01x05 - All We Got

Episode transcripts for the TV show "All American" Premiered on the CW October 10,2018 to current*
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Inspired by the life of professional American football player Spencer Paysinger. High School football player is recruited from South LA to play for Beverly Hills and the two worlds collide.
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01x05 - All We Got

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "All American"

- Asher the Porsche.

- No!

No, no, no, no!


It ain't hard to spot somebody with no money, man.

I know somebody who can fix that.

Thank you, Spencer.

OLIVIA: It was one drug-induced screw-up.

I lost Leila, and I have to live with that guilt for the rest of my life.

COOP: Mom, look at me.

I am gay.

And there is no amount of prayer that's gonna change that.

If you cannot abide by our rules, you cannot live in this house.

Well, then I guess I don't live here anymore.

I have nowhere else to go.

Maybe your father I don't have a father Not anymore.

GRACE: Corey left a few years back.

He went to coach College Ball in Nevada.

We haven't seen him since.

I think Spencer's our brother.


Dad and Spencer's mom used to date.

He also deposited money into a Crenshaw bank account.


This is Laura Baker.

I'm calling about a wire transfer made to your bank.


You had to be my first call.

So I'm working late tonight, and Dylan has a sleep-over with a friend, but I put some the fridge for you to warm up when you get home.

- Like - OK?

For real?

Something wrong, honey?

Oh, yeah.

One more thing.

BOTH: Happy birthday ALL: To you Happy birthday to you-ou [LAUGHTER]

GRACE: We'll all be here today.

Hey, that was cold.

DYLAN: tell him it was my idea!

I'm sorry, baby.

That was all Dylan.

And don't worry.

It'll only be a family dinner, just how you like it.

That's all I need.

But I do wish I was eating one of them sweet corn muffins you always make on my birthday.

Check your bag.



Yo, how did you do that?

I love you to the moon and back.

And we'll see you tonight.

SPENCER: Hey, good morning.


I was just saying hi.



You good?


Did Jordan say something?

- About what?

- Nothing.

You're getting crumbs on the floor.


Hey, something wrong with Olivia?

What did she tell you?


She just acting strange, looking at me like Like you looking at me right now.

LAURA: Morning.

Did you get some pancakes, Spencer?

No, ma'am.

I already ate.

Mom's homemade corn muffins.


Let me get some of those.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

You can have half, all right?

Look, moms only makes these once a year.

I can't be giving them away.

LAURA: Wait.

Spencer, is today?

It's not a big deal.


- We have to celebrate!

- No.

- Celebrate what?

- Spencer's birthday.

Hey, mama.

LAURA: Wait.

You knew about it, too?

Of course I knew.

I did his transfer papers.

Happy birthday, B.

- Thank you, coach.

- All right.

Well, happy birthday.

Who should we invite?

Thank you, but I'm already having dinner at my house tonight.



We'll do it tomorrow.

I really don't need a party, Mrs.


It's not gonna be a party.

It'll be more of, like, a lunch-type thing.

We'll just We'll just invite a few people.

Listen, man, birthdays are her thing, so There's really no use resisting.

LAURA: It won't really be a party.

- Bye, mom.

- Good-bye.


There's a rumor going around.

It's just a birthday.

Well, happy birthday, but that's not the rumor.

Apparently, you're the guy to call if I need something fixed.

Thanks for helping Asher with the car.

It was cool of you, especially since he wasn't the most welcoming student at Beverly.

We're cool now.

Well, I'm glad.

And he told me the truth about his dad and losing their money.

So you all two are good?

Uh, yeah, we're good.

It doesn't matter to me how much money someone has.

So we'll both be there tomorrow.




Baker sent an evite.

I told her I didn't want a party.

Well, the evite specifically said it wasn't a party, whatever that means.

Man, that woman can't take "no" for an answer.

Well, when can I give you my gift?


You ain't got to buy me nothing.


I didn't buy it.

It's just something I had, and now I want you to have it.

So how about tonight?

I got a dinner at home.


So after.

I don't take "no" for an answer either.

See you tonight.


You know you're not allowed to be jealous of Leila talking to your brother, right?

I'm not jealous.

And stop calling him that!


How are you still denying it?

You're the one who called the bank, Olivia.

Dad's been making monthly payments for 17 years.

By the way, how old is Spencer today?

It doesn't prove anything.


So let's find out who the monthly payments are going to, then.

- No.

- Olivia Have you ever once thought about what happens if it's true, not just to us but to Spencer, to mom?

Our life as we know it would be over, and it's a stone we can't unturn.


Oh, listen, you might be OK burying problems - Hmm.

- But I'm not.

Hey, Stud.

What's it gonna be?

The answer's no, Jordan.

Some secrets are better left alone.



I was about to call you.


About what?


Hi, Laura.

I thought you were My husband?

No, it's just me.

I'm sorry.


I I just wanted to remind Billy that today was Spencer's birthday.

I know.

That's why I'm calling.

Um, I was thinking about having a few people over tomorrow for Spencer's big day.

And I was really hoping that you and Dylan can make it.

Spencer agreed to that?

Well, he said he didn't want a party.

So what are you inviting us to?

More like a small gathering of friends.

How is that not a party?

It's a gray area.

Just please say that you and Dylan can make it tomorrow.

SPENCER: You said yes?

She's very convincing.

She's a lawyer.

She said it's not a party.

Explain that.

Apparently, there's a gray area.

Maybe you should be a lawyer.

DYLAN: Happy birthday COOP: Hey, hey.

Come on, man.

We already sung that song.

I only get one song?

You get one song, one wish.

Blow them out.

MAN: I'm feeling alive I'm feeling alive, alive, alive I'm feeling alive I'm feeling alive, alive, alive if you feel what I'm singing, sing DIFFERENT MAN: Come in!

FIRST MAN: If you feel what I'm singing, sing - Hey, thanks, ma.

- Oh, you're welcome, baby.

FIRST MAN: If you feel what I'm singing, sing Give me my damn hat.

SECOND MAN: Come here!

FIRST MAN: If you feel what I'm singing, sing Ow Hey, Coop.

Wait up.

I didn't get a chance to thank you for helping out with Asher's car.

It's all good, man.

I ain't doing nothing.

I just made a call.

I ain't got to like him.

Shawn really came through.

So maybe he does got your back, but he ain't me, all right?

He always gonna want something.

WOMAN: Intoxicate me, baby Don't try to hide from me Who don't we ever go out?

I'd rather be doing this.


are you embarrassed of me or something?

'Cause I want to go out, but I don't know you always hanging out with Shawn during the week, and Spencer on the weekends, so Those my boys.


And I'm your girl, or am I not your girl?

You are my girl.


So then let's go out.


I got plans tomorrow.


With Shawn or Spencer?

With the barber shop.

I got to work.

So when are you available, then?

I'm available right now.


I'm not.

I'm not.

WOMAN: So we already off the ground All right.

So I'm gonna go.

So we already off the ground LEILA: The Rose Bowl, home of the UCLA Bruins.

Man, this place is Historic.

How did you hook this up?

Um, my dad donated the locker room, so that comes with perks.

Look at all these seats!



Yo, this don't even seem real.

Ha ha!

Well, imagine when they're all cheering for you one day or booing, if you're playing for USC.


Hey, I'm cool with that As long as I'm here.

You will be.


This is the best present I ever got.


This isn't your present.

I just thought this was the best place to give it to you.


VIP field passes to tomorrow's game.

Don't worry.

It's a night game, so you could come after your non-party thing at the Bakers'.

- This is too much, Leila.

- No, it's not.

Um, the passes came with the locker room, so happy birthday.

Who they playing?

Uh, I don't know.

Eastern Nevada.

Oh, did I get you tickets for a bad game?

He'll be on this field tomorrow.


My dad.

He's the Linebacker Coach for Eastern Nevada.

I ain't seen him in 6 years.

Well, maybe now it's time.

Another set.


You know there's a difference between working out and working it out?

Something you need to talk about?

UCLA's playing Eastern Nevada tonight.

Your pops is in town.

- Did he, uh, reach out?

- Nah.

Ain't like it's the first time he came to town, right?

He said he had to leave to take this job, but you wouldn't abandon your family like that.

You know what he used to tell me?

One day I'll be out on that field.

And now that I'm getting closer to my dream, he don't even know.


But tonight I got field passes.

I can walk right up to him.

And say what?

That I'm doing it.

Everything we talked about Our dream.

I'm doing it all now without his help.



I haven't spoken to my father in years.

It's not like he left me behind or anything, but, um, he decided that I wasn't the son that he wanted.

The same thoughts you're having right now, it's best to find what you need in the people who are there for you, not the ones who let you down.

Some Wells They just they run dry.

All right?

How many of those are you gonna take?

You just know when you see it.

OK, come on.

Let's go.

We got to get ready.

Hey, what do you say Mm-hmm?

We ditch this party tonight, we stay in Just you and me here alone all weekend?


Well, my dad comes in tomorrow.

And I'm sure he'll want to squeeze in as much father-daughter time as he can before leaving.

You know how he's been since my mom died.

And, besides, you wouldn't really want to skip Spencer's party after he helped with the car, would you?

How long we gonna bring that up?

It literally just happened.

I'm not gonna lie.

It's gonna be kind of weird hanging around Spencer right now Him knowing the truth about me.

I know the truth about you.

Is it weird hanging around me?

Yeah, a little.

How long are you gonna keep doing this?

How long am I gonna lie?

I didn't say that.

I don't know, Leila.

I didn't Mark a "come clean" day in my calendar.

I just don't want to participate in the embellishments.

Don't worry.

I'm not gonna make you lie for me.

Hey, no.

It's more than that.

I need you to figure out who you're gonna be.

Me, I love you for you, money or not.

But, hey, if this is gonna work, I need you to feel the same way about yourself.

Think you can do that?


MAN: You Why don't you come on over here Hey.


what's up?

I just wanted to apologize for acting so strange yesterday.

We good.

I'm kind of busy here, though.


Now you're the one acting strange.

Look, I'm sorry, all right?

It's not you.

Leila got me tickets to the UCLA-eastern Nevada game tonight.

Nice gift.


I'm not gonna go, though.

Why not?

Because my dad is the coach for Eastern Nevada.

And you don't want to see him.

He obviously don't want to see me.

You don't know that.

Maybe he's just afraid of how you'll react.

Your dad was right.

He's the one who left.

I got to focus on the people who have been there for me.


my dad told you not to go?

He's just speaking the truth, right?

I have an address.


I have a Crenshaw home address for the wire transfer.

Is it Spencer's home?


but this is what you wanted.

Now, let's go get some answers.

MAN: Can't stand broken promises Keep it real with her brother Keep it real if you Can We all heard broken promises I kept it real with you, shorty Kept it real with you This is it.


MAN: Man, can't stand broken promises Why do you have a box of candy?

We need a reason to knock on the door.

So your big plan is to pretend you're an 8 year old?

MAN: You know what I mean?

His drive.

LeBron, the best Laker ever.






King James will smoke 'em all.


Ain't you a little old to be selling candy?

What you got in there, any with peanuts?

Um, it's an assortment.

Is this your house?

Nah, this Willie's crib.

OLIVIA: How long have you lived here?

Since your daddy was born.

You know them?

These here are my grandkids.

MAN: Ha ha!

You all give a family discount?


I must be, like, 10 years old here, yeah?

Guess you gave up soccer for football.

I've been following your stats.

You're looking good this year.

JORDAN: I appreciate it.

I'm cringing.

I can't believe mom still used this photo.

Still dancing?

No, not for a while.

- No?

- No.

Ha ha!

JORDAN: Olivia, let me see that.

OLIVIA: I forgot I even danced.

So why now after all these years?

I've been right here the whole time.

We, uh, we just didn't know you lived here.

So Billy's been keeping his poor old man a secret.


I guess that means he don't know you're here.

He told us you moved to Arizona.

But so why don't you two talk anymore?

Money changes you, even my boy.

One day he just forgot where he came from.

But you're accepting his money.

- Jordan!

- That's that's OK.

He's right.

I raised Billy, pushed him real hard to be the best football player he could be.

He won't admit it, but he made it into the NFL because of me.

So if he wants to send me a thank-you check once a month, I'm cashing it.

It doesn't change the fact my boy left home and never came back.

OLIVIA: Maybe it was because he didn't feel welcome.

Did he say that?

No, but it's possible.

We should, um, we should get out of here, Olivia.


We have a birthday party at our house.

But but we, um, we would really like to see you again.

Anytime you want to show up on my doorstep, I'll be here.

You know, what if you came to the party today and tried to talk to him?

I don't think that's a good idea, kiddo.

I appreciate the offer.


We should just get home.

- Bye.

- Bye.

MAN: I wish I had this feeling every day And I guess there's only one way in But every day, it feel like summer And when they tell me "grow up," I don't want to This is that good vibe we always dream of So much for a small gathering.

COOP: They need you to open and shut the door all day?

DIFFERENT MAN: It's to feel good Something you can hold onto I got you popping into something you ain't used to SPENCER: Please tell me y'all came to take me away from all this.

Ha ha!

GRACE: More like, get through this together.

- DYLAN: Man, Spencer's so lucky.

- SPENCER: Hey, shut up.


What's up?

What's up?


DYLAN: So where do you sleep?

Upstairs, fifth room on the right.

Go check it out.

Fifth room on the right?

I know.

It takes some getting used to.

I don't think I want you used to that.

Look, I'll take my bed at Crenshaw over this place any day.

That's my boy.

MAN: Look over our playlist Everybody feel this?, the crowd go crazy Where should I put my Mac and Cheese?

Uh, maybe over by the Mac and Cheese truck.

Oh, come on!

Hey, you said yes to this, all right?


- I'll eat it.

- Uh-huh.

Who says you couldn't sit?

I know you're getting tired of standing there.

Uh, did you make a wrong turn?

I see what you did there.



- Yo, Olivia.

- Uh-huh.

You got a sick crib, by the way.

Thank you.

The backyard's the best part.

I'm gonna check that out, but can you tell that lady she can sit?

- You can sit.

- Hey, come on.

Let's go.


We gonna talk about GW?


Grandpa Willie.

We've known him for an hour.

You can't use an abbreviation already.

OK, I wonder if he knows about Spencer, though.

Are you are you kidding me?

We talked about this.

Spencer is not our brother.

And the fact that GW was at the address disproves your entire theory.

Maybe, maybe not.

Either way, dad's still lying about his history with Grace, and we have to find out why.

No, we don't.

MAN: And now it's up to you, come on We going all night So Asher was all, "No!


No!" All right.

You're exaggerating a bit.

It was crazy.

The car just kept rolling right out into the street.

That's because you forgot to put the parking brake on.

All right.

It doesn't matter.

Why are we even talking about this?

It's fixed.

Move on.

JJ: Where'd you take it?

I know a guy.

JJ: You know a guy who can fix a 1959 Porsche Roadster in one day?

I don't see it.

One day, dude?


Money talks, boys.

I whipped out my dad's Black Card.


Next day, good as new.

So how come you ain't bring your girl?

I don't know.

Yeah, you do.

What, you think 'cause you moved to Beverly Hills, you know everything now?


I'm just saying, all right?

You like her.

We both know why you're holding back.

You and me, we got to stop worrying about the parents who rejected us, man.

This about your dad being here?


Ha ha.


you ain't the only one that knows some things, OK?

Ha ha.

You know I got tickets?

You gonna go?


I mean, I thought about it, but Because you got to roll with the people who always been there for you, right, who always accept you for you?


What are you doing here?

My grandkids invited me.

You invited him here?

How is it that you're mad at us right now?

You're the one that lied about our grandfather our whole lives.

- Look, it's complicated.

- How is it complicated?

He lives half an hour away.

Why would you hide him from us?

BILLY: Look, OK.

I realize this is confusing for you both.

I had to make a decision for this family, OK, and it was the right decision.

- OLIVIA: Says who?

- BILLY: Says me, that's who.

I'm gonna tell him, he's got to get out of here.


No, why does he have to leave?

JORDAN: You afraid something will come out, dad?

What is that supposed to mean?

Do you think I'm keeping secrets from you?

- I know you're keeping secrets.

- Oh.

Hey What are you guys doing in here?

Come here.

In here.

I don't know if you know this, but your f Yes, Willie is here, and these two invited him.

It was Olivia.

I told you it was a mistake.

OLIVIA: Wha oh, OK, Sherlock Holmes.

This wasn't my big idea.

It was yours.

- My big idea?

- Yes.

You're the one who has the hots for Spencer.



Hold up.

You are an ass, you know that?

This whole thing started because of you and your messed-up daddy issues.

- My daddy iss - Yeah!

Your daddy issues.

- Yeah?

yeah- - OK, enough.

Could someone please tell me what the hell is going on here.

And why, for the love of god, is your father in our living room?

Your guess is as good as mine.

Spill it now Or else!

If you want to know, you got to ask.

Is Spencer our brother?

You two think that I'm Spencer's father?

No, I didn't.

And then I did.

And now I I don't know what to think.

It was Jordan's theory.


Thanks a lot.

Enlighten us, Jordan.

OK, you moved Spencer into our home.

Look, hold up.

Hold up.

I had no choice because you tried to block his transfer to Beverly Hills.

And then at the barber shop, I found out you had a past with his mom.

Sorry you had to find out this way, mom, but but dad, he and Grace had I know.

They dated in high school.

I know.

Is that your bombshell evidence?

OLIVIA: Well, I mean, you were making payments for 17 years, and we thought that it was child support, but the address led us to grandpa.


And he's in my house now.


LAURA: I'm speechless.

You two are the worst detectives in the world.

BILLY: The worst.

The investigation was flawed.

OK, we got it.

So just to be clear, you're not Spencer's father?

BILLY: Jordan, no.

I am not Spencer's dad.


I told you.


Well, um, you know, I say we put this little misunderstanding behind us and go get some cake.

- Yup.

- Uh, no.

BILLY: Mm-mm, mm-mm.

This case will remain open until we determine the appropriate punishment, but until then, we have guests!

So could everybody just smile?

WILLIE: A strange bunch there, huh?

You're telling me.

Spencer James?

- That's right.

Do I know you?

- Heh heh!

No, but I know you.

You're all the talk around the neighborhood these days.

South Crenshaw's star wide receiver booking it to Beverly.


One of Billy's boys now, hmm?

That's right.

So you here for the party?

The party's for me, actually.

It's my birthday, and I live here.

Is that right?

I'm sorry.

I ain't catch your name.

Willie, Willie Baker.

I'm Billy's dad.

I thought you all two didn't speak.

We don't.

Haven't in a long time, anyway, not since he married Laura.

If only he could've held on to your mom.


My mom and coach Baker?

Oh, yeah, man!

They were thick as thieves all through high school.

Thought for sure they were gonna end up together.

Never seen two kids so much in love.




Have we been here long enough?

I wasn't timing our attendance.

Well, I'm ready to go.

Are you sure?

I don't think everybody at the party's heard about daddy's Black Cards.

I told you today I did not want to be a part of this.

And and you weren't.

When you embellish and Just say the word.

When you lie and I know about it, it makes me complicit in the lie, and it's embarrassing to watch.

Sorry that my life embarrasses you.

That's not what I said.

You do what you want.

- Laura.

- Hi, Willie.

Hope you don't mind me crashing your party like this.


We're family.

I see you bought a new house.

Uh, no.

We've been here for a while now.


What was wrong with the old one?

Not big enough for you?


Can't wait to see the next one.


Your father was just admiring our house.

I was.


You're really living the O.


life now, aren't you, son?


You just can't help yourself, can you?

Ha ha!

You're gonna have to get up out of here.

- Hey, hey, hey, hey.

I - Come on, man.

Let's go.

I just got here.

Let's go.

So I guess family isn't always welcome.

BILLY: It's a private party.

- Yo, why you kicking him out?

- Spencer, stay out of this.

You ain't seen your dad in years, and now here he is making an effort?

You don't know our history, son.

Let's be straight here, Coach.

Is it his history I don't know about or the one you got with my mom?

GRACE: That was a long time ago.

So why you ain't tell me?

I didn't want you to know it was my idea, you transferring to Beverly.

I thought if you knew Billy and I had a past together So you lied to me?

And you told me not to go see my dad, but that's because he'd have told me about you and my mom, right, that he was gonna tell me the truth?


Why don't nobody look surprised?

I'm out.

Where you going?

Dad may have left, but at least he never lied to me like this.


I got tickets to a football game.

I'm looking for Corey James.

Who's asking?

His son.

Look, if you came to try and stop me from talking to my dad, you could've saved yourself the trip.

He don't work for Eastern Nevada no more.

The coach told me he moved back to L.


So I guess he still don't want to see me, huh?


I'm sorry to hear that.

You ain't the only one.

Spencer, wait up.


So how was work?


I I wasn't at work.

I went to Spencer's birthday party in Beverly Hills.

I'm sorry I lied.

Why would you do that?


I was afraid you'd ask to go.


Not because I'm ashamed of you, but because I'm ashamed of me.

My mom put me out because of who I am.

And deep down inside, I felt like maybe she's right about me.

I realized tonight that you've been there for me in ways that very few people have ever been.

And I don't I don't want to lose you Patience.

I just found you.

I don't want to hide that anymore.

You think you could help me with that?


I think I can help you with that.

MAN: Go, baby, fly to the place I know It's who I am You know why I wanted to come here?

I wanted to let go of my dad.

I wanted to tell him that I'm my own man and I don't need to know why he left.

I wanted to tell him that I did all of this, that I became the man that I am on my own.

At least I thought I did.

And you are your own man.

And you're a damn fine one, but you can't always do it on your own.

You need a team A family.

And I'm hoping that you choose to be a part of mine 'Cause I've already chosen you.

MAN: Will you reach out And keep me sane?

- Hi.

- Good morning.

Listen, um You were right, you know?


I should have just left it alone.

Actually, you were the one who was right.

The truth may not always feel good, but it's the only way to move forward.

I'm sorry we're not close anymore.

No, that's that's my fault.

No, it's not.

It's mine.

I let you think otherwise, and I let everyone else think it, even myself, but I'm the one who pulled away.


'Cause of what I did.

Because I was so terrified of losing the people I love over a mistake I can barely even remember.

Last year, I got wasted, and I did something I seriously regret.

I I slept with Asher.

He's No, Jordan!

No, OK?

Just, it was my fault, OK?

You can't just blame him.

Olivia, yes, I can.

No, Jordan.

Please promise me that you won't say anything.

Leila doesn't know, and if she ever found out Please promise me.


I promise.

Yeah, I won't say anything.


Hey, look at me.

It's embarrassing.


It's OK.

It's OK.

WOMAN: Mm mm mm MAN: I'm young, and I'm foolish Made bad decisions I block out the news Turned my back on religion Don't have no degree I'm somewhat naive I've made it this far on my own I never meant to hurt you.


ain't been getting me higher I lift up my head, and the world is on fire With dread in my heart and fear in my bones I'm ready to let him go now.

I've got everything I need right here.

pray, pray GRACE: Come here.

Maybe I'll pray I have never believed in you, no That I'm gonna pray Dad?


Ha ha!




- Hi.

- How are you?

- Oh, I'm good.

- Oh, I'm so sorry.

I hope I didn't wake you up.

No, no, no.

We just got in early.

Oh, we?


I want you to meet someone.


MAN: You won't find me in church CHOIR: No Reading the Bible No I am still here, and I'm still your disciple I'm down on my knees And begging you please I'm broken, alone, and afraid I'm not a Saint I'm more of a sinner I don't want to lose [KNOCK ON DOOR]

But I fear for the winners When I tried to explain The words ran away [KNOCK KNOCK]

That's why I am sitting here today Yeah.

I came to talk.

About what?

Why'd you show up at my house like that after all these years?


Don't know, really.

When your kids showed up around here, I thought there was some hope we could mend things.


well, how can there be any hope if you still can't accept my wife?

She ain't one of us, son.

I can accept you, my grandkids.

OK, look, I love Laura.

She's my wife.

She's the mother of my children.

If you can't learn to accept her, then there's nothing left to talk about.

I guess we're done here.

I guess we are.

How's the kid holding up?

You're talking about Spencer?


didn't take it too well last night, did he?

It was just a surprise, that's all.

He'll be fine.

You know, your old friend Corey James, he came around here before he split town years back.

Sure had a lot to say.

And if that was Spencer's reaction to you dating Gracie in high school, how you think he's gonna react when he finds out what really happened?

MAN: Never believed in you, no But I'm gonna pray Ooh ooh ooh
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