05x04 - It's Her Kid

Episode transcripts for the TV show "How to Get Away with m*rder". Aired: September 2014 to May 2020.*
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"How to Get Away with m*rder" revolves around a group of ambitious law students and their brilliant criminal defense professor, who become involved in a twisted m*rder plot that promises to change the course of their lives.
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05x04 - It's Her Kid

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on How to Get Away with m*rder The whole point of having a flip phone is to avoid being monitored by someone like you.

I was able to install the keylogger.

Anything that he sees on his screen, - you'll see, too.

- Why are you here?

I'm not gonna stand here and let you bully me.

- It's why Bonnie left you.

- Who's Bonnie?

The only victim is Gerald Reinhoff, the man that your client beat to death.

I just need to make a phone call.

Like the one you made to get me back in?

You helped me with a Supreme Court win, Connor.

That's why you're here.

I'm going salsa dancing at The Dominicano.

You wanna come?

We lost the Harrington trial.

This file on Bonnie.

She kidnapped her own son from the hospital.

This is not Bonnie.

This is her sister.

There's one of my grooms.

Where's the other?

Anyone seen my husband?


- I'm so happy you're here!

- Oh, you know what?

This is stupid.

I should go.

No, stay.

Get out here.

Everything okay?


This is not Bonnie.

This is her sister.

Who's her sister?

Why the hell do you stile have Denver's files?

- I'm a detective.

I follow leads.

- No.

I think you finally want to get the upper hand on me.

I'm here now, telling you everything I know.

You don't know anything!

- Alejandro!

Baila con Ella.

- No, no, no.

I'm just here to watch.

Alejandro's the best teacher out there.

You two go, go.

I'll be over here.

- You knew Ila about this?

- God, no!

- Bonnie knows?

- Of course not.

She had the baby when she was 15.

Her father said it was born dead.

- She needs to know.

- No.

Her sister knows what happened.

Her sister is trash.

She probably sold the baby for smack.

- It's her kid, Annalise.

- Her kid who was a product of r*pe.

Where's her sister live?

Why do you care?

- So we can find out what happened.

- No.

What if Denver's got information that could hurt Bonnie?

It's gonna come out.

Only if you keep digging.

You can't run from it.

You got to tel I her.

Let's go.


I'm happy here.

You didn't drag your ass down here to be wallpaper.

Get out of your head and in your body.

Come on.

There it is.

I knew she had it in her!



Or I could just cut off my head.

How did you get so hungover?


You went drinking with her?

I drank to get over her.

Then I went to Asher's.

- What?

- I didn't see him.

Frank stopped me.

Why was Frank at Asher's?

Because you broke his heart and now he's desperate for friends.

And so now you need to stay away from him just like I need to stay away from Asher.

Starting today, we are going to be good people who respect boundaries and focus on our fabstinence.

Book a venue already.

Otherwise you're gonna end up with the saddest wedding in gay history.

You're sad for caring this much.

Here, I've compiled a list of some affordable, yet non-traditional options.

Philadelphia National Cemetery?

- It's very popular.

- Okay, look, no wedding planning until after we win Nate Senior's case!

- Can we please stop yelling?

- Finally!

- 15 minutes, we're leaving.

- Hurrying.

Why are you here?

Because I'm the best best man, and I'm trying to make sure that our lovebirds get to cracking on the wedding.

Oh, Oli, that reminds me I need your feedback on my "plus one" options.

I wanna make sure that you like my date.

A, stop trying to make Michaela jealous.

And B, we can't afford plus ones.

- What if I share my food with her?

- Are you serious?

We are poor.

Now move.

I'll let you poop.

- That's not what I was going to - Bye, stinky!

What's up?

So, guess who's now the official permanent interim D. A. ?


I just got the call from the Judge's panel.

- You deserve it.

- We deserve it.

God knows I could not have gotten here without you.

Which leads me to this.

Bonnie Winterbottom Ron, please stand up.

will you please make our relationship official by signing this H. R.


I hate you.

Since I have the job, I see no reason why we can't go public.

Let me think about it.


We're not speaking?

I'm preparing your father's case.

Or did you forget I put my entire career on the line for you two?

There she is!

You ready to knock out some more white folks in court again?

You know that's all I look forward to.

We're using an insanity defense at trial, so the judge wants us to find proof of your mental state at the time of the m*rder.

We're gonna need you to do a psychiatric evaluation.

Uh, well, I-I feel strong now.

Strong mind, strong body.

This psychiatrist is going to be asking you about the past specifically about how you felt before and after the m*rder.

Here's some possible questions.

Just read them through and see if it refreshes your memory.

I'm not trying to remember back then, Annalise.

You've survived more than bad memories.

- You can handle it.

- Okay, okay.

I'll study my ass off.

Anything to get outta here and on your couch.

Well, as long as you don't snore like you used to.

It's worse now.

Believe that?

Why does he think he's gonna be staying on your couch?

'Cause I was gonna tell him after his psych eval.

He needs to know now that the best-case scenario is that he goes to a mental facility.

Are you hearing yourself right now?

It's not the same.

How about this?

You tell Bonnie.

I'll tell my pops.

If you want her to know so badly, why'd you come to me?

Because you know her better.

Oh, so you want me to do your dirty work first Bonnie, now I have to save your father?

He's the reason I did this, Annalise.

You pushed me to talk to him again.

Now here I am, every week visiting, finally feeling like I'm getting my pops back.

Maybe Bonnie's son deserves the same chance.

It's not the same.

At least let Bonnie decide that.

She doesn't want to know any of this.

- How do you know that?

- I don't!

But you don't have a right to mess with anyone else's trauma.

Let's get the hell out of here.


So I'm going through his e-mails.

There's nothing about her on his computer.

It's just crap about law school or jail reform.

Don't talk down to me.

Gotta go.

- Hi.

- Come right in.

I told work I was at the dentist.

I found a program to hack flip phones.

Oh, I already took care of that.

- How?

- I found a nerd nerdier than you.

Name's Otis.


So Otis knows why you're hacking Gabriel Maddox, but you won't tell me?


Annalise's student Gabriel has a flip phone.

And nothing you do is never not shady, so I got no clue what you're talking about, Oli.


I'll ask Annalise.

Hold up.

Come upstairs.

You want the truth or not?

Annalise has me do background checks on all her students.

That includes everyone at the clinic.

Maddox, too.

He was arrested for "felony as*ault"?

Charges were dropped.

Probably just a protest brawl.

Then why did you want to clone his phone?

Annalise is an enemy of the state now.

What if the Governor's using a law student as a mole to t*nk her appeals?

So, if you look into all of Annalise's students, - does that mean me too?

- Of course.

And I gotta say, Oli, even I don't have a porn library that big.

Please stop talking.

What is all this?

Who cares!

The hangover gods have answered my prayers.

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God.





What, are you paleo or something?

I don't eat oppression.

Pace yourselves!

The CEO of Ruthie's Burgers is 30 minutes out.

Let's make sure that you're all still happily eating when she arrives.

Ruth Stevenson is coming here?

You know her name?

I'm impressed.

And that's what today is all about impressing Ms. Stevenson as she looks for new counsel.

Just curious.

Why would you want to sign a client whose company is in the middle of a boycott?

Is that still a thing?

Some manager fired all of his black employees after falsely accusing them of stealing.

- It should still be a thing.

- Okay.

You can't blame an entire corporation because of one bad manager, especially when there's a billion-dollar account at stake.

Someone really did their homework.

I worked at a Ruthie's Burgers when I was in high school.

So if you need any help wooing Ms.

Stevenson Annalise needs us to help with Nate Senior's case, Michaela.

Annalise knows there is no clinic without corporate clients footing the bill.

Will you make yourself available?


I figured you'd be starving the way you tore up the floor last night.

I was just trying to keep up with you.

You're not close to keeping up with me.

But maybe with a little practice Hey, I was just coming to tell you about our potential client, but I see you're already enjoying.


It tastes like ass.

See, that irresistible charm is precisely why I want you to join me and Ms.

Stevenson for lunch.

And she wants to meet - the famous Supreme Court winner - I can't.

I'm prepping for a face-case trial.

We lost the Harrington account, Annalise.

We sign Ruthie's, that'll help make up for that loss.

Can you try to bring her to my office?

I mean, I'm better in small doses.


But you're coming with me.

It'll be fun.


Do we believe Frank?

Who knows.

But my question is, did you know Annalise does background checks - on all her students?

- Yeah.

It's how she picks her inner circle.

So what'd she find that made her pick you?

Well, you know, nothing, other than I'm smart.

- That's a very far-fetched reason.

- Hey.

Keating wants us.

The A. G. 's office finally sent over Mr. Lahey's prison records from the last 30 years.

So everyone take a box.

Let's find any proof that Mr. Lahey was criminally insane at the time he m*rder*d Gerald Reinhoff.

How do you prove someone was insane 30 years ago?

Well, you look through medical records, witness statements, guard reports.

We'll have a list of evidence for the Judge by the time Mr. Lahey passes his psych eval.

That's the initiative that I want.

Listen, Nathaniel Lahey has been failed by every institution that was supposed to have protected him.

And we don't want to be next on the list.


Ms. Castillo, a moment.

What do you need?

A hit of baby head.

Can you call the daycare?

I already put you on the list so you can visit him whenever you want.


You just made my day.

I'm so happy to see you.

Are you happy to see me, too?


You don't have to smile just because I want you to.

Maybe it's just this baby's too damn big.

Have you tried lying on your side?



It helps sometimes.

If you keep being this cute, I'm gonna have to steal you out of this daycare.

Why didn't you tell anyone about the Councilman's alleged abuse when it was happening?

My father said he would k*ll me and my sister and get rid of our bodies in the furnace of City Hall if I said anything.

Miss Winterbottom, have you ever heard of a medical condition called a hysterical pregnancy?

I didn't lie about my baby.

Not even you ever saw that baby.

I was just thinking I need your advice.


Let's do lunch.

Right now?

I just had a meeting cancel.


Tell me where to meet.

How stupid are you?

Get out.

Cops drive by here all the time.

You missing your buddies in the pen or something?


- Hi.

- Check your texts.

I-I'm about to meet with Bonnie.

Even more reason to look.

Where are you?

- I'm at the sister's.

- Why?

I got put on leave until my pop's trial.

And this dude lives with Julie.

That doesn't mean it's him.

And what if it is?

Leave, right now.

You said it yourself, I got no proof.

I come to get me some.

Leave and do nothing else.


Two Cobb salads.


This better be about Nate Senior's case.

It's not.


Gabriel broke a guy's face.

I hacked his arrest report.

He beat up some doctor.


Look, Nate Senior's gonna die in prison if we don't win this case.



Nate Senior complained of heart palpitations the morning of the m*rder, but the guards - wouldn't let him see a doctor.

- So?

Increased heart rate is a sign of a manic episode.


Going on the board.

Your mom?


What about her?

She mentally ill?

Okay, you have got to stop it with the eavesdropping.

Then don't sit so close to me.

And it looks like we have something else in common.

What's that supposed to mean?

My mom's pretty screwed up too.

I'm the subordinate and he's my boss, so it's really his own ass he's covering if he tells H. R.

I just don't want it to put pressure on us.

Or affect how everyone at work sees us, me.

Does it affect how you see me?

Of course not.

I don't think you should let him put pressure on you.

He's not.

So why are we here?

We're eating lunch.

In a park, alone.

So what do you need?

Something on Nate's dad?


Um, Nate's on leave, and I'm trying to get an advance copy of the witness list for his dad's case.

I'll try.

Now, we created this space specifically for the pro-Bono work that our clinic oversees.

Well, I'm just thrilled to see one of our former employees overcoming the odds to excel in such an environment, how inspiring.

I have Ruthie's to thank for that.

My time as manager gave me the leadership skills I needed to become a lawyer.

Ms. Keating.

Back from lunch, perhaps?

A lunch meeting about my current case.

Well, I'm just glad you're back in time to meet Ruth Stevenson.


Pleasure to meet you.

The pleasure's mine.

And, my God, you are even more lovely in person - than on the news.

- Thank you.

Now, your hair is different than last I saw.

Is Is it real?

What the hell are you doing?

- Oh, no.

- I'm sorry.

It's just so gorgeous.

You don't have to touch it to know that.

- It was a compliment.

- Yeah.


How about we go and get some coffee?

Can I ask you a question?

As long as it's not about that ninny out there.


How are you okay representing someone like that?

Well, being clueless doesn't make her money less green.

Well, her money comes directly from the exploitation of poor black and brown people.

And our clinic is helping those same black and brown people get out of prison.

So you're okay with just feeding the system?

You chose to work in this system the minute you came to law school.

No, I came here to blow up the system.

I am blowing up the system.

That's why we need to win Nate Senior's trial.

So my SCOTUS case doesn't become Robbins v.

California or Grady v.


- I don't know those.

- That's because they were overturned.

But we're not gonna let that happen, no matter how many sh*ts the Governor fires at us.

We're gonna take from the rich and give to the poor.

Or are you anti-Robin Hood too?

You want to do some good in the world?

Go to the D. A. 's office and pick up a package.



- You off work early?

- Something like that.

Any chance I can get a rush on this?

You said it yourself, I got no proof.

I come to get me some.

Leave and do nothing else.

I think the kid who used it might be the missing kid you got on file.

Just see if the DNA's a match.

Why are you lying to me?

You got put on leave during your dad's trial.

Are all these tests you're having me run for his case?

- No.

- Then what are they for?

You know I can't tell you that.

It's not about us.


We're good.

This is the last time I'm doing this.


Next-door nemesis, what brings you yonder?

I, uh, have to pick up a package from this office.

Do you know where it is?

You're not seriously asking me to help you with a clinic that you got me booted from, are you?

No, of course not.

I know that's Keating's handwriting, you dumbass!

You here for Professor Keating?

- Yeah.

- How is this taking you so long?

Whoever your last intern was misfiled everything.

That was Laurel.

Wait, you're Professor Keating's Bonnie?

Excuse me, she's her own Bonnie.


I'm sorry.

I just, uh Michaela Pratt mentioned you once.

- What'd she say about me?

- All good stuff.

Why'd you stop working for Annalise?

None of your business, and Annalise needed that file yesterday.

So, how's everything in my BonBons life going?

I like to know what's going on with you.

I'm good.







Because of Michaela?


But I mean, yes, I-I still hate her, but I hate, uh, AK more for putting me in a constant state of FOMO now that there's a K4 I'm not a part of.

And of course it doesn't help that they all live together, and, um, my greatest opportunity to expand my social circle is joining Peggy-down-the-hall's bowling group.

You're lonely.

It happens.


Aren't you?


Maybe this is, uh, gonna be weird to say, but I-I do think about us s-sometimes, BonBon.

Like I don't know maybe if I hadn't messed things up, or if I was smarter or I don't know.

Maybe Maybe we'd still be a thing.

You're just tired.

Go home.

You've earned it.

Ms. Price, can I I should start wearing garlic to keep you away.

I know how you can sign the Ruthie's Burgers account.

That account went bye-bye the second White Tears touched Annalise's hair.


When I worked there, the handbook said we had to take a break every three hours.

Except they made us clock out for that time.

How does pointing out our potential client's illegal activity help us woo her?

We can use it to blackmail Ruthie into hiring C&G.

And if she doesn't, then we sign up their thousands of employees for a class action.

If, and I mean if, we do this, I'd need proof of those violations time cards, pay stubs, employee statements.

Without that, your big idea is a big nothing.

So can you turn nothing into something?

Of course.


I'm just gonna need some time.

There is no time.

Ruth's making her decision tomorrow.


You couldn't just leave it alone, could you, sweet O?

- Leave what alone?

- What's going on?

Oliver's been hacking up dirt on your classmate Gabriel.

- What?

- Okay, everyone just chill.

And before you deny it, just know my guy Otis showed me proof.

You had your hacker hack me?

Wait, why are you looking into Gabriel?

I research all Annalise's students.


Did you know?

Of course.

That's why she picked me 'cause of my dad, Asher because of his dad, Wes because of her guilt.

But why me?

Why'd she pick me, Frank?

You think I'm ever gonna tell you that?

Tell us the truth.

Gabriel's sketchy, right?

- No.

- Fine.

If you don't want to tell us, then can you please leave so that we can work on Senior's case?

No more snooping, you hear me?

At the time of Gerald Reinhoff's m*rder, were you using mind-altering substances?


No way.

I-I used to sell dr*gs back in the day, but even then I-I knew better than to use 'em.


Then why on the morning of the m*rder, did you tell the guard that your heart was pounding out of your chest?

Probably 'cause it was.

I just got out of the SHU.

I was excited.

You'd be excited, too.

- How was that?

- Great.

Keep it up.

Tell me why you destroyed your cell that day.

- I was boxing.

- Your cellmate?

Joe Frazier.

Further proof of our client's insanity is that he claimed to have superpowers days before the m*rder.

These visual and auditory hallucinations prove the defense has established the necessary factors to satisfy the M'Naghten rule.

Our client did not know the difference between right and wrong the day of the m*rder.

Is that true?

Just type.

One of the guard's reports says that immediately following the m*rder, with blood still on your hands, that you asked for a slice of chocolate cake.


Look at the report.

It says you asked for cake.

Who asks for some cake, a man laying there with his brains leaking out his head?

Someone who didn't realize what they had done.

Look at me.

It helps our case because what it means is that you couldn't tell the difference between right and wrong.

Of course I know what I'd done was wrong!

Well, of course you understand it's wrong now.

We're talking about when it was happening.

No way in hell am I gonna say that I asked for some damn cake.

The jury's gonna send me to the chair for sure if I say something like that.

There is no jury if you don't say it!

You hear me?

Our entire defense, you getting a chance to get out of here, rests on one question, did you understand that k*lling Gerald Reinhoff was wrong?

The only right answer is to say you didn't.


So you think long and hard about how you wanna answer it.

First, we we want to thank you for meeting with us again.

We know how uncomfortable yesterday was.

Please know I'm beyond mortified.

I had my assistant Internet search why one should never touch an Afro American's hair and, my God, I had no idea it was such a faux pas.

Well, you know, we all need to live and learn, which brings us to our pitch.


Price has the research, so I will cede the floor to her.

Actually the research is right here.

That's not the research we're talking about.



Stevenson, our market research shows that the current boycott of Ruthie's Burgers - It'll die down soon.

- It's been a year.

Ruthie's is in need of a culture shift.

And while you, your father, and your grandfather have always taken pride in the fact that Ruthie's is a family company, right now the world sees your family as the problem.

To be more specific, that you are the problem.

I'm sorry.

Did you beg me to come back here so that more of your employees could insult me?

Let Ms.

Price finish.

Caplan & Gold has one specific recommendation for you step down as CEO immediately.

In your resignation, you'll state that, as CEO, you know all the best changes start at the top, and no one's more committed to that change than you.

And you show you mean it by making me the face of your legal team.

An African-American.

You can't seriously support this.

I can and I do, especially when you consider the $50 million stock gain we're anticipating the moment you make the announcement.

I don't understand.

I-I stayed up all night, collecting pay stubs, time sheets.

Did you honestly think starting a new attorney-client relationship with blackmail was a good idea?

I was doing whatever it takes to get the job done.

Except I got the job done the right way.

- What was this for?

- I was testing you to see if you could step down from your pedestal for one night and do the boring, back-breaking, grunt work real lawyers do to build cases.

And look at that.

You did it.

Does this mean you don't hate me anymore?

Yesterday, I hated you at 10.

Today, you're an 8.

You better not still be hacking you-know-who.

Oli just got into his Middleton application.


It was Laurel's idea.

Come read this part of his essay.

"As a child to a parent with substance abuse issues, I've experienced first hand how our justice system persecutes the wrong people.

" Okay, you know what?

I feel dirty reading this.

The doctor he beat up was the guy over-prescribing his mother's pills.

Hey, give me that.

Uh, what are you doing?

I need a distraction until the judge rules on our motion.

So let's see what's in my file.

You got in.

What does it matter?

Can I check mine next?

I knew it.

All she does is lie.

On the morning of February 9, do you recall having breakfast?

I didn't eat nothing that day.

I was too jumpy.

Why were you "jumpy"?

I'd just gotten out of the SHU.

It felt like my skin was crawlin'.

Did you alert any of the guards to your mental distress?

I told them I wanted to see the doctor, told 'em it felt like my heart was beating too fast.

They told me no.

Convince me why I should tell her.

You know her.

I mean, you know she's tougher than she looks.

But she's been happy.

That's what makes this the right time.

She's got support.

Nate, I'm too tired to take care of anyone else.

But you know you'll be there for her.

Just like you've been here for me.

It's a chance for Bonnie to get back what she lost.

Is it true Mr. Reinhoff approached you while you were working out and said, "Let's see what the boxer's got"?

Uh, yes, yes.

That's true, yes.

And, uh, I stood up to face him.

And he came at me and threw a punch.

So I fought back.

And I I guess I didn't stop.

What were you thinking in those moments as you were beating him?

All I remember is coming to, and, um, five COs had me and they were hollerin' and holding me back.

And then I looked on the ground and I saw this man.

He was laying there in, uh in the dirt.

I saw him, and and h-his brains were coming through his skull, and I thought I knew him but it was too hard to tell 'cause his face was And in that moment, did you understand what you did was wrong?

I just remember I wanted a slice of cake.

Listen up.

The judge made her decision.

Due to your motion and a successful psych eval, we get to argue our insanity defense.


Now, we won a battle, but not the w*r.

The trial is Monday, and I'll need for all of you to work your asses off until then.

Especially you, Mr. Walsh.

Congratulations, you'll be my second chair.



Connor, maybe now is not the best time.


Do you just enjoy lying to us?


I saw my admissions file.

You called President Hargrove, and you told her to let me back in.

You failed out, Connor.

In what world does the same school let you back in?

That's why I asked you to your face for the truth.

And the reason why I didn't tell you is because I knew how insecure you'd be - if you thought you didn't belong here.

- Okay, well, I'm an adult.

I can handle a little disappointment.

You came crying at my doorstep last year, saying you were suicidal.

Yeah, 'cause I needed some help.

Well, and I gave you that help.

- That's all I ever do for you.

- Why?

Why though?

Because I didn't want your damn blood on my hands.


Why me?

I mean why did you pick me for the K5 to begin with?

Y-You always have a reason for everything.

- So why me?

- You know what?

This is your mess, and I'm gonna let you handle it.

No, no, just answer the question!

- Why me?!

- You know what?!

I'm trying to change the damn world here!


I'm Martin Luther Damn King trying to blow up the entire justice system!

And I'm trying to help you do that!

Ask anyone out there!

I wrote up that motion for the judge!


No, you're bringing me your little b*tch boy problems!

Just like everyone else out there!

You want me to save the world and be nice at the same time!

Well, that's not me!

And shame on you if you haven't figured that out yet.

Mr. Maddox, you're now my second chair.

- You were looking for me?

- Ah.

I, uh I wanted to finally apologize.

You don't have to apologize for your people.

I don't apologize for mine.

And at least you signed her.


Thank God.

And I understand congratulations are in order for you on the Lahey case.

I wish I could be here to cheer you on, but I've been called to London.

What for?


Just some face time with the board.


Not for your misconduct with a client?

You asked me to lunch with you and Ruth.

And when I said I couldn't, you jumped right to Tegan.

Is it only your female clients you can't be alone with?

I can't talk to you about this.

I'm not looking for an explanation.

Lord knows people love to spread rumors about me.

No, I can't talk about it legally, Annalise.

You should go.

I passed!

They can call me crazy!

Why you lookin' so serious?

Sit down, pops.

After we go to trial, if the jury finds you not guilty you can't come home with me.


You don't want me living with you?

Is that that what you saying?

I'm saying the judge is gonna place you in a mental facility due to your history.

Annalise can't find a way around that?

I'm sorry.

This facility - it's got its own private bathroom?

- Yeah.

No bars on the windows?

You'll get your own room too.

The food's pretty good.

I'll get to see you?


That's a win in my book.

- Hey.

- I've got the results from the needle.

Was it a match?

Is that really all you have to say to me right now?

Listen, we should have more time to talk about this.

We don't.

'Cause maybe I'm expecting too much, but I know what I need.

And it's more than you're willing to give, so just Let's just move on before anyone gets hurt.

I haven't decided yet.

I got the DNA test results for the kid.

I do give you permission to go public with our relationship.


Denver had files on you.

It said your baby's alive.

And then Nate found this.

There's a man the right age, lives with Julie, someone we thought might be him.

But then the DNA didn't match.

- Nate said he destroyed the file.

- I know.

Then why didn't he?

He was thinking of his dad and he wanted you to have a chance to feel what he felt.

Please tell me you don't believe that.

I do.

Come here.


Come here.

Come here.

Come here.

This is not my decision.

It's all you.

You're allowed to feel nothing.

All right?

Forget all of this and just Just be where you are.

Or we we can find him.

All right?

I'll be here either way.

Whatever you want, I'm here.


I'm here.

Oliver to the dance floor!

Oliver to the dance floor!

Come on, folks.

Let's make some noise to get his attention.


Where is he?

Uh - Michaela?

- Um Let's all call him.

He has to be close.

This is Nate Lahey.

Leave a message.

Hey, it's me.

Um, are you still here?

I'm in the tent, and I haven't seen you, so can you call me as soon as you get this?

Thank you.
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