08x15 - Off the Grid

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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08x15 - Off the Grid

Post by bunniefuu »

The adoption intermediary I've been ignoring, he said my birth mother is seeking contact.

You have to throw this away for me.

- Are you sure?

- Hundred percent.

I changed my mind.

It's just a name and an address.

How many calls is that today?

I lost count.

Mercury's in retrograde.

It's a thing.

I'm gonna go collapse before the bells go off again.

You've been running around all day, but I wanted to ask.

Did you reach out to your birth mom?

I picked up the phone a few times.

I just think it's better if we speak in person.

You have her address, right?

Rockford isn't that far away.

I've been going back and forth on how to handle it.

First impressions are so important, and I just want to get it right.

The right way is whatever works for you.

Dinner's up!

Thank God.

I'm starving.

We dined at the Med vending machines for lunch.


Ambulance 61, person injured, 489 West Luther Street.

Mercury sucks.

We'll put some aside for you guys.


In here!

Hurry, he's not breathing.

Come on, man.

Wake up.

- What happened?

- We found him like this.

He lives in the building.

- Uh, okay.

- Come on, man.

Scoot over.

- What's his name?

- Jake.

Can you hear me, Jake?

Lips are blue.

Skin's pretty cold.

Pupils are constricted.

- Naloxone?

- Yeah.

What is that?

What does that mean?

Jake's showing symptoms of an opioid overdose.

This will reverse the effects.

All right.

Are his parents home?

I don't know.

I'm on it.

Which unit?






Hey, Brett.

We got another one!

Stay with him I'll be right back.

She's overdosing too.



Anyone home?

She's not responding.

Let's give her another dose.


Excuse me.

Ambulance 61 to Main.

We need two additional ambulances and a rescue unit to assist with forced entry.

Possible spinal injury.

What do we got?

Uh, two overdose victims are on their way to Med.

There's a possible third trapped in the bathroom.

Body's blocking the door.

Hey, Cruz, grab a sawzall.

Got it, Lieutenant.

Hey, um the way she's positioned, if we shoulder it open, we're risking a neck injury.

She's been there for a while.

We'll get her out.





- Got a pulse.

- Okay.

Come on.

Come on.

Yes, okay, yes.

- Brandi!

- Whoa, whoa, hey!

- What happened?

- Back up.

- Is she okay?

- Is that her name, Brandi?

No, no, my girlfriend.

She called me.

She got some pills at a party.

Said they made her sick.

I told her to hang up and call 911.


Where is she?

She said she was here.

There was another girl.

I think maybe Brandi?

She's on her way to the hospital.

We're gonna go there too.

Do you want to go with us?

What's your name?

- Why?

- We're just trying to help.

Your girlfriend took some pills and we need to know what they are.



I don't know, he was about 17?

18 years old.

Didn't get a name.

We'll track him down.

He was acting pretty strange.

Something about him was off.

People don't usually run when they're innocent.

So the girlfriend, Brandi, they took her to Chicago Med, right?

Yeah, she was pretty far gone.

Worst of the bunch.

Three ODs at once, it's gotta be a hot batch.

I'm thinking counterfeit oxy, right?

Yeah, we've been getting a lot of that lately.

We'll go over there to Med.

We'll try to see what we can find out, what they took and where they got it from.

Thanks for sticking around, bro.

Yeah, you got it.

- All right?

- Thanks.

Hey, you two.

Your food's in the fridge.

We had to keep it from Capp, so we wrote "Tuesday" on the tinfoil.

Oh, no.


Ritter just asked me to feed her and I just assumed.

Oh, that's that's fine.

I don't have much of an appetite anyway.

I'm gonna take a shower, wash the day away.


Cruz told us what happened.

Sounds like a pretty rough call.


One girl didn't make it.

- Yeah.

- Died en route to Med.


17 years old.



Makes me want to homeschool my kids, you know?

And ground 'em for life.

Only way to keep 'em safe these days.

You okay?

They were just kids.

Stupid, reckless kids.


You saved two lives tonight.

Try to focus on that.

So when you were talking before about your birth mom if you don't want to get into it, I totally understand.

No, it's okay.

Suddenly, I can't stop talking about it.

I even spilled to Foster and Kidd, so.

What were you gonna say?

Well, if you're thinking about meeting her in person, I'd be happy to drive you to her place in Rockford.

I mean, I know you can handle it solo, I just thought it might help to have a buddy.

That'd be amazing.


Severide, Officer Ruzek called.

They found the boyfriend.

They just asked if you could run over to 21st for a few minutes.

- Me, what for?

- I have no idea.

But I'll cover the squad until you get back.

Brandi's mom gave us the boyfriend's name and address, so we brought him in for a little chat.

He says it wasn't him at the apartment.

Well, unless he's got a twin brother who's also dating Brandi, that's him.


I want you to meet a friend of mine.


Quick word of advice.

Stop lying to these guys.

I didn't do anything.

Then why the hell did you run away?

That's a very good question.

Doesn't look good.

And it makes us feel like you have something to hide.

Like maybe you know who gave Brandi those pills, and you're trying to protect them.

I'm not.

Look, I don't know where she got them.

Didn't you say she got them at a party?

Travis, listen.

Your girlfriend died tonight, but it wasn't by accident, you understand?

Whoever gave her those pills they knew that it was fentanyl.

You know why they do that?

'Cause they're cheaper to make.

But a lot more deadly.

All they want to do is make money, Travis.

They don't care about who dies.



Got the pills at this party we were at.

But I don't know who from.

After we left, I went home.

I went to bed.

I got early morning practice.

I play basketball, and Coach gives us random drug tests.

I could get kicked off the team just for being there.

That's why I ran!

Look, I can't be involved.

Oh, well, sorry to say, you're involved whether you like it or not.

I know.

I'm just freaked out.

And Brandi Brandi's dead.

This can't be real, you know?

Feels like a bad dream.

But I don't know who sold her the pills.

Straight up.

If I did, I would tell you.

We believe that.

Let's start with who threw the party and where it was at.

- Thanks for the assist, Kelly.

- Yeah, anytime.

Not sure how much help I was, though.

We knew about the party because of you.

Without that, we wouldn't have anything at all.

What's your next move?

Put a list together of everyone there.

Bring them in one by one till we get the pills off the street.

- Thank you, brother.

- Yeah.

So it is the least he could do.

You cannot be mad at me about that.

I told you, it just slipped out that night.


Oh, my God, Sean.

- Hey.

- Hey.


How long has it been?

Almost four years.

Wow, really?

Last I heard, you were moving to San Diego.

Yeah, I'm still there.

Can't say I miss these Chicago winters.

Well, it was the Windy City before you left, but now it is the Polar Vortex.


Emily Foster.

- Sean Roman.

- Oh, yes.

This is my partner on 61 of almost two years.

And Sean's Chicago PD.

Was with the 21st until, well Till an injury sidelined me, and I moved to San Diego.

I get to wear shorts year-round now.

- But I do miss Chicago.

- Oh, we miss you.

Here, come say hi to everybody.

Actually, Sylvie, I'm not here to visit.

And I'm a little pressed for time.

Oh, what's going on?

My little sister, Sarah.

She went missing last week.

And tonight her best friend died of a drug overdose.

I heard you answered the call.

I need to know what happened.

So when did you last see her?

It's been a few weeks over Facetime.

I don't make it back to Chicago that much.

My folks said she left for school last Thursday and never came home.

You file with Missing Persons?

Yeah, as soon as I got to town three days ago, but you know how it is down there.

They're buried.

I can't sit around and just wait by the phone.


I wouldn't be able to.

Sarah was always a little wild.

You know, tons of energy growing up.

She was a happy kid.

I guess she made some new friends.

Been in and out of trouble.

Shoplifting, drinking.

Now she's gone missing, and three of her friends OD on fentanyl?

That doesn't mean she's doing it too.

I hope not.

Intelligence is working the ODs right now.

I know, but I'm a civilian these days, so Voight doesn't want me tagging along.

Well, I was just over there.

They brought a guy in.

He might know your sister.

Travis Butler.

Star point guard at Kaufmann High.

Spoke to him on the phone a few days ago.

He's one of my sister's new friends.

But he hasn't seen her since last Thursday either.

Nobody has.

Did you say Kaufmann?

Is that where your sister goes to school?

Yeah, she's a junior there.


My wife's a teacher there.

- Hey.

- Hey.

I was hoping to catch you before work.

You know I can't leave without my kiss.

- Favorite part of my day.

- Mm.


Now I can go.


What is it?

Three students from your school overdosed on opioids last night.

- Oh.

- 51 took the call.

Fortunately, we were able to save two of them, but one girl, she, uh She didn't make it.



Brandi Powell was her name.

I didn't know her.

That poor girl and her family, my God.

But how does that happen?

Three overdoses all at once.

It's what they call a hot batch.

Counterfeit pills.

That's our second drug-related death this semester.

There's more.

Sarah Roman.

That name ring a bell?

Yeah, mm-hmm.

She's a junior.

Why, is she one of the three that overdosed?


But she's gone missing.

Her older brother was a cop at 21st.

He's trying to track her down.

Apparently, she was really good friends with the girl that died last night.

He seems to think that her disappearance is somehow connected.

With all that's going on I really hate to ask.


I'll talk with him.

- Sure?

- Yeah.

Yeah, whatever I can do to help.

It's gonna be a tough day.

It's crazy, you know?

A month ago, I couldn't care less about meeting my birth mom.

It wasn't even on my radar.

Now my whole life is about to change.

It doesn't have to.

Nothing has to change unless you want it to.


I guess that's true.

But I won't control the idea of who she is anymore.

When I was little, like six years old, I had a bad case of Disney princess fever.

And I was convinced that my real parents were British royals.

- Really?

- I knew it wasn't true.

It was just fun to pretend.

As I got older, I guess I never looked for my birth parents because, A, I love my parents dearly, and, B, I figured the reality could never live up to the fantasy.

- Hey.

- Hey.

- Now a good time?

- Yeah, come in, come in.

Everybody's in the auditorium.

We're sending the kids home early today after what happened, so Uh, Donna, this is Sean Roman.

- Hi.

- Hi.

- Thanks for doing this.

- Yeah.

Yeah, I just hope that we can help you find your sister.

Uh, you should know that we have Sarah on academic probation.

She missed a lot of school this semester.

And, uh, you know, her record was pretty clean up until then.

Oftentimes maybe something happens at home or they fall into the wrong crowd.

Come on.

This is Sarah's friend.


Why don't you tell them what you told me?

This isn't gonna get back to him, right?

No, whatever you say will stay between us, okay?

You can trust these men.

Is Sarah really in trouble?

She might be unless we can find her.

She's been going out with this old guy.

How old?

I don't know, like, 25.

Do you know his name?

Logan Peters.

I'm pretty sure he used to go here.

Never graduated, though.

I pulled his file.

He was expelled for dealing.


- You know how they met?

- Here, I think.

He still hanging around?

In the parking lot after school.

It's really sad, actually.

He's there most days.

He comes to, like, all of our parties.

I mean, like, get a life, right?

If I'm his age and I'm still hanging out with high schoolers So what now?

Sit on the parking lot?

Wait for this guy to come back around?

School's out.

I don't feel like waiting.

So how do we find him?

I worked the beat in this neighborhood.

I know who to ask.

Maybe loop in Intelligence?

Sounds like Logan could be the dealer they're looking for.

I'll check it out first.

Get a read on the guy.

No use sending them down the wrong trail, having Voight come down on me for sticking my nose in it.

And if he's dating my 17-year-old sister, we're gonna have words.

Hey, look.

Next stop won't be as friendly.

You're gonna need backup.

Can't hurt, but you've done enough already.

I got a sister too.

Went through some hard times.

All right, then.

Let's do this.

Here it is.

Looks nice.

- Sylvie?

- Yeah.

I'm going.

I'm doing this.

Wish me luck.

Good luck.


Um, hi, my my name is Sylvie Brett.

I'm looking for Julie?


I-I'm sorry.

I should have called first.

There's nobody here by that name.

You must have the wrong address.

Uh, isn't isn't that the same address, though?

I'm really sorry.

What happened?

Apparently, she doesn't live here.


I thought she wrote that address down recently.

So did I.

Maybe this is the universe's way of telling me to leave it alone.

Let's just go.



Yeah, we're looking for Riz.

Tell him we know Cutty.

You can wait out here if you want.

Nah, I'm good.


So you know Cutty, huh?

Yeah, he's an old friend.

Then you should know he's dead!

Why you coming to my crib dropping a dead man's name, huh?

I haven't seen him in a while.


Well, you look like cops.

But they knew Cutty got lit up on the corner.

Everyone did!

Everyone except you.

Look, we're not here to do business.

We just have a few questions for you.


What makes you think I want to help you two Justin Timberlake-looking undercover narcs, huh?

Does this look like an information desk to you?

Do I look like a snitch?

Okay, I used to be a cop.

Not anymore.

And I knew Cutty from the beat.

That's it.


You heard me call that, right?

I knew they was five-oh.

Stay on the ground!

Stay down!

Stay down!

Don't move!

Stay on the ground.

- You good?

- Yeah.

Didn't have to go this way.

You know this guy?

His name's Logan Peters.

- No, man.

- Try again.


What the hell, man?

- You remember now?

- Yeah.

Yeah, white boy working the schools.

Wannabe banger.

Yeah, well, he's selling counterfeit oxy.

I ain't supplying him.

- Then who is?

- I don't know.

- Well, maybe you can remember!

- I know where he hangs out!

He's rolling with the West-Seven crew.

They the ones that got Cutty.

Southside Hustlers?

They hang at the courts on 15th and Fillmore.

He'll come around.

Let's go.

Stay down.

What's a guy like Logan doing with the Southside Hustlers?

Could be an asylum seeker.

Gives up a percentage for protection.

You're calling in Voight now, right?

Or someone from g*ng unit?



Hey, man.

I get it.

Finding your sister's your number one priority.

But we just got confirmation that this guy is a school dealer.

And he still could have more of those pills.

We gotta call it in.

Last thing I want is a bunch of cruisers pulling up to those courts, scaring the guy off before I get a chance to talk to him.

You said it yourself.

You're not a cop anymore.

No, but I'm Sarah's big brother.

You don't have a badge to back yourself up, man.

You can bow out anytime.

This isn't your crusade.

They got a jump on me in there.

Could have gone sideways fast if I went in alone.

Still could.

I'll call it in after I get a chance to talk to the guy.

So the guy there didn't even know who she was?

I-I didn't ask.

Honestly, whatever that weirdness was, I don't want any part of it.

All right, I don't blame you.

Could she really be so careless that she wrote down the wrong address?

It was in the past.


Pretty deep.

And I started feeling that little flutter feeling in my chest that I must have must have felt a hundred times when I was a kid.

It happened every time I let myself wonder.

The woman who had me, gave me away what's she really like?

I'm so sorry, Sylvie.

Yeah, me too.

Just pick the dumbest thing on Netflix and hit play, okay?


You got it.

Come here.


Your visitor's here.


Think we found our guy.

Logan Peters.

Got three sources put him at the party.

Halstead and Upton are out looking for him right now.

Check the basketball courts on 15th and Fillmore.

We got intel he's hanging with the Southside Hustlers.

Roman said he'd call you once he found the guy, but he's he's not thinking straight.

I'm worried he's gonna get himself k*lled.

Wait a second, you talking about Sean Roman?

- Kim's ex-partner?

- Yeah.

What's he got to do with this?

Well, this dirtbag's dating his sister.

His missing sister?


What now?

He said you guys were looking into it.

I've been with Roman all day looking for her.

Sean's in Chicago?


We'll use in here.

I've been on those courts all night.

Still no sign of Roman.

Yeah, well, he had a few hours' jump on us.

He could've already made contact with Logan.

He promised he'd call it in once he did.

Yeah, he also lied to you and didn't tell us he was here.

- Any trace on his phone?

- No.

Pulled the SIM.

So wherever he is, he doesn't want to be found.

CPD has the resources to locate his sister.

Do you have any idea why he would go out of his way to keep you in the dark like this?


We haven't spoken in a while.

It's been a few years since we broke up, but we just - We fell out of touch, so - Hold on.

He could've picked up the phone and called.

That's not on you.

I mean, look.

The guy his sister's missing.

I feel for him.

I do.

It's awful.

It sucks, but you know what else sucks?

Two more ODs came in last night to Chicago Med from counterfeit oxy.

And maybe it came from this guy, Logan Peters.

And maybe Roman scares him off.

And he sells his stash and disappears.

And then we gotta start all over.

Bad oxy on the streets, no solid leads.

I mean, it's what the hell?

You finished?


'Cause I can't blame Sean for putting his family first.

I mean, let's do what we can to help him.

So find this dealer.

Bring his ass in.

Maybe keep this between us for now.

Copy that, boss.

Hi, excuse me.

I'm looking for Sylvie Brett?


I found some photos of you online.

I knew you were beautiful, but also smart, and brave to do what you do.

Um, I went I went to your house.

I know.

I know, and I am so, so sorry about that.

My husband, Scott, he never knew I had a child.

I'd only just told him about you and the letter that I sent, you know, wanting to meet.

He's still processing.

He felt terrible.

After you left, he told me what he did right away.

You're so young.

I was just 16 when you were born.

I wasn't ready to be a mother.

I figured somebody else could do a much better job.

Seems like they have.

Oh, I'm so glad that you're here.

Um, when I left your place, I was confused, to say the least.

I don't blame you.

And, um I don't want to pile on, but there's something else that you should know, and it's, um it's getting a little hard not to notice.


I know.

I never had other children.

I didn't think it was still possible at 46, but here we are.

Engine 51, Truck 81.

Squad 3, Ambulance 61.

House fire.

I-I have to go.


Um, we would love to have you back at the house.

If you'll give us another chance.

You don't have to decide now.

Just know how much I want you in our lives.

In whatever way works for you.

Looks like a basement unit fully involved.

- Get back!

- sh*ts!

- Get back!

- Take cover!


Main, this is 51 requesting a ten-one.

sh*ts fired.

Copy that.






Come on.

- He's still in there!

- Who?

Logan Peters, the school dealer.

You sh**t him?

No, that was him sh**ting at me.

Is there anyone else in there?

Yeah, but he's down.

I think he got hit.

I couldn't get to him with all the smoke.


Hey, hey!

Where you going?

I'm going around the back.

He's still in there.

Hey, no, you're not!


Come here.

You're gonna get looked at, okay?

You took on smoke.

Don't even think about going back in there, okay?

- I'm fine.

- Don't think about leaving.

- I mean it.

- Let's check you out.

There's two people in there.

One down, one armed and dangerous.

The way that smoke's rolling, neither of them got much time.

I'm going in.

I'm going with you.


Where do you want us?

Out here.

We got an active sh**t inside.

Stay behind the rigs.

Hey, Cruz?

Stokes basket.

Be ready to move, okay?

Copy that, Lieutenant.

- Herrmann.

- Yeah.

Flake out a line but keep clear until you get word.

All right, listen.

Watch your back in there, guys.


- Good?

- Yeah.

Fire Department.

Call out!




Fire Department!

Call out!

Fire Department!

Call out!

Hey, in here!

He's been shot!



We gotta move!

Come on!


All clear!

Cruz, get that stokes!

We're bringing one out!

Let's go!

Hey, guys.

Let's get him on the stretcher.


Got him.

g*nsh*t wound to the abdomen.

He's losing a lot of blood.

He's got a pneumothorax.

We gotta decompress.




What the hell are you doing?

I told you to stay put.

Bathroom window busted out.

Looks like he escaped through there.

If you hadn't held me up, maybe I would have caught him in time.

And done what?

Held him at gunpoint?

Made a citizen's arrest?

He's the only lead I had on my sister.

The only one!

Now he's gone.

What the hell were you even doing here?

I sat on the courts till Logan showed up.

I followed him here, waiting for my sister to come by, when this kid breaks in, holding a gas can.

Travis Butler.

His girlfriend is the one who died from the counterfeit oxy.

I was with Ruzek and Atwater when they brought him in.

Says he doesn't know where she got the pills from.

Could be lying.

Yeah, he could've figured it out too.

Came here for revenge.

I saw smoke coming out.

Called 911.

Then heard g*nshots, so I went to check it out.

You know the rest.

Well, if you hadn't called it in, Travis would've been left for dead.

Here we go.
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