07x18 - Lines

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago P.D.". Aired: January 2014 to present.*
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Activities of the Chicago District 21 police, whose intelligence unit combats major offenses. A spin-off from "Chicago Fire".
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07x18 - Lines

Post by bunniefuu »

Detective Tierney.

Officer Ruzek, Intelligence.

Your sergeant's with our body.

Or, well, what's left of it.

Body popped as indexed with the case you're working.

Victim's connected to Gael Rodriguez.

Yeah, the guy's a head of a drug trafficking organization.

Yeah, I know who he is.

Worked him for three years with Narcotics.

Guy brought in 1,000 kilos of dope a month and we couldn't find a way to touch him.

Follow the smell.

- And I take it no witnesses.

- Nope.

A couple of junkies broke in to party.

- They found her.

- Boss...

Acid hadn't fully dissolved her skull yet so we managed to pull the ID from a serial number off a dental implant.

She's Isabel Peña.

- Gael's girlfriend.

- Yep.

Guessing she stepped out of line.

He got rid of her.

Same old story.

There's no way you're pulling Gael's DNA.

No, it's a stroke of high junkie luck that we even got her identity.

There's not a chance we can pin it to Gael, but we are definitely gonna try.

I'll keep you looped if there's anything you can use.

- Appreciate it, Hannah.

- Hey, Voight...

- Huh?

- You guys anywhere on him?

We're getting a foothold.

We're working his number two, a guy named TJ.

Well, I suppose life on drug charges is something, huh?

Hey, I want that deal set now.

Atwater and Rojas are with TJ.

They're trying, but the guy's a handful.

- I don't care.

I want it set tonight.

Get TJ, you get him to flip, and you get Gael off the street.

Come on, TJ.

How many more times we gotta dance for you to tell you that we're good for it?

Maria, you know who I work for, right?

So you know the product's good.

So I think the two of you are gonna sit here long as I want, until I feel all right.

If this guy's any more careful, I'm gonna blow my brains out.

You know, if I worked for Gael, I'd be the same way.

Yes, but we've already given you 10% on top of the four.

That's more money than we've ever given anybody and that's only because we wanna do this with you long haul.

All right, 12% uptick for a test run, - then we talk.

- Hell no.

I'm not doing this with you no more, bro.

It's 12 then 10, and that's now or not at all.

But if you wanna make us sit here and play with us and try to have a pissing contest just because your boss got a big product, I can walk my black ass up out of here.

I'm gonna go grab another drink.

Whoa, what the hell is she doing?

- See?

About time to wrap it up when she can't control herself.

- Hey.

- What's going on, Vee?

What are you doing here?

You said you were working tonight.

- Well, I got off work early.

I'm just trying to get drunk.

- Oh, you're doing it wrong.

Who ya...

who ya here with?

No, no, just work people.

Yeah, the halfway house is having drunk night at Perro Locos now?

- Funny.

We didn't bring the alcoholics.

You want whiskey?

Hey, can we get some whiskey?

Halfway house?

What the hell are they talking about?

- Who is this guy?

- I don't know.

- I've never seen him before.

- No, no, no, no.

I wanna know what this whole Vanessa Rojas hyped-out-of-her-mind thing is you've got going on.

What are you talking about?

Why you look like a shaky dog who about to piss the carpet?

Look, I'm just...

I'm just surprised to see you here.

Whoever he is, he just used her real name.

We gotta give 'em an out.

We should pull 'em.

He can blow her cover.

If we pull 'erm, we risk losing the buy.

She can handle it.

She can do it.

- Who you here with?

- Just work friends.

Yeah, yeah, I wanna...

I wanna meet him.

That's one way to do it.

What are you doing?

- Atwater set the buy?

- Yep.

Buy's all set.

You gave him enough time.

So, who was that?

- Uh, just a guy I know.

- Mm-hmm.


- Ex?

Looked more like current.

Yeah, I mean, it's on again, off again.

Ex might be more accurate.

We just...

we kind of fall back into it a lot.

Hmm, so he's still in your life.

Yeah, you know, he's like family.

He doesn't seem to know you're a cop.

Vanessa, you've told the people in your life you're a cop, right?

I-I don't really have a lot of people.

Just him, really, and no.

He's got no idea I'm a cop.


Our scene is clean.

Detective Ray called it perfect.

We got nothing.

That's 12 suspected bodies on Gael, including his own cousin.

All right, take it from the top again.

All right, our main target today is Gael Rodriguez.

He's a middleman between cartels and gangs.

He sells mass quantities of dr*gs to west side g*ng factions.

As we know, Gael is smart, okay?

He doesn't leave a footprint.

Doesn't touch the g*ns or the product.

Keeps his hands clean, hard as hell to pin, but last night I think we got a way in.

TJ Trevino is set for a buy.

TJ confirmed he'd sell four kilos as a test run.

The buy is set today, 3:00 p.m.

So money and dr*gs exchange hands, we grab TJ, flip him for Gael.

Jay, I want you and Hailey taking the lead on this one.

Just remember, I mean, we're running this guy for dr*gs, but our objective is to end the v*olence.

Stay light.

Copy that.

- Forty minutes.

- There's lots of glass.

Think he's got eyes?

All right, let's pull back a bit.

Switch your positions.

Loosen things up.

Rojas, Kev, are we missing something?

No, I don't think so.

Plan was he'd post his car up one side, we'd pull the other, switch keys inside the building.

Hand to hand.

I've got no movement up front, guys.

There's nothing out back.

If the car was here, it arrived before we got here.

Kev, why don't you give him a call?


- It ain't happening.

Deal's off.

That's no bueno because we already set the deal.

Now, if you wanna renegotiate because you don't like where the money is, you let me know that.

Boss said no new partners.

- What do I have to do, TJ?

Get to know the boss?

Does the boss have to get to know me?

Do I have to babysit his kids?

Let me know what I have to do to make it work.

- No, that ain't how it works.

He said no.

Deal's dead.


Game over.

Son of a bitch.

- Atwater pressed him.

TJ held strong.

- He get burned?

- I don't think so.

- I don't think he ever showed.

- Huh.

Look, maybe Gael smelled something was off or TJ was talking game he couldn't back up.

Either way, no new partners means we're dead on undercover.

Gael just k*lled his girlfriend.

He's probably laying low, scattering.

We've seen guys like this before.

What happened is Gael's good at his job.

Betting we can make all this sound like we've exhausted all options.

You thinking Title Three?

We get one, we'll do a full-scale wire.


Have you ever done a wire investigation?


- Welcome home.

You live here now.

All right, we don't have nearly enough for a warrant on Gael.

The judge agreed that we do have enough for a Title Three on TJ's burner, so that's where this wire's gonna start.

We'll listen to every call he makes, every word he says.

Then we build.

No organization can move this much product without a trace to their boss.

There's 1,000 paths up and down.

TJ will lead us to them.

Everything might be something.

Who TJ talks to, who he calls, who calls him, the women he's screwing, his baby mamas, the side chick he thinks no one knows about.

Every person he meets with.

Every potential buyer he shakes hands with.

They all become part of the wire.

The bars he's drinking at.

Corners where he smokes.

All the cars he's ever driven to get there.

The place he buys his cigarettes, his gas, his coffee.

We set up audio and video everywhere this guy goes, and every time TJ meets, looks, thinks about his boss Gael.

We do this right, we build from TJ right on up to Gael, hook him to his entire organization, all before he ever knows we were there.

You know one of his girls reamed him out today for missing four doctors appointments.

She ain't wrong.

He smokes five packs a day.

And what does he do?

Hangs up on her and chain smokes ten tabs.


Ooh, we got movement.

Here go the big boss.

Yep, that's Gael.

Every time.

We can't get this man close enough to anything to get him on a mic.

Everything about him is smart.

You look at him, you'd never think he sells cartel dopem kills anyone who breaks a rule.

- Hell of a double life.

- Mm-hmm.

- I need a protein refill.

You want one?

No, I'm good.

- All right, I'll be back.

Look alive.


What are you talking about?

Seven days, huh?

You know, I've been taking bets how many days you were gonna avoid me this time.

I've been busy at work.

Yeah, that's a boring lie.


Sober light of morning, then.

Or you were, uh, seeing somebody and you didn't want me to think that we were gonna start up.

You know, if a girl avoids you, - sometimes it's just about you.

- Eh.


I didn't wanna confuse your little brain.

I kissed you 'cause of the cheap beer and bad weed.


Yeah, I'm not starting things up.

That's good.

'Cause I was gonna say no anyway.

- Sure.

That felt like a no.


Since when are you hanging at Perro Loco, anyway?

You know, friends from work say nothing good - happens out of there.

- I know that.

And they say it's used for running deals.

- You into something?

- No.

I'm not into anything.

Then since when are you hanging there?

Since when are you?

All right, all right, so let me get this straight.

Uh, a guy you're seeing from work is whispering in your ear, and now you think I'm out hustling?

If you were, I think the guys there aren't exactly run a dime, get a dime.

I mean, they sound legit.

Listen, if somebody wants a car disappeared, guess who they go to?

- You sure you're not running...

- What are you doing?

I mean, I just gave you your answer to a question you don't even have a right asking me.


You haven't asked me something like that since I got out.

Three years inside, remember?

- This wasn't part of the deal.

- I said okay.

So we got Gael's cars and his address, but so far he's not doing anything incriminating on the wire.

The more intel we gather, it's pretty clear that he keeps himself clean.

He trusts his men.

He goes to them directly.

It's TJ who meets with all the buyers.

Schmoozes them up, oversees all the drug deals.

Yeah, it seems like the only time he gets directly involved is when a buyer needs a big re-up.

So TJ needs Gael's order to approve it.


Then you're looking at tickling the wire, force Gael to approve something?

Yeah, that's what we're hoping.

All right, so who's our best bet to do it?

I think we like Tyrell Young.

He's a buyer for TJ and they've been meeting pretty often.

Tyrell runs a dope stretch in the Wild Hundreds.

Okay, so we flood the area with buys, dry it out, and force this Tyrell to make a massive reorder of dope, right?

And then we'll wait for TJ to get Gael's approval.

- I like it.

Listen, Hailey, I want you to oversee all the call logs on this wire.

We're gonna be assigned ASA Becerra on this one.

Oh, the hard ass that worked the Darius Walker case?

Yeah, so it's gotta be by the book.

Everything's gotta be documented, pertinent and non-pertinent.

We need every minute of every call and video logged on this wire.


Good work.

- All right, what is this?

What's going on?

- Oh, I screwed up.

- Okay.

I need the truth so I can help.

The guy at the bar, Luis...


- He was on the wire.

He met with TJ.

He only knows TJ through the neighborhood.

It's the cost of owning an auto shop in Little Village.

- You didn't.

- I deleted it.

I thought it would get lost in the log no one saw.

Not in a case like this.

Vanessa, that's obstruction.

You could go to jail.

Give me the whole truth.


I've known him since I was eight.

- Okay.

- He's always had my back, even when it would have been a hell of a lot easier not to.

I owe him and he's all I've got.

These guys are violent criminals.

How do you know he's not involved in that or the dr*gs?

He would never hurt anybody, and I asked him about the dr*gs.

He's a good guy.

I know him.

I know he's not involved and I promise you he can't get us anywhere on that case.

Okay, I'll take care of it.

Thank you.

Next time, come to me first.


- Got eyes on buyer one.

Letting the money walk.

All right, buyer two exchanging now.

- Copy.

I'm moving in.

Officer Gallins.

Appreciate the commitment to the undercover persona, but you will wash before you re-enter my district.

Yes, ma'am.

Hey, we've seized about a total of two bricks.

- Good.

Corners are drying out fast.

Matter of time before they clear out completely.

- You look lovely.

- I try.

Yo, Sarge, we got him.

It worked.

Got Tyrell Young calling TJ requesting an immediate re-up, and then TJ calls a burner phone two minutes later.

It's Gael.

They like it white.

Thinking they need three barrels to cover it.

Fine, but we do the job in person.

Take it with Reyes.

Kid's a good painter.

Meet him at the house early.

He'll have tools.

It's solid.

It's the first time we've got the boss giving orders.

Whole call is in code, but we broke it down.

They're meeting tomorrow at 1:00 p.m.

at an abandoned property on the low end.

Only thing we don't know is the kid Reyes.

We're guessing he's a trusted drug runner.

"Tools" is probably traps.

Look, we get proof of this deal, we now got Gael on the wire showing he ordered it.

So we hit that deal, bust TJ, use him to corroborate.

- Then we got him.

- Nice.

Runner's name was Reyes?

Yeah, we ran the name up against all the guys we IDed off the wire.

So far no hits.

- You all good?

- Yeah, I'm good.

- You lied to me.

- Good evening.

Hi, how are you?

You said all you do was disappear a car.

That's not all you're doing, is it?

I thought I made it really clear I'm not talking to you about...

Yes, you are.

- Go home, Vanessa.

- So what is it, huh?

You running dr*gs out of the shop?

- You placing traps?

- Go home.

Or are you seriously running them yourself?

Luis Reyes suddenly doing the job - of an idiot 15-year-old.

- Who's talking to you?

- We know the same people!

Come on!

We don't know the same people!

Not in the same way!

Not for years!

- Who's talking to you?

- It doesn't matter.

What do you mean, it doesn't matter?

Of course it matters!

People talk like that and they get k*lled and they could get a b*llet put in my head!

- So you are placing traps.

- Answer the question.

A coworker is dating a guy named TJ.

He says you work for him.

I know what he does.

You wanna do this?


Let's do it.

I went to prison so you wouldn't be standing where I am, and I'm happy I did it.

I'd do anything for you.

You know that, but you don't get to look at me like I'm a failure.

I know.

But whatever it is that you're into, you need to lay off it.

You need to get out.


Go home, Vee.

- Sarge.


What's going on?

We have a scene or something?

I know where you just were.

We need to talk.

What's your relationship to Luis Reyes?

- What do you mean?

- What do I mean?

Vanessa, I track mudds and tolls on all wire investigations in case we get burned.

One of the cars we bugged pulled into Luis's shop tonight.

- So did yours.

- Sarge, I should've...

I know you should've, but you didn't.

Did you?

What you did do is a fireable offense.

Illegal, if you tipped him off.

So what's your relationship to Luis Reyes?

I've known Luis since I was in foster care.

We got moved around a lot but we always managed - to find each other again.

- Mm-hmm.

Then we aged out, we wound up living together, and then...

Then you got in trouble together.

Please, there's red flags all over your file.


- We got caught jacking cars.

- Mm-hmm.

And he took the full rap, let me get off clean.

Did you tell him about the wire?

I didn't tell him anything.

I didn't tip him off.

I swear.

I just wanted to get him out of it.

Look, Vanessa, believe me.

I know it's not easy, but it is real simple.

There's a clear line between cops and criminals.

You chose to be on this side of it.

That was your choice.

Your call.

Nobody chased you.

You think I give a damn about your past?

That's gonna make you a good cop.

Maybe a great cop.

One day.

But if Luis shows up at that buy tomorrow, we're gonna arrest him.

It's real simple.

- We're clear?

- Mm-hmm.

I'm just gonna hope you didn't know all of that.

I didn't know all of it, but I knew some.

I was trying to protect her.

And that's your call to make?

I thought it was the call you'd make.

Remember, we need this deal to go down so we can get Tyrell in custody, get him to corroborate.

No one moves till I say so.

- Copy that, Sarge.

- Copy.

We got movement on the north end.

Tyrell Young is here.

Looks like we got a blue Subaru headed our way.

Maybe TJ's driving an unknown.

Sarge, we've got a negative on TJ.

Reyes is alone.

- Copy that.

Wait for my word.

We got eyes on the dr*gs.

One, two, three bricks.

Boss, if TJ's not here and we take one of these guys, we might tip off the wire.

I know, but we need to make a move now.

All right, we're gonna limit the risk.

All right, let the dr*gs walk.

I repeat, let Tyrell walk.

We're gonna take Reyes alone.

Copy that.

Tyrell Young has left the scene.

Luis is on the move.

- All right, you're clear.

Take him now.

- Chicago PD!

Get out of the car!

Get out of the car now!

Get out.

On the car.

Put your hands behind your back.

Let me see your hands.

Do you have a lawyer you'd like us to call?


Name, office if you know it, anyone else you'd like us to call.

I know Vanessa well.

She says you're a good guy.

Well, she can go to hell.

She's trying to help you, Luis.

Help me?

She worked me.

She put me in cuffs.

She put me here.

No, you put you here.

You just sold three kilos worth of dope, Luis.

You are the reason you're here, and she's trying to save you.

Yeah, I don't think this is saving me.

- She gave you an out.

You didn't take it.


you know, I get what you're doing.

You're here to talk to me before a lawyer comes.

Yes, because when a lawyer comes, - I can't help you.

- I don't want your help.

Yes, you do.

You did three years in Menard and Vanessa said it almost k*lled you.

Now, I'm guessing you don't wanna do ten years when you can do less than one.

I get you're angry, but...

She lied to me...

for I don't even know how long.

She looked me in the face and she lied like I was nothing to her.

- Okay.

Be mad at her.

Be angry.

Don't be an idiot.

Don't throw your life away...

because you're pissed at her.

Pissed at her?


I don't even know her.

I can help you now.

I don't know if I can help you later.

Do you want me to call a lawyer or do you want a deal?

Luis gave us everything.

So he installs all the traps for Gael's organization and he runs dr*gs, but he gets his orders from TJ.

He drops the cash at his stash house that Gael never actually goes to.

Now, none of this is useful to us, but he usually sees Gael and TJ after a big re-up, usually the next day.

He said they meet outside the bar.

Gael likes to confirm that his cash was dropped.

As in verbal confirmation?

- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah.

All right, so get Luis to drop the cash now, then we'll move on in the morning.

This is Hank Voight.

You need to get Gael and TJ talking.

We need Gael to reference the cash or the dr*gs directly.

You've explained it to me six times.

- I get it.

- Okay.

Do that up.

How long has she worked here?

About eight months.

She was pulled from the academy.

Worked undercover and then was placed here.

This unit is considered the most elite in CPD.

All right, good to go.

Luis said usually before ten, right?

He did, but he said Gael and TJ vary.

They're late.

It's way too early to call it.

They'll be here.

Can we get another check on TJ's vehicle?

Hasn't moved, Sarge.

Still anchored three blocks away.

Whoa, where are the other trackers?

What the...

- Hell no.

You gotta be kidding me.

- Sarge, we got a problem.

The cells just went down.

What do you mean, "The cells just went down"?

They're off.

Every single one of them just turned off and we lost the feed on all the trackers except for TJ's.

The whole wire's down.

All right, somebody get me eyes on TJ's car now.

TJ, shut off your car now!

Chicago PD!

Hailey, blood.

Looks like they found the tracker.

- We got TJ.

He's dead.

Multiple g*nsh*t wounds to the head.

Look, Gael's made us.

He's tying off loose ends.

He's not coming.

- We gotta move on him now.

He's on to us.

He's disappearing.

You don't have enough for a case against Gael.

- We have the wire.

- The wire's a good start, but you can't corroborate it's Gael at the head.

You needed to catch him with the dr*gs or giving an order, something that directly connected him to the organization, otherwise there's no case.

Okay, what about a warrant for his house?

His cars?

Any of it?

This guy's dropping bodies, and he'll continue dropping them.

Anyone he thinks is associated with the police, he will dump them like trash.

He dumped his girlfriend into a vat of acid.

You know what that'll do to a body?


We need to move on him.

- You can't.

You don't have it.

Okay, so what about Luis?

He doesn't have enough specific information - to get you far.

- No.

What about Luis's deal?

The kid kept up his end of it.

What's the verdict?

We don't have him.

So loop in Homicide on TJ's death.

Maybe there's a slip up, some way to pin it to Gael.

And the wire?

I don't know how he made us.

Probably had checks and balances in the cash we didn't know about.

Okay, let's start breaking down the room.

Get everything we got over to narcotics.

Might be a use next time someone takes a run at him.

We weren't able to show Luis's cooperation was enough.

Wait, so Luis isn't getting the deal?

- I can tell him.

- No.

It should be me.

No, there was nothing else we could do.

Patrol will be up here soon, bring you to booking.

It's, uh...

it's out of our hands after that.

You know, I never mattered to anyone growing up.

Not until I met you.

You know, I took this job because of that.

I wanted to matter...

My life to matter.

Luis, I wanted to tell you so many times, and whenever I would get close to saying it, it's like I would go silent, because I knew I couldn't have both.

I knew I would lose you and I couldn't lose you.

Luis, just please say something.

What can I say?

You're not wrong.

You don't have me.

I can't be your person anymore.

What we had is gone.

I thought we were going to booking.


There's no cameras down here, and I'll deny this conversation ever happened, but I need you to give me more details on the traps you install.

What kind of details?

Which car of Gael's did you install the trap in?

Make, model, where and when he drives it, the exact location of the trap, and how to get inside it.

It won't work.

Gael never drives his car with anything illegal in it.

That doesn't matter.

What are you saying?

I'm saying that doesn't matter.

You wanted to see me?

Shut the door.

Sit down.

I just heard from Becerra.

Patrol found two keys of dope in the trap in Gael's car...

And she's gonna use our wire to build the case.

Should be a slam dunk.

Oh, and Luis, he's gonna get the one-year deal in exchange for corroborating evidence, so...

- That's great.

Finally caught a break.


So this is something we're doing now?

Planting dope?

Creating evidence?

If product was found in his car, it was his own product.

And you think that makes it better?


- Gael got off easy.

Luis deserved the deal.

Hailey, I understand why you did it.

I'm not stupid.

Do you understand you crossed the line?

Do you?

Hailey, the problem with crossing lines...

You cross enough of them, you forget where they are.

You don't see them anymore.

- I'm seeing just fine, sir.

- Yeah, okay.

Well, take a look at this.

New York's FBI task force is looking for a loan out officer.

- I just signed you up.

- What?

It's an assignment for a few weeks.

Believe me, they do things different there.

The lines, they are real clear.

I did the same thing you would have done.

I don't want you to be me!

That's my job!

Your job is to be you!

Hailey, I'm starting to wonder if you can do it.

All right, Platt's got the details.

Flight leaves tomorrow.

Have a safe trip.
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