03x06 - One Good Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: New Orleans". Aired: September 2014 to present.*
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A spin-off of "NCIS" that is set in the Crescent City.
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03x06 - One Good Man

Post by bunniefuu »

(muffled yelling)

You lied to me.

(muffled yelling)

Man (distantly): Somebody's giving me two!

Who's ringing my bell?


Master Chief!

Not that easy by a long shot.


Master chief: Let's go, let's go, let's go!

(muffled grunting)

I need two!

Get me out of here!

You want to be a Navy SEAL or don't you?

What the hell's wrong with you, Marchand?

Leave those bindings and get back in.

I'm not getting back in the water!

You quitting on me, sailor?

Huh? You gonna ring the bell?

I'm sorry. I can't, sir.

I can't!

Damn it!

Get back here, you son of a bitch!

♪ NCIS:New Orleans 3x06 ♪
One Good Man
Original Air Date on November 15, 2016

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪
♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ How, how, how, how ♪
♪ Hey, hey ♪
♪ You gotta come on. ♪

Gone a little heavy on the carbs in your honor, Danny.


By the way, your mom ever whip up any of your favorite meals when you were on your wilderness adventure?

Oh, now, Dwayne, you do recall, I did buy a brand-new cookstove for the trip.

Never made it out the box, though.

(Pride chuckles)

Oh, hush, kid.

Microwaves were invented for a reason.

Yeah, well, good a time as any to learn how to prepare your own meals, Danny.

Heading to college, winter semester.

You gonna be taking the cookstove, too, ain't ya?

Oh, I'm not sure they allow those in the dorms at UNO, but...


Uh... (clears throat)

Not gonna be in the dorms.


You staying home?

It's the first I've ever heard of it.

(Pride chuckles)

No, I mean, um, I'm not gonna be at UNO.

I've, uh, decided to join the Navy.

Since when?

Couple weeks now.

Um, I spoke to a recruiter.

He talked me through the details, and, um, there's a lot of options I like.

Well, that-that is...

(chuckling): ...some big news, huh, Loretta?

And, you know, can't do any better than the Navy.

(phone rings)

Uh, excuse me.

(phone ringing)

Uh... I-I... I got to take this.


(phone beeps)

Pride here.

Got it.

Heading over.

(phone beeps)


Sorry to steal your thunder, here, but, uh, dead sailor by Gretna ferry landing.

Kit's in the car.

I'll meet you there.

We'll discuss this later.

(ship horn blows)

Our victim is Petty Officer Corey Marchand.

Navy SEAL candidate training at that new pilot program at Stennis.

He's due to graduate in a couple of weeks.

His wallet and keys are still here, but his phone is gone.

(camera shutter clicking)

Pride: Not easy taking down a SEAL, even a pup.

You can take down pretty much anyone with a b*llet to the head.

(camera shutter clicking)

Looks like a dump job, judging from the lack of blood.

Why don't you let me examine him before we jump to conclusions?

Just sayin'.


You might want to check his wrists, looks like he was bound.

(camera shutter clicking)

Thank you.

(ship horn blows)

Is she okay?

Pride: She's fine.

Any witnesses?

Canvassed the area-- nothing.

(phone rings)


If Marchand's still in training, he's a long way from Stennis.

Day off?

SEALs trainees don't take days off.

(phone rings)


BUDS training is 24 weeks of hell.


Basic Underwater Demolition.


Convoluted acronym, if you ask me.

(phone rings)


You need to get that, Christopher?

No, sir, I'm good.

Sorry about that.


Sonja: Hey, just spoke to Command's Master at Arms at Stennis.

Petty Officer Marchand's been UA for 24 hours.

Marchand sneaks to NOLA, gets more than he bargained for?

Marchand's two weeks from graduating, don't think he's gonna risk it all for a night on the town.

I would have given anything to play hooky my last days at Quantico.

Well, SEALs are different.

I don't think he was joining the SEALs, Dwayne.

Transfer papers, dated today.

He was quitting SEALs.

Well, if Marchand was fixing to tap out, why sneak off the day before?

Well, I guess we're going to Stennis to find out.

Petty Officer Marchand was a good sailor.

Top of his class, a damn shame.

If Marchand was so good, why'd he have the transfer papers?

60% of candidates won't make it.

Most times, you can tell who'll ring the bell the day they arrive.

Other times, it's a mystery.

The mystery is: why did Marchand go UA without getting his papers signed?

Was he in some kind of trouble recently?

Master chief: Don't allow trouble in SEALs training.

Sonja (scoffs): Come on, Chief.

Bunch of young guys cooped up together for weeks.

Sometimes trouble happens, right?

Not here, not these young guys.

No doubt you run a tight ship, but we found these marks on Marchand's wrists.


Sailors execute a series of underwater maneuvers with their arms and legs bound.

Oh, that sounds like t*rture to me.

No, it's training.

For a SEAL, getting over the instinctual fear of drowning is critical.

That's right.

And frankly, Marchand was struggling.

I thought you said he was top of his class?

He was, in every other regard.

But you fail drownproofing, you wash out.

What, a Navy SEAL can't have a bad day?

When they do, people die, ma'am.

You saying he rang the bell?

No, sir. Not in front of me.

I sent him back to the barracks to pull himself together.

Yeah, but weren't you kind of curious where he was the last day and a half?

Got 50 living sailors, ma'am.

Not a lot of time for curiosity.

(talking quietly)

Now, if you'll excuse me.

You getting the feeling I'm getting?


He's hiding something.

(jet engines roaring)

Your phone's been blowing up all morning.

What gives?

Just an old friend.

By old friend, you mean former hook up?

Where'd you get that from?

You didn't save her number in your contacts.

Well, maybe she changed phones recently.

Oh, so she is a former hook up.

And judging from the 15 texts on the ride up, I'm assuming she doesn't take no for an answer.

You done?

For now.

Petty Officer Hollister?

You Corey Marchand's roommate?

Yes, ma'am.

Any clue why he went UA?

No, ma'am.

Marchand still has his civies here.

If he was putting in his transfer papers, why didn't he pack?

No, Corey, he-he tried to pack.

He was stopped.

Stopped by who?



(whispers): If you saw something, you need to say something.

Ma'am, I still have to survive here.

Well, your best friend Corey, he didn't survive.

You know, I just keep my head down.

I don't know anything.

SEALs aren't about keeping their heads down.

They look out for their brothers.

Who wouldn't let him pack?

Look... it was the drownproofing.

The what now?

I'll explain it to you later.

What happened?

Corey freaked out.

He was, uh... he was ready to ring the bell... and then Master Chief Jolly went off on him.

He wouldn't let him ring that bell?

He followed Corey back here.

He refused to let him leave.

And then he forced him back to the pool, just the two of them.

Told Corey that he would pass drownproofing or die trying.

He took it like it was personal.

How do you know he said that if it was just the two of them?

Because I followed them.

And I recorded everything.

(Marchand yelling)

Please, sir. Please!

Turn around and give me your damn arms, sailor!

Looks personal to me.


Turn around, and give me your damn arms, sailor!

(tablet beeps)

Pride: You want explain what we just watched?

It's called EMI.

Extra Military Instruction.

A common practice.

Does it usually end with a dead sailor found by the river?

Not usually.

You understand, this video brings up questions.

Yeah, like why you lied about seeing Marchand after drownproofing.

I didn't k*ll Petty Officer Marchand, if that's what you're implying.

Chief Jolly, you take pride in your work.

(chair slides out)

Guiding young men to become elite fighters.

Yes, I do, sir.

We take pride in our work, too.

Right now, that means getting justice for Marchand.

We need your help.

I was trying to help him.

By tying him up, humiliating him?

By making him face his fears.

I believed he can overcome them.

For most, it's drowning.

But for Marchand, he was in a panic as soon as he saw the ropes.

What happened after the recording?

I untied him.

I told him to deal with whatever was eating him and if he still wanted to ring the bell in the morning, I'd let him.

But he disappeared after that.

Something was haunting that kid.

I thought I was helping him, but... but maybe I just pushed him too far.

(door opens, closes)

Come on, you're not buying this crying-on-the-inside act.

I don't feel like it's an act.

One of his men is dead.

Jolly feels responsible.

I don't, I don't think he pulled the trigger.

Yeah, but it wouldn't be the first time an instructor went overboard.

Not like this.

And we still don't have a motive.

All we do know is that Marchand left base...

24 hours later he was dead.

Check Jolly's alibi to be sure.

I'll find out what Lasalle and Gregorio have learned about Marchand.

Gregorio: Only child, struggling single mom who died last year when he was a senior in high school.

He had something going for him, though, King.

He was tall, fast and he was good at the post.

Lafitte High School basketball, some of the best in the state.

A huge feeder into the NCAA.

Even with that pool of talent, Marchand was an up-and-comer.

I mean, I saw the kid play.

He was... he was good.

But he didn't take the college scholarship, joined the Navy, qualified for SEAL training.

Kid played at an elite level.

Trained to be the best of the best.

(phone ringing)

Got derailed, though.

Something I should know about, Christopher?

Lasalle: Nah, I'll take care of it, King.

Nothing in Marchand's history gets him k*lled.

(phone beeps)

Need to know where he went after he left base.

Yeah, we're pulling his credit card statement of the last two days.


Loretta finished her autopsy.

I'll go see her.

You two follow that credit card trial.

Learn things.


Man, I have never seen radiographs like this before.

Marchand's lung capacity is two times a normal male's.

I get winded when I run up the stairs.

He was an athlete, Sebastian.

Yeah, you're telling me.

I-I did a rough calculation.

He's got to be nearly 46% muscle mass.

I'm... maybe 25.

If you count sinew, which, you know... a lot of people don't.

Are you here for a reason?

Um, you said that you had stomach contents for me.

So... here I am.

On the counter.

Hey, Sebastian.


Whatever you do, don't bring up physiology, okay?

She's not in the mood.

What do you got, Loretta?

Cause of death for Petty Officer Marchand is a single g*nsh*t to the head.

Stippling indicates close contact.

Also, signs of tendinitis, shoulder separation, tibia stress fractures.

Not uncommon, considering the intensity of his SEAL training.

He had his whole life ahead of him.

Look at him.

It's a waste.

What are we talking about here, Loretta?

Danny was accepted to college.

We put away money.

You helped.

Nothing wrong with wanting to serve.

No, there's nothing wrong with that, but he's already survived a hard life.

I was hoping his future would be a little easier.

You can't keep him in a bubble.

We had a plan.

Plans change.

Not this one.

When Laurel wanted to quit school, you remember what you said to me?

“Get out of your own way.

Hear her out.”


But she didn't drop out.

And Danny's a different child.

He's not a child.

He's a young man.

Too young to make this decision.

Look, he looks up to you.

Can't you convince him to change his mind?

Dwayne, please.

Need a hand?

Thank you.

Got it.

Sorry we had to run out.

Yeah, not so sure I am.

Mom seemed kind of pissed.

She asked you to come by and talk me out of it, right?

She just wants me to talk to you, Danny.

Yeah, we both know that's not how she put it.

She cares about you.

She thinks I'm being impulsive.

Like I haven't thought it through.

Have you?

A week ago, you were picking classes, thinking about trying out for the baseball team.

Yeah, because I knew that's what she wanted.

I just couldn't work up the nerve to say what I want.

All I want to do is serve... like Mom, like you.

Just do it on my own.

Yeah. Nothing wrong with having help.

You've helped enough.

This is the path that I want.

Sounds like you have thought it out.

You should, uh... explain it to your mom.

Yeah, um... about that.

I was kind of hoping you would.


Look, when I speak, all she hears is a little kid.

Okay? She respects you.

She'll listen to you.


(laughs): I'm not so sure about that, Danny.


I need your help.

Marchand made half a dozen charges in this area over a four hour period yesterday afternoon.

Sandwich shop across the street.

And three coffees at the coffee cart here.

A couple of beers at Desi Vega.

Why? Was he... waiting for someone or waiting on something?

I don't know.

Let's find out.

You want to go to the sandwich shop first?


(phone ringing)

You don't answer that girl's calls, she's not going away.

She's gonna come looking for you.

And you better hope she's not a bunny boiler because then you're screwed.

She's not a bunny boiler.

Then put her out of her misery.

How do you know so much about it?

Because I've been on both sides of that phone.

I've ducked my share of calls...

And you boiled your share of bunnies?



I've showed up at a doorstep or two.

I'm not proud of that, though.

Well, why do you care so much about it, anyway?

I don't, Lasalle.

I'm out of here the second the FBI shuts down the cartel.

I was just making conversation.


Well, this girl shows up for Jazz Fest two years ago.


You know, we hang out for a couple of weeks and then she goes home.

Radio silence until now.

So, then just call the girl, solve the mystery.

Is that what the expert says?

No. It's common sense.

You coming or what?

Well, I was just thinking.

What if it's not where Marchand spent his money, but where he was waiting to go?


Sandwich shop, Desi Vega's and... the coffee cart.

All within shouting distance of city hall.

Marchand took an interesting stop yesterday.

City hall.

He waited outside for four hours before going in.

Find out what he was doing there?

Better yet, we can show you.

(video rewinding)

Pride: Mayor Hamilton?

Are you kidding me?

That's about how we reacted when we saw it.

What does Petty Officer Marchand want with the mayor of New Orleans?

Yeah, well, whatever it is, I'm thinking it's connected to what got him k*lled.

Can I help you?

Federal agent, here to see the mayor.

Sorry, the mayor's in a meeting right now.

Well, that's okay.

I'll just let myself in.

Hey, wait!


Need to talk, Mr. Mayor.

Uh... ladies and gentlemen, Dwayne Pride, protector of our city and apparently incapable of making an appointment.

Now, please.

Everybody, it's okay.

Just give me a few minutes, if you will.

Thank you.

(door closes)

And, uh... what can I do for you, Dwayne?

Corey Marchand.

Navy SEAL candidate.

Went UA and came to see you yesterday afternoon.

Well, you know, a lot of people come to see me.

I am the mayor.

Yeah, well, this person you had forcibly removed.

Or does that happen a lot, too?

Oh, yeah, I remember that.

So, uh... what's your point?

He was shot to death.

Dumped by the Gretna ferry landing.

Need to know what he wanted.

I have no idea.


I-I never got a chance to find out.

Yeah, because your security detail took him away.

When a stranger comes up on the mayor...

He's not a stranger!

We couldn't find his phone... but we got his record from the phone company.

He made a half dozen calls to your office.

Now, how do you know Marchand?


Lafitte High School basketball.

What? You're a... you're a booster?

Some of my donors are.

I go to the games.

You know, fund-raisers.

I... cohost the annual Courtside Dinner, which happens to be tomorrow night.

And Marchand?

Met him at the dinner last year.

Said he was going Navy.

I gave him an attaboy, gave him my card.

I told him if he ever needed anything...

You'd throw him out of city hall.

Uh, he was being very aggressive with me, Dwayne.

He made six phone calls to you.

Ever think that he might have something important to say?

I figured I'd see him at the dinner.

(door opens)


I'll see myself out.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh.... ♪
Hey, King. We tried to track Marchand's movements after city hall.

Didn't find anything.

Yeah, well, whatever happened, Hamilton knows more than he's saying.

Might have to do with the Lafitte basketball team.

I got Sonja looking into Hamilton's movements yesterday.

Help her out, would you?

Oh, doing a deep dive on the mayor?

Why not? It's been a couple days since we went gone rogue.

(elevator bell dings)

Mayor's a person of interest now?

Wouldn't be the first time.

Whatever Marchand wanted to say to the mayor is why he freaked out during training exercises and went UA.

Only connection point's Marchand's basketball team.

Basketball's big business here.

Where there's smoke, there's...

Is everything in this town dirty?

And D.C. is so... (tongue clicks) squeaky clean?

Woman: Christopher Lasalle.

I have called you all sorts of names...

“Rude” was never one of them.

You've been ignoring me.

Told you so.

See you inside.



It's great to see you.

All evidence to the contrary.

I know. I've been rude.

I've been busy, but... that's no excuse.

Yeah. That's more like it.


Hold on.

It's been a long time, Mel.

Yeah, well, not too long to forget about how much fun we had.


I know we had a good time.


But times have changed.

People, too.

Funny, that's, uh... kind of why I wanted to get in touch.

Drove all the way from Charleston to see you.

I got to show you something.


His name's Tucker.

Wow. You're a mom now.

And you're a dad, Christopher.


♪ Oh-oh ♪
♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh, oh-oh... ♪

So, from what I've put together, Mayor Hamilton left city hall yesterday afternoon, went to the charity event, and then straight home.

Nothing suspicious about it.

Okay. We could get a warrant, dump his phone.

Or Patton could skip due process, hack his way in.


Patton's out of town, and we don't have enough evidence for a warrant.

Not yet we don't, but I'm onto something interesting.

Oh, what you got?

Marchand went UA two days before the annual Courtside Dinner, the one the Lafitte basketball team has.


I looked into the dinner.

Found this article.

Oh, the dinner got cancelled last year?

More like shut down.

There was a brawl.

Police got involved, everything.

Okay. But what does that have to do with Marchand?

Marchand's the one that started the fight.

He went after his coach, guy named...

Bud Erens? Broke his jaw.

But there's nothing in Marchand's record that says he was arrested for as*ault.

Because he wasn't.

I called NOPD.

No sign of a police report.

(cell phone dings)


Sebastian-- he's got something.

I'm gonna meet Pride at the morgue.



Yo, country mouse. You okay?

Looks like a b*mb got dropped on you.


You got no idea.

All right.

Well, fill me in later.

Hey, Sebastian.

What do you got?

That bad, huh?

Let's... stick to the case.

All right.

Road trip... to get intimately acquainted with Coach Bud Erens.

Could be the key to why Marchand went UA.

The history of sauce has always been rife with intrigue.

You know? Ever since the first man mixed ketchup and mayonnaise, added relish and called it “secret.”

Some people actually call it Thousand Island dressing.

Pride: Sebastian.

Why are we here?

Oh, right.

Petty Officer Marchand's stomach contents...

Oh, you found Thousand Island dressing?

Uh, no. But I did find shrimp covered in a mixture of garlic, Worcestershire sauce, creole seasoning, various other unique ingredients.

In other words, secret sauce.

Technically, it's just special sauce, since the recipe is readily available on their Web site.

Who is “they,” Sebastian?

Oh. Fox's restaurant?

It's where Marchand had his last meal yesterday.

It's not a bad choice, either, as far as last meals go.

They're known for having the best barbeque shrimp this side of the Mississippi.

That's not all they're known for.

Fox's hosts the Courtside Dinner every year for Lafitte basketball.

Thank you.

All right.

(door opens)

I'll stay here, though.

I'll... I'll, uh...

I'll mix some of this stuff up.

(door closes)

I'll bottle it up!

♪ ♪

I can't get my head around this.

Who'd want to hurt Corey Marchand?

You knew him well?

Support the team best I can.

Marchand was a star player.

Great kid, had a bright future.

Worked hard to get him a scholarship at L.S.U.

He chose a different path.

We know he came by the restaurant yesterday.

Any idea why?

I wasn't around, unfortunately.

I was hoping to see him at the Courtside Dinner.

I'm surprised he got an invite after the fight last year.

Oh, Corey and Coach just... heated up a little.

You know, boys being boys.

Coach's jaw was broken.

Police were called in.

Yeah. I know.

It got pretty ugly.

Pride: Marchand left the base without permission, went to two places-- city hall and your restaurant.

And then he was k*lled.

Corey was a good kid.

His mom did the best by him that she could, God rest her soul, but he grew up hard.

Rough neighborhoods, dr*gs, gangs.

Man: Mr. Fox.

Uh, excuse me.

I need to sign off on something, I'll get right back.

Not sure Marchand came here to see him.

My guess... is the busboy.

(door opens) Been watching us since we walked in.

(door closes)

Pride: NCIS Special Agents, Pride and Percy.

You're about to ask me about Corey. Let me stop you, 'cause I haven't seen him in nearly a year.

What's your name, son?

Mason Holt.

Okay, Mason. Here's the thing.

We know he was here last night.

Just a matter of time for us to figure out if you were working then, too, so just save us the legwork.


Corey came in, okay?

He ate. Shot the breeze.

He left.

So, why'd you lie?

I don't want trouble.

But there is trouble, Mason.

Your friend is dead.

But you already know that, don't you?

Like I said, I don't know nothing.

Okay, but see, the way you're saying you don't know nothing, tells me you know a lot.


Did you play ball together?

He was small forward, I was point guard.

Must have had skills.

I was all right.

Not like Corey.

So, the fight between Marchand and Coach Erens last year?

It wasn't much of a fight.

Corey clocked Coach good.

Want to tell us why?

I can't.

Some things you never say.

No matter what.

Marchand had a secret?

Something to do with Coach Erens?

Why you keep asking me about Coach?

Coach is a great guy.

All right. Coach is great.

So, tell me this.

How'd you get the scars on your wrists?


I got to get back to work.

Hey, Mason.

Sonja. Let him go.

For now.

Well, we got two players and a coach.

This isn't about dr*gs or gangs.

This is a basketball team.

Yeah. Something being covered up by a lot of people.


And all roads lead to Coach Erens.

(phone line ringing)


Lasalle: Yes, sir.

Need you to track down Coach Erens right away.

Way ahead of you, King.

Somebody else got to him first.

(siren wailing)

Petty Officer Marchand freaks out during SEAL drownproofing, goes UA.

Tries to contact Mayor Hamilton and a former teammate about some sort of secret having to do with the high school basketball team.

Ends up shot to death.

Maybe because of a fight he had with his coach a year ago.

Yeah, who was also... shot dead.

(camera shutter clicking)

Well, I found Marchand's missing cell.

He was here before he was k*lled.

Pride: Why would he leave it?

And what's this big secret that got two people k*lled?

I think we all know what secret they're talking about here.


The profiler in me sees this big screen TV, every gaming system known to man.

It's tailor-made for teenage boys.

Lasalle: Well, Sebastian and I have big TVs and gaming system.

That doesn't mean anything.

Yeah, but what about his wall of fame over there?

Sure does like to throw parties for his boys.

He's their... their coach.

I mean, that's not uncommon.

Him and Marchand being m*rder*d makes it uncommon.

You think Marchand was abused by his coach?

Sonja: It's definitely a possibility.

Check this out.

Texts from Marchand to the coach.

“You need to face the facts.

“Admit what happened to me and the others.

If you don't, I will.”

Gregorio: He was trying to expose the truth about the abuse.

Coach kills him to keep it a secret?

Yeah. But who k*lled the coach?

♪ ♪

What do you see, Gregorio?

This picture of Marchand.

Check out his wrists.

Pride: Wrist bands.

He's the only one wearing them.

Hiding something?

Sonja: I saw marks on Mason's wrists, too.

Maybe tying up was the coach's thing.

Gregorio: Marchand was bound before.

That's why he freaked out in training.

Sexual abuse in these situations is rarely an isolated incident.

Probably other victims out there.

Upon further examination, I found evidence of hypertrophic scars on Marchand's wrists.

Suggests a history of being bound.

Explains why the drownproofing exercise caused Marchand to panic.

His instructor motivated him to face his issues.

Went looking for his abuser.

Threatened to expose him.

It's possible Marchand k*lled his coach, someone else k*lled him to keep the scandal quiet.

Mm. Afraid not, Dwayne.

Lividity suggests Marchand was dead hours before Coach Erens was k*lled.

What are we missing here?

The m*rder w*apon.

But Sebastian's got slugs from both bodies.

May find your answer.

You're looking for an answer from me about Danny.

I don't have one.

You couldn't convince him to change his mind about enlisting?


I didn't try.

That makes no sense to me, Dwayne!

He hasn't made this choice lightly.

He gave it a lot of thought and it's not my place to stand in his way.

It absolutely is your place.

You have a stake in his future.

I know.

But it's still his future.


That boy's seen too much v*olence, too much hardship.

No reason for him to face any more.

He doesn't see the Navy as hardship, Loretta.

He sees it as an opportunity to serve.

He asked me to tell you.

Why can't he tell me?

Guess he takes after his mother in that way.

I'm gonna go check in with Sebastian about the ballistics.

(quietly): Talk to your boy.

Gregorio: The girl must've gotten to you if you're considering that invitation.

Not considering anything right now.

Just waiting on Coach Erens' personnel file from Lafitte.

Hey, look, I get it.

Smoking hot girl.

It's a biological imperative.

Well, let's just say it's complicated.


All right, (computer chimes) here's the personnel file.

Erens took over the program three years ago.

He's got a stellar winning percentage.

He'd come highly recommended from his previous school in Tennessee.

I looked into the coach's criminal record.

Not so much as a speeding ticket.

There's no smoke here.

Well, I found our smoke.

Just spoke to a friend at NOPD Special Victims.

Complaint filed by a parent a few years back.

You got details?

Allegations of sexual abuse.

The victim was a freshman, remained anonymous.

The parents claimed he wasn't the only one, and it landed on the DA's desk.

I already checked with the DA.

There were no investigations.


That's because the DA squashed the whole thing.

Told the cops to back off, and the family ended up transferring out of state.

So, when'd this happen?

Five years ago.

So, before Coach Erens took over the program.

He's not the abuser.

Who's got the juice for this kind of cover up, though?

Pride: I can think of someone.

Hamilton was a councilman back then.

Deep ties to the DA's office.

Makes the scandal go away to protect the team.

That doesn't make him our sh**t.


But we do have a lead.

Sebastian got a ballistics match on the m*rder w*apon.

.380 a*t*matic p*stol.

Registered to Mason Holt.

That kid we talked to yesterday.

The one with the marks on his wrists.


He's working the Lafitte Courtside Dinner at Fox's Seafood.

Well, let's go get him.

♪ ♪

Coach Erens was k*lled?

You seem surprised.

Yes, I am.

This thing is spiraling out of control.

Got work to do, excuse me.

Pride: Mr. Fox.

Mason Holt-- where is he?

He's on the terrace. Why?

Pride: Excuse me.

Excuse me. Excuse me.



Sonja: Federal agents. Freeze!

(panicked shouting)

Pride: Whoa, whoa, whoa, get back.

Sonja: Get out of the way!

Get back, get back.

Get out of the way!

No one else needs to get hurt here, son.

(Mason breathing heavily)

I know you're upset, Mason.

How 'bout you put the knife down.

We'll talk.

You don't get it.

You don't understand.

I want to.

I know someone abused Marchand, maybe you, too.

I know Marchand wanted to tell the truth.

He shouldn't have said anything!

Did you hurt him, Mason?

I would never hurt Corey.

But it was your g*n.

He told me we couldn't talk!

Nobody would believe us!



I just want this to be over.

Look at me, Mason.

I didn't...

Look at me.

I didn't sh**t anybody!

I know you didn't.


He was wrong when he told you nobody would believe you.

I believe you.

Now let's work this out.

Come on.

The fight... between Marchand and Coach, what happened?


Coach knew Corey was torn about something, (crying): and he wanted him to speak.

Corey wasn't ready last year and he lashed out.


Dinner comes back again, and he was ready.


He wanted you and Coach to help.

You told somebody else, right?

I can't.


I can't, I can't, I can't.

Look at me, look at me, look at me.

You told somebody else, the same person who k*lled Marchand and Coach, right?

I didn't, I didn't think he'd hurt them.

It's not on you, Mason.

It's on him.

Come on.

You can still help finish what Corey started.

You can honor him.


(knife clatters)

Who hurt Marchand?

Hurt you?


Charles Fox.

He did it all.


(car door closes, engine starting)


Where are you goin'?

The party's not over yet.


Fox, put your hands up.

Put 'em up!

Step out.


This is a big misunderstanding.

(handcuffs clicking)

And this is the m*rder w*apon.

It's no bueno, Mr. Fox.

I mean, I knew Charlie Fox 15 years.

I cannot believe he's capable of any of that.

That's what people said about Sandusky.

That's the story you're going with?

So you think I knew that he was sexually abusing the players on the team?

Is that what you're telling me?

I think you didn't want to, and made sure you didn't have to.

Yeah? And how did I do that exactly?

You made, you made allegations disappear.

You had Marchand removed from city hall.

I was going to call him.

Oh, my...

I was going to call him.

Are you kidding me?

Th-there were rumors, there were rumors, okay?

I heard them; there were stories.

You know how many rumors there are in this city?

About everybody.

About me, you even.

You cannot believe it all.

This could've gone different.

Could've gone different if you'd just talked to Marchand.

Well, I'm just gonna have to live with that, aren't I?

How's this? I'll establish a blue ribbon committee.

You can sit on it, yeah.

We'll create a safe haven for victims of abuse, how's that?

That sounds swell.

Leave me out of it.

Uh, heads up.

Bunny boiler's back.

She's not a bunny boiler.

Listen, you're a grown man, go with God, okay?

Melody: Is this, uh... one of your coworkers?

(clears throat)

Yes, it is.

Melody, meet Tammy, one of my colleagues.

Tammy, Melody.

How are you?

I'm good. Thank you.

Who's this little one?

(baby squeaks)

So cute.

(laughs) Oh.

This is, uh, Tucker.

Christopher's son.



(Tucker laughing)



Danny: All right, so, we go in.

You got my back, right?


And I don't have hers either.

Wh... I need help getting her to understand.

No, you don't.

Just got to tell her how you feel.

Case today... two young men struggled to speak their truth.

Speak yours.

What if she doesn't accept it?

You hear her out, you talk about it.


I just want to make her proud.

You already got that.

She's a wise woman.

She loves you.

Hell of a combo.

Thank you.

You bet.


(car door closes)

Come here.
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