02x03 - Southwestward

Episode transcripts for the show, "Attack on Titan". Series premiered April 6, 2013. 3 Seasons.*
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After a soldier Eren Jaeger sees one of the creatures devour his mother, he enlists some friends to help him k*ll every Titan.
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02x03 - Southwestward

Post by bunniefuu »


Are there any survivors?


None at all.

It's all over...

My hometown... It's gone forever.

Hey! Something's strange here.

Has anyone spotted any bodies?


I haven't.

How is that even possible?

Titans come and not a single drop of blood?

Everyone must've escaped!

It means nobody here was eaten.

Including your family, too.

I see... That's gotta be it!

Yeah. It's unbelievable to think Titans ate everyone without leaving blood behind.

That's not all that's unbelievable.

If the entire village was really evacuated, why would Titans obliterate these houses with nobody in them?

But what really boggles my mind is the stables.

If they tried to escape without horses, their chances of survival would be slim.

Everyone got their torches?

Let's move!

Our mission now is to locate and assess the breach in the wall!

Yes, sir!

Wel... come... home...

Just now...

Conny, hurry up!

We're falling behind Gerger!

Reiner? Did you hear that?

The Titan...

I didn't hear anything at all.

Enough with the chit-chat. Focus on the mission!

But it... I think...

I don't know how, but...

I think...

My mom...

Conny! Do you understand the situation we're in?!

Hundreds of thousands of lives depend on whether we complete this mission or not!

Your family might have escaped, but it's not over yet!

If you're a soldier, put the mission first!


Good point.

He's absolutely right!


We're getting close to the wall now, so there's no people living in the area.

Right. That didn't take us very long.

All right, let's head to the south.

What for?

There shouldn't be any
villages south of here.

We need to find the location the wall was breached.

We'll ride along the wall from the west until we find it.

But Christa and I don't have our battle gear.

There's probably Titans roaming everywhere to our south.

It's very possible that we'll become Titan fodder.

Let the two of us withdraw from the front.


You can't. I'll need somebody to relay back a report.

I know how you feel, but you signed up for this as a soldier.


I'm fine with putting my life on the line.

After all, I'm the one who chose to join the Scouts.

But... it's not the same for you.

The only reason you joined the Scouts was because...

Hmph! You think I did it for you?!

Then why are you even here?

You kept trying to convince me to join the Military Police.

But then you gave that privilege to me!

There's no way I'm good enough to make the top ten on skill alone.

I'm sure if I asked anyone, they'd say you deserved to be in it, not me.

I don't know how you did it, but...


Why would you go that far for me?

Does it...

...have to do with my family?

Yeah, it does.


Don't worry about it.

The only reason I'm here... is for myself and nothing else.

I see...

Thank goodness.

" hours after the Titan spotting" "Eastern defensive line"

The target has come within range!

All cannons, prepare to fire!

Not yet! Wait for the order!



Did I get 'em?

You did it, Captain Rico!

At this rate, they'll never break our defense!

No... The Titans' strength is in their numbers.

If they attack as a group, this line won't stand a chance.

But... what is it?

Something isn't...

This is strange...

Captain Hannes! Is something wrong?

We haven't even spotted a single Titan yet.

We've got to be getting close to the hole now.

And yet, doesn't it seem awful quiet around here?

Hopefully, we can sneak in and out without stirring up a storm.

" hours after the Titan spotting"
"Southern Team"


When will they show?

When will it happen?

At any second, they could leap out from the shadows.


The closer we get to the hole, the more inevitable it becomes.

Damn it!

This is driving me crazy!

Did you follow the wall here, too?

Yeah. Where did you find the hole?


We didn't find anything to the west.

Didn't you find it your way?


There's no hole this way either.

Is it possible we missed it?

No way.

Not a hole big enough for Titans to use.

Should we go back and look again?

We'll need to, but the horses and the rest of us are exhausted.

If only we had some moonlight...


What's that?

Castle ruins?

It looks like a mess, but we can make it work for one night of rest.

Right. Luckily the moon is out.


Hey, four-eyes.

Are your hobbies so boring that playing with rocks is somehow fun for you?

Yeah. That's right.

But this is no ordinary rock.

It's a hardened fragment of skin left behind by the Female Titan.

Huh? It didn't disappear?

Right! Annie reverted from a Titan, but it's still intact even though it broke off her body.

It didn't evaporate. It didn't disappear.

So I thought, "What if?"

When I compared it to a piece of the wall, its pattern and composition were practically identical.

In other words, the wall is a barricade of humongous Titans.

And if I'm right, the surface is constructed with hardened Titan skin.

That's exactly what Armin was saying...


Let me finish, Armin.

As it stands, we'll be hard pressed to fill the hole in Wall Rose.

That is, unless we can find the perfect boulder to plug it.

But if... But if Eren, in his transformed state, could use the Titans' hardening ability to seal the hole in the wall...

Use me...

...to seal the wall?

It should be made of the same material.

And seeing how the hardened section won't evaporate, even after you revert from a Titan...

...it's possible...

I think it's well worth the risk to try.

And assuming it really does work, reclaiming Wall Maria is feasible, too.

Up until now, we've had to transport a large quantity of materials and supplies.

That's why the need for outposts past the wall limited our progress.

But if we don't have to accommodate supply wagons...

...we could quickly make our way to Shiganshina.

What if we carried out the plan at night?

At night?


During the night, when Titans can't move.

I see...

If the group was small enough, you could sneak all the way to Wall Maria.

The current situation is as bad as it gets, but...

...we still have a glimmer of hope.

Yes, but remember...

...it all depends on whether Eren can seal the hole or not.

I realize asking this hardly seems fair, but...

Think you can do it?

It doesn't matter what you think.

You have to. There's no other choice.

We're out of options.

Our forces are struggling so desperately, there's nothing else they can do.

You have to succeed.

I will!

I'll do whatever it takes to seal the wall!

Whatever it takes...

The basement...

My dad's basement...

If what my dad said was true, we'll find the answers to everything there.

It's Ehrmich District.

Hey, keep moving.

You'll end up like a little lost kid.

Th-This is...

What did you expect you'd see?

This is what happens when the wall falls.

Mommy! Daddy!


Where do you think you're going?

Take a good look at the faces of people who've lost everything.

The faces of everyone you and your people abandoned.

If your church's wish comes true, and Titans come flooding through the walls, we'll all be gobbled up in their stinking mouths and die in the most miserable way possible.

All of humanity, digested as one.

Once we leave Ehrmich, we'll be in Titan territory.

Eren? Think you can ride a horse?

Yes. I feel fully recovered now.

Yours is ready at the west lift. Let's hurry.

Section Commander. We should hurry.

Give me a minute, Moblit.

Have you had a change of heart yet?

We don't have time for this! You know, don't you?!

Will you talk, or won't you?! Make up your mind already!

I cannot say anything.

The other believers are the same as I, and that will never change.

Well thanks for nothing!

We're so grateful for all the help you've been!

It's too great a decision for a single person to make.

...The Order of the Walls must always adhere to the sacred will we're bound to obey.

- ... This way.
- ... The Order of the Walls must always adhere to the sacred will we're bound to obey.

-Sir! Thank you!
- ...The Order of the Walls must always adhere to the sacred will we're bound to obey.

Whose will?

God or something?

I cannot say anything.

However, I can inform you of a name, who under their sacred will, we were instructed to monitor.


That person joined the Scout Regiment as of this year.

Their name is...

Excuse me!

th Cadet Corps!

Sasha Braus!


Who's that?

Um, this is for you, Section Commander.

You must find her at once.

Only she... She may know the truths which even we cannot perceive.

That is all the information I can share.

The rest I leave in your hands.

If she's in the th, then she's deep in the front lines right now.

Let's go!

We need to hurry!




What are you doing here?

Upon my arrival, I gave my report to the Commander!

Afterwards, I was entrusted to deliver this message to the Section Commander!

Message? Thank you. Good work.

So, who is this girl in the th?

She's the smallest one of us.

She's got long golden hair.

Um, and...

She's cute.

She's always hanging around Ymir.


What's the meaning of this?



Everyone, wake up!

Get to the tower! Quickly!

I couldn't see them in the darkness, but then the moon...

Why? Why can they move?

It's been so long since the sun set!

What's going on here?

Hey! Look at that!

It's huge! What the hell is it? A Titan?

No, it's more like...

It's like a beast!


It's... headed for the wall!

Everyone understand?


We've got to go!

Calm down, Eren.

You all listen, too.

We're going our own ways now.

The rest is up to you.

Erwin may have thrown together your squad, but everything's riding on you.

Got it, Armin?

Work with Hange and combine your knowledge.

Y-Yes sir!


I don't know why you're so attached to Eren, but...

...use the utmost of your ability to protect Eren at all costs.

Yes, sir! Of course!

And finally...


Hey, wait!

Wait, wait, wait up!

Don't you be coming in here!

You're fricking kidding me. Gotta be fricking kidding me.

I'd be drinking right now if it wasn't for you!

This is all your fault!

Stand back, rookies.

Leave it to us.

It's time to show off our ODM gear.

Let's go!

And finally, Eren.

Learn how to restrain yourself.

Don't succumb to rage and lose sight of the goal.

We can't afford another mistake.

Yes, sir!

There's a tower nearby where we can assess the wall.

It's in an abandoned castle to the southwest.

We'll ride to Utgard Castle.
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