08x14 - Shut It Down

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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08x14 - Shut It Down

Post by bunniefuu »

My birth mother is seeking contact.

Seems very intrusive.

If anyone can handle this kind of b*mb dropped in her lap, it's you.

What's this about?

We're just gonna stay right here, cozied up on that couch.

I don't want you to go somewhere else to be home anymore.

Will you move in?

You know what?

I wanted to ask you something.


I was thinking about my wedding, and, uh Are you asking me to be your best man?

- Would you?

- Hell yes.

Monogrammed napkins.

Monogrammed cutlery.

They can even put our initials in the wedding cake.

What kind of cake?

That's another decision we have to make.

Uh, no.

Chloe made this in order to keep track of it all.


27 flavors to choose from.

I didn't even know that there were 27 flavors!

Focus on the positive, Cruz.

Got a bachelor party coming up, right?

Ugh, great, something else I need to plan.

I hope they have gluten-free options.

Gluten is poison.


I think I left my wallet at home.

Did you not even hear Cruz spinning out just now?

Yeah, weddings.

Kelly, you're his best man.

He needs your help.

Okay, as soon as I find my wallet.

Okay, well You left it on the kitchen counter.


- Mm-hmm.

Aren't you glad I moved in?

Yeah, I am.


There you go.

Oh, hey, have a seat.

We'll bring them to you.

Whoa, table service?

What's the occasion?

Just keeping active.

Violet got him a Fitbit.


Things getting serious?

She wants an accurate step count so she can try to beat me.

Wonder how many steps I take every day.

Well, you should get yourself one of these, Mouch.

I mean, the newer models, they even track your heart health, your sleep patterns.

Yeah, and then is he gonna start getting ads for running shoes?

Or funeral homes?

- Herrmann.

- Yeah.

I just sent Clarence home with a 102 fever.

Oh, yeah.

He did not look too good.

Hope it wasn't contagious.

Yeah, well, it's hard to get a good floater on such short notice.

Mouch, why don't you ride with Engine today?

You got it, Chief.


Finally you Engine boys will have some adult supervision.

You do know how to hump hose, right?

Spent my first five years riding engine, Herrmann.

Yeah, heads up.

It's Lieutenant Herrmann.

Welcome aboard, buddy.



Engine 51, Truck 81, Ambulance 61, gas leak.

232 West Rockwell Street.



- You the one who called it in?

- I smell gas inside, but I don't know where it's coming from.

Gallo, you got the four gas meter?

- Got it right here, Captain.

- With me.

- Anybody else inside?

- I don't know [CAR ALARM RINGING]

- Where did that come from?

- Kidd, Gallo, on me!

Engine, cover us and protect the other units!

- Copy that.

- Okay, you heard him!

Let's go!


You okay?

A little girl is in her room!

- Where?

- In back!


Gallo, Kidd, go!


I got her.

- Come on.


Hey, together!

Fire department, call out!

I see her!



I got it.

All right.


Let's go!

Brett, Foster, we got a victim.


Pulse is faint.

I hear stridor.

We need to tube her.

What does that mean?

- What does that mean?

- Hey, hey.

They're gonna take care of her, okay?

They're the best in the business.

Now tell me, hey, what happened in there?

I, um, I don't know.

I I was in the basement, folding laundry.

And, uh, and then I came upstairs, and there was this smell Well, you had You had a gas leak.

But how?

How did this happen?

Let's load her up!

Okay, look, you're gonna go with them, all right?

- Okay.

- Ready?





Lucy, Mommy's here, okay?

Hang on, okay, sweetie?



Great work in there.

- You all right?

- I just I can't [WINCES]

I just It's nothing.

Let a doctor make that call.

We'll drop you off at Med.


Hey, come on.

I know.

- Renting or buying?

- Renting.

Mmm, that's a mistake.

How often am I gonna need to wear a tuxedo?

They say dress for the job you want.

I have the job I want.

Hey, Cruz.

I'm all over the bachelor party, so you can take that off your list.


Oh, perfect.

Thanks, Severide!

Hey, so, uh, what's the plan?

Details to come.

Just waiting on a call.

Hey, Herrmann, update on Clarence.

Turns out he's got mono.

He will be out of commission for the next couple of weeks.

Oh, that's just great.

I've got Walker showing up next shift for engine runouts.

It's the toughest evaluation of the year, and I'm a man down.

Well, you let me know if you need help finding a replacement.

- Yeah.

- Oh, hey, I, uh I know a guy over at 38.

I can see if he can cover.

What, Armstrong?

No way, no, no.

I had to throw that clown out of Molly's.

Guy doesn't pay his tabs.

You know Gill in the floater pool?

Best pump operator in my academy class.

That scrawny kid that you run around with?

He even shave yet?

No, I need I need a real firefighter.

Standing right here.



Did you see me stretching hose last call?

You handled it, yeah.

Yeah, but these runouts, they're brutal.

And Walker's a real take-no-prisoner type.

Which is why you need me.

What the hell.

You know what?

- You're in.


He's yeah.

He's the yeah.

Oh, man.


- Can I help you?

- Yeah.

I'm looking for Sylvie Brett.

- You found her.

- Hi, uh, Danny Russell.

I'm an adoption intermediary.

Oh, uh, hi.

Uh I'm sorry.

I got your emails Hey, it's not problem at all.

When we didn't hear back, we just figured we had the wrong address, so I was sent to reach out in person.

Uh, and no pressure here, okay?

I'm just a messenger.

Oh, w-what is it?

It's from your birth mother.


Keep it bandaged for the next few days as it heals.

- I'm cleared for duty?

- Mm-hmm.




How is she?

We're waiting on the doctor.

I worked your fire.

I'm Blake Gallo, Truck 81.

Thank you so much.

All of you guys.

I, uh I was using the stove about 30 minutes before, but I turned it off.

I know I turned it off.

I'm sure I did.

And unless I bumped the knob when I was - Or maybe I - Lorraine.

- I don't know.

- Lorraine.

Don't do that to yourself.

Lucy has second and third-degree burns covering about 60% of her body.


And right now, we have her in a medically-induced coma, which allows us to give her the treatment she needs without her experiencing any pain.


How long?

Burns this severe come with a number of very serious complications.

We're gonna do everything we can to manage them, but I do have to warn you.

It's gonna be an uphill battle.

You can go on in now, if you like.


Finally got the full runout requirements from HQ.

Dig in.



Little more than you're used to?

This ain't my first rodeo.

Hey, Ritter, come on.

Give me a hand with the equipment inventory.

All right.


How's the arm?

- Like I said, no big deal.

- Nice.

And, uh, the little girl from the fire?

Uh, they, uh, put her in a coma.

Because of the pain.

Hey, girl could've died.

You gave her a chance.




Not at all.

Come in.


The, uh, the adoption intermediary I've been ignoring?

He's really persistent.

What's that?

It's a letter or something from her.

I think that's her handwriting.



You have to throw this away for me.


Yeah, I I tried, and I I can't do it.

Are you sure?


Yeah, I just I just want it gone.


Consider it done.

Thank you.

- What is this?

- Whoa.

Everything's changed.

Well, then tell Herrmann.

I can't tell Herrmann!

You gotta help me, Ritter.


Okay, look.

After shift, clear your schedule.

Thank you.

This is I owe you big time, buddy.

No, you don't owe me anything.

This will be great For both of us.

- Okay, all right.

- Yeah.

I got your back.

- Don't jump out at me like that.

- Oh, got it, sorry, sorry.

We got a leak?

I don't know.


You checked those tires at the top of shift.

Yeah, I figured I'd just check them again.

All right.

Knock yourself out.


Hey, boys, you hear Gallo got cooked this morning?

Welcome him to the club!

ALL: Hey!


You're a real firefighter now.

- Mm-hmm.


Hey, Herrmann, show him your scar.

- Right, yeah.

- Yeah.

Shut up.

All right, look.

Back in '92, I pulled a couple of newlyweds out of a burning vehicle.

Cindy, she says it kinda looks like Texas.

Burning embers got caught up in my collar at a boarding school fire about six years ago.

Hey, Tony, show him your ears.

Always wear your hood, Gallo.


Where was yours?

Ha, nice try.

Only Kelly gets to see that one.

Come on, show them the goods.

- Ouch.

- Ooh.

- Well done.

- Yeah, well, you lucked out.

If it had been your other arm, you'd have to say good-bye to Violet's Fitbit.

Excellent placement, Gallo.

Ladies are gonna be able to see that even if you don't roll up your sleeves.

Yeah, I planned it like that.


Hey, Cruz.

- Cruz.

- Yeah?

Heard back from my buddy Marcus.

He owns this great club in the West Loop.

Said we can buy out the whole place for a song.

You be there tomorrow at 5:00 for a walk-through?

Great, absolutely!


I really appreciate what you did back there.


- You know, boosting me up.


- You were out of sorts.

- Yeah.

Uh That girl was seven years old.

So I guess, uh I guess I'm having trouble getting her out of my head.

I get it.

I've learned that, uh, when you catch a really brutal call, you know, the ones that stay behind your eyes when you close them at night That's when you gotta rely on the firefighters in your house.

We have a circle here that never closes.

So you talk to whoever you need to, whenever you need to, and we'll be there for you.

- Because that's how it works.

- Yeah.

Well, thanks.

- I appreciate it.

- Yeah.

That seven-year-old girl?

That's the same age his sister was when she died.


- Truck 81.

Squad 3.

Ambulance 61.

Persons down, unknown causes.

387 South Bishop.



Got one down.


Hey, Chief?

Could be another gas leak.


Levels are high, Chief.

Over 60.

Main, we're gonna need the gas company down here.

We're gonna need backup, Chief.

Requesting an EMS Plan-one and a level one hazmat.

Gas is too rich to ignite.

The moment we open the place up, those levels will drop fast.

Okay, Truck 81, Squad 3.

Two at a time.

Kidd, you monitor the gas levels from out here, and remember, anything below 15 and we are in trouble.

Okay, let's go, let's go, let's go!


- Ready?

- Yeah.

Call out the readings, Kidd!


I got this one.

You're still good.



- Yup.

- Ready.

Got you.

- Get him.

- Copy.



I got you.

Respirations are 10.

Let's bag her.



Open the door, Kidd.



You take her, I'll do a final sweep!

Copy that!

Let's get you out of here.

Come on.

I got you.

- Ready?

- Yup.

Okay, open the door, Kidd.

- Okay.

- Let's go.


Kidd, how we doing?


It's dropping fast.

Come on.

Come on.


- 18.

- Casey, get out of there!


Fire department!

Call out!


No, no, no, no!

I couldn't breathe.

Bad idea!

Okay, that's it.

Kidd, get clear.

Wait, wait, wait!

Here he comes.

All clear!

Okay, that's it.

Open it up.

Let's get the fans ready.

Open it all up.

So what do you got?

The salon only has a water heater and furnace.

No leaks, no damage.

And to fill a space that big with that much gas that quickly?

I don't get it.

One of the victims said she heard a hissing sound - before she passed out.

- Hmm.

Must have been a big leak for her to hear it.


- Thing's ringing off the hook.

Been busier than normal?

One issue after another for days.

Thank God for OT.

Two gas calls, hours apart, same neighborhood.

Gas company tech can't explain what happened here?

Something's not right.



Ah, got another one.

Two days ago, third shift got a gas fire at a diner.

First shift responded to a gas leak on Damen.

Chalked it up to a bad connection behind a clothes dryer.


Hey, Chief, Delaney just got back to me.

He said Firehouse 20 has responded to a bunch of gas-related calls this week.

So it isn't just our neighborhood.

Captain, that expl*si*n this morning Do you think it's connected?

Yeah, I do.

They are all related.

They gotta be.

We need to know exactly what we're dealing with here.

Reach out to every other house in our district, see how widespread this problem is.

Go on.



Hey, um, any luck with the gas company?

Got an emergency meeting with the CEO.

- Hope you get some answers.

- Mmm, me too.

Um, hey, did you did you throw out that envelope?

I had a feeling you might change your mind.

Casey, you said you would throw it out!

What I didn't really think Get rid of it!


Thank you.

- You sure?

- Stop.

Of course I'm sure.

Come on, no looking back.

Any day now, Mouch.

Okay, okay.

All right.

Ah, no.

What now?

Look, you bend the folds like this.

What's wrong with the regular shoulder load?

Speed load's faster.

Right there in the name.

- Okay.

- Let's go!

Let's go, let's go!


Are you trying to load that line or dance with it?

All right!

Yeah, that's closer.


How much we got left?

Mouch, we're on page two.

That's it?

We've only been at this ten minutes.

This is never gonna work.

I can't do it.


You know, a wise man once told me, "Civilians panic.

Firefighters react.

" I'm not panicking!

- Wait, the wise man was me.

- Yeah.

All right, fine.

All right, what's next?


Cincinnati roll!

All right.

An issue with the gas company is causing leaks all over town, including maybe the one at your place.

Even if the oven was off?

It looks that way, yeah.

It wasn't your fault, Mrs.



Um, you know, my little sister was really attached to her blanket, and I know Lucy lost everything in the fire, so, uh I got her this for when she wakes up.

- Thank you.

- Yeah.

That's Thank you.






Hey, Severide, uh, it's me, again.

Uh, yeah, I guess I misunderstood you.

I thought you were gonna meet me at Marcus' club, uh, but anyway, it's it's fine.

I just, um I, uh I'll take the tour by myself.

I I'll let you know how it goes.

This is 46 gas-related incidents reported to the CFD in the last six days.

It's everything from small gas leaks to an expl*si*n that nearly leveled a duplex.

And this is a higher volume of gas-related incidents than you're used to?

You know it is.

Your own field technicians are working overtime.

There has been an uptick of service calls.

What's causing it?

It's an overpressure issue.

Forcing gas out of exit points Ovens, washing machines, water heaters Whether or not the valves are open.

Looks like these incidents are happening along the gas mains, between two or three different cutoff valves.

Then you need to shut down those mains and find the problem.

No, you're talking about turning off the heat to a few hundred thousand families in the dead of winter!

No, we're talking about saving lives.

That expl*si*n nearly k*lled a little girl.

She's in a coma.

I We are in agreement about the severity of the situation, but if I turn off the heat, that could k*ll people too.

We can track down the problem while the system is up and running, but it'll take 48 hours.


Maybe 24, depending on the manpower.

Whatever it takes.



Found an extra four gas meters in storage.

Figured we should have some backup.

Yeah, smart.

I called about this yesterday.

How did the price go up that much?

I'm gonna keep one in the cab so it's close at hand.


I thought the cake was in the initial quote!

What's up with Cruz these days?


- Huh.

Guy looks death in the eye every day, doesn't blink.

Now he's freezing up over cakes and tablecloths.

When can you get me a new estimate?

He could be you one day.

A flavor upcharge?


Gas company called.

They were able to draw down the pressure on those mains.

Is that going to fix the problem?

Eh, first shift did catch a couple of gas leaks last night, but nothing serious.

What is a flavor upcharge?

Maybe the worst is behind us.

Come on, man.

You gotta work with me here.


Gallo, I heard you stopped by Med to check on the little girl again.

What, are you tracking my movements?

Hacked into your Fitbit.


Will Halstead was at Molly's last night.



Well, yeah, uh She, um Lucy had her first surgery.

It went well.

Doctors are optimistic.

That's great news.

Still in a coma.


Hey, none of that, okay?

Focus on the positive, all right?

And then when that doesn't work, you need to throw yourself into the job.

Do you know how to fold a fitted sheet?

- Yes, it's easy.

- Yeah, I - Not like this.

- Yeah.

What you do is you first find the corners.

This nice line here, right?

Looks great.

Now you're gonna put this corner One corner goes in the other so that you get that nice straight line.

Hey, you know what?

You throw yourself into the job.

- Whoa.

- Yeah.



- Hey, Lieutenant.

- How'd things go with Marcus?

Oh, great spot.

Hey, sorry I couldn't make it, but Marcus will hook you up.

Just give him the date, tell him what you need.

Sure thing.


- You stood him up?

- What?

No, I was busy trying to keep the city from exploding.

Cruz understands.

I found him a venue.

Kelly, when I said Cruz needed your help, I didn't mean that he needs a party planner.

I meant he needs his best man.


Hey, Dad.

How are you?

Oh, yeah, I guess it is a little A little early, but I just wanted to say hi.

Is that Mom?

Well, put the phone on speaker so I can talk to you both.


Hi, Mom.

No, I I told Dad I know it's I know it's early, but I just wanted to hear your voices 'cause I miss you.

Okay, what's new in Fowlerton?

Like, what's happening in the front yard right now?

This is?

Uh, foam eductor switch.

And this?

Rear booster discharge valve.


Which lead out is better for running a charged line down a narrow hallway?

Hallway loops.

I think you might be ready.


- What have you got there?

- Uh Hmm?


- Mouch!

- I don't know any of it.

What happened?

You were fine yesterday.

I don't know!

Nerves, the yelling?

You've been spending too much time with Herrmann.

- You can't cheat!

- What did I say about yelling?

You're gonna get yourself fired!

If I mess this up, we will all get fired.

- Give me the sheet.

- I won't give - No!

- I know what I'm doing!


Truck 81, Squad 3, Engine 51, Ambulance 61, gas expl*si*n.

1518 East Paulina.





We got people trapped here, Chief.

Gas company is ten minutes out, but we can't wait that long for them to shut off the mains.

We could cut in through the back, but it'll take some time.

Hey, Chief.

Or we can put the sign over the trench like a drawbridge.

It's thick enough It should hold up until we get people across.

Okay, do it.

All right.

Hey, Squad, let's go!

Herrmann, stop these flames from spreading.

Let's charge a 2 1/2 fog line.

We can cover the victims till the gas is shut off.

Okay, let's go, let's go, let's go!

Got it.

Straight in.

Stay calm.

We're coming to get you.

- You'll be okay.


Severide, gas company says there's a cutoff nearby.

Find it, shut it down.

Yeah, Cruz!

Hey, a saw and shut-off kit, now.

All right.

One at a time.

I was just locking up the store and the whole thing just exploded.

Anybody inside?


Capp, Tony.

- Yeah?

- Get her across.

Go, go.

This is it.

We'll attack the lock side.

- Cruz, give me the K12.

- Copy.


- Wait.

- It's okay.

We'll take care of your friend.

Gallo, get her to safety.

Copy that, Captain.

Stay on me.

I got you.

That's it.

Keep going.


Kidd, can't move it till we free her.



Cover her face.



How's that cutoff?

Yeah, we're working on it, Chief!

This thing is a beast!


We got you.

- Tony.

- I got her.

All right.


- Got her.

- She's clear.

- Drop it.


Okay, get your legs.


- Got her.

- Go, go.



He's trapped.


Stay low!

We've almost got it!

Severide, we need that gas cut off!

Casey's trapped!



Yeah, we found the cutoff, Chief!

Cruz, valve wrench.



One more.

There we go.

Hey, Chief, we got it off.


Engine, knock down those hot spots.

Okay, this time, the problem really is fixed.

- I promise.

- Are you sure?


We thought we had reduced the pressure, but we were relying on a faulty sensor in the regulator line.

That burst main helped us pinpoint it.

And not a moment too soon.

Would've taken us much longer to figure it out if you and your men hadn't flagged the problem when you did.

And for that we get a bottle of mid-range bourbon?


It's a gesture.

There's no gift commensurate with what you guys did.

You saved lives.

And we will never know how many.

So thank you.

Thank you.

- Enjoy.


Well, if it's not good enough for you - I didn't say that.


Okay, time to put up or shut up.

Should've let me keep the cheat sheet.

Chief, how you doing?




Put this in your glove compartment.

Wash that rig.

- Oh.


Walker was just dropping off the vehicle registration.


Uh, my fault, fellas.

I guess I got my wires crossed.


Oh, well.


Wonder what's for lunch.


- Thank you.

You're welcome.

Look like you could use it.

Thanks, Lieutenant.

Talk to me, Cruz.

How's it going?


It's not supposed to be like this, Chloe and me.

Every day it's decisions, it's stress.

I I can't remember the last time we just had fun.

I I feel like What if this is a mistake?

And what if getting married just ruins everything between us?

I mean, it could be a disaster.

Then don't get married.

Don't get married?

And just lose the best thing that's ever happened to me?


A woman like her comes around once in a lifetime.

It'd be crazy to let her go.

Sounds like you should marry her, then.


Yo, this best man thing?

- You know what you're doing.

- Yeah.

I'm trying to tell Stella that.

Hey, Kidd, can I get a G and T?

Oh, yeah.

I'm great at making those.

Hey, you hear from Gallo?

Thought he'd be here tonight.

I haven't seen him since shift.

Yeah, I'm gonna be taking a little extra out of the till tonight.

What for?






I changed my mind.

- Oh, boy.

- I know.

I just I didn't want some stranger ruining what I have with my parents.

It's a silly thing to worry about because she can never come between us.

So if that's the case, what am I so afraid of?

My point is, can I have that envelope back?

You saw me get rid of it.


So you're telling me that you didn't go back and dig it out of the trash as soon as I was gone?

Are you gonna yell at me again if I did?




Uh, wait.

Stay with me while I open it?

Of course.


It's just a name and an address.

My mother's name is Julie.

And she lives right here in Illinois.


Hey, how's the arm?

You know, uh, not bad.

Starting to itch.

Good sign.

Means it's healing.


Hey, Gallo, Lucy's gonna have a long road to recovery.

You know, you don't need to keep coming by.

I'll tell you what, anything changes, I'll give you a call.

I no, uh No need.

I'm gonna keep checking in
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