03x03 - Eulogy

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Station 19". Aired: March 2018 to present.*
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An action-drama that is centered around the Seattle Firehouse. This is the second spin-off from Grey's Anatomy.
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03x03 - Eulogy

Post by bunniefuu »

Where do you think they're going?

Hong Kong, Istanbul.

From Seattle?

I don't know.


It's getting late.

Can you Can you stay over?

Thought your dad said I couldn't do that anymore.


He doesn't get to tell me what to do.

He kinda does.

Um, no, excuse you.

I'm 20, almost 21.

Soon, it won't be a misdemeanor when I have a beer.

Well, I'm almost 21, too, and if you add us up, we're like 41 ­2?


­ Come on, Ryan, wake up.

Wake up.

Stay with me.


Ryan, wake up.

Stay with me.

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

- Come on, come on, come on!

- What happened?

He's losing blood.

He's losing blood fast.

Ryan, come on.

Are you okay?

We're here to celebrate the life of Ryan Michael Tanner, to honor his sacrifice.

A police officer's job can give us so much It seems like most everyone here knew my nephew as Ryan the police officer.

But when I think of my nephew that was just a small piece of who he was.

I think of the eight-year-old who would bring me breakfast in bed.

beside you What is he, foreman now?

Battalion Chief.

Yeah, but he stays here?

He's Battalion Chief.

He does what he wants.

He oversees something like five firehouses now.

Including Station 23?

Maybe he can fix their shower problem.

What's their shower problem?

- They don't use them.

- ­Hey!

So, do we call him Chief now?

- Uh, yep.

- ­Okay.

So, that gets confusing.

What do we call Dixon, "Chief Chief"?

What's Andy doing here?

Oh, Sullivan's about to name a new Captain, and she's not gonna miss that.

Is it everything you dreamed of?

- I think you should take some time - I don't want time.

I want to work.

I need to work.

You suffered a trauma.

You lost a friend.

I'm aware of what I've suffered and what I've lost.

I know what Ryan meant Can I work or not?

Respectfully, Captain Sullivan Battalion Chief.

Chief Sullivan.

I need to be at work.

I'm saying "please.

" You're here?

Need to work.

Actually tempted to set a fire for us to fight.

You approved of this?

She says she needs to be around her people.

She buried her best friend yesterday.

Sir, if she goes out on a call before she's ready Don't let her go on a call, then.

You want to be a leader, start leading.

You ready, Warren?



What are you doing here?

Is Andy okay?

Andy's okay.

Unfortunately, I am not.

It was a long drive, son.

Invite me in for a drink.


Medical dispatch, person down for Aid Car 19.

I can take the call, if you want.

Why would I want that?

Because Aid Car sucks.

You could legit get peed on.

I've had far worse bodily fluids on me.

Just this week, in fact.

You got something to say?

You're not gonna cry on me, are you?

No, but I might just puke from the smell of you.

- That cool?

- ­ Finally.

Someone who'll fight back.


I'm not sure if you remember me, but you pleasured me in your truck, then ignored all my texts.

What the hell are you doing here?

I'm Rigo's wife.

It's perfectly innocent for me to drop by, meet his new unit.

Ah ­ Hey.

I'm bored.

Entertain me.

You are married to a firefighter who I work with.


You don't even like him.

- That There's a code.

- ­Oh There's a brotherhood, okay?

Oh, my husband is not your brother.

My husband is not your friend.

My husband is not here.



- She's in the fitting room.

- In here!

My daughter's in here!

She's in here!

How did she seem when she collapsed?

She seemed fine.

She just got dizzy, she fell, and she hit her head.

Any pre-existing conditions?

Any medication?

No, she's healthy.

She's She's only 30 years old.

Any history of fainting?

I haven't been in her life for a while.

Oh, s-she passed out once in fourth-grade choir practice.

Does this store have a carbon monoxide detector?

Uh, in the showroom.

I'll get it.

Ma'am, I'm with the Seattle Fire Department.

Can you tell me your name and where you are?

My name is Shauna Oh, crap.

Am I bleeding on this dress?

Maybe we could take it off?

Is she okay to take the dress off now?

You have a carbon monoxide leak.

You need to close the store.

I-Is that flammable?


And toxic.


Well, my whole inventory is in this store.

- I-I need time to move it all out.

- Come on.


We gotta move now.

I need you to open all windows, unplug any appliances.

Stay out of the building until the gas company clears it.

Uh, wait.

You can't leave with that dress.

We don't have time for a costume change.

It's a $10,000 dress.

- $10,000?

What the hell's it made of?

- $10,000?

How many dresses do you think you'll sell after a customer dies in one?

Or after I call the police on you for interfering with a patient's care?

Or after you go to jail for manslaughter?

- I - ­Move!

One of the biggest causes of death in pre-hospital medicine With reflexes like that, no wonder you quit surgery.

Uh, yeah.

Uh, you know, I kind of thought that we'd be talking in your office, standing still.

What, you can't walk and chew gum at the same time?

So, um, one of the most common causes of death in the field is, uh, delay of treatment due to transport.

There's not much we can do about that, except open more ERs.

Or we can bring the ER to the patient.

- Like an ER on wheels.

- Actually, yes.

A, uh A Physician Response Team.

Basically, it's like a tricked-out ambulance staffed with MDs and ER supplies.

Sounds expensive.

Why don't I have your pick for Captain of 19?

Sir, I-I think that we Pay attention, Doctor.

I changed the subject.

I'll have my recommendation to you by end of day.


I hope it's one of those girls you have.

I've been getting pounded by the Mayor to promote more women.

We can pay them less.


City council meeting I got to get to.

My least favorite part of the job all the schmoozing.


Next time, we should play basketball so you guys can win.

You gonna let that go?

­Eh Let's assume it was a reference to my height.

A-A-And just so I'm clear, did he just flat out reject me over ping pong?

He did.


Hey, looking good, man, pumping those g*ns!

Whatever favor you need, the answer is no.

Actually, I'm here to do you a favor.

I am setting you up on a date with an amazing woman.

The last woman you set me up with stole my car and my identity.

I'm still getting weird magazine subscriptions.

All right, you remember Maggie Pierce, hottie heart surgeon at Grey Sloan?

- She has a boyfriend.

- ­Had.

Her boyfriend is now kinda my boyfriend.

Avery was Maggie's boyfriend?


It's weird.

We're moving through it.

- Come to this party with me.

- At the hospital?

No, but there will be a lot of doctors there.

It's at their house.

- Whose house?

- Jackson and Maggie's parents' house.

- Their parents?

- ­Are married to each other.

Jackson and Maggie have the same parents?


Okay, Jackson's mom is married to Maggie's biological father, who she didn't know until pretty recently.

But whatever, man.

There's no relation.

And I r I really I really need you to focus, Miller.

Just ­Nah.

Come on!

It's a party.

Free booze.

Finger foods.

Pretty doctor.

I see what you're doing here.

I may be hot and ooh my muscles, they're large, and I kind of look like a cartoon character.

- ­Yeah.

- But I'm not entirely an idiot.

And I'm not gonna be your buffer.

So keep your weird family date dinner thing to yourself.


Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller Hard nah.


Mmm, nice work, sir.

I applaud your efforts.


Uh, accomplishments.

I'm no longer bored.

Is he bad to you?


You can tell me.

I can I can try to help.

"Is he bad to you, little lady?

Come and hop on my horse, and we'll ride into the sunset.

" - I'm serious.

- ­ No.

He's great to me.

I married a great guy.

I just don't understand what's happening here.

Oh, the pretty ones always need their hands held.

How are we doing, Shauna?

A lot better, thanks.

Look, anything you need?



I mean, I can run and get you anything you need.

Yeah, actually, could you run out and get me my happy childhood back?



He cheated on my mom.

It was 20 years ago.

And then basically disappeared for the rest of my life.

I'm here now.

Okay, and all this resentment, it can't be healthy.

I really don't think it's up to you to tell your daughter how to feel.

Thank you.

It's a date.

You like dates.

It's a party.

You like parties.

I'll be there.

You like me.

And I'll make jokes.

You like jokes.

They're all surgeons.

You're a firefighter.

They're all Gucci.

You're a sturdy gym bag.

You think they're gonna look down on you, and you're not wrong.

I wasn't I wasn't thinking that, actually.

But now I am, so thanks for that.

Dude, you smell like sex!

No, I worked out.

I worked out.

You smell like you worked out while having sex.

Were my instructions unclear?


Because I could have sworn I said I wanted Herrera to stay in the house.

- I tried to swap with - Not good enough.

When I give an order, I expect it to be followed.

Yes, sir.

Sorry, sir.

I don't get how you do it.

How I do what, exactly?

How you treat your friends like chess pieces, moving us around so you can win.

You're mean when you're brokenhearted.

You sent Andy out there, hoping she would fail.

You played on her grief.

Andy is a grown woman.

She makes her own choices.

I mean, I'm with Sullivan.

I don't understand how Andy's even functioning right now.

I'll check her vitals.

Vasquez, tell dispatch we need a truck and engine response to this location now.

For a CO leak?

No, for smoke pouring out of a manhole.


Reported smoke from manhole for Ladder 19, Engine 19.

112 Stevens Street.

Channel 7 dispatch.


Aid 19 on scene requesting.

That was Herrera, um, calling for backup.

You're in charge.

- Don't blow it!

- ­Yes, sir!

Everyone needs to clear this area now right now.

Sewer explosions, CO leak.

Power lines must be corroding.

Every breaker panel on this block could short out.

We got to clear out, Herrera.

Don't panic.

Just keep moving.

We need to evacuate the street.

We have a patient.

That means we go!

Shauna is stable, and we're standing on a powder keg.

We save more lives by clearing this area now.

Where's my phone?

I want to call Mom.

Where's my purse?

You must have left it in the store.

Look, I-I'll go get it.

No, you won't.

No, Dad, I'll come back for it.

I'm getting your purse, sweetie.


You can't go back in that store!


I got him.

He thinks that by calling me "sweetie" and throwing money at my wedding, I'll forget that I didn't have a dad for two-thirds of my life.




Still can't believe this stuff is legal.

I got three friends from high school who did serious time for carrying an eighth.

Does it help with the pain?



Oh, no, no, no.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk.

Don't Don't do that.

I didn't come here to have you pity me.

Oh, so you're telling me you drove 20 hours to tell me about a cancer you don't want to treat and not get pity?


I just heard how stupid that sounds.

I have cancer, and I'm not gonna get chemo.

That's No more of these for you.

I retire after 40 years of fire service, and I get not one, but two types of cancer.

­And this one's in my balls.

Cancer balls!

It's not funny!

­It's really not.



Captain Herrera?

I'm so sorry for your loss.

It's It's unthinkable.

It was Andy's choice to be on duty today.

I-I gave order for her not to go out, and she Ah, you couldn't have stopped her with an army.

I know my daughter.

That's her.

That's Andy right here.

And that's Ryan.

7 years old, maybe 8.

He was a good kid.

Had a rough start.

His father wasn't a good role model, so I tried to step in.

When they were younger, I'd bring him here with Andrea.

God, they were inseparable.

Then later, when he got older, she'd try to sneak him into her bedroom, and, uh That never went over very well.


What was that?



What What is happening?




I told you not to slam the door.

Oh, my God!

Now the door comes off.


All right, folks, stop your gawking and vacate the area.

Martin, can you hear me?

I need you to stay awake.


This is Aid Car 19 to Grey Sloan Memorial.

We've got a 50-year-old male with severe blunt trauma to the chest.

Tell me he's gonna be okay.

Okay, I got GCS 12.

- Multiple rib fractures with flail chest.

- Dad, please!

Come on.

Desatting into the 80s.

This can't be happening.

Today can't be our last day.

I was so mean.

I repeat, I repeat!

Severe blunt trauma to the chest!

Should we go?

Can we go?

­He stopped breathing.

Let's go to the hospital!

Get an ET tube ready.

Let's go to the hospital!

Not until we secure his airway.

I need you to stay back, Shauna.

Come on, breathe.

- He can't die.

- He can't die.

He can't die.

- Shauna Shauna, I need you - He can't die.

He can't die.

- I really need you to stay back - You can't die, Dad!

- You can't leave me again!

- and give us some space to work.

- I need suction.

I need suction.

- He can't, he can't.

He wanted to walk me down the aisle.

He just came back.

He just said he's sorry.

I need to forgive him!

I-I need time to forgive him!

All right, i-it's It's been too long.

- Bag him.

- ­I can do it.

Just let No, I said bag him.

Dad, please.

Please, please.

Come on, come on.

I've got two patients.

A mild carbon monoxide poisoning and a severe blunt trauma.

Needs an airway, and we can't quite get it.

Could use Warren.

Warren, you and Montgomery swap out Herrera and Vasquez on the Aid Car.

What else?

We've got corroding power lines in the sewers, releasing carbon monoxide and smoke.

The tiniest spark could ignite that gas.

Every manhole cover on this block is a projectile waiting to happen.

Call the city.

Tell them to k*ll the power.

Hughes, Miller, hit that manhole with extinguishers.

No water I repeat, no water Until we are sure the electricity is off!

You pulled me off Aid Car?


I don't know your skills.

I know theirs.

Gibson and Vasquez, you're on evac duty.

Clear the whole neighborhood.

Dispatch, we're gonna need additional units and SPD on scene ASAP.

It's tough to visualize the cords.

- Come on, come on.

- ­ Shauna, try to take some deep breaths, okay?

We're doing everything we can.

I'm in.

All right, seatbelts, everybody.

We're on the move.

Is he breathing?

Did you Did you save him?


N-No, I need it done faster than that.

Come on, people.

Keep moving.

Come on.

Keep going.

Move, move.

- Smoke.

We got smoke!

- Move.

Vasquez, what the hell are you doing?

No, Vasquez, don't!

Stand down!






Dr. K.

- Robert.

- ­Hey.

- You're back.

- ­Yeah.

Good thing I'm wearing this white coat.

Otherwise, people would have trouble telling us apart.

So, this whole tall and handsome in a uniform look work for you?

Seems a little obvious to me, a little, uh, textbook.



I got more jokes.

I can just keep going till you tell me why you're here.

Please don't.

So, uh, the episodes are getting worse.

My leg felt like it was on fire today.

Because you have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.

I told you it would likely get worse.

I've been doing physical therapy.

It's It's been better.

Thought it might be going away.

Chronic conditions don't tend to just go away.

That's why we call them, uh, chronic.

You always this condescending?

Well, believe me, you want, uh, an arrogant surgeon.

You find a surgeon who plays it humble, run the other way.

- So, you ready to try surgery?

- ­I don't know.

I'll take that as a maybe.

I'll need current images, an EMG, an MRI.

I'll know more once I compare them to the old ones.

Is there a long wait?

'Cause, technically, I'm supposed to be at work.

Well, you're in luck.

First responders skip the line.

Here, I'll show you the imaging department.

Thanks, bro.

That was close.

What the hell were you thinking?

Look, I was just trying to make sure that manhole cover didn't pancake someone else.

I told you to stop!

I got there in time.

All you did was introduce air to the fire underneath us.

Why do you think It's the bridal shop!

Is anyone in there?

I told the owner to evac.

I don't think you won her over with your charm.

We better sweep it.

No, no, no.


Not you.

You're staying here.



Because you're dangerous and you don't listen.

- I'm not staying - Hey, I outrank you.

Hook up the hose line and get us water.

I'm not a probie.

Yeah, you are For the rest of this call.

I'm sick over Tanner.

I can't imagine how you feel.

I know the layout in there.

You don't have to do this.

Stop trying to protect me.

His BP and heart rate are dropping.

- Pushing a round of epi.

- Come on!

No, no, no, no, no.

Why is that happening?

Is he getting worse?

He's bleeding inside his chest.

He He needs surgery.

Can I Can I hold his hand?

That won't hurt him, will it?


No, go ahead.

Dad I'm so sorry I couldn't forgive you.

I'm so sorry I couldn't talk to you.

I'm sorry I made you beg.

Move it!

Get out of the way!

This isn't a parade!

What's going on, Montgomery?

"Lord of the Flies" out here.

I want time to forgive you better.

City power grid's down because of the sewer fires.

I need to find another route.

I want time for you to forgive me better.

Make it fast, Travis.

I want you to read to me at bedtime again.

I want you to put Band-Aids on my cuts again.

I want you to be my best friend again.

He's got a cardiac tamponade.

He needs surgery now!

Aid Car 19 to Grey Sloan.

Our ETA is delayed.

Stand by.

Dad, I'm so sorry.

Please don't die.

Sir, I need you to stay still for me, please.

Sir, are you okay?

Do I look okay?

I-I-I-I can't help you unless I get these pictures.

Okay, that's it.

I'm getting you out.

Hold on, hold on, hold on.



Don't take me out.

Hey, I can call Dr.


We can get you a shot for the pain, and then we can try again.

Just wait!


Come on, come on, come on.

Is that all you got?

Come on!

Come on.

I'm sorry, Mr.

Sullivan, are you talking to me, or I'm talking to myself!

Just All right.

All right?

Run it.

Let's get it done.


ETA, Montgomery?

Traffic's screwed.

Can't you do something?


- Ah, he's in full arrest, Montgomery!

- Dad!

Shauna, I'm gonna need you to move over here.

All right, pulling over.

Why are we stopping?

Gotta get his heart beating again.

Shauna, I want you to move up to the front right now.

That wasn't quick.

- I got tied up.

- ­ Look, scans haven't changed.

My diagnosis hasn't changed.

Well, you mentioned a surgery we could try.

I did.

You said hell no.

How much is it?

A lot, but I'm sure the department will foot your leg bill.

See what I did there?

The department can't know.

If they find out I have a chronic condition, they'll throw me a party that ends with a desk job.

Surgery's probably 40 grand all-in.

And it might not work?

I cut into your leg, try to cut the nerves that are causing the pain.

But nerves are tricky business.


As good as I am, and I am excellent, the surgery is only successful about 50% of the time.

Yeah, just give me more meds for the pain, then.

Robert, I'm a surgeon.

I cure by cutting, not by creating drug addicts.

I'm not a drug addict.


Not yet.

You could try, uh, meditation or, uh, acupuncture, but this is the last prescription I'm writing for you.

Seattle Fire Department!

Call out so we can locate you!

You hear something?

Seattle Fire Department!

Call out so we can locate you!

I hear somebody.

There she is.


I got her.

All right.

Let's go.

- Ready?

- ­Yeah.

1, 2, 3.

Come on!



I love you.


Oh Oh!


­My dress.

Left it at my apartment.

I thought you were trying to stand me up.

Oh, no.




We're gonna have so much fun.

- You okay?

- ­Y Um - Something's wrong.

- ­Okay, I didn't make the I didn't make a great first impression on your mother.


It's fine.

Everybody who meets her thinks that.

You're fine.

Yeah, but she's Gucci, and so are you.

I'm a sturdy gym bag.

Don't say that.

My parents own a restaurant, which has never been successful enough for them to even hire anyone else to help them run it.

So when I want to see them, I go there.

Even when I was a kid, when I wanted to see them, I went there.

I went to college on scholarships Singing scholarships, not smart-kid scholarships.

So not only do I not come from money, I don't understand what it is to come from money.

I'm literally not sure I'll know which fork to use.

Uh, you and Maggie broke up recently enough that she still scares me, vaguely threatens me, and I'm also coming from a funeral this week.

That's bringing up like, Ripley stuff for me.

And this dinner party feels like just enough added stress to make me question basically everything, so that's where I'm at.

- Okay.

- ­Yeah.

- Okay.

- ­Okay.

I don't own a single thing sold by Gucci.


Not one.

And I have several sturdy gym bags.

That's one.

Two no one ever gets over anyone that dies.

We just don't get over them.

We just go on.

- Right?

- ­Yep.

Three Maggie's a good person, and she is going through way more right now than our break-up.

Four a woman who runs into burning buildings for a living is infinitely more interesting on every level than someone who knows what fork to choose.

I like you.

I want my mom to like you.

I want her to know you.

And I'm curious as hell to eat at your parents' restaurant.

What kind of food do they make?

It's Polish.

I know.

It's unexpected.

I'm gonna see you tomorrow night.

- Okay?

- ­Yeah.


- Good.

- ­Okay.


What's that?


I just like saying your name.



You mad at those hoses?

It's all just a big joke, isn't it?

What is?

How about our friend who got shot to death by a 3-year-old who's traumatized for life because his mom didn't store her g*n properly A g*n she needed for protection against her own ex-husband?

Now she'll probably end up going to jail and he'll end up going into the foster system.

Or the, uh The bride who woke up this morning and thought, "Maybe today'll be the day that I forgive my father.

" But instead, she watched his heart stop.

Oh, and the cherry on top?

Her dress got his blood on it.

I mean, what kind of petty God takes away her father and ruins her dress?

But, uh, don't worry.

We saved the life of the woman who stupidly risked everyone's lives to save her own merchandise.

Maybe that stupid woman learned something today.

Maybe she got her priorities straight.

Maybe she'll walk through life just 10% less stupid.

Maybe she'll cure cancer.

We don't get to know.

We saved a life today.

The rest sucks, but that part's a good thing.

That's That's a win.

Oh, good.

An uninvited infringement upon my time.

I lost a patient today.

Sorry to hear that.

The State of Washington has excellent mental health coverage for first responders.

I lost a patient.

His name was Martin.

His blood is still on my shirt.

He had a daughter.

Her name is Shauna.

She's getting married without him now.

He won't be there to walk her down the aisle.

Warren, do you think I'm the Chief of just one station?

Look, he didn't have to die!

I could have saved him if I had the necessary tools.

Tell me what I have to do.

You have to turn around, take a right to the elevator banks, ride down four floors Sir, with all due respect, I am not accepting a no.

How about a "you're fired"?

You would be the only Fire Chief in the country with a Physician Response Team.

I mean, think of the press.

Think of the public interest stories.

And what is a whole lot of good publicity worth to you?

I mean, look at this face.

It's pretty.

Look at these hands.

They are magic.

But if you say no, if you if you fire me, then I'll just move to Portland, take this gold mine to them.

Give me half.

Give me half the money.

And I will get Grey Sloan Memorial to create a fellowship to cover the other half.

Thank of it, sir.

Fire and medicine, working together, innovating, changing the way we save lives.

I mean, c-can't you just see the headlines?


On your feet, Fluff and Fold.

You're on laundry duty.


- Hey, Hughie.

- ­What?

I'm in.

I will go on the worst triple date on Earth.

You will?

In exchange for seven nights of laundry duty.


No way.

- Two.

- ­Five.

- Three.

- ­Four, and I'll tell that story about that time you stopped a snake from eating a baby.

I am pretty awesome in that story.

You are.


Wear something fancy.

You're not my mom.

Gotta say, today feels like a "Fries and Milkshake after Shift" day.

Fries and beers?

Whiskey and beers?

Can you Can you stop?

Stop what?

Trying to pretend like this perky cheerleader thing you're doing isn't because I watched Ryan die.

I'm not.

I'm just trying to figure out what you need.

What I need is for just one friend one To not look at me like you're looking at me right now.

One friend to just sit next to me and let me talk or not talk or cry or not cry and not have an opinion about it.

One friend.

That's all I need.

Can you be that friend?


I can be that friend.

She's still not crying?


Can I try?

Be my guest.

Sorry about your mom, Andy.

So like you want to play "Sonic"?

Congratulations on the promotion.

What can I do for you?

You filling that empty office downstairs soon?


You want your old job back?

Not quite.

Oh, you're you're here to lobby for Andy, huh?

Actually, against her.

You don't want her to be Captain?

I do.


I want her to have your job someday.

I want her to be Fire Chief someday.

And none of that'll happen if you promote her now.

I saw a look on Andy's face at Ryan's funeral that I haven't seen since her mother passed away.

She went numb, wouldn't talk, wouldn't eat, wouldn't sleep.

She wouldn't even cry.

And the only person that could get her to feel again just died.

And it's gonna get worse, her year.

It's It's gonna get a lot worse.

She was nine years old when her mother died.

Andy's a grown woman now.

She deserves Captain.

She's earned it.

She has one shot at this, and I'm telling you, if you give it to her now, she'll blow it.

- She'll never forgive me.

- Probably not.

But you'll be helping her career in the long run, and if you love her don't give it to her Not now.

Andy's young and a hell of a firefighter.

She'll get there.

Just please, Robert please.

Not now.

Sir, I'm not sure I understand.

I'm recommending you as Captain of Station 19.

Unless you have any objections.

No sir.

I won't let you down, sir.

What just happened?

Andy, uh You should talk to Sullivan.

I'm gonna die, Ryan.

Pruitt Whether it's in three months or a year, I'm gonna die soon, and you are gonna be all Andy has left.

I'll take care of her, sir.

I know.

I know you will.

But you can't tell her.

Or she'll just harass me about not getting chemo.

And you don't want to get chemo again because?

Because the cancer's already spread.

Chances are I'll be dead in six months no matter what.

And I never felt sicker than when I was on chemo.

I do not want to go out that way.

I need you to come back, son.

Come back to Seattle.

Be in Andy's life again.

Be there for her when I go.

I love her, Pruitt.

I know that, too.

Have a girlfriend, Andy has, her things, goin on.

You want some advice from an old firefighter?

Always tell the girl.

Tell her how you feel.

You don't want to get to be my age with no time left and wishing you'd told her.

Just tell the girl you love her.
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