08x05 - Buckle Up

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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08x05 - Buckle Up

Post by bunniefuu »

Chicago Fire - 08x05 - Buckle Up

- What's up with him?

- He is been like this for a week.

I'll ask Chloe to marry me.


I'm having second thoughts.

About us.

This makes no sense.

I'm really sorry, Joe.


Next week, future fire service leaders are hosting an event, and I would be very grateful if you represented our district.

I don't have any leadership experiences to share.

You know who I've never doubted, not once?


You got everything you need for the trip?

I got every Flamin' Hot snack they had at the grocery store plus a gallon of milk.

- Good thinking.

- Mm-hmm.

I'm surprised how not nervous I am, you know?

I'm feeling very chill.

- That's great.

- Yeah.

Figure these leadership conferences happen every year, and you know, plenty of firefighters survive them, so Wait!


I forgot to pack a phone charger.

If you want me I can run back up.


God, what's wrong with me?

- I'm I'm sure they have - And earplugs.

Oh, I can't sleep in bunks without earplugs.

- Stella.

- I oh!

Hey, my charger's right here.

Ah, and I did pack earplugs.

I knew it.


And you know what?

They probably have aspirin at the conference.

So don't worry about that.


I won't.




All right, I'll call you tonight.

You got this, Stella Kidd.

So did Cruz pop the question?

He hasn't said anything to me yet, but I'm not just gonna outright ask him because Cruz, did you propose to Chloe?

Uh, nah.

Haven't had the chance yet.


Engagements and proposals, they're complicated and personal.

Not this one.

I mean, Chloe's head over heels.

You've seen the way she looks at him.


While Kidd's out, I want you driving Truck You got it, Captain.

That's awesome, man.


Yeah, I've done it once or twice.

Oh, yeah?

Well, the routes have changed some since the horse and buggy days.


Says the guy they used to call Curby for taking corners too short.


Hey, it was an unearned nickname.

We believe you, Curby.

Hey everyone, before we get started, I think all of us here at 51 could stand to be better informed about things happening in and around the station.

So I took it upon myself to create a newsletter to keep everyone in the know.

- "The Burn Notice"?

- Yeah.

- Yeah, I thought - I think I know what's going on here.

Wasn't it your birthday last shift?

Oh, Mouch, did we all forget?

No, no.

That's not why Then why does it say Mouch's belated birthday celebration on the daily events?

- I did this for team unity.

- And cake.

Well, who doesn't love cake?

That's what unity is.

- Okay, listen up.


Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, car accident.



Hey, my girlfriend, she needs help.

She had her feet on the dash.


It looks like the airbag sent her knees into her face.

Broken nose, blunt force trauma to both eyes, open compound fracture to the femur.

Could be a bilateral break.

Could also have a cervical or hip fracture.

Forget the traction splint.

I'll get the K. E. D. from the rig.

If she's bleeding internally, we've got five minutes until she crashes.



Just be careful here.

The car is shifting.

Cruz, Tony, get some cribbing.

- Keep it stable.

- I'll grab the Jaws.

Is she gonna be okay?

Just step back.

Just hold on.

We'll get you out.

We need to get these cars apart.

I can throw a chain on the truck.

We need to anchor the other car somehow.

How about him?

- That could work.

- Hey, you!

We need your help!

Back your tow truck up to the convertible here, hitch it, and hold steady while I pull 'em apart.

- Hey man, I'm just - Now, man!


Hey, miss, you okay?

I just got my license.

My mom's gonna m*rder me.



Walk her over to the paramedic.

Yeah, yeah.

- Hey, uh, how are you feeling - Nicole.


How are you feeling, Nicole?

It wasn't my fault, I swear.

The guy in front of me, he slammed on the brakes for no reason, so I stepped on mine and wham.

- Okay, uh, where's the guy?

- Took off.

- I'm not making this up.

- No, I know you're not.

All right, so, uh, let's let these guys check you out and make sure you're all right, okay?

- Yeah, okay.

- Thanks, man.


- Keep coming, little more.



That's good.

Here we go!


- Okay, that's good.



Get me out of here.

Hang on, we're almost there.


Right behind you.

- All right, easy.

- I got her.


- Nice and easy.

Calm down.

We got you.

One, two, three.


- We got you.

- She's good.

Nice work, Mouch.

I get some sort of bonus or something, man?


Ah, forget it.

You people want free work, free work.


All right, thank you.


Hi, Stella Kidd.

Firehouse 51, Chicago.

Justina Ortiz.

House 83, Pittsburgh.

Ah, it looks like they're doing a k*ller job closing the gender gap, huh?


Oh, we're the only two women here.


I actually didn't know another female officer would be attending.

Oh, I'm not an officer, actually.

Well, not yet but [CHUCKLES]

Huh, I thought this was officers only.

Donahue, congrats!

I heard you finally made lieutenant.


Hey, you guys.

Oh, Luke, you're like a foot taller than the last time I saw you.

What are you guys feeding him?

I keep telling Cindy to put a book on his head, but he keeps growing.

- I like your shirt.

- Thanks.

He wants to be a firefighter, just like his papa.

Yeah, I tried talking him out of it, but he's stubborn like me.

Well, that logo looks really good on you.

Um, have you seen Mouch?

Uh, in his spot, I assume.

Okay, well, it's good to see you guys.

And then Mouch ran over and was like, "We're commandeering your tow truck!" Uh, I never used the word commandeering.

Either way, it was pretty badass.

Everyone tells you to watch the officers at 51, but I've learned the most from watching this guy.



Mouch, I've been thinking about your newsletter.


It's a great idea, don't get me wrong, but the execution.

I just I just feel like it's a little lacking, no offense.

Offense taken.

There's just so much more we could do with it.

- We?

- Yeah.

Just like we did with "Sheets on Fire.

" What's "Sheets on Fire"?

Yeah, what's "Sheets on Fire"?

Uh, it doesn't have to be fancy.

Just five or six pages of quality content.

Horoscopes, recipes, photos from department events.

Everyone can get involved.

A morale builder.

Uh, can I do a story on firefighter bars?



Great idea.

Can I get the per diem for research?

Well, I'm down to help.

Yeah, I was actually on the staff at my school paper.

Oh, yes!

This is gonna be so next level.


Looking for someone?

Captain Casey.

Rick Ferguson, with the city safety committee.

Oh, yeah.

I understand your crew responded to a multiple vehicle collision this morning.

That's right.

Eyewitnesses said that you had to do a little improvising, used your truck to get one car off of another?

Yeah, it was, uh, a real time-sensitive save.

Who was driving the rig?

That'd be Randall McHolland.

Uh, that was no big deal.

I just happened to be on driving duty today.

Kind of a fluke, actually.

- Mr. McHolland?

- Yup.

Did you enlist a civilian tow truck operator to move those cars today?

Well, uh, yes.

See we we needed a way to stabilize the car on the bottom while I pulled the These private tow companies are not indemnified by the city.

Do you not understand the liability issues that you've created?

If one thing had gone wrong, if that tow truck had been damaged, or God forbid, that operator had been injured, you would've exposed the city to a major lawsuit.

It all worked out.

We made the save.

It all worked out today.

Let's make sure there's not a next time.

Oh, and you really ought to think about putting somebody else behind the wheel of your truck, Captain.

Because ultimately, you are responsible for his actions.


It was absolutely necessary to move the car, Chief.

The girl's life depended on it.

It was the right call to make.

File your reports.

I'll talk to Chief Walker.

Hey Chief, um, so Brett assigned me to write a profile on someone, and I was thinking, you know, maybe you - Out.

- Right, yeah.

Uh, door opened or closed?

I look around, and I don't see the leaders of tomorrow.

I see the leaders of today.

Most of you already have degrees in fire science, fire service management, and hazardous materials, but you never stop learning.

So we're gonna kick things off today with a pop quiz.

You were told to gear up.

Where are your gloves?

Right here, Chief.

Well, why aren't they on your hands?

Shoulder that hose pack up the stairs and back!

- Yup.

- Go, go, go, go!

All right, first question, evidence is collected during what phase of the fire?

Okay, that covers columns for department wide news, weather reports, and fall fashion.

Fall what?

Not everything is for you, Hermann.

This is supposed to be a newsletter.

Did you even ask Okay, how about these blind items?

Two second shifters recently took a shower together, and not to save water.

ALL: Severide and Kidd.

Fine, how about this one?

Late one night in the laundry room ALL: Severide and Kidd.

Wait, wait.

I wanna hear the rest.

Well, those two have the only gossip right now.

Hey, Joe, um, I don't wanna bug you about this, but Okay, okay.

I didn't propose because Chloe broke up with me.

- Wait, what?

- She dumped me.

Wait, is that not what you were gonna ask?

I I was just gonna see if you would maybe do a section on the Slamigan in the "Burn Notice." [SIGHS]

Yeah, yeah, sure.

Well, hey.



I didn't want to make a big thing of it.

You know, breakups happen, right?


I mean, yes, they happen, but this is I mean, you have every right to make a big thing of this.

I'm so sorry.

Yeah, me too.


Honestly, this doesn't make sense.

The way you two are with each other.

I thought so too.


Did she give you a reason?

No, not really, but it's like she knew I was gonna propose.

And I maybe that's what made her realize that I'm not the one.


Yeah, I'm it's for the best, right?

At least I saved myself the embarrassment of her saying no or breaking up the engagement.


I'm so sorry.

I just I meant I No, you're you're right.

It was awful.



Hey, you hitting the showers?


Oh, uh, no.

I'm just thinking.

You know?

Forget about what that guy said.

You called an audible, and the result was six points.

It was cool to watch.

I appreciate what you're saying, but maybe don't follow my example.

I mean, you, aim higher up the ladder.

Severide, Casey, Herrmann.

They know what they're doing.


You know It sounds like you had a busy first day.

I haven't run that many stairs since the academy, but it's all good, and somehow making me a leader?

So they say.

Yeah, not to brag or anything, but I'm pretty sure I had the fastest time.

So it's going well then.



The thing is there's this guy here from Colorado.

He's a wildland expert.

He just won a Medal of Valor.

And I was excited about this scuba class tomorrow because, you know, you got me ready for it.

But guess what?

Some other guy here's a legit former Navy Seal.

So what?


I'm just not sure that I fit in with this crowd, that's all.

And what's worse is that I just I feel like I'm letting Boden down because he picked me for this, and I have no idea why.



Yeah, I'm I'm still here.

I just don't know if you want advice or to vent.

Oh, that's sweet.


After I snapped at you.

I learned my lesson.


Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 - That's me.

- Go get 'em.

- Car accident, 1753 Apollo - Hey Kelly, real quick.

Can you just tell me that I got this one more time?


You got this, Stella Kidd.

Thank you.





The hell are you doing?

We haven't released the scene!




Stop the truck!


Mouch, Gallo, grab the extinguishers.

- This one could flash on us.

- Copy that, Captain.

You okay in there?

- It's my arm.

- Okay, try not to move.

Help is on the way.

Hey, back up!

Can I get some cribbing and struts to stabilize this thing?

- Don't let it tip over.

- Copy that!

Hey, don't move.

We're gonna get you out.

All right.


That SUV did a number on you.

The car in front of me hit his brakes out of nowhere and then took off.

What do we got?

Broken arm, possible concussion.

Okay, what's your name?

- Uh, Russell.

- You're doing good.

I'm gonna give you some morphine for the pain, and then we're gonna get you to the hospital, okay?

This is gonna protect your face.



- Cutting!



Watch the edges.



Hey Foster, C-collar!

- Here you go.

- Thanks.



All right, he's all yours, Foster.

All right, let's get him out of here.


Did you see that tow truck driver?

Same guy from this morning.

The one who helped us out?


Must be a wreck chaser.

As soon as we're back, I'm reporting his ass.

The driver up front said a car brake checked him and then took off, caused a chain reaction crash.

Same thing as this morning.

So same kind of wreck, some tow truck at both.

Be warned!

The fire is real with real consequences.

So gear up or go home.

What are the qualities of a good leader?

Well, to name one, a good leader's decisive.

This doesn't necessarily mean you have to arrive at a quick decision if you're the manager of a Starbucks.

But as incident commander on the scene of a fully involved fire in an occupied structure?

Time is a luxury you don't have.

Flames are rolling through both windows at sill level.

A panicked mother runs up to tell you that her baby's in the back room in a crib, and her elderly mother's somewhere still in the house.

What do you do?

- Um - Next!

I would attack with an inch and three quarters, sir.

Send a team to vent and start a primary search Next!

If smoke is blowing up, then I would Next!

I wouldn't send anyone in, Chief.

Are you telling me you'd let those people die?

If flames are rolling out at sill level, like you said, that means the temperature at the floor is 1,000 degrees.

Unprotected civilians can only survive 300 degrees for a minute.

So at that point, it's a recovery.

It's not a rescue, Chief.

Finally, the correct answer.

Can I help you, sir?

Yeah, I was a firefighter on a call yesterday where a girl had her legs bent up backwards.

I just wanted to check on her.

Hey, never mind.

I see her friend.

Excuse me.

You were in that pile up on Lincoln?

- You're the firefighter.

- Yeah, one of them.

How is your friend doing?

Much better.

They're about to release her.

Oh, that's great.

Yeah, she was lucky.

They said if she had come in even one minute later, she might've lost her legs.

No kidding.

Thanks, man, for what you do.

I'm just happy it worked out.


I'm assuming you didn't ask me here to talk about spin class.

No, but since you brought it up, I haven't seen you in a week.

Yeah, I thought it might be weird between us, which I hate.


Joe told you, right?

I'm so sorry to hear that.

I it's it's none of my business, and I don't wanna pry, but what happened?

You know that Snapchat filter with all the floating hearts?


Well, that's what I saw when I first met Joe.

That smile.

He was my hero, literally the man of my dreams.


But the thing is, I can't be with a firefighter.


I can't handle wondering every day if I am gonna see him at home or at the hospital.

But he's been a firefighter the whole time you've been together.

What changed?

The last couple months, I've been spending a lot of time with Lily.

I helped her plan the wake with Otis's family, and put together a memory book for them.

I see.

What she's been through?

I'm not strong enough.


Joe's job is risky, there's no getting around that.

Accidents are gonna happen.

But what doesn't happen to everyone is finding a guy who makes you see floating hearts.

Joe is one in a billion.

Crazy would be letting him go.





You taking pictures of my property?


You're that firefighter.

You almost ran me over, tearing out of there.

Might want to be a little more careful.

What the hell are you up to, man?

Question is what the hell are you up to?

You better watch yourself.


How about this for one?

"Brace yourself, these two heartbroken, hopeless romantics had sparks flying, but never ignited a flame.

" I don't get it.

Yeah, are blind items supposed to be this blind?

Yeah, it's like a riddle.

I hate riddles.

There's no point to them.

You know what you wanna say, so just say it already, all right?


- Stop dicking around.

- Where's the fun in that?

- Mm-hmm.

Hey, Luke.

Hey, buddy.


Okay, listen.

Hang on.

Slow down.

Who is not breathing?

Hang up the phone and dial 911.

I am on my way.

All right.

Luke's at a pool party, and something went wrong.

Uh, they dialed 911, but the party's only a block from here.

I'm coming with you.

What happened?

He was jumping off the roof into the pool, and he missed.


Get over here.

- Give him two rescue breaths.

- All right.


- Got a carotid pulse.

- All right.

Uh, hey, hand me that noodle.


Thanks, buddy.

- Okay, Hermann, grab these.

- Got it.

Okay, now I need you to give him a rescue breath.



Hand me a towel, Luke?


All right, he's conscious again.


What's your name?


Hey, over here.

He fell from the roof.

Uh, maybe ten feet?

We performed CPR and spinal immobilized him, and he's got a fractured ankle, but he should be good for transport.

I got it.

One, two, three.

You're in good hands, buddy.


- Okay.

- All right, good job.



Hey, that was a great job at CPR, Luke.

You kept him alive.

Go home.

What the hell were you thinking, huh?

Jumping off a roof into a pool?

- I wasn't doing it.

- But that is not enough.

You are the son of a firefighter.

You just don't stand aside and let your friend do something that you know is wrong.

You tell them to stop and you don't let them do it.

- Dad - No, no, no.

No buts.

You disappoint me, son.

Now go get your bag and meet me in the van.



You look happier.

- I got a reminder.

- About what?

How much good we get to do on this job.

Hot off the press.

Extra, extra.

Read all about it.

51's new and improved "Burn Notice.

" It's "The Burn Notice.

" Wow.

This looks amazing.

I will admit, it's improved.

I pulled an all-nighter, but I downloaded "The Post" and "All The President's Men," and I was like, "Sylvie, you can hit this deadline.

" Wait, wait, wait.

Uh, where is the profile that I wrote on Tony?

I felt like it was missing something.

Like we didn't really get to see inside his head.

Well, uh, he's a man of few words.

We can try in the next issue.

Dig a little deeper.

But this isn't the blind item that I wrote.

I'm just trying to set a standard here.


Oh, okay.

I see.


Okay, look, it was 3:00 in the morning, and I had to be a tough editor here.

Let me guess.

You did not connect the dots of Capp's puzzle.




Oh, you guys!

So I decided to poke my head in that impound lot where the tow truck is registered, and check this out.

There's a whole row of cars with identical damage.

It's like they all rear-ended other vehicles.

He's obviously running some sort of crash-for-cash scam.

You talked to anyone at PD?

Not yet.

I'm waiting for something concrete.

I was thinking I could stake the place out after a shift, see if I can catch him in the act.

Maybe provoke another confrontation.

Hey, hey, hey.

I do not need my lieutenant getting himself shot.

Severide, listen to this.

The lead driver in that first accident, the teenager.

The one I handed off to Gallo?

Right, she told Gallo that the car in front of her tapped the brakes then sped off.

Says the car was a gray Chevy sedan.


The lead car of the second accident was a gray Chevy sedan, an Impala.

Driver was pretty banged up, scruffy looking guy in his 30s.

He said that the car in front of him hit the brakes.

Wouldn't you say the same if you were a scam artist?

So he's working together with the tow truck guy.

- Is he still laid up at Med?

- Probably.


Take your radio.

All right.



I've been meaning to say.

That was a real ballsy move.

The way you stood your ground at that no-win scenario.



Hope you all enjoyed Chief Nevins' talk on station management this morning.

Now back to the fun stuff.

We'll be performing a zero-visibility simulation with blackout masks and live fire.

You all have been grouped together for days now.

I expect you've gotten to know each other well.

So I'll let you choose the Incident Leader for the first run.

I nominate Stella Kidd.

I second that.


All right.

A good chief knows how to handle an axe and lay hose, but also commands the respect of those under him or her.

As Incident Leader, you'll be responsible for getting your team in and out safely, and I will be keeping time.

Copy that, Chief.

All right, mask up!

Hey, Russell.

How you feeling?

I know you?

Nah, but I know your work.


I couldn't figure out why you'd want to get rear-ended, put yourself in the hospital.

But then I was thinking you didn't.

You tried to brake check the car behind you to cause an accident, twice in one day.

But in the police report, the guy in the SUV?

He was texting.

He didn't have time to react.

He ended up hitting you at 50 miles an hour.

How much is that towing company paying you to cause these accidents?

I mean, hell, it can't be worth all this.

Yeah, but I don't know what you're talking about.


You lost or something?

- I I didn't tell him - Shut the hell up.

This is Nicole Fuller.

She totaled her car because of you.

She's lucky she didn't walk away with a neck injury.

This is Jim Acoff.

He's got a concussion; he's still in the hospital.

This is Sara Mitchell.

22-year-old girl came this close to losing both of her legs.

I I didn't I didn't Russell, let me tell you something.

You got burned, they don't care.

You got injured?

They put that on you.

The only reason they're here is so that you don't talk to the cops.

One way or another.

The good news is they're done.

'Cause I'm onto you and I don't get nervous.




Yeah, thanks for the tip.

These punks weren't content gouging their customers; they started causing accidents too.

Nah, happy to help.

Yeah, the witness you gave us down in Med?

He's cooperating.

Should put Mr.

Goatee and his pal away for a while.


What about this lot?

This is gonna be shut down for good.

- Thanks for letting me know.

- Yeah, man, any time.


Chief Morgan, I was just about to call you.

Well, I didn't want to leave you hanging, Wallace.

After pushing through the only non-officer of the bunch, I figure you must have big plans for Stella Kidd.

What do you think?

You were right.

She's got real potential.

And that is high praise indeed coming from you.

I've seen men crumble under your gaze.

Well, maybe I'm losing my touch.


Somehow I doubt it.

Thanks for the call.

You know, Ritter, I owe you an apology for my behavior the other day.


You know, when you came to interview me for, well, whatever it was.

Oh, for the newsletter.

I should never have been short with you.

I am happy to sit down and answer any of your questions about the job or my past experience.

I want everybody here to succeed, go on to great things.


Yes, thank you.

I would love that.

Wait a minute.

What newsletter?

Oh, well You straight up stole my idea for the firefighter bar story?

I made a list to fill the space.

We can do your story next issue.

Listen, why is my Molly's ad buried on page three?

Because I had to move things around after cutting Capp's Filthy Corner!

That was art.

You're being judgmental.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What's this all about?

51's newsletter.

To help us stay informed.


It was Mouch's idea.

Oh, okay.

Now, Chief, when I listen.

What is it that you are all arguing about?

So this girl thinks she's Anna Wintour [ALL TALKING]



No more newsletter.

I just wanted some birthday cake.


- Welcome back.

- Hi.

I have so much to tell you.

Things got better?

Oh, yeah.

Crushed it.

Never had a doubt.



You were right.

I should've stopped them.

I just stood around when I should've stepped in.

And I'm sorry I let you down.

Where's your mom?


Um, tell her to watch Annabelle and Kenny.

Let's go run an errand.

What is it?

We're gonna go visit your friend in the hospital.

Make sure he's feeling okay.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

Hey, how was shift?

I turned the truck keys back over to Kidd.

- Oh, oh.

- Mmm.

You liked driving?

I didn't mind it.

What say you drive me to dinner?

I say buckle up.


Hi, Joe.

I I tried calling you.

Yeah, I, um I decided I'd rather speak in person.


Look, I don't know what I did wrong.

I I but whatever You didn't do anything.


Actually, you did.

You saved me from a a burning building and a car wreck.

So I panicked.


Because what if you got into trouble and I can't save you?


I'm never gonna completely stop worrying about that, just so you know.


But it turns out baking really helps calm me down.

What is this?

Open it.


Can can you make out the letters?

That one there, it's a "K," but my frosting pen got jammed right when Chloe Allen [CHUCKLES]

Will you make me the happiest and luckiest man on this earth, - and be my bride - Yes.

- Yes?

- Yes.

- Yes?

- Yes.
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