07x19 - Buried Secrets

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago P.D.". Aired: January 2014 to present.*
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Activities of the Chicago District 21 police, whose intelligence unit combats major offenses. A spin-off from "Chicago Fire".
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07x19 - Buried Secrets

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, Jay, before you go...

Yeah, what's up, Trudy?

I've been holding on to mail and notifications for Upton.

There's a few subpoenas, not that I looked, but there's some must-appear court dates next week.


Uh, yeah.

I'll just...

I'll cover these till she gets back.


If she gets back.

What are you talking about?

The feds have a really sneaky way of holding on to good people.

They make them wear nice suits, and they pay them really well.

Well, Hailey doesn't like nice suits.

Uh-huh, I'm sure she doesn't.

You miss her, don't you?


She's my partner.

Of course.

What do you say we get something to eat?

I'm starving.

Oh, uh...

You know, I'm a little tired.

I think I'm gonna call it a day.

Come on, there's a new place in Old Town that's supposed to be really good.

I'm sure it is.

I'm just not very hungry.

So get a beer.

Watch me eat.


I, uh...


Copy, you...

you have plans.

Got it.

I would totally invite you...

No, no, no.

It's good.

I'm glad you're out there having fun.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Yeah, see you tomorrow.


Have fun.

♪ I'm going to chapel ♪ ♪ Going to chapel ♪ ♪ Where we wed ♪ Adam?


Do you want another one?

Sheri, I already told you I gotta work early tomorrow.

Don't tempt me.

Oh, you're so responsible.

No one has ever accused me of that before.


I get outta here in 20 minutes.

If you can stay up that late...


Maybe we should just go back to my place.

♪ In my melody, in my way ♪ [sighs]

I just asked you not to tempt me, and here we go again.

Just like last week, huh?

Yeah, I'm gonna go outside, I'm gonna get some fresh air, and I'll see you in 20.

All right.

All right.


♪ ♪ [coughs]

[ominous music]

♪ ♪ [screaming]






♪ ♪ This is Adam Ruzek, off-duty CPD.

Sir, I need your car!

I just witnessed a possible kidnapping.

What are you talking about?

I'm CPD, give me your car.

We have a babysitter at home.

Give me your keys right now!



Young woman was violently shoved into a silver SUV.

At least two offenders inside.

I'm in pursuit.

[tense music]

Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.

♪ ♪ Aah!


Oh, son...

♪ ♪ Uh-huh.

How you doing?

Well, I'll tell you what.

Those airbags are no joke.

A few cuts and bruises, but no signs of a concussion.

He'll be fine.

Can you give us a minute?


You know it's not what it looks like.

I sure hope not.


I saw the kidnapping.

I commandeered the car to give chase.

As I rounded the corner, there were some pedestrians in the street, so I swerved to avoid them.

You sure you saw a kidnapping?

I'm 100% sure.

There was at least two kidnappers.

One of them was driving.

Make and model of the vehicle?

A Silver Isuzu Rodeo.

Couldn't get the plates.

Responding officer smelled liquor on your breath.

I'm guessing you're gonna blow high.

Boss, I saw a violent abduction.

I took action.

You know, drinking or no drinking, the woman needed help.

I'll take that beef all week long.

All right, I'll talk to the patrolman, make sure he understands what happened.

Thank you.


Not many.

None sober.

Nobody saw the kidnapping.

Yeah, the couple that owns the car Adam used...

We got them to calm down.


We sent them home in a Lyft.

All right, loop in Halstead and Burgess.

Canvass for more witnesses, security cams.

Let's find out what happened.

Copy that.

You got your head in the game?

I'm good.

All right.

Let's head back to the district, put a pot of coffee on.

You're running point on this.

All right.


You okay?

Oh, yeah, I'm fine.

Are you sure?


Boss, uh, Platt's looking into all new missing person's reports.

All right, let's start at the beginning.

Describe the woman who was abducted.

I only saw her briefly, but she was a blonde Caucasian, about 5'8", early 20s.

What about the guy?

I never saw his face.

He was wearing a brown jacket, navy blue hoodie, had gloves on.

I'd say 5'11", 170 pounds, athletic build.

Have we found any evidence to corroborate Adam's account?

No, sir, not yet.

There's no POD cameras on that block.

I'll go check businesses in the area as soon as they open.

I reached out to all the districts, combed through the missing persons reports.

Nobody fitting the woman's description has been reported missing.

Well, it's only been three hours.

They probably don't know she's gone yet.

All right, so get with a composite artist.

Generate a sketch.

Rest of you, keep digging.

Let's ID this woman so we can find out what happened to her.

I thought you were a city worker.

Well, technically, that's what a cop is.


Hey, thanks for seeing us.

Uh, did you happen to see a woman who looked like this last night?

Uh, it's hard to say for sure.

I mean, it gets pretty crazy in here.

Right, officer?

Look, Sheri, I'm sorry I can't get into this right now.

A girl was kidnapped.

I gotta see your security footage.

PJ's the manager.

He's in back.

I am sorry.

I'm also gonna need credit card receipts from last night.

Yeah, I got them over here.

Hey, hopefully, uh, you didn't confess to any crimes.

Call me old-fashioned.

I just like to know who I'm sleeping with.

Yeah, I get that.

I just...

Technically, he didn't lie.

He just, um, left out some details.

Yeah, important details.

The truth is, it doesn't really matter.

He's just hung up on his ex.

It's all he talked about.

Give the guy time.

I'll take this.



[dramatic music]

♪ ♪ [sighs]

I mean, that's it.

Now we know for sure she wasn't in that bar.


All we have is this shot of the back of her head on the outside security cam, and there's no cameras along the way.

Guys, I may have something.

I ran the names on those credit card receipts you gave me.

Ah, we just have bad news.

We just confirmed she wasn't in the bar.

Oh, I wasn't looking at the bar.

I checked the social media accounts of all the women that were there.


I mean, I cross-referenced them to the neighborhood and time of the abduction.

A tourist posted a story on her Instagram.

I mean, this is right outside of the bar where you said you saw everything.

Great night with my girls.


Can you blow that up?

[tense music]

That's enough for facial rec.


That's good work, Vanessa.

That's good work.

Okay, this is the woman I saw get abducted, Charlotte Henslow.

No one's reported her missing yet, but this is definitely her.

She's 21 years old.

She's got zero sheet.

She's got the opposite of a sheet.

She's like a saint.

Pulled up her Twitter feed.

She's really active in her church, tweets about helping immigrants, homeless people...

Pinged her phone.

The last read was on the block she was abducted, but it's definitely cut off now.

Her address is in Edison Park.

3719 Bunker Hill.

It's a fancy neighborhood.

The house is in her father's name, Wade Henslow, CEO of Henslow Family Furniture.

Wait, that's the guy from those late night TV commercials, right?

Yeah, and according to his bio, he's, like, a big holy roller.

He gives 20% of his profits to Christian charities.

Okay, so let's dig into Charlotte.

Find out everything about her.

She's the daughter of one of the richest men in Chicago.

That's probably our motive.

Adam, Kim.

Roll with me.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪ [knocking]

♪ ♪ Wade Henslow?


Is there something I can help you with?

May we come in?

Of course.


I can't believe it.

This can't be happening.

We've got an eyewitness, saw your daughter being forced into a vehicle last night.


No, no, no.

Has anyone called you, made any demands?


[door closes]

What's going on, Wade?

The police are here, honey.

Well, why?

Did something happen?

Is this about Charlotte?

♪ ♪ Wade, tell me what is happening here.

♪ ♪ They're saying she's been kidnapped.

Oh, my...

oh, my God.


No, no, no, wait, no, no.

This isn't true.

I talked to her yesterday on the way to the mission, the clothing drive.

I'm'na call her, and I'm gonna clear this whole thing up.


she's okay.

Ma'am, ma'am.

It is true.

♪ ♪ And I think your husband knows it's true.

What are you...

What are you talking about?

When we break the news to parents that their child's been kidnapped, the first thing they do almost every single time is try to contact their child, like your wife's doing right now.

You didn't reach for your phone.

I think you talked to them, and they probably warned you not to talk to the police, and you agreed.


Is this true?


♪ ♪ Sir, the clock is ticking.

Believe me, we are your best chance to get your daughter back.

Yes, it's true.

Oh, my God.


A man called...

Sir, what were his demands?

Uh, $2 million.

He texted me a video.

Charlotte is okay.

She's scared, but she's okay.

But the man said that if I called the police, he was gonna k*ll her.


No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, Ben.

They're gonna...

They're gonna k*ll...

They're gonna k*ll our baby.



♪ ♪ Mrs.


It's probably best if you leave the room for this.

I'm not going anywhere.

I'm her mother.

Whatever this is, I need to see it.

All right, so she stays.

All right, go ahead and play it.

Hello, Daddy.


I don't know what's happening.

I'm okay.

But I'm scared.


Please help me.

Whatever they ask you to do, you have to do it.

The two men said that they would k*ll me.

I'm so scared.

Please, Daddy, you have to do what they say.

I wanna come home.

[mournful music]


♪ ♪ All right, going forward, we have to be on the same page.

That means no more secrets.

I understand.

I got...

I got nervous.

The man I talked to was so adamant about me not speaking to the police, I...

I didn't wanna do anything that would jeopardize our daughter's safety.

I get it.

All right, ma'am.

Here, get this over to the OCD crime lab.

Look, these people...

They're gonna go through every detail, every sound, every word.

They're gonna narrow down locations.

They're gonna find out who sent this and from where.

I promise you, we are doing everything we can to find her.

Thank you.

Thank you.

It's okay.

You can take your time.


You know, they tell you to be the person that you want your kids to be.

I guess I need her to be really strong right now.

Do you have kids?

No, I don't.

Um, you said, uh, Charlotte was volunteering last night?

Yes, uh, she does once a week at the Christian Charity Mission.


We have been so blessed with Wade's business success.

Charlotte has always felt compelled to give back to the community.

Was she headed home after?

Um, no, she stays with a friend who lives in the city so that she doesn't have to come home so late.

For her safety.

Could I have contact information for that friend?

Yes, I...

I have her phone number.

I think Charlotte sounds really lovely.


just bring her home.

Have you told anybody else about the kidnapping?


Do you have any idea who might've taken Charlotte?


You got any enemies, Wade?


Not that I'm aware of.

I try to lead a clean and honest life.

You know, I don't drink or gamble.

I'm a pretty boring guy.

And the drop?

What do you mean?

The money.

You said he demanded money, yes?

Yeah, uh, I was putting together the ransom when you guys arrived.

He give you instructions?


He said he would...

he would call and uh, tell me where to leave the cash, and then he would release her.

When was this call supposed to be?

He didn't say.

Look, I'm sorry that I don't have more answers for you guys, okay?

This is all happening really fast.

It's all right.

We're here now.

We're gonna figure this out.

Hey, listen, I'm gonna post a couple of patrolmen here in the house, okay?

They'll be out of sight.

We're gonna monitor all your calls, so anyone reaches out to you or your wife, we'll be on it.


Good, good.

That's good.

What can I do?

How else can I help?

Just sit tight, best you can, and let us do our job.

Listen, we are not going home until we find her.

Thank you.

Thank you.

We know Charlotte walked from the mission to her friend's.

Let's retrace her steps.

That was Jay.

Whoever sent the video bounced the location through three different IP addresses.

So there's no way to trace it?

No, but the video's time stamped at 2:08.

That's only 15 minutes after she was abducted, so she wasn't taken far.

They're narrowing the grid right now.

Okay, good.

Coordinate with Jay.

Start sweeping for locations.

We gotta move fast.

[tense music]

So we're working within this five mile radius, and we're looking at red brick warehouse structures, most likely closed down.

We sent the pictures to ISP.

The salt is leaching out of the mortar in these bricks, so the building has to be at least a hundred years old.


Abandoned building that's at least a hundred years old.

That narrows it down.

OCD just sent this over.

♪ ♪ Okay, so there's, like, a blast furnace door that has the letters B and W on it.

I've got one 911 call that might be a match near the intersection of Eshem and Berkeley.

That's two miles for where Charlotte was taken.

A woman reported a female screaming for help.

Beat cop responded and there was no female, but there was a traffic camera.

Copy that.

Looking it up right now.

Bingo, that's our SUV.

We got them.

And there's our girl trying to get away.

You guys hear that?

Copy, we're at Eshem and Berkeley facing West.

♪ ♪ Turn right on Berkeley.


♪ ♪ Three blocks, turn left on Lyric.

Approaching Lyric now.

We made the turn.

Now what?

[mouse clicking and key clacks]


What does that mean?

What does that mean?

That means we don't know yet.

All right, bad scenario is, we lost him somehow, good scenario, they dipped in somewhere and we can't find them on traffic cams because you're right on top of wherever it is they're keeping her.

I'm checking the, uh, Cook County Assessor's Office for all B and W businesses in the area.

B and W, B and W...

Bell and Whitney Steel, foreclosed in 1998.

That's gotta be it.

Okay, so where is it?


it's right up there.

♪ ♪ We got a possible location, 2930 Wilson Avenue.

We're dropping anchor.

Copy that.

We're on our way.

Just so you know, the woman at the bar told me you were sleeping with her.

Yeah, well, we were.

We are, so...


Ruzek, almost there.

ETA two minutes.


Team's en route.

Okay, let's gear up.

Thank you.

♪ ♪ Let's move.

Rojas, this is the room.


We're in the room where Charlotte was being held.

It's empty.


[dramatic music]


♪ ♪ I got another one.

Sarge, I got two male DOAs back here.

g*nsh*t wounds.

No Charlotte.

Copy that.

I'll call it in.

What the hell happened?

Gotta confirm with ballistics, but it appears these two engaged in a firefight.

They shot each other.

Well, we found one kidnapper.

The other's still out there with Charlotte.

We got IDs on either of these guys?


The guy in the hood is the same guy I followed outside of the bar.

His name is Blake Larson.

He's 38, from Champaign, Illinois.

He got a sheet?

It's clean.

And the older gentleman right here with the nine...

He's an ex-cop, boss.

His name's Kenny Burroughs.

He owns his own security company.

Well, let me guess.

He ran security for Wade Henslow?

Yes, sir.

For the last ten years.

So Wade went behind our back, and hired his own security guy to find his daughter, and it went bad.

Real bad, I'd say.


You know what doesn't add up?


We've been searching nonstop, and I think we're pretty good at what we do.

How the hell did this guy beat us here?

[mysterious music]

We agreed, no more secrets.

Sergeant, what is going on?

You hired your own security guy to rescue Charlotte.

Kenny Burroughs.

I've known him for years.

I trust him more than anyone I know.

Yeah, well the problem is, you bet on the wrong horse.

Kenny's dead.

[dramatic music]

What about Charlotte?

We're still looking.

But, Wade, you gave Kenny information you didn't give us to help him track the kidnappers.

I think you know who took your daughter, don't you?

♪ ♪ Don't you!?



Just give us a name.


Gary Stevens.

His name is Gary Stevens.

Okay, who is Gary Stevens?

He's a father of a former employee of mine, Dylan Stevens.


All right.

He was a troubled kid, okay?

He starts making up all these stories, right?

And his father tries to blackmail me.

Can you imagine?

Tries to blackmail me.

The whole thing is a shakedown.

He's just trying to get money out of me.

Listen, your friend Kenny, the ex-cop...

When he went there, he had the $2 million?

No, no, no, no.

He thought it was better to go in covertly.

He said delivering the ransom was a bad idea.


Look, I am telling you exactly what happened.

I'm telling you everything I know.

I'm just trying to get my daughter back.

♪ ♪ Okay, we got anything?

So Gary Stevens from Champaign, Illinois.

55 years old, worked in construction up until a couple years ago.

He got hurt on the job.

Workman's comp got denied.

Two liens on his house.


Now get this.

Uh, Blake Larson, our dead hoodie, is Gary's cousin.

Blake worked in IT.

He got laid off a couple months ago.

So they're broke, they try to blackmail Wade, it doesn't work, and they kidnap his daughter?

I mean, it's possible.

All right, what about Gary's son?

What's his story?

Dylan Stevens, 24 years old.

He did work for Wade's company for about two years.

He also has one prior misdemeanor for drug possession, and he spent three months in a mental health facility.

Okay, well, where is he now?

He's actually missing.

He's been gone for two weeks.

His father filed a missing person report.

Detective Parker out of Area North handled the paper.

Okay, you two contact Parker.

Get him down to unit.

Find out what he knows.

On it.

Dylan Stevens was a grown-ass man with a history of dr*gs and mental illness.

So you never looked into the disappearance.

I'm not saying that at all.

We dug into it, but there really wasn't much we could do.

That kid could've been anywhere.

Okay, what did his father say when he called?

He said that, uh, he thought his son Dylan was having an affair with a Wade Henslow.

You know, that dude from the furniture commercials?

And he was convinced that Wade had something to do with his son's disappearance.

Now, I asked for proof, evidence.

The father didn't really have any.

The only thing he said was that Dylan was supposed to come home for his dad's birthday.

They had a big dinner planned that was, uh, ch-ch-ch, two weeks ago.

He said that, uh, Dylan called around 10:00 a.m., Said he had a meeting with Wade Henslow that day.

He was gonna be a little bit late.

And that was it.

Never saw his son again after that.

You talked to Wade Henslow?

I did.

Said he hadn't seen Dylan in a few months.

No idea why the father would say what he said.

Anything else?


He said the father showed up at his house a few times, made a few threats.

I asked Henslow if he wanted to file a restraining order, but he refused.

Said he had his own security.

Why didn't you go hard on Henslow?

'Cause he seemed credible.

The father, Gary Stevens...

Now, he's the one that seemed unhinged.

And like I said, the son had a history of drug abuse and mental illness.

Detective Parker said that Gary Steven's son, Dylan, went missing March 28th.

We ran tollbooths, red light cameras, parking meters, I mean, the works, and we found something.

We got a hit on Wade Henslow's Range Rover over at a parking meter on Catalpa Avenue.

We pulled surveillance from a nearby auto parts shop.

Good work.

You wanna explain this?

That's the same day you told Detective Parker that you didn't see the kid.

It's not what it looks like.

I'm looking at a picture.

I know what I see.

It was just a hug.

That's all it was.


You don't stop lying, your daughter's gonna die.

Sergeant, I'm not lying.

You were in a relationship with Dylan Stevens, yes?

Yes, but not that kind of relationship.

Okay, what kind of relationship was it?


I knew Dylan from one of my stores.

He seemed like a good kid, but he had a lot of issues with dr*gs and mental illness.

His life was falling apart, and he was threatening to commit su1c1de, so I tried to help him.

I tried to give him a little bit of hope.


We got something.

♪ ♪ You're not going anywhere.

Patrol drove by Dylan Stevens' last known.

The Silver Isuzu from the kidnapping is parked right outside.

Good, tell them hold tight, we're on our way.

You got it.

[tense music]

♪ ♪ [g*nshots]

10-1, 10-1.

sh*ts fired at the police, and we're pinned down at 51 Whitecrest.

I repeat, 51 Whitecrest.

I got Charlotte!

Make any move to come inside, and I will k*ll her!

D-21 Squad, advise third district commander.

I need every available patrolman.

We got a hostage barricade situation.

♪ ♪ [tense music]

♪ ♪ Thank you.

You good?

Oh, yeah.

His position's looking down on the only entrance.

We can't breach.

All right, grab a long g*n.

Get an elevated position.

On my order.

Copy that.

We got a cell phone number for Gary Stevens.

Okay, good.

Line's open.

Hi, Gary.

This is Sergeant Hank Voight.

First thing, I need to know that Charlotte's okay.

The girl is fine.

I need proof.

I'm okay.

All right, that's a real good start, Gary.

Listen, the best way out of this is for you to just release Charlotte unharmed.

You do that, I can guarantee your safety.

No, not until I get what I want.

Okay, let's talk about that.

Now, Wade Henslow said you demanded $2 million.

He's a liar.

I never said I wanted money.

♪ ♪ Okay, well, let's talk about what you do want, Gary.

Bring Wade here.

He has to tell me what he did to my son.

If not, I will k*ll his daughter.

All right, Gary, I understand you got a beef.

But you gotta understand Charlotte's got nothing to do with this.

I mean, she's an innocent.

You got one hour.

Get Wade Henslow.


Drag his ass here now.

♪ ♪ Jay, you got a visual?

I'm locked on the window.

No target.

You get a shot, you take it.

Sergeant, what's happening?

How's my daughter?

Is she okay?

Gary Stevens says he never demanded money.

Of course he did.

He thinks you hurt his son.

He says if you don't come clean, he's gonna k*ll your daughter.

That's insane, Sergeant.

He's just saying things to make you...

What's the plan?

Can you take him out?

It's too risky.

So what's your play?

The play is for you to tell us what actually happened.

What the hell is he talking about?

What happened is there's a deranged man in that room with a g*n to my daughter's head.

What more do you guys need to know?

[phone buzzes]

Go ahead, Gary.

I'm listening.

What the hell is going on?

Listen, we're making progress.

I've got Wade Henslow right here.

I don't believe you.

I'm here, Gary.

I'll pay you whatever you want.

Just let my daughter go.

You know I don't want money, Wade.

Just tell me and these policemen what happened to my son!

I don't know.

He was fine the last time I saw him, I swear.

You think you can just keep jerking me around?

I'm not.

I swear to God.

Look up here, Wade!

You think I'm joking?

You want your daughter to die?

No, please don't.

Gary, put the g*n down.

Where's my son?

Put the g*n down.

I don't know!

So help me, God, Wade, I will k*ll her.



He's lying...

he's lying to you.

He's lying!

Is he?

'Cause you been lying to me all along.

Now were you sleeping with his son?

Were you!?

And you k*lled him because you were afraid he was gonna tell the world you're gay?

I'm tired of waiting.

You got ten seconds, Wade.


Ruzek, go now!

You with me!


I swear to God.

Seven, six, five...

You let your daughter die, I will k*ll you myself.

Four, three, two...

I didn't do anything.



Everybody stand down!

Stand down!

Jay, was that you?

I got a partial.

I took the only shot I had.


Breach now!


Grab that ram, Nina.

Grab that ram.

Got it.

You ready?

♪ ♪ Hit it.


Hold here.

Take one more step, and I will k*ll her!

No, you will not.

Gary, there's another way out of this, all right?

Just stay calm.

Keep everybody back, okay?


I gotcha.

All right, Gary, everybody's gonna stay back, but I gotta come in there, you understand?

Stay out!


If you want us to meet your demands, I gotta confirm that Charlotte's okay which means I gotta come in there.


All right, I'm gonna move in.

All right, I don't wanna hurt you.

Okay, you see my hand?

Nice and easy.

Put the g*n down!

I'm not putting my g*n down.

I don't put my g*n down until you put your g*n down.

That's how this works.

Just take it easy.

I need to find my son!

I know you do.

Of course you do.

You're a good dad.

You love your kid.

And that's part of the reason why we're here.

We wanna help you find your boy, all right?

But we can't do it under these circumstances.

You understand what I'm saying to you?

You gotta put the g*n down.

Not until I find answers!



Gary, he's not gonna hurt you.

Are you, Gary?

You're not gonna hurt her.

You're not gonna hurt this girl who's got nothing to do with this, who's done nothing to you.

She's got nothing to do with it.

She's just a kid.

About the same age as your boy.



It's all right.


Put the g*n down.

You need a doctor, man.

You need a doctor, Gary.

Stay back!

Okay, okay.

All right, all right.

You good, Ruz?

We're good!

We're good.

We're gonna do this your way.

I'm gonna open a line of communication to my team, and together, we're all gonna find your son.


If this is a trick, I will k*ll her.

It is not a trick.

I'm'na sit right here with you.

Nobody else is coming in.


Sarge, I'm sitting here with Gary and Charlotte.

Charlotte's okay.

Gary's refusing medical attention, and the three of us are gonna sit tight right here until we figure this thing out.

Sarge, what's the order?

Am I clear if I get another shot?

Everybody stay in your position, hold your fire.

Nobody has a green light.

Sarge, we got something.


We were finally able to pull the GPS from Wade's Range Rover on the day that Dylan disappeared, March 27th.

Where was he going?

After Wade met Dylan, he went home, but the car idled at Baker Park for 30 minutes.

Yeah, I got a photo from an intersection by the park as he's leaving.

That's Dylan's coat, and it looks like he's slumped over.

All right, head over to Wade's house.

Find that Range Rover.

Have an evidence tech and a K-9 unit meet you there.

This is a setup.

You're stringing me along.

No, we're working with you.

All right, give me some more information.

Tell me more about the day that Dylan disappeared.

I already went to the cops.

They didn't do a damn thing.

They might've missed something.

What about the, uh, last phone call you had with Dylan?

It was on your birthday, yeah?

You hear anything on the other end of the line?

A plane, a train, an automobile?

Anything specific like that?


[suspenseful synth music]

But I was worried.

♪ ♪ Why?

♪ ♪ Dylan told me he was gonna confront Wade about his lies.

What lies were those?

Wade kept promising he was gonna leave his family so he and Dylan could finally be together.

I think Wade k*lled my son so his family would never have to know.

You have no idea who your father really is, do you?

Gary, just talk to me, okay?

Talk to me.

This is all good stuff.

We're gonna look into this, okay?

Just give us a little more time.

We're not going anywhere.

♪ ♪ I know.

[tense music]

♪ ♪ [knocking]



We're looking for your husband's Range Rover.

Did you find Charlotte?

She's alive.

I need permission to search that car right now.

Why aren't you trying to save my daughter?

We are.

Your husband is the reason your daughter was kidnapped.

He was having an affair with the kidnapper's son.


That's crazy.

I know it's crazy, but it's true.

No, he's not like that.

These are surveillance photos taken from two weeks ago.

Your husband was the last person seen with this young man.


We tracked his movements.

He came back here.

This can't be...

We don't have time for this, Mrs.


Help me save your daughter and take me to that damn car.




Somebody tried to clean this out, but they missed something.


That's right.

Oh, my God.

Hey, hey, hey.

No, no, no.

What happened here?

Tell me what happened here.

You helped your husband?


Are you sure?

No, I don't even know what you're talking about.

Okay, Laura, I believe you, but now I need you to think.

I need you to think really hard.

March 28th was two weeks ago.

It was a Saturday.

Do you remember anything out of the ordinary?

No, I was out with Charlotte.

We always have lunch together on Saturday afternoons.

Okay, what about when you came home?

Where was your husband?

He was here.

He was...


Laura, that's it.


Come on.

He was in the woods.

Behind the yard.

When he came in, he had mud on his clothes.

It didn't make any sense.

Rojas, get the dogs.

Watch her.



Gary, we're making progress.

We got a bunch of people out looking.

But listen to me, man.

Right now, we need to get you some medical attention.


[dramatic music]

Not until I find my son.

Yeah, you're not gonna make it that far.

I don't care.

♪ ♪ I want my son.

♪ ♪ Okay.


The dogs sniffed out a spot back here.

It's a body.

[camera shutter snaps]

Sarge, we found Dylan.

♪ ♪ Come on.

Partner's right outside the door.



All right.

Kev, Charlotte's coming out.


Got you.

[cell phone chimes]




We found your boy.

[somber music]

♪ ♪ Sorry.



Honey, I'm so glad you're safe.

Man, you got lucky.

He was gonna put a b*llet in your daughter's head 'cause you don't have the guts to cop to who you really are.

You don't understand.

Get this piece of garbage out of my sight.

Book him for m*rder.


Oh, my God.

Yep, hell of a day.



What do you think?

You wanna get some dinner?



Adam, you don't have to do that.

It's o...

it's okay.

No, no, no, no.

I wanna do that.

It's okay.

I'd like to.



I gotta tell you, I've been trying to have some fun, get my mind off of things, but I...

cannot seem to do that.

Everything I think is gonna make me happy ends up just kinda making me sad, you know?


But I think that going to dinner with you...

That'd make me smile.




Yeah, that'll make me smile too.

Okay then.


New place in Old Town?



[dark investigative music]

♪ ♪ [wolf howls]
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