the distance between his chin and nose is 1.27 in the mugshot.

Here, it's 1.41.

Ear to eye versus chin to midpoint: 1.87 versus 1.69.

They're close, William.

Perhaps within the margins of error?

I measured very carefully.

So who is he? He's clearly involved in all of this.


Joe Murphy did have a brother, sir.

What was his name?

Adam. He wasn't in the police files, but they both had a son about the same age.

So, if Adam was living with his own son under Joe's pseudonym, where's Joe?

And why would Freddie Pink send him a telegram?


Henry, what have you?

I went to Temperance Exchange.

Did anyone claim Joe Murphy's message?

No, sir. But the telegraph operator who took the message has disappeared.

Her name was Doris Walmer, sir.

The woman named in the visa application.

Did you get a description?

Red hair. Green eyes. Pretty.

♪ ♪

Please, we're late for our train.

(echoing): Sorry, ma'am.

The woman at Union Station with the boy, that was her!

She could still be on that train, sir.

She's likely well over the border by now.

Miss Pink used the telegram to let her client know to flee.

Yes, but why address it to Joe Murphy?

Perhaps that was the signal.

If a telegram was addressed to Joe Murphy, it's actually meant for her.

But then what's the connection between Doris Walmer and Joe Murphy?

What is it, William?

Could Doris Walmer be Molly Murphy?

Sir, Molly Murphy was m*rder*d.

Was a body ever found?


At any rate, we know a m*rder was committed in Montreal on the 18th of May last year.

What if Molly Murphy wasn't the victim?

It was Joe!

But Joe changed his identity.

He set up the bank account.

I have no doubt Joe Murphy intended to m*rder his wife and leave town. But somehow...

She got the upper hand and k*lled him instead!

So it could have been self-defence.

She would have called her best friend who would have known exactly what to do.

They buried the body, and then Freddie helped Molly to flee to Toronto with her son.

That's why she was so insistent that it was Joe that k*lled Molly.

She couldn't let anyone find out that Molly was still alive, living in Toronto as Doris Walmer.

The Murphys discovered what happened.

They set up Pink for the m*rder of James Smith.

But why?

(George): Revenge?

(Murdoch snapping fingers) Leverage.

If she was charged with m*rder, she'd have no choice but to tell the truth about what happened in Montreal and give up Molly and the child.

"Tell us where the child is and you will be forgiven."

She would have understood the message. But she didn't give them up.

So what have they done with Freddie?

I was mistaken, Mr. Murphy.

You are not Joe. In fact, you are Joe's brother, Adam.

Am I free to go?

You set up Freddie Pink for a m*rder that never happened.

Never happened?

My brother was m*rder*d, Detective, and Freddie Pink is up to her neck in it.

Where is she?

To whom do you refer?

The one who k*lled my brother or her best friend?

Tell me where Miss Pink is or you will be going to jail.

On what charge?

Spilling chicken blood on the floor of my apartment?


You have no proof of that. (Adam chuckling)

Tell me where she is!

(door opening)



There's something you should see.

(door closing)


Sir, I swear I saw it moving.

I believe you, George.

(machine buzzing)

(machine beeping)

There it is.

Alright. Fetch Henry.


Where are you, Freddie?


(Henry): I have 2.4.

Murdoch: [Henry, what's your location?]

Henry: [Trinity and Front.]

George: [1.6, sir.]

(machine beeping)

[And where are you, George?]

George: [Wilkins and King.]

Murdoch: [Constable McNabb, what's your reading?]

McNabb: 3.4.


[Parliament and King.]

(machine buzzing and beeping)

♪ ♪

[Uh, it's, uh, Derby Street.]


Did you find her?

Young Molly?


I didn't.

Found the factory.

(crow cawing)

I didn't find her, though.

Maybe she quit.

See, I showed them photographs of her, and they'd never seen her.

I told you what I would do if you were lying.

I wasn't lying.



I said one finger for every lie.

See, if you're lying about lying, well, that's another finger.

(dramatic music playing)

Alright. Alright.

She works at a grocery at Dundas and Broadview. She goes by Mabel.


And... and you go by Pink.

Let's start with the pinkie.

Get away from her!

I only cuffed her a bit. Sure that's no crime.

Kidnapping is a crime.

So is cuffing people.

I'll find her.

Even I couldn't find her now.

What the hell kept you?!

I've been tapping my foot for 40 minutes!

How did you know?

You released me in order to follow me.

But you didn't.

Then I remembered the ridiculous shoe mark you invented to get my shoe from me.

You might also want to consider what you leave on your blackboard.


Molly loved Joe.

But when she found out he and his family were criminals, she wanted out.

More importantly, she wanted her son out.

But Joe wouldn't have that.

He tried to k*ll her.

Molly fought back.

She grabbed a knife... it must have hit the carotid artery because there was blood everywhere.

From that moment, she was a dead woman unless I helped her. So I did.

So the body was disposed of but you made it appear as though he k*lled his wife and then ran away.

A rather elegant solution, I thought.

Until Ma Murphy didn't get her flowers for her birthday.

She then realized that her son was dead, and that the blood that was found in the Montreal apartment by the police was in fact his and not his wife's.

And she wanted Molly dead and her grandson back.

That's why they set me up for m*rder.

They thought I'd give them up rather than be facing the noose.

But why bother setting you up at all?

Why not simply t*rture you for the information?

I think they enjoyed the irony of having me implicated in Joe's m*rder.

But you still are implicated.

How so?

Joe was k*lled by Molly in self-defence.

You lied to me.

Until you mentioned Joe Murphy's name, everything I told you was the absolute truth.

I only lied to save my friend.

And lying is not a crime.

You buried a body.

Prove it.

I just might.

But until then, you're free to go.

Thank you.

Oh, uh, the Murphys may still have it in for you.

You should watch your back.

I will.



Thank you for watching mine.

♪ ♪
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