03x10 - Friends

Episode transcripts for the show, "Attack on Titan". Series premiered April 6, 2013. 3 Seasons.*
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After a soldier Eren Jaeger sees one of the creatures devour his mother, he enlists some friends to help him k*ll every Titan.
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03x10 - Friends

Post by bunniefuu »

We're good to go.

All right! Drop it!

Captain Levi!

What? Your face looks like it's leaking shit.

We've found Kenny Ackermann!


Never imagined there was someone stronger than me in the world...

So this is a Titan...

To think they really existed...

What's more, within the walls...

Uri! Hold him right there!

Rod, wait. Don't sh**t.

Whoever it was who told him about us is likely part of the council.

We must discover who's responsible.

In that case, use your power and make the assassin talk!

That's something I cannot do.

If I had to guess, this man is a descendant of the Ackermann family.

In which case...

...his reasons for raising a blade are within the man himself.


If you won't do it, I'll k*ll him!

Argh, shit! Forgive me, will ya?!

You're the true King, ain'tcha?!

Get yer hands off me! I gotta escape!

Lemme go and gimme another chance!

...Up against such overwhelming might, I was powerless.

...After all, he literally could've crushed me to death.

...v*olence was all that I had, but even that had failed me.

...v*olence was all that I had, but even that had failed me.

...It's not my fault! I can't control my creativity!

Y-You're crazy!

M-My legs!

Hey! Uri!

What was that for?! He's an Ackermann!

You can't erase his memory!

We've gotta k*ll him!

Considering how the Ackermanns have been persecuted in our name, your hatred is justified.

However... I'm afraid I cannot die right now.

Please, forgive me.

Even within such tiny walls, to be unable to build paradise...

...I'm a fool.

For a King that held so much power to bow down to trash like me...

His Titan alone shocked me plenty, but him doing that rattled something inside me like nothing ever before.

I said right there I wanted to help him... and Uri nodded.

At the very next council, missing was the one who tipped me off to the Reiss, and in his place was the Reiss' new dog, legs stretched up on the table.

That was my new line of work.

It was a bit pathetic for me, but it ended the Ackermanns' persecution.

Though walking around in broad daylight was... something I wouldn't risk.

But I had fewer enemies.

Kuchel... Ah, if you mean Olympia...

She's been sick for so long now, she hasn't sold in ages.

Hey, hey, hey, hey...

Damn, you've lost a ton of weight since last time, Kuchel.

She's dead.


And you?

Are you alive?

Hey, hey, gimme a damn break...

You hear me, don'tcha?

Gotta name?


Just Levi.

I get it, Kuchel...

That's true...

Not worth using your name...

I'm Kenny.

Just Kenny.

I used to know Kuchel.

Nice to meetcha.

An unfriendly brat on the brink of death...

...is all Kuchel left behind.

I wasn't so heartless that I'd let the runt die, but...

...I wasn't steppin' in as a parent, either.

There wasn't much I could teach 'em, but...

First up was how to grip a knife.

How to get along with people...

...and how to say hello.

How to swing a deal...

...and how to swing a knife.

Basically, all one needs to know to survive in the underground.

If he wanted to go above ground, it was up to him.

But, when that time came, he had to do it himself.

Let us pray...

For true world peace...

Interior Police?

Ah, so that's who you're with?

Sorry about k*lling so many of your pals.

But look at you now. The King has made you obedient.

His glory is boundless.

Say, Sannes... Sounds like you revere the King like crazy.

That's why I'm able to do any job asked of me.

Are you any different?

Why do you abide by the King?


Who knows?

Probably 'cuz he's the strongest around.


In our world, the one on top is the one who can show they're the strongest.

Power is all you need.

...At the least, it'll mean you don't go out like my sister did.

I don't have long left...

Anyone could tell that at a glance.

Funny how you're a monster, yet age and disease do you in.

You disappoint me.

It's not that.


This power will be passed down to Rod's children.

But I should live on inside of their memories.

What's that mean?

You can pass down that power?

Kenny... In the not too distant future, this world will crumble.

And in humanity's fading twilight... I wish to build paradise.

You believe in v*olence, do you not?

It's the unavoidable truth of our world.


When we were at each other's throats, what was it that made us friends?

Was it v*olence?

No idea.

But if you hadn't squeezed me in that stupidly big hand of yours...

...I'd have stuffed your skull full of shit for sure.

Before we became "friends," you know?

Yeah... It's the unavoidable truth...

Even so, I...

...I believe in the miracle that happened back then.

In the end, I never saw eye to eye with him on that.

Just like he said, the monster was passed on.

One look in her eyes, and I knew he was in there.

Rod's daughter preached to anyone who would listen about love, peace, and all that, just like he used to.

How'd you find the time to talk about such useless shit?

Is it because you're so powerful, you have that luxury?

If somebody obtains that power, would they be the same way, too?

For example...

...even me?

I'm Kenny Ackermann.

If you like dumb names, I'm known as Kenny the Ripper, too.

I've slit so many military police throats like yours that I'm bored of it, but...

Well, a lot happened and...

...it seems I'll be captain of this new Anti-Personnel Control Squad.

Nice to meetcha.


Yeah, it don't make much sense.

I'm sure you're all pissed off that a crazed k*ller not from the military is your boss.

Doesn't matter to me.


Two years since the wall fell, and people have given up fighting Titans, squabbling over the land we have left instead.

That's what we're here for, right?

We followed the rules, climbed the ranks of the military, and here we are.

Doesn't matter to me.
It's all pointless anyways.

Don't you worry!

This squad to counter the Scouts ain't even legit!

It's nothin' more than a guise I thought up.

Just to make those shits on the council nod their heads.

Then why are we here?!

Well, I'll tell you why! It's all for a grand dream!

Power rivaling a god...

All who get their hands on that power somehow become compassionate.

Would it be the same for a shit like me?

I gotta know.

What does it feel like?

From their point of view, what do they actually see?

Could trash like me...

...see the world the same way you saw it?

Well, Uri?


With those burns and that blood loss...

...there's no helping you now.


I wonder...

I swiped this little one right out of Rod's bag.

Seems if I inject this... I'll turn into a Titan.

One of those dumb Titans... unfortunately.

For a while... it should extend my...


You've had the time and strength to inject yourself.

Why haven't you?


I wonder...

If I don't inject it right...

...I might end up like he did...

...all messed up.

I know you're not sitting here waiting to die.

Don't you have a better excuse?

I... don't wanna die...

...and wanted power.

But... I see...

I think I understand why he did it, after all this time...


Everybody I've met... was all the same.



Worshiping God, even...


The King...




Everyone had to be drunk on somethin' to keep pushing on...

Everyone... was a sl*ve to somethin'.

Even him...

A-And what are you?

A hero?!

Kenny. Tell me everything you know!

Why doesn't the First King want humanity to survive?!

Beats me...

But... we Ackermanns...

...opposed him... for that reason.

My last name seems to be Ackermann, too.

You... What were you to my mother?

Heh, you idiot...

Just her brother.

That day... why?

Why did you leave me?


...I'm not meant to be...

...someone's father...


That girl toppled the Titan bigger than the wall?!

Yeah! All the people of Orvud District witnessed it!

She saved us from that Titan with such a tiny body?!

Her father ruled as King from the shadows, but she ended his tyranny!

She's our true ruler of the walls!

Queen Historia!

Let me deal the k*lling blow to the Titan.

That way, we can unite the walls as one and stabilize the situation!

To think she actually dealt the k*lling blow...

Hold on... You're seriously doing it, Historia?

Yeah, I am.

Mikasa was just joking about it! Right, Mikasa?

After you smack him, tell him this... "I dare you to hit me back."

Damn you...!

If it's not a real grudge, just forget it.

If I can't do this, how can I call myself Queen?

Hell yeah, Historia. That's the spirit!


How'd you like that?! I'm the Queen!

If you got a problem...

Thank you... all of you.


I won.

Saving Annie can come later.

Retrieving the Coordinate is our priority, as it should be.

If we just wait here, it'll come to us.

They thought themselves special...

When a certain man imparts old tales, Eren learns the past of his father, Grisha.

Next episode: "Bystander."
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