02x04 - Soldier

Episode transcripts for the show, "Attack on Titan". Series premiered April 6, 2013. 3 Seasons.*
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After a soldier Eren Jaeger sees one of the creatures devour his mother, he enlists some friends to help him k*ll every Titan.
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02x04 - Soldier

Post by bunniefuu »


Stand back, rookies.

Leave it to us.

It's time to show off our ODM gear.

Let's go!

" hours earlier"

Looks like someone was here recently.

That's odd for a place this near the wall.

Some bandits probably used it as a base.

It said "Ruins of Utgard Castle" on one of the signs.

Who would have thought there was a castle around here?

Hey, check it out. Look what I found.

Gelgar... Is that booze I see?


What the heck does it say?

You're not gonna drink it now, are you?

Don't be stupid.

Not at a time like this.

Convenient... All this contraband to enjoy for ourselves.

Now you're making us sound like the bandits.

You rookies should try to get some rest.

Titans won't be roaming around at this hour, but the rest of us will take turns keeping watch.

We'll leave from here four hours before daybreak.


What if the wall isn't actually broken after all?

The Titans... Where could they be invading from?

Finding the answer to that... is our job for tomorrow.

But what if...? Maybe it's not nearly as bad as we thought from the start.

I'm just saying, but...

Yeah... There's barely any Titans around here.

If the wall was really broken, that is.

The only group we've really seen was during the initial sighting.

Conny? What about your village?

It was destroyed.

Crushed to sticks and rubble by Titans.

I see... How awful...

But nobody there was eaten.

I think they all escaped, so there's that to be thankful for.

Wasn't the village destroyed?

The houses and stuff were wrecked, but the villagers made it out safely.

If anyone was eaten, then...

...there would've been blood and remains.

But there wasn't any of that, so it's the only explanation.

Still... I can't stop thinking about it...

There was that Titan at my house.

It couldn't move on its own, but it was lying right on top of my house.

But it's weird...

I don't know why, but it reminded me of my mother...

What does that...?

Conny... You're still saying that? You...

What an idiot!

You think your mother might have been that Titan?!

Then how come you're so damn short, huh?

Come on, Conny! I knew you were pretty stupid, but this is taking it to another level!

Would you just shut up?

This is absurd.

If this theory of yours is correct, that means your father had to be a Titan, too.

Otherwise, you know...

They couldn't do it...

Shut up! Go to sleep, you wench!

Ymir? What are you doing?

Prowling at night, Reiner? Come to see me?

I'm shocked. I was under the impression that you had no interest in women.

Yeah. And it doesn't seem like you have interest in guys, either.

I thought I'd use this time to scavenge for something that might fill my stomach.

This'll probably end up being my last meal.

About Conny's village...

Were you joking around on purpose?

I'd appreciate if you did more of that.

So that he doesn't keep worrying about his family.

What are you talking about?

This might do the trick.

Not that I like herring, but...

Is there any more?

Could I see it?

Go for it.

Canned food, huh?

What... are these letters?

I can't read any of it.

This says herring on it?

You... are... able to read this language?



Everyone, wake up!

Get to the tower! Quickly!

Gotta be fricking kidding me.

I'd be drinking right now if it wasn't for you!

This is all your fault!

Let's go!

Get your damn hands away from me!

You piece of shit!

Look at that. Those little ones got crushed by the fatty.


That was way too reckless!

Couldn't you have avoided that without wasting your blades?

That's just how I do things.

You better chalk that one up as an assist.

How heroic of you.

I'll think about it.

I'm too late...

The door is bashed in!

The Titans broke through.

Go back down and form some sort of barricade.

If you can't block them, retreat back up here as a last resort.

But that doesn't mean we'll be able to help you though.

I'm not sure if we'll still be alive if it comes to that.

We've all gotta do what we're trained to do.

Give it all we've got till we die!


Got it!

I'll go see how far they've come through!

You guys grab boards or rods or whatever!

Bring everything you can carry!



Wait up, Reiner! Hold on!

Who does he think he is, always taking the most dangerous job?

Come on, man!

Yeah, that's a bad habit of his.

They're still below.

Well, it's still locked...

But it's not like this old wooden door will keep them out for long.

They're here!

Bring something, quick!

Is this it?

Will this be it?

Is this the end?


It can't be.

I won't let it happen!

I'm definitely going home!


Reiner! Are you okay?!


Bertholdt, we're gonna survive and go home.

We're going back to our hometown for sure.

Right... Right!

We're going home!

Reiner! Bertholdt!

Hey, that's...

Have powder? A cannonball?

Hell no! You'll just have to take the whole thing!

Out of the way!

Looks like that worked out, miraculously.


It's not getting up from that.

Not one of that size.

What now? All we have is this knife.

Should I cut off its nape?

Don't even try.

You'll get hurt if it grabs you.

F-For now, let's retreat back upstairs.

There could be more than just one that got inside.




Uh, Reiner...

Don't tell me...

You're gonna jump out the window with it?!

I've got no other choice!


If I can just slice open its jaw...

You're free!

What will we do if another comes through?

We won't be lucky enough to k*ll a second one.

Yeah, I'm with you there.

Sorry... I'm sorry.

I think it's broken.

Yeah, just my luck.

We'll need a splint and a bandage.

I know.


All I've got is this dirty cloth.


No, it helps.

Gotta marry her.

Are you all right, Reiner?

Yeah, I guess.

By the way, Christa.

My hand got scraped up a bit, too...

Huh? Just spit on it or something.

Sorry about that, Reiner.

It seems like you're always saving my ass.

Speaking of which, Annie risked her life to save me, too.

I've gotta pay you back sometime.

Not really. It's...

It's the normal thing to do.

Because we're soldiers.

I'm not so sure about that.

I doubt I could ever be that brave.

Hey, Bertholdt.

Has Reiner always been like this?

No... In the past, Reiner was more of a warrior.

Unlike now.

What's that mean?

What do you mean by warrior?

For now, let's try to gather anything useful we can find.

That way when we die, we can do so without regrets.

That's the Scouts for you...

They're on a different level from the other soldiers.

That's mostly it for the big ones.

It's a good thing we have this tower.

Yeah, we might actually survive.

We'll go check on the recruits!


What's that sound?

The horses!



What the hell is that sound?!

Lynne! Henning!

What was that?!

It's no use.

They both died instantly.

This can't be...

It's him! The one that walked off towards the wall!

That Beast Titan did this!

A group of Titans approaching!
More than twice the number from earlier!

What'd you say?!

Their timing is too perfect, like it's part of some strategy.

I get the feeling they've been toying with us from the start.

This is bad! My gas is all but gone!

Did I get 'em?

This tower won't hold much longer.

I only have a small amount of gas left.

What about you?

No gas here, and I used up all of my blades.

Those blunt ones the last you have left?


How many did the four of us k*ll?

I don't know. I didn't have the luxury to count.

You know what? I think I did a pretty good job myself.

But the thing is...

I wish I could have a drink before I go.


Sorry, Nanaba.

I must've hit my head...

I can't hold...

...any longer.



Damn it! Is that all I've got?

Thank God...

H-How cruel.

This just isn't fair.

Who the hell drank the rest of this bottle?!

They got him.

Quit it, Christa!

The tower's about to crumble! You'll fall!

But they're dying in our place!


...No! No!

...No! No!
...And Gelgar...

Father, stop!


I'm sorry! I won't do it again!

Father! No!

Damn it all to hell!

Hey... Do we gotta wait here now until the tower falls and we get eaten alive?

Is there nothing we can do about it?!

This sucks...

We'll be wiped out without even finishing our mission.

I... want to keep fighting, too.

If only I had some sort of w*apon, then I could fight and die alongside them.

Christa... You're still saying things like that?

Don't you dare use their deaths.

They didn't die so you'd have an excuse to get yourself k*lled.

That's not... That's not what I...

You're not like Conny and the Scouts!

They don't want to die, but you don't even care.

All you want to do is die in a way that makes you seem like a hero.

Th-That's not...


Give me that knife you had.

Huh? My knife?

Just hand it over.

Fine. Here.


What do you want it for?


Well, you see...

I'm going to fight with this.

Ymir... What are you planning?

Who knows? I don't even know myself.



You've probably forgotten all about it by now...

But this might be the end, so...

Try to remember... that promise we made training on that snowy mountain.

I have no right to tell you how to live your life.

So actually, this is nothing more than a hope of mine...

I want you... to live a life you're proud of.

Remember our promise, Christa.

Ymir! Wait!


"Live a life you're proud of."

Leaving Christa and those words behind, Ymir unleashes the power of the Titans.

Between Ymir and Christa is a powerful promise they made in the past.

As Ymir battles and puts her life on the line,

Christa screams out, casting aside the persona she's kept for so long.

Next episode:

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