13x10 - Parker in the Rye

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murdoch Mysteries". Aired: January 2008 to present.*

Moderator: Virginia Rilee

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In the 1890s, William Murdoch uses radical forensic techniques for the time, including fingerprinting and trace evidence, to solve some of the city's most gruesome murders.
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13x10 - Parker in the Rye

Post by bunniefuu »

You're being very quiet this morning.


I don't mean to be.

Sometimes the things we don't mean to communicate speak loudest.

I'm not sure what else there is to say about the situation.

William, I am sorry I walked out on you the way I did.

I was angry.

But it wasn't my intention to end the conversation permanently.

It was an emotional moment.

Why do I feel as though you're shutting me out?

No one will ever come between us, William.

I have to get to work.

I just never imagined how many disturbance calls could come through in a single day.

Yes, well as you've seen, what some people consider a disturbance can vary greatly.

For example, the woman who thought her fur coat was conspiring against her.

How do you stay so patient with people?

I try to remind myself that everybody needs help, in their own way.

I don't always succeed, mind you.

Right then.

Neighbors reported hearing shouting and strange noises.

- This is the Quincannon home.



- I've never heard of them.

- Nathan Quincannon.

Founder of Quincannon Rye?

- No.

What's rye?

- What's rye?

Rye's like Bourbon.

Only good.

Spend any amount of time in this town or with Inspector Brackenreid, you'll surely be introduced to it.

Toronto Constabulary.


Oh my God.

Watch your step.

- Who's there?

- No, please!

It's all right, lad, it's all right, we're the police.

Are you hurt?

I don't know What happened here?

I don't I can't remember [DRAMATIC.]


I know this is difficult, but any details you could provide would aid greatly in catching the people who did this.

We We came home, and then I don't remember.

I'm sorry.

That's all right, Jacob.

There'll be plenty of time for questions.

Our constables will take you to the Station House and see that you're made comfortable.

Poor lad's lost his entire family.

What have you, Miss Hart?

All three victims were shot multiple times.

At this stage, it's difficult to know how many gunmen were involved, but I found this under Nathan Quincannon's body.

Two spent rounds, recently fired.

It doesn't look like a robbery.

Not a successful one, anyway.

The wounds are from different caliber weapons, I won't know for certain until I examine them further.

I'll have results shortly.

Thank you, Miss Hart.

Sirs, we have something.

- What is it?

- A blood trail.

Seems to lead out back.


Must have staunched the bleeding.

Perhaps we should call in more men to scour the area.

I don't think that will be necessary, George.

I take it his story about being a wounded police officer wasn't true?

He's been through an awful trauma, I'm not surprised he doesn't want to talk about it.

Of course.

But we know he was in the room when the murders occurred, and likely witnessed at least some of what happened.

Is there anything I should know about the case before I speak to him?

Just that there was more than one k*ller.

And if he's able to recall anything specific, it may aid us identifying the others.

And the man you have in custody?

Leon Bronson.

I'll be questioning him shortly, but I wanted you to ascertain Mr.

Quincannon's condition before we ask him to identify anyone.

I'll do my best.

Can you tell me what you remember about yesterday?

Anything at all.

I can't, I just I can't remember.

Why can't I remember?

Sometimes you just need to discuss things out loud.

Let's start at the beginning.

When the police arrived, you were in formal attire.

Do you remember why?

I was at a party With my mother and sister.

My father stayed home.

He doesn't he doesn't like crowds.

It's very good, Jacob.

Do you remember who was hosting the party?

It was some kind of fundraiser.

Were there many people in attendance?

Yes, there was a fair number of people there.


Now, do you remember leaving the party?

- [SOBS.]

- It's all right, there's no rush.

You're safe now.

I was able to retrieve three different b*llet types from the victim.

So there was probably two more sh**t.

And what of Mr.

Quincannon's g*n?

The b*llet that the veterinarian pulled from Mr.

Bronson was a match.

So the men pushed their way in and Quincannon began firing.

It's a possibility.

But there were no signs of a break in, and nothing appears to have been stolen.

Though perhaps they didn't have time.

Or he surprised them by being home.

There is something else.

Mr. Quincannon was shot in both the front and back of his torso, multiple times.

He attempted to run away?

Or he was shielding his loved ones.

I was able to confirm that Elizabeth, Sarah, and Jacob Quincannon were all at the Rouge Valley Auction.

And you and Mr.

Parker found them approximately - one hour after the auction, correct?

- That's right.

Allowing for travel, the family couldn't have been home long before they were k*lled.

Seems a tragic bit of timing, sir.

But still, the most likely scenario.

If the K*llers were lying in wait for the family, why not finish the job?

Perhaps they scattered when Nathan began firing.

But it would have been more prudent of them to sh**t the others as they approached the house, why wait until they are inside?

So Quincannon was likely the sole target.

One last thing, sirs, we have nothing on file for Leon Bronson.

Either he's never committed a crime, or he's not from Toronto.


Mr. Bronson, you are facing execution for the murders of Elizabeth, Sarah, and Nathan Quincannon.

Well that can't be right.

Because I wasn't even there.

You were apprehended a block away from their home with one of Nathan's b*ll*ts in your arm.

What a weird coincidence.



Your guilt is not in question, sir.

Then why are we talking?


We're giving you a chance to save your neck.

We can have a word with the judge, spare you the noose.

Who are your friends?

I don't know what friends you mean.

I'm new to this city, I haven't had the chance to make any new acquaintances.

It is a lovely city, but the people are a mite unfriendly.

Where is it that you are from, Mr.


Everywhere and nowhere.


A hobo?

I go where the wild wind blows.

And where the blood flows.



Mr. Bronson, we will find out what happened.

And the longer you make us wait, the less likely you will be shown any mercy.

Is that what you want?

What I want is to lead a quiet life, and for you to find the people that k*lled that poor family.

What a terrible tragedy.


We'll get nothing from him.

The man's a total monster.


Sometimes there's simply no humanity to be found, sir.


Can't say I'm upset having to visit this place, though.

Distilling spirits is quite the process.

It's an art form in the purest sense, Murdoch.

I take it you are familiar with Quincannon Rye?

It's the only thing worth drinking in this country.

Angela Dempsey?

Toronto Constabulary.

Yes, I was told you'd be coming by.

Thank you for meeting with us.

We just have a few questions.

Such an unbelievable tragedy.

We are all quite shaken.

How long have you worked here at the distillery?

Since the beginning, really.

Almost twenty years.

But I became master distiller about five years ago.


Do you have any idea who could have committed this heinous crime?

Do you suspect anyone?


I've been asking myself the same question.

Nathan could be mercurial, and he wasn't afraid to show his temper, but I just can't imagine anybody who might be capable of this.


How's business, generally?

There has been a steady drop in sales in the last few years.


I must say, I'm surprised by that.

A fan of our product?

Well, it's been a good friend to me over the years.

Then you know that Quincannon is a premium rye.

We never shortchange quality.

The result is that our price rarely fluctuates, unlike people's wages.

It is a hefty price tag.

Worth every penny, mind.

What have been the effects of the drop in sales?

How did Mr.

Quincannon react?

He didn't.

That was the problem.

We'd push him to make a lower grade rye, something we could sell for less.

But he simply wouldn't compromise quality.

- Admirable.

- Expensive.

In the end, quality was more important to Nathan than the loss.

Do you have any idea of the extent of the losses?

I know there was talk of losing the building.

We were very concerned.

You keep saying we.

- Who are you referring to?

- Jacob, his son.

He's learning the business from his father.

But I was there.

Why can't I remember?

What's wrong with me?

We all process loss differently.

This could be your mind's way of protecting you.

How so?

It's possible you've blocked your memory of the event, as a form of self preservation.

There is a doctor in Germany who believes it's quite common among people who have experienced traumatic situations.

If I can't remember what the men looked like, does that mean they won't be caught?


Dr. Ogden. George.

I was just wondering how you and the lad were faring.

I don't want to push too hard.

He is in a very fragile state right now.


Well, I was about to step out for some lunch, do you think some air would do him good?

It's a fine idea.

Jacob, would you care to join Constable Crabtree for lunch?

There's an excellent dog cart just down the road.

A what?

Now the idea is that you want to make sure your sausage is completely covered.

If any bit is left exposed it can throw off the taste of the whole thing.

Like this?

That's not bad.

Jacob, I cannot believe a man of your means and you've never eaten a hot dog.

Father said only savages eat with their hands.

- Get down!

Get down!

Get down!

- What is it?

Those two men.

After them!

Was that them?

It's all right.


I've had enough of this messing around.

Tell us who they are, or I'll fill your bloody teeth in.

We both know that you're not gonna do that.

Not with him here.

You forget, I'm his boss.

Your friends tried to m*rder that young lad in broad daylight.

Now, who are they?

Give me five minutes with him, Murdoch.

- Sir.

We need to - Five minutes.


Sir, I don't believe that tactic will work with this man.

You're underestimating my right cross.

I'd wager he's endured far worse than you're prepared to deliver.


We'll do it your way.

For now.

The longer we wait, the more time his accomplices - have to plan something else.

- I agree, sir.

Then why are we wasting time?

Crabtree wasn't able to get a good look at either of the men, Dr.

Ogden is getting nowhere with Jacob.

We're at a standstill.

I have an idea.

Well don't keep me in suspense.



You wanted to see me?

What's with the gladrags, Butch?

Theatre date tonight.

Just came by to pick up my pay first.

I'm afraid we need to ask you to cancel those plans.

I don't understand.

We've run into some trouble on the Quincannon case.

How can I help?

We're placing you under arrest, Mr. Parker.

We realize that this request is somewhat unorthodox, but we wouldn't be asking if it weren't dire.

So you want me to go into the cells Pose as a criminal and attempt to establish a rapport with Mr.


To what end, exactly?

Find out who his associates are before they try to k*ll Jacob Quincannon again.

Now, Mr.

Bronson doesn't know what you look like, he won't suspect you.

Does it have to be tonight?

It's the opening of the new theater, - the Royal Alexandra.

- You have tickets for that?

Margaret's been on about it for months, it sold out within the hour.

How did you manage to get tickets?

One major difference I've noticed about us Americans: we know which palms to grease.

You'll be compensated, of course.

And my date?

We are at a dead end, Mr. Parker.

We need your help.


There's two cells on the other side.

Hey, I don't want a neighbour.


I'm not thrilled about it either.

Got something to smoke?

Do your own time.

I got nothing for you.

Well aren't I an ass.

How do you feel about forgiving thy neighbor?

Why would a group of assassins want to k*ll a Whiskey Baron?


The fact that the company was losing money may be of note.

Perhaps Mr. Quincannon found himself in debt to the wrong people.


Bit of a strong reaction to a loan though, isn't it?

Almost as if the K*llers wanted to send a message.

Sirs, Mr.

Parker is in the jail cells.

Let's hope his acting skills are up to the task.

I went through the Quincannon Company records, as you asked sir.

I didn't find anything in the way of outstanding debts, but I did find something you might be interested in.

A lease?

An intent to lease.

It seems Quincannon distillery was planning on opening another location.

But they were losing money.

A failing company with expansion plans?

Miss Dempsey, the distiller, did say they were also in danger of losing the building.

Perhaps they were being prudent by lining up another one?

That could be so, sir.

I spoke to the property owner.

He says equipment has been moved in already.

If this was to be their new distillery, it's quite a step down.

You mean the building itself?

The ingredients that he's using.

The equipment.

These barrels don't even look like oak.

None of this would be used to make premium rye.

Are you quite sure, sir?

Murdoch, if there's one thing I know Miss Dempsey said that Mr.

Quincannon refused to make anything other than premium rye, even if it meant losing money.

Perhaps he'd had a change of heart and didn't tell her.

But she intimated that she'd been pushing him for the change.

Something doesn't make sense.

Like why would a purist be making swill?

Nakipaglaban ka sa Manila?

What How do you ?

- Manila.

- Two days and nights in hell.

What regiment were you with?

There are only four black regiments in the entire army.


I trained with a couple of black soldiers.

- Good fighters.



Dumbest thing I've ever done was fight for a country that hates me.

You did it for your country?

I did it for the chow and a place to sleep.

And look how far we've come.


Did you ever get to a little town called Alaminos?

Prettiest little girls you ever saw.

Didn't do much sightseeing.

We didn't have the same privileges.

So what brings you to this godforsaken country?

What else?

- A woman.


How'd that work out?

Let's just say this isn't the first time I've been in a cell because of her.

How did you find yourself here?


Took the train up from Pittsburgh.

Job didn't go quite as planned, but that's okay, it's gonna get sorted soon.

Hey, you mind if I have another one of those cigarettes?



Are you in here?


Jacob, can you hear me?

- Jacob!

- Mother Constable, somebody, bring bandages!

Luckily he missed the ulnar artery.

An inch closer and he wouldn't have survived.

We're fortunate you found him in time.

William, I don't think he should stay here.

The Asylum.

Well, I'd like to keep treating him, if possible.

The Asylum's not something I'd recommend at this stage.

He needs to be made to feel safe and secure.

What do you suggest?

We take him some place quiet, peaceful.


Our home.

Julia, there are men out there trying to k*ll him.

And he may do the job for them if we're not careful.

It's simply not safe.

I'm not suggesting we stay there alone.

Station some armed Constables out front.

Even with that, he will be more vulnerable.

And so will you.

William, for his mental health and his safety, I believe it's the best thing for him.

I won't have his death on my hands.

Will you?

Are you sure about this?

Not entirely, sir.

Bloody hell, Murdoch, try to inspire a little bit of confidence.

- How many men have you assigned?

- Five.

Make it seven.

Foresight is better than hindsight.

So what's next, then?

I'm off to see an Ian Kilmister.

The owner of the factory Mr.

Quincannon was renting.

The paperwork came through a messenger, and the money was sent directly to the bank.

- So you've never actually met Nathan Quincannon?

- Never.

It's a damn shame what happened to that man and his family.

Were you able to bring a copy of the lease agreement, as requested?

Thank you.

There's Nathan Quincannon's signature, who's is this?

His co-signer, a Mr. Perri.

Italian name, I believe.

- Rocco Perri.

The gangster?

- If you say so.


Kilmister, have you ever actually met anyone associated with this lease agreement?

As I said, it was all done through the mail.

It isn't uncommon.

Quincannon was in business with a man like that?


What happened to your family was out of your control.

There's nothing you could have done about it, you must understand that.

And now I'm never going to see any of them again.

Why wasn't I k*lled, Dr.


I can't answer that for you, I'm afraid.

But what I do know is those that we love never truly leave us.

I am sure of it.



What's going on?

I've got a visitor coming.

It's the middle of the night.

Are you talking in your sleep?

What are you doing here?

You're not due for another three hours.

- What's going on?

- Sit tight.

Sit tight.

- Took you long enough.

- It ain't easy finding of these clown outfits.

Let's go, car's waiting.


What do you think you're doing?

You waiting for an invitation?


Three beers.

So I guess you're not having one?

If we were in the States it wouldn't even be a question.

But we're not, are we?

Right now, we're all equally wanted men.

Just get him a damn beer.

Mind telling us what the hell he's doing here?

He's a soldier, like us.

- He deserved a break.

- And now he's got one.

- Time to beat it, darkie.

- Darkie, that's good.

Say it again, it'll be what I'll do to your eyes.

Make your move.

All right, everybody calm down.

- He could be helpful.

- Helpful?

What are you talking about?

Cops are looking for three white men.

If we play this right, he can get us close.

There's probably a hundred Buttons watching the kid.

Who'd ever expect one of his kind to be a threat?

I don't like it.

I don't like him.

We shouldn't even be talking about this with him around.

Mind letting me in on what I'm not supposed to know?

I do mind.

Now shut your damn Ahh!

All right everyone.




Whatever you need, I can help.

Just tell me.

Cheers, boys.

This is exactly the kind of thing that gets an Inspector dismissed.

I don't think that will happen, sir.

I wish I could be as sure, Murdoch.

- Sirs.

- Anything, George?

Witnesses saw them getting into a car with two other men.

- So Parker left with them.

- It appears so.

What the bloody hell is he doing?

If I'm not mistaken, he's maintaining the ruse.

He's taking this role playing too far.


Just because my last name isn't Mac doesn't make me a criminal.

My ancestors taught the world how to eat, I'm tired of being harassed.

Come on, watch the suit.

I believe Rocco Perri has arrived.

Mr. Perri, your signature along with Mr.

Quincannon's are on this lease agreement.

So I guess this means I must have k*lled him.

That a confession?

I had nothing to do with it.

I didn't want him dead.

Besides, I was at Kowalski's having dinner that night.

Well we wouldn't have expected a man like you to actually get his hands dirty.

But you were in business with Mr.


We were starting a venture.

It never got off the ground.

Now I guess it never will.

Another distillery.

We wanted to make booze for the working-class folk.

Not everybody can afford the high priced bathwater in those fancy brown bottles.


Ah, a man of the people.

A family has been slain, Mr. Perri.

Tell us the truth.

All I know is, I'm out my initial investment.

And I am just as interested as you are to find out who did it.

Sorry to bother you, Doctor, but the detective thought you should know, Mr.

Bronson's associates have broken him out of the Station House cells.

Oh my God.

We're doing everything we can to find them, but in the meantime, the Detective thinks it's a good idea for more men to be stationed around your home.

Who does he think is behind all of this?

A man by the name of Rocco Perri might be involved.

He's rather notorious, I've heard of him and his men.


Yes, I believe I've read about him.

We don't have a lot of details at this point, but we'll certainly keep you informed.

Thank you, George.

Right, well I'd best get back to it.

Good to see you young man.

Keep your chin up.

Goodbye, Constable.


I've heard that name before.

How long's it take to get some cigarettes?

He'll be back in a minute.

What, you in a rush to get somewhere?

I need to use a bathroom.

Don't go far.

Keep your hat on.

Station House Four, Detective William Murdoch.


Calling the missus?

- I was just - Shut up.

Funny, they didn't let me take my tobacco into the cells.

And I thought: What makes you so special?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Sure you don't.

Now, why don't you tell us who are you, really?


Detective William Murdoch.

William, I thought you should know, Jacob remembered something that might be pertinent to the case.

About the day of the murders?

Unfortunately he still can't recall anything about the actual events, but he did recall an argument between his father and a man named Rocco Perri.

George mentioned that he might have some connection to the case.

Yes, he's still very much a suspect.

It was a few weeks ago, and sounded quite heated.

Mr. Perri actually came to the Quincannon home with some men.

Did Jacob see Mr.


Could he identify him?

Unfortunately not.

Apparently his father sent the family upstairs when the dispute began.

Thank you, Julia.

And please tell young Mr.

Quincannon it won't be much longer before we catch the K*llers.

I'm certain of it.

Sounds like Perri's our man, then.

I've sent constables to pick him up.

Sirs, I've been through the Quincannon Company finances, I think it may have found a smoking g*n, if you will.

As long as Rocco Perri is behind the barrel, let's hear it.

Nathan Quincannon cancelled the lease the two of them took out.

- How do you know that?

- Mr.

Kilmister showed me a receipt for the initial payment, it was made with cash.

But subsequent payments were made via postdated cheques through the bank.

Nathan Quincannon put a full stop on those cheques roughly a week ago.

- So he wanted out of the deal.

- It would seem so, sir.

Crystal clear motive for Perri.

Good work, Crabtree.

Have you heard from Mr.


Sir, no.

But we're looking.


Station House Four, Constable Higgins-Newsome speaking.


Henry, it's Robert Parker.


Mr. Parker, are you all right?

We've been scouring the city looking for you.

I need to talk to Detective Murdoch.

Is he there?

I believe he stepped out with Inspector Brackenreid.

Henry, I don't have a lot of time.

Is the boy all right?

Yes, he's safe.

Are you?

I'm fine.

I'm following the escapees right now, it looks like they're leaving town.

Tell me where, I'll have some officers intercept them.

I'm not sure, I don't recognize the area.

Henry, is the boy still at the Station House?

Actually, no.

He's at the Murdoch's home.


Ogden felt he'd be safer there.

Are they protected?



We have multiple constables stationed around the house.

Mr. Parker, you really should come in.

I will, when I can.

Tell Detective Murdoch Tell him I'll see him at the Wright House later.




The Wright House.

What the hell's that?

It's a pub we frequent.

Oh, I think you've sucked back your last pint.

You might want to change those plans.

- What else did he say?

- Just that he was following them.

He asked whether Jacob was safe.

He didn't sound quite himself.

- Did he tell you where he was?

- No, sir.

But he did say he'd see you at the Wright house later.

The Wright house?

I don't understand.

- I don't either, sir.

I assumed you would.

- Henry, did you tell Mr.

Parker that Jacob was at my home?

I believe I did, sir.

He asked.

- Get Julia on the phone now.

- Yes sir.


I count three.

Could be more around back.

Or inside.

We're just gonna have to find that out when we get there, won't we?

- What about him?

- I'll babysit him till the job's done.

Let's get it done then.

What is this?

They're getting in!



- Did you know about this?

- How could I?



Lay down your weapons.

You heard him, lads.

Where's Robert Parker?

Sic semper tyrannis.

At least now he is safe.

Hopefully he can begin to heal.

How does one begin to move forward from something like this?

I suggested a change of scenery.

I think he quite liked the idea.

Does he have somewhere to go?

He has family in New York City.

Well at least he won't be alone.

He's asked me to accompany him to the train station.

Am I safe to do so?

I don't see why not.

Perhaps later We can talk.

I would like that.


Who hired you?

And no more lies.

- We never met them.

- Excuse me?

We never met them.

Going down with the ship, are you?

It's the truth.

We never meet them.

We've set it up that way so we don't have to.

It insulates us.

How are you contacted?

How is payment made?

The requests come through a handler, via telegram.

There are no details, except for date, time, and location.

If we accept, we get half the money upfront.

We don't know who's sending it, and they don't know who they're sending it to.

Then how are you told who the target is?

The specific instructions along with the rest of the money, are left in a locker.

We pick them both up when we arrive.

What were the instructions for this job?

To k*ll Nathan Quincannon.

We had the time and we had the target, but our damn train was late.

We went by the house anyway to see if we could still do the job, found that he was alone, and decided no time like the present Then the family arrived.

That's when he started sh**ting at us.

They got caught in the crossfire.

And you tried to k*ll the son because He saw us.

Why else?


The K*llers claim they never met the person who contracted them.

Incredibly convenient.

It's actually not a bad way to do business.

We know it was you.

Nathan cancelled the payments on your distillery deal.

If I'd wanted him dead, I wouldn't use outsiders.

But you admit that Mr.

Quincannon put an end to your partnership.


He did.

And before you ask, yes, I was angry.

- So what?

- So what did you do about it?

What could I do about it?

I called up the dame, I yelled at her, I told her I don't want to do business with her or her boss ever again.


There was a woman?

Are you referring to Miss Dempsey?

She's the one who found me.

She was whining about her business losing money.

I thought it was a good opportunity, so I said yes.

Couple weeks later I got the call.

- What call?

- Her boss, Nathan.

He was mad as hops.

Said he found out what I was doing, and that I should back off.

How do you mean, "found out"?

Just what I said, he was ranting that I was putting his business in jeopardy.

I told him I was trying to save it.

Are we to understand that Mr.

Quincannon knew nothing about your deal?

I was just as surprised as you are.

Mr. Perri, have you ever been to the Quincannon home?


Everything was done through Dempsey.

You got questions, you should ask her.

Good day, gentlemen.

Hey, tell me something.

The Inspector called me Butch.

- What's that about?

- Oh, he didn't tell you?

- No.

- It's your name.

Robert Parker is Butch Cassidy's real name.

The Inspector's beyond enamored with the Old West.

I was part of the Pinkerton squad that tracked Butch through Colorado.


If the Inspector finds that out, you're sure to become his new drinking partner.

Suppose I'll have to learn to appreciate rye.

- Can I help you?

- Yes.

We'd like to see the rental history of one of your lockers.

- Do you keep records?

- Anyone renting has to sign in.

Let's see.

That's it.


Wouldn't have thought so.


Miss Dempsey, did you make this deal without Mr.

Quincannon's knowledge?

Please, you must understand, I was trying to save this place.

I spent years helping to make the company what it is.

Nathan was so hardheaded.

- Did you arrange for his m*rder?

- Absolutely not.


But he did learn of your agreement with Mr. Perri.


How did he react?

He flew into a rage.

Told Mr.

Perri the deal was off.

I'd never seen Nathan so angry.

But afterwards, he realized what he'd done.

And he was afraid.


Of the repercussions?

Mr. Perri has quite the reputation.

Do you believe that confrontation is what ultimately led to his m*rder?

Of course.

Don't you?

Why did you not you tell us this before?

Rocco Perri is a thug, Detective.

My experience doesn't exactly extend to dealing with his type.

I was afraid.

Did you forge Mr.

Quincannon's signature on the lease agreement?


That was Jacob.

His son?

The Flatiron building is quite something, isn't it?

A larger version of our Gooderham, if I'm not mistaken.

Indeed it is.

Just as your home is a version of some of Mr.

Frank Lloyd Wright's work.

Hardly a version.


Wright designed our home.

You really are quite knowledgeable about architecture.

My mother.

She often dreamed of becoming an architect.

You've made these last few days tolerable, Dr.


You remind me of her, in some ways.

What was she like?

Kind, gentle, forgiving.

The exact opposite of my father.

Fathers and their sons.

So Jacob knew about the deal with Perri.

According to Miss Dempsey, yes.

Did his memory block that out as well?

Sirs, we have something.

The locker for Bronson and his g*ons was initially rented by Nathan Quincannon.

The father hired the K*llers?

- But he ended up one of the victims.

- There's more.

The day after it was rented, Jacob Quincannon signed into the locker.

So who was meant to be k*lled?



Nathan Quincannon believed he was protecting himself and his family.

Miss Dempsey mentioned that he had become fearful after his argument with Mr.


How did they all end up m*rder*d?

It would appear Jacob Quincannon learned of his father's plan to hire Mr.

Bronson and changed the intended target.

He wanted the deal to move ahead.

So the boy ordered his father's death.

And Nathan Quincannon ended up paying for his own m*rder.


What about the other two?

Elizabeth and Sarah?

- Wrong place, wrong time.

- Where's the boy now?

I was never enough for him.

He couldn't respect me, or my ideas.

Perhaps he had a hard time showing you, but that doesn't mean it wasn't true.


I just wish we could have agreed on a vision for the company.

He would grow so frustrated whenever I would suggest anything.

You mentioned that he was quite steadfast in his approach.

Mr. Perri said my father was fit to be tied.

I quite liked that expression.

You told me that you hadn't met Rocco Perri.

Did I?

Perhaps I was mistaken, my head has been so out of sorts lately.

So you have met him?

I'm not sure.

Jacob, I don't mean to belabor the question, but if What does it matter?

They're dead.

They're all dead.

Whether I met him or not won't change that.

Jacob, is there something you haven't told me about who might be behind all of this?

You were very good to me.

Please don't ruin things.

You're making me uncomfortable.

- Driver, please stop.

- No!

Everything's fine, driver.


Jacob Quincannon, you are under arrest for conspiracy to commit m*rder.

Excellent work, Butch.

You are a credit to this Constabulary.

Just not a part of it.

Unfortunately, not in an official capacity.

But most definitely a valued part of it, sir.

So what happens to the K*llers?

They'll be deported to the States in the next few days.

They're not our problem anymore.

And the boy?

He will likely face three counts of conspiracy to commit m*rder.

Ugly, this whole thing.


So when do I get reimbursed for my tickets?

Here you are.

I hope your lady friend was understanding.

This'll help.

- What happened to the original tickets?

- I'm not sure.

I I think I left them here.

Any idea what happened to them, Sundance?

Enjoy the show.

It's excellent.

Well done, sir.
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