04x11 - You Wish

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago P.D.". Aired: January 2014 to present.*
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Activities of the Chicago District 21 police, whose intelligence unit combats major offenses. A spin-off from "Chicago Fire".
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04x11 - You Wish

Post by bunniefuu »

[Overlapping chatter]



My name is Jimmy Sanguinetti.

I'm here to see Erin Lindsay.


I'm her father.

Uh-huh. Does she know this?

She does.


So, if I were to call up there and say, "hey, your dad's down here," this wouldn't be some kind of joke?

Look, if you could just...

Let her know I'm here, that'd be great.


[Door opens]

Someone here to see you, Detective.



So, yeah, here's the, uh...


[Clears throat]

Photo album I was telling you about.

Hey, man. You want a coffee?

Thanks. [Clears throat]

Your mom was always really good about sending them.


Aww, that's, uh, super cute.

Both: [Chuckle]

[Door opens]

[Door shuts]

Hank. Uh, this is...

Jimmy Sanguinetti.

How are you?


Looking good, Hank.

Still at your fighting weight.


I just want to say...

You did a real good job raising her.

Happy to help.

We caught a case.

That uh... That means we gotta roll.


Oh, no, no. That's, uh...

That's for you.

I kind of like that you kept them all these years.

I'll text you.


Take it easy.

You too.

This is me running it for DNA, not you.



We gotta know if this guy is who your mom says he is.

[Bag crinkling]

[Police radio chatter]


What do we got?

Victim's a white male, mid 30s.

Streets and San worker came across the body on his morning rounds.

Called it in just before eight.

We got uniforms canvassing the area right now.

Who's the lead for forensics?

Emilio. I already gave him our Bell and Pax number.

Crime scene photos will be hand delivered in an hour.

And I put a request into missing in case someone makes a call.

That's good.

Why is it a potential hate crime?

Because of this.

What's with the gauze and plastic wrap?

His penis was severed.

We've printed the DOA at the ME's office.

The name's Sandford Greg.

Registered sex offender.

Five arrests for possession.

Three drunk and disorderly.

Two counts strong arm robbery.

And, uh, four different restraining orders.

Including one from his mother.

In and out of prison since he was 16.

According to the ME, estimated time of death was midnight. Initial tox screens showed a cocktail of different narcotics in his blood.

Okay, so, this guy either OD'd or bled out from the severed... you know.

Well, given his rap sheet, I'm sure there's no shortage of people who'd want to do this to him.

And we find out who, and whether or not it's a hate crime, sex as*ault, or self mutilation.

Uh, Erin and I started canvassing all the pharmacies and the urgent care in the area.

No walk-ins, no drive-ins, no ambulance runs.

But we checked every place that sells gauze and plastic wrap, and we found a retail theft report.

Basically says a man covered in blood stole bandages and medicine from a corner store.

Good. You and Burgess.

Oh, hey, um, crime scene photo's on the DOA came.

No, thanks.

[Exhales] So, you remember Jimmy, huh?

Yeah, yeah, it's good to see him, you know...

What was he like back then?

Erin, that was 30 years ago.

I'm a different person, too.


You just haven't said anything since I told you he might be back in the picture.


I want what you want.

If this is filling a void for you, that's all that matters.


Having lost Justin, I appreciate the value of family.

I called it in, but by the time the cops and paramedics got here...

[scoffs] It was history.

No offense, but your guys' response time sucks.

Thanks for the support, Sir.

Can you, uh, pull the footage?

[Scoffs] Manager's a cheap ass.

Those things, they are for show.

Ooh, check this out, though.

Yeah, it had to be shot.

You have no idea the kind of whack jobs that come into this joint.


He had to have been on something, right?

Yeah, that would be my guess.

I'll have Atwater call OEMC.

See if anybody nearby called 911.

All right, here, here, let me have that.


Come on.

Call came in at 9:51 pm.

Report of a suspicious person, suspected sexual as*ault near Pulaski Park.

Dispatch put it over the zone one minute later, two cars rode on the job.

Uh, it was coded out as 11 Adam, not a bona fide incident.

Okay. You think you can pull up the recording for us?

Along with all service calls of the Park for the last couple of months, anything that can be related.

Gotta get the watch commander's approval on that.

Come back in a couple of hours?

Who knows, Saturday I'm doing special security detail at the double door for a band called Duran.

Are you familiar?

You... Do you mean, Duran Duran?

It's two Duran?

Ah, thought that was a misprint.

No, it's Duran Duran.

Great, good. I figured you might like them.

Not just because you're a white woman of a certain age.

But I can get you backstage.

You'd have a great time.

Who do I ask for?

I think if you ask for the big, good looking, black dude, you'll be okay.

[Computer beeps]

Caller's name was George Higgins.

Lives at 1856 South Grand.

Copy that.

See you Saturday.

Tell us what you saw, Mr. Higgins.

And the more detail, the better.

I went out to the Lincoln to get my cigs, right?

My old lady don't like me smoking inside.

That's when I heard this howling sound.

Like an animal, or something.

Scared the hell out of me.

Where was that?

Right over at the Park.

Now, the 911 call said you suspected a sexual as*ault.

Why'd you think that?

I've seen this girl running off the other way.

Somebody screaming, somebody running.

One male, the other female, you know.

Did you get a good look at the female?

Ah, nah, it was dark, and she was hauling ass.

Kind of golf type chick, maybe.

Looked like she might have tossed something in them bushes, there.

Did you go and check out what she threw?

No, man, did one better. Called 911.

The rest is your job, bro.

People walk their dogs over there.

Can't risk the shoes. Both: [Chuckle]




Right around...


All right. Just take a step back, please.

Knife. Blood on the blade.

Yeah, told you. Didn't I tell y'all?

Ain't there some kind of reward for that?

Helping y'all do your jobs?

A firm handshake and a sincere thank you, that's your reward.

All right. We should get the crime scene techs out here to photograph that. Yeah.

Which way did the girl run then?

Uh, down 41st toward the boys and girls club.


All right.

[Camera clicks]

Can you back that up a couple frames?

[Computer beeps]

And also, do you know the IP address of that camera?

'Cause we're going to need it for the evidentiary record.

I can get it.

I'm going to circulate this to all of the patrolmen in the area.

[Camera clicks]

Thank you.

Eh, Emily Vega. Minor record.

A couple of pinches for possession.

We quit locking her up.

She's too much of a pain in the ass.

So, she comes here to hook up, get high, and hang with the other dirt-bags.

All right. This goes where, now?

Oh, they call this the canals.

Home away from home for scumbags, meth-heads, and every other jag-off looking to score.

I think she's down there.

Yeah, that's her.



Stop! Chicago PD!

No, you don't. [Grunts]

Let go of me.

Emily Vega?

I didn't do anything.

Then why are you running, huh?

Why are you running?

[Sharp exhales]

She's in the interview room.


Hey, why don't you let the kid take it?

All right. Come on.

You know him?



We found your fingerprints on that knife, Emily.


And that blood there belongs to that man.

How did that happen?

I lost that knife a few days ago.

Who knows what happened to it since then?

Ask him.

Yeah, well, thing is, he's not in a very talkative mood.

We found him laying beside a dumpster, missing part of his body that I'm assuming was kind of important to him.

What happened, Emily?

He tried to r*pe me.


Last night.

I went to Pulaski Park with some friends.

We were partying a little.

Later on I realized I dropped a 20.

I went back looking for it, and...

This guy came out of the bushes.

He att*cked me.

He had his forearm on my throat, and he was pushing my pants down, and when he pulled it out, that gave me a little window to reach into my back pocket and get out my knife.

I sliced...

He yelled, I ran.

Had you had any dealings with him prior to last night?

No. Why?

What's he saying?

Well, he's not saying much.

He's dead.


What goes around, comes around.

Okay. So...

What happened after you sliced him?

I ran. I met back up with my friends.

You see, his body was found at a different location, Emily.

I can't help you there.

So, we have detectives headed to the morgue right now to see what the medical examiner has to say... look, he att*cked me in Pulaski Park.

I fought for my life, then ran.

I never saw him again.

If it was self defense...

Why didn't you call the cops, report it?

Because every time I've ever gone to you guys, you never do anything.

Never! Like, right now.

How about a "hey, I'm sorry you were almost r*ped"?

Or "thank God you were able to fight him off."

No, I get two cops looking at me like I k*lled him in some other location.

Screw you guys.

I am sorry you were almost r*ped.

Understand your boy covered a lot of ground last night.


How's that possible? You'd think an injury like that would be a night-ender.

There's only one principle artery in the penis.

An incidence like this, there's a 60% chance it retracts.

Clamps itself off to prevent a hemodynamic event.

Re... retracts? Like...


So, if he didn't bleed out...

You're saying it was an OD?


Uh, how...

How low do you think you have to go with that?

Say when.


You see the broken blood vessels around the peri-orbital area?

Those little purple dots around his eyes?

Mm-hmm. They're called petechiae.

They're indicators that the actual cause of death was strangulation.

Didn't notice them at first, but once we got him cleaned up, I saw the engorgement on his trachea.

See the blue-ish discoloration?


This guy was choked to death.

[Sharp exhale]

What's up?

I had my guy at the lab fast track Jimmy's DNA.

Erin, he's not your dad.

I'm so sorry.


Are you happy?

[Crumples paper]

Emily Vega is claiming she was att*cked around 9:45 pm at Pulaski Park.

After she cut Sandford Greg, he wandered over to the corner store, arrived at 9:57, left again two minutes later.

The, uh... The meta-data from the clerk's cell phone corroborates the time-line.

Blood work from both locations confirms his movements.

Okay, so, according to the me, the time of death is around midnight.


At around 7:45 am, the body is discovered here.

That's eight miles from where the incident took place.

So, if Emily didn't do it, who k*lled him, dumped his body, and why?

Why are we ruling out Emily?

She's 105 pounds, soaking wet, and this guy's 6'2", 220.

I don't buy that she choked him.

Sure, but she could have had a friend finish him off.

People lie through their teeth all the time, don't they?

She's not ruled out. We're looking at everything.

Let's take another run at her.

Got it.

Um... [Clears throat]

Lindsay and Halstead are dating, right?



That explains everything.


[Door shuts]

Here you go.

Anything else you want to tell me about last night, Emily?


Did you go back to Sandford Greg after you cut him?

You already asked me this question.

But you lied about knowing him when we showed you his photo, so...

I'm just... I'm gonna ask again.

No, I didn't go back to him.

Okay, what about your friends?

You tell any of them what happened?

I didn't tell anyone.

I would have.

I mean, some animal tries to r*pe me and I'm able to pull my knife and cut his penis off, damn right I'd tell people.

I can't tell if you're trying to trap me or not.

I'm not.

Yeah, I told some friends.


No way.

And have you bring them here and spin them around like me?

No way.

You may need to.

Or what?

Don't you believe me?

I do.

Then why am I still in jail?

You kept pushing for it even after I told you I wasn't ready.

You know what, Erin, personally, I would want to know.

So, the next time you want to leave your head in the sand, just raise your hand, that's fine, I'll leave you there.

Is there something I need to be aware of?


Yeah, I went back through Sandford Greg's rap sheet.

He got pinched nine months ago for trespassing and drunk and disorderly at an apartment complex a couple of blocks from where he got sliced up.

It's called the Linden Homes.

Check it out.

I need a personal to handle something.

Me and Rixton will take it.

Sounds good.

Yeah, so, you married?

You got a girlfriend or something?

I got a girlfriend.

We're talking about moving in together.



Oh, nothing.

You'll find out.


Can I help you?


Can we talk to you for a second?


This your place?

Yeah. Why, what's up?

Do you remember filing a complaint about nine months ago against a man named Sandford Greg?

[Laughs] Before my time, guy.

I just moved in two months ago.

What about the previous tenants?

You know where they are? Nah, but...

If I was you, I would talk to the "special" police.

If something went down here, those cats would be up and in it.

Special police?


They'll lock you up for smoking a cigarette.

You'd get along great.

All right, boys. I'm back in.

Let's do the thing.

[Police sirens]
It seems like the more condos they build, the busier I get.

You know what I mean?

So, you're the superior officer, right?

Sergeant Lowdell. How can I help you?

I'm detective Halstead. This is detective Rixton.

We just gotta ask you guys a few questions.

Have you seen this man before?

Yeah, we had a couple of run-ins with him.

Oh, meaning?

You know, guy showed up a couple of times.

Drunk, high, whatever.

He was asked to leave the premises.

Hm. What about last night?

Did you see him last night?


The guy in apartment 101 says you run a tight ship, sergeant.

Well, I'd take that as a compliment.

He didn't seem real thrilled about it.

[Laughs] Oh, you guys know how it is.

People always hating on the police until they need us.

And then it's "how fast can you get here?"

Just like on the streets, right?


If you guys generated any paper on Sandford Greg, any reports, we need hard copies.

Well, you got a car? There's a few of them.

I'll see what I can pull.

Yeah, you know what?

It's an active m*rder investigation.

So, we need it now.

And we're gonna need to interview all the...

Whatever you call yourselves...

"special" police officers involved.


Then get a subpoena.

The special police are trained and sanctioned by Chicago PD, but they operate independently.

On private property, they have full police powers.

Carry firearms. Make arrests.

But they're not subject to our rules and regs.

How is that legal?

There's 2,000 of them in the city.

And more coming if Alderman Mac Kenzie has his way.

Pretty soon, they'll be patrolling Lincoln Park.

[Phone ringing]


I think it's complete BS.

With that said, if I ever get fired 'cause somebody gets me on video for one of the million things they come after us for, now, I'll be the first one in line to get an implication.


Copy that.

That was ASA Kot.

He said we don't have enough probable cause for a subpoena on the rent-a-cops.

So, that means we go ahead and get some.

Hey, it's me.

I'm sorry.

Give me a call.

Hey, hi.

What's the matter?

You look upset.

Jimmy's not my father.

I ran his DNA.



Are you... 99.9% sure.

Forensics analyzed a coffee cup with his saliva on it.

Who sent it in?

That's what matters to you right now?

No. I don't believe this.

All this time, I thought he was.

What game are you running?

Do you think that I'm gonna send Jimmy pictures of you for 15 years to run a con?

I thought he was your dad.

Do you want to tell him or should I ?

Well, Erin. He...

He really cares about you.


Maybe you don't have to tell him.

Why do you keep doing this to me?

What's going on with you and Erin?

Um, Sarge. That's, uh...

A personal matter.

You should probably talk to Erin.

You know, I turned a blind eye to you two being a couple in my unit.

So, when I ask one of you a question, as a courtesy to me, you can answer for the other.



Jimmy's not her dad.

And I'm the bad guy.


What am I signing up for?

In terms of her mom?

I imagine you got a pretty good idea.

Patrol just picked up one of Emily's friends.

He says that she got into an argument, uh...

A screaming match with Sandford Greg three days ago.

Which differs from what she told you.


I'll take another crack at her.

Hm. It's Al’s turn.

With me in the room, or?

Just Al.

Well, we've got an eyewitness that's saying that...

You went off on Sandford Greg at the Park last week.


All right.

He put it out there he had some dope.

I went to buy one off him.

He said I had to kiss him first so I told him to go to hell.

So, you... you lied to us about knowing him?

I was nervous, okay?

And I've been very careful about what I say to you guys.

So, I guess, I just left that out.

You want to get something off your chest?

I mean, I can tell.

What's going on?

You guys zeroed in on me the moment I walked in here.

You haven't believed a word I said.

That... That lady cop.

She was just setting a trap. No.

And now here you are, springing it.

Hey, hey, hey. We were just trying to help you.

That guy tried to r*pe me.

Who knows what he would have done after?

I don't care how many times I ran across him prior to that night.

That's what he tried to do.

And I defended myself.

And then I ran.

And I keep telling you guys that, but you don't care.

You're gonna charge me with m*rder.

You had your mind made up yesterday.

I didn't have nothing else to say to you.

Okay? I shouldn't have said anything to begin with.

I want a lawyer.

A public defender. Whatever you call them.



Well, now we know.


Listen, I'm... I'm sorry for any...

Like, I don't know. I don't know what to say.

Look, I'm glad you ran the tests.


It saved me a lot of time.

What the hell was this?

What did you two want?

Nothing. I didn't want... don't you and Bunny ever call me again.

You do, and I swear to God, I'll call the Feds.

They got a whole division for scam artists like you.

[Door slams]

[Engine revs]

[Accelerator roars]

Hey, Sarge.


There's two homicides in the Linden Homes.

Both ruled domestics and cleared by area central homicide.

I came across this, though.

A male OD'd in an abandoned apartment.

He had no drug priors.

Found with a needle hanging out of his arm.

Guess what officer found the body.


Yeah, the body's still at the morgue.

Hasn't been claimed yet.

There's your boy.

Got in here just in time, too.

Death certificate came in yesterday.

Otherwise, you'd be doing an exhumation.

What'd the original autopsy say?

The detective who responded said it looked like an overdose.

Walks like a duck.

Mind if we take a look?

Have at it.


What's with all these spots around his eyes?

Petechiae and tracheal bruising.

Like your other guy.

So, he was strangled?

Odds are.

Anything in your pocket gonna stick me?

Get the hell off me.

Agh! What'd I tell you about smoking dope back here, Oscar?

You need something?

Hank Voight. Guess we haven't met.

Hey, Chicago PD ain't perfect.

I'm the first to admit it.

You guys provide a service.

Private citizens want to pay for it.

It's all good.

There are laws in this city.

I'm aware of that.

Well, I'm sensing a troubling pattern.

Like, people are getting hurt or worse, when you guys respond.

Look, before we get into warrants, probable cause, and this turns into a pissing match.

I'm thinking, just...

Cop to cop, you and I can talk about the problem, how to fix it.

I appreciate you coming in. I appreciate the offer.

But there's no problem here.

I hope you don't take offense...

I ran your record.

You were on the job in Milwaukee when a questionable sh**ting went down.

There's a gag order on that.

Apparently your sergeant took two steps back, and you and another patrolman ended up getting burned, and taking the fall.

That's what it looked like to me, anyway.

[Clears throat]

Look, sergeant, I'm going to find out what's going on here and I'm going to find out what happened to Sandford Greg.

And you digging your heels in, all that does is make your men more vulnerable.

And having already been through that yourself, I'd think that'd be something you'd want to protect them from.

I know how overwhelmed you guys are with the m*rder rate in this city...

You should spend your time on that.

Don't worry about Linden Homes.

We've got it covered.

This guy.

I talked to a former officer for the Special Police, who's now in CPD with us.

He spent a couple of months at Linden Homes.

Claims Lowdell has a bounty system.

Says cash bonuses are paid out when problem tenants are evicted.

Can you prove it?

No. He said it was an open secret, though.

Doesn't do us much good.

Well, thing is, though...

I mean, we ran backgrounds on them.

Everybody who works under Lowdell seem like pretty good cops to me.

Cops run in packs like wolves.

If the Alpha's a bully...

So, I checked the residence rolls for the past 12 months at Linden.

The woman who made the original complaint against Sandford Greg, she's still there. Just in a different apartment, apparently, never reported the address change.

Charmain Stewart, 966.

Kevin, you and Kenny.

Chicago PD.

Charmaine Stewart?

Who wants to know?

I'm detective Rixton. This is officer Atwater.

You guys Special Police?

We're actually with the City, ma'am.

Sandford Greg. You remember this guy?

You filed a complaint against him.

Not like I could forget that psycho.

What the hell he do now?

He got m*rder*d.

What kind of relationship did you have with him?

We had a thing for a minute...

When he got violent with me, I kicked his ass out.

You seen him around at all lately?

He came by last night.

Pounding on my door.

Did you let him in?

Hell no.

He was high and hooting and hollering, and...

Looked like he'd been injured.

What'd you do?

What I always do.

Call the Special Police.

Okay, so, what did they do when they got here?

Their job.

Which is more than I can say for Chicago PD.

You've got no clue.

This place used to be a mad house.

How many officers responded?

Just one. Moony, I think.

And... hoo!... He was pissed when he saw Sandford.

Can't blame him.

All right. Thanks for your help.

Appreciate it.

James Moony. He's 22 years old.

He grew up in Garfield Park.

All-city wrestler, and he studied criminal justice at City College. He's currently number six in the hiring list for Chicago PD.

He's been with the Special Police how long?

Three months and change.

All right. Grab him up.

But don't go in hard. He's practically one of ours.


Bunny Fletcher is here.

She says she's not leaving until she talks to you.

Something I can help you with?

You know, I thought Jimmy was Erin's father.

And you run a DNA test?

How dare you.

You've been drinking, Bunny?


You couldn't have me so you took my daughter.

And you're still doing it.

You know? I think maybe Erin should run a DNA test on you.

I'm going to say something that I probably haven't said in 30 years.

You wish. [Scoffs]

Oh, you'd love to think that that night never happened, wouldn't you?

[Door beeps, buzzing]

Something I can help you guys with?

Put your shoes on, James. We need you to come down to the district with us.

For what?

Answer a few questions.


Sandford Greg.

James, what's going on?

Is this a friendly conversation, or am I a person of interest?

Put your shoes on, James.

Don't jerk me off, all right.

I've been doing this for a living too.

What's going on? James.

You've got your wife right here.

You want to get hostile, we can do that.

We'd prefer to keep it friendly.


I'll be back, sweetheart.

It's all right.

Not necessary.

We got an eyewitness.

Has you as the last person to put hands on Sandford Greg the night that he died.

That doesn't prove anything.

Tox report indicates that Greg was high, so I don't know what happened.

Maybe you got a little over-zealous...

Restraining him.

You choke him out?

Look, man. Come clean with us, and we will try to work something out.

You know who that guy is?

What he's done?

Are we seriously having this conversation about Sandford Greg?

Yeah, we are. He was m*rder*d.

If you ever want to become a real cop, James...

Now's the time to start talking.

And who would that be good for? For you guys?

For your clearance record?

What about me, huh?

Your sergeant.

He put you up to this?

Make it known that he wanted this kind of behavior?

If that's the case, James, let us know.

I'm not a rat.

I really understand.

I do.

You got a baby on the way.

Know if it's a boy or a girl yet?

A girl.

You gotta start thinking about her.

[Knocking at door, door opens]

ASA Kot is here. Would like a word.

Can I get a water?


We got a theory?

'Cause if so, I need to hear it.

Everything I've heard so far is leading to Emily Vega.

Well, it's looking like the Special Police at the Linden Homes were behind it.

We got an officer Moony in the room right now.

He's copping to it?

Not yet.

Okay, so, let's assume he doesn't.

What then?

Keep working the case.

But Emily Vega admitted to stabbing our victim.

Then she lied about knowing him.

Hey! The door's locked...


I need a hand here.

He hung himself. We need help!

[Glass shatters]


Come on! Come on, come on!


21-01, emergency. Roll an Ambo to the 21st.

Strangulation victim, second floor.


Hey! Come on! Hey!

Hey, no, get down!

Stop moving! Stop moving.


You don't try to hang yourself unless you're guilty.

I think what you meant to say is, "thank God he's alive," counselor.

Of course, I'm glad.

But after his psych eval, we're charging him with the m*rder of Sandford Greg.

What about Emily Vega?

Kick her.

Sergeant Lowdell.

You got a minute?

I do.

Sixth on the list for CPD.

Got hooked up with the wrong crew.


[Door closes] [Clears throat]

So Moony gonna recover?

It looks like.

What are you gonna charge him with?


You mentioned Milwaukee.

We were executing a search warrant.

The sergeant's CI had ID'd the house we stacked outside.

Our sarge says, "don't bother announcing, just hit the door."

Inside, there was a guy with a g*n.

Lawfully, as it turned out. He had a permit.


He drew.

My partner and I shot him.

Turned out, we had the wrong house.

The CI screwed up.

And afterward, our sergeant told us to say we did announce.

But when IAD looked into it, he denied that.

So, we got terminated even though we were following orders.

I'm sorry.

I've worked with people like that.

This guy, Sandford...

He'd show up, harass people. Young girls.

He had been warned verbally and in writing to keep away.

When Moony responded...

What if I was the one who moved the body?

You'd have to testify to that.

Only if it knocks Moony's sentence down.

I'll push for involuntary manslaughter instead of m*rder, but...

You're going to be charged with concealing a homicide.

I want it in writing.

You'll get it.

Moony was following orders.

[Jail gate opens]

So, that's... That's it?

That's it. You are free to go.


Emily, it is not too late to get your life together.

I can help you get into a drug and alcohol treatment program.

There's... look, there's residential rehab.

Outpatient, sober living. Just whatever you need.

And I would be there.

Every step of the way, you have my word.

Food for thought.

Food for thought.

I'll call you. Thanks.

She didn't want to hear it.

[Exhales] Well...

Don't let that stop you from saying it, though.

[Text message alert chimes]

It's not like she's going to change at this point, you know? Your mom is who she is.

Yeah, I know.

Erin... Erin, how long have I known you?

Since we were like, nine, right?

Around there.

You can only try to fix the engine so many times.

You know, until it's like, screw it, you know, buy a new car.

Like, Vanessa Reeder.

After everything she went through, guess where she ended up?

Phoenix. [Chuckles]

Got her teaching degree.

Is married and has a kid on the way.

She just couldn't get it together until she left Chicago.

And as much as I love you, and...

It would k*ll me to have you go...

I don't know, Annie.

I mean, if I could move somewhere, and start over right now...

I would.

What's stopping you?



[Glass clanks]
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