02x05 - Historia

Episode transcripts for the show, "Attack on Titan". Series premiered April 6, 2013. 3 Seasons.*
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After a soldier Eren Jaeger sees one of the creatures devour his mother, he enlists some friends to help him k*ll every Titan.
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02x05 - Historia

Post by bunniefuu »


Come on! The goal is right here!

Keep it up!

Nine hours and twelve minutes.

Not a bad time, considering the weather.

Thought we were gonna die out there.

No one ever said winter training would be this tough.

Damn it, I can't feel my legs.

I wish they'd let us inside already.

I bet they're busy putting together a huge feast for us! Yum...


Christa is missing.


She was sticking with Daz since he wasn't doing so well.

Daz isn't here either.

Ymir as well.

Maybe they're with the last squad?

Can't be. The last squad, led by Thomas, just arrived.

They never saw those three.


You don't think... they got lost?


They don't stand a chance if they're stuck in this blizzard.



I'm going back out to try and find them!

Me, too.

Everyone, get in the cabin.

But... Christa and...

Yeah. We'll send a rescue team first thing in the morning.

It'll be too late by then!

We won't make any more victims!



Christa, give it up.

Listen to me.


Daz already has one foot in the grave.

It's his own fault for doing this training to boost his score without knowing how much his body can take.

He's just not cut out to be a soldier.

If you keep crawling to the foot of the mountain at this rate, he'll probably be a goner by then, and we'd be lucky not to be.

Which means there's only two outcomes.

Leave Daz here and save ourselves, or all three of us die.

Which will it be?

You forgot one.

That your prediction is entirely wrong.

I'll be able to reach our base at the foot of the mountain... with Daz.

You can go ahead of us and get back safe.

How about that?

There's no trouble in it for you.

We'll make it back for sure.

Go ahead of us.

Hey. Why haven't you asked me to help at all?

I think...

...you have no intention of saving Daz.

You don't care. You've resigned yourself to death already.

You're hoping to die here, aren't you?

How could you?

I thought you were a good girl.

You've gotta at least make it look like you're trying to save his life.

If you want people to remember you as a hero who died trying to save someone, don't drag him down with you.

That's what a bad girl would do.

You're wrong!

I didn't...

That's not...


It's you, right? The mistress' daughter who had people after your life.

How do you know?

I see...

So it was you after all.

It's something I happened to overhear.

At a church in the interior, back when I snuck around borrowing things to stay alive.

What a sob story it was.

An illegitimate child can't succeed a powerful noble.

So they just wanted to k*ll her, to end all the fuss once and for all.

But they'd look aside if she changed her name and lived a humble life.

In the end, I heard the girl was forced to join the Cadet Corps.

Don't you worry.

I haven't told anyone. I don't plan to either.


...did you enter the Cadet Corps just to find me?

If that's the case... why?

Who knows. Maybe because we're similar.


You and me... have similar backgrounds?

Well, more or less.

That's the reason you became a soldier?

Could be. I don't really know.

No, it's not.

You wanted...

...to become friends with me?

Huh? You've got to be kidding me.

You and I can't even compare.

We both got a second chance at life.

But I'm not the one who took on a fake name.

If I abandon my name and reject who I am, they win.

I'm going to keep the name I have and make the best of my life.

That's the one and only way I can get my revenge.

So how do you explain yourself?

Are you gonna commit su1c1de and make everyone who ruined your life happy?

Why is your desire to k*ll aimed at yourself?

If you're so eager, use that passion to change your own fate!

I... I can't...

Even now...

There's no way the three of us can make it out of here alive.

There is.


I can see the base straight down from here.

We drop Daz off this cliff.


Hopefully he survives the fall, and hopefully someone down there finds him.

Sure, it might be a long shot, but...

...that's his only real chance now.

Unless some miracle happens, he'll be an icicle long before you drag him down.


But he'll die for sure if he falls!

Shut up!


Quit it!


I'll do it myself, so get moving already!

It can't be...


Ymir, wait!

They're both...


It's better if you guys don't come along.

Like our instructor said, you'll only end up becoming more victims.

I'm going so that doesn't happen.

I'm not leaving Christa and the others.

Hey. What do you think you're doing?

Don't try to stop...

You're gonna need a lot more gear than that.

If you go by yourselves, you'll be in the same pickle as Christa.

In a search, the more eyes, the better.

You guys...


To be honest, we could use you.


We're coming too.

The weather's steadily improving.

I think we'll be fine.

I brought extra rations!

You guys...

What was that sound just now?

Somebody's coming!


Took you long enough. I got here before you.

I told Reiner and the others I'd wait since you'd come along eventually.

What a stupid thing I've done...

Where's Daz?

That was the cliff?

But you didn't have any rope.

Even if you did, it's too high.

How did you get Daz down from there?

Why not?

I think I can trust you.


Promise me.

When I reveal my secret to everyone, promise me.

Take back your old name and live.


Christa... I felt the same.

That it would have been better if I was never born at all.

I was hated by the world just for existing.


To give countless people joy, I gave up my life.

But from that time, there was a wish I held in my heart.

If someday, I was given a second chance at life...

...this time...

...I would live for no one but myself!

Is this real?

Ymir is a Titan, too?


Th-That Titan is...

...from that day...

Th-Thanks, Reiner.

Ow, it hurts! Reiner, my leg!

Reiner! That's enough!

Let her leg go! Her leg!



No, you saved me.

Christa... Did you know?

That Ymir is a Titan?

I had no idea.

I was always so close to her, too.

How? How could this be?

That Titan... is Ymir?

In other words, she knew some of the secrets of our world.

And I never suspected a thing.

Hey... Do you think she's known about it?

Eren's a Titan, too, but he didn't know until it happened.

But Ymir is like... she is aware of being a Titan all along.

Are you saying she might be an enemy of humanity?

I'm saying that's one hell of a power to hide.

Who knows what she might have been thinking.

I wonder... What could be Ymir's goal?



Wh-What was that?

Is she worried about the tower falling?

She has to be.

If she wanted to,

Ymir could use this power of hers to escape all on her own.

And yet, she's not doing that.

It's us... She's risking her life to protect us.




Don't you die, Ymir!

Not in a place like this!


Don't pretend like you're good, you idiot!

You wanna go out in a blaze of glory? Are you stupid?!

It's too late for you to try and get into heaven!

Live for yourself, goddammit!

If you're gonna die protecting this tower, forget about it!

Tear it down!


H-Hey! She's really tearing it down!

Keep it up, Ymir!

Want live...?

Grab me!

Titans again?

Hey, ugly! Go and finish the job!


This looks bad.

Ymir is...

This can't...

This can't...


This can't...

Ymir, wait!

I still...

...want to talk to you!

I still...

I still haven't told you my real name!


I still...

Christa. Everyone, get back.

We've got this.

Leave the rest to us.


Have the others disperse and cover the area!

The rest of us will attack where the Titans are gathering!

Got it!


We don't need you to be a part of the attack!


I did it! My first k*ll!

You moron! I told you to stay back, Eren!

Right! I'm sorry!




You guys!

It can't be...

Ymir is...


My real name...

...is Historia.

There was no damage seen along Wall Rose.

Then how is it that Titans appeared on the inside of the wall?

Thrown into confusion, the Scouts decide to return to

Trost with doubts weighing heavily on their mind.


...Eren learns a shocking secret... one that changes everything.

Next episode: "Warrior."
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