01x09 - The Trip

Episode transcripts for the TV show "This Is Us". Aired: September 2016 to present.*
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"This Is Us" follows a disparate group of people born on the same day and so much more than anyone would expect.
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01x09 - The Trip

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on This Is Us...

I told you that when I met you, that I couldn't fall for a fat person.

But you did.

So now what?

You're just gonna throw me away?

I'm sorry, I can't do this.

Can't do what?

When a nice boy who adores you offers you pie, say thank you.

Randall: Why is there a photo of me in a letter that you sent to William's apartment?

Randall, you have to understand...

Understand what, that you knew my father?

That you kept him from me my entire life?

(voices whispering)

I'm upset, I'm not deaf.

Hey, babe.


I was worried about you.

I'm fine.

The carpet would beg to differ.


You've been pacing for a few hours now.

You ready to talk?

To William.

You can come in, too, William.

I know how angry you must be.

When did you meet my mother?

When she took you home from the hospital.

I wanted to make sure you weree going to a good home.

Randall: Hmm.

Did my father know about you?

I never got that impression.

What are you writing, babe?

A list of reasons I'm mad at my mother.

I got 22 so far.

And don't think I'm ignoring the fact that you lied to me, too.

When I showed up at your door two months ago, you acted like you didn't remember abandoning me.

I was respecting your mother's wishes.

Which is why I'm second maddest at you.

You're in third place.

But... I've been trying to get your mother to tell you the truth since I found out.

Which is why there isn't a Beth or William list.

My mother's the one who betrayed me.

And as soon as I'm finished with this list, I'm gonna read it to her, and make sure she hears every damn word.

(music playing over P.A. system)

I'm gonna beat you!

Whoa! Slow do... Slow down.

The deli guy can't believe we've already gone through the two pounds of ham and cheese from last week.


Speaking of, you know where our third is?

Randall: Let me show you again.

Like that. Can you do that?

Sorry. He's with us.


Sorry about that.

What are you doing? What was that, huh?

I asked 'em if they could roll their tongues.

But, sweetheart, that's not really something you ask strangers.

We learned about inherited traits in science, and rolling your tongue is one.

If I can find people who roll their tongue, they could be my birth parents.

Randall: Excuse me...


Look, I... I don't know what to tell him.

I mean, he knows everything that we do.

Then there's nothing else to say.

I just... I don't want him sticking his tongue out at strangers, you know, when he's 80.

It kills me that he'll always have this hole, not knowing who his parents are.

We're his parents.

You know what I mean.

(dishes clattering)

Hey, Bec. Hey, sponge down, sponge down.

Look at me a sec.

Look... (sighs)

I know this is hard to think about.

It's hard for me, too.

Okay? But he has questions that... they're not gonna go away.

I just, I don't want him resenting us...

For what, Jack?

We love him, we give him absolutely everything he could ever want, what... would he be missing from us?

We can't roll our tongues.

I can.

You can roll your tongue?

I can roll my tongue.

Roll your tongue. Just...

(laughing): Babe...

Am I doing it?

It's so sad.

I'm not doing it?

You're not rolling your tongue.

But I can show you. Yeah.

You can show me?

Mom never told him that she knew his biological dad?

I know.

That's cuckoo's nest-level insane.

Well, what about you?

Showing up all of a sudden, deciding to get your stomach cut open... what is that?

Uh, I almost died in a plane crash, Kevin.

Okay? My life flashed before my eyes.

Kate, you experienced mild turbulence.

All right? You spilled your peanuts.

It was scary. Shut up.

It was a real "seize the day" kind of awakening for me.

Yeah? Okay, well, what happened to dieting?

I don't know, I ran the numbers, and... (scoffs) at this rate, I would be 106 years old by the time I reach my goal weight.

So I, you know, I want to live now.



Does this have anything to do with your breakup with Toby?

No. I'm fine.

You know, millions of people have surgery every day... it's not a big deal.

It's not a big deal? No, it's one of about a billion big deals swirling around in my head right now.

Kate, I've got you, I've got Randall, Mom's selling the cabin, I just had the single greatest kiss of my entire life...


Mom's selling the cabin?

Yeah, I found out yesterday.

It sucks, right? She can't do...

I love the cabin. The cabin is our childhood.

I know, but we haven't been there in years, right?

Well, let's go. We should.

Like, let's seize the day.

Hey, have you guys seen... Oh, there it is.

Ran out of paper.

You know where I bet there is a ton of paper?


(Randall sighs)

Can't believe Mom is selling this place.

I got a lot of "can't believes" with Mom.

You know what I can't believe?

That we are in the middle of nowhere, and all my messages are going through.

Do I have wifi in my car?


No wifi. I'm living in the past.

I'm not. Not anymore.

Listen, man, I know you're hurting, but you and Mom are gonna have to make up eventually, okay?

Hopefully before Christmas, so that holiday isn't ruined.

Nope. I'm gonna clear out my stuff, hand over my keys, then I am out of the whole thing.

Ha! That's funny.

(cell phone chimes)

With the language barrier, sometimes Olivia's funnier than she means to be.

She's British. She speaks English.


Randall: Never understood why Mom felt like we needed three locks on this door.

It's because Kev was afraid of bears.

Hey, Zoobooks said they're smart.

Randall: Not this smart.

Forgive me for not learning in high school.

I was having sex, Randall.


Ah, so much denim on denim. Look.

I can't look now, I'm busy.

Oh, you still can't see the Magic Eye?

Uh... yeah.

Look, you just gotta relax your eyes.


Look through it, and it's right...

Right there in front of you, I know.

That's what Dad always used to say, but I can't see it... it's a pirate ship!

It's always been a bear, dude.

But you know what?

Maybe it was never real, anyway.

Just like the rest of my childhood.

Randall... What Mom did was insane, but that doesn't erase your childhood.

Me and Kev are real.

(Kevin chuckles)

Okay? Our family... we're real.

Yeah. Come here.

No, come look at this.

All right.

Come on, indulge us. Sit down.

Look at this. Look.

We're all here. You're here.

Grinning ear to ear in our elastic waistband, acid-washed jeans.

Those jeans were real!

All right, here. Let me see.

Look at this. Right there?

Kate: Mm-hmm.

That's Mom lying to me about not being able to find my birth father.


That's awesome.

You're right. I-I'm sorry.

But this is probably gonna be the last time that the three of us are ever gonna be here.

So can we just enjoy today?


(car pulling up)

What's that? I'll get it.


Kevin: Hey... you made it!

You all made it. Oh. Huh.

Are you kidding me?

What do you think?


It's not a bear.

Oh. Good to know.

This place is so quaint.

Kevin: Yeah, right?

Oh, my God. (chuckles)

This looks absurd.

Hey, what's up?

This was supposed to be our day.

What? No, I mean, you know, I told her that we were here.

I told her she could come. I didn't know she was gonna bring our playwright and some dude.

This guy is wearing suspenders over a thermal.

Like, what... what is that?

These are my people now, Kate.

He's an artist. He's authentic.

(scoffs) I'm sorry, I love you, but I want to punch you.

Okay, can you do me a favor?

Can you please just give them a chance?

I really want you to like Olivia.

Asher: Hey, hey.

We brought some nosh and some liquid.

Cool if I just put it here in the fridge?

Kevin: Yeah, just, you know, throw it in there.

Right on. It's for everyone.

(whispering): That is weird.

(whispering): It's nice.

Man. Rad cabin, by the way.

Whew, Norman Rockwell?

He would have really lost his mind in this place.


Yeah, that's nice of you.

I can't tear 'em away from that Atari.

Thank you.


I'll give my boys another five.

I'm feeling generous today.

(chuckles) Okay.

Hey, so has Randall asked you if you can roll your tongue?

No. He supposed to?

(Jack sighs) He's been asking people, hoping to trace that trait across the whole city to see if he can find his birth parents.

And we told him we can't find his biological parents, and he understands that, so...

Yvette: Oh, okay.

At least, now, I get it.

He's been telling my boys different stories about who his father might be.

He has? Hmm. Like what?

Oh, he makes up different things.

Sometimes a cook. Basketball player.

Once he was the mailman.

And it's... just stories about his father?

Yvette: Oh, just stop it, Jack. Okay? Think about it.

Cook. Basketball player.

Your mailman. Is he white?


No. He's black.

It sounds like he may be picking jobs that he's seen black men do.

Like he's looking for someone he sees himself in.


I think he may need black male role models.

Men who can show him who he might grow into.

(birds chirping)

"The man you will marry will be wearing a mask when you first meet." (chuckles)

If only Gertrude Stein had one of these in her Paris salon.

Yeah. I know, totally.

Cliché, right? I always hated playing this game.

Kate: Uh...

What? You liked it more than I did.

I did not like it more than you.

Don't say that. I didn't.

You sh...

Randall, come take a break. Come spin.


Wait. Shh.

You hear that?

It sounds like... clicking. What is that?


Kevin: I don't hear anything.

(door opens) Randall?

Okay. Uh...

He was never any fun to play with anyway., so...

Anybody need anything from the kitchen?

Kevin: I'm good.

I think it's your turn.

Spin for me, Sandberg.

"Who was the best kiss you ever had?"

Easy. Liv.

S... So, is that Liv, like Olivia?

I leave an impression on people I date.




Okay. Okay.

Okay. All right. It's your turn.

(laughing): No, no, no. Hold on.

You brought your ex to our family cabin?

Look, Kate, it's fine. I mean, everyone's got exes, right? It's... It's okay.

Uh... Who are you right now?

Asher: Hey, anybody know what happened to my smoothie?

It was supposed to last all day.

Had these super top-shelf mushrooms in it, really gonna open up my world.

(sing-songy): Half of it's gone.

Who drank it?

(power tool whirring)

Hey, son.

♪ ♪

Kate (distorted): Randall.

Randall, are you okay?


Randall. Are you okay?

Kevin: Kate, he's not ok.

He just accidentally drank mushrooms.

Asher: This stuff is totally safe, don't even worry about him. He's having a way better time than the rest of us.

Kate: Okay, (distorted): you got our brother high, you don't get an opinion.

Hey, Randall, buddy?

You want to, uh... want to come inside with us?

No, Dad, I don't want to go in.



(distorted): Yeah, Kate, we have his car keys, right?

Yeah. They're in the kitchen.


Um, tell you what. We're gonna, um... (phone camera clicks) we're gonna head inside.

We'll check on you in a little bit, all right?

(distorted): Okay.

He's fine.

Is he?

Yeah, yeah. He's... he's good.

Jack: You know, if you kids weren't always throwing stuff up here, maybe this gutter wouldn't be broken.

We need to talk about Mom.


Ever since I was a baby, she knew who my biological father was.


No, kiddo, that's crazy.

Yeah, Dad. It is crazy.

It's also true.

You know... your mom and I, we went through a lot for you.

For her to keep a secret like that?

That would destroy her.

Dad, I tracked him down.


He's my biological father.

And Mom admitted it.

♪ ♪

(three distinct clicks)

(three distinct clicks)


Students: Kiyah! Kiyah! Kiyah! Kiyah!


Good job, Lau.

Nice class. Get your parents, get your shoes.

Isaiah, come here.

How's everything?

Everything work out for you?

All right. Good job.

Good class, son.

(exhales) Hey, uh...

Can I help you with something?

Yeah. I-I'm looking for Ray?

Oh, yeah. That's me.

Hey, Ray. I'm Jack.

My friend Yvette told me I should come by.

Oh, yeah.

She said she may be sending someone by.

You wanted to sign your son up for classes, she said.

Yeah. This is my son, Randall.

Ray: Hey.


Hey, my man, nice to meet you.

You ever studied any martial arts before?

Nope. Ah...

Maybe you want to be the next Ron Van Clief.

Who's that? (chuckles)

Take your shoes off. I'll show you.

Yeah. Go on.

♪ ♪

Right this way.

Ray: Four-time World Karate champion.

Bruce Lee used to call this guy the "Black Dragon."

Yeah, man. That's a lot of hard work that goes into that.

Ray (in distance): You're gonna learn karate.

Randall: I like learning.

Hey. You know Ian at work?

The one with the David Bowie eyes?

(chuckles) Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, him.

So, a few months back, he thought his wife might be cheating on him, so he hired one of those P.I.s to follow her around.

I don't know. I was thinking, maybe... maybe we can do the same.

See if we can find Randall's parents.

Jack. We talked about this.

I know. I know. Look, just... hear me out.

(opens closet) We hire a guy.

Okay? He checks hospital records. Sees... sees what babies were born that day. Talks to the families.

You know? Maybe he finds the people that gave him up and...

And then what? And then what are you hoping happens?

I'm hoping he gets a better understanding of who he is.

(closes door)

I thought that's why you were taking him to the dojo place Yvette recommended.

Look, I could take him there for an hour every week, and he can see these black men that he can look up to.

But those boys?

They get to go home with those men.

They get to grow up with this inherent understanding of who they are.

Well, he is Randall Pearson.

That's who he is.


He is our son.

He is our all-star, knockout boy who deserves everything that we could possibly give him, even if that means sucking up our own feelings about him having birth parents out there somewhere that might fill this void that he's that feeling.

And what if they're drug addicts?

Or criminals? We're gonna let them meet our son?

Of course not. That's ridiculous.

Hey, why are you against even trying?


♪ ♪

Can I help you?


Rebecca... Oh, oh...

Wow. Uh... I wasn't expecting to ever see you again.

I didn't know if you still lived here.

Uh, rent control.

Would you like to come in?

(siren wails in distance)


I know women like you.

Pretentious pretty girls who use guys like Kev to, you know, feel interesting, because they're dating someone "uncomplicated."

He's not uncomplicated.

But it is fascinating how you all make him play that role within the family.

(scoffs) Don't talk about him or my family like you know anything about us. I know you're holding him back.

My brother is earnest, and he's sweet.

And you will not take that away from him.

Okay, Kate. Kate, I understand, okay?

You're jealous.


Of you?

God, get over yourself.

You are the last person in the world that I would want to Freaky Friday with.

Of him. He's changing.

And that's scary for you because you want to change too.

I'm sorry. Do I look scared to you?

You're scared that you'll lose all the weight, and that nothing will have changed, right?

That you will discover that the person who you've always been is who you truly are.

And all your dreams of the kind of life you're gonna lead one day are nothing more than lies you've told yourself.

I get it.

It's scary.

I mean, if I were you, I'd be terrified.

Trust me.

You don't know women like me.


Look at Randall. You think he's okay out there? I mean, maybe we should go get him or something.

I don't know. Why don't you ask your spiritual guru, Miss Hardcore Bitch?

What? Yeah.

She just told me that, if I have the surgery, it might not change anything.

Like it's any of her freaking business.


"Well" what?

Maybe she has a point.

Oh, my God, are you taking her side?

No. No, I'm not taking her side, I'm just saying, you know, I've been saying all along this surgery is just dangerous.

Who... (scoffs) Who are you?

Who is this guy trying so hard to be real that you can't see how fake these people are?

At least they're being honest, okay?

You want to stand there and pretend like you're not scared of this surgery or that you're A-OK with this breakup with Toby, then... keep on acting.

Yeah, well, you too.

'Cause you're doing a super job in your new role in Full Metal Jackass.


Hey. You can't just disappear when we're talking.

You know, we gave you everything.

The most loving family.

Private school.

We made sure you had black influences to help you understand your background.

We gave you everything we could.

And all I was supposed to feel was grateful.

I was supposed to just shut up and be thankful that I had these great parents who wanted me when my birth parents didn't.

But the truth is you never wanted me, either.

What are you talking about?

I was a replacement for your dead baby.

That's all I've ever been.


You got it all wrong, son.

No, I've spent my life striving for perfection, and you know why, Dad?

'Cause I live in fear.

That if I let up for a moment, I will remember that I am unwanted.

And then what'll happen to me?


Randall. Hey, you come here.

Hmm? Stop.

The moment I saw you, I knew you were my boy.

You weren't a choice, Randall, you were a fact.

You were never a replacement, son.

Do you understand?

If I had known that the man who abandoned me regretted it... that he wanted me back... that would've made all the difference in the world.

(three distinct clicks)

I'm sorry that she lied to you.


But we can't change that, so what do you want to do now?

(three distinct clicks)

(three distinct clicks)

(indistinct shouting, laughter)

Jack: You gotta go for it, go for it.

Oh! Whoa! Big roll!

Big roll.

I want her to hurt as much as I do.

(indistinct chatter)

Been working at a little music shop, in the back room, you know, cleaning and, uh, repairing instruments.

It keeps me busy.

Although it keeps my hands cracked, too.


A friend from N.A. got me the job.


Narcotics Anonymous.

Been clean for over five years.


That's great.

That's really good for you.

How is he? Kyle?

Oh, um... we... we changed his name, actually.

To Randall.

After Dudley Randall.

Dudley Randall.

How's Randall, then?

He's good.

He is, um...

(clears throat)

He's really smart, very smart.

He loves math and science, he loves G.I. Joe, he...


My... my husband went out of town for work last month and it was for the first time he's ever been away from home for the night.

And Randall slept in my bed with me.

Not because he was scared, but because he didn't want me to be scared.

He's a sweet boy.

He is a very, very sweet boy.


(car horn honks in distance)

Spent the last nine years wondering if I did the right thing.

But I didn't even know your last name to look you up in the phone book.

Seems like it was right, though.

For him.

He's, um... he's been asking about you.

He really... wants to meet his father.

And so that's why I'm here.

My boy wants to meet me?

Uh, maybe you can bring him by the store sometime.


But I... Is he musical at all?


Maybe I can, uh, teach him some things.

Hold on, I want to show you something.


I know this isn't no Ritz-Carlton, but he'd be welcome, you know, to come over any time and...

Jack: Hey, why are you against even trying?


Because what if they're great?

What if they regret abandoning him and they want him back?

Look, no one can take him away from us, okay?

He is legally our son.

No. No one legally gave him up.

There's not some sort of fire station paper trail out there, Jack.

His birth parents could have rights and I cannot, I cannot lose my son.

I can't.

William: could get a cot if he wanted to stay over.

Keep me from bein' scared at night, too.

Here it is.

Seen better days, but...



Sorry. Hi. I'm not, uh, hiding or looking through stuff, I'm just trying to get a signal. That's all right.

I'm just here to get a sweater; Olivia said she's cold, so...

Hey, let me ask you, uh... speaking of Olivia, what's the deal with her and Asher?


I hate her.

I truly hate her.

You hate Olivia?


I rented a car to drive to Albany because my sister Elise went into labor last night and she knew I had it and asked me to take her here.

And I said yes, because she's the star of my play and I need her to like me.

She wanted an "authentic cabin experience."

You know where I have always dreamed about taking my soon-to-be-born niece someday?


It's my favorite place in the world and there's nothing more inauthentic than their perfectly clean, crime-free versions of international cities.

I love inauthentic!

(sighs heavily)

I'm sorry.

I shouldn't be talking to you about this.

No. Um...

Your cabin is really nice.

Thank you.

I like this thing.

I made something like it at camp once.

Is, uh... congratulations on your niece.

That's... awesome.

So... Thank you.

(line ringing)

Toby: Hello?


I... I didn't think you were gonna pick up.

Yeah. Uh... me neither.


I know I shouldn't be calling you, but... (exhales) my God, Randall is seeing things, Kevin has his head up his ass and his girlfriend... oh, my God, she is, like, this she-demon.

I don't even know where she's from.

See? And you thought the cabin wouldn't be like a horror movie.

(chuckling): Yeah.

Well, I'm, uh, sorry you're having a hard day.

But are we still broken up?

Well, yeah.

Well, then I can't be this person for you anymore, Kate.

I'm sorry.


(phone beeps)

For our next talent show act, I will be performing "Time After Time."

Olivia: Bless her. Aw.


(Olivia giggles)

Oh, my God, look at her.

Rebecca: I love that song, sweetie.


♪ Everybody Wang Chung tonight! ♪

Olivia: Oh, my God.

Ash, you've got to try this squash. So good.

Kevin: You were taking too long and I don't like your song!

Asher: Mm. So good.

Olivia: Right?

Kate: Cyndi Lauper rules!

Mmm. Mmm.

I mean, this? Her?

Don't tell your brother to shut up.

This is...

Why don't you sing a song together?

.. this is everything.

Olivia: Super cute.

Kevin: No, you don't!

Okay, I...

Kate: Yes, I do!

(video shuts off)

What the hell's going on over there?


First of all, Ash, do not "aw" every time my sister Kate comes on the screen.

I know that you're making fun of her, all right?

That's not cool.

And I know you've been making fun of this place all day long.

Also not cool. You know what?

It is quaint here. It is American.

But guess what?

So are we.

I mean, you're not, obviously, but my point is, what's wrong with being normal?

Olivia, you're always talking about... being real.


That kiss that we had yesterday, let's talk about that for a second. That was real.

Those feelings were real and I know that you know that.

And it doesn't shock me that you're scared, right?

You are horrified and you're trying to sabotage it.

I understand that. But what might be worse than that is I'm not sure you've ever experienced anything real your entire life.

I'm starting to feel like... like you attaching yourself to something that's not... a calculated act is just too much for your empty human shell to handle.

I feel sorry for you.

And that's our cue to leave.

(bowl clatters)

♪ ♪

(door opens)

My sister had the baby!

Uh, where'd they go?

Uh, they left.

It was a Brexit.

(car leaving outside)

My car!

(door slams)

(leaves rustling)


So, uh, on a scale of... you know, ripping off your Barbie dolls' heads and forgetting where I hid them, to spilling marinara on your junior prom dress, how-how mad are we?

More than prom.



Okay, yeah, no, that's fair.


I'm sorry...

Kate, for everything, all right?

You were right about Olivia, of course.

Yeah, well, she was right about me.

What if I have the surgery and nothing changes?

If you think that, then why risk it?

Kate, it's dangerous, that's what I've been saying the whole time.


I'm more scared of not trying.

Because I broke up with Toby to focus on all of this.

I mean, maybe that was a stupid...

I don't know, I don't know.

No, come on.

I just... (sniffs)

Don't do that.

(softly): Oh, my God.

♪ ♪

I can't do this alone, Kevin.

And I can't do it without my brothers.

You won't.

You hear me? Okay? You won't.

No way.

Not to make this... about me, but... if you want do it here, you know...

I really need you here, Kate.

I mean, I need you here bad.

Hey, look at that.

The family tree.

Our names are still there, you remember that?



Look at that, our names.

Oh, man.

That's Dad's pocket knife. I mean, that's kind of cool, right?

"Kate was here."

(Kevin laughs)

(dice clatter on board, music plays)

Oh, man!

Oh! Baltic again.

I am on a bad roll-roll.

Mom, I need to talk to you.

Kate, your turn, babe.

Kevin: Oh, no, she has to skip her turn, remember?

(Rebecca gasps)

That's right.

All right, so it's my turn. Randall?

Baby, can I have the dice please?

No, no, not until you listen to me. Here.

Damn it, Randall.

(Jack chuckles)


Thank you very much, Look, one: you lied to me my entire life.

That's 13,215 days.

Jack: Bad roll.

Bad roll. Bad roll.

Rebecca: Oh!


Snake eyes.

$500, please, Mr. Banker.

Are you sure your mom's not playing dirty?

Two: you knew I needed something that you couldn't give me, and you actively denied me the person who could.

Look, William could've heard my valedictorian speech.

He-he could've played music at my wedding.

He could've been at the hospital...


.. when my children were born.

That's three, four, and five.

You stole that from all of us.

Oh, popcorn.

Jack: Yeah.

I trusted you more than anyone, Mom.

You have robbed me of the feeling of trust.

Do you understand how that feels?

♪ Never leaves the station ♪

Feel better yelling at her?

No, 'cause she couldn't care less.

Come on, you're a parent, Randall.

You know that these things aren't that simple.

(dice clatters on board)

(Rebecca cheers)

Maybe you're looking at this all the wrong way.

What other way could there possibly be?

Relax your eyes and look through it.

It's there right in front of you.

♪ Now you can make believe ♪
♪ On your tin whistle ♪
♪ Ah, you can be my broom boy ♪
♪ Scrub me till I shine in the dark ♪

(three distinct clicks)

♪ I'll be your light ♪

What's is it? What's going on?

She had three wildly different kids.

Along with their own sets of problems.

Our marriage wasn't always perfect.

I certainly wasn't.

And she had her own things to deal with, too.

♪ And why don't you follow ♪

Jack: But she kept everything out.

She always made sure we were all safe.

♪ My claw's in you ♪
♪ And my light's in you ♪
♪ This is your first day of sorrow ♪

Randall: Mom?

(taps on window)

♪ Everything you do ♪

We're here. We're right here.

♪ Everything you do ♪
♪ You do for... ♪

(drilling continues)

(whispering): Kev.

Kev, do you hear that?



Kev... is that Sloane in your bed?

Hey, Kate.

Well, good morning.

Kevin: Good morning.

Hey, man.


You recovered from yesterday?


You can't be so mad at Mom if you're fixing stuff for her.

It's not for Mom.

I'm doing it for Dad.

Ray: What are we here to build, boys?

Boys: Body, spirit, community.

Ray: The three pillars.

Now, before we begin, we have a new member to initiate today.

Randall, come over here.


Ray: Randall, how old are you, son?


Nine years old.

Fine age.

Do you think you have a good life?

Yeah, I think so.

(Ray chuckles) Good.

Good, I hope you always have a good life.

But as you get older, you might start to find that things get harder.

The world isn't always a kind place.

Especially... for men like us.

Take a look at the people on this mat.

We are your community.

When things get hard, we are gonna be the ones who hold each other up.

As Randall's father, you are his foundation.

Come lie down, as if you're gonna do a push-up.

Randall, climb on your father's back.

♪ ♪

(clears throat)

Ray: Jack, your back was built to carry your son through life.

Are you willing to hold him up, no matter what comes his way?


Show him.

♪ If only you could know ♪


Good. Now keep going.

♪ Silhouettes and their shadows ♪

Are you willing to raise this young boy into a strong man?


Are you willing to push him to be the best man in the world he can be?


♪ I'll go back where we started ♪

Rebecca: I cannot lose my son.

I can't.

♪ Where we gave up all too soon ♪


I would never let that happen.

I would never let that happen, okay?


I promise.

We need to be enough for him.

We need... to be... enough for him.

♪ When I close my eyes ♪

Ray: Are you willing to lift him to greater heights, even if it hurts?


♪ And what doesn't work ♪
♪ On this first try ♪

(grunts) All right.

I think that's enough.

I won't stop.

♪ And we'll laugh ♪
♪ Until the sun will rise ♪

Rebecca: Dear William, I'm sorry for the pain it may cause, but... you cannot meet Randall.

♪ Got a feeling there's another one ♪

This is for the best for him. because he has... an extraordinary father who gives him everything he needs.

♪ Ooh... ooh ♪

I hope you take comfort in knowing just how loved Randall is.

♪ If all I ever do ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Is cover this world ♪
♪ For you. ♪

I have here a list of all the reasons I came up with in the past day for why you have destroyed me by keeping William a secret for 36 years, okay? Please.

Sweetheart, please let me explain, Uh-uh. I, uh...

You kept that secret for 36 years.

That must have been incredibly lonely.



Not yet.

I'll see you at Christmas.
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