10x08 - Here and Now

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Heartland". Aired: October 2007 to present.*
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A multi-generational saga set in Alberta, Canada and centered on a family getting through life together in both happy and trying times.
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10x08 - Here and Now

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Heartland"...

(Loud squirt) Oh!

What was that?

Clay's ego was burning out of control!

So I put it out... with ketchup.

(Horse whinnies) (Grunts in pain)

Did you loosen Olivia's saddle this morning?

Is that what I saw you do?

(Nervous laugh)

As of today, Samantha is on suspension.

In the meantime, I'm gonna choose a new headliner, so I want you all to bring your A-game!

(Truck rumbles)

(Hooves thud)

(Hooves thud)

Well, aren't we the keener.

We both know how important this practice is.

Yeah, Natalie's finally gonna pick me as the headliner.

I have just as good a chance as you do.

Sam: The only reason either of you has a shot is because you ratted me out.

You turned the coach against me.

No one ratted you out. You did that all on your own.

At least she brought you back from suspension.

Yeah, but I'm still in her doghouse.

You're right.

I'm still ticked off about that stunt that you pulled, but that's not why you won't be the headliner.

You've missed too many practices.

So, yeah, I'll be picking someone else.

Believe me, it wasn't an easy choice.

Only two of you are even close to being ready.

Georgie... you're gonna be my backup... to Olivia.

Oh my God! I'm the headliner?!

If you're ready to do the work.

Yes, I'm all in! Thank you.

Natalie: All right, let's get to it then.

You need to learn the tail drag.

Really? But that's, that's kind of, uh...


Yeah, that's the point.



Be careful, okay? The tail drag's really dangerous for someone at your level.

My level?

That's not what I meant.

You're just jealous that she picked me.

Oh, you gotta be kidding me!

(Customers chatter)

(Music plays on the radio)



Hi. What-what are these?

For the Foothills Cowboy Hall of Fame banquet.

I, yeah, but I-I just need one.

Yeah, but what about your students?

I mean, it might be an inspirational evening for them, you know, make them aspire to greater things?

Yeah, all right, all right.

Can I pay you later for them?


You could sell steak to a vegan, you know that?

I know. (Kiss)

(Door opens) - Bye.




Oh, Saturday night. Clear your schedule.

Oh family dinner?

Nope. Tim's got a surprise for you.

Your aunt's a persuasive lady.

I just bought the whole team tickets to the Rodeo Hall of Fame dinner. That's yours.

I'd rather you got me some big-time sponsor like Jade.


How'd you do it?

He didn't.

Chuckwagon Soups approached me.

And by the way, I won't be needing a ticket.

They're hosting the event and I'm a special guest.

I don't get it. You're not even a pro yet.

Jade: There you go.

Well, they wanted an up-and-comer to be the face of the company.

What about me?

Guess they wanted a pretty face.

(Bell rings)

This is because you're a girl.

It could be... or maybe they just think I'm better than you.

Either way, I'm totally stoked.

Tim, get him whatever he wants. It's on me.

Come on.

(Hooves thud)

(Chuckles) Hey, Monty!

(Monty snorts)

(Truck rumbles)

(Happy gasp)

(Truck squeaks to a stop) (Door opens)

Will Vernon?!

(Laughs) (Door slams shut)

I thought that was your truck!

Will: Oh my God, you look great!

(Laughing) What a nice surprise!

Oh, you're as sight for sore eyes!


Now, what's going on here?

Oh! Um...


I'm pregnant.

Well, congratulations.

Thank you.

That is fantastic news.

As a matter of fact, I happen to have a cigar...

No, wait a minute, the husband's supposed to give me the cigar.

Where's he at?

He's in Mongolia.

No, he's not. Where is he? Ty!

Yeah, I'm afraid he is.

It's a long story and I will fill you in, I promise, but I want to see grandpa's face when he sees you.

Oh, I'm not sure how many I need, 'cause I'm still thinkin' about it.

I'll let you know. (Chuckles) All right.

Casey again, huh?

(Phone beeps off)


Honey, tell her how many tickets you want and she'll stop calling.

Well, I'm not sure I want any.

You go every year! Come on.

No, I'm serious.

I don't like how they're runnin' things this year.

They shoulda already announced who the inductee is instead of waitin' 'til the actual night.

It's a dinner. It's not a m*rder mystery.


They're just tryin' to sell more tickets.

Amy: Oh, grandpa...

Yes, what is it?

Will: I'd recognize that surly voice anywhere.

Well, look what the wind blew in here!

(Laughs heartily)

How ya doin'?

Well, you said you had an extra room if I ever wanted to swing by, so here I am, old buddy, I'm swingin' by.

(Laughs excitedly)

(Hooves thud lightly)

Okay, we'll start real slow.

Now I want you to gently lay back, flat out, right over his butt.

Okay, you're too rigid.

Loosen up. Let yourself go.

Let yourself-Okay. (Nervous whimper)

Natalie: Really stretch out!

(Terrified gasps) No, I'm stuck! Help!

Okay, okay, calm down.

I'm gonna fall!

Natalie: Can someone help Olivia up?

I have to hold the horse.

(Frightened gasps)

(Grunts with effort)



Uh! (Hard thud)


Don't help me!



You okay?

She's fine. Right, Olivia?

Yeah, I'm okay.

All right, let's try it again.

Just as an option.

There are a few other tricks we could do, like the Stroud layout? Or the full fender...

We're going with the tail drag.

You're not scared of this, are you?

No! Uh, just we could try a few tricks that I'm more suited to, 'cause I am the head...

You're the headliner because I said so, because I thought I saw something in you, but here we are learning the first stages of a new trick and you're already quitting?

I'm not quitting.

I need a rider with guts.

Georgie, you're up.



Unless you have a problem with the tail drag as well?

Uh, no, no! Not at all.

Natalie: Good.

Then you're my headliner.

S10E08 - Here and Now

♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪

Georgie: Hey, sorry I'm late. Want to go sit down?

No problem. Is everything okay?

Georgie: Uh, yeah, actually, I think I just made headliner for the Extreme Team.

Jade: Seriously?!

(Happy exhale)

Way to go, kid!


That's amazing!

What? What's amazing?

I was picked to be Extreme Team headliner.

My coach wants me to do the big finish at this season's show.

Fantastic! That's what you wanted, right?

Jade: That's awesome!

Yeah, it's just a little weird.

What? What's weird?

Just the way it happened.

She chose Olivia first, but then got all mad when was complaining about this trick, so then she changed her mind and chose me, but I was getting a lot of dirty looks, especially from Olivia.

Well, of course. They all wanted exactly what you wanted.

I just read this in a science journal.

It said people who gravitate to sports are actually born with a gene that makes them more competitive.

You know, I bet Clay McMurtry has that gene!

I wish I coulda seen his stupid face when he saw my billboard.

Billboard? What billboard?

Wow! It's incredible!

No short shorts this time.

No, and that's gonna happen with these people.

They are so straight-laced, but I'm totally okay with that.

This deal means I can finally afford to get my own place.

You're moving out of your mom's? Again?

I already contacted Caleb.

His trailer's been empty since Mitch moved off the property.

Wow, some serious deja vu.

Jade: Which mean I'm having another house warming party.

So, tomorrow night - be there, both of you.


The rodeo school guys are already coming, so you should invite the trick riding girls too.

Okay, well, the Extreme Team and I aren't so close right now, but I can put it out there.


(Sighs) Well, I better get back.

Great. Partying with the rodeo crowd.

Come on, it'll be fun.

Things are so awkward with Extreme Team right now.

I think this will help. We should go.

Sure, why not.

It went so well last time there was a party there.

Just stay away from Olivia and it'll be okay.

Tim: Well, they said you were here, and if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes...

Well, I'd ask how you're doin', but I can see everything's okay in your little neck of the woods.

Casey McMurtry, Will Vernon.


Well, now there's a rodeo name if I ever heard one.

It's very nice to meet ya. Sorry about your taste in men.

(Everyone laughs)

Well, you got me there.

Will: Now are you the lady that has the tickets for this Hall of Fame deal?

You're in luck. My company always gets a batch to sell.

Oh, great. Can I get two?

One for this fella right here?

Oh, great. Now I have to go.

Will: (Coughs)

I think you'd find your way there whether I helped you or not there, Jack, 'cause this could be your year.

You know what? I don't even care anymore.

Will: Yeah, right.

Nothin' but one big cash grab.

Seems to be workin' pretty nicely.

Jack's been down on the Hall of Fame since I got in before he did.

Oh, no, that's not true.

It's the only time he didn't make it to the banquet.

That's because Lou was in labour.

False labour.

No, I don't like the tone of this.

The whole point of this Hall of Fame deal, you're supposed to get together with old friends and talk about belt buckles you didn't win, and rodeo queens he didn't quite catch and all that.

Remember that time in Airdrie? There's a good example.

We had that party up there after we won the team event, and you were in the corner in the kitchen...

Stop. Now's not the time to be talkin' about that.


Georgie, why don't you tell them about your news?

What news?

Ah, looks like I'm the new headliner this season.

Oh, that's exciting!

Well, good on ya!

You don't seem excited?

Well, I am. It's just, I kind of feel bad for Olivia.

Really? Why?

Well, she was picked first, but then she got all nervous about the trick.

What's the trick?

Actually, it's the tail drag, so I could use your help learning it.

Georgie, the tail drag? At your level?

No, that's way too dangerous.

Well, I can't say no unless I want to end up on the sidelines like Olivia!

Well, that's better than breaking your neck!

Can we talk about this later?

Yes, we definitely will.


Actually, I have another favor to ask.

Jade's having a party tomorrow night.

Lou says I'm not grounded anymore, so I'm okay to go as long as you pick me up.

Okay, I can do that. What's this party for?

Oh, it's her new sponsor.

She just moved back into Caleb's trailer so...

Wait second, back up.

Say that again?

(Door opens)

Can I get you boys some tea?

Actually, no, I'm gonna...

I'm gonna hit the hay. Do you mind?

That's what I'm gonna do.


Getting old now.

You know Jack.

Last time I saw him he said, "Oh, I just got married, to the most beautiful woman in the world."

Well, he wasn't lying.

(Chuckles) I'm sure.

He did. Anyway...

That's sweet of you.


Apparently you don't feel too old to flirt.

You gotta leave me with somethin'.


Lisa: Night.

He's charming.

(Chuckles) Yeah.

Yeah, it's nice surprise having him here, but I gotta tell you somethin' doesn't feel right.

What do you mean?

Oh, he keeps bringing up the past and he's tellin' old stories and talkin' about old friends and...

Oh, honey, that's kinda normal.

That's what we do as we get older.

Well, okay, but why would he have come all this way just to go to a dinner he doesn't give a damn about.

I don't know.

Well, why do you think he's here then?

Well, a few years back another old rodeo friend of mine -

well you remember him - Eli.

Oh yeah.

Well he dropped in out of the blue so he could tell me he was dyin'.

Oh, well...

You don't think that's why he's here, do you?

I don't know.

I mean, I hope not, but the way he looks, the way he sounds? I...

(Truck rumbles)

(Annoyed exhale)

(Door opens)

(Door shuts)

(Clear throat)

I hate to interrupt, but the couple at the table by the juke box need service.

Um, I just need to let you know that I'm gonna have to cut out for a while this afternoon.

Chuckwagon's doing this promotion and I have to hand out some free soup and stuff.

I think you're gettin' a little too big for your britches, and I heard you're throwin' a big party at Caleb's trailer that you're renting again.

So? I'm making enough money. Don't worry about it.

Yeah, that's what I thought too when I got my first sponsor, and then halfway through the rodeo season I was outta cash, not to mention the partying lifestyle...


I'm just sayin', Jade, I know all about this. It's not a good path.

Okay, you need to chill out.

I have worked really hard for this and I'm not just gonna screw it up.

I rented a small trailer and I'm having a few friends over.

It's not like I'm living this crazy rock n' roll lifestyle.


The table!


(Dishes clank)

(Hooves thud)

(Tack jingles)

(Clicks tongue)

(Hooves thud)

What are you doin?

I'm just warming up Checkers.

You're not thinkin' of doin' the tail drag I hope?

I know it's a difficult trick, but I'm sure I can learn it.

Georgie, I'm not doubting your ability, but it's dangerous for anyone to try.

I wouldn't do it.

If Lou knew allowed you she would k*ll me.

Well who says you have to tell her?

Come here.

Georgie, I wanna show you something.


Okay... if we keep Checkers at a standstill, can you get into position for the tail drag?

Yeah, I think so.

Okay, let's see it.

That's it.

Now lay straight back.

Lay back... fully extended right back -

More, more, there!

Good. Okay.

Now try to get out of it.

Come on. Use your stomach muscles!


Come on, use your hands!

Just... (chuckles)

Come on!

(Grunts) See how tough that is? (Pants hard)

Now imagine if you're going at a full gallop and your head's down by your horse's hooves.

I'll get stronger!

Amy: No, Georgie, you're not ready.

I can't believe your coach would even consider this.

Maybe if it was done in tandem as a hippodrome with a second rider able to control the horse.

That's not risky enough for Natalie.

If I don't do this she'll just move on to the next girl.

Just because she's your coach doesn't mean she's always right.

I know it might be hard, but I think you need to call her out on this.

I'm gonna get him some water.

Will: (Coughs and hacks)

Lisa: My goodness!

Are you all right?

Will: (Coughs) Oh wow!


Lisa: Can I get you anything else?

Will: Mmm mmm. A shot of whiskey.

That always helps.


(Wheezing) I guess it's far too early for that.

Lisa: Maybe a titch.

Will: I've gotta be smarter about this.

(Sighs tiredly)

I tell ya...

Even a short stroll can sometimes really take it out of me and I'm stupid. (Wheezing cough)

That doesn't sound too healthy, does it?

Here you go.


I think maybe I... maybe I'll lie down for a second or two. Do you mind?

Can you lend me a piece of your paper?

How about the Dagwood and Blondie?

(Chuckles) I wouldn't mind catchin' up with them.

Aw, beautiful.

Thank you, thank you.


Okay, you definitely need to talk to him about his health.

(Fairgoers chatter)

Are you a real cowgirl?

I am. I ride crazy bucking broncos.

Wow! Really?

Can I take a picture with you?

Of course.

(Camera click)

Thank you!

Here, guys. We'll get in and take a picture.


(Laughs) (Camera clicks) That's perfect.

Make sure you tag me in that, okay?

Brianna: Jade?


Hi, Brianna Landon.

I'm the rep from Chuckwagon you'll be dealing with.

Of course.

I'm sorry I'm late, but, uh, that was kind of the reaction I was hoping for.

You are gonna be a really positive role model for us.

I'll see you soon, okay?


Okay, give me your pen.

Clay: Well, look at you.

What's your name?

You put the squeaky in squeaky clean.

You should go on a national tour, hit all the Sunday schools and church picnics.

Thank you, Jade!

Jealous much?

Well, this isn't a good fit for me anyways.

I'm too much of a wild spirit for them.

Oh yeah, I guess that's why they never considered you in the first place.

Thank you!

Why don't you just get out of here?

I'll catch you at the party tonight.

Maybe we could play pin the tail on the donkey or musical chairs.

Whatever. We'll see who has the wild spirit tonight.

Hope your mommy gave you a decent curfew.

(Girls giggle)
Okay, everyone, obviously lots of work to do on everyone's strength training today.

Let's get started on the tail drag, Georgie.

Um, actually I already did some work on it this morning.

Excellent! You hear that team?

That's the kind of commitment I need.

I don't think you understand.

I couldn't even pull myself back up into the saddle.

Well, like I said, we have a long way to go if we want to nail this trick.

I'm sorry, but Olivia's right.

I think we should do something else.

Fine, fine. That's your choice.

I'm sure I'll find somebody on this team who's up for the challenge.

You can pick whoever you want but... you shouldn't make them do the tail drag.

It's too advanced for any of us.

Now you're telling me how to coach?

No, no, that's not what I meant.

I'm gonna pick a new headliner, and she will be doing the tail drag.

Is that clear?

Fine. Then I quit.

(Hooves clop) (Exasperated sigh)

Olivia: Hold up, Georgie.

I'm with you.

I'm quitting too.

Anybody else with us?

(Hooves clop, horse snorts)

I'm sorry.

(Hooves clop)

(Music blares) (Partygoers laugh)

Thanks! Georgie! Come on!

Oh, I'll be over there in a second.

So she was really struggling to get up and then I run over to help...

All those girls can talk about is how you got up in your coach's grill.

It's like you're some sort of folk hero or something.

(Horn honks)

Aw, now this party's starting!

Awesome, boys, rig 'em up!

Yes! Come here, let's go. Follow me.

Are those what I think they are?

Beer funnels?

Yeah, we're gonna do some friendly beer chuggin' if that's okay with wholesome Chuckwagon Soup girl?

Uh, actually, barley soup is my favorite kind.


You and me, let's go right now.

All right.

Can you get this on camera?

(Beer bottles clank)


Guy: Oh, hold steady there. You ready?

(Beer flows)

Partygoers: (Chant) Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!

Yeah! Woo! Woo!

(Burps loudly)

Girl: Yeah, that was good!

(Everyone cheers and laughs)

I beat you.


You okay?


You can stay if you want, but I thinkI'm going to get out of here.

No. It's okay.

I'm ready to go when you are. I'll call Amy.

(Pills rattle)

You uh... you think you oughta be taking all those pills with whiskey?

Ah, at this point, Jack, I figure what's the difference?

(Chuckles) You know?


So what about Ty now?


What's goin' on there?

He's in Mongolia?

Yeah, he's, he's off savin' the world.

That has to be pretty tough on Amy.

Ah, no, no, no, she wanted to support him on this.

They made that decision together.

Oh, well that's good.

I mean, far be it for me to judge.

I'm hardly in a position.

First decade of my marriage I was out the door and on the circuit, but we survived 'cause we were built for it.

Actually, there wasn't much that me and Carol, we weren't built for.

Of course until I fell apart.

You know we don't even speak anymore.

Yeah, well, that does seem a shame.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't...

Didn't mean to get all heavy here. Not at all.

I guess I've been holed up on your own a little too much and I tend to dwell on things.

I think been doing a lot of that lately.

Will, there's somethin' I've been meaning to ask ya...

Sure, go ahead.

It's got to do with those pills and your hackin' and coughin'.

All right, well, just go ahead and ask me.

Yeah, okay, well... the thing is I'm wonderin'...

Just go for it. Ask me.

Oh just...

Are you dyin'?

(Laughs hysterically)

Am I dying?

You're beautiful!

Well, then what's goin' on?

Why did you all of a sudden show up at my door?

Why are you really here?

Well, okay.

Look, I'm not supposed to tell ya, Jack.

I promised.

So don't you let me down.

It's all gotta do with that Hall of Fame dinner.

Like how they're telling the inductee who it is until the actual ceremony.

That's the big surprise this year.

Yeah, I know.

Will: Of course they had to tell the person who's gonna be doing the presenting and guess who that person is?

That's me.

You get it?

Jack, you're in the Hall.

You're finally gettin' into the Foothills Cowboy Hall of Fame.

It's done.


Oh my goodness. What is going on in here?

We're having waffles.

I can see that!

Is there some special occasion?

I just wanted to start this day... have a seat... on a positive note with my favorite people in the world.


(Laughing) Okay!

Um, what's happening?

Oh, and I should mention that I bought everybody tickets to Hall of Fame dinner tonight.

Wha-are you serious?!

You're the one that was complaining about what a, what a "clueless" association, this stupid ceremony.

You bought us all tickets?

Well, maybe they're not as clueless or as stupid as I thought.

(Head slap)

Oh my God.

They voted you in.

(Laughing) That's amazing!

Amy and Jack: (Laugh)

Amy: Where is dad? He should be here for this.

No, don't tell him.

I want to see the look on his face when they call my name.

That's gonna be just about as sweet as gettin' inducted!

(Knock on door)

(Loud clattering) (Bottles clank)


Hey, hey. (Door bangs shut)



Looks like you had quite the party here last night.

No, yeah, it was just... just a few friends actually.

So hey, I had a really good time at our event yesterday.

I'm really happy with how it went too, especially the way you interact with the public.

It's... it's really terrific.

Anyway. I just came by to say you did a great job and drop off your first cheque.

Thank you very much.


And don't worry, I...

I really planning on doing well this year and helping to boost your company's profile.

(Chuckles) Well, that would be nice, but it's even more important that you represent us with... with class.

Class and integrity.

It's a promise.

I can't believe what I'm hearing.

You quit the Extreme Team?

You were gonna be the headliner!

Georgie! Sit down.

Dad, this is one time when I think quitting was the right thing to do.

I'm proud of Georgie for standing up to that coach.

Well, how bad could she be?

It... You know, I'm-I'm pretty much all talked out about this.

I'm gonna go change.

This isn't a good thing!

I thought being a part of that team was a positive thing for her.

I know, but since the beginning this coach has been pitting the girls against one another and destroying their confidence.

Now she wants them to do this crazy trick.

Did you tell Lou about this?

She wants me to go talk to the coach, which is actually where I'm headed right now.

That's a good idea. I'll come with ya.

No, it's, it's okay.

I can handle it on my own.


Amy, I can put my two cents worth in, coach-to-coach.

Cover me. I'm gonna be gone for a bit!


Can I help you?

Tim: Uh, yeah, hi, I'm Tim Fleming.

I'm, I'm Georgie's grandfather.

I'm Amy, her aunt.

Nice to have the family drop by.

Well, this isn't just about family.

We, uh, actually happen to know a little something about coaching.

Oh, you do, do you?

The tail drag, I believe it's too advanced for these girls.

Oh, I see.

That's where Georgie got all that bluster.

What's wrong with challenging my team?

What's wrong with separating them from the pack?

I understand that you want the most out of them, but...

But you're gonna get 'em k*lled out there.

You can't put their safety at risk.

I have a rodeo school. I know something about this...

Are you kidding me?!

You're here to talk to me about safety and you put your kids on broncs?!

I don't put 'em broncs until they're ready.

I encourage them to challenge themselves, not to impress me. That's not coaching.

That's an ego trip.

Oh, and old rodeo cowboy like you wouldn't know anything about ego, right?


Jade: Georgie, where's Tim?

Oh, I don't know. Out.

Oh, thank God!

I wouldn't feel too comfortable.

He knows you're late and he's pretty ticked off about it.


It's a good thing he doesn't follow you on any social media.

Take a look at what Sam posted.

Partygoers: Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!

(Burps loudly) Oh, that party was epic!

Why did you and Adam leave so early?

Okay, I gotta admit, you throw one hell of a shaker!

I do, don't I?

I want a beer chuggin' re-match though, maybe at tonight's Hall of Fame thing.

No can do.

I'm gonna be in Chuckwagon Soup goody two-shoes mode.


Georgie, are you goin' tonight?

Yeah, with Adam.

Cool. Sam's comin' too. Maybe we could all hang out?

So what's the deal with that now?

Is she like your girlfriend or something?

Oh, I don't like to label these sorts of things, so don't go gettin' all jealous on me.


Couldn't you just punch him?


Aw, I just...

Old days...

(Door opens)

Hey, Will, how you makin' out?

Do you remember that time I beat you in um...



Will you ever let me live that down?

This speech that you're writin' there, it's supposed to be about my career, not yours.

Well, then it might interest you to know that my best memory from that whole weekend was not me beatin' you that bad, it was actually that party that we went to after.

Remember that party?

Oh, here we go.

Will: You know, even after getting his sorry butt just kicked he had the good grace to get Lyndy to introduce me to this sweet little thing, this friend of hers that night.

Well, that was big of you.

Well, tell the best part.

One year later, he was best man at our wedding.

Oh! That's sweet.

It sounds like you boys had quite the time on the circuit.

Will: Yeah.

Makes me a little jealous I wasn't there.

Well, it wasn't all just a bed of roses, believe me.

Well, don't downplay it.

You're supposed to be basking in these glory days, aren't ya?

That's what tonight's all about.

(Door opens)

(Doors slam shut)

(Truck rumbles up)


(Truck crunches on gravel)

(Door opens)

(Dog barks in the distance)

(Door shuts)

I've thought about what you and that blowhard father of yours had to say.

What is she talking about?

You and Tim went and talked to her?!

We were just trying...

Natalie: Don't be upset with them.

They actually made me re-consider my entire coaching style.

Maybe I have been a bit too hard on the team, but it's only because I see so much potential.

To be honest, way more than I ever had.

I woulda k*lled for half of your talent.

Really? Well, then...

You've never said any of that to us, ever.

I know.

And I've lost the team because of it.

Can you help me get them back for one more practice?

I just want have a chance to say my piece.

They'll listen to you.

(People chatter)


Well, hey, I was just on my way home to get ready for the big event tonight.

That's what I came to see you about.

You can keep your ticket, but I won't need you to promote the company.

But you're the main sponsor.

Shouldn't I be doing something as the face of Chuckwagon Soup?

I saw that video, with you, the beer funnels.

Not cool. Not for our brand.

Okay, I know that was stupid.

Yes, it was.

I told you we want someone with class and integrity.

I can get that video taken down.

It's too late for that.

I'm really sorry!

So am I, but what's done is done and...

(Sighs) we're gonna have to let you go.

Seriously? I-You mean...


You're fired.

Hey guys.


Um, Natalie showed up at Heartland today.

No way!

Yeah, she wants us to bring us back to talk to the whole team.

I think we should let her.

What? You're the one who quit and we all had your back.

I know, but do you really want to miss the whole season just because of this one coach?

What if he's different?

Sam: Okay, I'll listen, but I'm not holding my breath.

I know what you did!

Getting Sam to post that video of me online!

Whoa. What are you talking about?

I post fun stuff all the time.

Don't act all innocent.

He wanted me to lose my sponsorship and it worked!

All because they wanted me and not you!

Clay: Quiet down. You are embarrassing yourself.

You think it's bad losing to a girl at broncs?

Wait 'til I kick your butt right here!

Tim: Hey, hey, hey! What's goin' on here?!

What was that about? You can't make a scene here.

What would your sponsor think?

Nothing. They already dropped me!


It's all Clay's fault! He got his girlfriend to take this video of me partying and posted it online.

Partying? Wh-what kind of partying are we talking about?

It was no big deal.

Well, it was obviously a big enough for Chuckwagon to drop you and I got a feeling that no matter what's behind this, it's because you made a bad decision and that's not Clay's fault.

It's not anybody's fault. That's on you.

Now sit down. Don't make a scene.

(Cell phone chimes)

Oh. (Cell phone chimes)


Ty: Hey, is Jack there?

Yeah. Um, oh, just a second.

Ty: Hey Jack!

Ty! How the heck are ya?

I can't believe I'm gonna miss this!

It's oh, it's no big deal.

Oh, come on, we both know that's not true.

You've deserved this for so long and I'm so happy it's finally happening.

I feel like a... like a really proud son or somethin'.

Thanks, Ty. It... that means a lot.

Well, you go enjoy your night.

I'll talk to you soon, okay?

All right. See ya.

Ty: All right, see ya, Jack.


Ty: Hey.

Yeah, thanks for doin' that.

Ty: No problem.

(Kiss) Modern technology.

Yeah, I want to be beside Jack to console him when he doesn't win.


It's kinda become a tradition.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to this year's presenter of the 2016 Foothills Cowboy Hall of Fame inductee...

Will Vernon!

Guests: (Applaud) Woo! All right! Yay!

What the hell is he doin' up there?

Just pay attention.

Thank you, everyone. Hey.

Well, it's been a long time since I've seen a lot of ya's in this room here.

It's been nice to be back with you again and... you know, this is a great honor for me to be able to present this year's inductee into the Hall of Fame, except for the fact that I have to do a little speech.

Guests: (Chuckle)

Will: So what I thought I would do is start right about now and list all his accomplishments, but then I was afraid that we'd be here all night.

So suffice it to say that this year's inductee was a champion.

He's a champion in team ropin' and saddle bronc, bulldogging...

You name it, he done it, and he done it great.

He's a true all-around cowboy if ever there was one, but it occurred to me that all the things that he did accomplish inside the ring and in the arena, were really nothing compared to what he uh... contributed and what he brought to the fraternity, and what he's done for me personally.

I'll never forget, uh...

It's not a one of word of exaggeration when I tell you that he saved my life.

And it was at a point when I didn't feel like my life was worth saving.

He's a true friend, and, uh, in my mind he's the embodiment of what great about this life and about the rodeo.

And sometimes, you know, when you have to wait for somethin'... it finally comes and it's all the sweeter.

So ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together then for this year's new member of the Foothills Cowboy Hall of Fame Mr. Jack Bartlett!

All: (Cheer and applaud) Yahoy! Yeah! Woo! Woo!

Good job! Woo hoo!

(Sharp punch)


Tim: Hey, Jack!


All: (Applause)

Will: That's yours, pardner.

Jack: Look at that...

Oh my Lord.

Guest: Woo!

Jack: Thank you, my friend.

You betcha.

Oh boy.


I am mighty grateful for this honor, believe me, and I can't lie.

I have wanted to be a part of this... this brotherhood for a long time now!

Guests: (Chuckle)

Now here we are and uh... and I'm...

You know, earlier today my... my loving wife, Lisa, she gave me full permission to bask in my glory days.

(Guest chuckle)

And she assumed that that was the greatest time of my life, but that's not actually true.

Yeah, don't get me wrong, oh, I loved my days in the rodeo, especially the memories, they've lasted a lifetime, but, you know, being a Hall of Famer, it wouldn't mean anything to me if I didn't have my family and my special friends to share it with.

So I want to thank them, and you all know who you are, for making these days, the here and now, the true glory days of my life. Thank you.

All: (Applause) Tim: Oh, yeah, yeah!

Guest: All right!

Way to go, Jack!

Way to go!

Guests: (Applause) Bravo! (Laughs)



(Door shuts)

Well, the place looks a lot better than last time I was here.

I just threw a party, and the way you saw me in that video, that's not who I am.

I was just blowing off steam.

It was only one night.

That may be true, but you're in the public eye now, Jade.

You don't get to take a night off... not if you're gonna be our spokesperson.

What? I thought I was fired?

We've been getting a really positive response to you, better than any promotion we've ever done.

So my bosses were pretty upset that I let you go.

It's my job on the line now... if I can't get you back.

Well, you don't have to worry about that.

I am so in.

And I promise I won't do anything to screw it up again.



Okay, first off, thanks for agreeing to hear me out.

I want to start by saying I'm sorry.

I guess I can be pretty demanding and strict, and I know I have some pretty crazy expectations, and I guess I got a little carried away.

Okay, maybe more than a little.

I have to remind myself that you're all still learning just like I'm still learning how to be a good coach.

So... what do you say?

Will you give me another shot at this?

We all miss Extreme Team and we want to come back but the headlining trick...

No, I know, I know.

You're not comfortable with the tail drag.

And I did pick you as the headliner, so I'm willing to hear what trick you want to do.

I still think it should be the tail drag, but the safer version.

Two riders in tandem, one doing the hippodrome so they can control the horse, and the other doing the tail drag part.

I think Sam should be the one to do the tail drag.

She's still the strongest rider on our team and she can pull herself up no problem.

Olivia and I can take turns doing thee hippodrome at each show.

How's that sound to the rest of you?

Okay, so let's get to it.


Thank you.

Will: Great party last night, great friends.

It really makes a man start to think that maybe, well, just maybe, I've shut myself too far off from the rest of the world.

Oh, well, it's not too late to expand your horizons.

You're not dead yet, are ya? Let me look.

Despite what some people think.


But I was thinkin' maybe...

I'd go outside my comfort zone as they say, maybe, uh, I drop in on the ex.

Couldn't hurt. Couldn't hurt at all.

Natalie: (Clicks tongue)

Okay, girls, let's try this at a slow trot.

Way to control the horse, Georgie!

Give it a try when you're ready, Sam!

(Happy sigh)


All: (Clap)

(Happy sigh)

Natalie: Good job, girls.

A bit bumpy, but a really good start.

Georgie and Sam: (Laugh excitedly)

Sam: What a rush!


(Laughing) What?

I'm just imagining her face... (Chortles) when she sees me darkening her door again.

(Door bangs shut) (Chortles)

What do you think she's gonna say?

Ah, who knows.

Probably something like...

"Hello, Will, I'm glad you finally made it."


Well, I hope so.

Listen, thanks, Jack.

Good luck, Will. (Pats truck)

(Truck starts up)

I bet there might be a few four letter words in there.


See ya.


♪ If it weren't for second chances ♪
♪ We'd all be alone
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