02x04 - Wild Rehearsal

Episode transcripts for the 2015 TV show "Descendants: Wicked World". Aired September 18 - December 13.*
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"Descendants: Wicked World" aka "Wicked World" is based on the 2015 movie "Descendants". After Prince Ben's coronation, the villain kids Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos use their one shot at being good while their dreadful and villainous parents are still roaming the Isle of the Lost.
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02x04 - Wild Rehearsal

Post by bunniefuu »

Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world


You okay?

Of all the words I can think of "okay" is not even in the top 10.

'Cause you didn't find your jewel?


You wanna talk about it?

I'll just see you later.

I'll just give you some space then.

I'll be right here, giving you space!

...Right here...


Okay! Everyone, listen up!

I've worked really hard on the song and dance for the Jewelbilee.

So I really need everybody to step up and give a 110%.

Or else...

Or else what?

Or... off with their heads!

Too much?

I just want you to watch me and follow my lead.

Why should today be any different?

And 2,3,4...

That's different.

Stop it, leg!

Okay, that's a weird move.

Like this?


I'm not doing this!

Not doing it well, maybe.

Hey! Watch the genie pants!

I'm out of control!

Is this a part of the routine?

Well, it started kinda slow, but I love the big finish.

Somebody magicked me, Mal!

Audrey, why would Mal do that to you?

'Cause she's jealous that she doesn't get to be a part of all this!

Mal's not like that anymore.

If she's still evil, then I'm still plain.


Okay, Mal. Thought that was funny, but you do not wanna get between Audrey and her big show.

As your BFF, I have to advise you to chill.

You're right, Evie. That would be the nice thing to do.

Okay, I admit the song got off to a rocky start, but with my eternal vigilant slash amazing directing, I think it could look really--

transcript by basiadora
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