06x04 - There Will Be Blood

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Flash". Aired: October 2014 to current.*

Moderators: wolflover4219, Max2023

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"The Flash" revolves around Barry Allen, who is a CSI scientist and also a superhero with incredible speed. His mission is to find out the truth about his mother's strange death and correct the injustice of his dad being falsely convicted of her m*rder.
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06x04 - There Will Be Blood

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Flash"

Dr. Harrison "Nash" Wells.

I'm searching for an artifact that just happens to contain Eternium.

The disappearance of Sue Dearbon.

I don't think I've ever seen you this devoted to a case.

HLH isn't just my mother's disease.

Now it's k*lling me.

You're a dead man, too, aren't you, Barry?

The only timeline where everyone survives was the one where I died.

And none of you can try and save me.

Analysis of Mitch Romero's blood reveals that this substance appears to heal any and all weaknesses in the human body, including HLH.

I need more.


Dr. Rosso.

Didn't mean to sneak up on you like that.

Well, it's almost Halloween.

I guess we're all due for a good scare, right?

What brings you here so late?

I'm meeting up with a colleague.

Yeah, I told him I'd be here half an hour ago, so if you'll excuse me.

Of course.

It's good to see you.






I wish it didn't have to be this way.

And you're okay with all of this?

No, but [SIGHS]

I have to accept that there are still others out there that we can save.

Yeah, guys, look, six weeks from now, all of our lives are gonna be on the line, so we have to be prepared.

Yes, but what about him?

I'm not just gonna wait around for him to get vaporized by anti-matter.

We should be doing something to try to save his life.

You can't.

You can't, Cisco.

That's why I need you to stop worrying about me.

If Barry had any other option, we'd be doing it.

I think you gotta get behind this.


I am.

How do you convince your best friend not to save your life?

You're the teacher.

You'll find a way.

Well, he's gonna have to wait.

It's CCPD.

There he is.

So much for my day off.

- What do we got?

- It's a creepy one.

Somebody broke into this facility last night, and stole 10 liters of blood.

There's no security footage?

There's no cameras in this part of the hospital.

You think this is meta-related?

I'm asking you.

I mean meta-thieves usually make a way bigger mess.

See this lock?

The way this is sheared, a power saw could've done this.

I don't know.

I mean, maybe it was just some kids pulling a Halloween prank.


I thought we were dealing with some kind of meta-vampire.

Just a normal criminal with a diseased mind.

Well, since I am captain, I'm gonna go watch the second half of the game.

I'm gonna leave this to you, all right?


You okay?


You know, just this Crisis that's coming.

Cisco's not taking it so great.

Let me guess which part.

Cisco is a whole lot like you.

It is in his nature to want to save lives.

Especially under these circumstances.

I'll see you later.


Thanks, Joe.

Thanks for what?

I think I know how to get through to Cisco.

Tests are conclusive.

The peculiar black blood I absorbed from Mitch Romero temporarily cured the HLH cancer in my blood, but it wasn't enough.

I need more blood in order to create a permanent cure to save my life.

Adding Romero's cells to this new blood should be the key to rebuilding my cellular structure.

I only hope I have enough time.

Why didn't you tell me?

It's brilliant.

You're my son.

You're supposed to be impressed.

You're going to do beautiful things for this world.


- Are you okay?


My condition is terminal.

I got your text.

What is it now?

I know you're upset about this Crisis.

And I've been thinking about it, and you're right.

We can do more than prepare for a fight.

You can save a life.

I knew you'd come around.

No, Cisco, not it's not me.

We're gonna save Ramsey Rosso.

Here's the thing.

We've done some insane things at S. T. A. R. Labs over the last few years, but curing a rare blood cancer, that is beyond our resources.

So we just shouldn't try?

So we try and somehow succeed, are we supposed to spend the rest of your time here trying to save everyone who's been diagnosed with cancer?

We start with one man.

Look, you heard what Caitlin said about Ramsey.

He's one of the most brilliant doctors on the planet.

I need you to back me on this.

You'll understand soon enough.

Look, I what would it take to cure HLH?

Honestly an act of God.

Or An act of science.

And I know just where to find one.

I'm assuming this is the Wells that you were telling me about.


Nash Wells.

Multiversal explorer and provider of scientific miracles.

You, I'm guessing, are Barry Allen, the Flash.

How did he how did you Hidden surveillance device.

You bugged S. T. A. R. Labs?

No, no, not exactly.

I I bugged you.

No, you didn't.

Yeah, I did.

Fellas, I've been listening to your conversations, and I have a proposition.

Now I need an anti-vibrational crypto-circuit to complete my work on this Earth, You need help with your mission, right?

Well, you build me my circuit, 'cause I know you have the capacity, and I will lead you to something priceless that will surely help your mission.

Your work?

- What's your work?

- It's thermic excavation.

You're a cosmic myth-buster who also happens to be a geologist?




Red flag city.


Then again Wells usually shows up for a reason.

- Fellas?

- Yeah.

You're aware he's still bugged, right?

Where is the bug?

I don't see anything.

Not in your shoe.

I can tell you that much.

Let's just say that we trust you.

- We don't.

- Which we obviously don't.


What are you offering?

I'm offering you something that will help save Ramsey Rosso's life.


Have I got something for you.

Amazon packages?


You know that case that you've been working on for the last couple months?

The Dearbon woman?

Well, I know it's been cold lately, so I have a little Halloween treat for you.

- A lead.

- Yeah?


I interviewed this accountant in Midway City that works at the security firm, and one of their guards was working a charity event and claims to have seen someone that sounds like Sue Dearbon, so Cecile pulled a favor and got an eye witness report.


Thanks, Iris.


Need something else?


No, that was it.


All right, yeah.

Cool, I will see you later.

Production of blood serum is complete.


It appears identical to the substance I absorbed from Mitch Romero.

If this works, I could hold the cure not just for myself, but for all those suffering from HLH cancer.





It's not working.

I failed.

I failed.

It's in there, McCulloch Technologies.

What is?

Well, this extremely rare bio-regenerative serum capable of healing organic tissue, no matter what the harm.

So for your purposes, what you do, you simply inject it into your friend's healthy cells, those healthy cells replicate, they replace the unhealthy cells.


Instant miracle.

Although, don't wait till your buddy's too far gone because then it might not work.

This sounds way too good to be true.

Yeah, he's right.

I mean, how did McCulloch Technologies develop something this advanced?

They didn't develop it.

They stole it.

It's from Swan Moon, the The Dominator home planet?

Yeah, that's the one.

Yeah, recovered from some invasion three years ago.

Anyway, blah blah blah.

You guys in, or what?

Well, how dangerous a w*apon could this be in the wrong hands?

On a scale of one to ten We gotta get our hands on this thing.

All right, I'm gonna disable the exterior security cameras.

He goes right through the door.


That's cool.

How'd you know the stuff was here?

Kid, multiversal explorer.

We need to know things.

And the serum?

Could it protect someone from anti-matter?

I expect that goes without saying.


Cameras are down.

All right, boys.

Here's where the fun begins.

All right.

Speedster, come on.

Speed us to the storage room.

No, I can't.

What do you mean you can't?

There are localized meta-dampeners all over this building, all right?

My powers are useless in here.

It means you're useless here.

We don't have to make your circuit.

Is that right, tough guy?

Have you thought about what you're gonna do if you don't make my circuit, and I don't have Hey, numbskulls, knock it off.


Both of you.

Both of us?

So we can explain.

I don't think they're gonna ask questions first.





Hey, fellas.

So your auditory nerves What?

Your ears will be fine in a couple of minutes.

Unlike these two.

Now where were we?

All right, let's hurry up.

There's another life at stake besides our own.


Hey, Ralph.

Any progress on that Dearbon lead?

You know, I really think that there might be something to it.



I decided to give it up.



There's no point, Iris.

The whole Sue thing is a lost cause, so I might as well quit before I waste any more time.

Ralph, you can't quit.

You're obsessed with finding her.

You have to keep going.

Iris, despite Team Flash's mantra, sometimes you do have to give up on things.

You know, if I were you, I would be spending a lot more time with my husband while he's still here.


All right.

Let the search begin.

Oh, man.

Without super-speed, this is gonna take a minute.

We don't have to search every location, just the cold ones, okay?

Because the serum we're looking for, it requires an environment of -15 degrees.

This says -15 degrees.

- Well, there you go.


- Okay.

- Convenient.

Time to steal our golden idol.


Did you guys hear that?



I didn't hear anything.


Wait, yeah, I did hear that.

Is that an alarm?

It better not be.

I need more time to hack this.

I'm on it.

- Hey.

- Yeah, yeah, I got.

I'm gonna follow him.


Nash, Nash.





I don't know where he went.

- I got it.

- Yeah?



- We're too late.

- No, this can't be happening.

McCulloch must've already sold it.

We needed this to save Ramsey.

Boys we got company.

Always wanted to say that.



What is this?

This this is our way out of here.

What are you talking about?

What are we supposed to do with this?

It's easy.

You just throw it.

Like, now.


- Whoo!

Well, that was exciting, wasn't it, fellas?

The Lounge?

How did we Worry less about how we got to the Lounge, and more about building my crypto-circuit.

That's not happening anymore.

Let me correct you, Barry Allen.

Yes, it is.

We had a deal, right?

I would lead you to something priceless, which I did, not my fault the serum was gone.

So now, you two are gonna build me a device.

I don't understand.

Why won't this blood work again?


What am I missing?

I found it, the cure for you.

The bonding agent in this cure is dark matter.

So that's it.

You're just deciding to give up and die.

No one lives forever.


I won't give up.

That's your choice.


I'm not your enemy.

I know.

The real enemy is death.

You know, Nash isn't going anywhere until he gets this crypto-circuit.

How's it coming?

Almost finished.

All right.

I don't know if you should.

Okay, what do you mean?

I mean, doesn't something feel off about all this?

Yeah, I know.

The guys shows up needing our tech, makes a bargain to help us, and conveniently, the thing we need isn't there.


So, I mean you think he's lying to us?

It wouldn't be the first time a Wells had a secret agenda.



Yo, what's in here?

That's storage for Frost's stuff.

You know how she gets.

You haven't looked me in the eye since I came in here.


What the hell am I looking at?


You know exactly what this is.

I don't care what powers you have.

You want it you're gonna have to go through me.

What are you talking about?

What the hell are you doing?

I'm saving your life.

'Cause someone has to do it.

Saving Ramsey saving Ramsey's my call.

And it's a bad call.

But it's the one I made.

Sometimes, as a leader, you have to make tough calls in order to serve the greater good.

You know, I made a tough call.

And I made it for you.

But I told you.

You can't save me.

I'm not buying that.

Well, you have to.

Sacrificing myself saves everything and everyone.

I've seen it.

And what does that give me to look forward to?

Waking up to a world without the Flash?

A life without my best friend?

You get to live.

You all get to live.




Look, man, I I've been dealing with this for weeks.

Wondering what's gonna happen when I'm gone, how everybody's gonna move on.

That's why I wanted us, you and me together, to save Ramsey today.

You wanted us to save a random person so I'd be okay with you dying?


I wanted us to save one person's life so you could understand the tough calls the sacrifices that a leader has to make.

Because you're my pick.

You're the person that I want to run S. T. A. R. Labs and this team when I'm gone.

All day, I've been trying to teach you how hard those responsibilities can be.

And then you stole something that was meant to save another person's life.

You justified it, even.

And I'd do it again.

Maybe I made the wrong choice.

The serum's yours.



Can we talk?

Um, now's really not a good time.

It's important.

I have something that I need to give you. S. T. A. R. Labs has been doing some research into regenerative formulas, and we've developed a serum.

We think that this could save your life.

If you inject it into your healthy cells, they'll duplicate and eventually overtake your cells that are affected by HLH, but you have to use it quickly.

Is it is it dark-matter-based?

No, it's experimental, but we believe it'll cure you.


I'd given up hope.


But why why do this for me?

A week ago, you told me you felt like you were falling off a cliff.

I want you to have a lifeline.

You're dying, as well.

Don't you want a lifeline for yourself?

There's only enough of this for one person.

And I've read about you, Ramsey, and I've talked to Caitlin.

You're a brilliant doctor.

From what she said, if you had enough time, you could cure HLH.

I'm giving you that time.

The world needs people like you to save those who can't save themselves.

Test it.

Verify what we believe it'll do, and then use it quickly.

We're not sure how long the serum will be viable.


Thank you.


- Hey.

You busy?

For you, Cap?


Iris tells me you've been having trouble with the Dearbon case.

Joe, I've been working on this Dearbon thing since last summer.

Then it dawned on me.

Digging into this right now, it doesn't matter.

Why the hell should I try to find her and try to help her If I can't even save Barry.

You can say it.



Do you remember my old partner Chyre?

He taught me an important lesson.

He said, "You can't always save everyone" "But you can always save someone. " For you that's Sue Dearbon not Barry.

I'm gonna miss him, Joe.


That's it?

Fully functioning crypto-circuit?

You sure?

'Cause it kind of seems like seems kind of shoddy.

Shoddy workmanship.

I feel like I've seen better workmanship on, well, pretty much all the other Earths out there.

This is subpar.

Subpar's being generous.

It never touch me.

Just take it.

Sure, kid.


Till our next adventure.


So how'd it go with Professor Speedster?

You all ready for life post-Crisis?

I think our friendship pretty much exploded.


Because it impossible to save him, and yet, I still don't think I should stop trying.

You want some free advice?


You can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved.

And he's already made up his mind.

And if you obsess over it, it could lead you down a dark path.

You might make a mistake you can't fix.

Commencing preliminary tests on S. T. A. R. Lab's proposed cure.



Damn it!

Of course it's another failure.

Why would I expect anything different from the universe?

My fate is sealed.

Death wins again.


There is one key difference.

Too late.

Between the blood I stole, and the blood from Mitch Romero's body.

Romero was afraid for his life.

His blood cells were flooded with epinephrine.

Adrenaline released during the attack, it's the bonding agent, which means [SINISTER MUSIC]

In order to create the substance I need to live, I have to k*ll.

But first they have to be afraid.

Multiple alarms at Central City General.

- They're evacuating.

- Is it a b*mb threat?

Reports say a madman is attacking patients.

All the staff and patients are accounted for, except for those on this floor.


That one's fresh.

Whoever did this was just here.

Why would someone do this?

She's gone.

Maybe I can figure out why.







What the hell are you doing?

Whatever it takes to stay alive.

These people.

You're the one that's k*lling.

S. T. A. R. Labs gave you a cure.

Why didn't you take it?

I did.

But it didn't work.

Turns out the disease in my human blood was too far gone.

But if I was to become something more than human, that's when I realized I could live forever.

As long as I feed.

Ramsey, you're a doctor.

You're supposed to save lives, not take them.

I am saving lives, Flash.


And right now, you are in my way.







Ramsey, come on, let him go.


I can't.

My blood brothers and sisters are much more than just the help.

They're making me stronger.

- You're using them.

- To survive.


Hello, Cait.

Playing the hero now, are you?

The bad guy was taken, so yeah.


Please, help me.

I know what you're thinking.

You're fast, Flash.

But as a doctor, I know exactly where this man's carotid artery is.

Even if I can't feed, you will never save him in time.

Ramsey, don't do this.

Let us help you.

What you're doing, it's inhuman.

It was my humanity that was holding me back.

Preventing me from becoming the man Mum always knew I was destined to be.

She always said that I would do beautiful things for this world.

And she was right.

Because the man I was, that was the disease.

A frail human body with a shelf life.


But I found a way to transcend all that.

To defeat death itself.

Everyone dies, Ramsey.

Maybe the only thing that makes it bearable is to find some meaning in it.

Well, that means I'm making the greatest sacrifice of all.

Don't you see?

What I'm becoming, this is the cure.

I am the answer, Flash, to the greatest mystery of all.

Life eternal.

Please, Dr.


I saved you for last so you would be the most afraid.

Ramsey, please don't do this.

You could've saved Mum, but you didn't.

And that's why I came here for you.





Stay with me, all right?

I got you, I got you.



What the hell are they doing?

I think they're trying to follow Ramsey.



- We have to help him.

- I don't think we can.

We lost.

Five people aren't going home to their families tonight.

And the sixth, Ramsey.

Lost him, too.

He's out there somewhere.

We have to stop him.

I I have to stop him.

- Barry.

- You tried to save him.

But he turned himself into a monster.

That's not on us.

That was Ramsey's choice.

I swear, if it is the last thing I do on this Earth I'm gonna stop him.

How did Ramsey do this, anyway?

He's using people as incubators.

Using their bodies to create what he needs to keep himself a live.

So he's turning people into human blood banks.

And as soon as he gets hungry again He's gonna make a withdrawal.

Well, happy Halloween, everyone.




Hey, Ralph.


Look I know this Crisis news hasn't been easy on anyone.



I'll say.

But look, Iris that's no excuse for me being a jerk.

I'm sorry.

I know that you were just trying to help me.

So I did want to say that tomorrow I'm call Midway City, see what I can find.

That's great, Ralph.

Sue is very lucky to have a master detective like you searching for her.

Give me a break.

It's just a missing persons case.

It's not like I'm looking to get married.

He gonna be okay?

Yeah, he is.

Of all the nights for this madness to be happening, it had to be Halloween.


Babe, we should probably head home.

Would you mind if I catch up with you in a couple minutes?



It's fine.




I'm sorry about what happened at McCulloch.

No, man, no.

Look, this this is not your fault.

I should've been focused on saving the right person.

Well, I mean, even though things didn't work out with Ramsey, at least we tried to do the right thing.

I still don't know how you do that, man.

Picking yourself up, pushing forward.

I'm just trying to teach you what it's taken me years to learn.

I know you're doing it for all of us.


That's what it means to be a hero.

I knew I picked the right guy.

I'm gonna Yeah, yeah, I'm good.

Hey, Joe.

- You all right?

- Mm.

I was just just wondering where Ramsey was and just hoping to God that we find him before this gets worse.

Well, his description has been circulated to every precinct from here to Gotham, so we should find him.

Then what?

More people are gonna get hurt.

Or worse.

I know.

I tried to save him.

Tried to do some good before I Don't you dare start talking like that.

You've done plenty of good.

Ever since you became the Flash, you've saved more people than CCPD altogether.

Without you, I would've I would've lost our family a long time ago.

And this is what you get for saving the world over and over again?

How how is that right?

You know it doesn't work like that.

Doesn't it?

I mean, I'm a cop.

If I risk my life every day for 30 years, I get to retire, Barr.

I get to go home to the woman I love.

I get to proudly watch my baby girl grow up each and every day.

I get a life, Barr.

You're a hero.

What do you get?


It's just Damn it.

It's not right.

We the world the world owes you.

You deserve better than this.

No, I don't.

I'm grateful for everything that I have.

All the blessings in my life.

For Iris, the team.

I mean, hell I'm the Flash.

I'm grateful for that.

But you You're what I'm most grateful for.

If it weren't for you your patience, your courage The will just to keep going.

I learned all that from you.

More than anyone else, before the team, before Iris you were the one that showed me what it takes just to be a good person.

You're one of the biggest reasons I was even able to become the Flash.

For that, I'll always be grateful.




Barr, I'm not ready.

I'm not ready for this.

It's not It's okay, man.

It's all right.


I know you I know you say it has to happen, but It's all right.

It's okay.

I'm never gonna leave you.

Even when I'm gone.




Let's try this.



So this is where you've been hiding.


Time to pay a house call.

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