Hunger Games, The: Mockingjay part 2

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Hunger Games, The: Mockingjay part 2

Post by bunniefuu »


Okay, I know, I know.

I'm sorry.

I know it's a little tender.


Okay, let's try your voice now.

"My name is katniss everdeen.

I'm from district 12."


Okay, take your time.

Still got a lot of swelling in your vocal chords.

My name is katniss everdeen.

I want...

I want to talk to him.

He needs time.

But, um, we're trying somethin' new today.

He's been calmer with the doctors, but they're strangers to him.

So we're gonna test his response on someone he remembers from home.

Someone he trusts.

Send her in.



How you feelin'?

She's too close.

- Mmm, it's okay.

- How'd you get here?

We live in district 13 now.

It's a real place.

Stories are true.

You were rescued.

My family hasn't come to see me.

There was an attack on 12.


My family?

The bakery didn't survive.

It's katniss.

It's because of katniss.

Wasn't because of her.

She tell you to say that?

She didn't tell me anything.

She's a liar, prim.

It's a trick.

Peeta, what you're saying isn't real. She sent you here to talk to me.

She knows you're here now.

It's okay.

She knows...

You can't trust her!

She's a monster!

She's a mutt that the capitol created to destroy us!

Get her outta there.

Do you understand me?

You have to k*ll her, prim!

You have to k*ll her!


She's a mutt!

This is just a conditioned response.

k*ll her!

It's not him.

She's a monster!

She's a mutt!

No, it's not him.

She's a mutt!

There's not enough manpower coming in from 4.

I don't think that's a problem.

Please, come in.

With any kind of manpower, if we...

Will you excuse us for just a moment?

Of course.

Have a seat.

I'm glad you're feeling better.

Snow has to pay for what he's done.

I wanna help the rebels in any way I can.

It's hard to see peeta this way.

That's not peeta.

Send me to the capitol.

I'll do anything.

I can't.

I can't send you there.

We can't get into the capitol until we control district 2.

Then send me to 2.

You want me to fire up our troops?

Call out to the loyalists?

You've seen what I can do.

Yes, I have.

I saw peeta before we left.

And what did you think?

Something selfish.

That you don't have to be jealous of him anymore.


I don't stand a chance if he doesn't get better.

You'll never let him go.

What's goin' on in your head?

I don't know.

That's like kissing someone who's drunk.

Doesn't count.

Thirty minutes until touchdown.

Prepare for landing.

Wrap it up.

Cut the chatter. Let's go.

This is another version of booby-trapping a resource.

Right, I see.

This one's designed to blind.

Smoke clings to the eyes.

That's an application of the "hummingbird trap."

You scare people so they flee in this direction into what they think is a safe haven.

Two-tiered expl*si*n.

You allow people enough time to rush in, help the wounded, then...

A second b*mb.


Second one goes off here.

I guess there are no rules anymore about what a person can do to another person.

I don't think snow used any rulebook when he h*jacked peeta.

Welcome to district 2.

I'm corporal homes.

You follow me, please.

Don't worry.

It's just how the loyalists say "good morning."

President coin, we're indebted to you for the reinforcements and the mockingjay.

But I'm not sure that anyone outside of 2 knows what we've been up against.

This is the nut.

The capitol's headquarters for all offensive operations.

It's manned by both military and civilian personnel from district 2.

As you can see, the fortress lies so far beneath the bedrock, it's untouchable.

Yesterday, we attempted to take the northeastern gate.

The enemy countered from higher up and we were forced to pull back.

We took heavy losses.

Could we create a decoy?

Send troops towards one gate, launch a staggered attack on another.

Whose troops do you propose as a decoy, commander?

We have the mockingjay.

Don't underestimate her.

We could use her to erode support.

She may be able to sway some of the loyalists.

You've been underground a long time, madam coin.

This isn't like the rest of panem.

Support for the capitol runs deep here.

Then there is no sacrifice too great.

We need to control the arsenal inside that fortress.

Even with every district in this alliance, we are outgunned.

I won't commit my people to a ground as*ault just to pillage weapons.

Commander paylor, your people have suffered more than just about anyone else at the hands of the capitol.

Which is why I won't condone a mass su1c1de.

If we don't take district 2, we won't get into the capitol.

Would it be enough to disable the fortress instead of taking it?

What do you have in mind?

You think of it like a wolf den.

You're not gonna fight your way in, so you've got two choices.

You trap the wolves inside, or you flush 'em out.

If we can't attack straight on, then couldn't we use our hovercraft to strike around it?

We'll use the mountains.

We'll hit weak spots in the peaks.

We could design the b*mb targets in sequence using seismic data.

Trigger avalanches.

Block all exits, cut off their supplies.

You make it impossible for them to launch their hovercraft.

Bury them alive.

We'd forfeit any chance to control the weapons.

Yes, but we'd face a weakened capitol.

There's civilians in there.

They should be given a chance to surrender.

Could use one of the supply tunnels for the evacuees.

It's a luxury we weren't given when they firebombed 12.

There's gotta be a better way.

I suggest we try the avalanche, but leave the train tunnel alone.

Civilians can escape into the square, where our armies will be waiting for their surrender.

We should have every available medic standing by.

And if they won't surrender?

Then we will need a compelling voice to persuade them.

Red flag, this is blue leader.

Form up on Charlie tango, 1,500 meters out.

Weapons system, check.

Commencing an attack formation.

Roger that.

All bombers are outbound.

What's the difference, katniss?

Crushing the enemy in a mine or blowin' them outta the sky with one of beetee's arrows.

It's the same thing.

We were under attack in district 8.

And that hovercraft wasn't filled with civilians.

Doesn't matter.

Even if those civilians are just moppin' floors, they're helping the enemy.

And if they have to die, i can live with that.

Two thousand meters out.

No one who supports the capitol is innocent.

With that kinda thinking, you can k*ll whoever you want.

You can send kids off to the hunger games to keep the districts in line.

Bombs away.

It's w*r, katniss.

Sometimes k*lling isn't personal.

Figured if anyone knew that, it was you.

I, of all people, know that it's always personal.

Don't worry, katniss, there'll be survivors.

Let's focus on what it is you gotta say.

Now, plutarch wrote a speech for you...

I'm not saying that.

Okay. Didn't think so.

Let's, uh...

But just remember, you're talking to everybody.

Not just the rebels, but the capitol, the survivors in 2.

We want them to lay down their arms.

So you might wanna experiment with a little sensitivity, warmth.

Make it quick, you're exposed.

This is katniss everdeen, speaking to all of the loyalists from the heart of district 2.

Survivors! Inbound!


Ready! g*ns up!

On the ready. g*ns up!

We gotta get you back.

Here they come!

Weapons tight!

Weapons tight!

Everybody, stand by!

Everybody out!

On the ground!

Put your weapons down.

Get on the ground!

Put your weapons down now!

Weapons down.

You! Put it down!

Put it...

- Put your weapons down!

- Drop it!

Drop your w*apon!

You! Drop it.

Drop the g*n!

Drop it!

Hold your fire!



Hold your fire!


Hold your fire!

He needs help!

Hold your fire!

Drop it!

Give me one reason i shouldn't sh**t you.

Drop the g*n!

I can't.

I guess that's the problem, isn't it?

We blew up your mine.

You burned my district to the ground.

We each have every reason to want to k*ll each other.

So if you wanna k*ll me, do it.

Make snow happy.

I'm tired of k*lling his slaves for him.

I'm not his sl*ve.

I am.

That's why I k*lled cato.

And he k*lled thresh.

And thresh k*lled clove.

It just goes around and around.

And who wins?

Always snow.

I am done being a piece in his game.

District 12, district 2.

We have no fight.

Except the one the capitol gave us.

Why are you fighting the rebels?

You're neighbors.

You're family.

These people are not your enemy.

We all have one enemy.

And that's snow.

He corrupts everyone and everything.

He turns the best of us against each other.

Stop k*lling for him.

Tonight, turn your weapons to the capitol.

Turn your weapons to snow.

Tonight, turn your weapons to the capitol.

Turn your weapons to snow.

Hold your fire.

A toast.

Antonius, with our best troops crushed in the mountains and the rebels marching on us as we speak,

what did we celebrate?

The death of the mockingjay, sir.

If peeta didn't k*ll her, her own arrogance did.

Of course.

That's the same facile thinking that led you to divert our best peacekeepers into district 2.

You have a habit of burying people before they're dead.

If the mockingjay were gone, the rebels would already be using her as a martyr.

No, minister Antonius, I'm afraid that is not what we were toasting at all.

Sir, the rebels can be held off out...

The rebels will reach the outskirts of the capitol in a matter of days.

We'll evacuate the outer blocks to let them in.

I want all anti-aircraft defenses ready, so we're secure from the skies.

Lure them into the city, and then our gamemakers will make them pay for every inch with blood.

I want every camera watching.

We'll turn their advance into a celebration of suffering.

Let each moment be captured for all posterity.

So, what did we toast tonight, minister Antonius?

We toasted a glorious era coming to its bitter end.

Well, there she is.

The mockingjay.

Oh, that speech you gave.

Oh, man, feel.

I mean, i still have goose bumps.

You don't mind, do you?

They cut off my supply of morphling.

There's this head doctor that comes in and sees me every day, trying to help me adjust to reality.

Like some guy from this rabbit's Warren actually knows anything about my reality.

At least 20 times in a session, he tells me that I'm totally safe.

Safe from the capitol.

Safe from snow.

What about you, mockingjay?

You feeling totally safe?

Till I got shot.

Oh, please.

The b*llet didn't even touch you.

Cinna saw to that. Of course, your costume would be bulletproof.

So what are your injuries?

Bruised ribs, bruised lung.

I'm surprised they haven't found you a new lung.

I mean, I've got two.

Do you want one of mine?

I mean, it's everybody's job to keep you alive.

Is that why you hate me?


You're also a little hard to swallow.

The whole tacky romance drama and the "defender of the hopeless" act.

Even though it's not an act.

Which makes it even more unbearable.

Feel free to take any of this personally.

You should have been the mockingjay.

Nobody else would tell you what to say.

But nobody likes me.

They're afraid of you.

Maybe here, but in the capitol, you're the only thing that they're scared of.

It's just stuff my family brought.

It's from peeta.


They messed us up pretty good, didn't they?

We showed him footage of your speech in 2.

He had real memories of you.

That still doesn't mean I'm going in there.

He's strapped down.

He can't hurt you.


This is different. Haymitch, i really don't want to.

It doesn't matter what you want.

It's for peeta.

What's the harm in trying?

I watched you die.

You look terrible.

You've looked better.

You're not even remotely nice to say that to me now.

I was never the nice one.

You were.

When I saw you die, i remembered something.

About the bread.

I remember you in the rain.

And I burned it on purpose.

To give it to you.

I remember my mother hitting me.

I was supposed to give it to the pig.

That was the first we'd eaten in days.

Why would I take a beating like that for you?

Because you were kind and generous.

And people said you loved me.

Did people say you love me?

They said that's why snow tortured you. To hurt me.

Snow says that everything that comes out of your mouth is a lie.

All I know is that i would have saved myself a lot of suffering, if I'd just given that bread to the pig.

I think the only thing left to say is "thank you."

I need to be in the capitol.

No, you have done your job.

You've been very successful as the mockingjay.

You've unified the districts.

And now we want you to rest.

And to heal.

The last the rebels saw me, i was lying on the ground.

Katniss, we won't let this momentum go to waste.

We'll sh**t more propos right here in 13, showing them that you're alive.

I should be with the troops.

It'll be like being on the front lines.

As far as the soldiers know, you survived a b*llet to the heart.

I think they'll understand why you're not with them.

When we win this w*r, we'll fly you in for the surrender.

We'll need you for the ceremony.

You're very valuable to us.

I'll do whatever you need me to do.

From this day forth, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer.

I promise to love and Cherish you each day.

I, finnick odair, take you, Annie cresta, as my wife from this day forth.

Together or apart, we will always be united.

One life, one purpose, one destiny.

You may kiss the bride.

You saw peeta, didn't you?

Did you tell him "hi" for me?

We're old friends, you know.

We had adjoining cells in the capitol.

We're very familiar with each other's screams.

I'm going to k*ll snow.

Nothing good is safe while he's alive.

And I can't make another speech about it.

No more cameras.

No more propos.

No more games.

He needs to see my eyes when I k*ll him.

Now you're talking.

Find a way to the capitol when everybody's looking the other way.

I hear the medics talking.

They're shipping supplies for the front line from hangar two around midnight tonight.

Medicine, painkillers.

I was gonna go steal some for myself, but I guess I could just stay here and cover for you.

Anybody can k*ll anybody, katniss.

Even a president.

You just have to be willing to sacrifice yourself.

Go on.

Don't you want snow to see you dance?

Hey, that's her.

That's katniss everdeen.

Hey. Thought you were in the hospital.

I was.

Come on.

What is she doing?

I don't know, it's so frustrating when she goes rogue.

This isn't just adolescent, it's insubordination.

Put her on the first hovercraft back.

Don't be ridiculous.

She can't come back now.

She's mythic.

At the front lines, surviving a g*nsh*t wound.

Couldn't have staged it better myself.

Hmm. I know.

She's going to stay where she is.

And whatever she's doing, we conceived it.

It was our plan all along.

Course it was.

Mr. heavensbee, you're the gamemaker.

I want everyone to know, whatever game she's playing, she's playing for us.

I'm commander paylor of district 8.

I'm a soldier, like all of you, so here's what I know.

For the first time in our lifetimes, we're standing together with 13 districts.

From what I see here, we've already made history.

But history doesn't stop to celebrate.

And we're facing an enemy that will not change and will never surrender.

President snow has pulled back peacekeepers to fortify the center of the city.

He's evacuating residents from the outer blocks.

These civilians will be confused and desperate.

You are under orders not to target them.

We're deploying medical brigades to help anyone in need.

We'll show the capitol people who we are.

To slow our advance, president snow is building a minefield of traps and lethal devices called "pods."

The sadistic inventions of gamemakers meant to make sport of our deaths.

If our armies make it past peacekeepers and other defenses, we'll converge in the center of the city at snow's mansion, where we won't just unlock his gates, but unshackle all of panem.

If we die, let it be for a cause and not a spectacle.

If we succeed, let it be for all of panem, and let it be forever.

Yes, you've already made history.

But the future, our future, starts tomorrow at dawn, when we march together into the capitol.

Squad 451?

Looks like you got your meals covered.

Tryin' to be prepared.

Don't lie to me.

We've been hunting together all our lives.

I know when you're gonna go off on your own.

You gonna leave me behind, too?

As your fellow soldier, I suggest that you stay with your unit.

But I couldn't stop you if you wanted to come.

Hawthorne, everdeen, come meet your new unit.

I'm lieutenant Jackson, and I wanna introduce you to your squad.

This is second lieutenant Mitchell, best sharpsh**ter in panem.

These are the leeg sisters.

First combat division.

And this is corporal homes.


- Are you with us?

- Looks like it.

That was a short honeymoon.

Yeah, well, I guess we're gonna have to have one in the capitol.

- After we take it.

- Gather 'round.

Squad 451, you're my unit.

Lieutenant Jackson is my second-in-command.

Each one of you is elite in some form of combat.

But we are a non-combat unit.

So we'll be following days behind the front-line troops.

You're to be the onscreen faces of the invasion.

"The star squad."

It's been decided that you're most effective when seen by the masses.

So we're not gonna fight?

You'll do whatever you're ordered to do, soldier.

It's not your job to ask questions.

Yes, sir.

Our instructions are to sh**t propaganda footage on the battle-scarred streets of the capitol.

You were handpicked to intimidate their forces.

And inspire surrenders.

Even though we'll be working on abandoned streets miles behind the front lines, I guarantee you, wherever they put us, it will not be safe.

This is a w*r zone.

It is likely that we'll encounter both active pods and peacekeepers.

You're considered high-value targets to the capitol.

In the event of capture, you'll be given a nightlock pill.

A poison that acts immediately.

Lieutenant Jackson, do the honors.

I've already briefed you on the pods.

I remind you, they are on every block.

Our unit has been given a holo.

A database that contains a detailed map of the capitol and a list of every known pod.

These pods can trigger anything from bombs to traps to mutts.

We cannot move without this device.

There's no guarantee that our database is complete.

There could be new pods that we're not aware of.

Because we don't want the gamemakers to know we have this intel, it has a self-destruct on it.

You flip this switch, say "nightlock" three times, and it blows itself and anything within a 10-foot radius.

Stay within our unit.

Even with the holo, it is likely that new pods have been set.

Whatever they contain, they are meant to k*ll you.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 76th hunger games.

I've never seen this place so empty.

Just keep your eyes open.

Got a pod.

Let's take cover.

sh**t through those two buildings.

Pollux, right here.



When you're ready, katniss.

Hold it. Pollux, tighter.


All clear.

I don't think we can get across this minefield.

Not without that holo.

We're not gonna get it off him while he's awake.

Let's make sure we're on the same watch tonight.

Is that peacekeepers?

451 to base.

We've got a truck coming in from the south. Over.

Copy that. Over.

Stand down, everyone.

It's friendly.

My name is peeta mellark.

My home is district 12.

My name is peeta mellark.

My home is district 12.

Okay, stop.

My name is peeta mellark.

Hold up. Everyone relax.

My home is district 12.

What are we doin'?

Jackson, cuff him.

Soldier, this is just a precaution till we can get everything straightened out. Yeah?

My name's peeta mellark.

From district 12.

They want us to add him to the propo.

Show that he's on our side now.

We'll move forward a few blocks tomorrow and sh**t the new footage.

He's not in control of himself.

I say we schedule an around-the-clock watch on him.

The leegs till 1700, homes and Mitchell till 1900.

Give me a watch.

And if it really came down to it, you think you could sh**t him?

I wouldn't be sh**ting peeta.

Be k*lling a capitol mutt.

I'm not sure that kind of a comment recommends you for the job, either, soldier.

Put her in the rotation.

He's gonna try to k*ll me.

Especially with all this going on.

It's gonna set him off.

We'll keep him contained.

Why would coin do this?

Here's all I know.

It was peeta that she wanted rescued from the arena.

She never liked you.

She doesn't like anybody or anything she can't control.

So she would put my life in danger?

She'd deny it, but...


One way or another, this w*r is gonna come to an end.

They promised a free election.

Maybe she's startin' to see you as a threat.

Nobody would think I'd be a leader.

But you'd throw your support to someone.

Would it be her?

And if your immediate answer isn't "yes,"

then you're dangerous.

She doesn't need you as a rallying cry anymore.

These propos can be done without you.

There's only one thing you could do now to add more fire to this rebellion.


That's not gonna happen under my watch, katniss.

I'm plannin' for you to have a long life.


You don't owe me anything.

Because you've earned it.

We've been here before, you know.


That look.

I've seen that look.

You're trying to decide whether or not you should k*ll me.

I never wanted to k*ll you.

And that's not what I'm doing.

I saw it with my own eyes.

In the first games.

In the first games, i thought you were trying to help the careers k*ll me.

After that, i always saw you as an ally.

Friend, lover, Victor, fiancee, enemy, target, mutt.

And now ally?

Yeah, I'll add that to the list of words I use to try to figure you out.

I'm sorry.

I just can't tell what's real and what's made up anymore.

Then ask.

It's what Annie does.

Ask who?

Us. We're your unit now.

Your favorite color is green.

Is that real?

Yeah. That's real.

Yours is orange.

Not bright orange.

Soft, like the sunset.

Thank you.

You're a painter.

You're a Baker.

You always sleep with the windows open.

You never take sugar in your tea.

You always double-knot your shoelaces.

You were right.

I can't do this.

Guess we're not leavin' anymore.

We're not going anywhere without that holo.

Listen up.

Mag's empty.

It's only for the propo.

Let's move. We're headed five blocks north.

"To the citizens of the capitol,

"our w*r is not with you."

To the citizens of the capitol, our w*r is not with you.

"You will be a vital part of the democracy

"that follows our victory."

Be a vital part of the democracy that follows our victory.

You got it.


Boggs. This is a good spot.

Through there, in the courtyard.

Okay, let us clear it.

Got a pod.

Split. Take cover.

Stay back.

All clear.

Gale, homes, with me.

Leegs, take the wings.

Everdeen, no!


Hold your position!


Grab the tourniquets from the bag. Give it to me.

Squeeze his legs as hard as you can.

It's okay.

The holo. The holo.

Unfit for command.

Transfer primary security clearance...

Say your name.

Katniss everdeen.

What did you just do?

Katniss, don't trust them.

k*ll peeta, if you have to.

Do what you came to do.

Boggs? Boggs?


Come on. Come on.

He's gone. He's gone.

Go, go, go!

- Let's go!

- Move!

This way!

Keep moving

let's go, soldiers!

Get to higher ground!

Come on!



Finnick, restrain him!



Come on, come on!

Settle, settle!

Come on!

Don't stop! Let's go!

Come on, come on!

We gotta move!

Get inside!

Everybody, inside!

Go! Upstairs! Go! Hurry up!


Come on!

Move it! Move!

- Go! Go!

- Move!

Keep moving!

Keep moving to the top!


Hey, hey!

I got you.

It's slowing down.

Gamemakers are still putting on quite a show.

451 to base. Over.

Hey, we better move.

If peacekeepers didn't know where we were, they do now.

Those surveillance cameras caught us.

451 to base.

Come in.

This is a bad spot.

We need to move now.

451 to base. Over.

I can't get a signal.

But I can get us back to base.

Everdeen, give me the holo.

Everdeen, what did I just say?

The holo. Come on, let's go.

Boggs gave it to me.

What are you talking about?

He did. He transferred security clearance to her.

I saw him.

And why would he do that?

I'm on special orders from coin.

To do what?

To assassinate president snow.

I don't believe that for one second.

As your new unit commander, i order you to transfer security clearance to me now.

I can't do that.

Let's not lose our heads here.

I'm not asking you again, everdeen.

Give me that holo.

She's telling the truth.

Plutarch wants it televised.

He thinks if we could film the mockingjay assassinating snow, it'll make the capitol surrender before the casualties get too high.

While we're arguing, there's 100 peacekeepers on their way here.

Boggs promised me that when the time came, you would help me.

All right, soldier, holo's yours.

I don't think we're gonna leave any footprints.

We should move now.

And those cameras outside should be covered up by the oil.

She can't move forward like this.

Her leg is too bad.

We have to evacuate her.

I'm sorry.

I'll stay with her.

As soon as we make contact, we will send somebody back.

I promise you.

All right, everybody, move out.

- Let's go!

- Let's get him up.

Can you walk?

Come on, this way.

Get these curtains closed.

It's the leegs.

Good afternoon.

I'm Caesar flickerman.

Here with our continuing coverage of the defense of the capitol.

Today, as our peacekeepers valiantly hold off the rebels, our story takes a surprising twist.

Katniss everdeen, our once favorite daughter, has infiltrated the city with some of the Victors, whose names are all too familiar.

Finnick odair and peeta mellark.


Clearly, some alliances don't last forever.

Take a look at what happened just a moment ago, when our peacekeepers cornered katniss everdeen and her band of foolish rebels.

Whatever arrogance brought this treacherous girl back to us, you are about to witness a great victory, not only for the capitol, but for panem.

So there you have it.

Katniss everdeen, the girl on fire, a girl who inspired so much v*olence, seems to have met a violent end herself.

Stay tuned for more information.

Caesar flickerman. Thank you.

So now that we're dead, what are we gonna do?

Isn't it obvious?

The next move is to k*ll me.

I m*rder*d one of our squad members.

Katniss is right.

I'm a mutt.

And it's only a matter of time before I snap again.

I'm not in control.

I need a nightlock pill, so I can die when I need to.

If it gets to that point, I'll k*ll you myself.

I don't think i ever really understood the capitol until now.

You eat like this, you'll believe anything.

So katniss everdeen, a poor unstable girl with nothing but a small talent with a bow and arrow is dead.

Not a thinker, not a leader.

Simply a face plucked from the masses.

Was she valuable?

She was extremely valuable to your rebellion because you have no vision, no true leader among you.

You call yourselves an alliance.

But we saw what that means.

Your soldiers are at each other's throats.

Good evening. For those of you who don't know me, please, allow me to introduce myself.

I am president Alma coin, leader of the rebellion.

I have interrupted a broadcast from your president in which he attempted to defame a brave young woman.

"A face picked from the masses," he called her.


As if a leader, a true leader, could be anything else.

I had the privilege of knowing a small-town girl from the seam in district 12 who survived the hunger games and the quarter quell and rose up and turned a nation of slaves into an army!

Dead or alive, katniss everdeen will remain the face of this revolution.

She will not have died for nothing.

I had no idea i meant so much to her.

Her vision and ours will be realized.

A free panem with self-determination for all.

And in her memory, we will all find the strength to rid panem of its oppressors.

Thank you. And be safe.

Snow's in his mansion.

Where is that?

That's us.

That's the city circle.

It's at least 70, 75 blocks north.

Seventy-five blocks?


Nobody knows we're alive.

This is our chance.

These buildings. Do these look over snow's gardens?


They do.

If he goes outside at all, i could get a clear shot.

We're getting ahead of ourselves here.

Whether they're looking for us or not, we are pinned down.

Hit that button.

Scan for pods.

Just about every 10 steps.

Yeah, that doesn't even show the new ones.

So we can't go anywhere in the streets.

And the rooftops are just as bad.

There might be another way.

My brother knows these tunnels really well.

He worked sanitation down here.

Right after they made him an avox.

Hey. Hey.

You gonna be okay?

Look at me. Look at me.

We're gonna get through this.

I promise.

Took us five years to buy his way outta here.

He didn't see the sun once.

We're too exposed here.

Sir, should i call for your doctor?

What did you say?

Shall I call for your doctor?

I hope you've wakened me for something more urgent

than an old man's health.

They survived.

I don't know how.

We picked them up on a surveillance cam.

Let me see. I...

I need to see for myself.

It's her.

It is her.

The arena has moved underground.

Looks clear.

Everybody okay?


All right, everybody, we're gonna stop here for a bit and get some rest, yeah?

I'll take first watch.

Hey, peeta.

Just tuck in there.

All right, settle in, everybody.

Katniss? Your watch.

You know, the capitol, they used tracker jacker venom on me.

That's what the doctors in 13 said.

You were stung once, too.

Real or not real?


When they used the venom on me, they would show me pictures of my life.

But some weren't real.

They changed them.

At first, they all...

They all blurred together.

But now... now I can sort them out a little.

Like the ones that they changed,

they have this quality...

It's like they're shiny.

They've been glossed over.

You should get some rest.

You're still trying to protect me.

Real or not real?


That's what you and I do.

Keep each other alive.


Katniss. Katniss.


What is that?

We gotta go.

We gotta get outta here now.

Keep your voice down.

Mutts! They released mutts.

Pollux, what's the fastest way out?

Come on! Go! Go!

Go! Go! Go! It's mutts!

Come on, come on, come on!

Pollux, lead us out of here!

Come on!



Fall back!


Katniss, come on! Move!



Go, go, go, go, go!

Go, go, go!






Nightlock. Nightlock.


Come on, come on, come on, come on. Let's go.

Keep moving! Keep moving!


Go! Go!

Keep going! Keep going!

Peeta, come on!


Peeta, we have to keep going!

I'm a mutt!

I can't keep control!

Yes, you can! Look at me!

Leave me! I'm a mutt!

Look at me! Look at me.

Stay with me.


Come on.

I know where we are!

I know a place.

Up those stairs.

Keep going.

Someone's coming.

Shut the door, shut the door!

No, katniss,

it's okay, it's okay.

It's okay.

Tigris, do you remember me?

I'm with plutarch's underground.

We need your help.


I know you.

You were a stylist in the games.

Until snow decided I wasn't pretty enough anymore.

I'm here to k*ll him.

Gale's gonna need stitches.

I made it up.

All of it.

There is no special mission from coin.

There's only my plan.

Everyone that's dead is dead because of me. I lied.

We know. We all knew.

The soldiers from 13?

They did, too.

Do you really believe that Jackson thought you had orders from coin?

She trusted boggs and he clearly wanted you to go on.

I never meant for this to happen.

I failed. I...

I k*lled them.

I k*lled finnick.

I'm sorry, pollux.

I'm so sorry.

Glimmer, marvel, mags, clove, wiress, rue.

What do all those deaths mean?

They mean that our lives were never ours.

There was no real life because we didn't have any choice.

Our lives belong to snow and our deaths do, too.

But if you k*ll him, katniss...

If you end all of this, all those deaths, they mean something.

Cinna, boggs, castor, Jackson, finnick.

They chose this.

They chose you.

Should keep these clean.

Otherwise they'll get infected.

You should cuff me.

It's not safe with me yet.

I have moments when I'm here.

And my memories are getting better, but other times it's like I'm sleepwalking.

You should cuff me.


No problem.

I can't sleep.

Yeah, I haven't slept in days, either.

I should've volunteered to take your place in the first games.

No, you couldn't have.

No, she never would have forgiven you.

She needed you to be there and take care of her family and you did.

She can't lose you.

She really loves you.

And the way she kissed you in the quarter quell.

She never kissed me like that.

Oh, just part of the show.

No. No, you won her over.

You gave up everything for her.

Well, it's not gonna be an issue much longer.

I doubt all three of us are gonna make it out of this.

And if we do, then it's her problem whom to choose, right?


I do know that katniss will pick whoever she can't survive without.

Mortar shells. It's not ours.

Peacekeepers must be shellin'

the rebels outside the city.

That's not outside the city.

Sun's comin' up.

There's some small-arms fire.

Could be paylor, maybe lyme.

Rebels are close.

This is it.

To all capitol citizens more than a half mile outside the city circle, I am announcing a mandatory evacuation.

Come to the mansion.

I am promising you shelter and sanctuary.

All refugees, come to my home.

And there you will be provided with food, medicine, safety for your children, and you will have my solemn oath to protect you until my dying breath.

Wish he'd hurry up with that last part.

Our enemy is not like us.

They do not share our values.

They have never known our comfort and our sophistication.

And they despise us for it.

Make no mistake.

They are not coming to liberate us.

They are coming to destroy our way of life.

They are coming to bury us.

Is he still in the mansion?


Yeah. I recognize the room.

Where is that?

About five blocks away.

We're right here.

Off the avenues.

Mansion's here.

What about the pods?

They'll probably deactivate the pods around here for the residents' safety.

That could work.

I could get close enough.

Every peacekeeper's gonna be waiting.

Next to our faces on every billboard.

Snow's offering shelter to all the refugees.

Head straight north.

There's gonna be thousands of refugees.

Just get into that stream and don't look up.

We got one shot.

Let's make it count.

Good luck, katniss.

Thank you.


Tigris, thank you for everything you've done.

Katniss, let me come with you, okay?

I can be a good distraction.

They know my face.

No, I'm not losing you again.

You'll be safer with us.

What if peacekeepers are searching the houses?

And if he's captured...

Then give me a nightlock pill, okay?

I'm not goin' back.

Stay alive.

If I see you again, it's gonna be a different world.

Ready, katniss?

Let's go.

By order of president snow, all residents must proceed to the presidential estate.

Please, continue to move forward in a calm and orderly fashion.

Additional food, medicine and clothing will be provided upon arrival.

By order of president snow, all residents must proceed to the presidential estate.

Please, continue to move forward in a calm and orderly fashion.

Additional food, medicine and clothing will be provided upon arrival.

By order of president snow, all residents must proceed to the presidential estate.

Please, continue to move forward in a calm and orderly fashion.

Additional food, medicine and clothing will be provided upon arrival.

By order of president snow, all residents must proceed to the presidential estate.

Please, continue to move forward in a calm and orderly fashion.

Additional food, medicine and clothing will be provided upon arrival.

By order of president snow...

Keep moving.

...all residents must proceed to the presidential estate.

Please, continue to move forward in a calm and orderly fashion.

Additional food, medicine and clothing will be provided upon arrival.

By order of president snow, all residents must proceed to the presidential estate.

Please, continue to move forward in a calm and orderly fashion.

Additional food, medicine and clothing will be provided upon arrival.

It's the rebels!

The rebels

are attacking!

- Rebels!

- Rebels!

It's the rebels!

Run! Run!

Mama! Mama!

Come on!

Come on, come on!

sh**t me!

sh**t me!

Stay calm.

Bring your children forward.

The gates will open momentarily.

The children will be received first.

Stay calm.

Bring your children forward.

The gates will open momentarily.

The children will be received first.


Stay calm.

Bring your children forward.

The gates will open momentarily.

The children will be received first.

It's the capitol!

Gifts from the capitol!




- Medic!

- Make a hole!

Medics coming in!

Bring a stretcher!

This way, this way!





I need you to lie back.

You're okay.

Everything's gonna be okay.

Fight was over after the capitol dropped those bombs to defend the palace.

The rebels walked right in.

Don't, katniss.

The ointment's working.

Everybody felt it.

Peacekeepers, palace guards.

They had kids in there, too.

It was...

It was over after that.


I remember the first time I brought you here.

And here we are.

I brought all your things.

Well, I'll leave you to get settled.

Sorry, ma'am.

Can't let you pass.

Let her in.

On my authority.

She has a right to anything behind that door.

That's a nice one.

The colors are lovely, of course.

But nothing says perfection like white.

I was hoping you'd find your way here.

There are so many things we should discuss.

But I have a feeling your visit will be brief, so first things first.

I wanted to tell you how very sorry I am about your sister.

So wasteful. So unnecessary.

Anyone could see the game was over by that point.

In fact, I was just about to issue an official surrender

when they released those parachutes.

You released those parachutes.

You really think i gave the order?

We both know I'm not above k*lling children.

But I'm not wasteful.

I take life for specific reasons.

And there was no reason for me to destroy a pen full of capitol children.

None at all.

I must concede, it was a masterful move on coin's part.

The idea that I was bombing our own helpless children to hold back the rebels...

It turned the last of my guards against me.

There was no resistance left inside the capitol or the mansion.

Do you know it aired live?

There's a particular savvy in that, isn't there?

I'm sure she wasn't gunning for your sister, but these things happen in w*r.

My failure was in being so slow to grasp coin's plan.

She let the capitol and the districts destroy one another.

Then she stepped in to take power with 13's arsenal.

Oh, make no mistake, she intends to take my place now.

But I've been watching you.

And you watching me.

I'm afraid we've both been played for fools.

I don't believe you.

Oh, my dear miss everdeen.

I thought we'd agreed never to lie to each other.

President coin asked for you.

You never came to see me.

I wanted to, but...

Was it ours?

The b*mb.

The delayed expl*si*n.

The trap.

To draw more people in.

Was that you?

I don't know.

All I know is that I was supposed to take care of your family.

Now I'm sorry I couldn't.

You can't protect anyone in an arena.

Goodbye, Gale.

What's this?

The remaining Victors.

Won't you join us?

I have invited you all here for several reasons, but first, i have an announcement.

I have taken the burden and the honor of declaring myself interim president of panem.

Interim? Exactly how long is that interim?

We have no way of knowing for certain.

But it's clear that people are far too emotional right now to make a rational decision.

We'll plan an election when the time is right.

But I have called you here for a far more important vote.

A symbolic vote.

This afternoon, we will execute snow.

Hundreds of his accomplices also await their deaths.

Capitol officials, peacekeepers, torturers, gamemakers.

But the danger is, once we begin, the rebels will not stop calling for retribution.

Thirst for blood is a difficult urge to satisfy.

So I offer an alternative plan.

Majority of four may approve it.

No one may abstain.

The proposal is this.

In lieu of these barbaric executions, we hold a symbolic hunger games.

You wanna have another hunger games with the capitol's children?

You're joking?

Not in the slightest.

Is this plutarch's idea?

It was mine.

It balances the need for revenge with the least loss of human life.

- You may cast your votes.

- No.

No, obviously not.

This is crazy.

I think it's more than fair.

Snow's got a granddaughter.

I say "yes."

So do I.

Let them have a taste of it.

You guys, this way of thinking is what started these uprisings.

I vote "no." With peeta.

So would finnick, if he were here.

Well, he's not.

Because snow k*lled him.


We need to stop viewing each other as enemies.

It's down to katniss and haymitch.

I get to k*ll snow.

I expected no less of you.

Then I vote "yes."

For prim.


I'm with the mockingjay.

That carries the vote.


We'll announce the games tonight, after the execution.

Well, it's bound to be quite the show.

Oh, you look lovely as ever.

Just beautiful.

Finishing touches.

Welcome to the new panem.

Today, on the Avenue of the tributes, all of panem, a free panem, will watch more than a mere spectacle.

We are gathered to witness an historic moment of justice.

Today, the greatest friend to the revolution will fire the shot to end all wars.

May her arrow signify the end of tyranny and the beginning of a new era.

Mockingjay, may your aim be as true as your heart is pure.



k*ll him!

k*ll him! k*ll him now!

k*ll him!

I'll say this for you, katniss.

You don't disappoint.

Well, plutarch gave me a letter for you.

I don't want it.

You never make it easy, do you?

Okay. I'll read it for you.

"Katniss, "maybe the country was shocked tonight by your arrow, "but once again, I was not.

"You were exactly who I believed you were.

"I wish I could give you a proper goodbye.

"But with both coin and snow dead, "the fate of the country will be decided tonight, "and I can't be seen at your side.

"Tonight, the 12 district leaders "will call for a free election.

"There's little doubt that paylor will carry it.

"She's become the voice of reason.

"I'm sorry so much burden fell on you.

"I know

you'll never escape it.

"But if I had to put you through it again "for this outcome, I would.

"The w*r's over.

We'll enter that sweet period "where everyone agrees "not to repeat the recent horrors.

"Of course, we're fickle "stupid beings, with poor memories "and a great gift for self-destruction.

"Although, who knows?

Maybe this time, we'll learn.

"I've secured you a ride out of the capitol.

"It's better for you to be out of sight.

"And when the time is right, "commander paylor will pardon you.

"The country will find its peace.

"And I hope you can find yours.


What now?


We go home.

I couldn't let you go without a proper goodbye.

It's your job to take care of yourself now, katniss.

Promise me you'll find it.

Find what?

The life of a Victor.

Goodbye, effie.

Goodbye, my girl.

Effie, don't be a stranger.

Take care of her.

I will.

She's gone.

Get out!

Get out! Prim is gone!

Prim is gone!

She's dead!

And she's not coming back!

Get out! Get out!



You came home.


I found these, uh, out by the edge of the forest.

It's a primrose.

So sorry, katniss.

"You'll be happy to hear that katniss' mother "has been training new medical units in the capitol.

"Gale has been promoted to a captain in district 2

"to help keep order and security.

"And I am loving every moment with my son "who reminds me every day of his father.

"We've all suffered so much.

"But we owe it to their memories "and to our children to do our best with these lives.

"I hope you're both finding some peace.


I solemnly swear to the best of my ability, to preserve, protect, and uphold the rights of every citizen of panem.

There's plutarch, right in the middle of it all.

And they say no one ever wins the games.

You love me.

Real or not real?



Did you

have a nightmare?

I have nightmares, too.

Someday I'll explain it to you.

Why they came, why they won't ever go away.

But I'll tell you how I survive it.

I make a list in my head of all the good things I've seen someone do.

Every little thing i can remember.

It's like a game.

I do it over and over.

Gets a little tedious after all these years, but there are much worse games to play.
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